NEW RECORDS SET Canadian Racing Fans Bet Millions In 1961 By BEN WARD Canadian Press Staff Writer = A record $136,769,420 flowed through the betting windows at SAGES Mes © 4 20 Canadian tracks during this year's longer-than-ever horse ag racing season. H It was $10,652,299 higher than in 1960 and more than double the figure of nine years ago. Two provinces -- Quebec and Manitoba -- set records. Almost all the national in- |. crease was due to the return of flat racing to Quebec after an }.i gf... eight-year absence. Night pro- : 0 grams at the Blue Bonnets track }4o--- « in Montreal drew $9,397,977 in bets. ee er «tos ee sie ass ay RACE Ii RACK A Cross-Canada survey by {_ The Canadian Press shows that BETTING © EXCLUDING * ~~ «? betting dropped in Ontario and } 4 Alberta while British Columbia, 351 from $23,623,870 with a 58- day season, 10 days more than last year. The Jockey Club's other On- tario track, Fort Erie, retained a 67-day season but betting slipped to $26,401,680 from $28,- 741,809. Much of Fort Erie's betting is done by visitors from Buffalo, N.Y., just across the Niagara River. Blue Bonnets was the only Quebec track with a thorough- bred racing program and its 39- day meet scored a huge suc- cess, attendance nudging the quarter - million mark. Betting toppled the old Quebec record of $4,186,754 set with 56 racing days in 1953. A reliable national figure for track attendance was not avail- able because in most provinces meets often are held in con- excellent weather and revised and Service take it on the chin} Mundinger showed some ex- REAL TIGHT GAME 2, Alan Boivin, John Jessup, Bill schedules for attracting the ex-|0nce more as they this time fell|cellent team work in their con-| In the closest game of the|Rajkovic, Gary Morrison, Paul FAMED CENTRE tra loot. For example, Saturday|to first place Jaycee Blues by|test as they outpointed CKLB|morning, Firefighters managed|Smith 4. Total 6. Scciaiil's oldadt Ghieersl post times were switched from|4" 18-6 score. by a 26-2 score. ' to hold off a desperate last min-| FIREFIGHTERS -- Brad Bar-|St, Andrews, was founded in 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. to give after- . rs, noon shoppers a chance to go to/first half as they romped to alball of fire and by the quarter|haven to gain a well-earned 10-6/dell, Bill Melynchuk, John|near Dundee. the track. The 80-day meet $9,665,901. bracketed: (none). junction with exhibits and fairs. ONE IN VANCOUVER ditt ai Vancouver's racing was con-|ond-half displayed by Parts and/t, "jeaq 14-2 at the half-way|early by moving out in front by centrated on a single track this|ervice yiho look Uke @ "com-|mmark, With CKLB unable to putla 6-0 score at the half-way mark| Suggestion to the Santa Claus in your family .. « at Exhibition Park in the uptown area drew $12,173,446 in bets. Last year the 40-day meets at Exhibition Park and the suburban Lans- downe track attracted a total of The betting picture by prov- inces, with 1960 figures Quebec -- Montreal $9,397,977 Ontario--New Woodbine $34,- together any attack whatsoever, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 12, 1961 J] ] 9 . Y Ss Men Ss Teams farther behind until st the end farther behind until at the end|.44 added two more to make|Boivin, Dave Lee 2, Paul Sar pry of the picture by @lthe score 8-0 at the three-quar-|geant 4, Total 10. e e pte . . : ter marker. Officials, for the morning, {n- n ction gain Nicky Melinchuk, Mario Cortes;| TH Sportshaven boys finally|*luded: Gil Graham, Bob, God ' icky Melinchuk, Mario Cortes, binte dard,, Jim Rowden, Berni¢ ohn Edwards, Walt Hubar,|£° into the game in the last)... Three games were played Sat-, BLUES -- Charlie Pace, Fred|Peter Plob 2. Total 2. stanza as they rolled home six! Goes this Saturday (Dee. urday morning at the Simcoe|Mensink, Bill Wayling 10, David) yuNpDr ae i Hall Settlement House in the Y's|Manser 2, Earle Colin 4, Randy|pon ioe ace one ee Wi sa 16) -- 8.30 a.m., Bolahood Sports Men's Basketball League. Jackson 2, Billy McKean. Total| jerry Ogden, Ron MclInroy 6, a rag as -- were try-|vs Parts and Service; 8.55 eo 18, r ing for the next big four. Firefighters vs CKLB and 9: JAYCEE BLUES WIN Brian Tynch 3, Nick Corneal 15.) spoRTSHAVEN -- Jim Sulli-|@.m., Mundinger vs Jaycee The opening game saw Parts CKLB TROUNCED i van, Brian Sayers, Ricky Corby|Blues. Blues won this game in the) The winners started out like alUte effort by Bolahood Sports-|noski 4, Earle Wotten, Bill Swin-|1411 in the ancient community 16-2 lead, but, a point to note in| Were. out in front 8-2. They con-| Victory. ; _|tinued to pass and score accur-| Firefighters, who had lost this game, was the strong sec ately during the second quarter|their last two games, opened up ing club". PARTS AND SERVICE -- check the Kodak ad for ideas-- then... Andrew Kit, Tom Tullock, Kevin } | Sawyer 4, John Sagan, Gary CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS FOR ; SEE US F R .S Manser 2, Albert Foster, Joe ; Csafordi. Total 6. F< nw, OPEN THIS GIFT FIRSTy SEE 4 Saskatchewan and Manitoba }- HARNESS RACING Crowds generally were reported | 463,928 ($37,849,986); Old Wood- and picture BIG KODAK ap (As had increases. There is no flat fs ; cs to be slightly above last year.|bine $28,684,351 ($23,623,870); Fr > WE eek the excitement FOR DETAILS racing in the four Atlantic prov- Ss isk ES He y ; Fort Erie $26,401,680 $28,741,- P : inces. Manitoba's $7,694,393 was alAT TENDANCE HIGHER $99). of your In Ontario, long the centre of|gain of $687,862 and Saskatche- Major tracks kept accurate | Manitoba--Assiniboia Downs i family's thoroughbred racing in Canada,|wan bets rose to $1,838,566 this|@ttendance counts, however |$7,694,293 ($7,006,531). Chitetment the betting windows at three/season from $1,696,257, missing] with pcan gcd org. ey Saskatchewan--Regina $1,113,-| - 22, : tracks took in $89,549,959 com-|the 1959 record mark by only|<"."". , *}988 ($1,061,347); Saskatoon $684,-| MAEM j ' f j ' de ic' pared with $90,215,665 last year. |875,000. bolts Specs et Rp rpg | 'Gaag ess; Prince Albert dak Gift Headquarters! amas Everything lo eS Photographic This accounted for about 65 per| 'There were 479 racing days on|._4 v7, sae teen vct ayaa uc {$30,967 ($26,636); Swift Current Sa SY ieee ' : cent of the Canadian total. leis Canstian ipeits colander inion ee turnout was UP} 454 (none). Estevan, with $2,- ; SKINGST.E. | 530 SIMCOE ST. S The province's bookies may i961, 43 Sot BK deat year uenty at about 400,000. = 91g last year, didn't operate MITCH LL'S Until 723-2245, OSHAW 725-3546 have done even better. A re-jand a record. _From the wagerings provin-|ihis year. DRUGS iosnaws <\ Limiteo i [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 port on gambling prepared for| cin the top track in the coun-|"@!_Sovernments collected an} Alberta--Edmonton $8,591,778 | RaRpawene - 723-4621 ALSO STORES JN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA the Ontario government esti- a rv Pocertore reuriius New| stimated $8,250,000 in taxes and| ($9 194,548); Calgary $6,209,341 or asa mates that $100,000,000 a yea | Woodbine javnat ti thn suburbs|{"¢ federal government took! (6,340,474); Lethbridge $249,-| in illegal horse - betting is near Malton Airport, It reported Half of one per cent--$683,847--/560 (none); Millarville $22,976 Leases A through underground | 904 463 99g in betting during the|25 its fee for supervisory ser-/|($16,812); High River $7,532 $2,- | |vices, These include film patrol,|546);| Lake McG 2 882 \71-day season, a drop from 1960|¥-<-° a o1,/546); Lake McGregor $2, Alberta, second in the prov-| collections "of $37 $45,088 ba at saliva tests and RCMP surveil-| (none). incial sub-totals for the third|si-qay schedule. : lance. B.C. -- Vancouver $12.173,446 straight year, reported wager-| Like Quebec, Manitoba did) ($10,665,901); Victoria $1,017,686) 1 -- "9 ings of $15,084,069, down $470,-\OLD WOODBINE UP all its betting at a single track./($954.723); Prince George $4, 311 from last year's record sea-| The decline at New Woodbine|Assiniboia Downs at Winnipeg |492 ($5,754); Williams Lake $5, son British Columbia's five| was more than offset, however,/handled the record turnover|866 ($6,878); Dawson Creek $2, tracks handled $13,204,456, up|by an increase at Old Wood-|during 42 racing days, the same|966 ($2,860). Vernon, which $1,560,168 from 1960 and just/bine, in east-end Toronto. The/length as last year's season. handled $8,172 a year ago, didn't under the 1959 peak year. take there jumped to $28,684,-' Officials at Winnipeg credited!operate this year. 10-PIN ACTION Three Trundlers Earn Bonus For 8-Straight Fisher, Clarke and DiCesaro|maintained their ten point lead | Convene Preity 35, John's Ga-/the night's high triple of 636, hit for strike bonuses. jover Winder's Esso Service and)" "Leading Averages -- G. Reid 179, G.|Yet his team, the Falcons, lost This is one week that Eastway;Oshawa Cleaning Contractors.jTurner 171, J. Houlding 168, B, Mc- all three games . . . Doug Keel- ; .|Hugh 165 and D. Cole 165. | a ; Bowl would like to forget as|1n the other contest Jordan Flor Tudine <-- ©. Gann 168, Bs. Grant wu lee moved into second place in manager Frank Horning, had to) ists defeated the Steelworkers/x1 Tayior 150, 1. Cyr 150 and J. Peei|the average race with hopes of reach for his cheque book Ba ve tp b70. alee a 150. retaining the average crown he "Tess three times for a total = J. Waldinsperger won last year. . . We will bowl of $150. To make things eave 6 Kalas SE CoD cco EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE |through Christmas and New the Bowl pays out $50 to anyone|556 (202), A. Mason 547, A. Pearn al HI-LITES -- Black's Men's|Year's holidays. i anyone). i : rolling eight-straight strikes in) <\, at job OOP ng aap er harried Ra hngnd and Parker Electric each|_ Results -- Chiefs 3, Falcons 0; Royals a game during league play. |Losarts 503. pau » M\picked up three points to move|},C's % Fivers % ses 3) Sees & Picking up the extra Christ-| Team Standings -- Nu-Way Photo 65,/into a tie for top spot. . . Goch)' Top Ten -- George Reid 636 (224, 211, ; oe mas money were Ken Fisher of|¥inders Esso Service 55, Oshawa Clean-/Supertest and Blue Boys scored 201); Jim Thomson 590 (209), George Rodak Automatic 8 Movie Camera has built-in electric eye. Sets its ' the Monday Men's League Don | in, Contractors 88, Sougog Cleaners 54,116 oniy shutouts of the night|Prce 58 (210), Doug Keeler se (208, : ' lt-i y ague, Don) Thompson Plumbing 50, Slo-Moshuns 43,| y BOt)907), Ron Milne 581 (224), Ralph own lens for sparkling 8mm movies. Built-in filter. No need to focus, Clarke of the Woodview Mixed| General Aggregates 42, Steelworkers 39,. . . Ron Milne rolled a 586 tojo'Reilly 577 (208, 200), Jim Lamont 576 es : League and Mickey DiCesaro of|J"dam, Florists 31, Aces 29, Lander-|iead the league ... he also|(24), Bill Joyce $71 (21D), Ken Fisher Less than $57. Boxed with light bar and bulbs... less than $65. the Eastway Major League.| Leading Averages -- Doug Keeler 1g9,|moved up a notch in the aver-|""siandings -- Jets, Royals, Regents, Congratulations, fellas! jJohn Waldinsperger 178, John Masie-;age race ... Ralph O'Reilly|Eagies, Colts, Chiefs, Falcons, Flyers, The Eastway Tournament has), 174 Stan Hodgson 173, Glen Copp! contributed the top single, 221. |Hawks yore oa a \ Results -- Goch Supertest 4, Cadillac adin. verages -- G. Re'! s come to a close but official re Hotel 0; Blue Boys 4, Crazy Eights 0;|Keeler 181, M. DiCesaro Sr. 180, C. sults are not available as yet. A WOODVIEW PARK Les Eveniss Sales 3, Aris Vending 1;|Andor 179 and R. O'Reilly 179. : : a ° by total of 333 bowlers competed MIXED LEAGUE Robinson Motors 3, Mackie's Van and| O Val with the doubles event being a Bi 5 . |Storage 1; Black's Men's Wear 3, Hou- () } C big. success. Unofficial tabula-| Clarke's eight successive strikes|@rerress trast Got is dokers 3 OSHAWA tions show that a majority of| which won him $50 donated by|McLaughlin Fuels 1; Subway Lunch 2, i i i : |Dumont Aluminum 2. the prize money will be leaving) the Bowl. Don started his out-| High Scores -- R, Milne $86 (206), C. BOWLING NEWS , 1 town. standing game with a split and)Baxter 577 (218), D. Brady 573 (2i1, al ) IC Ul e a OUI ris I | 1aS un | " { tniehi | ), B. Court 562, B. Jacks 547, BOWLERS OF THE WEEK "ded _with a split, finishing up); McHugh 541 (204),'F. Lawrence 541, NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES =P bed Onda Gunn and Mickey pi.| With a big 244 game and a 589), Lamont 539, G. Hornby 534, B. Welsh| Team Standings -- Bracey's 12, c this week's top bowl.| "Ble {582 (212), R. O'Rellly 521 (221) and J.| pearse's 11, Ward's 11, Lenius' 10, De- esaro are this week's top | The Jets tightened the league} @allant 520. |Pratto's 8, Reading's 8, Campbell's 7, ers. Onda, who has won many) : : | Standings -- Black's Men's Wear 12,| Collins' 6, Alexander's 4, McQuade's 3. bowling awards, adds this one|{2°° dumping the leading Aces|parker Electric 12, Arts Vending 10,| 'Triples --- Edna Ward 800 (362, 244); y four to nothing In the other con-/McLaughlin Fuels 10, Cadillac Hotel 10,/ Betty Pearse 772 (265, 281, 226); Chris for rolling an outstanding 558)tact the Stickers edged the Se-|®0binson Motors 9 Les Eveniss Sales| Collins 725 (292, 235, 258); Kay Manila series in the Eastway Mixed |9, Dumont Aluminum 9, Progress Brand | ggg (257, 226); series J lects three to one. [Clothes 8, Goch mipériest: 6, Mackic's| Se ficeetl aoe cise Sanh) tek 'Ale League. A Gancy 713 game fa) High Scores -- Don Clarke S0,|ven sad Starage &, febwar, Lueck & lander ot (0) : : |Audrey Parker 404 and Marg|®!ue Boys 5, Houdaille Industries 5,) Singles -- Gladys Knight 281, Myrtle Mickey receives the honor for) Gearmond 403 ANB | Jokers 5, Crazy Eights 3. i 175, | Waite 255, Mary Pirie 248, Joyce Clapp ' 4 . . | i v _ pencer » | 238, Ma oni 37, . rolling the season s high Series} Team Standings -- Aces 29,|H. Babcock 175, R. Milne 173, G. Copp ai Ee Camphell shi, June uur 238, of 659, in the Eastway Major! Jots 97. Stickers 20 and Selects| 17% B. Worsley 171, C, Andor 170 and kia Hall 221, Ev Broadbent 217, Marie League, with games of 250, 231/;5 : dented ead ix McHugh 170. Heath 216, Flo Bracey 215, Dorothy " icko s k . 2 % Bentley 215, Laura McKinley 214, Ede and 178. Pegg gst es Leading Averages -- Bill EASTWAY MAJOR LEAGUE) Reading 213, Ellen Burrus 209, Molly about the best young bowler in| cjarke 155 and Marg Germond| yyick : |DePratto 208, Mary Hobbs 208 208, the district, with a fine future} 15; |. Mickey DiCesaro became the|raythe Nathan 207, Mildred Witterick ahead of him in the game. | . third bowler this week to grab} 206, Bea Manning 204 and Julie inoesch : i a : OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE |the $50 bonus for eight con-|"; runes MONDAY'S MEN'S LEAGUE | Por b cootit of those {secutive strikes in one game.|tns" we! das Wad 'Sot aed. Dost Ken Fisher picked. up. 2. fifty|were unable to attend our last|t,- Some, and great 659 ators gee dollar cheque from Eastway| meeting, the Turkey and Chick-|'Ple made it a truly memor- bowl this week for sinking eight| 4 Rojl will be this Wednesday, |g night consecutive strikes in his big) necember 13. There will be tur- 244 game. Ken had his slider|,eys for high triples and singles a ; , working to perfection as he add-| with handicap and a chicken for|? magnificent 267 game and 613 daw vatng a atuyhaw ott: ie, 220) ed games of 215 and 183 for 4) euch team. bag dor ___|J, Pattman 637 (253, 235) and J, Brown . . . ; new league high of 642. |°figh Scores -- Mike DiCesaro sy| The Corvettes are walking/6i9 (264). Get dramatic 8mm movie zoom shots with the new Aodak Show 8mm movies automatically! Brownie 8 Movie Proe With the big pin-fall_Ken's| (245), Glen Copp 568 (222), Betty Mor-|away from the rest of the|°Wua'anoM toss 29, 0 Winey Zoom 8 Automatic Movie Camera. You merely rotate the jector, A 15 threads itself ically ri s 527 (211), Garth Douglas 525 (207),\league, as they walloped the| 2s, 5. Hucheon 218, 3° Eeposito 216 J ' eads itself automatically right onto the reel. average jumped to 185 and Winn G '4 522, Jim W al ' BESO wes eck u geint ahead of Prahkigia back oa on aoe allace 514;|WaHoos this week four to A. Nosthey 211, 201, Z, Sheridan 210, D. lens barrel. Has electric eye, built-in filter. Less, than $128. Costs less than $65. Manual-threading model. +. less than $55. e 1, A. Fi y 205, J. Bourrle ; Sobil in a tight average race.|Dyck 446, Noreen Richmond 420, Helen|nothing. Nathan Sunoco edged). °y"\yooa'203 and L. Glover 201, FB ache bs |Reynolds 418, G Murphy 413, Zi i | 8 George Reid is third with 179. | Reynolds 418, Grace Murphy (ey, cua|the WashOuts 3 to 1, while the} shirley Robinson is holding her 206 Slightly overshadowed, but/ley Powers 401 and Dot Clements 400, | Bombers and Slapsticks divided) High Single and we have L.. Glover also ' Ne | = V V ° LAKEVIEW LADIES LEAGUE A eas First of all, let us congratulate L. John Waldinsperger also put) Giover on coming up with a 717 to beat on a sensational exhibition with/her own high triple last week. rm-| Team Standings, -- Doug's Barber| the four points. jholding High Average with 185, pentnage-oeagere a4 ytd perforn |shop 67, Morrison's BA 64, The Flint-| High Scores -- M, DiCesaro Jr. 659| corr, "gam, Standings -- Falcons 13, ance was turned in by |stones 61, Jim Dandies 56, The Big Six |(250, 231), J. Waldinsperger 613 (267),|scn® Arms (12, Whistlers 12, Hurri- son as he rolled games of 224,|54, Don Down Flyers 52, Scugog Clean-|B, Katocs 595 (222), B. Borrowdale 559|tent," aie ee Sear 12, Aces 1i, vale 218 and 182 for a fine 624 series. |ers 50, Don Howe Real Estate 45,/(204), W. Crystal 558 (214), F. Sobil 541 ahd Hot Shots 4. ons 10, Odd-balls 9, Results -- Tuck Tapers 7, Glen's Tex. |Satan's Angels 43, Henderson Block 41,|(208), C. Andor 540, W. Scott 535, M. 3 aco 0; Sheriff's Tailors 7, Chariton Courtice Champs 37, Carl's Barber | DiCesaro Sr. 531, F. O'Neill 529, H. = = . Az Tractors 0; Kinlochs 5, Jackson Sand|Shop 36, Val-Mae Beauty Salon 35,/Joyce 528 and G. Reid 523. FRIENDLY 48 LEAGUE f | wor and Gravel 2; Ontario Motor Sales 5,|Serewhballs 33, Modern Grill 32, Ray-|' Team Standings -- Corvettes 42%4,| Over 200 scores -- I, Way 207. > f eau = Bennett Paving 2; Union City Body, 5,, ore Ltd, 24. |Slapsticks 33, Nathan Sunoco 28, Bomb-| Points -- Starlets 3, Fireballs 0; Millwork Supplies 2; Peoples Clothing 5,| ig Been by {ovina 15, Vig rer atts a Pon alaee "o Rockets 0; Super Jets 2, 2; Industrial Tools 5, Team A verages -- G. Rei , M.|Sixers 1; Try Hards 2, Slow Starter Dunlops 2; Industrial Toole 5, eng} PASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE /picesaro sr. 179, M. DiGesaro Jr. 179,|1. . Country Wholesale 3. Turkey roll and prize night is W. Scott 178 and J, Waldinsperger 176.| Pin Standing -- Super Jets 19,491, Kodachrome II Kodachrome II Other High Scores -- Chuck Andor| this Wednesday, Dec. 13. Every- |Starlets 19,098; Fireballs 19,000; sixers \ COLOR MOVIE FilM COLOR MOVIE FILM 580 (210), Mike DiCesaro 573 (203), ' ; LADIES CLASSIC LEAGUE | 18-797, Hopefuls 18,614, Rockets 18,156, Pe, } George Brabin 568 (201); Frank Sopii| One's, handicap -- eg based on) 'The Dachshunds moved ahead ay Hards 17,948 and Slow Starters } Ni | FOR 8mm ROLL CAMERAS FOR 8mm ROLL CAMERAS 4 is Taylor 539 (213), D ' yverage, . 4 1595. \ Hy 3 Free IA Souk Servers Sat Cot icach denn Wil ale tek Go a of the Terriers by blanking the joint standing -- Starlets 19, Super Th Andor 534, Don Matthews 531 (232) and) oofers. E 'f ets 23, Sixters 22, Fireballs 22, Hope- ; te }) Pe : i Sim Williams 530 (201), an" prize. 5 A pamendone Sa amr fad Bituis ti, Rockettes' 1, Try Hards and aS € most dramatic improvement in Kodachrome Film in Standings." Kinlochs 62, Sherit's| George Reid broke his minor|pemes Gif, ta iead the vonne Slow Starters 7, } over 25 years, Kodachrome II is 214 times as fast, gives you Tailors 56, Young's Sports 53, Tuck | slum with a 584, and for the ' : p A Mary Mothersill and Doris Vann| SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE 2 better color, greater sharpness and wider exposure latitude, Tapers 50, Town and Country 48, On ladies Onda: Gunn tolled a tario Motor Sales 47, Union City Body| s ' ' 42%, Industrial Tools 40, Peoples Cloth-| beautiful 558. jcombined to lead the Danes to a) Our top bowler this week was Janet t It is well worth the sligh i ing 40, Hag nen Tractors 39, Jackson! Results -- 300's 7, Sabyan Motor Sales Pg win over the Terriers. Isa. for. a 653 eee Next, Naturally? oer nie 8 ie epst. Available for 8mm and Sand and Gravel 38, Glen's Texaco 37,'0; Hyma al Es' he ;| belle C N . rit Paar. iy, was ce * ' : it ' Sad a Stans Veen Soa Boh aE Testes ts eke tein cond cere aa toe pired!Mary Guikes with s ¢45 (280), Honor. Extra-bright screenings. Fully automatic! Brownie 500 16mm cameras -- Daylight Type, or Type A for indoor Paving 30 and Millwork Supplies 25. |5, Stickpins 2; Auto-Magic-Car Wash 5,| and Poodies split rH : ron points, {with Seda. ind Meek Gn Movie Projector, A5, shows 8mm movies up to 5 feet wide, movies. For color slides, too. Wonderful stocking gift for Aces 2; John's Garage 5, Leftovers 23| In'S.| 598 (266, 201). : ee i ead TU Y MEN' EAGUE ss' City Sery 500k" | High Scores -- E. Nathan 502 (198),|" nyo 7) : ' : a -- Fo) ideleangAA 5 Py Bly iy gg Shop|" Mothersill 494 (170, 175), 1. Cyr 486) ptt, te hundreds were Pot Ly by Continuous half-hour showings. Reverse action. Threads Christmas, ' < . r --G i Y |(178), D, Vann 452 (168), D. B 444\ 007° : ly games 263, : : : Winders Esso Service' and|q Mit Score -- G. Reid 884 (aos, 212),| 79)" 9" Baxter 43 (173). ames 434227 (look Jn the jemons for game No. itself automatically right onto reel. Less than $110. Harry Blohm, of Oshawa Clean-|G. Coppin 513, J. McLean 508, M. Jonn-|(1E0-B- Dilfer 428 (160). |aubs Jean Wall 904, Marg Fercaen aoe . | wage s) 1 2» Bay ff " ing Contractors, came up with| #0" ,507 (205), E. Phillips 495 (219, B.irerriers 25, Danes 23%, Poodles 22,|2¢#% Selleck 202 and Irene Kehoe 202, ' ; two fine 600 plus triples to lead| saga! 8B. McHugh 488 (200). | Gecters 19 and 'Boxers. 13% +} Lemon Roll Call -- Irene Gibson 97 Start our Christm h a h Fi j it 7 ea ae bo sven olat 'acan panics <=, ©. Gunn 558 (212), F/O Teating Averages' Dora DiCesato|iicie® Brown 97, Diane Duncan 97, 62, y as shopping here. Finish it in one stop t : » M. C = ; : : |June Hurst 91, Ev, Snow 85, Dot Star- ; |469, B, Baxter 465, I. C 146, Doris Vann 145, Isabelle Cyr 144, "api » ar: over Thompson Plumbing and/¢ , + t- Cyr 457, M-| Mary Mothersill 144, Ma key 84, Sharon Logan 82, 79. '¢ » * ' . : Gaueal Mucheantes. + ee roa rg A a 446, M.Tay-|Pairley Bouckley: 193. ry Cole 144 and ppoinis taken -- Atoms, Dialer, 'The at your. Kodak dealer S displaying this symbol-- Cleaners and Aces also scored|MeCormack 426 and B. Grant 425. | es |and ark ¥ ones em shutouts over Lander - Stark Oillsg' 'stroke nee ra ok, Body Shop| LANDER. STARK CLASSIC [reams sanding "rhe Fi 18 and Oshawa Wood Products. Pika vette rppepempimle ay graces 51, CAPSULES -- Shutouts Were Points, Dixies 11, Oddballs 9, Pixies |" 2 way Photo scored a five to two Stickpins 44, Russ' City Service 4, 30's popular this week as the Chiefs, |" pirehggesl totigg Sey rage " #rices are subject to change without notice, win over the Slo-Moshuns and ifm. Rea! Estate 43, Doreen's| Royals and Flyers picked up the|non is on Monday night, Doseniu ne Gang 37, Eastway Lanes 36, Aces 35,| triple wins. . . George Reid had|at @ p.m, sharp, in the Beesron og ss