Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT |24-Room Addition For High School Whitby District High School Board this week decided to give ment will be 1,660 within five years. If alterations and the ad- dition proceed as planned, there | we 000 in a growing department | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 8, 1961 § THANK YOU ALL, WHO SUPPPORTED ME SO WELL AT THE POLLS LAST MONDAY! Godfrey Schilling STOCKS FOR STOCKINGS store or chain for his grand- children. He says he wants to | put their money into "'some- thing more solid Ils and mines." than oil --(CP Wirephoto) SPEND 3 WEEKS two PLAZA SIGNS A bylaw to limit detached signs in shopping plazas to 13 By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT PARKS ASSOCIATION : : Councillor Joyce Burns' parks) ferred back ts the committee be- to Mr committee was given power toj}cause of ambiguous wording.|in the death of and Mrs. Morley Ross their grandson, East and West -- Mr. BROOKLIN -- The sympathy|Mrs. W. Soetens, 85; Mrs. Rob-| square feet per business was re-|0f the community is extended ert Heron, Jack Patterson, 85;/ Mr. and Mrs. The leaders and members of act on a suggestion that the! According to the bylaw, all signs Kenneth Ross, who passed away Mrs. Jordon, Mrs. Jack Patter- tor H. T. Nichol to proceed with turned to the bylaws committee) Brooklin Couple On England Trip and A. Bishop, 83; 78%; Douglas Stainton, s 20th|Ross Drew, 76%. ICE AVAILABLE AT UXBRIDGE ARENA UL. 2-308] THANK YOU! YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT IS MOST GRATIFYING AND ENCOURAGING. MRS. JOYCE BURNS COUNCILLOR My Sincere Thanks and appreciation to all the voters of Whitby for electing me Deputy-Reeve. The support is most encouraging. GEORGE BROOKS | The annual meeting of the \Canadian Girl Guides Associa-| tion was held at Whitby United) Church. Mrs. F. W. Weaver pre-| Annual _repor ere od sented and the representatives of each Guide Company and Brownie Pack reported on the) : progress of each. 'The slate of} Whitby has its annual visit Officers is still under advise- |from Santa Claus on Saturday, j}ment. iDec. 9. The jolly old man will Mrs. Betty Deeth was elected|be the centre of attraction in the lregistrar for Whitby District.|Anuual Parade that starts from Anyone having a daughter of|the Whitby Arena at 1.30 p.m. Brownie age should contact Mrs.|The Retail Merchants section Deeth at MO 8-2592 and not|of the Whitby Chamber of Com- local Brown Owls. merce are the sponsors of the The next meeting will be held parade which promises to be the on Jan, 23, 1962, and all mothers|!est the town has seen. of Guides and Brownies are cor-| All Whitby's service clubs and dially invited to attend. lsome local merchants will be leitch 'will be "the Miss. Grey WHITBY BOWLING NEWS | {Cup float used in this year's | CIGARETTE LEAGUE Scotland and the United States Triples over 550: Isobeljin play for the world curling |Mothersill 758, Martha Mayne|championship next March i |698, Ev Mosscrop 679, Vi Jor-'Scotland. dan 670, Clara Rowden 663,; The announcement was made Maryette Kadwell 656. Rita/Wednesday at a press confer- Cane 624, Alice Bradley 619,/ence by E. T. Simmons, chair- Marion Sturgess 603, Grace|\man of the Canadian commit- |Sandford 590, Bernice Moasejtee of the Scotch Whisky Asso- 580, Marg McCoy 581, Margaret|cjation, sponsors of the cham- Taras 583, Joan Newstead 574,|pionship. Bev Wiles 569, Bea Hudson 550.' pe 1992 matches for the Singles over 200: Vi Jordan Scotch Cup will open at Fal- 332, Margaret Taras 214, Ber- kick, Scotland, March 15-16 and nice Moase 208, Bev Wiles 207, shift to Edinburgh March 19-20. Marion Sturgess 250, Clara Row-|1f a playoff is necessary, it will den 237, 275; Alice Hewis 233,/be held March 21 in Edinburgh. Martha Mayne 240, 284; Ev Mosscrop 205, 209, 265; Bea Hudson 206, Alice Bradley 225, 218; Joan Newstead 250, Pat Brown 240, Grace Sandford 208, 7 McCoy 211, Rita ENTER PLAYOFFS TORONTO (CP) Sweden has agreed to join Canada, DUNDAS ST. HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION DANCE and BOX SOCIAL Saturday, Dec. 9th 8:30 - 12:00 P.M. IN SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 1,50 PER COUPLE Round & Square Dancing 217; Marg Cane 218, 212; Isobel Mothersil! |240, 274, 244; Maryette Kadwell |228, 244; Beulah Sturgess 224, Mary Dolimont 217. Total team points: 35, Kools 34, Winchesters Cameos Exports 17 Winstons Black Cats 30,) 28, Buckinghams 21, Players 18, Santa Parade |Duplicate Bridge Club held Here Saturday |BRIDGE CLUB | | The members of Brooklin| its series of weekly games on Wed-} nesday evening in the basement of Township Hall, Brooklin. Highest scores of Duplicate |Bridge resulted as follows: \Grey Cup Parade. The Whitby| North and South: Mrs. J, Tim-| Brass Band, the Whitby Junior|mins, Mrs. H. Hart, 114; Mrs, Band, Ontario Regiment Cadet|/Bovay, Miss Bovay, 88; Mrs. Band, the Red Marine Flute|S. Sheridan, Mrs. R. Drew, Band and the Caledonia Pipe|86%: William Cox, Jack Wild,| Band will provide the marching|82; John Miller, Ted Heron, 82./ DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. $., WHITBY MO 8-523] Cc .I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murals music. | To the People of Whitby 'A sincere thank you for your vote of confid- nce in my election to council for 1962-63. Desmond G. _ NEWMAN The parade route this year is} north from the arena on Green| |to Dundas, west to Brock, north| to Mary, west to Euclid, south | |to Dundas west, east to Centre, |south to Colborne west, east to Byron south, north to Dundas |West, east to Brock and south on Brock to the arena. | Santa will make his tempor- ary stop on his great round of visits at the Bank of Montreal at the Four Corners. All the} children in town are invited to stop by to give their hero the |Christmas lists and receive pre-| MANY THANKS For Your Generous Support at the Polls last- Monday. Your confidence is Greatly Appreciated JAMES ROSS Christmas treats. VOTE ww RE-ELECT JOHN G. GOODWIN DEPUTY REEVE FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY SATURDAY, DEC. 9th HOW EASY Evening Guild {further study at a later meeting a ' e e jto the engagement of an archi-|will be accommodation for that Visit Whitb : = Oo 1Sl Games Night posed 24-room addition will be é 1 | made. If constructed, it de be-|of 75 co . of the rg from Sontinuing its series of win-; The 18-piece band will play inte? ; |come the first technical and vo-|the federal government as a ur chaceits with feature|"'La Gazza Ladra" by Rossini;| prenine Guild "held Church cational wing in special vocational grant. The re- the Whitby Brass. Band will/ture" by Von Suppe; "Wine, evening in the parish hall. The|. Preliminary plans by the) will be borne by the provincial | play host to a famous accordion a. an een BA strana siden, Mrs. K. Cunliffe,| board one eae By hf ee government ac # Lorna rie band's ane. pa [opened the meptinig with Prayer./ classroom, business machines 'a ro: ; ; ' "| class : ss n second 'winter presentation willl The concert will accentuate) During ie Wasiness meeting room, typing room, drafting New Officer include the nationally famous|the Yuletide season and the|Plans were made for "'Games|9o7' auto shop, electricity Dick Accordion Band,| Whitby Brass Band anticipates| Night" to be held Jan. 15 with) shop carpentry millwork shop,| gus9q- hi n this' hy on the Cana.\presenting a local school orjthe following conveners:|iochine shop, occupational Fills Vacanc Gian Championship in its cla Fhurch choir, which will sing|Tables, Mrs. J. Everett andit-aining shop for boys, home y pag age rome ary Ake Ni ti ale 1 : |Mrs. C. Rycroft; kitchen, Mrs.) \-onomics room 'and two stand-| i ice force will re at the Canadian Nationa -- special item on. the|H. Town and Mrs, R. Hawkins;| 7 lahoratories | Whitby erie pap wi z Exhibition. . eed" idee 88 Bond's program will be|serving, Mrs. J. Wilson; prizes, Ait sa sheak" rooms ceive oh aoe maid' Williams of The accordion band, "fisted? laigh Chorus," by|Mrs. C. Watson. In addition to these rooms,/bers when Dona ams the capable direction of Viadi-\the "Halleluja ae, The meeting closed with pray-|the board plans a gymnasium|Port Perry takes up his new mir Dickenson of Toronto, also|Handel. "art" willler and refreshments w erejassembly hall and an extension|post on Monday, Dec. 11. PC won the Hohner National Tro-| hag _-- poet Street|served by Mrs. T. Tompkins(to the cafeteria, One of the| Williams, who is married, has phy this year and the Eastern|take place in the Henry Sun-|and Mrs, Harris. existing general shops will be|heen on the Port Perry Police Canadian Championships in| High School re eae on Sun-) i llnwing the meeting, color-laltered to become an occupa-|force for almost two years. April. iday, Dec. 17, at gettin ed slides were shown by Mrs. §,| tional training shop for girls. Prior to his service at Port Armstrong and Mrs. K. Cunliffe] The 24-room addition will ac-| Perry PC Williams Pi a e e who both spent sometime in' commodate 580 more pupils. guard at the Guelph e orma- England, Thev were very much; The board noted that the en-jtory. Whitby's Police force will ul Ing Ops jenjoyed by all. rolment in Whitby's elementary now number 14. Chief of Police. | The next meeting of the Eve-|Schools at the present time is|Detective - Sergeant and 12 eee aan it be kerd Monday {3-506. The two secondary schools|patrolmen. Toronto financier Bryan od bd Bing hi will be held Monday,| wow have an enrolment of 949} PC William fills the vacancy) Newkirk, now living in Nas- uarter 10n |: Sy. and the schuols at present have created by the resignation of; sau, Bahamas, is no Scrooge | | a capacity for 1,080 students. |PC John Mason who leaves next} about Christmas. He's in To- it h h It is expected by the board/week with his family to live in} ronto to invest up to $2,000,- The Engineer's Department -- si frye aor a ni e urc that the secondary school enrol-/New Zealand. of the Town of Whitby issued|on ol street at a t 19 building permits during No- of $18,000. _ x V S 4 vember for building construc; A permit for building a esper ervice WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS tion and alteration projects|$30,000 mong ee ne j 286,250 in collec-/Dufferin street was issue | "Vision and Fulfilment" was aie : yj Ae rat Permits were issued to the| Whitby's first basement = sage at the Whitby United!, Council! authorized town s neaté th ' ; Whitby industries to construct out shelter permit was IBBUC |Church on Sunday morning. The| Sipdtlewtiage ivision for study before the third read- warehouses. Croven Electronics to Roger Conant of Ajax. - choir sang as their anthem Enown as Ponce oun ihe te presented at the next| intend to build a $30,000 addi-|shelter has been constructe in| Franck s arrangement of the ed Plan at a cost to the town of(meeting. Some 200 lots are cited! tion to their factory on Beech|the basement of Anne's Fabric 150th Psalm entitled 0 Praise} goo. The lots on the subdivision|in the bylaw | street and Du Pont of Canada Shop on Byron street south. *o The Lord... __.| were sold by description and not Ltd. will build a $65,000 ware- The flowers in the Memorial' according to a plan of sub- house, 282' x 50' on Dunlop WHITBY | Vases were placed to the mem-| giyision drive. Lory of Rev and Mrs. A. M.| received seven ponte is build! PERSONALS ly. Mr. Irwin was, minister of as many single dwellings on |the congregation 1928, Athol street, Bell drive and yrs R, W. Harris, of Re-| ing cost of $106,000. == == at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|are preparing for their annual/mer play host to the Ontario|stores in plaza, must be re- on Thursday, Nov. 30, in The Whitby Public Utilities' preston Howard, 506 Brock|Christmas Vesper and Candle-|Parks Association annual meet-|moved within five years and/year Commission will build a $27,000 street south. On Saturday, Dec.|lighting Ceremony. This beauti-|ing. 'I don't know what wejonly the directory signs permiltt- PERSONALS property. celebrating their 50th wedding|worship and dedication will bejparks in Whitby," said Mrs. |, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heron : moh JOWHE left by. plane on Saturday, De- G. E. Broughton was issued/anniversary. For the occasion|presented in. the candle-lit/ Burns STREET TO NOWHERE a hed P f th ' ks' a permit to build a $6,000 single/they will have open house andjchurch next Sunday . evening, | | Councillor Joyce Burns report-/cember 2, for a three weeks P. Sorichetti and Sons Ltd., will mee The last meeting of the 1960-61/ing the north lane of the new the International Harvester Co.! build a single dwelling on Bow-| Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Adams, council will be held on Wednes-|setvice road between Oshawa|Mr, a man avenue at a cost of $10.500/0f Perry street, are establish-| Annual Mee lday, Dec. 13 at 5 p.m., followed and Whitby have discovered the) Mrs. Victor *arkin spent the |Ont. Their friends wish them| {bers. abruptly at Pringle's Creek.|Mrs. Noble Stevenson and fam-| |happiness in their new sur-| @§e ® |Mayor Martin said that a signiily at Burlington, and en route; VON R rts roundings. Girl uides SUBDIVISION CONTROL | signifying the end is ahead has/home, spent the weekend at her} epo | M A alte ben easean| A new subdivision . part lot/been erected at Hopkins street. (sister's, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. | Work Increase |guests at the home of Mr. and |Mrs. Joseph Igel, of John street. Rhoda Dixon, reported | Mrs. K. J. Craddock, of Ham- service for the branch in|Mrs. Catherine Taylor, of De- Her for «the/troit, Mich., were dinner guests The total number of visits|dock's daughter and son-in-law, for November was 108--an in-|Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finan, of Hal- per cent of these were nursing R ici hy : ecent weekend visitor at the care visits. The remainder home of Mrs. M. J. Akey, of Twenty-one new patients were ; admitted, of which only four|2"* Gandear, of Lindsay, who hours were spent in industrial] "8 various: parte of Europe. nursing at Bathurst Containers.| has been bringing health ss, Mayor Pleased people's homes in Canada for had m chronically ill and) ti aged -- these are specialties of| Town Elec 10n service is available at-any time , { 5 through the local VON Mayor Stanley Martin report $ e prenatal|that he was well pleased with classes will begin on Jan. 17,\the election results on Monday. call MO 8-5858. |Tuesday evening's meeting. His Worship noted that all! . . Whitby Knights for re-election were re-elected. Any members of council who council by their own choice, he |said. Brother Maurice O'Connor, 'Jt was a healthy sign of our Catholic Act:vity Chairman, an- acceptance by the people of the of the Whitby Knights of Colum-|two years' administration. "Had bus Council 4895 that the Cor-|they not been successful, it the Knights and Pickering Holy|the acclamations of the Reeve Name Society would be held and myself." de Sales Church, Pickering, atjone of the three members of the 9.30 o'clock Mass, not at 9 council who bowed out by his The men will met at 9.15 nomination meetings might er- a.m. at St. Francis de Sales|tend the courtesy of nominating church with their executive./regardless of whether or not Following the Mass a breakfast that councillor intended to run. Evangelist parish hall in Whit-|all committee chairmen would by. : ibe able to report on their work The. pre-Christmas social willjin council. p.m. in the parish hall. Pro-| menting on the fact that Coun- ceeds from this event will go/cillor Harry Inkpen, who had towards the Knights of Colum-learlier announced he would not to be held Sunday afternoon, |inated. Mr. Inkpen, chairman of Dec. 17. |the sewer committee, was never presided over the meeting. lon his committee this year. BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 & 8:25 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:25 M-G-M presents A GEORGE PAL PRODUCTION staring ANTHONY HALL JOYCE TAYLOR ~ JOHN DAHL {/ { COLOR CARTOON Ch ion Band tect and to which school a pro- oa , The board anticipated a grant the school che presentations of modern music,|the "Poet and Peasant Over-| nonthly meeting on Monday) 4" maining cost, the board expects, The Manor Homes Company} \Irwin by members of the fam-| Newman cres. for a total build- ,in,, Saskatchewan, is a guest|the Canadian Girls in Training|town of Whitby might next sum- other than those attached to the at Wellesley Hospital, Togonto, son, warehouse on their Mary street'9 wr. and Mrs. Howard are|ful and meaningful service of|could show them in the way ofjed to be detached. dwelling on Dundas street east,entertain relatives and friends.| Dec. 10. LAST MEETING ed that several motorists follow-|tTip to England as guests of} and Penlind Investments Ltd.)n8 residence in Wailaceburg,| by a dinner for council mem-|road goes nowhere. It ends bast week visiting with Mr) anu! Jack Greenwood, | | : |Toronto, jof North Bay, were weekend Whitby's VON Nurse, Miss| that November saw an increase ice accompanied by a friend, month follows: jat the home of Mrs. Crad- crease of 35 over last month, 60)!ett street, on Wednesday. were health instruction visits, Walnut street, was Mrs. Stew- were for nursing care. Six|SPent a couple of months visit- The Victorian Order of Nurses over 60 years, Pre-natal and Wi h R ] postnatal care and home nurs-| it esu ts the Victorian Order nurse. This brarich.!eq to Whitby council this week The next series of 1962, For further information,|He made the observation during council members who had stood Pla B kf t will not return next year left nounced at the Dec. 6 meeting) town," said His Worship, of 'his porate Communion breakfast for would have been a reflection on Sunday, Dec. 10 at St. Francis) Deputy-reeve Warren Mowat o'clock as previously mentioned.|own wishes, said that future school to form a parade to the/all members of sitting council will be held in St. John The|He said that by that nomination, be held Saturday, Dec. 9 at 8! The deputy-reeve was com- bus children's Christmas party be in the running, was not nom- Grand Knight Frank Canzilgiven an opportunity to report A LOST LEGEND LIVES AGAIN! "Cat Fishing" PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "Gold of the Seven Saints" _ CLINT WALKER--ROGER MOORE to have one man arrange your personal insurance -+.to protect your car, your home, and your life. Keep the good things you've earned in life, protect them with State Farm insurance. Let me show you how inexpensive and con- venient complete coverage. /. and peace of mind. ..can be. Give me a call today. INSURANCE tl STATE FARM iNSuRance CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE -- TORONTO ONT, WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY MO, 8-3762 STATE Fam INSURANCE, ONE-PIECE CONCRETE oTEPA IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ch AML SUES @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM OLIVER TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY NOTICE R.A. NOTICE 4 P.F.N. 2528-61 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby has applied to the Ontario Municipal rd pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Plan- ning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1826 passed on the 2nd day of November, 1961, Section 1, 2 ond 3 of which ore given hereunder, Any person interested may, within fourteen days ofter the date of this notice, file with the clerk of the Township of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objections. The Ontario Muncipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may oppoint a time and ploce where any objections to the by-law will be considered. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of December, 1961. B, VICKERS, Acting Secretary. SUMMARY OF THE PURPOSE OF BY-LAW 1826 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY INCLUDING A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO WHICH IT APPLIES 1. RE: SECTION 1 OF BY-LAW 1826 1. Purpose and Effect The purpose and effect of Section 1 of the by-law Is to extend the provisions, regarding lots having less frontage or area than required, to include lots situated in an Agricultural (A) Zone. This will, in effect, allow for construction of dwellings on some lots now under separate ownership which would otherwise not qualify for building permits under By-law No, 1784. 2. Application This amendment applies to all land in the Township of Whitby within on Agricultural (A) Zone, 2. RE: SECTION 2 OF BY-LAW 1826 1, Purpose and Effect The purpose and effect of Section 2 of the by-low is to relax the restrictions for minimum exterior side yord requirements sufficiently to allow the issuance of building permits on corner lots on the registered plons listed in sub-paragraph (b), 2. Applicetion This amendment applies only to the registered plans listed in sub-paragraph (b), 3. RE: SECTION 3 OF BY-LAW 1826 1. Purpose and Effect The purpose and effect of Section 3 (i) of the by-law Is to clarify the meaning of the existing section of By-law 1784, by punctuation, so it is clearly understood that the dwelling referred to is for the use of persons em- ployed on the same lot. The purpose and effect of Section 3 li) of the by-law is to relax the restrictions for minimum interior side yard requirements sufficiently, for residential uses (other than for persons employed on the same lo+), to allow the placement of residences in other then the centre of the lot to provide some variety of location and also allow the owner to take advantage of the topo- graphy of the lot. . Application This omendment applies to all lands in the Township of Whitby within an Agricultural (A) Zone, MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Township of Whitby, BROOKLIN, Ontario.

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