Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 8, 1961 ' \a corridor, read aloud a trans-| | cript of the controversial speech lon organized crime he made in |the House a week ago. Reacting immediately to a challenge hurled in the legisla- ture by John White, Progres- sive Conservative meniber for London South, Mr. Wintermeyer lread the Hansard report of his | speech, He had an audience of several sented goveriument policy. Mr.-. Wintermeyer said he made the dramatic gesture be- cause "I wil not tolerate the insinuation that I used the leg- islature for political purposes or, in particular, to assist the Lib- eral cause' in five forthcoming provincial byelections. "T interpreted it (Mr. White's challenge) to be a move on the part of the government to un- ATTEND SCOUT RITE | The Shah and Queen Farah ; as they attend a Scout cere- Diba of Iran wear uniforms | mony in Birjand, Iran, Dec. 4. appropriate to the occasion --(AP Wirephoto) MINISTER PROTESTS Mr. Cathcart protested that it does list government "and the government is seated. Leo Troy (1. -- Nipissing) said would be "'an act of charity" to appoint members of the five- man censor board on a rotat- ing basis, since some board members had sat since the board was set up some 25 years ago He said their "senses must be calcified" after viewing so many films portraying sex and services, \legislature members -- mostly|dermine the evidence I pre- | Liberals--and newspaper report-' sented. g )ers. 4 "I feel the government is us- The speech gave names of in- the Opposition leader linked S with the threat of organized NUDI 7 COLONY crime in Ontario. After the speech last week Liberal leader denied any con- TORONTO (CP) -- Met- nection with crime. One man,| ro's parks commissioner Joseph Ryan, general manager has turned down a request of the Edmonton Eskimos foot-| by. a nudist colony which Wintermeyer for $1,000,000 if he) the city's outdoor swimming repeated the charges outside the| pools one night a week legislative chamber. George T. Bell said that The Opposition leader said Mr.; any reasonable rental which troit gangsters into a Northern wouldn't offset the operat- Ontario lodge owned by him and) ing cost. He added that the Eric Cradick, Toronto stock-| nudists want to use the pool | broker. after regular hours and \Georgia, could not be reached! dents for comment. oes The group making the ap- LEAVES SUDDENLY plication was from the Ni- . agara area exit came during a speech by Mr. White -- the first major statement on crime by a gov- bd i ernment member except for, [] m ensors Liberal leader's speech last A d Of Deny Funds Used "six. »: a t | Said Mr. White "The leader of the Opposition N me quoted hearsay evidence hour} arrowness For Propaganda after hour while making pious) roponTo (CP) -- The On- parliamentary at gd and tak-| ecused Thursday of a "'narrow- TORONTO (CP) The tra-jusked whether there was any ae rig omg gh was a|ness of approach" because it P Phartment connec t pen McK . "I now kK 4 . 2 ' is ass "xX Z ar- vel and publicity department connection. between McKim Ad hollow offer. Parliamentary ex ceusers movies on.sex and nar public funds to mail Conserva-/servative party ' fave im-|¢mous film' about the life of tive patty propaganda to On-| "Tc my knowledge, no," said pod affect parliamentary |christ. tario. residents Mr. Catheart as the Liberals} Ad : ; | Elmer Sopha (L -- Sudbury) z . : "Te to step into| I 4 The accusation, denied by|groaned. Elmer Sopha (L--Sud- I challenge him igh | about the life of again." |Christ -- not identified by name, during discussion of his depart-|/knowledge in Ottawa _ that mere Wintermeyer obliged. Two|but taken to be King of Kings ment's estimates and prompted)"there is a very definite con-'..1.< later he finished his re-|--fabricates events in that life a prolonged argument amongjnection" between the two and naa | members of the legislature noted steadily increasing pay-|! "It's a sad commentary that, = ----- |when Hollywood tries to turn the propaganda during recent years sign of the Cross into a dollar Referring to a list of publi Ken Bryden (NDP--Toronto- sign, the board of censors cations put out by the depart-, Woodbine) said that when the ment, Ray Edwards L -- Went-|Liberals were in power feder- Asked by John White (PC-- D th Bullet London South) whether the Lib- tario Government Services, ofjwith another advertising €a eral party was advocating "'cen- which 105,000 copies go out agency | : ' scrship for accuracy," Mr. So- without charge each issue, "is smnane FRIENDS? Page ge Neville Shel- ha retorted: th used to promote personalities in """"™ hlpgem lice 'sifted Ray oh re Thursday, (fr the party when I' say films It is unfortunate, although lard's barn near here z ;;should be censored for blasph- "It contains very little infor- 0° "'0P* : : : iad mation in respect to services this kind are used to reward killed Mrs. Sharon Stringer. : iss Wluainnion an Mien Ga provided by the government," friends of the government," Mr.' The 37 - year - old woman's corship came during study by he said. "I would suggest it's Bryden contended. With both\body was found Sunday in a the House of the travel and pub- Liberals and Conservatives|/pbarn on the farm, where she jicity department estimates, narty machine." drowning his words under pro- : = tests, Mr. Bryden described it|12 years. A .22 - calibre rifle poarq as an '"'old game." belonging to her nine-year-old Energy Resources Minister|son, Kenneth, was lying beside it the body. counts committee in Saskatch-! $ here," he added, pointing to the'ewan had found that Georgejing since Nov. 20, but _ police Conservative benches Bothwell advertising of Regina|were not informed until Nov. 26 Asked to prove his contention. received most of the NDP's ad-| Coroner Dr. F. A. Vokes said the publication "'listed the date|scribed Mr. Bothwell as a lead-/body was not greatly decom- of a Tory party convention." jing figure in the national NDP posed and he thought she had Mr. Cathcart, grinning, replied: '| movement not been dead for more than "Isn't that a matter of public After nearly two hours of de-|a few days. crime. Noting payments in lastjhours Tuesday -- the estimates|not expect an early arrest in the), ;. ; | J ) s ' it is not unusual for children to year's budget to individual ad-jwere finally passed by the|case, Shellard was questioned|,, unaccompanied to films vertising agencies, A. E,|House sitting as a committee|Thursday for two hours, then al-|which the censors had placed Thompson (L -- Dovercourt) 1 lowed to return to the farm. jj ane te : " i teiady dui is cai ail. _ jin the categories of 'restricted | dividuals and social clubs which |several persons named by the} ball team, threatened to sue Mr.| wants to take over one of Ryan had booked g party of De-) the city might charge | Mr. Ryan, travelling in| would disturb nearby resi- Mr. Wintermeyer's sudden Premier Robarts' reply to the proclamations about waiving):.1i4 board of film censors was was accused Thursday of using|vertising Limited and the Con- perts tell me that such remark: cotics "'but will pass a blasph- : sorridor and read his speech|Said a film Travel Minister Cathcart, came|bury) said it was common the corridor and P jand distorts biblical reports c After the House adjourned, about political patronage and menis to McKim Advertising After a iia ice Seeki Police e ing doesn't censor the film." worth) said the monthly On- ally the. same situation existed pha retorted: "I think I speak the y party." : he Tory party obviously true, that accounts of/trying to find the bullet that being used by the Conservative} y C had lived with Mr. Shellard for' }j¢h: included the censor Macaulay said the public ac- j Mrs. Stringer had been miss- Mr. Edwards said one issue ofjvertising there. and he de-,Thursday that the woman's interest?" bate -- following on some two) Police have indicated they do} ang wr Troy protested that De Peer ee aie ie. or 'for adults only." Police Seeking Two Convicts ~ For Questions 5 CHNS = TORONTO (CP) -- Police ate eg seeking two escaped convicts P for questioning in connection with a Metropolitan Toronto bank robbery Monday whiclt netted more than $20,000 Police already have warrants far Henry Patrick McBryan, 28, and Donald Jones, 27, for caping custody, said Deputy Chief George Elliott. "We want both of them for questioning in connection with the robbery," he added McBryan escaped with an- other prisoner from Collins Bay penitentiary near Kingston last July by sliding down a service duct while prisoners were re- jturning to their cells after watching television. He was ----. serving 11 years on two counts of armed robbery, wounding a police officer and escaping SYDNEY ey, 1§ To a - 4 mg : iy ow; U FAX $ wa AN FRANCO TS 35 CQ snow eR ' SNS SAE SAA 20 65 aN PREDICT MORE SNOWFLURRIES WEATHER FORECAST on Weather Pattern 'Remaining Same Forecasts issued by the Tor-jnoon and evening, continuing Hamilton .... ; onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.|cold. Winds west 20 and gusty, St. Catharines .... 32 Synopsis: Snowflurries which] becoming northwest 5 tonight Toronto 95 eae affected most of the province/and light Saturday Peterborough . Thursday gave way to clear Niagara, southern Georgian :Trenton ..... skies over most of. Northern|Bay, Lake Ontario, Haliburton Killaloe Ontario and parts of central On-jregions, Hamilton, Toronto: Muskoka . tario overnight. In Southern On-|Cloudy with clear periods today, } 2 tario, brisk winds and snowflur-!a few light -snowflurries. Clear ries continued throughout the'with cloudy intervals Saturday, night. Not much change is an-|continuing cold. Winds west 15 ticipated in the weather pattern/to 25, becoming. northwest 15 to- today and Saturday. night and light Saturday Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie,) Northern Georgian Bay, Sault Lake Huron regions, Windsor,|Ste. Marie, Algoma, Timagami London: Mostly cloudy with a! White River; Cochrane regions few snowflurries today, Clear North Bay, Sudbury Mostly periods this evening and to- clear with cloudy periods éxcept night. Mostly clear Saturday, | with light snowflurries in becoming cloudy in the after-\the vicinity of Lake and Georgian Bay today and Saturday, continuing cold. cyctoy {Winds west to northwest 15, Jones serving 15 years for light tonight and Saturday, bank robbery, escaped last Au- Forecast Temperatures gust from Kingston penitentiary Low tonight High Saturday |by riding out in a coal truck | Windsor re 18 35 and then swimming across a St. Thomas 18 bay London .. Ae Kitchener Pie 3 up a Wingham .. 20 suburban branch of the Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce Monday. K FILL Kapuskasing White River ..... Moosonee S.S. Marie 5 Observed temperatu Min 300 KING ST. WEST MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Dawson Victoria Edmonton . Superior Regina eS-'. 'Wintermeyer Repeats Charges In Corridor TORONTO (CP)--Challenged Mr. Robarts said he had notjing Mr. White's criticism as a by a government back-bencher,| consulted with Mr. White before) defensive move and I wanted to Liberal be ader Wintermeyer,the back-bencher's speech was/serve notice that I could not Thursday night forsook the im-| made. He satd there was no rea-|and would not be used to ex- munity of the legislature and, in| son to believe the speech repre-|cuse the government from its responsibilities, which are to appoint a royal commission." He said he felt Mr. White was | "voicing the official government position." | COLLEAGUES APPLAUD As he arose from the chair after finishing his reading, his Liberal colleagues applauded. Mr. Wintermeyer appeared fresh and. relaxed as he headed for a nomination meeting in Toronto beaches riding, one of the five which are to have by-! elections Jan. 18. In his speech, the Conserva- tive member suggested a police commission, which the govern- ment has promised to appoint, should investigate organized crime in Ontario, not the royal commission demanded by Mr. Wintermeyer. "T think the opposition wants to make it as difficult as pos- sible for the government to ap- point a royal commission . and they're doing so because of the five byelections that have beer-called for Jan. 18." Police Assault Case Dismissed By Commission TORONTO (CP) -- Motropol- itan Toronto Police Commis- ;sion Thursday unanimously re- jiected complaint by construc- jtion worker Carmen Leone that he was assaulted by police- men Leone. 33, of suburban Wes- ton, told a commission inquiry into allegations of police brutal- ity that three policemen 'went to work on me"' in the back seat of a squad car early Oct. 3. Leone suffered a cut requir- ing nine stitches in his head, a black eye and a nose abrasion Police suggested he might have cut his head on the cruiser roof as he was being shoved inside Three constables denied hit- ting Leone but said they had to use force to get him into the cruiser while. he was resisting violently and cursing. Const. P. J. Maloney said Le- one's car travelled at 60 miles an hour during a chase through west Toronto He said he stopped Leone to ask what his hurry was and ithat Leone was "extremely vio- lent and used profane language and force" when police tried to arrest him. The officer said he told Leone he was under arrest for careless driving. Under cross examination, Le- one said he had had four points of beer SPURN. SHELTERS PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP)-- 'The United Nations is our shelter,' 50 San Francisco Bay area residents said today as they contributed $1,500 to the United Nations instead of using the money for fallout shelters. Justice Remarks On Labor Ruling TORONTO (CP)--Chief Just- "What a devastating thing a ice J, C. McRuer of the Su- strike would-be under those jpreme Court of Ontario said circumstances," he said. Thursday a Toronto magis-' David Lewis, counsel for the trate's interpretation of labor union, said Thursday the Labor pee on the question of a un-|Act prohibits dismissal of em- jion's right to strike would give|ployees for participating in law- jemployers a powerful weapon in'fy| union activity. He said the contract negotiations, strike was lawful union activ. | The chief justice was refer- ity |ring to a decision by Magistrate) ° Thomas Elmore in a case aris- CLAIMS IS BREACH ing out of a strike by members) W. R.. Jackett, representing of the Hotel and Club Employ-'the Canadian Pacific Railway, ees Union (CLC) against the/owner of the hotel, argued that Royal York Hotel here. The de-'the strike was an act of the em- cision is being appealed in the ployees, rather than of the un- Supreme Court. ion. He said the walkout was in XN CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE Map locates Tanganyika, a UN trust territory on Africa's east coast, celebrating na- tional independence to be RHODESIA granted currently Britain. --(AP Wirephoto Map) Saturday. Area is administered by LAMPS... Magistrate Elmore dismissed effect a breach of contract by the union's prosecution of the'the individual employees and Ce ay see Week The atike saried April 2 3 ' Ork and still is,in progress. The ho- The magistrate held that the 4.3. Ontario Labor Relations Act strikers and sed employees. does not give employees the The hearing is continuing. right to strike and that no strike! * . s the workers first resigned, ter- L Offi ] minating their individual con- Iner Cla 5 tracts of employment, LABOR PROTEATE 'Deny Transport brought province-wide protests { from organized labor. ante an Chief Justice McRuer said ie SAE that if he accepted the magis-. NAPLES, Italy (CP-AP)--Of- . trate's view that employ ces|ficials of the liner Saturnia have would have to resign and give|denied that Agotino Litrico, re- eye e Bailiff Auctions (fren ge mae. ee heavy weapon in negotiations. ing, suspect Albert Agueci of He said employers could of-/Toronto, came to Italy on the A e li 5 A fer ridiculous terms, which em-| Vessel. ir ine S ssets lose their pension rights have said Litrico was believed aboard the Saturnia, which TORONTO (CP) -- A bailiffjhas not received notification of docked here Thursday from DEATHS New York, maining assets of Airgo Lim- tional charter. ited, an airline once owned by! "As far as I'm concerned bail after bein hi di Tor aeahian : Jick tar BS 2m concenie®) Ry Th CANADIAN iS . wae ieal. ted cl Toronto gamblers Joseph Mc- {hey're still in business," said E. Icksonville, Fla: At Rayer New York in an, alleged cons- Feeley and McDermott were the board's air operation and in-| soo, of the I : ' into the United. States from rah = ag nternat seague : mentioned last Wednesday by spection. LTacksonvitle pernetonel League | Canadh and: Italy. His bound meyer in a speech to the legis-/Toronto Harbor Commission,| Cox's Cove, Nfld.--Peter Pa- field near Rochester, N.Y., Nov. lature about the threat of inter- <4iq Thursday's auction vielded| trick, 112, who spent his life on 22: Mr, Wintermeyer said there'money will be turned over to'that "lots of beer and lots of bert's brother, Vito, now are had been a serious evasion Of} Airgo's creditors, he said. jtime in the fresh air" made for,being tried in New York on the bought the airline in 1959. The i eae iiss air transport board should have Convict Laughs said, but it was not. He said McDermott and Fee PRE-CHRI T A ley thus attempted to conceal os Death Sent SALE Last month the Toronto Har- ea en ence bor Commsision ordered the Es Eheares : NEW YORK (AP) -- A 50- company went out of business Year - old convicted murderer owing $4,125 rent for land it oc- § cupied at Toronto Island Air- Judge Albert Bosch Thursday f he had anything to say be- Finance companies have since fore being sentenced to death. taken over the 12 aircraft used by Airgo. Wood. "I got schizophrenia and, : {Il was wondering if the judge could prescribe shock treat- Conflicting Wa been issued about the compa-_ The man giggled as Judge nv's status. Harry Houser, a|Bosch solemnly advised him: 1 "I don't think that's funny.| hoetl on' charges of unlawfully therefore unlawful. on management's terms. tel has bee& operating with non- could be properly called unless The Elmore judgment has jup pension and other rights,/Ported wanted for questioning |ployees would have to accept or, Reports published in Toronto Thursday auctioned off the re-jsurrender of Airgo's interna- Agueci, 39, skipped $20,000 Dermott and Vincent Feeley 36 'inte irz ic avi ; A. Bendall, superintender.t Of jer, 61, assistant general man- PTacy to smuggle narcotics Ontario Liberal Leader Winter- Captain Ed Hopkins of thela heart attack. charred body was found in a national crime in the province. slightly more than $1,300. The or near the sea and believed Eleven persons, including Al- the law when the gamblers'- - en a long ite, drug-smuggling charges. been notified immediately, he As Judge Gives their participation in the com- airline's offices sealed when th was asked by Queen's County port, "Yeah,"' replied Frederick STATEMENTS CONFLICT statements have ment for me." "4 lawyer representing Airgo, said To suit every room, every mood, and of course. ee EVERY BUDGET. CHANDELIERS ... The finest imported hand cut crystal to beautify \the company simply went out of It's bad enough that I have to business under its present own-/d0 what I have to do ers. one of whom he identified' Wood la ughed aloud and as Dr. J. T. G. Sihler. Airgo is quipped "'I feel sorry for you, not bankrupt, he said judge i. In Ottawa, an air transport Judge Bosch then sentenced board official said the board Wood to die fn the electric chair during the week of Jan INTERPRETING THE NEWS and magnify any room in your home, judge, I Jhank you," the pris- French Politics. Confuse By ALAN HARVEY The way in which the opposite poles of French- politics tend to complicate issues. is once more being demonstrated in Paris. The illegal Secret Army. Or- ganization on the extreme right of the political spectrum planted a bomb in the offices of France- Soir, a respected mass-circula- tion newspaper At about the same time sev- eral thousand people were dem- onstrating against the secret army, and there are suggestions that France's Communist party had a big part in arranging the protests Certainly the secret army is a sinister organization, with un- abashed fascist overtones, Just when the main opposition tends to come from the Communists the ordinary citizen gets the im- pression that. there must be some good in the secret army, just because the Communists arefagainst it In nearly every phase of French political life, the Com- munists act as a divisive, des- tructive force. So great is the fear of a "popular front' unit- ing Communists and the non- Communist left--a coalition that frightened French Employers before the Second World War-- that moderates are repelled by the mere mention of commun- ism in any context. With the extremes of left and right so active and so antago- Two armed, masked men held nistic, the great mass of voters) Scarborough tend to be squeezed out of the} reckoning. This may explain why French public opinion is so Prescuptions ? THEM AT MEDICAL PHARMACY | "Prescription Centre of Oshawa" PHONE 728-6277 @ FREE CAR DELIVERY FROM9 A.M. TO9P.M. ¢@ 09 * eh tre. real sweet of you, oner saidbeforehe was led off to a cell Wood was convicted of beat- ing and stabbing to death Frederick Sess, 78, and John Rescigno, 62, Sess was killed just after Wood had been pa- roled from prison after having served 17 years of a 20-year to jlife sentence for murder. ' Cliff Mills 48-Hour Special 1958 fective drive against the secret army, is acting partly from a : "6 CADILLAC conviction that the secret army . OY apt are os ef COUPE de VILLE serves the Communists as a use- 1 owner, low mileage ful scapegoat with which to in- cite its working-class suppor- THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ters 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 Betty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 KING STREET EAST Issues passive about the excesses aris- ing from the war in Algeria In London,..The Daily Tele- graph warns that the danger from the Communists may be; overlooked in concentrating on the threat posed by the secret army. The French government, in its belated and strangely inef- 725-2686 | NEW INITIALS LONDON (CP)--A south Lon- don Unitarian church is to hold Sunday evening services for pa- rishioners facing "'obstacles of PSD and SMI.."' It explains PSD means prandial supervisory du- ties--getting the Sunday dinner SML stands for somniculous ma- tinal lethargy--Sunday morning lie-abed 431 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN FOR INSPECTION! Sat., Dec. Sth - 2 p.m. till 5:30 p.m. PRICE REDUCED $1700 New List Price $15,128 - $3,000 Down SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited ,:2y, CALL: Mr. McFeeters--Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 725-1726

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