Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1961, p. 19

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27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 8, 1961 19 NEW house' le, 5 room brick, 424/GOOD income home for sale, extra Park Road North, $12,000, terms. Phone 'value, near schools, excellent location '¥23-1101. please call MO 8-5765. BUY-LEASE GENTLEMAN'S FARM i This property has just about cme time | Pee gl og oan bapa: everything. Beautifully dec- Six-room bungciow. All ser- orated house entirely mod- vices ot your doorstep. For ernized, Lovely large rooms, omp! i i Hivcin picture windows, panelled % " Lc rater Fah " dining room, powder room, bathroom, oil heated. 157 W. T. LAMSON acres of ferti'e, rolling land. REAL ESTATE LTD. Lovely woods, trout stream, EVENINGS painted barns, Inspection by appointment. Mr. McMullen = Mrs, Hondson 725-0104 728-5075 PETER FEDDEMA OPEN HOUSE Telephone MA 3-3644 Hwy. No. 2, 1 Mile East at 306 Highland Ave. Sat., Dec. 9th 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. of Bowmanville, 5-room brick bungalow, TO CLOSE ESTATE N.H.A, Resale. Brick building, consisting of Full Price $11,700 large store, two rooms and Stephen Macko store room on ground floor, Realtor i hg « Reig egypt 728-4661 187 King St. E. Hobbies THE ROYAL COIN and STAMP STORE NOW LOCATED AT 12 PRINCE STREET 728-3221 (next to Grey Coach Terminal) Hobbies aa ee ET When Christmas Shopping for Stamp Albums, Coins Stemps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be sure to see our wide selection. WANTED - COINS OF CANADA Previous to 1900. Also 1925 and 1926 Nickels, Canadian Cents from 1922-1926. Highest prices paid for these items. We also purchase old stamp collections, medals, badges, - curios, early books, documents and maps of Ontario County. 27--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE or rent, five room brick bungalow, near Shopping Centre, 6 per cent NHA mortgage. Low down pay- -- ae '5? PLYMOUTH, S: rt Vv. TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, d o BAYOY OSCAR, 8) three-piece bath, laundry facilities, use motor, beautiful running car. Priced to} 4 | sell. $695. Van Heusen Motors opposite | brewery on King. | i '56 PONTIAC tudor hardtop, six cylin. |¥# der, with rad'o, reduced for this sale. Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, o2posite | ¥ brewery on King, $195. YOUR choice of *54 Ford, '53|# Chev., '59 Isetta, °53 Pontiac. Van 29--Automobiies for Sale | '60 PONTIAC convertible V8, white with | red trim, Will finance. $2,695. Tele-| phone 725-2958. kitchen, clean and warm. Marrie couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Sec- ond Avenue BES oie REAL STEAL! new 3 bedroom bun- galow, owner transferred, very, very low in price, down payment and month- ly payments. Call, to inspect, Art Wein- berger, Wilson Real Estate, 725-6588, ings 7: 23-7244, floor, Separate entrance to epartment, oil fired, hot RESALE BEST VALUE WELL PLANNED gorage. Successful business THREE-BEDROOM operated for over 50 years, Ideally located on Main N.H.A. RANCHER Sold in '58 for $12,800 WELL LOCATED not be built for several times at 573 Shakespeare the asking price of $13,000. Call: Jchn F, DeWith, Two schools and two bus stops cne minute oway. Realtor, at Newcastle tached garage, recreation Aluminum storms, screens, room, two bathrooms. Posses- sion within 2 weeks. Ask for Bill Millar at 728-5123 or 725-2557, LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA LTD. REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N. $300 DOWN 6% MORTGAGE Solid brick, decorated, alum- inum sterms and screens. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, 725-1186 EVENINGS .. Mr. McMullen Mrs. Handson 725-0104 728-5075 Phone 3341 or MA 3-3950 decorated. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD DOWN PAYMENT THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Carries for $71 Monthly FOR RENT OR SALE SEE - COMPARE TELEPHONE COLLECT 4-BEDROOM HU 8-1136 Situated on Grandivew, at- AFTER 7 P.M. WHITBY PROPERTIES OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL Lorge attractive split level home, attachcd garage, fully de- corated, stone fireplace, 10 x 12 dining room, landscaped, completely fenced lot, built-in bookcases, storms and s¢reens. Plus 3 room self-contained apartment with scparote entrance, panelled living room, heating costs "only $145.00 yearly, Central, to all schools and shopping, NORTH WEST AREA SIX PLEX Attractive building with extras, large living rooms with broad- loom, built-in range and oven, fully decorated, ccramic tile bathrooms, a good investment property. Down payment $15,- 536, Balance on one N.H.A. mortgage. 3 bedroom bungalow -- FORCED TO SELL -- $500 down and take over the mortgege. $94.00 monthly covers P., 1., T., or will rent for $95.00 monthly, We have a nice selection of apartments for rent from $85.00 monthly and up. OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-5853 EVENINGS CALL AUDREY MOORE -- MO 8-4088 OWNER TRANSFERRED Quick possession may be obtained on large 5-room brick bunga- low located in the Harmony Heights area. Home is only 1% years old, included almumium storms and screens. T.V, tower, etc. Reasonable down payment to 1 N.H.A. mortgage. For further details, call Don Stradeski, evenings 728-8423. LIKE A NEW HOME FOR CHRISTMAS? Brand new 6-room bungalow with carport, featuring clay brick with stone front, copper hooded fan in kitchen, good quality modern light fixtures, electric door chimes, beautiful full length vonity with full length mirror, colored fixtures, eceramic tiled walls, Quality garwood furnace, Double pierson sliding windows. Lifetime copper plumbing. Dandy 56 x 159'. Best of all listed ot only $13,850. with only $1250. down. For further informa- tion, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings 725-1726, GRANDVIEW STREET SOUTH 1 acre of land with a variety of fruit trees, 1¥2-storey, 6- foomed home, large living room, fuil dining room, 3 large bed- rooms, modern kitchen. Hot water heating with oil, Couble gar- age ond hen house. As':ing $2,500 down, balance on one open mortgage. Call Henry Stinson, 725-0243. NEW OWNER WILL BE UNEMPLOYED Unemployed that is from the standpoint of work to do on this property. Outside the landscaping is a picture of beauty. The exterior of home hos been freshly painted. The intcrior is art- istically decorated, Owner has been transferrcd, his dispair may be your gain. Be. sure to see this 5-rcom brick bungalow with attached garage in the north west area, Please call Leslie Hail, 728-5513. DAYTIME 723-2265 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST, E. DIAL 728-4678 MASSON STREET New 52-room brick bungalow with carport, 3 bedrooms, ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity and large mirror, walkout basement + that is devided, comes complete with storms and screens, nerd location in north cnd of Oshawa. All this for only $15,295.00 with $3143.00 down, balance on one N.H.A, mortgage. Owner will consider a trade on this home, WHITBY Just reduced to $10,900.00 from $12,500.00, 5-room brick home, only 5 years old, large lot close to No. 2 Highway, 3- bedrogms, large living room, good kitchen, landscaped Jot with patio. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone now for an appoint- ment to inspect, AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliott, 723-9290; Dick Barriage 725-6243; Joe Moga 725-9191; John Kemp 728-2392; Marion Drew 725-7610 SINGLY or .ouble furnished room,| gouse" Motors, opposite brewery on ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and Ms washing machine, central location. Teles; phone 725-8150. GIVES you choice of '55 Chev. sta-| _ | ton wagon, *55 Pontine coach, '53 Chev. | NEW HOUSE for sale, five-room brick, |delivery. Van Heusen Motors, opposite 424 Park Road North, $12,000, Terms, |>rewery on King, Telephone 723-1101. Pears " ___________--. |'56 CHEV. deluxe coach, tutone, yellow $500 DOWN. Four room bungalow in ex-|and gold, runs b' cellent condition, complete with oil| models. Only heating, storm windows, TV aerial.! opposite brew: Should be scen! Call Bob Stevenson at/-------___--_- ) 723-6206, S$. D. Hyman Realtor. | SPECIAL '53 Pontiac in good cor y i able two bs tires, winterized, good GOOD income double house, two bath-|800 'ized, rooms, hardwood floors, heavy wiring, ned poeye $150. Take new oil furnace, central. Immediate pos-|"-- """! | Easthahdpsnadoae TE ania secsion, $500 down payment. MA siccto FORD Customline, barre] carburetor, 28--Real Estate Wanted | |sion, TPS a ---- | ment WANTED % to 2 acres of land, reason-|¢ ably. clore to rchools. Suitable for a six- room house and large garden. Reply to|! Box 629, Oshawa Times. an Heusen Motors, | ¥ ater, | trade, Tudor, four- | standard transmis- | excellent condition. Cash settle-| or take over payments, Apply 295 | ot 728-6760 after 5. im = saorecneanline 4 ET sedan, best offer. | 945. a 4 4 a Wy 7 Wy Christmas Fowl! CHRISTMAS Gilt Spotter Chuck Full of Wonderful Things 14 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Christmas Trees Gifts For Her (Gifts For The Family IF YOU WANT THE BEST. IN FRESH = KILLED TURKEYS CALL MA 3-5049 W. E. LYMER Highway 2 cat Maple Grove Order Your Christmas Fowl from LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special Rates for Ban- quets, Bowling Alleys. 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons and Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG ROSSLAND ROAD WEST DIAL 725-6837 TURKEYS FRESHLY KILLED Young, Tender, Tasty Delivered Oven-Ready Year-Round Supply. Special Prices -- Churches, Banquets Courtice Turkey Ranch 728-5392 AVOID LAST MINUTE DISAPPOINTMENT ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR 29-----Automobiles for Sale |Poat --_____---- ------------- ------ 1 autom -tone, radio, heat- | Chey, "47 One owner car, g00d scrved, Cash, trade or terms at Nicols ' able offer./Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Strect |North, Whitby. MO 8-8091. £0 $1,505 buys your choice of ord, "5 GM one ten truck, | RCN ice station, complete wi itch. Telephone 725-5402. 55 PLYMOUTH four door Th ' wagon, whitewalls, radio, heater. Good maculate condition, winterized, ready body and motcr. Owner mov.ng to Unit-|to £0. ed States. Telephone 728-5941. Motor $3 GMC % ton panei. A-1 con .tion. $250 or best cffer. Telephone 725-1053. 's1 PONTIAC. convertible, V3. matic, white walls, wheel di price $3,195. Will finance. 723-2674, Chevy Biscayne four door sedan or | Sales Ltd.. 512 Brock Street , Whitby. MO 8-£001. 956 METEOR four door hardtop, V-8, ----~{| automatic, Victoria. Excellent condition. | aute | Telephone MO 8-8088 after 7 p.m. t 55 CHFY, conch, mcchan'eally perfect | ob ncn ech ------- }and clean, best cffer accepted. Tele-| *57 Austin. Priced cor Pee a Hy phone 725-0473. } F rv! ation, Sim tee % Rees ae rane Serene MANOR Sr ris 11953 PONTIAC power glide coach, new en eae | tI Car in gsod concition. 199 '63 TUTONE Pontiac coach, very £004) mozdow Road or telephone 723-7946. | condition, winterized, new brakes andj ------ battery, good motor, body and tires.,PRIVATE, '58 Parisienne V3 Custom push-button radio. Priced right with extras, two tone, sp) f ick sale. After 6.30 or weekends, south hardtop, | ess condi-| |t!on, $1,495. Telcphone 723-0569. ent Street, Oshawa, (Park Road-| de). | 59 CHRYSLER Windsor cedan, aut matic and racio, low mileage, just new. Only $1695, Van Heusen Motor: opposite brewery on King. 1952 PONTIAC sedan, good $125. Telephone 728-3628. i TON pick-up, *52 International, Ideal truck for some one. Only $245. Looks! and runs good. Cash, trade or terms.| Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock! Street North, Whitby. MO 8-801. lice PLYMOUTH, salt maaor ix ca ima OLDS p vem 'i nee rerngl . ches le *56 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardt P. | Telephone WH 2-4855 after 5.30 p.m. power steering, power brakes and other | --------____ extras. Good condition. Cheap. 258 Burk|'56 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe with radio, Street after 6 p.m, 'uaranteed. One owner. Trade and/ SERRE finance. Telephone 723-5179. | '49 GMC 3 ton stake truck, good con-| djtion, low mileage on present motor, | $445 or best cash offer. Apply 67 Oshawa Blvd. North, 725-2609. | 6) AUSTIN Healey Sprite, sixteen thousand miles, radio, take over pay- ment>, $55.40 or sell. Telephone AT 4-4829, 30--Automobiles Wantcd LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181, '60 CHEVROLET 6, automatic trans-| mission, like new, radio, heater, turn} ls, two-tone metallic grey. alers please. 728-4658. FORD Prefect, good shape, green, |Acking $185, 74 Garrard Road or tele- thone 728-4198, | 1953 CHEV. BelAir, power glide, A-1| condition, snow tires, winterized. Tele- phone MO 8-3409. | SRY good condition, 1953 Vanguard, $230, Call at any time, 723-9901. No} BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA QWust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 NAGY MOTOR SALES Mercedes Benz Studebaker, D.K.W. N.S.U. Sales and Service 484 KING ST. W. 728-5175 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a gocd assortment of Used Cars, 725-0331 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW AUSTINS WHILE THEY LAST 1 A55 Cambridge Wagon 2 A55 Cambridge Sedans 2 Sprites 1 850 Van Full Yeor's Warfanty Service by A Class Mechanics, Spe- cialists on Imported Cars, Easy Terms. Good Trade-ins, Also 1 A92 Westminster Sedan, Demonstrater. Automatic. Reg, $2,975. Only $2,195, Gceod Asscertment Used Cars including '59 and.'60 Aus- tins. See Them -- Try Them and you will drive one home, WILLIS MOTORS Taunton Rd. E. 725-0331 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to. the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Ree 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, 723-942} $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITSY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs AUTOMA!IC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? Complete Service AT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 SIMCOE N. 728-9711 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BR/\KE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 HILLCREST SUNOCO For ALL your motoring needs 1 mile east of Oshawa, No. Ws abs Open nightly till 725-4811 (Continued on Page 20) POSS SSS a e a ee TO $245 buys your choice of '53) shev., *52 F "52 58 bigs Pontiac four door sedan or '53 Ford |} Station tudor sedan. These cars are in im-|#% Cash, trade or terms at Nicols|# RRO SSIS AGO Ha oe Rt te Sat CN a NN I a eS SS SEY patnas sone terete tare tet eC CSL tS Mt Bs TURKEY NOW There's no turkey like a freshly killed turkey for flavor " ond tenderness. You may pay % a little more, but you get the best when you buy a Townline Turkey Ranch turkey. Freshly » killed, anywhere in Oshawa, TOWNLINE TURKEY RANCH 725-4233 Christmas Trees . 302 3-2281. Free delivery. 72 dressed ond delivered NUMBER ONE Scotch pine, spruce balsam, plantation stock. Nicely Oshawa Blvd. South, A-1 PRUNED SCOTCH PINE PHONE ELGIN BUDD ORONO 8-R-3 'CHRISTMAS TREES Spruce, Balsam, Scotch Pine 0 UP Commercial size 17 foot JACK'S BAR 180 ADELAIDE EAST COLLECT AT 178 ADELAIDE EAST Entertainment PIANIST and banvo rtayer - Dance and sing along with us. Parties, weddings, etc. Telephone 655-4505. LOCAL ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE FOk PARTIES, DANCES, BANQUETS, CALL 725-7867 Christmas-New Year's PARTIES SING ALONG WITH SIM LASH i AND HIS TRIO Ba bit of Comedy. * Banquets, Weddings. ¥ Telephone today, 725-8762 ENJOY YOUR PARTY OR BANQUET AT THE CADILLAC HOTEL Select Dates Still Open. Reserve Now. 725-3743 NEW YEAR'S DANCE Old Tyme and Modern Novelties - Lunch - Prizes Saturday, Dec. 30th, :30-? $2.50 PER PERSON 728-8334 SA SS SRE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PIN: -- SPRUCE OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Location -- Simcoe St. N. Al Presion Suncco Stn, Free Delivery 728-6366 PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES FLOWERS From Our Greenhouses POTTED PLANTS GIFT CERT\FICATES VAN BELLE GARDENS BOWMAJAVILLE Free Deliveryy MA 3-5757 A-1 SCOTCH PINE HAND PRUNED ALL SIZES 2,000 TREES YOUR' CHOICE $1.94 PLUS TAX OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3222 OPEN EVENINGS NURSERY GROWN PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE end BALSAM IN LARGE, TABLE AND APARTMENT. SIZE A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST, EAST OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES ALL SIZES FREE DELIVERY WHO! ESALE & RETAIL C. E. HARDSAND 728-6656 CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned--Ferestry Grown Scotch Pines All Sizes--whclesale prices. FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST SET YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES NOW Nicely Pruned Spruce, Scotch, and Red Pine All Sizes From 50c -- $1.00 HOWARD MILLSON CO 3-2607 PRRRDMBORUEAD + Christmas Party iLittle Buckaroo Ranch » FULL COURSE » HOT TURKEY * BANQUET #$1.50 A PLATE By HALL RENTAL for party or dance extra RESERVATIONS CALL 725-2737 / Gifts for Children TOYLAND Bicycles, tricycles, pedal cars, doll carriages, sleighs, tobog- & Hockcy equipment. VICTOR'S 38 BOND W.--723-3141 Christmas Joy For Girl or Boy BICYCLES C.C.M.--RALEIGH SKATES, C,.C.M.--BAUER Layaway Deposits y Let us be Santa, Christmas Ww Eve delivery service. Seven mile radius. y WILSON'S CYCLE and SALE 106 Colborne St. East, Whitby j MO. 8-3746 ; Gifts For Her } Complete line of dresses, ! party dresses, suits, coats, ¥ carcoats, i blouses, slims. All latest q {colors and fashions for her at Christmas. Use your credit. Open a charge account. Special Offer: Nylons, seam- less, 3 pair for $1.00 with any purchase or 49c pair anytime. MORRISON'S 48 SIMCOE ST. N. Opposite the Armouries "Oshawa's newest and smartest Ladies wear Store" 725-6312 CHRISTMAS & MUSIC GO-TOGETHER RECORD PLAYERS R.C.A. Victor Portahie 4 speeds, $24.95, $29.95, $39.95. Automatic Port- able, 4 speeds, $54.95. Stereo Automatic, 4 speeds, $84.95 up. In imitation lecther, Lug- gage type Cases, assorted colors. MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. 723-3425 + Vocalist, Instrumentalists and {3 i Donces, J 7] Sponsored by i C.R.A. SQUARE DANCE & CLUB , gans, Meccano sets, Dinky toys, w sweaters, bi Permanent Waves Complete 5.95 EDWARD'S BEAUTY PARLOUR 15 CELINA ST. __723-7633 BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS Gift Certificates FROM $4.98 UP DAVIDSON'S 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 IBEX BLANKETS 70 x 90, Reg. 6.95, for $5.69 pr. WOOL BLANKETS Reg. $10.95 for $8.95 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $7.95 VELVET DRESSES Sizes 2-3x, Reg. $4.98 for $2.98 NYLON DRESS $1.75 Up CRINOLINES $1.69 Modern Draperies Discount Prices PRICED AS LOW AS M&C Dry Goods $49 50 i _74 Celina Street---723-7827 . A , Light a Christmos Tree in the USE YOUR CREDIT window of your own home this d Christmas. 'OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. NO DOWN PAYMENT, Model Display AT D U N N : S of _ Homes Twe Locations: thi Sohn te DOWN Layment BALANCE ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE Thrill Her With Lovely FRAGRANCES Attractively Gift Pockaged Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$3 *--- Dusting Powder $1.75 Yaidley's -- Red Roses, Lotus, and Bond Street Per- fumes, from $3. --Sproy Mist $2.50. POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35% Simcoe N. 725-4734 Gifts For Him FREE ! SUBURBAN GOAL COAT with the purchase of any SUIT 7 GIVE _HIM_A WARM CHRISTMAS Sweateis from $7.95 up. :Cardigurs Pullovers, Shags, ¢; Southwood Park Town of Ajax 'Bulkies All colors All sizes. t Diamond (Southwood) Homes » SAM ROTISH_ & = d MEN'S WEAR W 7 King St_E. 725-2433 PEOPLE'S IDEAL GIFTS CLOTHING STORE : GO KART ENGINES ; cue tor ar War oe 7 desire, SNOW BLOWERS 4 74 BARRIE AVE. # SPORTSCOATS 728-2791 SWEATERS ! Gifts For The Family 1 GLOVES, TIES reba SKATES "People's for Gifts" NEW and USED. A com- f 36 Simcoe N. 723-3612 plete line of C.C.M. and Ypop ini BAUER Skates, Trade-ins ac- Holidey Dining cepted, Skates sharpened by ENJOY YOUR experts. CHRISTMAS PARTY AT Ss. VICTOR'S » SANDALWOOD 38 BOND W. -- 723-3141 {3 THIS YEAR 7 7 No party too small -- 20-120, Phone for Res- €rvations, 725-9111 BRING HER TO -- t Modern Grill HOME MADE -PASTRIES A SPECIALTY HOT TURKEY AND BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ONLY $1.50 A PLATE WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH ' Christmas Flowers LOCKE'S FLORISTS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PLANTS AND FLOWERS CALL 728-6555 Give The Gift of Better Health Niagara Cyclo-Massage Home Therapy Equipment Sales, Service or Rentals 725-7927 Write'.316 Wilson S., Oshawa SCOTTY'S BARGAINS PING PONG TABLES Compiete tcp and base. $23.75 Millwork & Building SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 FOR A LOVELY GIFT Call At PARKVIEW STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. Religious Articles, Nativity Sets, Bibles, etc, Statues, Rosary, ; THE IDEAL GIFT Footwear, Slippers, Luggage, " Hosiery. Use cur convenient - Lay-A-Way Plan. } BURNS SHOES # KING AND SIMCOE WATCHES SAVE 20% TO 50% All Leading Makes, For Men, Women, Children HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS 'OSHAWA SHOPFING CENTRE i 723-7133 20 SIMCOE S. (725-8443 : d Say it with flowers this CHRISTMAS! JOHN BURTINSKY"S FLORISTS will wire them for you CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS TABLE CENTRES FANCY PLANTERS We service WHITBY, OSHAWA and District daily. MO 8-3334 124 DUNDAS WEST To make this a Christmas to remember always-- turn to the Gift Spotter now for excellent values in outstanding gifts. A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES Is @ year- round gift ond a daily reminder of good- will for your friends ond relatives who are way from home. THE CIRCULATION DEPT. KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-3474 Will be pleased to act upon your instructions. Holiday Food LITZ Oshawa Shopping Centre Compare Litz quolity and prices. LITZ DELICATESSEN 728-1111 VIANNA ° For the Finest Selection of; CCLD MEATS SMOKED FISH, HERRINGS GERMAN CAKES, PASTRIES VIANNA DELICATESSEN 543 RITSON RD. 5S. 728-3281 OPEN EVENINGS FOR TOP QUALITY APPLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Bushel and half bushels, At Lowest Prices, TRY US PALLOCK ORCHARDS Growers for 35 years One Mile North Whitby -- Highway 12 East Side Holiday Transportation -- The Sate Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi | Auto Gifts FOR THE MOTORIST Why not give a Gift Wrapped Membership in the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Only $15.00 728-8334 -- 725-7422 Christmas Ideas PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS # Coutts, Hallmark, Toothills, other exclusive lines. WICK PRINTING LTD. 1700 Simece North 728-5119 ( Christmas Flowers FLOWERS AND PLANTS FROM REED'S FLORISTS Artificial Centerpieces, Door Knockers, Holly Wreaths, Winter Wreaths R: B. REED & SONS FLORISTS -- OSHAWA DOWNTOWN 10% KING ST. W. DRIVE-IN SHOP 163 BLOOR ST. W. ENJOY CHRISTMAS MUSIC HI-Fl's Electrchome, 1962, Stereo models, famous Dielcraft Cabinets in Fruitwoed, Mahegany or Walnut, $329.06 up Convenient Terms. We Finance Our Own Sales MEAGHER'S 5 King St. West 723-3425 LIVING 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. NO. 2 HIGHWAY HOLLY PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS FULL OF RED BERRIES PLANTS 5'TO 10 INCHES Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for winter, Plant outdoors next spring. Improved var- ieties. Complete instruction for care $3.50 each -- 3 for $10.00 postpaid. Specialized Growers Association Ltd. MO 8-3501 WHITBY ONTARIC DORR Dk ' NOW! Residents of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brooklin and Whitby for DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE Call OSHAWA 723-3492 Leitetimmncitensl i

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