Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1961, p. 1

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UAW Won THOUGHT FOR TODAY Conscience is something inside you that makes you tell your wife before somebody else does. She Oshawa Cimes ursday Proposal WEATHER REPORT A few light snowflurries to- day. Clear with cloudy intervals Saturday, continuing cold. Price Not Over 0 Cents Per Copy VOL. 90O--NO. 286 OSHAWA, Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1961 TWENTY-TWO PAGES SCENE AT GM SOUTH PLANT TODAY © eoggpereer reretcsee gen pe ti sae ; be RAS ats ad GM ee SOUTH PLANT OPERA TONS BLOCKED BY PICKETS First Heavy Snowfall --Hits Western Ontario By THE CANADIAN PRESS {snow in western New York and are bare to centre-bare with, Winter laid a hand across a!northwest Pennsylvania. some snow-packed cottenged = ge sec Sanade ; m same conditions prevail in the ag 2 agg e ~-- REPORT ON HIGHWAYS Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie belt had the most dramatic evi-|, The Ontario department of| gistricts, 'na,jhighways reports that in . ae fies tit -- jd i poll che wake ot the Oltacio snow, histe| Snow was reported still falling the season. At Listowel in the Stratford district| fl ies "make aunty coer et the fall was heaviest, occasional|#te bare to wet to snow-packed,| 1a. 'in the Orillia and Cold-| flurries were still adding to the "ag Hien id rages Visibil water area, Highways are 12 inches on the ground. this oor dust drftng stow mosty bare and dry exceDt g ys ghway 2 2g re ge eee ' Port Hope area are snow-cov- 1g ee deggie om . far east] ved with more snow falling and Geraldton. This is snow- In Northern Ontario highways|P@cked and slippery. are bare to wet in the North) In Kenora-Rainy River area Bay area. New Liskeard-Coch-|highways are snow-covered to district reports highwaysisnow-packed. Territories, much of Alberta, CLC Official Hits | Saskatchewan and Manitoba were at the other end of the e scale as temperatures dipped to I Att t d as much as 21 below zero. Typi-| AFL-C ] u e cal temperatures were 21 below} at Whitehorse, four below at) BAI, HARBOUR, Fla (AP)--|dependent nation and Cana- Edmonton, 15 below at Saska-}A senior official of the Cana-)dians are very determined not} toon, 18 below at Prince Albert,|dian Labor Congress has filed ajto be regarded as if they were eight above at Calgary, 10 be-|warning with the AFL-ClO!citizens of a 5ist state." low at Winnipeg, and zero. at against taking the 750,000 mem- Dodge said that 70 per cent of Regina. bers of American unions living|the CLC's 1,150,000 members be- Quebec and the Maritimesjin Canada too much for!jong to. branches of U.S. un- were slightly warmer but skies} granted. ions. But he said they have were cloudy and snowflurries| William Dodge, executive separate problems, consid- frequent in some spots. Weather| vice-president of the Canadian/erable pride in.their own coun- officials predicted that the Labor Congress, speaking tojtry and resent being regarded weather would get colder later|the 3,000 delegates and guests|as orphans. today at the AFL-CIO convention here 'Don't expect Canadians to Just outside Ontario, in the Thursday, warned "Don't treat pefiect American viewpoints in Buffalo area, snow squa.l;/Canadians ag if they were Tex- international affairs, the prob: whipped by cold westerly winds ans or New "Yorkers." lems of international trade do- dumped more than foot of "Canada," he said, "'is an in-| mectic economic policy, and BAS: Sig es SG ee 3 political action," he said. strong sense of independence in these matters, an independence jwhich applies equally to British jand any other outside influ- On de Gaulle ®:: Describing the recent forma- WASHINGTON (CP) -- The can be no complete negotiation. tion of the labor-sponsored New shape of Western unity and All three Western powers--Brit- Democratic Party of Canada, strategy on Berlin now depends ain, United States and France Dodge said: on the decision of a single man. --hold occupational rights in "We have been fighting with A fateful meeting in - Paris Berlin. one arm tied behind our backs. Saturday between West German' High American authorities) Now we have both arms free. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer have made clear they view the We intend to use them, the eco- and French President Charles|Adenauer - de Gaulle meeting nomic arm as we always have de Gaulle will decide whether with intense concern. If Ade-|done, and the political arm in The far west and the were apparently the only places hanging on to the last vestiges of warmer weather. In Vancou- ver morning temperatures were ~~ about 36 above. The same read- '@%¢ ing was reported from southern Newfoundland The Yukon, the Northwest THEY'RE INDEPENDENT "Canadians are developing a the Western powers will be nauer fails to convince de the way dictated by the politi- umited or divided on the ques- Gaulle, Britain and the Unitedjcal system by which Canada is tion of negotiating with Russia|States will have to shop around| governed." on the future of Berlin for a new approach. They have' ---- emer De Gaulle is reported strongly,made it clear this won't be . opposed to negotiations at this)easy Committee Meets time, arguing that Russia fo-|. That is why the meeting be- mented the Berlin crisis andjtween President Kennedy and On Auto Insurance that the West should stand|/Prime Minister Macmillan, to : y firm. Britain and the United|take place in Bermuda Dec. 21--, TORONTO (CP)--The legisla- States want to negotiate and/22, may become a high strat- ture's select committee on auto- they have persuaded West Ger-/egy meeting. West German cir- mobile wae Vi met Thursday} many to support their move cles have already indicated théy|{9 review a draft of a report But without de Gaulle there are not sure Adenauer can|to be made to the House chance de Gaulle's mind Indications after the closed As an alternative, Britain and)meeting were that only a few CITY EMERGENCY the US. might have to negoti-: minor changes in wording were ate without France but Amer-|made in the draft, which-recom-} PHONE NUMBERS icans find this distasteful. It}mended a number of interim} would indicate to Russia aimeasures. These included gov- POLICE 725-1133 weakened and uncertain West- ernment control of insurance ern position. And no. major so-|rates and revision of the system FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 lution could be accepted by the\of settling claims. from wh = West without assurance HOSPITAL 723-2211 'France would approve it. ts 'cles. GM SOUTH PLANT WALKOUT STAGED Tshombe Accuses US. | Of Murdering Katanga fe the General Motors of Can-| A high-ranking UAW official ELISABETHVILLE (Reuters)|tangan to "choose his Gurkha,|lift would continue today with|@4a Ltd. south plant here pre Eo ag Bdge tee Pins President Moise Tshombe, who|his Swede, his Irishman, his|protection from fighter planes.|W@lked off their jobs at 11 a.m epee lhe 'Cia ae ie daa slipped back into his embattled| Norwegian--we know there are| One of the Globemasters was|today and have set up picket dational President Wallet' Ron. capital Thursday night, today|enough of them for all." jhit in the fuel tank Thursday|lines around the plant property, ther cenducted" uniod fauue accused the United States of| 'Poison your arrows," the ra-|by bullets fired from Tshombe's|completely sealing off all south eau i rs US settied 5 od "murdering Katanga as Russia/dio said. "The battle will not)palace but, like another dam-|plant operations. 1 e U.S. § ment) an Action Not Sanctioned By Local 222 Executive By RAE HOPKINS ed to the strike scene shortly An estimated 8,000 workers|after the walkout. lattacked American aid to the|killed by our bullets or poi-| murdered Hungary" in 1956. [end until the last (UN soldier)/aged Wednesday night, it landed) 'The walk-off action was taken|{yrector of the UAM's General The Katanga leader bitterly|left Katanga or has _ been|safely, jtoday despite a Sunday mid- in Toronto ai itt writer Hanes The big transport planes have| night strike deadline. It was not B | United Nations forces here, ac-|soned arrows " jalready flown in 350 Irish and|sanctioned by the executive of tiations on behalf of the union. | | --Times Photos by Joe Serge | Narcotic Agent | Tells Court Of Toronto Arrest NEW YORK (CP) -- A Ca- nadian narcotics agent told a U.S. federal court Thursday of the arrest of two Toronto men who allegedly were members of a multi - million - dollar inter- national narcotics smuggling! ring. | RCMP Constable Albert G. Anderson of Toronto described how he and three other agents} arrived at the Toronto apart-| ment of Vito Agueci, 41, one of} 11 men on trial on' narcotics charges, and searched the four- room dwelling. | Agueci was asleep on a cot} when the raid took place at! 10:15 a.m. last May 24, Ander-; son testified. He said a scazch! was made of the premises and| Agueci's passport was seized. Later that day RCMP officers| picked up another Toronto| man, Rocco Scopellitti, 26. Both Scopellitti and Agueci are wa alian citizens whose homes were in Toronto at the ttime of their arrest. The two Toronto men and nine other persons are on trial} on charges of conspiring to smuggle $150,000,000 worth of! narcotics into the U.S. from It- aly end Canada. Conviction could result in sentences from five to 40 years. Union Hasds Fives JFK Trade Policy BAL HARBOUR, Fla. (AP)--| Labor union leaders generally| took kindly today to President} Kennedy's appeal for more lib- 'eral foreign irade policies, | Kennedy delivered a_ plea Thursday to the AFL-CIO's con-| vention, as ne had done the day} before to the National Associa-| tion of Manufacturers in New) York, for support in Congress| next year for broader tariff cut-| ting powers i | cusing U.S "mercenaries" of} The UN siand was just ea bu Swedish troops to reinforce|the 13,000-member Local bombing churches, schools, hos-| firm, A UN spokesman said the|tough Gurkha troops who have| vice-president pitals and residential areas. (UN would stop fighting only |led the street-by-street battle! caiq today. He said women and children|when the Katanga troops laid|with the Katanga forces. | were killed in the bombing|down their arms. | (No officia! death toll in the| SPONTANEOUS REACTION Thursday night. At one place,; "The military are now in| fighting was available but the) A union spokesman at the he said, seven persons died. |charge,"" the spokesman said. Belgian news agency Ibel re-|south plant said the walk-off 999 The UAW International Jack M het spokesman said today's walk- ac eagher/out was not sanctioned by the LOCAL ISSUES NOW RESOLVED All local issues involving General Motors hourly-rated people at Oshawa were re- solved at 11.30 this morn- ing, a General Motors spokesman said. Remaining to be negotiated is the mas- ter agreement. rs, Hecate Minister' Sie edear|is "totally inadequate to meet|,--An improved pension plan, Qihitehead saldthe eovectaien the needs of the GM workers--|including increased retirement playing Moscow's game by|ment made proposals to us, we|UN troops had been killed and|towards the "measly offer" sub- |could do would be to pass them|and fewer than 100 wounded.) | 'The spokesmar termed the flesh and blood" of the Indian\mined to "fight back" as long T Di workers in the trim and hard- cused the UN of making air} His disciplined troops were The mass walkout started atjynion negotiators are still hope- back in\the resumption today of a@ldesia (Reuters) -- Police today he had not heard.of any inten-|union's pension demands. in Northern Rhodesa. He was) Thursday because of machine-|strations Thursday night in|Would be up to the picket cap-|for strike votes in all Canadian Two gas bombs were thrown HOSPITAL SHELLED P ] T r ed the firing was done by | White troops patrolled the -out- McKeown, UN Congo com-|Nations with bombs for British-|are, where the violence flared day battle lagainst pirate aircraft on the|thrown by demonstrators Thurs-|mobile Workers, CLC, leaders|agreement. is | until the last UN soldier had|John Russell said the decision|two days in demonstrations to|the union and company, to be added to wage rates, British colony. |based on the United States set-| --An improved Supplemental Indian Fronti i ls benefits. would use "every resource" to|and it falls far short of what se 9 { see illegal menue were not used|Will avoid a strike." Extended duration of hos "sending aircraft and diplomats) are not empowered to discuss|more than 100 wounded. Katan-| mitted to the United Automobile grt anteater ae Hinks gl walk-off "spontaneous reaction UN troops. as "the UN continues to attack ware department. Corvair plant strikes at manganese mines,|putting up fierce resistance to| N W ll _ am. By 11.05 all plantiful the:men will get back to trying to destroy Katanga's in-|UN attacks but the odds ap- egro omen a aa r " ~ "4 Elisabethville in a silent convoy! United States airlift. used tear gas to disperse a tion to, picket the office build-} However, he said, long before whisked without incident to his| gun fire over Elisabethville but| which a Negro was shot dead/t#ins and picket marshals. GM plants unrest was reported *s.° S jat the women when they gah- A hospital was hit by mortar Britain Supplying jered near the heavily-guarded troops. LONDON Reuters)--Britain|skirts of two nearby Negro Do B UAW mander, was reported flying|built planes operating in The/Thursday night. y Tshombe supporters were un-|ground or against air strips, it day. |Thursday afternoon balked at a} --Continuation of cost-of-living been killed or forced out of Ka-|was still subject to confirma-jprotect against a constitution! George Burt, UAW Canadian} --A new income guarantee to The constitution gives Ne-itiement -- with considerable|Unemployment Benefit Plaa, Border Fighting to wreck the new constitution! Major provisions of the GM|>ital, surgical and medical ex- The U.S., Tshombe said, was|'Even if the Katanga govern-|ported Thursday that about 80/expressed the workers' feeling | to The Congo -- everything ex-'them, and the only thing we) ga's: losses were set at 62 dead|Workers in Toronto, Thursday. cept soldiers." man is too much of a a Tshombe, who peg red re liu the wolmena"" and too decadent" to do the|from Paris by way of Ndola an T G U d " w s". fighting when he can use "'the|Brazzaville, said he was deter- ear as $e Among the first to go were The Katanga leader also ac-| ys." workers followed in short order.|pargaining committee. He said workers were off their jobs. .jwork and that action will oes P sa peared to be against them with SALISBURY, Southern Rho- Vice-president Meagher said|taken by the company on after driving 170 miles from the; 'The U.S. grounded its 14\<malt crowd of Negro women|i8s. However, he said, if these|the UAW's General Motors In- copper mining town of NdolajGiobemaster transport planeSlin the wake of political demon-|Duildings were picketed, it/tra-Corporation Council called heavily-guarded residence S|jater informed the UN the air-| : Oshawa Police Departmentjamong the Oshawa plant work- mortars thudded in the distance.' jand 10 were wounded by police. sinforcements were despatch-\ers, shells, but no one was badly jprime.minister's office and ig- hurt. 'Hospital officials claimed) Bombs To UN Force) »°re4 police orders to disperse. Meanwhile, Maj.-Gen. Seanjhas agreed to supply the United|townships, Highfields and Har- h f Leopoldville to get a|Congo provided they only are} Five police, three of them! With a strike deadline set for|cent, whichever is higher, for first-hand acon of the four-\used in preventive action| white, were hit by flying stones\Sunday midnight, United Auto-jeach o° the three years of the : : lwas announced today. More than 700 Negroes have|General Motors proposal for ajallowance. Eight cents of the Titan cat caer' ant fete Foreign office spokesman|been arrested during the last| three-year agreement between|current cost-of-living allowance tanga. ition, which he expected later|that took effect Wednesday in/regional director, said Thurs-|supplement pay im short work The radio called on every Ka- today. this internally self - governing|qay afternoon "the GM offer is|weeks. |groes, who far outnumber|cpici ide? ; ; ; groes, |chisling on the side. including increased separation | whites in the colony, 15 of ae Mr. Burt. said the _proposal|allowance. - A : | F > ipense coverage for employees NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Scat-|Damao and Dio, two other|before it had a fair trial. |Proposal included an annual im-\o, javoft or leave of pec tered border fighting teday was|Portuguese territories. ' | Strong measures will be ne-|provement factor wage increase CONTINUED--PAGE 3 Millionaire Faces Stabbing VANCOUVER (CP)--A Van- couver millionaire has been charged with the attempted mur-} der of a doctor. | In hospital under police} guard charged with attczepted capital murder is Patrick Blake Ballentine, 34, former Toronto advertising business executive who inherited some $3,000,000 when his lumberman father} died in 1954 Police laid the charge after going to Ballentine's home in answer to a telephone call Wed- nesday, and found Dr. Howard Weaver on the lawn with stab wounds in his thigh. Dr. Weaver, a staff physician at Vancouver General Hospital, underwent surgery and i» re- acci-|ported in satisfactory condition.|/seized a pair of that|dents involving uninsured vehi-|He had suffered a severed thigh|knife - lartery. | ee ee ee ee reported around the frontier of| So far there have been no re-|cessary, said Whitehead. _jof six cents per hour of 244 per Goa as India and Portugal ap-|ports of direct clashes between| One of the Negroes' objections; peared to be heading toward a|Portuguese and Indian forces|! the constitution is that it] showdown over the tiny Portu-/massed along the Goan border,|transfers too much power into The Press Trust of India news will feel free to act if there are|the. British government. agency said Portuguese troops|"'provocations" by Portugal or opened fire from Goa without|internal repressions in the en-| provocation Thursday night on/claves. renc ake i villages. rwo Indian villages reported MAY TAKE. ACTION M * fighting between Portu guese Perlis oon ~ Ea oves 0 troops and Goan guerrillas in-|Patliament Thursday the In- side the 1,300-square mile terri-/dian Navy may take action to tory on India's west coast. clear the waters and see they ese statement Thursday night Ships near Goa. _ _| PARIS (Reuters)--The gov- sbcusing Indian fighter "planes Defence Minister V. K.jernment today published a de- of strafing a Goan village and Krishna Menon also told the\cree giving it sweeping powers violating the air space of legislators Thursday that the|to stamp out the already-out- placed on the alert for possible|tion, violent opponent of Alger-| my developments in Goa which has/ian independence. Pe, been held by Portugal since the| The decree, published in the) { 16th century. official Gazette, provided fines ered a virtual ultimatum to|months for persons taking part) ; | Portugal to abandon the west!in 'maintenance of constitu-| § arge coast colonies. tion" of the Secret Army. | 2 The terrorist organiza-|% ' ri 7 Ne roes Char dd | the decree gave the government Mggrba ste py cnt or dg g g jof President Charles de Gaulle) « ; eps et a freer hand in dealing with it. sity. He served his internship| IN Store Boycott The decees' Wak senevtnd 14 at Vancouver General Hospital! | ployed. He has two brothers and|Seven Negroes were arrested |"! peanion | Wenceseey algug kha ; ic ea. | With an order to speed up the two sisters in Trenton. Thursday on charges of "with-|hunt in France and Algeria for : Ballentine was taken to hos-|holding trade" from downtown! cocret Army members, sym- ai oe as psychiatric observation after' The arrests followed a boy-?porters. officers said they found him un-|cott for the Advancement of} Secret army agents Thurs- CAR CLEARS FENCE conscious in an upstairs room|Colored People called: discrim-| day hoisted its flag twice over ioe : : of his home. inatory practices. city hall here in shows of de-| This light model English car | Terry Reid, 18, of 113 Gren- be under heavy sedation. They|Henry, Mississippi president of|standard down both times. ways last night on Highway °. . : said they found a trail of blood |the NAACP. were arrested by| The Secret Army, led by fugi-| 401 a half mile west of Osh- | ?¥ iia ade HOSS | Yan , r | hal y (ley i; fractured ribs and head cuts. leading from a downstairs bed-|city police on an affidavit by|tive former Gen. Raul Salan,| awa. The car, travelling east ieee cuts, room to the telephone and out!the Coahoma County attorney|has launched a terrorist cam-| on 401 went out of control, | Investigating Constable Clif- ford Pegg of the Whitby OPP Weaver was found. The police|sippi state code that prohibits|}businessmen Last week film south service road, vaulted a scissors, aj| 'conspiracy to prevent|star Brigitte Bardot said she] five foot steel fence and | on the fence to show that. the sharpener and a nine-\ohters from exercising lawfuljwould defy. a demand for) crashed upside down on the | car had cleared the structure, inch-long letter opener. \trade or calling." fioney from the group. service road. {fhe driver, Oshawa Times 7°hote guese enclave. but India has served notice it| the hands of white settlers from The seency Hsp Prime Minister Nehru Wipe Out OAS The reports followed a Portu-/@re Cleared" of Portuguese) Indian Air Force has been|lawed Secret Army Organiza- Nehru's speech was consid-| and jail terms of from six to 24 Hathen of. toi, Dr, "Weaver tion was previously banned, but where: he is at present em-| CLARKSDALE, Miss. (AP)--|"2Ve been approved at a cab pital for what police described| merchants. |pathizers and financial sup-| "= Police said he appeared to! The seven, including Aaronjfiance. Firemen hauled the) made a fast change of high-| fel) st., Oshawa is in the Osh- on to the lawn where Dr.\under a section of the Missis-|paign to extort money from| shot 150 feet towards the ' said there were a few marks v * ee ape ee eo Pend ete ee ee ee ae eee

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