HITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 WHITBY PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS A DR. KENNETH HOBBS RICHARD P. MATTHEWS THREATENED MOTHERS Jailed A 16-year-old Pickering Town- ship youth, whose mother said keep the peace with his mother and ordered to stay away from home for one year. Murphy, of Liverpool, haircut was dubbed a "Jackie Kennedy" appeared before Mag- istrate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby police court. PC Robert Speakman, of the home. At that time, he said, there was a warrant issued for his arrest on a_ threatening charge but the warrant was at the police station. On this occasion, he said, he told Murphy where the warrant was and placed his hand on his shoulder to place him under ar- rest. The accused, he said, push- ed him out of the way and swore at him. "He told me that if I arrested Assaulted Officer, Three had threatened her with a knife, © was Tuesday jailed for three © months for assaulting a police 7 officer and placed on a bond to % Richard # whose | Pickering Township Police De- partment, said that on Dec. 3; he had attended at the Murphy | a JACKIE KENN jaccused came back to Months with Thett EDY STYLE? | said that he found the accused's| jed and at the Liverpool road the the said that THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 6, 1961 England's Coast Whipped By Gales LONDON (Reuters) -- Fierce gales whipped along England's coast Tuesday with winds of up to 80 miles an hour roar- ing inland to batter London and other cities. In the north blizzards gripped large sections of the country. At Lands End, most south- 5 | Charge Young Book-Keeper On the way to the station, he| SIMCOE (CP)--Patricia Mc- said, Murphy kicked PC Cooper|Lellan, 28-year-old book-keeper, with both feet. PC Speakmanjappeared in county court Tues- ' said he had suffered a sprainediday charged with theft of more . thumb in the 45-minute struggle|than $12,000 from the Walsh) westerly tip of England, the to arrest the accused. \Furniture Store here, where she'8,000-ton British freighter Arm- Murphy said that he had done|has been employed for 10 years.|anistan was in trouble after los- nothing up to the point when he| Donald F. McKee, an auditor,|ing her radio mast. was struck by police. He said|told the court he approached| Narrowly avoiding. grounding, that the police knew they were|Miss McLellan several times|she hit a buoy before swinging coming to arrest him and could|between the fall of 1960 and | out to safety. have brought the warrant with|March, 1961, and was told the} them. books were not ready for audit. Murphy's mother said that on} | He said a later examination| bl Be Magi emt ieaged yi ragri the store's deposit book re- he! * : gy saivealed that no cash deposits would stab her with it. She said) were made from July 8 to Sept. that in the past he has struck} her and his brother. She ae from Nov. 8 to Dec. 9 that she did not want him|/@st year. 5 around home because she was| Co-owner Floyd Walsh testi- afraid he would carry out his|fied Miss McLellan was respon- Individual teats, i ak hae PE gti recording sales slips in| STAFFORD BROS. ger and making bank de-) cannot control himself at all," |posits. | LTD. MONUMENTS she said. | Mr. Walsh and store clerk Ro-| Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck|bert Rogers testified they and/ 318 DUNDAS EAST three others occasionally bor- | MO 8-3552 Family Monuments a tL) Requirements Created fo |direct answers to questions in the witness box refreshing. He His Worship could) rowed money from the till. The trial continues. him and he did time he would|cruiser and started swearing|draw his own conclusions about! kill me with a knife or shoot) me with a gun," said PC Speak- man. | There was a struggle then in the living room-and the hall, he again. Since there were children|the mood of the accused by his present at this time, he said, he|appearance, including the warned the accused, and when|"Jackie Kennedy" type of hair- he continued to use foul lan-|cut, which, he added, is a badge guage, arrested him. of dishonor-in some courts. JORDAN BROS. 114 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY said, and finally the two went outside where PC Speakman -|radioed for an officer to bring '|the warrant to the scene. While they were waiting, he said, the accused banged the hood of the cruiser with his hand and put SECOND STRUGGLE There was another he said, and two men nearby did not come to assistance although he called them. struggle, had perpetuated that assault. He! standing said it was a flagrant case of his! assault. He said that the accused had not only assaulted the officer but (WILSON'S FOOD MARKET) to| The jail term followed. Ac-| FRESH PORK cused was told he would also R THOMAS EDWARDS MRS. G. HOAG JOHN A. MITCHELL », 69¢ w, 49¢ town's history, Whitby will | fice in January, 1962. The | years in the person of Mrs, Current Range of Products include: SEPTIC TANKS CURBING DURA STEPS WALK SLABS RAILINGS WELL TILE PATIO SLABS CHIMNEY CAPS Changes Plea, Wins Dismissal - age age woman, who had/Worship ordered the guilty plea entered a guilty plea to a'. k charge of theft from the owner aenge' ipa hog Ercan She» of a Whitby beauty shop, on P seg of not guilty entered. Tuesday won an acquittal after| Crown Attorney Bruce the magistrate had stricken her Affleck argued that if there plea from the record. Acquitted|had been an intention to return was Ruth Kathleen Dingman,|the dishes, they would have Specialists in Custom Precasting OLIVER % CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, Mead PORTSMAN' CORNER BYRON ST. SOUTH, WHITBY headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal | action. Then you feel better--sleep Mrs. Mary Smart, owner of jpicked up by PC Ernest Shep-| better--work better. Get Dodd's the shop, said that the accused Christmas carols were sung) perdson in the Whitby Arena on| Kidney Pills now. 58 | came to work for her on Oct. and Mrs. Hewis read a Christ-| Dec. 1, | | Later, he said, the accusedjthis point, he said, with the|for one year and during that started walking away on Com-| threatening warrant and the ac- time, he must not visit his CANADA PACKER'S RINDLESS Cc LB. Stamp Arrangement JST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. :Becky Snelgrove 652, G. Childs : | Standing for Dec: %: 779, Barb Sherman 664 OTTAWA (CP)--Under a new| For the first time in the | School Board, which takes of- | member for the next two | member in a number of years. t 4 : oA 7 will try to telephone you if you} | | Ducks 2, 36; Robins 5, 35; z 3 aay Pe -- didn't put enough stamps on| PRIME RIB ROAST have an eight-member Public | board will also have a lady | Gwynneth Hoag, the first lady | School Board. | a - ew hole oe . a eeebes eh, Lesage, Ot i can't ve veacnea, win MAPLE LEAF WIENERS Carter 599 and A. Sandrelli|hard 228, 221; J. Pretty 228, Dz} you can't be reached, it will! S ] C D I \ ¢ Bye 217, 217; Becky Snelgrove|advance the necessary postage tole Car Door, jar 1 sa PERSONALS Pl an B anquet | Singles over 200 -- Ladies: |):°° }"purvis 210, Ted Mejzner| Under Universal Postal Union| WITH THESE FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS qu 230; S. Smyth 230, L. Lane 226, : 4 . Kim MacCarl, who is nine iy Lemon League: M. O'Neil 67,/items must be prepaid by at Als celebrated her For Fath or al ers ; 12-0z. |F. Canzi 253, G. Jeffery 244, c Sigel bs 237, M. Kolsteren| Team Standing -- Catch Us 5,| If they carry less, they are vig 49 stealing a car door, was Tues-|for jt, her brother Kent, Gail Huntley, Zombies 4, Canucks 4, Red Caps|automatically sent by surface} days in jail. Philip Robert |Deeth attended "'Professor's|monthly meeting on Monday|Goverde 205, |Whatnots 2, Luloos 0. jmuch later than expected. | an Mor. 18 aly Free Parking At Rear Of Store trate Robert Dnieper in Whitby|agreed to allow him to take the in Agincourt. a prayer and the oat dress on the envelopes in h ' | mother's) S.} ' canes police court. door and pay for it the follow-|cookies and soft drinks were) promise led by the newly elect-gmpiie my "oC Jettrey| B Ch 'a jwhere they wish to get in touch At Baptist Church | Township, said that on Nov. 18,/by Crown Attorney Bruce) Visit. i ' ' Pp. ¥ y ladies for their vote of confi-|612. On Friday evening the ladies | which had been removed from|even know the accused's name va Gene i 3 one of the cars in the yard. At/or car licence number. Oshawa General Hospital under|the past. |sage 268, S. Smyth 267 and L.!paptist Day of Prayer. Mrs. busy with another customer. offence a rather mean contem ; les . Dp ug »|Tead and approved. Plans for. and J. Oosterholt 255 7 7 1 Later, when he was ready to/tible thing, said that he was par-| A surprise "Stork Shower"|;,, Scilte: and Cie Chi ore , . | Mrs. W. G. Hewis was. in : : : Cubs C | % { ubs Christmas WEDNESDAY NIGHT lcharge of the devotional. The SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY that the door was missing. He|brazenly concocting a story. with Mrs. D. O'Hagan as C0-\held Dec, 11 with | | Hi i y : h 5 aaa : i . both packs) High triples' over 700 a 4 k a valued the door at $5. His Worship fotind Gibson hostess in honor' of Mrs. P. attending. The Scouts' Christ-| Childs 775 (306); E. Brush 760 sea! rg ag Bag BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT offender' tijied with gifts were plac Ane : : ] i gift: e placed Serine seek fade one ment, said that he found a carjwould get suspended sentence. near the seat of honor. Mrs.|_"¢ Evangelist parish hall. age all pay At 250: Noak|charge of Mrs. R. Adams. The who attended the shower were:|CUbs and Scouts, Dec. 7 at St,|L. Tutton 269, H. Huntly 268, R. . y |Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. A.|JOhn's meeting room. Sandford 265, J. Mifflin 265, FREED ON BAIL ¢ : - ring t der a 15- ler, Mrs. L, Steffler, Mrs. M.|be held in February, final date Reed 254, Plaskett 250. fs boxing Prom pies. MO Bor | Chizen, Mrs. F. Samansky, Mrs.|to be announced in the press, It High averages -- Des Denyerjyear prison term BOE COMEDIES f | Palermo and four others, present were: Mrs. V. Mallon'their help for this February , . ages | peal. Paler and. land Mrs. F. G. Mcllwain banquet TY| WHITBY FRIDAY NITERS including Frankie Carbo, former High Single, eS pos Barb Sherman|acy to muscle in on the earnings and Mrs. L. Steffler. Also at the Te Scarves for the boys. The|g44 G_ Childs 779. of former welterweight cham- party a gift was presented to Phoning committee will be} " ¢, as ; : do their part when called on. | Cubs' mothers' auxiliary. * | | The meeting closed with| | popdd & SOUTER 22, of 1128 Cloverdale Ave, She|been returned before Nov. 24, Mrs. Roberts thanked the prayer. | BACKACHE appeared before Magistrate| When they were taken by police.| ladies for their mark of appre-;------------------_-__-- | | PAINT and } She had been charged with the parties and this might A tasty lunch was served by K ; : k 2 : na Seas pik arowski, 18, and David Man-| 4; ' ; the theft of two plastic dishes|make it unlikely that the ac- the hostesses and a pleasant) -Onarowski, 18, ani a kidney action, When kidneys get out of Pe ning, 17, were fined $50 and] order, excess acids and wastes remain | MO 8 5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer W t J ' H j ; ; 4 | enenee foe Re Allah _He then dismissed the charge. gas street east, opened her|ing liquor while a minor, Both| . home on Monday evening to the appeared before Magistrate! Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging merce street, He said he follow-' cused was placed in the cruiser.! home. BONE IN STEW BEEF wn, 20° | Orioles 7, 45; Sparrows 1, 40;| 200 Singles H. Shephard arrangement announced Tues-| Shown above are the mem- ade " a Blue Jays 2, 32; Hawks 5, 30. Toms 205, 241, R. Silk 211, G,Your overseas Christmas air) (500, Men: M, Kelsteron $39, J 296. 261; Bob Sherman 233, 241,|to send the item on its way by a Freezer Specials ! M. Forbes 262, T. Lesage 232,/¢5- ' : +9 | Fi 100 H 225. regulations, overseas air mail) GREEN PEAS Reg. 25¢ 12-0. c i f es ; S i my A | ine ere : M. Carter 226, 214; A. Sandrelli S. Gordon 80, D. Switzer 89, 88; |least 75 per cent of the required years old today, celebrated her Fifth Whitby Cubs and Scouts i ; s S\994, 223; J. Oosterholt 223, L. day fined $100 and costs or 30/ Gibson told the court that he Nancy Atkinson and i jhad spoken to Allison at the rote Bs ; 4 ; James Gibson, of 9 Cedar dt halal d- TRE stotiins gvening at St. Bernard's school,| High triples with handicap--| Evidently, post office officials ENTRANCE TO STORE FROM PARKING LOT | Frank Allison, "operator of a/ing week. seevend Ge ne snow and'eactt/eq president, Mrs. L. Bedard. jgs27 Rev. Austin 650; B. with the sender. th sed 1 k, i i versa- ioe sae i : | e accused appeared at the|Affleck, denied this conversa-| yyy Peter Willison, 1108 dence in electing her and ask- High singles with handicaps--|o¢ whithy Baptist Church met jobservation. Her friends wish) The president welcomed two|Lane 256. Men: G. Jeffrey 284,/non Mitchell presided and open- serve the accused, he said, ticular! .|was held at the home of Mrs.| tae ccuse e said, he ticularly concerned by the ac. parties were discussed. The MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE \theme was: '"'Think on These ; : : Burtinsky. The room was deco- PC John Found, of the Pick-jguilty and told him that x mas party will be on Dec. 20,| (262, 254); Birch 753 (263); J. ~ aie : : huh a Sot eal : Miss Maude Cameron. ~ agp WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. parked at 9 Cedar street on/But, he said, the wreckers of p opened all One ne t 903. F. Waddell 286,.J. Van der meeting closed with the singing ; ca ithe whink: "ron ers 2 serving ai ve, F. picid Waa son told his parents, afterjproperty in this manner rHeDe Bis Sw UGh DEVEn 2 oan opti |MacDonald, Mrs. W. Wineck,! Plans were outlined for Mustard 251, Des Denyer 264,) LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Frank Goodall, Mrs. A. Roberts.|is hoped that all mothers of 240, Les Reed 233, C. Moore|acy, was released Monday from | 5 ' | Barb Sherman' underworld boxing figure, were Games were played, and the ' Mrs. A. Roberts and Mrs. T. 273. G. Childs 291. , cata A 600 Triples -- Bob. Sherman|pion Don Jordan. | Mrs, A. Roberts, past presi- busy contacting the Scouts 'and, E a R. B. Dnieper in Whitby police) His Worship said that he de-|Ciation, also Mrs. Burtinsky) FINED $50 AND COSTS May be Warning WALLPAPER STORE from Hi Fashion Hair Stylists,,cused would hi evening was enjoyed by all. : ned 4 | cao depos wind ek once costs or 30 days in jail when| in the system, Then backache, di YOUR Russell Murphy, she entered a Whitby Baptist Explorers for Robert Dnieper in Whitby police| Full Wall Murals SENT TO CLINIC o Jesse Marsden, 25, of Scugog Island Indian Reserve, was Tuesday jailed for 30 days by Magistrate R. B. Dnieper when! a dent in it. PC Cyril Cooper arrived at be bound over to keep the peace SIDE RIBS LB. 47° . . BOWLING NEWS New Foreign Mail WHITBY ae i | RED BRAND SHORT CUT Falcons 6, 39; Eagles 0, 38;|209, Barb Sherman 236, 273; day, the post office department | | bers of the 1962-62 Public ; an Yardies' ! 4 Triples over. 59 aCe Childs 250, 291, 238; N. Shep-|™ail. | WHITBY Scout Mothers Bedard 606 and B. Goverde 550./50 "Page 214, 231; L. Byc|air transport, then bill you. | STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER | Pkgs. 226 and E. Bedard 205. Men: 7 te i T. Peroni 97, 73. | postage. | GREEN BEANS Reg, 29¢ An Ajax youth, convicted ofjthe door but was going to pay birthday last Saturday. Kim, | . Aylmer Reg. 22¢ 9-ox. Lynn Mothers' Auxiliary held its|Bedard 209, 200; and B.4, Try Hards 3, Yankees 2,/transportation and often, arrive! French Fries 2 Pkgs. 39¢ oe street, appeared before Magis-|yard on Nov. 18 and Allison had| Party i Naitly ca lan to make use of return ad- | Risthiay- Geke; he meeting was opened with|Ladies: T. Lesage 714, M.| Day Of Prayer P r - Abe . one received souvenirs of their wrecking yard in Pickering| Allison, recalled to the stand, Mrs. Bedard thanked the|Goverde 643 and C. Hendriks f yard to look at a car doorjtion and said that he did not/contre. street south, is in the,ed for full co-operation as injLadies: M. Forbes 275, T. Le- in the school hall to observe the Pe) t t ae a the cars she acd | | recasi Toncrerze S was; Mr. Affleck, terming the her a complete recovery. new members. Reports were Tl'. Canzi 273, Rev. Coates 261 ed the meeting with prayer. ; sey va ws L. Bedard, Mary. street east,)7- , Ks saw him drive away and noted cused taking; the box and gs ast,/Cubs' Christmas party will be lThings," followed by a_ solo ering Township Police Depart-jordinarily a first rated for the occasion. Baskets both to take place at S Ty 7 243, 241); Don s part-| arily ' ke place at St. John|McIvor 721 (243, ; The prayer session was in Jurtinsky icely, _ The Fifth Whitby Scout: Nov. 19 and at that time Gib-|the district are losing too much acne -- , eee of a hymn The! be > > ies|lunch to the leaders of ,|Maal 283, Greer 271, King 253,)0 " * questioning, that he had takenifine followed. So ee oe eee wie ee ak ; Mrs. J. Howard, Mrs. W. Steff-|"Father and Son" banauet to Mothersill 262, Caughlin 258, D.| (Blinky) Palermo, Philadelphia yited guests unable to be Scouts and Cubs will volunteer! 22% Birch 233, L. Tutton 228. | dell on. S108 Bee Halt peneine oy: Janderw . . convicted last May of conspir- winners were Mrs, J. Howard! \22Gerwust are busy inaking High Triple, Nii : 2 634, D. Bye 603,|-------- | dent of the fifth Scouts' Cubs mothers and hope all will 700, R. Bragg ia | | court. tected an animosity between expressed her sincere thanks sity : eee s T. S., WHITBY Two Oshawa youths, Roman) Backache is often caused by lay 107 BYRON ST. S B y s them. Byron street south on Oct. 31. m Mrs. William G. Hewis, .Dun-|they were convicted of consum-| Painting & Decorating 105 plea of guilty. their weekly meeting. court Tuesday and both were} convicted of assaulting Frank/™mas story. Part of the eve-| Christmas. Layaway, Specials! Edgar, of the reserve. He was also ordered sent to the Alex- ander Brown Memorial Clinic For Alcoholism for a period not over 30 days on an intoxication charge. Both charges arose out! ning was spent making Christ- mas gifts to be presented to their respective mothers. Mrs. H. Crawforth and Mrs. W. G. Hewis served refreshments. 115 BROCK ST. NORTH Men's "Leatherthine" JACKETS Smart style, slashed pockets, knitted collar and cuffs. Rayon pile-lined. Brown only. All sizes. Reg. 19.98. NOW .... 14,97 JUST NORTH OF THE GENDRON DOLL STROLLERS All-steel_ construction with rubber tires. Strong plastic seat and shopping bag. Folds 11 and ceased employment on A R \ 0 a D S FOUR CORNERS Oct. 31. At that time, she said, OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8---FRI. 'TIL 9-SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. the dishes were taken by the accused to remove some of her -- i. #éé- ie FRESH SLICED equipment. She said that she COOKED $9: HAM lb talked to the accused'since and the accused had stated that she FRESH PORK C Ib planned to return them. It was at this point that His SPARE RIBS -- 860CELlc ll BONELESS MEALED BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:30 Cottage 49: Ib WHITBY of the same set of circum- stances. Reg. 3.98. NOW 1,97 BOWLING SETS Magnetized- Automatic pin-setter. Complete with balls. 5.47 Reg. 7.95. AQUARIUM, Pump & Filter Sets Complete with motor, filter, tubing, glass wool, charcoal and instructions, Guaranteed one full year. ia 97 s Reg. 9.98. NOW . BINOCULARS Coated lens, centre focus. Complete with smart brown leather case. Perfect for sports concerts, etc. Small enough to fit pocket or purse. Not a toy. Reg: 6.98. NOW FIRE SCREEN SET Complete with drow curteins; andirons; stand; tongs, brush, poker and dust ,pan. Complete set is brass, accented with black wrought-iron, Reg. 49.95. NOW FRESH CUT FRCM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF SIRLOIN or WING 79 ih. STEAKS PRIME RIB ROAST », 99° 39% FRESH PORK SHOULDER Ib. Rindless BREAKFAST BACON Ib. 59c LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS Ib. 55c SHORT RIBS FOR BRAZING Ib. 29c FRESH Country Sausage , 29° NOW see eweeese If Your Home Burns Tomorrow Will your fire insurance pay for another like it? Compare your insurance with the current value of your home and see, | TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS! @ PEARL DANIOS 3 ror £9. e WHITE CLOUDS @ MOLLIES ELECTRIC ROOM HEATERS Smart hassock style, Complete with 10, 49 is circulating fan. Reg. 16.95. NOW OPEN TILL 9 P.M. EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS Thousands of Gifts.and Toys to Choose From at Lower Than Discount Prices $1.00 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS FRESH Hamburg © Steak FRESH Wieners 3 ns. 1.60 WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. S. Whitby, Ont. MO 8-3762 20, LOINEMAScOPE COLOR by DE LUXE | PLUS! SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION SEVEN WOMEN FROM HELL storring PATRICIA OWENS + CESAR ROMERO Whitby 'AST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:30 ROLLS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT a Stete Form Mutuc! Automobile Insurance Company Heed Office--Toronte, Ont.|