OT POLLS 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tweodey, Becomber 5, 1 Mea, NS eat! THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [sess Monday to Friday Soturdey 8 te 12 12--Articles Wanted 20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | 26--Rooms for Rent RARE coins, in good condition. 'ele. PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail-'TWO ROOM apartment with kitchen/LOW rental apartments, building one LARGE fo ae toon, phone 723-4790 after 5 for appointment. able. home cooked meals, lunches p facilities, will suit couple or two in-)year old, $87 monthly, modern' two- | Hot OF furnished bed 'utting room. No dealers. ed, have ' ve Jounge Telephone ' 078. |dividuais, private entrance, Telephone bedroom, five rooms, free washer,|single girl. Simcoe Street North ge -----------= 17 98-1300. dryer. Parking. 728-3377. bus stop. 728- A ai " stop 6925 13--Business Opportunities ROOMS for gentlemen, board if de- ee - ~ sired, lunches packed, very ceatral. TWO BEDROOM apartment. "furnished MODERN one - bedroom apartment,, TWO furn gone re . E ished "housekee ing re A STORE for rent. 360 square feet. in Apply 296 King Street East. or unfurnished, available immediately. stove and refrigerator, laundry facili-/bedoom and kitchen ekeeping | rooms, downtown area at 152 Simcoe Street two furnished rooms, for gentlemen ted 496 Simcoe Street Noth or ties, parking space, triplex, Ravine and sink. Apply 313 French Street or South. Telephone 725-4277 Good misals, lukches packed: coming | ee me Road, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-5808. |telephone 723-7468 ss : s ' e 164 Grenfell APARTMENT unfurnished, second ow " s ' Drivin School | Nursing Services ous bot water, adult home. 164 Grenfell TWO - BEDROOM apartment. in apart- ONE large clean, . wae xa .?P t : kite . . n, furnished eresensg Accountants . - gusto cies' honvding~home. | CLASSIFIED AD RATES | 14--Employment Wanted sweet, 7230. a angele esate aaa cgtiate® ment building, to aub-et, central loca: Keeping room, on daivis Street, ADDY te MONTEITH, MONTEITE, Repu en | O DRIVE Warm, bright rooms in picturesque vil 25 words or less GENTLEMEN boarders wanted, sevenjheat, hydro, water. Grandview Street. Peake sanity aes gaged parking. Lo 54384. Street West or telephone Ge., Chartered Accountants, 725-3537.) | FARN T. lage. Reasonable rates. Call Orono Cash Charge FELECIFIC DAY or five days per week. Abstainers, TV,|728-8111 Mac iii ld ted a ein au 135 'imcoe Street North, Oshawa rere 308 3 CONSECUTIVE hone Brivilenee. Close to town, bus at 619 WEEKLY rents fully furnished, two- SAREE spacious roomed apartment, siInGLE room : for xentleman with or einen -- " Oshawa 'Driving School e INSERTIONS 2.25 2.48 floor, TH-eop> room apartment, all conveniences, "it? bath, private entrance, parking.! without kitchen privileges, close #4 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting sha Byles Behe Nursing Homes 6 CONSECUTIVE thermostatic heat, private drive, central ApP¥./62 King Street East. Telephone' General Motors, bus. 105 Ritson North. Service. Complete bookkeeping service. a1 Instructors : INSERTIONS 378 413 : 22--Store Space & Garages jocation. 'Telephone 725-0907 sb tanned es 725-1300. 184 Bond Street West 50397. Res., r | led Cars SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home, RN, in Free Pick-up Service by the ei be VIVE.ROOM apartment, Woods vlan ne og te 123-7605 Sint Gnd' aheNolie attendance. No 2 'Highway between it not paid within 7 i Wee Rekconctle. vote STORE -- 700 square feet, plus fu}1 THREE-ROOM (large) apartment. UP reasonable, heavy duty, private bath.|?NE large furnished room, suitable for ED DEWAR and Co. Accountants! saidaunehs a : Whitby 'and Oshawa. Call 725-2330. Charge rate will apply fons Osha bing Centre) \Pasement. rear entrance und store staits, kitchen. hydro and heat, private | room, close to everything. 725-0081, 725- WO sitls or gentlemen, kitchen priv- and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On Day and Evening Lessons REST home, private and semi-private Above rates apply only to erigina: PP. Ysnawe onopping \-entr front, parking Simcoe scaet: South, bath, very central, near bus stop. Apply | 9344 'leges: parking. Telephone 725-6662 or tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 726-2221 728-009 | rooms. Nice location. For particulars for consecutive insertions 728-2412 FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg 119 Cadillac South MUKROOK aie ance 139 Albert Street r i a D , va 5 'a fs . private en- -- -- rae write Secretary, Box 449, Port Perry, Suisaeiant uscicns. ordered Ot & 639 CARTIER AVE. THREE-ROOM, furnished apartment, : LARGE bright housekeeping ro WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Cc 24--H for Rent wo-piece bath, private entrance, close |jran *g einai: hot water heating en oe ' treet uth, Ontario. tater date constitute 6 new original , one or two persons, with showe: Accountants, Rimeee Wilson, cA |euel Gnd Wood order w to hospital. Suitable for couple, ° Aults.|795-9949, close to bus stop. Telephone abe dP 16--Female Help Wanted | pyecunve pu private entrance, close to south plant Oshawa. Pon I D, Wilson. r i . A b D 15 y ri 7 3 p . G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728 aT. FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable Optory.etrists Pi eset lta ee yb toe ratte ip ieee, amt, Anuneeiats va cea ec. 15. Apply 241 Kenda} OUR Seo ARGEA S cece Telephone. 728-0423, f. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- for stoves fireplaces, furnaces. Tele- ¢ puCK RO, Optometrist. Please Each edditiond! link $1.40" bar SALESLADY for store. specializing im\'oom. two Steplaces: bremevey xe BAC pte apartment, sera pring tantly stove, refrigerator, built-in \BED - SITTING room, completely fied Public Accountants, 172 King) phone 728-8535 say accounts at downtown Dominion |! ma, : Children's Wear, steady position, Young gen 'King East area, FRanklin 2.9992, ComSsting of large room and kite cupboards. laundromat, parking. 725-/°%UPPed. private kitchen, ample cup. i h ia" 795-3308 -|pay acco at i month, c wa Shop Centre (fae -- can sews ette, refrigerator and stove Ineindens , ne * """\boards, central, suitable £ Street East, Oshawa, Ontaric Bank 4 Burk Street. Invalids exam. Ages, Oshawa hopping n Cobourg BG 3938 or 68 Wayne Street . or one or two, BR HUN TE R TIREWOOD, ary, good, for stove, fur-| OeOe Ot ine, Dial 725-4887. Each Initio! 'etter abbreviation, every convenience, very central. Tele-| ' 12 Burk Street, 725-8876 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, "vg, nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele: ' nia R sa nancheacchen Rds Bonds $ and ¢ sign, figure. counts as o | PART-TIME cashier required, experi- 41, storey t phone 725 ) NICE large three room apartment, >: z e 2 STOREY brick house, oij heating, ' d BEDROOMS { and Co., Accountants fe Aaciors. phone CO 3.2275 F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- | word. Box charge 1S¢ additional. eneed preferred. Write to Box 626. Osh-| garage, 'recreation room, immediate MODERN two. bedroom apartment, [°™ Tefrigerator and stove. four Plece/not water Sill: pe Foqg Kole * Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy. etry, the examination of eyes, contact All Classified Advertisements |'awa Times, stating full particulars. (possession, near schools an bus stop. refrigerator, stove, dryer, TV outlet,|2ath» Private entrance. Telephone 725- telephone, parking. Re bie. Ti We reed a Conn: C FRE E enses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne.|| must be in by 5 o.m. the day be | WAITRESSES required, full or part- Telephone 728-3281 paved driveway, garage. Apply 349|°629- ine a. . Friedlander, B. : Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 fore publication except Births, | time. Apply Manager, Genosha Hotel ca _ Frontenac Avenue. Telephone 728-1002,/THREE-ROOM apartment on varies TT -- we cleaned eve veor. Memorioms Cards et Thonks which | Coffee Shop NEW six-room bungalow, bus at door, |. |Avenue, private, TV outlet, parking, $70 URNISHED bedroom in private home, Auto Parts 'Round the Clock' 24-hr, (Painting and Decorating be accepted until 9 am. |ityPIST for general office work, with|0ll heated, broadloom, $100 monthly, Mo month, nent' Shopping' Centre, {or $95 with furniture, Telephone 728-1203] funtmvous Bot water, near King and i - ~ : ur 1OCKk 4 , zt zs ne for Lost end Founda and cat ss i _ immediate possession, 7 akeview $40 monthly near ' itson, parking available. Abstainers KENT'S WESTERN TIRE Guaran; burner service Gaal Sab ni Ole ne whole ead oes bil-tpo ces SURIEI | vane, Peleohone 728-9354,/ Telephone 728-5796 for further informa-/ DESIRABLE two-room, self-contained only. Apply 31 Rowe Street, Oshawa Seed SulemeTS PETIE HRD SCENRFOEM: A tamatic delivery PAINT NOW: PAY LATER Il nase Daly A 8 Setudey 8 12 He eee tion apartment, unfurnished, private bath. swo" furnished beds ' ' 145 King Street West, Osha we ee eee is REGULATIONS KESPONSIBLE married woman for SMALL house for rent, Immediate pos-|DiciaapiE second floor" downtown See t0 appreciate, Reasonable rent. (ov fentral' deere Cn eee 128-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you It's White Rose" Unified | The Oshowo Times wit! not be | seneral office work. Will have some session, Telephone 725-4487 for particu- 2 2 tment, sel{-contained, three rooms,|2!2_Elizabeth Street. Telephone 725-8106 |OF7.".° sicker Meanie a" = s ie : ; coin a ; ained, fice; i ilities, 'enne! yaa ea Fuel Oi RAINBOW responsible tor errors in advertise ear with - De ar cont ioteriag jose bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat) THREE-ROOM apartment, stove, re-|Street. 723-2357 redit experienc as 7001 'Or 3 fe . PRs. re, ; 54 'arriste WESTERN ve Cy: ments submitted ep etwise then 1 litne conditions, Apply Mr. Stoll FOUR sarge rooms and bathroom. oi and wate dults only, $60. 728-8175. neater, Rava ged ere to bis GE hiralased" tem kek ee rith no } i J id 7 ' Dla A King . x JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, ILB., 725-121 PAINTERS pi abot Wah et lark cadrae Chermey.. Bros. King Street East heating, garden space ve minutes'|FOUR-ROOM apartment, in apart- | ee anne eve on™ 'nished room, ladies only, meals ar- Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub incorrect insertion of ony saver jj" ae rome hort. Walk from No, 2 Highway. Telephone'/ment building, large stove, . refriger | ** ranged or use of kitchen, abstainers. The Commercial Building. 286 King S li meonatle Hates: Low Down tisement, nor beyond the price | STENOGEAPHER eee Hew woe ator, built-in cupboards. laundromat,| MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re-\106 Elgin East. Telephone 723-1925 Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking Gardening and Supplies able Rat w Dov charged tor a 'single irsertion of | hand and typ r legal office. Reply : 'arhinik 795-2608 of MA. Wade attest itigaraior.. stove, TV Gatlet Debed. 5 fain Free Estimates the advertisement in which error | to Box 519, 0 i stating ex- EXECUTIVE'S home, nice five-room /PATKINE: _fwoNnSS Or &-- , foot etiaee lacinary dnelliies aoa paved NICELY furnished bedroom in warm, LOAM, 88 per load, two for $15. Sod occurs Ahd also reserve the right | perience and ful bungalow, well furnished, less refriger- BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri shpkiiw ababe. Adulte: only Ade- clean home, suit refined gentleman, ae } Seah ia amas PHONE _723.- -7067 _ ; x AY Sripcagalhge : ator and bedroom suite, attached ga- vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen-/Parking. sy 1 ' cut dai Prompt delivery. General to classify advertising according to Se whe want jens pe ate, 1 laide West. Apt. 2 central, bi optional. Abstainers. an ee trucking and pickup delivery. 725-5864 - -- . its own classification WAITRESS wanted ---~ ves it k, (ake. Nice location. One child welcome. sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly. Apply omsied Pe side Z Telephone 725-3879 East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971 nt In the cose of disclay advertine. |/roundings, good salary, steady work. ren $.t0 month. Apply 478 Park Road g Townline North, 725-4283 MODERN one - bedroom apartment,! MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD DODD & SOUTER ments The fimes will not be hela |) ccPnone d ; = . : FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, St0Ve and refrigerator, laundry _ facili AGED te i ee L. SWARTZ, Barristers. Solie fre, ae WHITB Y PAINTING & DECORATING *esponsible for more spoce 'thar | SHORT order cook. Apply to Genosha por RENT three bedroom bunga-| private entrance. close to schoo} and es» parking space, triplex. Ravine > pri , taries Money loan enry loc hot ty, a tel. Telephone 723-4641 thie aay A B é Bien a I 75 y. Ti e 725-3808, ator, stove, linens, dishes and cooking 14 K East. 723-4697. Rest EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS that in which the actual error Hote Telephone 6 low. $90 monthly. Three-bedroom split 'bus, Telephone 725-3847 for more in Road. $75 monthly. Telephone 725-5 Utensils supplied. 10 minutes walk from 264 King Street occupies. The publishers endeavour | vypisT required Oshawa office, level $105 month Two-bedroom apart-! formation South GM. Telephone 723-2408 dence, Dial 723-4029 Painting, Paperhanging to reproduce all advertising matter | Rookkeeping helpful but not essential, ment, $75 monthly, Bowman and Gibson .- See rer pr am Om Toe 26--Rooms for Rent teal ace s JOSEPH FP. MANGAN, QC. Barrister, DIGGING AND Suntex, Full Walk Murele correctly but assumes no liability | Reply te Box 723, Oshawa Times MO. #-3521 FP ONERES: BRE NE, Oar ae : 3 'as BED-SITTING room for girl, private Solicitor. Money to loan Office 4 DITCHING ¢ P of advertisement are contained GADEEN how. Hewes buck wunek edroom niin. gr pera Roam sce he dj THREE unfurnished or partly furnish-\path, broadioom, cooking privileges, King Street East, Oshawa 278-8232. spray Painting it any tnoccurecies in any form : : ment building, all conveniences, beau-\edq rooms, suit working couple oF everything supplied. In better home, et 5 A+ : « eee P us ow fireplace and garage Adults, tifully decorated, centrally located.| iris, Share bath with one adult, cen 4 5.3093 Residence 7 5 MO 8-4 1 72 107 BYRON ST, S WHITBY therein Gl RL Baby welcome. North Oshaws. Tele (725-5202. Sah gi apna tog near hospital. Telephone 725-3093. N BLAKE DODDS, Barrister DAY MO 8-523] phone CO 3-2628 -s > 3 er DONALD K pps nee GB ten lh: MONTHLY -- lady's three . room /after six ATT TIVELY aes oe cen = pre reel. Bea NIGHTS 725-7426 | OLDER house, newly decorated, clean elor apartment, stove, refrigerator, LARGE bright furnished bedroom, re- RAC elephone: Busi 2 3 5 ality oil heated, adults. Abstainers. With j i entrance. 'Telephone fined business lady preferred. Home dence 728-3973 BLACK LOAM Personal Service NEW BUSINESS oi hentai, | Abetainees cena|pesiod. private, sascanee: | Ter ame (Sati vateess lede Eemens. Sees FURNISHED ROOMS CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN end DRIVEWAY, a wie S nterest ntac D 322 r vate home. Write to Box 215, Oshawa, gis i ote home MURDOCH. Barristers, Solicitors, No- © tuning. Anywhere in Oshawa ; SIX-ROOM bungalow, top location, $100 | LUXURY a 2 Senne Times. 5 . 4 scope ribeg Z i % ay ' ' Fe ; > x- 3 r low, » $10 ¥ partment, living-room, bed Be Re aves tary Public, Bank of Shas tage a . ; GRAVEL, : oe ict. Quality workmanship. Te Unlisted Numbers : monthly, with or without lease, imme- room, bathroom, complete kitchen.|gwo furnished light housekeeping) Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Eecaites ce N. C. Frame, OC FILL AND SAND wi herria = ' : diate possession, Telephone 728-5123 Marina Apartments. Contact exclusive rooms, "bedroom and kitehen, built-in 4 ; : d Prynan, G. 1. Murdoch. NHA mor 725-5279 T US MACHINE WAS VALLEY CREEK FOR SALE OR RENT: email down pay- 2% suide Really, 16 Simcoe South. cupboards, sink, refrigerator, near' hos 82 PARK ROAD N. \ACHINE W/ gages arranged bebe * c. ¢ ; tal and downtown. Suit two girls. if } f : 1 >ply ruce ment, three-bedroom home in quiet pital me 8-8671 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Ba "a YOUR WALLS, HOMES, FURNITURE on, fenced lot, two blocks from SELF - CONTAINED $65, three-room | 725-5228 28-86 Bolicitor, Notary Public, 524% Sim OFFICES. etc 145 KING WEST Ho hitb 4:30:- 6:30 new school, serviced. Must vacate, apartment, unfurnished, main floor, TV North, 728-2991. Res. 728-2765 E R. KNOWLTON speedy, Accurate, No Dripping Next to Western re oh Transferred MO 8-8352, Whitby serial, BeAYy witkng. 820 Sylvia Street 27--Real ae For Sale '27--Real Estate for > sulk -_ aap rerenenegeP el Bea ' S . ccurat ipe 7 : n YOUNG people to sell magazines, Good. 728-252 , ---- ---- BOWMAN. cael ge ge betes Rest LANDSCAPING all Pickering WH 2-012 728-4401 commission. Telephone 723-1990 eve: DUPLEX -- Simcoe Street North, up- SINGL® or couble furnished room, $500 DOWN -- comfortable four-room me Se See ee c Rec er E We buy, sell exchange used 17--Male Help Wanted nings and weekends only per, lower four-room apartments, two ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and bungalow, north-west section. Make psoralen SERVICE ie psdiitnieed furn V . bedrooms. each, all conveniences; Washing machine, central location. Tele- offer. W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince HUMPHREYS. "BOYCHYN and HILL il and soc i. Fr " urniture, washer V, radios AVERAGE $2.5 rly, part time, need IN WILLOWDALE -- six-room house, capitate tte ge me Telephone Phone 725-8150 Street, 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. MAN, Barristers. Solicitors: Be IN ae @ REPGIING ote and so forth at prices to top °3 neat apr men, 24-39 for route unfurnished, oil heat, available soon. *™mple 8, 8 temic sade Humphreys, QC; G. § nd ntenance, patio EASY-GLIDE anyone in the city ¥ 8 to 16 hours weekly. Write Box Telephone 728-4731 after 4.30 p.m be W. A. Hillman, LLB, tr c valk slabs NTERIOR WALL WASHING 710 Oshawa Times THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, Whitby. THREE-ROOM See BEST BUY IN TOWN Rast. Phones: Office 723.1177. Res: "736. 6047 A BUSINESS of your own for 1962! Close to schools, Storms and screens. ,¢%, with bath. located at assau : , MO 8-2761; 725-5203 sis : ' Bache coh ag Sete at Meneece "\Street. New floor coverings, close to| aan SVE M Well Drilling-Digging You too can enjoy a continuous grow. Salter te tenant. 'Shopping. Telephone 728-6398 | oe : ing income, supplying your locality witl ; A375 : atl dl wt tae 7 ODERN GRILL Sin pid Sty eran Na a a gh gS? gg yy females W. WARD bonus. Day. trial. Familex' Products, fourroom apartment for rent. Fifteen Spartmeat, sink in kitchen, parking coneks res Bor-B-Qued cken, Turkey 1660 Delorimie D1, treal vo t ; laundry facilities, Suit couple, 162 f Street Eas 943. Mortgage monies paInTING, papering. carpentry. Low ' he r, Dept Montreal ninutes to GM, immediate possession Pon ane t r / \ , gnes Street. 728-3879. available a _\winter rates. G. Goulding, 204 Church Dinners, Fish "n Chips, Home WELL DIGGING by AVERAGE 6250 hourly, parttime,| Telephone Orono 34-12 Agios ne BRUCE V. MACKEY, Barrister, Street, 73 Made Pies and Desserts > _ MACHINE need three neat appearing men, 24. 39 EXECUTIVE type home, five - room| !4REE-ROOM apartment. Refrigera Solicitor, Notary ublic Mortgage WE DELIVER sp es pienen route work, 8 to 16 hours weekly. }ingalow. furnished, attached | '°F and stove, $65 monthly. Near South funds available, 36% King Street East. Insurance Wee Vets ECIALIZING IN 30 te Box 710; Oshawa Times p » "Good location. One. 'child wel. General Sno oe onl 728-2381, Res., YU 5-7163 - cuenta a 725-3887 WHITBY, ONTARIO P 100 monthly. 478 Park Road COUP! : ash as Inspection Invited Coll r Ss ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up MO 543 MO 220 APARTMENTS or duplexes, $90 month wpec wi pias ' GREER and KELLY, Bar vister, st to 20 per cen t RITSON RD SOUTH MO 8-2 Be 0 60807 MEAT rials fully equipped and heated. Park Road citer, ete., 11 ace ing Street East. Dia seaacat servite aaron ra YN RY 2OL 204 CHESTNUT S7 ST PICKERING eight - room brick/ cot, and Banff' Street. Call Mr Charles Smith, 728-825 Loreen Kellett, 723-3770 123-2278. Residence phones Q s | v r i Sallie nk : te actos lend, goad bark, fen anfi Street. Call "harles 1 7 2 pen Kell , 5-1625 . . PO 5 niet ed Full . at 4 r 723-339 ° Greer, BA, Sc., 125-3 Terrence V Plumbing and Heating P.O. BOX ace mae son oy relate vtenante Neae| Sorrehy, A 2ererts ae See See Seen pee: . : a Kelly, PA, BCL D. W. HOLDEN i . ~ a % time employment. Apply Shopping Centre. 169 Warren 4; J. Bolahooc eee John Field, 723-2874 Harry Millen, 723-2524 ts ¥. T. SALMERS. BA, Barrister, Solici-\Oshawa, 728-608 3 Phone 725-9831." Har A a Peer: 2--Personal : ole Sor wine ligne Mcbekeeving. Kiches é A! 1314 Simeo t p r : ibe arod H. Stark and water, light, housekeeping. Kit ter etc.. 1314 Simcoe Street North.| auto and casualty insurance Ltd., plumbing, heatin 208 DE ARBORN Avenue -- six - room 4%¢ e Horry Millen Real Estate 1101 725. > f , ing and engineer. 7 W 1 we ith k. T »yhon 7 78 Office 723-1101; Residence, 725-5542 Pacisccsi ng. 255 Simcoe Street South Good aon or sire' tenes ioe SPROULE' > STORE ; oil heat, xarage Nesr St, Greg oa eed sir = ed scggreneeg a 728-1679 TH pote Asta testis " OF , Mary Street, schools. Many ON edroom apartment, i im 28- enle 8 Somes, bee = whens . moe ate SOn tined EO none i 272 King Street East extras. 725-2777, mediately, $58. TV outlet, washer, dry- va ie ea if * " ¥ . " new and used materials. Reaso e ' ty 'i Street East. Phone 728-1763 LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, -3125 Estimates free. Dial seraeet FOUR.bedroom brick, close to schools, tT heavy duty wiring. Near Shopping Re 1 bea Gebhal. Kae 'a Fees r ! ley BRUCE V- MACKEY, WA~ Bartister, DEA: Ballet, Tap, Pre:senool | scro-i¥ciey Removal of Warts, Moles and D E A [ E R S oil heated, private drive, garage. Pos Centre. Telephone 728-4733 es NELGROVE CO LTD 4 is Canes i wertluous Hair Perr Hil? session immediately, newly decorated. THREE room apartment, newly decor. : r L M cing m. 7282381. Res. Yl iT snes htrnnos en : Rug--Upholstery Service Superfluous Hair Permanently $80 monthly. Telephone 725-6304 ated, private entrance and bath, new LPR -- ; sellor, J } Pai tae refrigerator and 'stove, in nice quiet WALPH JONES, BA. and THOMAS BH. PRIVATE teacher, counsellor, 5 SiERFIELDS Toughened awa MARIE MURDUFF emt, : SEVEN large rooms, redecorated etrigeretor" aad Weve; te ley, Harton GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- '® years ¢ "a ' "ve yl pa-atviod.; ten eat gt ' ne eae ; c or h : < ont ace - no pred cs der Se Mage ree ae sciioa es , 1 1 Harmony Road TWO-BEDROOM, self-contained apart- eitors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. e a g. Dalton Upholster ( NK, 4 3 dee an iy. Giles Mesity,|menta, 00 eenihiy, mil" Gbeorated R AD S UTH Mortgage loans available HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, : vies Street, 723-7215 3 , e a re m R llet ghian tex v > $ ' 2 stoves bathe drapes, lockers MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, '#P» RAD Ballet, Highland. Register = th. 723 1 on 41% nd h 6 nor Cc tor anc k al Jouglas | Gowe Solicitors. Clients' funds available for OW. 424 King Street West. 725-6122, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re ¥ Road, Hamilte THREE-BEDROOM house with oil fur- 254 ; peer ' $10,500 FULL PRICE overed lik w. Get the best for less see i z " prick 5 * 20 8 e Street North; at hh 149, appe hese dates ntor nace. 3 ilities. Telephone Pick 3 ape cits use? teen co" teecibeea OCs Lawn Mowers South Cat VEY ag rin a ee 4 IN NEW BUILDING --_ two-bedroom cated West Whitby, 5-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, modern Edgar F, Bastedo, QC " - oh eater aa wnt cacns 3--Pets & Livestock SIX:ROOM two-storey brick house, oil *Partment, spacious rooms, two em) kitchen, spacious living room with two picture windows ond YOU NG MAN nesting te possession, $80 tite tunaaly He r weeath GM. 3 nature! fireplace, 4-piece bath, brick construction, full-size high, NE SHARP ND RENT CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered / Vv H EN AND REN k Whe carey. Our : : Bookkeeping 5 3 e new pay more? Our rates NUTRIA -- Why pay more? Own your month 2 Street. Telephone |i. Road (upstairs divided basement, large lot 75 x 200 ft. Terms arranged, sie own business. Seven healthy pair age + Gis vide t, a SPECIAL bachelor apartment, in coll Cy Preece 725-8761 or evenings 725-602 "j. MURPHY, BA. LLB. Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street e Estimate oughout, oil furnace, attached ALMOST EVERYTHING are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed - Mattresses re-built, Oshawa Upholstery . bd CAL 1 ph Ty, Write Box 727, Oshawa Tin t enor srtment GIVE | A Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial. 725-0311 2 tee 5 def f NEW N thr split-level bunga rirctch build t brond L. SCHAPELHOUMAN BEAUTIFUL toy fox terrier puppy oss t. N ve ot least ow with attached garagé. Now a ohare Be ai reed i ark re ae thagtene BEAUTY SALON COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING "at ay A N! iS Surveyors Only one left. Lasting gift for child Grade ji tion and able on Glenbrae ect, near R couple. Possession January 1. Tele- nak Sinead cg een SERVICE INCOME TAX 0 5 oe oe _ Deposit will hold until Christmas good general anna et Plaza, $110 monthly. Telephone phone 723-4245 Established business, fully equipped parlor including five darybes ' ' i : CORNER KING AT BURK ST DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario Telephone 725-6052 good eral knowledg f 'after 6 p.m : bento 7 5 ments on balance, low RETURNS. SG sete Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print- ioe sport. Abi type an ad THREE-ROOM fiat, ground floor. Ap stock alniereriat ahd eg yy pay' ng. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632 BEAGLES hound puppies for sale. Mr & Fi f Rent ply Mrs. Clark, 76 Royal Street. Tele rent, call Sid artyn - a - 5 " ge 25--Apts. ats for Ren 's. Clar' 686 OSLER STREET H. FLIM and TROLLOPE. Ontario) Vite4 Jobin. Whitby, MO 8-2753 eae thre 725-9953 Money to 'Loon Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue PEDIGREE Pomeranian (golden WRITE BOX 711 AVAILABLE NOW LARGE three - room apartment, self- BURK STREET he _\ East. Phone 7 8 male, two years old Telephone 728 contained with all modern conveni- $1,000 down, one open mortgage for the balance for this Building Trades 2626 fer further particulars. OSHAWA TIMES MODERN APARTMENTS ences: close to Shopping Centre. Re-) ciean 5-room bungalow, stone front, kitchen, living room, din- frigerator and stove optional. Tele ACL TYPES building repairs, roofing, MONIES AVAILABLE Tailors oe SAMOYED and Levrador retriever | Stove ' facili- {phone 725-4344. " ing room, two bedrooms, full-size basement, oil furmace, alumi~ puppies, registered, lasting eift for | ties le 6 MODERN apartment in Whitby, real num storms and screens, T.V..ontenna, lorge lot, call Cy Preece ! J t " 1 , ~ BR? t Pret greene fg er pg To Buy LEN PULLAN Your child, deposit will hold unti COLLECTOR verte. Coll dential district, #78 monthly, hydro tn.| 725-8761 or evenings 725-6027. _ - B ibaa luded, adults only, near bus. Telephone ; ich ae f reer ements Mortgages re MO 8-3092 Fe hag tg rr grin . eee "yeaa tae' Berek ane ince ENGLISH TAILOR cAI Ae a PART TIME 191 MO 8-302 Moti mornings ar evenings DOWNTOWN STORE sic ait Wm. Wins ee ier ion aaa ; : n-Attar:S pr. (sacking Maes nine maeg! Sold brick building, sory sient 44 x 16 ft, ph moet i SE SS a ss a ae Broad, 1 Elgin Street East all cur e p.r electrically eq r " SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs. telephone experienced 3 : ; Centre, automatic washing facilities room or work shop 20 x bi ft., modern five-room 'apart- F datimates. Phone Harry 725-201: " Zz S AERS ' : a : " Apply 208 Cromwell Avenue, Apart nt above, hot water by oil heatin owner now a widow estimates, Phone Harry 723-241 Z. T. SALMERS ed 4--Market Basket : 'Ser TWO-BEDROOM sc fs 7 me y 9, ess repoirs ar t - - - ment s must sell 'sh ointment oni It Sir Mart 723-1101 10. PRINCE < i WINTER POTATOES, 75 pound bag, ™ / i < 4 ' : ' teels. must se hown by ppointme: ly. Coll Sir Martyn NCE i fe : LARGE, two - bedroor tment, | 23-981 ; UE edege sven ween beable Yo von wrenigr APARTMENTS. Sirimser smuestiction tne, 72-9810 MONIES FOR gay Fea GERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwor MORTGAGES it A 5--Farmers Column gas vecer SA hee ile conveniences, ir , UPPER apartment, private entrance,, Ranch bungalow of 5 rooms plus 3 rooms in basement, 2 mod: est aR 8 ie « efrigerator, washer, nmediate ¢ possession. 'Telephone 725-34 WOODCREST STREET or. coverings. Free TOP MONEY for dead and disabled y 4 ae nt buile un kitchen, cupboards, and sink, heavy| ern kitchens, mew forced air, oil furnace, enclosed breezeway, guaranteed. 728-085 Monies availa rs farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, 2 t pp ntr » bathroom, RL Pare attoched gorage, large lot with variety of fruit trees, full list L AND H ROOFING. Specializing tgages ot 7 rannum $10 dov $) r month collect. 24-Hour, seven-day service / . >-9541 meethis "Colborne East 128-4366. : price only $12,900. Call Cy Preece 725-8761 er evenings tar and gravel, asphalt shingles, meta ' + bonu R g a aan ss from . DEAD farm stock picked up promptly - : 725-6027 pnes ; roofs, insulating siding and all kinds of nine apeahy 'i Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 THREE- pt apartment in apart- ' repairs. Ajl work guaranteed. Free est . s . c u emer nt a tele- Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115 W A N 7 E D A ARTMENT ment build ght, clean, four-piece To buy or sell and do it well mates. Telephone MO 8-2003 6937 econd rt 5 vision -- niy $7 week hath aer washer refrigerator ee t and Agreements rom a es ee ee stove, parking, near Shopping Centre. Call Snelgrove 723-9810 or 725-8761 WHITBY oF ' a aoa Thornton's Road South. Telephone 725 3 YOUNG SIMCOE at ROSSLAND RS 9 St. W 723-3425 097 FURNISHED three room basement EXCAVATING : MEAGHER'S ---- MARRIED MEN One-bedroom. _- Stove ond |ARMUBNEE eel' Srivate entrance and ~ : a 8--Hunting WITH CARS fr orking. $85. - |athroom Telephone 728-0933. DIGGING AND és eh ek OE ' TV - Radio Repairs TAXIDERMIST -- deer heads mount : ' x ' MODERN two-bedroom apartment, in DITCHING pipe < TV. RAI ed, $22.00. Birds and animals mo \ aces Pee Telephone 725- 3302 apartment building, refrigerator, stove : 3 East eta nga car tT a010 repairs, ed. Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewel ¢ ew dryer, modern kitchen, Near north FOR RENT -- four-room apartment,,.FOR RENT: Three bedroom bungalow, MO. 8-4172 3 ' I Pclibogg, At . instead eciatieran 00 » y st | AVAILABLE NOW-- i 5, monthly 1904 available January 1, respectable home, fireplace, finished rec. and play rooms, - ? 97 ws DEER ting, housekeepin who car f th . cottages ate entrance. Telephone MO 8-4257. aluminum storms, screens Near a hout watch $65 MONTHLY. Four room apartment, . 3 savetad "in Leno TV, RADIO. car rer $20 : eu xtra, soage ier k and genuinely: | MODERN APARTMENTS inlurnished. 'newly decorated, healed, AUTO paris and service, fully quaran. schools. Available January 1. MO 8-8424 Cartace kers' R sred Act Pilon Aveboe spi ina gs veining - (Bog yng { ' St aundry facili- uilt-in cupboards, TV outlet. Im- eed at the all new Western Tire and 'er 5 i : as = ered Hiott v r zood. Dok nti n ek oper : : a. OW elie : oo if Ngaio medi ate possession. Apply 359 Verdun Auto Supply, 149 Brock Street North, FOR RENT: Modern three room apart Whit ane ee p- Mortgages ; ' den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi.Jo Camp Bena Ne Gs es rl 2 igloo ch a oe a Se on bale gue hee pe "a : 999 F 4 y me mie enta c THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, FOR RENT: Four room apartment, Street. or telephone MO 8-4289 nc once __._.. MORTGAGES -- ged, t t . Y OR NIG ! aaa H vie w er P a A pri and entrance, all conveni- central location, good yard. Heat, light ,. sold. Call M »od $44 T.V. and RADIO u --Articles for Rent See: i, a 5 nees, utilities included. $60 monthly. and water, $65 monthly. Telephone MO FOR RENT: Large bed-sitting roome 725-8 Bias Bolahood Lia an KING ST EAST j., Apt Available December 15. Telephone 723- g-4494, Whitby with kitchenette, furnished, suitable for Sean: W. Settee e Citte CALL 7 28- 5286 SARGEANT'S are 9 : - eats - FOR RENT, one modern Rin FOUR-ROOM apartment, al! Regine apartment, private entrance, paved eeaome " Dundas West, MO 8-33 d TABLEWARE Tues. ar v 2p F SAGU ENAY. ences, Hot water heating. Free parking, laundry dryer, $80 monthly, WANTED: Two young ladies or gentle- PcOr peso Guerontee _ y dry and parking. Bus at door. 165 ver Telephone 728-2633 men to share adult home in new sub- ond mortgages \ kK dur ad. 723-3096 -- division. ( fortable rooms, excellent ag ae OSHAWA RET AS APARTMENTS 'en ted 2 a ee Seer ae a ao ee, | * ~ Sarristers, 31 e HiCS sch be hating dishes 8 SHED apartment near hos-/953 Palace Street, Whitby: stove, re- soot mnt cass dN AOCES EE CITY CARTAGE . sn x RO NIC o- "eget PM = 1 Male oF Female Help and PARK RD pital, ground floor, private entrance, frigerator, kitchen set Telephone FOR RENT. four room seactnenl; 125 262) ae ae eae ar Guin Ghee Wanted CALL 723-2563 newly decorated, heat, light, hot water, 793-4302, Oshawa central location. large yard, heat, light assware ableware laundry facilities, one or two adults, | - eee and water, $65 monthly. Telephone iy V TOWERS poh ie wacainas he FULLER Br Soucaay welds dae |. Mander 2-bedroom oport- __abstainers Adelaide East SKATE exchange. Also new and used 316 9 Yius P 9 wt rt tir . .- - - bikes, tricycles and skates. Wilson ene EERE Sa ea 36} GIBBONS §T ers, anniversaries, buffets, ful time, one part tin gory - fridge, stove, paved KING STREET, Bowmanville -- four- Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street Room and board for vouke wala Dressmaking " 'a "| ei 72! 13 reosonable prices appo ntment, Stan Tbbott 728 3996. ys orks TV_cutlet -- For ta st 'i aerrage bere ied, $65 jer ier Reece to share room, lunches packed. For z oe mt FIRST MORTGAGES -- industrial and 8-8180 : Cel} 723-2563. |'Tance and bath, nicely decorated, $65| ROOM house for reat. Oil heat-| further information télephone MO INVISIBLE mending, re-weaving and commercial projects, second mort wk Celanese 725 3338 IF YOU have any spare time, use it to y Sou monthly. Telephone MA 3.3935 aT toons cnanians ony m1 ee minor alterations. Call 725-9736. $25 gages on houses. D. W. Holden, 5 re . e earn Sell our 225 domestic AVAILABLE January 1, four - room = - n tr " h >8 60 ~-- roc s nar n 5 ' ht gp in . indas Street East, Whitby, or tele- es 4 Dunkirk d Street East, Oshawa, 724-6081 and 72 OSHAWA. a, protic i on cent Oshawoa's. Finest i 1 n oven, counter top tne MO 8-320 am Reins Newty Se ragged WRESSMAKING and alterations on © i ' e e F remium washer, dryer, "4 ieee eae eet as t, garage and garden. ladies, fe weer. Raasenshle SICKROOM EQUIPMENT 30ay tris : De wok wait ji dual heat control, Telephone STUDENTS! A super value, approxi-|$75 monthly. MO 8-2180, MO 8-5078 coat ks ¥ MORTGAGE oe = FOR RENT OR FOR SALE i tee Mentea " : = e ____|mately 630 sheets of letter size typiNS isKaTH EXCHANGE, good skates at 'news print) for only $1.00 ti AMid-tow: ; 1 COATS hemmed. pants cuffed, iow price fid-town furniture, 111 D j ' FURNISHED apartment: single house- i ; ie 7 "Et TOSS ' s eel ¢ q rush > - P Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, N hithy % turned, zippers replaced, any 1 7. bat 2 : ae Be mmpany needs t keeping room, private entrance, ' Dundas Street West Brock St _Whitby MO alterations, mending, etc. Telephone LOANS full part-time salesmen or t : Reasonable. Apply m : ¢ ode c hes 4 4 very m . Creighton, Fraser D yoan dec SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Waid, on ghee fo e Street THREE bedroom unfurnished apart- (594 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO . r 5 bed nimer t bbott 3 ewoRoom nt, central location in Whitby. Apply 2 9:63 S and remodelling & ; : j ROOM Abita waite Sarnia . 8-2563 expert aressn k hare esc dross xpe Res LEN 2 n schir 20-----Room and Board BACHELOR SUITES ed, separ arate en ancd caer ta thd 725- Nae Reva Mee plone one FoR RENT comfortable bright furnishs de t ve therm new life, h s yi LOU' . F du hild welcome. Apply | ----------------_____ i roo sonable, telephone MO nee 'Wyle. Telephone 724-914 s ra Crh 5 : "* ROOM « m and board for two 1 BEDROOM SUITES | xaxin West DRESEMARING --paitee coats, dresses, oa yc ler aay telephone M BABY SETS } nd r % " a il . a gentler n rr m micas . if oth na = ie entrance © bn +e SUIT FOUR-ROOM upstairs apartment tings our' specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO REPAIRS, watches, clocks and jewel- 725-7844 12--Articles Wanted Telephone 728-2210, ee 2 BEOR SUITES te service, 35 years in watch le icaeal Elevato aerial. Two children w 82372 lery. 24h Rowena Street. Telephone 728-4437 work guaranteed . ee J. E. Horr board, new Stabs tae ~ BEDROOM riment, fully lidtown Furniture, 111 Brock Street USE THE 4 P ood (PEE WANTED '<< o ro" ¥ es sa toe sp F ove mah By 6343 cc pig North. Tele . ee uth s soe Pi aii ; SL JMMERLAND ond SCRAP IRON GENTLEDE N hare roor : elie : aie pssst oT ee mni-corivat t, ond cob n trailers brace re $14 Byron Street North, OSHAWA TIMES SECURITIES Good Merchandising " ae street yor : ' Pi wg 3 ntect ae conven ences, ' : Scotch Hes pda ---- -- - CLASSIFIED MITED ; Je elephone 725-67 MR DON HOWE ae -- ' ree 112 SIMCUE ST.N. C GO | TURNER $14 WEEKIY t : : 725-7732 or UNFURNISHED ea ane Sirest' Neth Wh by MO 8-492 4 » share . Iv. esp 792.0409 ning nen Far Hae, R Westinghouse automatie COLUMNS PHONE 725-3568 HAND. in HAND 723-2043 - 723.3374 vbr geod agg 723-9692 evenings ng fac CE & S sur nen: in 'doasiawn, << D rebuilt and guaranteed, Must phone ? i Howe & Peters, Rea tors |$63. monthly, Telephone p15. 1. 5100. MO 8-3889. £2