W B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 30, 1961 17 0 2 4 R¢ MP Offi lal lau 4 LS for themselves and usually are|iie same size as the Canadian Th T weakened by constant lack of/sled dog, which in turn'is a ree win food little bulkier and shorter-legged S : I R The Siberian is roughly about\than the Greenland type. Rootes Siberian Husky Best You could WIN $100 CASH! said to be about 80 to 1 (CP) \ new-,bred haphazard product that responsible Indian and Eskimo , They don't mean a thing to)model dog with less snarl, more still owes a great deal to its|dogteam operators will be al + iMrs. Beverley Rea, though. The|savvy and lots of power under| wel! ancestry, is a menace by!lowed eventually to buy the | 196 - vear - old brunette is thelits furry hood is on the RCMPlinstinct, Supt. Fraser says. Siberians if they can be counted 'mother of seven children under|production line for the Canadian| "If you happen to flop, he'lljon to care for them properly lthe age of six and has had three'north -- a land where the ca- jbe on you--just for something to|keey them separated from the ies sets twins in a row nine still has a transportation'eat. Children are particularly|Canadian mongrel and generally Mee aes and her husband role to play vulnerable in the settlements. |protect the new dogs from]. this coupon today! {Paul had no inkling of what The newcomer, courtesy of; "Besides, the Canadian dogs|jabuse, malnutrition' and dis- oe es ihey were in for when Kareniwaoy pisney. is the Siberian are so inbred that they fall preyjcase Lynn, the oldest child, was born jy cpy to disease like flies. The Siber This is a fairly large order| 5% years ago Here's the testimonial on/ian is much healthier." jin a country where dogs in the | A year and a half later along iy {rom Superintendent. W. G.| The Mountie suggests thatlsummer are often left to } came Paula and Patti. Twenty-l),.. a head of the RCMP's G omy one months shi ay Paving es Arctic, division and the man J neg on Wa one eq tesponsible for the experiment ago Diane ar avid appear on the scene 'Just fine!" was Beverley's reply when asked how she felt bout aving so many so inin ha : unr juic sled dog quickly, She admitted, however : 4 there had been moments of Supt. Fraser snapped up 34 of th é I : but with the help of the Siberians free last year yanic ut it fy na snd famils they've after Walt Disney Productions aahy iienigh a had finished filming Nikki, Wild -ome throug! : ; "We worried when our family Dog of the North, in the Can jumped from one to three when adian Rockies. Disney had t ns was born scoured world markets for the second set|Siberians and was looking for a a t aoe anes ibe ao bs e . ch Vitamin Vi iT k news| or welgood home for them after the narch is notihed by marl filming Supt. Fraser bought six others NO DIAPER SERVICE -for a total of 40--and set afoot ¥ di be os my Rea is an advertising a breeding program at the Fort | ; ge é sman for the King Whig- Norman detachment half way "A ; Stay On days when his down the Mackenzie River in fe does the washing and is UP the Northwest Territories 30 a.m., he feeds the older dren b t REPLACEMENT PLAN whe he has t work At Jast report there were 21 t gg pups. another 12. bitches ready he admitted ¢ he sat curled to produce offspring q l on a -che iel in the The immediate aim is to re- ¥ = ISSUE PATENTS svening. "But somehow we al- place all RCMP dogs. There @ e 3 2 F = LAST WEEK'S WINNERS ' Specialists at the Canadian issuing patents which protect | assistant patent Commissioner wal manage to get through now are 23? but should be about ; : ' K 2, Mrs. | Duke, 116 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale Government Patent Office in | the inventor for a period of 17 | study a_ recent patented 'in \ Rea had diaper se 250, says Supt. Fraser . i ee te t}) } ire bic gr sina H Panis! he Le Ottawa ir about 24.000 | vears. Gordon. Asher (left), | vention -- Peg spr east Plot itil the art ee of the | '1 Then, on a selective basis, a ied j j is oD ) Mes. + Carleton Hire, 83 Nelson St. E Srempten invention ant \ and de chief of the organic chemical © te - used for charting po- ¢ vins. Now she has an auto-)«{ may be made on replac 4 F. _ . Weins eeve Guelp gat their merits before | section,-and F, W. Simons, | sitions on maps matic clothes dri sant feels ing the. privately-owned teams | i ; P f x ni Rehlenndesinadbide scot tsesiaens ss, a : manage by her among Eskimos and Indians-- fers a sentence such a rur ne ve Rea's three sets for safety as much as anything q ; substitur® = y oa > twins is identical and the Jogos killed tw ari ; . et around the room Ronald 1 rae ea ogs killed two persons and } j i. Tra } 7 be act .. parents are thankful for that. seriously injured two others ' 4 antrie "@ margarine tastes better \s for baby talk, sh MPIY Fach child is different and the jagt year ro } # ay d ly ¢ says don't use it "pe Rac gay eng aad | iy oee Year 1h the north. The toll ; AN [<a because it's made only from Reas feel they ar aSICALY) so far this year is one dead and Babbling is the beginning ©f kappier in each other's com : I Rat vet i tan Tek fon Be, 2 seh one imured=73 lacerations to's, ads aidan Me Wexreeiae PURE VEGETABLE OILS ! Games mpor an inue." It should be turned into ek acco! lished seamstre ge reat sled dog, an in SIBERIAN HUSKY : ' words using the consonants the Beverley sews most of the TORONTO (CP)--Games are One is to have children blow a)iN-ant has babbled. A baby 'us-| clothes as well as her own. The an important part of Mr used | bulb around. They're ing M sounds usually can be gest item in the family cloth- phemia é ugall's work as delighted because moves in taught to say '"'mama r budge is shoes speech t t for the Me a circle. Other times they blow Mrs acDougall, an attrac Paul's first words every politan Toror \ ition for a plastic ball through a card- tis 1 woman. was payday when he comes in he Retard hilds board tube or feathers from a just a few 3 s away from re-|door are 'Who needs shoes this a. Monarch Margarine W town End Flap (or reasonable facsimile) and ma f MONARCH '$100-A-DAY" CONTEST k fend jis P.O. Box S16 Station "F" Toronto, Ont. 4 (Please Printy i NAME 1) The Siberian is a good y ADDRESS . ' worker, easily trained, less vic- iy scatia i i + ious and much more disease- ' ges FE a" ideas! a ite resistant than, the Canadian Arc- ' ie | § ame and address w t STORE NAME ADDRESS Mark x in square beside answer you think MONARCH MARGARINE TASTES BETTER BECAUSE 7 onarch is made from Pure Vege slastie cup. They blow by mak- tirement as a grade teacher in time? Ss oki '. mihi sounds or. saying yords suburban East York when she Mrs. Rea. reca Is that origin : Pct Mie oaniealmoh: a suppy' and the undertook the speech therapist ally she and her hu sband had speech- problems tad cc anand PN goatiak aiid deliehied position there. She switched to ideas about how many children 1 them atter aml I ; the school for retarded children they wanted @ e : ke the 1otons } ree pe F ai} ni MP silage } tut _ ldren more th years ago and 10U our and out ol aus sf : f nn ee ' : is than r her grade schoo] wanted two, and Fh 00K Dougall who } »s then m-! ' aver 'ee experience hick helps her -- I » seven ple and ving' thamnte meet mats on the floor: It-they begin PAP TERE WOME. eet her en. knov at the « an chaoui 7 te problems in the tc get tense Mrs. MacDous know what the children should day » - day probi in tt B50 Ae a ea ak . be capable of at each grade b S t regi ie in De Jevel Tshombe Suggests "More n 90 cent of the tummy, They giggle and then school's { ) have or relax again have . had speech difficultie She uses a metronome as a WORRIED READER Mediation Course 'O MWe foved. Ones Aim of the speech therapist guide for their speed in talk LONDON: (CP)~--A Warwick-. SALISBURY (Reuters)--Pres soe here is not per fection but ac- ing nn they can say a sen- shire reader wrote to the maga- ident Moise Tshombe of The ceptable > which is intel-|tence y at slow speed, she zne Topic complaining of the Congo's secessionist Katanga ligible ree ym ~ulatory increases the metronome's rate! Soviet's explosion of a super- province has su ted the ap- error lisp tutters, distract-'until they are tal tking normally. bomb in the Russian Arctic.!pointment of an independent Af- performances or facial gri An important of helping '""The area_is one of the most frican statesman to mediate be maces children and adults who stutter important breeding grounds for tween himself and the central re ve ve The children need "lots of en- is to build up their opinion of|/wild geese in the world," he.Congo government, it was an It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the couragement with over-emph 1a- themselves, she says said nounced in this Southern Rho sized rewards [ everything - mR cSt : desia centre Wednesday . : AVOID RHYMES OLDEST VETERAN Pehouibet's: aatianent © memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter, BLOW LIGHT BULBS Mrs. MacDougall avoids us LONDON (CP)--AIf Hawker, sued by Rhodesian Federati . : H . Mrs. MacDouga avs @ ing nursery rhymes because the Britain's oldest ex-soldier, cele-/Prime Minister Sir Roy Welen son or those beyond the immediate family circle, lild needs blowing exerci idren tend to concentrate too brated his 103rd birthday in No who said he received the to learn breath contro! an much on the rhyme, To teach) vember. He fough the Afg-| i sage from Tshombe for re- a faithful friend or kin, has come up with several ideas.ja child the R sound she pre-jhan campaign of 1878-79 ay In the sincere hope of rendering a helpful service to those who wish to pay tribute to a loved one at CA RUM Christmas time, the Classified Department of The Oshawa Times will publish a special page cf Memorial is here! The news of the year in smoother, lighter-tasting rum, Maraca is To ensure that YOUR message appears al sun-mellow and distinctively dry. Maraca Rum adds a touch of tropical this time, phone the Classified Dept. BEFORE magic to every rum drink. Try the arvana WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20th Black Label Rum. Tributes on Christmas Eve. The FINER Rum Za Whithy in the exotic x Caribbean netting Residents Phone MO 8-3703 C Naraca Rum td produced y peli ved rinhed on lg Oshawa plantation d Re i Cate Bowmanville DED AND BOTTLED FOR spl clade Brooklin CARIBBEAN QUALITY Hampton CG VYlaraca. Bram td produced ¢ - Residents natured uchedin le Meron | Phone Oshawa 723-3492