Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1961, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 24, 1961 ==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [G== Soturday 8 to 12 5--Farmers Column 16--Female Help Wanted | 24--Houses for Rent : 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TOP MONEY for dead and disabled EXPERIENCED housekeeper for fam-|FIVE-ROOM house, good location,/ BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri- DESIRABLE second floor downtown f |ifarm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, (jy of five in country near Brooklin, close to school and stores. Available vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen- apartment, self-contained, three rooms, collect. 24-Hour, seven-day service jrivate room, TV, liberal time off. December 1. Telephone J. Thiemann sioner, abstainer, ! monthly. Arply bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat DEAD farm stock picked up promptly,| $100 monthly. 655-3810. 728-3432 after four. & Townline North 25-4283, and water, adults: only, $60. -_728- 8175. : Phone collect, Hampton, COMax 3-721.) srENOGRAPHER, accurate short hand FOUR-ROOM house, near the Shopping $50 MONTHL -- Apartment in village, ONE bedroom apartme: Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. | nd dictephone transcription, Petmas-|Centre. oll heated, three-piece bath, $75115 minutes from Oshawa, Five. rooms, outlet, {aundry (teartment, central, T tv GROWERS WANTED: Yo raise one ent position, employee benefits. Write, monthly. After 6 p.m., telephone 728- all conyeniences, oil {v nace, garage. vate. $75 monthly or furnished including thousand or more turkey broilers. Con-| Box 707, Oshawa Times stating exper. | 4100. Telephone CO 3-2394, TV $95. Telephone 728-1203, ree tact H. H, Goode and Son liience and full particulars. -- inti i Brock Street North, Whitby, <4 SIX-ROOM brick, two-storey for sale, BEAUTIFUL tout room heated apart- | BEAUTIFULL tant F Wood Painting ond Decorating Accoun a s uel and ADY Jay care of baby while'or rent, central, oil heated, garage;|ment, targe kitchen, laundry facilities. (Street. Thee. located on Grandview ~ c - LA 0 give o c \y rr ' entr * , . a . , Cuil e' ree-room Di " 7 CLASSIFIFD AD RATES aDacunbel privela ra mother works, five days week. Live injouilt-in cupboard Immediate posses- Separate entrance and bath. Available bath and entrance, heat, lights, water ROR CLANCY'S Ontario ntiMg FIREWOOD. ar Rood for stove {ar DODD & SOU TER 25: words or ten WATER SUPPLY or out. Required for January 1. Box sion. Telephone 725-4307 BOW Apply 320 Verdun Road after 5.'supplied. Ideal | for newlyweds, 728-8111, Service. Complete bookke vice. inac ree delivery ' Cash Chorge 48 Oshawa Tims 'dults only --_ ed ri > Street West, 725-03 t oh ' | PAINTING & DEC "OR TING ¢ ---------|FOR RENT three bedroom bunga 2 a ~----<~- |FOUR-ROOM = apartment, in apart. , cog ay BOHN 8 4 ECUTIVE SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY WAITRESS -- experienced, for night/low. sid monthly. Ihree-bedroom split LUXURY apartment for rent, living ment building, large stove, refriger: re wae : NSP 2.25 2.48 PICKERING ONT., WH 2-1397\shitt, five days weekly. Apply in person levei $105 monthly. Two-bedroom apart- voom, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen com- ator, built-in cupboards, taundromat, f. E. DEWAR and ¢ : . Painting ha J INSECUTIVE ; 3 »4 Hour, 2 Da 7 Days a Week to Wayside Snack Bar corner bick- ment, $75 monthly. Bowman and Gibson |plete. Marina apartments, 281 Simcoe Parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne _Street, nd Auditors, Cedar Gien Bid : : Fone sa an 2 ; ; inte Street. Oshawa, Onta 02 5 Gyptex, F , On : 500 gallon $5.00, -}208 s Road, Biahway 2 MO 8-521 Street South, 728-4800 THREE | furnish y ue ( ' D gall : ? i 7 1 RRA EN, E rooms, unfurnished, wu ri MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHE and PLAKMEYER ! pray ng 1 Retain oy an wooly ue 1000 gallons ..... 7,00 HOUSEKEEPER to take full charge of TWO BEDROOM house at 67 William ONE BEDROOM apartment, available private bath, heavy wiring in stairs '5. Ch: sa Accnantants, 725-982 SOD SUPPLY 07 BYRO? 'al 9 1800 aaildns 9.00 |motherless home with children ages 13, Street West, adults preferred, self December 1st. $58. TV outlet, washer, sink, cupboards, TV outlet, very com Co, Chartered Accountants, | 725-3527 D 3U 107 IN ST Hi ies apply only to origina 300 gai'on 10, 7; Sad 2: Live te: Rove Wearh ana looute oli bested, Tele ho velurver, heavy day whine, tent saad ee ae WH 20800, Sc peg | DAYS MO snsecutive insertions ; salary. will considey mother with child. | 725. centre, 728-4733. WH 2.0890 TOPSOIL NIGHT ] Dimant woariom onend a 6 BuaAGenen salary. will co YALE FPRIEDLANDER HUNTER ¢ 2 - ~ es ; : THREE rooms and bath, stove and A at t nstitute @ new origina EXECUTIVE type home. Immediate/$5> MONTHLY -- five-room' duplex, refrigerator, ideal for ps Wig ho and Co, Accountants and Auditors MANURE . rai LADY for housekeeping position, live possession, three bedrooms, 40° rec,-;modern conveniences, private entrance, ing block Licensed 'Trustee ankruptey, 6 Personal Service L Very central. Telepho : a ck auninnd in, private room; high wages, char|room, two fireplaces, breezeway and poe mile from Raglan. Telephone 655-72: 25-3911 wade treet wa; B Yale, mF rofessional ond Business fistin AUCTION A onc st , . den, King East area. FRanklin 2-9992, |: King Street Hast, Oshawa cs y BROOKLIN 655-3049 Sikuh coulda Anvohare Yo OGiowe set month tor 3 fines daily ae Phrase oy be fond of children cou " ee : FURNISHED room for rent, gentleman CA; tedia , and district. Quality workmanship, Tel-|| itional line $1:60 per 40 Catt! 80 Pic ley 2 3 "D two -bedroom apartment, 'preferred, Telephone 723-4278 for furs attle Imple cs gar '. "7 HOPKINS and Company 'phone 725-2329 7 & .: ee . ! 271 CELINA STRE -- three-bed.|newly decorated, living room broad-'the: information iy Publie .Accounta 2 Ki . L sia ae Ven pprvr ments, Property of aah duties ely gy eagle room. house, kitchen, bedroom, living loomed, stove, refrigerator, washing jay 5 Street Fast, Os a, Ontaric 9. SE. R. KNOW LTON on oe ee co tae week! Apply 291 Mitchel} "0m, $75 monthly, Available Decem- |facilit es and garage. 648 Christie Ave- a or double rooms for ladies or $ ond ¢ sign, figure counts as ¢ ALFRED COCHRANE ee ey in eneney ber 1. Apply 836 Simcoe Street North. )nue. 723-3810, gentlemen. North-west area, close te WILSON and BURROWS h eT, MODERN GRI LL rd iSe¢ additional aver 724-5209 bus and hospital. Telephone 728-5037, Accountants neoe Street . 0 si Advertisement: East Whitby 5 : % THREE Oshawa a » " IES = Bo ONTE ~1C¢ ISERTIC r-B Qued Ct , n by 5 om. the day be 2 mile east " RELIABLE middle aged woman to look\pry-- - ROOM bungalow, recreation|vate, near school and south Genera) | NICELY furnished bedroom, in warm, [ ge Wg y : peek Binhs. = OIRR ee alter small baby, five days per week. room, antenna, ojl heating, centrally Motors. Heat, hydro included,$60 month. |°!¢2_ home, suit refined gentleman, + Thanks which ony Telephone 725-4976 after 5 p.m. located. Telephone 723-2839. vy. Telephone 728.4872 central, board optional. Abstainers, "3 'am | SATURDAY, NOV. 25 Telephone 7252878 until 9 am ; -) LADIES if you have 3 free evenings @ six rooms bungalow, south end, bus|THREL ROOM apartment. separate : _ = S | end Founa and mera 1-00 ¢ se «, Carillon Towels has an exciting at door, ofl heated broadioom, $100\ rooms, parking, laundry facilities, TV LARGE, two - bedroom apartment, in ~ Concellatior 30 am, Office | SALE AT 1:00 SHARP new job ior you. Phone 728-4267, 10 a.m. monthly. Available Dec..1. Telephone outlet, All conveniences, utilities paid.|"°%, 'tiPlex, north-east location, stove, 725 6047 D Seturday 8 12 7 "|refrigerator, washer, dryer, immediate FIVE-ROOM } F i possession. Telephone 725-3413 y -- ------ R \ h i FIVE-ROOM house to rent, five miles s : : ------ oo ss : "| " in cavern 8--Hunting 17--Male Help Wanted {north of Oshawa, $35 per month. Tele- TRAL, furnished, private entrance, °° MONTHLY -- four-room apartment, LOAM-GRAVEL i ing ' than in : TWO smart men wanted, one to work Phone | Thornhill, Avenue 5-2353 or groom, bedroom and kitchenette, UMUinished, newly decorated, built-in Barristers TAXIDERMIST deer heads mount ores . } LARGE rooms and bath, pri- Ted Jackson, Auctionee to 10 p.m 3392 Simcoe and Adelaide. Adults only " 251 -- P 'ork | write R. F. Howden, RR 1, Maple trically equipped, Ia + tac cupboards, heated, immediate posses- rae than one tied, $22.00. Birds and animals mount. 2% hours ret week Ope parting, Ghee an cos ae me oditite oat ernest or: sion, 728-6820. 359 Verdun Road te NID =| p Yr n n fr sertior adver . " ; brief details to Box 412, Oshawa Times R 3 house with three-piece bs , S onty = - BOWMAN. DAVID L. Barr : SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL sow: terials Sra atl pick We alee ed Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewell, |! € vias bath, hot water. central, Immediate!t» 254 Athol Street East, TH -ROOM apartment, kitchen, liv s a S $ f P fica Wradeatatas Foe 7 i b RR 1, Claremont MAN boy to help do hores for 3 + + 66 Ss ' * ' -- r edro! a ole ei unting " Pe ¢ f " . pl ll iam Stree Ves' c t " , a trance Nor en . 2 a ~ : , » ody emer which errot | DEER hunting epag cottages, 8 NE aah : 709, Apply 112 William Street West bedroom apartments, in new . ji Tonle fn HUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN and ios TRACTOR, LOADER WORK | 4; L PLUMBING and heating ie ' siso reserve the right |'$20 $50 per week, uuide cxtra. ware ohn Pe Fide ig expected to Box 709, HOUSE ior rent Older house, newly Ment building, all conveniences, -/of city Telephone 723-4452 MAN, B t Ss ng according to | accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook | U5haw ee aacava tad: | oil heated, adults, "fully decorated, centrally located.| THREE-ROOM apartment :mphrey k vn, B Reasonabie Rates 28-5 Humph : '. - Abstainers, quiet school-age chil-| 728-5262 "k hunt * ne private en- DIAL 725.2 r n n. neer it sification good ree hunting se i on ber hea Brush Company needs two trance and three-piece bath. Close to DIAL 209-2196 255 display edvertie | Same rates apply Con 301 We two part-time salesmen or > SUIS wT 2 eT ere ~ 401 Highway. Parkin % will not be helo j der RR 1 Clarendon, Ont MiJo Camp Three delivers Phone for ren. Phone 2 THREE - ROOM apartment, bright |70° gags fe. Telephone East " f , s h v Foey " ' a vers Jean, private bath and entrance, 2 ¥ On nad har + moos n nd cut. app a tt, 3996. « FIVE-ROOM house for rent, all con- Money to Joan WHITB Rug--Upholstery "Service espor moe Seer ee tec She mipaee, Abbas. 600: 2s nt. Stan Mbbo rib hd Available immediately. TV antenna, heavy duty wiring. pa |:-|TWO - BEDROOM apartment, fully ie ry " N\ Y CHESTERFIELDS oe that the actuo! error } Telephone 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street. a VERAGE $2.50 hourly, part time, need Apply 817 Centre Street North, second %@ space. Apply 341 Elgin Street East. equipped, on Simcoe Street North. Tele LOUIS § J € cS 3 R e-uphoistere and F shers endeovour ae ema "3 neat r 24-39 for route, >? 4 " " 72 3. 9 r \ | He A : ' Rte ' neat appearing men, 24-3: route) oor. MO 8-8652 UPPER apar' t Aa; phone 725-6343 to 5 p.m wry, Alger EXCAVATING e-stvled. Free estimates mia-|| Yo cept 11--Articles for Rent works 8 tere bears woah' Write' bos |i00e. MO 8660 UPPER apartment, private entrance, |"N0D® 725 dik a al for re-vovering. Dalic hol i aa He tiobitity Mb Gahied Tne FIVE ROOM, two bedroom bungalow, "them, cupboards, and sink, heavy)MODERN four-room apariment. pri- DIGGING Ah ID ng, 75 Charles. Street, 723-7212 : : gre contained aan ear Ritson school, vacant,|"'7i9s, bathroom, livingroom, bed-|vate bath. cupboards in kitchen ; » ime . room attic, y 7 75 ¢ $ ating " MACKEY ; P t DITCHING CHESTEREIELDS and old : - inaccurocies in ary torm SARGEANT'S monthly. Ernie Holmes Realtor, 204 720™, also attic, newly decorated, $75 cludes heating, hot water, parking, | 'ate RE Y N M N ie ng Street Est 725-2363 oe Colborne East, 728-4166 Bear OM South Plant. Apply 254 Mala+ 'ered mas 1 728. "Pr ate R large room , | 8a Roa MO 8-4172 south, Ca L Fise saticnat TABLEWA OUNG MA FIVE ROOM brick bungalow, two bed- apartment, newly i decorated, in quiet district, private en- THREE - ROOM apartment, + rooms, oil heating, laundry facilities, » pri Pe b partment, private to train as sports department yj joo ae . tranc reasonable rent. Telephone|bath, separate entrance, refrigerator, ; R and KE f re-t > > heavy wiring, TV. antenna, close to a . GREER aod Ki} LLY : c \ NEW BUSINESS RENTALS assistant. Must have ot lest al pie Dit OB i 725-9477. stove, near South GM, on bus line, 723-2278, 'Resider J. M BLACK LOAM are t facti¢ r : haath at ' FIVE-ROOM apartment Suit quiet couple. Write Box $04, Oshe ; P fence m4 are on . i ch bowls, chafing dishes, Grade XII education ond jgyqx -- four rooms and bath. 39 nou al apart ment, ;, unfurnished, awa Times e Mattresses re Dui ve . tae . : com is soe : | pene e * self-contai) stove and refrigerator, ie es : ( DRIVEWAY Co., 1 trhet Was al 72 » Unlisted Numbers ice bucket dinnerware, good general knowledge of Glynn, $65 monthly. : parking, TV aerial, adults $85 month-|ONE large, clean, furnished house ree S i r i ' glassware tableware port. Ability to type an ad- SIX-ROOM, two-storey brick house,|ly. Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe Street North, keeping room on Jarvis Street. Apply to ot ay 'pag Pe appa 4 GRAVEL Surveyors VALLEY CREEK rental weddings, show- vantage three bedrooms, oil heating, central at A. FLIM oe TURE er versarie ets Telephone 723-2 or 725-0458 after 5. | fh apartment in apart- - ; 6 William Street West or telephone tesid p 72 2 Tel - ar on rsaries suffe oledarge hag ten ve Bh Si w Olties LL AND SAND I TROLLOPE Ontario ine : ty Mae, PUN et me right, clean, four-piece 1 waa : FIVE-ROOM, modern bungalow, oak/hath, aerial, washer, refrigerator, FURNISHED room in_ private home, JOSEPH I MANGAN: : ; ; i 9 Surve rs, 216 Adelaide Avenue c easonabie prices WRITE BOX 7) ] flooring throughout, tiled bath and) stove, parking, near Shopping Centre,| Wilson Road South, bus to door Kitch: solicitor. Me loat ° 725-5279 ast, Phone 725-68 Wactan, 725-3338 OSHAWA TIMES |kitchen, oil heating, North Oshawa, $85| Adults; 212 Stevenson Road South, en. TV privileges, One or two girls. poo Ss "ng ¥ DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario gts monthly. Telephone 725-3093 z MODERN two. bedroom apartment, |Telephone 728-9780. sid ' : -- Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print MODERN four bedroom home, located |e y IRNISHE wy 2 3% a oWAih WLAKE DODDS : mal natiPanen zee Sareere SOmaere a ve j : 12. Apicies Wanted roo lectrically equipped, washer and dry-| FURNISHED three room apartment, King Siteet East i jin miper yore wa A ha General er, near South Genera} Motors on private bathroom, TV outlet, suitable f re Mot lephon -00 Je s , 7 . - 4 Telephor Business 7 Resi- ALLSTATE o Insurance. Save up Tailors 4 ] 2 RARE coins. in good condition. Tele ONE ONLY otors. Telephone 7 Wentworth Street. Available December for couple, near bus line. No children, dence 728-537 F months to pay. For so f phone 723-4790 after 5 for appointment THREE bedroom brick bungalow, re-|!- 725-6338. please, Telephone 725-1384 NING F. SWARTZ and RONALD |Persor ervice at your home, ca : r No dealers frigerator, stove, oil heated. Close to\LOW rental a MANNING SWARTZ and RONAI reon pies : | apartments, building "one TWO OR three rooms and bath, suitable *] schoo}, transportation. Available Dec. l./year old, $87 monthly, modern two-/|for couple or famil N 'G_ deen' sre a 2 : ma iti - ype y. Telephone 725-669: L. SWART? arr : : nO LEN PU LLA N bs poche ere Rot oA ea hs spre sco DOMESTIC Telephone 723-1214 bedroom, five rooms, free washer, after six é ? ies ; a. He Block OLDEN-- ng Street ' i _ d r a 1 ' " dryer, Parking. 728-3377. crete - -- m Res 798.608 723-3376 E H Christmas Trees 0811 for more particulars ELECTRONIC tr WEtoy, Telephone Willowdaler BA jane eee schteth tial modern three - room ? r \ olf " , : : WANTED -- sct of army officer's khaki TECH N ICIAN are , roe hs cote gvrinoge tana co rscvgaiyiry ; ¥ monthly, Heat and CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and - . = ; a UNED XMAS TREES e in good condition. Size 40-42 1 Mar hexee: Gat gy teritee sy MURDOCH, B No I f C t Mon dence " : Private entrance, East nstruction LIVE RENT FREE seven-room Water supplied, wired for heavy duty end. Available immediately . of e F € t th : pik VISIO ° house, at 160 Park Road North; three Stove, parking, located at 822 King | 728-3296 5 § ne S ' $ K. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing Schoo 4 a pa L BOY SCOUT ae m, size 14 pipwnte r employment in Peterboro additional basement rooms, $100 month ri eee " bus st . Available THRE + on cate! . oes < Ballet 4 Pre-Seh aL aero aeal : y niform, size 10. Telephone 426 : 4 thorized Depot ly. Bedroom furnished if desired. Good|December Ist. Telephone 725-5273 _|and entrance, tile floors, TV aerial. Use Drynan, G. L Murdoch, NHA mort sg BEN i AROS 7 : . t : Elec- (Parking, central. Telephone 725-6133 NEW basement apartment, three un-!of washing machine. $50 monthly. Tele- gages 'ee ( eet, 72 3 : A ' VHOL L | t c E / SIX-ROOM brick. Ritson South, ali furnished rooms, stove, private bath,'phone 723-4130 : a gos ee eae En A ) R.C tc ae a Ber nd entrance. Telephone 728-5924 ~ - BA Man O RR Bs Mea le vente aes Ty oe TV . c W N conveniences, newly decorated, hard- 44 F ACHELC Port - depen ' , Pub ' aera: Rentals EF. HARDSAND ; j BACHELOR apartment two rooms, Buile King Act now one 728-0516. after Telephone 2-ROOM apartment. private bath ] wood floors, oil ated, full basement; THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, unfurnished, refrigerator, stove, excele a : PIF Y ' 0 garage. Immediate possession. Apply in warm and comfortable,' kitchen cup-/lent location, Suit quiet single person West t n '08 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton 728-6656 CK person to 106 William Streeet West or boards, parking, pensioners or working or business couple. $50 monthly inclu- asattahte ; RAD heilet, Hickland maetiaar ret r de-humidifier De 1, j we Piss BOX 808 telephone 725-8384. _____ couple, Adults, abstainers. Immediate sive. Apply 124 Park Road North RUSSELL J. MURPHY . 2 treet West, 725-6 $10 dow p aay yeneeney colle' FOR RENT or sale Modern five. Possession, Telephone 728-2798. AVAILABLE December 1 ees "room: Barrister and Solicitor 6 King t move the from | OSHAWA TIMES room house with garage, three bed-/ FOUR unfurnished rooms, self-coniain-|apartment. sink and cupboards, priv Fast, Oshawa, Onta 2¢ i iP j t Ree ig RIDERS { 1 ath: ab Madiaitak: aha rooms, central. Immediate possession. 'ed, private bath, heat and hydro sup-|bath, adults only Apply 198 Hibbert ge ae . . Mee Teactn Gace kana ree 723-2043 - 723-3374 | Telephone 723-3256 _____jplied, $70 monthly. Telephone 725-8948, | Avenue. cit and N i 2644 ng LADDER . DEK esata Me mae periens phor 7 en st CANADIAN YOUNG people to sell nig eo Good |THREE-ROOM furnished apartment,, THREE-ROOM apartment with stove Street East. Phone c vv be yh . sa: commission Telephone 723-19 eve- kitchen, bedroom and living room, new. |and refrigerator. Close to Shopping : ALMOST EVERYTHID ' OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic tab- 13-----Business Opportunities nings and weekends onls ; d. Separate ent Good Centre bus. Ad y MACKEY, BA, B r : ng Cc " . ings a ken y lecorate eparate entrance. Goo en! us. Adults only, Ample park- BRUCE V. MACKE Barrister, E US A.CAL S pup" thousands of men ARMY t 40. Only 69c. All druggists. | 7° oe a business or buy an SEVEN room two-family house, two location. Telephone 723-3237 after 5 ing. Telephone 725-5132 anytime Street Fast Res. ¥ " & 759 4458 v n pa 59 1 druggi 3 f. 4 nterest in hess or to m TRADE bathrooms, two kitchens, immediate TWO-BEDROOM ground floor apart- FOUR-ROOM apartment. all convenle RALPH JONES. BA, and THOMAS H s ue A N/ S PASSENGER desires ride t pronto, business Gen ral hardware, tom Possession; also apartment. 725-6184 or ment, heavy wiring, jJaundry tubs, con-jences, parking space. Close to South GREER Bar e and § : . ng v t f een a ver. live and sporting goods Prefer pp RT NI | 723-2925. tinuous hot water, private entrance. General Motors and bus, Apply 301 : ' _ ; : ) KING : . : Pe etired gentleman or a competent O O U i ES - . zoe Children welcome. Central. Telephone Cordova Road, Apartment 3, fo citors King Stre ast. 728 AT BU Z aay, 8 =O ease, nan with some sales ability. Telephone FURNISHED house, oil heat, for win P P mt 3, for more ~ @ J: 33 3224 . F a ' i dt 5.3652, 2 oe ter months, to reliable tenants. For par- 725-0368 information < 1 t ; I ' ticulars call at 29 Charles Street. Tele ; E t i 72 $2 e ad of 4 eal J by \ SERVICE station n lune yun 0 mmed or e tor a Bookkeeping B < 7 sala dupt wamnpielet: tack os ub bieaiiea a iike Soolicca te eee - Money to Loan i nformation Saar eatla Son) i ' Pp 830 Six-room house, 95 | Nassa highway villag B mil n for training in the following 'Street. No furnace, vacant. 725-0332; MONIES FOR V JE WAS any ofl company. Terms ut yea twee E ss ere : . ELECTRICIANS 25-7886 after 6 p.m. for more particu-: FOR RENT: Cheerful furnished room|FOR RENT: New two bedroom apart LEN & L¢ W'S h Ae a bose i r r ars n new home, reasonable. Telephone ment in semi-detached house. Private 3 ; 3 : d : ated, close tc hoo! 5645 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent ror RENT -- Three-room apartment, |OT@ted, close to school. MO 85645, i r RADIO AND stove and refrigerator. Apply 233 Pal. THREE - ROOM heated apartmen f on, call ' we SN Rie -wdh es x arty ace Street, Whitby, or telephone stove, good bus service,. parking, $ 728-5804 or 725-7844 si int Resi Sassi ELEGRAPH OPERATOR conveniences, central to General Mo ik, Gabe monthly. Available December 1. CaB Zo ¢ ¢ 42 @) , tors and hospital. reaso ren Pr f in ' . ' RV HI ' bedroom self - apartment, 9 ROOM house for rent, oj] heated. Ir ALL TYPES t vofing, BES y TOWERS vv ete N cg i pave parking ry dryer, $83, mediate possession, Apply 214 Dundas eavest f } * FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four- °°** t ' hab 728 81 180 6 oa ms \ , Corner of Park Road north (room apartment, balcony, residential FOR SALE: Good choice of nursery ete. ( W 3 T Open evening r and | beige as fi iokhins and Saguenay, Two bedroom ties, parking, close to schools, children's spruce. Apply $14 Byron Street North, SPECIALIZING . g repair , ng Eo TAY mode r t Van v Bia rences if required dete playgroun pply igh Street. hitby. Free delivery ; re OSHAWA iv, phone 723-9128. A y , : NEW house for rent, six rooms, thr oa ga'vanized, no paint WAL Cail Sid Martyn rove Rea t bedrooms, good location, Telephone MORTGAGES FF an ope ' TELETYPE CPERATORS MO 8-5765 ance, bath and shower, newly dee- L E CPE 5 NTEN A ENNAS FURNISHED two-room apartment, all : eRe two mornings. MO 8.5107 Buildina Trades PORT OPERATORS Available now. Telephone 728-6844 FOR RENT attractively decorated two : F E 3 . me work in . iy nonthly, Telephone 728-2633 Street East, Whitby or telephone MO ; t+t ' 36 3 N octor's clinic gery. Reply to Box PARKWOOD APTS 8-3220 INTERIOR r ' ey i . re area, newly decorated, laundry facili-. grown Christmas trees, Scotch pine and aM . 3 tc t i r Yelephone es } I 24 2 Pres apartments. Apply cpartment 5 : THREE-ROOM heated apartment, good, FOR SALE: Grey studio couch, good : Winnipe ront GOOD da ae doe 7 one say Raseoaitiy No. 11° or Adults only bus service, parking, $60 monthly.) condition. $20 or best offer. Telephone YOUR e v 4 c c A ss ' ae a : ited tw: childrer Fenced a c Available December ist. Cal] mornings MO 6-4735 f a ; erec ¢ ple : "ahh vata Talpuhe : 723-9776 -- 723-2505 |mo-ssi7, _ FOR RENT: Six room apartment, cen- C ' | d FOR RENT one bedroom apartment, trally Roeraeag close to school, water » A f H7 : | 16---Female He = R Se Cue good district, adults only. $75 monthly,,and heat, newly decorated, ample REMODELING tior t Mortgages 3 - P SAGUENAY / nM! a hydro included, Phone MO 8-2736 morn- Parking. 307 Beech Street. MO 8-8667 and ! cook to Gen 7 3 . ow athe = T.V. and RADIO ELECTR LYSIS SHORT ORDER ree ue Eo APARTMENTS ngs or evenings, APARTMENT for rent. 111 Dundas oe Oth Floor STUDENTS: A wiper value, approxi |Street West, Whitby. Phone MA 3-583, aise CALL 728- 5286 SWITCHBOARD operator for weekends . ! r R mately 630 sheets of letter size typing Bowman : ' : experience to Cc I 3 3 paper (news print) for only $1.00./FOR RENT: Sunny furnished bachelor " ta ty ' ahd oot Hen eed de sass is : ---- Telepheo W -7345 : t r a 8 ore hia Wa Whitby.' apartment, linen supplied, private ene DRAFTING SERVICES nd Henn Barristers, 31 King SHAWA pag 4 > ns Rete a : = ws lion MoOtin ee pro ' me ' 7 i sha Nov t J 29 gai ? nts to > THREE bedroom unfurnished apart-|phone MO 8-4123 Baa idg S p 3 sH 8 woe - ' ser € I ment, central location in Whitby. Apply be FOR SALE $85 mortgage BRICK rranged, bought and i . FOR RENT Two roomed comfort- n me, 7 poir RG e A 8 5 nfo t | : X ane Road South or telephone a). furnished apartment. Kitchenette. Ww ) $333. J J. Bolahood 2 vis i who de ' As jee _ Stove and refrigerator. Suit eiderly 5 9 9 - P smart C DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, or young couple. Apply 305 Perry Street. " ae | Exe n if sor og) 1a AVAILABLE NOW-- alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- MO &8-4470 FIRST chai d SE c OND m tgages a > TL aye. n D BARI TONE ioe . % ae ITS tings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO WANTED RR 020 pai rs good used JOHN'S MOVING Sete sane Wash fhe eS dg ecause we giv ma deiew bn ! nian , a ciey MODERN APARTMEN 8-2372 skates. Midtown Furniture, 111 Brock Wh equip c Se e f REQUIRED J . 3 pli pleco unin FOR SALE; chesterfield and davenport Street North, Whitby, MO 8-4981 ; : --E DA MEDIATELY A RY i T.V, outlet, low suites new and used, some only $19.95, ' a dat ot sale eos ' wath: i Chrome suite from $19.50, heavyduty|Niza bungalow, good location, near all P C ' i eee tore "a x _ i C V 0 mia olieed raat : 3 2n stove 49.50, frigidaire refrigerator $49.-\,-hools; storms and screens, complete. : o Y ain Ri nie tin 8-3092 95, sink stove and refrigerator like jy jandscaped and fenced. Selling below Experience ! : R } on Rd. Apt. § new. Students desk $24.9; y crib cost. Telephone MO 8-8484 FIRST MORTGAGES dustrial and x: ' . F \ i cee nattresses special only _ Four = ' marcia ' er ; ead tt Christmas 3 ge trunks with locks from $7. We|FOR RENT: Newly decorated two bed- olden : nd SAVE A writir n : » £ y ae also have everything im the store re- room apartment, 'age and garden, ; stree ast awa 28-6081 and 723 . . 4 Fat ni = Selling Season os a gett ' LOCATION duced. Drop in and see us. Terms $75 monthly. MO 8-2180, MO 8-5078 ~ : ~~ ss : rae A ae ( patty eet srathy available. Mid-town furniture, 111 Brock por RENT: Four room apartment, CITY CARTAGE | oat hae mae & SARSON, | ul Soon Ge: rere NEW 3-BEDROOM 51.8. Whitby, Mo 8-241 Central location, large yard, heat, light IAL . ' ¢ * eres om fully com i . FOR SALE -- portable typewriter, and water $65 monthly. Telephone MO 725-2621 MORTGAGE A TOWER ? PREPARE NOW cie2_ BUNGALOW (Siena ii Ste ee. asa to eae ee ee 3--Pets & Livestock FOR qoose-neck lamps,-sitgle, $3.95,[0 7 ST RCHANGE. Sood skates s ? cinit # School $12.00 Ss, - singh a tow price id furniture, 111 i$ | FOR 18--Male or Female Help Vicinity of: schools r, $6.95 stoves, from Brock St nithy MO 8-498] makin { FEMALE Boxer, brown, seven months INVISTREE r 4 a beautify; dog easonable. Tele LARGE PROFITS Wanted $95 MON j LY se ; : 14 - com MON rasa FOR SALE Sapeaper grr ere i ~ a ' a 5 washer, ¢ it i aranteed. Must : : MIDDLE aged couple or lady to jook pune } ee Relea 3k MOL D 9 ¢ . rg FOR SALE -- agle 7 from i cri SF it aiter aged person, separate apartment . isa ni Pee Rober yy - -- cn ie ) f ' dea ' . a SEI iG AUTIFU gene , ee oe gp fae ie y, $8 me suites from 5, SEPTIC tanks cleaned Walter War DRESSMAKING i f | a \ SELLING BEAUTIFUL eference required, Telephone 723-3556 2 BEDROOM : ny more. bargains. Open down 24 Chestnut Street West, Phone MO aciie . ' € : t q SQUIRE monkey rs ; 7 y until p.m OWN 2. Ste wer =o" .9| AVON GIFTS APARTMENT ee 5 ammldecoati i Stat the mati 20. Room and Board y 4 8-4981 Where ya "Pree san Coin Laundry, ee os : 1 é Atari i Sou w wash, 15 cents. Two for ADELAIDE AND PARK MicLean is once again manager A Rah seg wel Drilling- Dissing otc gh mec ly owe 725-8466 fe aiulet' Wale partes nsgr is to oon SS ies : FOR SALE: 9 piece walnut finish dining Fe "907 rh ee ee , : n quiet home. parking pply 89 Osh co phaak aces o sone : visu : FE caveat awa Boulevard South or telephone 72 $95 MONTHLY sulle, chesterfield and chair. Telepson dept binuiannises | ' = gn a 31 : 10 &-8003 SELF-CONTAINED fur. roow apart- Driving School j 1E D 1O s Telephone 728 5282 FOR RENT Foomed apartment,.™ent, in Wi we be se . TE VEENH F 4--Market Basket j WEEKLY, two gentlemen or girls FF UNIIS | pune entrance, heated, accomodate! 2, oornee 2 ses 2 : MITER WWE Nic » share single beds. TV, laun iep LEARN y DRI ITEC on WINTER P i : 7 1 ' One block from main corner. POTATOES. 7 > c rd ntral Telephone 59087 Oshawa s Finest MO 8-2861. 135 Byron Street South ates i and board for ladies or hn n 6 . earch ana Geve . close to downtown i = ae ON : WINTER ' _ Gold ant y aor 5 I ? El ae East. 728-3643 Estimates on Nursing Homes eles > é ' es north of Whith tur acy 70 SHNUNG on fice eirls, t r ' Rooms SUNNYBRAE N r 3 ; se "Tel gh : : APTS. ror 28-009 a, Call 72 be 5--Farmers Column E ' gery PONTIAC INN -- room and board ava && VY ' SEGRTEREG nesonee DIGGING | gars {- Ble, home' cooked meats. tunenes gaex-| BACHELOR SUITES ; Special $4.48. . ne ' t Lynto ~ x CFARAAE 4 C ae : : Te ed, have TV lounge. Telephone 725-007 } \ AS Fuel and Weed i ) BROT DI voles : FARMER'S NEEDS : : pas ROOMS for gentlemen, board if de 1 BEDROOM SUITES BUIL Fay A Fact TORY " SOUTH HAVEN rt 1. vin ea ere i olf m 3 oe t " ) ¢ =" og ak ---- = centra 2 BEDROOM SUITES 701 BROCK STN. WHITBY phone te TY ' 2 ' : i : be Aes : . : * FOR THREE gentlemen, ci evoto & MO &-237 a eral Motors South plant ndry focili- PRIVATE three bedroom, one year old ONE AND TWO ne 0 ; Must Rove 'senior matt --Pavec BEDROOM APTS Opton etrists USE T HE S H R ry : S Rosita aie clean. set ne. _Bemt home-cooked : f -- , : vis $85 a $ ] 00 ! Rik oped BI aC K. pton C| : \ we DU ARM ACY v ; r pt A u -- so ry Mn DON HOWE t aces) Wo steipoi reba 2 ES BROOKLIN COLLIN'S RADIO |22--Store Spece & Garages ee bys tnt Please € SSIFIED : a Sgn ae = DAT Dp STORE -- 700 square feel. plus 32 0407 . B/ PRIME basement, tear entrance and store 723-9692 evenings ae) COLU UMNS fe eve . TORO , front 25 Simeoe Street South,| "995 9735 \ . F Rankin 2 7922, Coboure meals. Telephone ovum

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