Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1961, p. 16

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16 THE GINAWA TIMED, Friday, Novemper 24, 190! day he will remain as coach of Moose Jaw Pla - Mors of the Saskatchewan Senior League until he joins the Terriers. He will return to Pla-Mors if they \Noranda To Buy Placer Shares TORONTO (CP) -- Noranda Mines Ltd. announced Thurs- stockers 21-25 with stock|day it has arranged ot pur- chase 600,000 shares of.the out- standing stock of Placer De- velopment Ltd. for $15,000,000 Jackie McLeod Joins Terriers SWIFT CURRENT, Sask.|make the league playoffs. (CP)--Jackie McLeod of Moose| McLeod was named coach of Jaw, Sask., who helped Trailithe Pla-Mors Wednesday. He . 6th Session Smoke Eaters to last year's|took over from Jim van Bus- world hockey championship,|kirk, who will continue as 8 ON 'Py will join Galt Terriers, Cana-|player with the team. Hs Pres ghag a ce eee dian representatives in the Feb-| McLeod regained his amateur or $25 a share, itive session and speculatives|?¥aty world tournament in Col-|status in December, 1960, after Placer, through its wholly-|were mixed during heavy trad- orado Springs, Colo. 11 years as a professional with common|? Wned subsidiary, Canadian|ing on the Toronto Stock Fx-|, McLeod, a former Westerr|New York Rangers of the Na- Exploration Ltd., holds a 45-|change Thursday *'League allstar, said Wednes-|tional League and WHL clubs. per-cent interest in Craigmont , LE Mines Ltd. at Merritt, B.C., and by cas aces Ss aS Cattle receipts were esti-\Cpws gaining a $2 preium; |? ge po ao ee bination of profit - taking by mated at about 9,500 head, some|stags 17.50 on a dressed weight] "ESi" Sake Slines * IM\ short - term investors and tax- 600 fewer than last week and|basis. Tore Bey : ; .. ».. |loss selling, was the result of 2,200 more than the same week| Sheep and lambs: Good) It also has interests in high-|drops among steels, foods, utili- in 1960, Cattle receipts from|handyweight 20 per hundred-|quality coal deposits in Aus-\ties and papers, with wide- Western Canada were less than|Weight; heavy and medium 17-|tralia and in Pato Consolidated|<pread fractional falls predom- half those of last week at 311 18 with common down to 14; Gold Dredging Ltd. in Columbia inant. head. good light sheep 8-10; common|and Bulolo Gold Dredging Ltd.) sc eouative action cooled Slaughter cattle: Choice|ard fat sheep 3-7; feeder lambs|in New Guinea. somewhat. Lake Dufault gained steers 26-27 with sales to 27.50|14-16 per hundredweight. The Noranda announcement|1, to 10% in moderate trad- and a few fancy steers up to) age |said the 600,000. shares repre- ing. 128.10; good 25-26; medium 22-| . sent about 22 per cent of the 24.50; common 17-21; good hei-| Tobacco Bids outstanding shares and moves fers 22-23 with choice dry feds} ownership of the largest single to 24; medium 19-21.50; com- 'Steers, Heifers Industrials Trading Active TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter steer steers and heifers traded ¢x-|up to 27.50 on a good selection; tremely actively at prices fully;jcommon, medium and stock .50 and more per hundredweight|heifers 16-20, higher at the Ontario Public! Calves: Choice vealers 31-33 Stockyards this week. with extreme tops to 35; good Yearlings, cows and bulls sold/29-31; medium 24-27; at firm prices, veal calfs were|18-23; boners 14-17, firm, hogs steady and lambs} Hogs: Grade A 27.10-28.75; unchanged. heavy sows 18.85-19.15; light IS TRADE-IN TIME time to trade that old saw in ona brand new A $4 gain was posted by Crewn Trust to 61, while new highs were reached by Invest- ors Syndicate A, up $2, and bathurst B, up 4. i} he and make more money by reducing maintenance cost and increasing production NU-17 159.50 COMPLETE WITH 12" ATTACHMENTS A. W. RUNDLE 1015 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 725-1764 Director Brunet said much of the blame for the escapes from federal institutions lies with the "ever-increasing soft treat atch for tax savings ment" of prisoners who are re as one of the more regrettable| sp neds eer oe oem joutcomes of high taxes. | Security conditions at provin Preliminary block of shares in Placer to |mon 15-18.50; choice fed rear Qp d Sl ly Canada, lings 26.50-27.50 with sales tol ene ow On index. tndnatriat \28; good 23-26; good cows 15-| TILLSONBURG (CP) -- Bid-| Peronty Stock Exchange Thurs-|, 604.19 at ig oe ee ; |15.50 with sales to 16; medium|ding opened slowly Thursday onjday at $26.82 a share, its high 0 604.19 and golds rose .24 to | ' é : ' and western oils .96 to 110.66 jand cutters 9-12.50; good heavyj|crop in three auction exchanges|low of $14. on ° . \bologna bulls were mostly 19\at Aylmer, Delhi and Tillson-| Volume was _3,0,000 shares land medium 13-18. The estimated 196,000,000- DIVIDENDS ge ee Replacement cattle: Good|pound crop may be the second Senior base metals were PURSES tN REE RD AES Ss Sate IN aah | \ | ing and Smelting up 34 and Nor- 000,000 s wi} ' ' nef Kite Ba S Securit linet youre sinbieet -- below Alberta Pacific Consolidated anda at a new high of 547%%,} Winner of the Mrs. Ameri- | troit (center) with Mrs, Ari- | (left) and Mrs. Minnesota, p Y ' a record Dec. 7. lternational Nickel d Ven- see ; | Nana isented when buying opened. hea a an en ea contest was Mrs. Michi- | zona, Mrs. Angelyn Almond | Mrs. Gloria Schultz of St. Four new buying licences| Beaver Lumber Company|tures all dropped to $1, | | . by the Ontario Flue - Cured To-|record Dec. 11, pfd. 35 cents, | Giant Yellowknife up % and Road Fatalities BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Federal Jails Secs Growers Sonne gel 2 i, "oor sar i Melo. Fern nang see i . whether the new companies will|1962, record Dec. 11, Class A|as 5%. . MONTREAL (CP) -- Quebec) oxercise their privileges directly|25 cents, April 2, 1962, record| In steady western oil trading, p IS ear ax aws efy Provincial Police have betterjon the auction floor. March 10, 1962. |Home B, Hudson's Bay Oil, Pa- OTTAWA tk gr oyge gol : : than chase after prisoners who|son and Hedges (Canada),!45 cents plus 10 per cent stock,|2nd Edmonton all advanced to traffic accidents in all | ° nave. a oe jail, Direc-\Brampton; Simcoe Leaf To-|Jan. 2, 1962, record Dec. 11, |%s While Home A rose % to a or Josaphat Brunet says. bacco Company, Simcoe: J. 0.| bist ; jnew high of 12%. 235 in September, compared i J I id stc ] I 1di I lg | In a sharp attack on security|y, c: ; | Dominion Scottish Inve s t-| Rea coer eager ec: with 252 in the same month last er ln puaiives ha federal and OO galeria, "Lente and Gregory | ments Ltd., common 15 cents! year, the bureau of statistics re- a ES IDE b : ; 4y|Vincial jails in the province, he|---------- . gee ported today. lcaacdais ones Walaioe tedtter: om ee "aids Baal 1AX' cays his men "can't afford the| record Dec, 15. COLOGNE, Germany (AP)}-< PY uaa ie Suge Anon at lees oni WOrTY|time to round up prisoners who} 51 Sents A Pound | Economies Investment Trust|Latest gimmick to cope with ary-Septembei period was 2,165,) Cutting down.on one's taxes|much about egal technicalities saath to be eonhainlly Malane v |Ltd., common 30 cents plus 50/COllisions on ski slopes is an an increase of 97 over the cor-|has become a major pursuit,/because any tax savings that}) 48 nl jcents extra, Dec. 29, record|electrically - powered ski pole. ss \ scrutiny little effort." ust and September data for)/business. jScrutiny of the law probably)" sy, = ee ay.| TILLSONBURG (CP) -- Sale| Imperial Oil Ltd., 30 cents| handle that works a horn signal. Quebec are not included in| This doesn't refer to tax eva-|WoUld be minor. |, "We are getting tired of hav-| TILLSONBURG ( "pd 98,|They were on display at a sport- simply to} At today's high rates, which/quties to scour highways and|at an average price of 51.71 record Dec. 4. Fatalities by province in the/finding out exactly what the law|take about half a company's| hyways feb aeenela ae 'ave cents a pound was reported| Madsen Red Lake Gold Mines} with 1960 totals in brackets: ing sure you don't pay any|portant . fail? tured To ad Marketing|b D 22 rd Dec. 4./record Dec. 4; comm 25 : 8 3 3 ; cuted and sent to jail he,Cured Tobacco Marketing|bonus, Dec. 22, recor ec, 4. p ; on Newfoundland 34 (29), Prince| more They are important, not ontyladded. : "e/Board. It was the first day in| Ontario Steel Products Com-|cents, pfd. $1.75, Feb. 15, 1962, tia gee . og i or iplex and require whole batteries|because , at today's rates, it)in Quebec during the last year.| (126), Ontario ( » 4 lof experts -- lawyers, account-|seems probable that most tax/All but four have been recap- 3 fiscal advisers--to decide|cost must be handed on to the |tured. | (97), Alberta 182 (194), British damier ¢ Hoes ' Columbia 230 (214), and the Yu-|"Hat they mean. consumer in the price of the 5 (3) a rtrd' yelp oe piece crrEs DANGERS Quebec had 573 fatalities injof legislation at this week's con-) yrany tax students sce the ex- Complete data for this year ismadian Tax Foundation, com- not available. jmented: | "Some of the provisions are) Tt staote ol : |so complicated that they require] starts with a legitimate|cial institutions are almost » lina to study and a degree oft can, however, lead to aling that he feels sure most pris- : search for loopholes in the lawjoners serve out their terms in- {opinion upon them," : " Shipments Up P P jand this, while legal, may lead|the less irksome choice. OTTAWA (CP) -- The bureau|DISAGREEMENT POSSIBLE into questionable morality. In}------------- shipments of new motor vehic-|things as nerve, stamina and evasion and fraud. are being ethical because they les in October rose to 33,410)courage, a company's income) At this week's tax conference|don't know what the law in- a 16 ~ per ~ cent increase De-|of the income tax department's| said a revised tax law is needed,|should pay tax in certain areas spite other gains in June, Julyjexperts, who may or may not/including a clear statement of|and then again it may not total was down 5.6 per cent atjand the whole matter may end cated that in some instances the|ion, in any event, have made tax 306,107 units, 'up in the courts. tax expert and his company dolstudy a fast growing profession. Placer was quoted on the \14-15; common 13-14; canners | the 1961 flue - cured tobacco/for the year, compared with a 89.34, base metals. .33 to 209.54 with sales to 19.50; common)burg. | jcompared with 5,572,000 Wel oe MDs opens |largest harvested in Ontario. It) By THE CANADIAN PRESS strong with Hudson Bay Min- MRS: AMERICA CONTEST WINNERS Eight companies were repre. | Oils Ltd., two cents, Dec. 29,/ahead 4%. Geco, Gunnar, In- gan, Mrs. Lila Masson of De- | of Phoenix in second place | Paul third (right) a 'In Provincial, Ihave been tentatively approved|Ltd., pfd. 35 cents, Jan. 2, 1962,| Gold trading was light with Board, but it is not known/|1962; Class A 25 cents, Jan. 2,)and Kerr - Addison off as much jthings to do with their time| The new applicants are Ben-| Crown Zellerbach Corporation, |Cific Petroleum and Calgary inces except Quebec numbered London, England. _lplus 20 cents extra, Dec. 29, SKI-POLE SIGNAL The death toll in the Janu- responding total for 1960. Aug-jand a major cost, in today's|might be possible through closer their way out of prisons with' In Tobacco Sale IDec. 15, |The poles have a button on the either total. sion, or fraud, but | jing to take time off from other of 1,428,451 pounds of tobacco/plus 20 cents extra, Dee. ing goods show here. first nine months of the yearlrequires you to pay and mak-/profits, the savings can be im- already caught once, prose-;Thursday by the Ontario Flue-|Ltd., five cents plus 2% cents|plus 40 cents extra, Jan. 4, 1962, Edward Island 5 (9), Nova Sco-| ay jaws, however, are com-|to the company but to the public! 'There have been 35 escapes|the auction of the 1961 crop. 'pany Ltd., common 40 centsjrecord Jan. 15, 1962. toba 88 (86), Saskatchewan 107| 4. | kon and Northwest Territories) W-. M. Carlyle, Vancouver|COmpany's products, the first nine months of 1960,|ference in Montreal of the Ca-|ceeding se Motor Vehicle Inerve to tackle, a certain stam-\Study of the intent of the law.|laughing matter, he said, add-| reckless courage to 'express an which are not intended to exist|stead of escaping because it is of statistics reported today that| Even after exercise of such other manifestations it gets into|no{ know whether or not they units from 28,762 a year ago,|tax report must run the gamutlin Montreal several speakers|terds. It may intend that they and September, the 10 - monthjagree with its interpretations.|government aims, They indi-| The high rates and the confus on the SHELL NEWSPAPER CAMPAIGN > the campaign, hes produced even higher scores). In another study, comparative ottitudes toward Shell and the respondent's usual brond of gasoline were sought in three cities -- a case of 'stacking the deck ony one of them in the eight-year period wos 59%. Lost fall, newspapers all over the country carried the story of on extraordinary adver- tising campaign, one without precedent in oleum industry: the Shell Oi! Cum- had decided to place its multi-million budget almost entirely in daily news- Fourteen ads in the current Shell com- paign have now been measured in similar fashion. Every one of the fourteen exceeded the eight-year overage; eight of them even the pe pany were. "Which WITH o 06 MULTI. SLENDING CO0L © CONTROL ov BREWED BLENDED SARLEY MALTS o 0 BLENDED HOPS This is to certify that Dow Ale és brewed by the exclusive Cool Control process. This process && continually tested, thereby ensuring uniform high quality, Fijiivattee, 2h. > OR. RH WALLACE, @MECTOR, QUALITY CONTROT. SMOOTH VEAST BIG FOUR FOOTBALL ON TV WATCH IT ON Wotch the Exciting second game of the: sf papers The campaign. was reportedly designed to; 1, Stand out by its dominant position in 2 major medium. 2. Get additional impact appearing in a medium where a long uct story could be told effectively. 3 of a "newsy" nature in the primory news medium A campaign of this nature was bound to be watched closely, not only by oil men and newspaper men, but by people in od vertising and marketing. As the campaign progresses, questions are asked, How well s the campaign doing? Are the ads making an impression on newspaper readers? Whet s the reaction of the dealers -- the all- important point of consumer contact in the vast Shell sales organization? Readership Records Preliminary studies have been ndependent research firms both f and for the Bureau of Advertising of the American Newspaper Publishers Associa tion, These studies, conducted during the first half of the yeor's drive, provide some of the answers to these questions A Bureau analysis of readership studies by the Daniel Starch organization covered more than 18,000 newspaper ads from 1952 to 1959, including all gasoline and oi! ads in the size category into which the Shel! ads foll. The average 'noted' score by men .for all the petroleum ods was 32% and the highest observation attained by made topped the previous record score, and one set a new high of 81% significant were the "read most'" 54 in which @ respondent's 'yes' ans- wer indicates he read at least half the copy. Against a 10% "read most" average for petroleum adds, the Shell copy hos been averaging almost double this, and has at- tained scores as high as 41% ---- a notable performance in view of the fact thot Shell's ng, detailed, and sometimes tech- jical text motter, These results confirmed Shell's confidence that a long story can jet across to newspaper readers -- one of ajor reasons for Shell's choice of the medium aa fe Before and After ' Impact on consumers was mec y a two-city "before and after" stuay " for the Bureau of Advertising by ARB Surveys, Before the start of the campaign, the respondents were tested on their general advertising awareness ---- did they recall seeing any gasoline advertising? In both cities, 7% named Shell advertising Only three weeks after the new campaign started, a similar question produced 17% and 19% unaided recall for Shell ads in With aided recall -- did they remember ony Shell advertising? -- the positive responses jumped to 32% and 40%. (Subsequent research, in later stages ads carry the rr Inc the two cities against yourself," os it company," the consumers were askea, "Shell or (the respondent's own brand), is doing the most work in product research and scientific development?' Consumers ace tually rated Shell oheod of their "own brands" by a margin of 37% to 22%. The question was also asked, 'Which company, Shell or (the respondent's own brand), is doing the best job of giving the people the straight facts about gos and oil?' The score wos: Shell 26%; own brands 25%. Dealers Say "Yes" In a survey designed to determine dealers' reactions to the campaign, interviewers ask- ed 6,000 of them: "Is the new campaign better than, as good as, or not as good ae lost year's?" Nine out of ten of the dealers who expressed an opinion called the cam paign "as good" or "better." By far the majority answered '"'better". Thus, at the halfway point in Shell's 1961 newspaper campaign, it wos clear thot the persuasive selling messoges were reoching © record number of newspaper readers, re- gistering a district impression with them, and developing new high levels of dealer support An appropriate summing up of the pre- liminary evidence is this statement by one of the prime movers behind the project: "The campaign is working. The voice of Shell is being heard this year. We in- tend to keep it that way." ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF NEWSPAPER SELLING POWER AT WORK Published in the interest of more effective advertising by The Oshawa Times Admittedly this is @ report from the Bureau of Advertising, ANPA; however, these fects ere substantiated by Con- adian principals at Ogilvy, Benson and Mather (Canada) Limited. We ere proud to contribute to ity success. Whee Oailvy, Benson and Mather (Canada) Limited included the Oshewe Times in this multi-million-doller advertising compecion, they knew that to sell Oshawe with Centrel Ontario, ONLY The Oshowe Times sells everyone worth selling, syery day of the week. 2-game total-point finol, Toronto at Hamilton, November 25, at 2:00 p.m. C FTO -TV CHANNEL

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