[TELEVISION LOG 'HCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltop YGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo VEBW-TV Chanrel 7--Buffalo CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CBLT-TV Channe! 6--Torento WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WROC-TV Channe! 5--Rochester CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. ll--Family [heatre ' a t--The Mischief Makers 7~Eariy Show €3--Dick Tracy 5--Playhouse Five 4~--Theatre vegan os Hound $--Whirlybirds 6--Metro News 3--Man From Mare 2~Highway Patro) 6:15 P.M. €--National Velvet Farm Report 6:30 P. 9--Sports--Annis Stukus | 1-5-4-3-2--News: Weather Sports 6:45 P.M, P.M, 9--Real McCoys 6 Seven 0-One 5--Top Cat 4--News, Weather Sport, ports 3~The Flintstones 3--Roya) Canadian Mounted Police 7:15 P.M. U--Family Theatre 1. Weather 7:30 P.M, $--Showdown 7--Ozzie and Harriet 4--Captain Kangaroo 'od ay 8:15 A.M, 1--Buffalo A.M, £00 A.D. 7---Cartoons 5--Coffee Break 4--Popeye'n Playhouse | 2--Consult Dr. Brothers 9:15 A.M. 2~Yankee Doodle Time Show 9:30 A.M. 1--Romper Room 2--The Debbie Drake 4-You and Your Family we M. 5-2--Say When 4--News and Features |11--Musie | 9--Free and Easy 7--Our Miss Brooks $2--Play Your Hunch 4--I Love Lucy 1) A.M. \1--Bob McLean Free and Easy 7--The Texan 5-2- Price ts Right 4--Video Village | 3--Romper Room | 11:3. A.M, 7~Love That Bob 5-2 Concentration 4--Your Surprise Pack. age } 12:% NOON i--Bugs Bunny and | Friends 7--Camouflage { 6-2--Truth or ' | 7- American Bandstand 6--Cuisine 30 5-2--Make Room For Daddy 4--The Brighter Day 3--Women's Show 4:15 P.M. 4--The Secret Storm 4:30 . 6--Edge Of Night S--Here's Hollywood 3--Kim Fraser 2--Three Stooges FRIDAY EVENING sc FM. 1--Family Theatre 7---Popeye 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 5--Kukla 4--A Visit With Santa 5:15 P.M. 4--Popeye's Playhouse oy PLM 7--Barly Show 6--Tide Water Tramp 5--Playhouse Five 4--Theatre 3~Popeye and Pais 2--Diver Dan :0¢ P.M, 9~--Whirlybirds 6-- News 3~Popeye and Pals 2 Highway Patroi 6--Father of the Bride | 3--Farm Market Heport j 6.30 r.M. l--News 9--Sports -- Annis Stukus © tg ae ee es BUZ SAWYER THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1961 79 NOTHING F OAPA nese © 1961, King Péatares Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved. EXACTLY! WE ORGANIZE DEMONSTRATION. CROSSWORD ISURE HOPE YOUVE GOT GOOD BRAKES/ OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS SERGEANTS' MESS LEAGUE This week Cecil Mills was top bowler with a nice 722 (243, 235, 244), followed by Bette Sackett 690 (233, 233, 224), Win Temple 674 (232, 255), Bob Cars- well 674 (251, 260), Dick Batley 655 (241, », Fred Porter 622 (203, 222), Ev Clough 616 (238), Geo. Robbins 607 (213). 200 Scores -- Jack Klapow 298, Bud Ellegett 246, 214, Jack Anderson 243, 213, Ede Burr 238, Jack Sackett 235, Una Allison 227, Geo, Wright 217, Joe Teatro 213, Lloyd Corson 213, Mel Whyte 211, Karse Carswell 209, Sid Temple 207, Reg Burr 206, Bill Borrowdale 205, Irene Heath 201, Percy Wright 201. Points Taken -- The Gunners white- washed the Drivers 5-0; the Wireless beat the Commanders 4-1; the Armour- ers beat the Mechanics 4-2 while the Loaders beat the fitters by the same Instructors beat the Oper- Standings -- Fitters 41, Wireless 41, Mechanics 40, Instructors 40, Command- ers 36, Operators 34, Drivers 30, Armourers 27, Gunners 25, Loaders 24, DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Peacock Lumber won the first sec- tion with 20 points. The other teams finished up as follows: Monctonians 19, McLaughlin Coal 17, Jury and Lovell 17, White Stars 16, Oshawa Auto Trim 12, Post Office 11, Ali Stars 10, Allen's BA 7 and Strangers 7, 8. Himes had the high triple this week, bowling 774 (288, 258). Other high triples went to A. Greene 708 (275, 241), H, Kalnitsky 708 (256), J. Patraboy 694 (275), P. Dobbins 676 (283, 242), E. Simpkins 675 (252, 243), 8. Schwartz 671 (311), A, Perry 658, B. Galant 653 (256, 248), and T, Stergen 652 (305), The high singles were as follows: B. Sherman 290, M. Bell 261, M. Swartz 258, F. Hayward 257, B. McLean 253, 8. Howard 247, J. Steffen 246 and A, Goguen 240, There were two newcomers to the Lemon League this week. They Were 5S. Topp 95 and D. Kyle 77. Congratula- tions boys, you finally made it! SALLY'S SALLIES 6--Toronto File | 5-3-2--News: Sports 8-2 Outlaws | oui tae | 6:45 P.M. --News: Wi t | Re zi 4--Frontier Circus 9-4--News: Weather: |i1_ramily Theatre 3--Real McCoys | 5--Popese and Pale '| 9-6-5-2--News 8:00 P.M, | 12°) eM. i sani P.M 9--Theatre ie | 43 Mh, 7--Donna Reed | anne wie House | 2-Lou Agase €-3--Hollywood: The | 19.99 OY 6--Seven-0-One Golden Years | 7-Make A Face J 5--Flintstones 8:30 P.M. 6--Movie Matinee | ere i--OHA Junior Hockey | §-2--it Couid Be You e Father Knows Be 4--The Real McCoys | 4--Search for Tomorrow | g-Brothere Bracnigan 6-3--My Three Sons 3--News: Weather: | : a) . §-2_Dr. Kildare Sports | 7:15 P.M. 4--Bob Cummings Show 12:45 P.M. | i--News; Weather 200 P.M. | Guiding Lignt | oh) es 7--My Three Sons | 1:00 P | ®West Coast 6-3--The Defenders lit--Me . Mati | 7--Straightaway 4--The Investigators ecmay te Cont. 6--Sports Huddle 9:30 P.M. $--Feature Movie | ay ler nga In $--Big Four Playback | + Me 1 aradise 7--Margie bie bE hoc aay eee 4--Rawhide Western 5-2----Hazel 2--Mid-day Matinee 10:00 P.M. | 1:30 P.M. 7--The Untouchables 9--Theatre ba Stat San Miller 7--Divorce Hearing en Casey 4&The W 4--CBS Reports Fee yeild! da Turns #Country -innction | 9399 P.M "1k } 2: -M. 16:15 P.M. T--Number Please li--Jim Coleman Show Chez Helene 10:30 P.M. This Week In Football ACROSS 2, Exchange 3. To RIA eB ee 1. Medieval premium mature ISILIAIRN Is] eae war-clubs 3. Like a omg fe ee . Chocolate dough RICE OMBOIN oe mass" (26,010 AMBEPEIEMNCC 11, Century . Seth's times 4 . plant mother (archas 12. Ohio city . Meaning ic) 13. To compare . Taxi 7, Pasha 14, Coarse . Bulgarian Period fabric weight of 15. Plaything . Wrinkled time 16. Music . Soft mud 32, Ree note . Afresh spect- 18, -- Deal . A little ful 19. Comment devil address 22. Venture 9.To carouse . Buoyant 25. Sounded, . Roman platforms Sciiteruatisnat show as bells money Festive ; M. 28, Pointed . Prices . Wicked 44, Conjunce 9--Wagon Train arch 22, Click Church tion 7~The Hathaways 30. Grave beetle calendar 46, Retired 6-3--Country Hoedown marker -- 8:50 FM. 31, Relates 2 B |? jo (1--Seaaunt 7~--The Flintstones 33. Singer pV af Nelson «= ae 34, Aptitudes 4--Rov . sar a 36, Jellylike material 9:0 v.¥ l1i--Holiday Ranch 38. Sun god 39. Cereal - |, BLAST! THE ees (YOu MEAN prari ts }| | LAST BUS FOR) =f F---A1I| | YOu CANT SEN DEA?! ANOTHER 1? Se \i A CAS FOR a HOUR } ANOTHER : a "THIRTY MINUTES? BUS ) SORRY IMA LITTLE LATE! Yesterday's Answor 40, Eager 41, British conserva -- ots" | ee | ego | sca a a Pe ee Maas. Series MICKEY MOUSE | 5-2 Jan Murray Show | 4--Password 2:15 P.M. | 6--Nursery Sehool | us! 3--Dangerous Robia 11:00 P.M. 11-4-7-6-5-4-3-2--News Sports 11:15 P.M. --Weather: Sporte 'Late Show @--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. \i--Late Show $--Better Late 6--Invisible Man 4--Starlight Theatre 3--Naked City $-2--Jack Paar jti--Jane Gray Show 7~--Seven Keys 6-3--Open House | 5-2--Loretta Young Theatre 4---House Party 3:00 P.M. |11--Romper Room | 7~Queen For A Day | 63--Pat and Ernie 5-2--Dr. Malone 4-- Millionaire | 3:30 PAM. : i | %Playhouse 2--Dr. Joyce Brothers | 7--Who Do You Trust %--Mahalia Jackson | 63--Friendly Giant Sings 5-2--From these Noote tueodlews 4--The Verdict Is Yours | FRID. | $~Have Gun Will Travel 7--77 Sunset Strip 6-3--Tommy Ambrose § M. 1i--The Law and Mr, Jones 9--Country Style | 6-3--Perry Mason | 5-2--Dinah Shore | 4--Father of the Bride 10:00 F'.M li--Bob McLean 7--Target: The Corruptors 5--The Detectives 4--Twilight Zone 10;30 baw aw and Mr. Jones Scene "Phose birds don't sing, ling; they bring." SHE MUST BE SICK OR SOMETHIN'S THAT'S TH' FIRST FIRE SHE'S MISSED IN YEARS / pmm-- YEAH, AN' IT MAKES ME in oN) WAS QUITE WORRY ABOUT GRANDMA! 42 eirtaining 4 A FIRE AT SHE WASN'T THERE... H THOU MILL ecg 45, Atstain | vast NIGH TY \ "from 28 A ee ok ened : 2" ~My. Vv { GEE, THAT \ PICK YOUR -| YOUR TIRES | PRICE TIRES ON TIME B.EGoodrich 88 KING WEST 725-4543 2 47. Dialect 48, A British reigning house 49, "Ragged Dick" author 80, Crude (eolloq.) = en AY 7:90 A.M. $3--To-day 4-Rise "N" Ghine 8:0° A.M. Sporte DOWN 1. Beer ingredient 9~The Hideaway HW-273 if You Want A GOOD Used Car... ALA Good LOW P SEE The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA 723-4634 FREE REC ROOM CLASSES CLASS NO. 2 Friday, Nov. 24th 8P.M. - 2nd of 4 Classes Watch a.dummy Rec room be- ing constructed right before your eyes! Learn how to tuild your Ree room quickly and ef- ficiently . . , and at the same time save money, Visit Millwork this Friday ot 8 p.m, EVERYBODY WELCOME HMw I-SOYO' WAS, CHILE SS | 'THE RESCUED DRIVER TELLS HIS STORY. ' ~AN-HE IS AN' SINCE. YO'CAIN'T USE. YORE FASTERN == WEN THE CROOKS SHOT THE GUARD AND 2 Ml. THEY SHOVED US OFF THR BRIDGE AND MADE OFF WITH ee omee ANGER THE LONE R 1961, The Lene Ranger, ine. Distributed by King Features - THE BEST PROGRAM IS "CHEMISTRY IN ACTION!" 1S TEACHING SOMETHING WORTH: Lf ALSOI LIKE THE SYMPHONY HOUR, THE 'M GORRY GRANDMA...BUT CAUSE HE'S THE ONE DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE SHOULD WHO'LL HAVE TO PICK ET oe BE UPSET. UP THE CHECK WHEN aay HIME HE TAKES US ALi. OUT TO DINNER] VICKIE, MY ROAST IS RUINED! JS PHILOSOPHY HOUR! D SKEETER MUGGS AND SKE DONALD DUCK You Really SAVE with SCOTTY'S CASH & CARRY PRICES NU THIS TOWN IS [ince THe JOKE Gave, TLL PAY - | i CELEBRATING ITS 200TH "THE TWO BUCKS AND LEAVE YOU } } : AND-- fe) | WITH YOUR HERITAGE HUNT-- FOR AN OFFSPRING OFA FOUNDER, ; THE PROTOPLASMIC WHOSE LAST NAME WAS PELION... Now Open Modern KITCHEN Featuring the beautiful Norden Kitchen Cabinets combined with the fabulous Gurney-Toppan Built-in Kitchen Units, It's really something worth seeing ! THE PLACE 330 NORTHCLIFFE OSHAWA (West of Simcoe On Rossland Watch fer signs) OPEN TILL DEC, 15th 2-5 p.m--7-9 p.m. MILLWORK & Building Supplies 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m. j Friday till 9 p.m. f 728-6291 © JULIET JONES THERE WILL BE NO DAMS BUILT UNTIL HYDRO HAS WORKED OUT WAYS FOR THE SALMON TO GET PAST THEM. THIS ISN'T 'CI GUESS f WAS JUST TALKING TO MYSELF WE NEED THE DAMS. WE WILL NEED THE POWER TO OPERATE THE MINES. LARRY BRANNON