Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1961, p. 9

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'Chest Announced The office of the Greater Osh-, *- Paci awa Community Chest reported) 4° 'aun Saturday morning that a total oh = of $215,892.52-had been received.| 3 "pineon, The list of contributions, not| p. cole previously acknowledged, fol- Alser Press Employees (partial) lows: jis us continued: Mrs. Dorothy Galbraith John A. Cameron a E. Fehr Douglas Redpath 25.00) 1 Kapanaiko Dr. W. K. Blair 25.00) G: LeBlanc Ira E. Gillette 5.00' Db. Mowbray W. L. Borrowdale D. Myles (Oi Burner Agent) 10.00/ Mf. Smith 'Mrs. H. Anhurst A Ward E. Mcintyre H. Porter 5. Rice SECOND SECTION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1961 PAGE NINE TO OVERSEAS STUDENTS 'but " OSHAWA "He a ak 'Contributions To | Ohe Oshawa Sines ee -2> a> ss AaBe SFSss Faded ated oes ay Bvivew BREESE asa ves |Clint's Aexaco Service Station Silver's Service Station Foote's Service Station Wellman Motors R. J. Tumey Service Station Allan A. Preston Service Station Moring's Garage W. Appleton Dr. J. W. Pickering 50. T. Cormack Ray and Lloyd Stephenson Garage 30.00) w James Neal Seed's BA Service Station 12.00) 4; Jonnson Lawless Shell Service Station 15.00! ©) McConnell Zoltan and Nick's Garage 15.00] 4" Meagher John Kuchma Auto Sales 2.00! 6° Nelson Oshawa Engineering and Welding B. Van Neerd Co, Ltd. 50.00) 4° Bowler Dominion Tire Store 20.00) Ww. Charters Mr. and'Mrs. P. Swartz 25.00) 1' Denyer Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Moran 25.00] &. Fehr Oshawa Ornamental] Railings, D. Frayne Employees 6.00) 1p. Fudge Coulter Manufacturing Company Litd., W. Gough Employees 797.00) Gray Corp. City of Oshawa, a D. Henry (office) additional 17.00 p. Lambert Corp. City of Oshawa, A. Lawrente | (hire dept.) additional 28.50; G. Olan |Children's Aid Society Employees 161.00! ¢' pargitt Chariton Transport Employees 155. 40; 3, Partridge Nash Aluminum Ltd 25.00! RR Raizenne Nash Aluminum Ltd. Employees 19.00 iy seonen J BBSeuukarn 8333388333328 P. Veraluis J. Durham L. Hazelwood 8 ayer SS Sssses wusSsasus5unuuanus SSeeessyespb Ssh * 4 -, # ¢ . imal ae Anecrencs Comrany 3600 one The Oshawa and District | bers took advantage of the | ector of the United Packing Canadian Pacific Railway s .40| Labor Council, in co-operation | seven-course seminar during | House Workers, was the prin- Employees 23.00 W. 'Taylor 5.20| with the Canadian Labor Con- its two days of operation. | cipal banquet speaker. With Oshawa Flying Club Employees 27.00) ¢'° yanpyk ' m ' s ty ) : K 25.00 Sosa : ress, this weekend spcnsored | Highlight of the seminar was | ~! : " . Beil scuietha Caapaay of Can. 650.00 a 5 code educational seminar | a banquet and dance Satur- | him are Clifford Pilkey, presi- Se Vite Spine SE | A ee 520 at UAW Hall, Bond street east. | day night for the students and | dent of ODLC and Keith Ross, ei ae) aes 520 Eighty-two Oshawa and dis- | their wives. Frederick | ODLC secretary-treasurer. Bi M. Van Slyke : trict labor movement mem- | Dowling, centre, Canadian dir- | Oshawa Times Photo 40) Total to date $215,892.52. "8 "-- EDUCATION SEMINAR Sector Plan -- For Seyen Labor Official Claims C. Neal Robertson d e J e : Church Laws Hindering Pickets . Roberts Turner 2 nt ou WRUFCNHES a. A. Turton re Frederick Dowling, Canadian ers if it says labor can't havejtive, that the countries which Whiter 11.65, More than 300 representatives|qirector of the United Packing secondary boycotts. have been the most successful . Whittington ; . ¥ - " re Brooks "S of seven Oshawa and district| House Workers CLC and a vice- Time, the speaker, said, isin achieving a program of full Cay hee 112g churches, all participants in al president of the Canadian Labor running out for labor to do employment are those countries pi Peco 416 fe arya plan, made 1,300 Congress, said Saturday night something about the govern- be the ~ highly developed Noseworthy 116 Calls: Sunday in a program de-|that during the past four years,| ment and labor legislation that|Systems of industrial training. alk apy ps signed to advertise and gain|he has jo ig 20 small is not iateaden foe the working) He said a recent survey Sachs Gray 4.16 support for the work of the|local unions smashed by the use man, pares the extent of apprentice- Lapse ht o.a9|church, obtain money and en-lof labor legislation, not intend- ship training completion among By rr 10.40\courage lay people to assumeled for the working man MUST SUPPORT NDP _\immigrants and native Cana- Bowman rr - positions of responsibility in the) Mr. Dowling, principal speak- Mr. Dowling suggested that if dian tradesmen. ie haters" 19.49, Church -- for example, as Sun-er at an Oshawa and district\Jabor wants to do something for The result is heavily in favor Bowman 10.40'day school teachers. labor council - CLC sponsored|the good of labor it must get of immigrants -- having com- Dalsweert inao. The sector plan is under the;weekend educational seminar behind and support the New pleted their apprenticeship Elford 10.40 direction of Rev. R. Love ofjdinner, charged that mass pick- Democratic Party. He said training over Canadians having Lee 13-40 Columbus United Church and is/et lines are disappearing. both the Liberals and Progres-\completed the same training, DURING THE WEEKEND | Scheme being carried on by | ter R. Branch,. Mrs. I. Sai- | chairman of the student visit- members of the Rotary Club Rotary Clubs in Ontario. The | nani, Mrs. H. C. Moylan, Mrs. | ors and Rotarian Charles of Oshawa were hosts in visit to Oshawa resulted in | A. Kamituski and Rotarian their' homes to 12. students | the development of a better | J. G. Geikie. Standing, from nee | Me 1 era 0 who are at: | understanding of mutual prob- | left, I: Sainani, Pakistan; H, | Rotary MeAVOy io.40/sponsored by the Canadian} According to the Packing sive Conservatives have "prov-|Mr. Wagg said. from other lands ar g D : set Ri ct o eee ( ling to, the P iss 8 i Iniversity of To- | lems. One of the highlights of | C. Moylan, Trinidad and Dr. | left, are W. E. Wilson, Trini- | icBeth 10.40 Council of Churches. The seven|House Workers' director, en time and time again," there | Goyppa: tending the University of To dees ; So oe > | hav suaded the judi- diff between thal RATIVE FIGURES ronto. The program, arranged | the weekend was a rec>ption | A, Kamituski, Japan. In the | dad; Vincent Schmack, Ger- ~ churches are: St. Mark's. Angli-/panies have persu: is no difference between by the club's International | held at the home of Mr. and | lower picture seated, from | many; G. Varghese, India; g>unpit> ays Lancaster, president of the Club, Standing, from Ox Ha cael i |pé 1 , H wo Injured 22, ee aes Meso ttn atay a: a" anita cme a . i i Hate . : ay i oe . ; | i St. "s | 'ket lines for any Tea- we said labor leaders have ; ' , ttee, wa art | Mrs. John G. Geike. Seen in left, are Rotarian Hayden | V. Gladstone, India and P I d mount United, St. Luke's Pres-jhold pic ; i E i jlowing trades: br lo prt pelatians ly upper. picture, seated | Macdonald, Mrs. J. G. Geikie, | C. Agarwal, India. 0 nyure |betecian, Brooklin United, Ajax|son other than for public infor-| ..nvinced many influential peo-| § 2 ryteri ewe i er i jie Makers, Cana- i i i v d N astle|mation, therefore mass picket : Tool and Die i with Ove eseas Students | from Jeft, are Rotarian Wal. Dr. H. Séitinger,. of Austria, --Oshawa Times Photos | Presb: eres an Ww e) 1 : ine ple . come vad the sae 4 en \dian leted i : . : lire. é / training, 48 per cent; immi- . | In Accident Commissioning services for BAN SECONDARY BOYCOTTS (Tommy) Douglas, the NOE grants completed, 75 per cent: . A those who will make the calls! "Im addition, he said, the com- national leader, to elect him cneot Metal Workers, Cana- a owe en or 0 en ge will be held Sunday morning IN| nanies have persuaded the judi- Canada's next Prime Minister, < i as ™ : : +. dians, 12 per cent, immigrants, Two persons were injured|the churches. The visitors were) ciary that unions must not hold or at least the next opposition |g per cent; Floor Moulders, and a total of $600 damage was/trained by Rev. Love and Rev. secondary boycotts on strike- leader. Canadians, 58 per cent, immi. i s ges caused by a collision at Ade-/Duncan White of Newmarket. ~harg on y i ; : : bound plants. He charged the Tommy Douglas is now one jgrants, 89 per cent: D i : Club Enjoys laide avenue east and Oshawa Rey. Love describes the sector! unions pore get a satisfactory of the unemployed -- he stuck men, Canad. five shag tg a apl TOW ere Blvd. N., Saturday evening. (plan as a project to solicit the] explanation of the secondary his neck out a long way to re- immigrants, 46 per cent. John L. Simmons, 25, 95 Pat-|Support of parishioners in three|poycott. _.. sign as Saskatchewan's Prime No native Canadian electronic By MRS. D. K. STILES take part in this program, they A. That would mean that only Dance Grou ricia Ave., and Thelma Bould, fields: finances, leadership and' 'The only possible definition Minister to accept the New Dem- technicians have completed The Hallowe'en for UNICEF\are giving something of them-,a few childrin could take part 21, 23 Elgin St. E., were treat-/Seneral church work. for the unions to accept wouldjocratic Party leadership and +}, 94; apprenticeship training program has several objectives selves and surely this is a Besides, householders have to ed at the Oshawa General Hos-| Included in the latter are re-/be an amendment to the Ontariojhe's the one who is making the ater their electronic techni- -- only one of which is the characteristic we should en- go to the door many times to. On Thursday evening the pital for bruises after Sim-|ligious education, building funds, |Labor Relations Act -- and until gamble. If we can't elect him cian's training and only 26 per collecting cf money, Only a courage in our children. hand out treats so both can be Oshawa Golden Age Club met mons' car had collided with a/Mission work. Support for lead-|an amendment is incorporated|Prime Minister, or at least|cent of the immigrant workers small percentage of the UNICE) This voluntary decision done at the same time. If for a night of cards, and a car driven by A. M. Elrick, 29,/€"Ship activities would be point-|into that act, we have to accept opposition leader, he'll continue|}4.¢ completed their electronic funds are raised in this manner. of each child is the keynote of'children go to collect for short variety program ar- of 178 Athol St. E " 'ed 'at encouraging persons to|the 'legal fiction' that secondary to be one of the unemployed. He technician training, Mr. Wagg If the money were of prime the whole idea. The parents UNICEF in the afternoon and ranged by Mr. Daniels. aes eres ' help out in youth work, Sunday|boycott is illegal,' Mr. Dowling took a chance by giving up his| 3:4 , importance, the UNICEF com. have the priviege of approving again at nicht for their own ihe. Club manibera wera ae- Doris Galea, 12, of 3914 Sim- schools and the enrolling of new) said. Premiership because he w Seminar students chose b mittees couid find more efficient or disapproving as they see fit. treats, this doubles the number j..440q to coe che chiles coe St. N., escaped with a/members, He said the only way the like Frost in Ontario -- he be f ai "rng ways of raising it than involving of trips to each door s re cuOren Ii scratched knee, after she hadj------__ -- junions will accept the fact that would get elected for as long|'ween any of seven discussion thousands. of childeen NO SET PATTERN Q. Why not some other night 'heir pretty costumes andinoen hit near her home by a secondary. boycott is illegal,.as he wanted to run," Mr,|Course groups they wished and The Nationa! UNICEF office _ There is no set pattern for instead of Hallowe'en? many were tapping their feet : an shiny i <n} ttended classes in these groups car driven by J. D. Mann, 128 P k Pl 4 would be if the Ontario Labor Dowling said. atte : came into existence originally how 'his money is collected in 4 It is enough of a worry (0 the music rhythm. William St. E ar. anning Relations Board would write into reais jduring the two-day educational because there were man 8 oAea | nese Sin uae having children on the streets Taking part in the dances Mann told the police that the the LRA that secondary strike- gp ogy ghana gee . ' , groups across Canada raising ; nh Gea rt Ne SHOR Be 'jin the dark on Hallowe'en, it under the direction of Irenie birl hat run in front of his car E h P ti breaking is illegal Earlier in the day, the stu- thers who spoke briefly were iday ior UNICEF centrely on ~ eS seems inadvisable to encourage Harvey were, the Kerry Dance heroes he had time to stop. He uc re ar 1e$ | ei hey Bere con -- So toll te Laver Wee Ce ig an ie yn initiati ; money There are rr sed; the ; ne ninhit eae Taian I e stop. EES state ; <lwe y OT) Je 7: Maat ip be sent directly to New 'ag days, canvasses, - parties, oi - Duear elles ses KE ei paola Lati-/immediately took the girl and Members of the Storie Park oe Beare being in airikp brane: education committee representa-|T. D. Thomas, MLA. York and infcrmation and ma- ¢! it wien 1 Degen vite en Fey Hacaie so mahv ME walekeee cis na _-- her father to the Oshawa Gen- Neighborhood Association were . pea pit Ret terial had to be requested from efforts on behalf of UNICEF on applebeck = anc vayle Mc. A Wicsicde ; children and parents are on the Najly Solo. Twirl -- Lynda eral Hospital reminded. at their November there too After several/I feli it was important that no strahie Nally; Sol i A a aoe : : ; A constable of the Oshawa Meeting, of the turkey dinner to years, the numbers of people child should be denied this op- OS tei vat : : : Dawe Japanese Dance -- Pat Police Departuent stopped: a be held Noy. 30. Tickets are taking part steadily increased portunity to volunteer for per- 2 =: Oa) ogee children Fawcett, Leeanne Forbes, Jane car at Ritson Ra N Sha Thuis available from any of the mem- and the necd for co-ordination sonal service on behalf of other i ne didseaegaeg el aby _ Forbes and Janice Hall; Dance ink BAL He early. Gund tter Bers became apparent as well as the children ee ee ae n&and Pointe--Beth Selby, Cheryl|,0° °@. %.. early Sunday, after i ae that worries Bn 46. ein : 4 a cae . The sports committee report need for a Canadian source for Since all children go to some ey dults. Uy NOW! Brown, Renee Erman, Sharon he had heard a crash near a _ | eopdiea e phia 3 it hasn't been a problem i I ; vay, Was given by Jack Cameron who materials and information e001. He t a eet " Oshawa but there on 'these White and Sharon Kennedy. was dusting Caney of wees asked for og bay tela Bwalt ti e Or©r e ee en ious contacts, but only to} 5° ag " ine str J 4 , ~ STARTED BY CHILDREN them know that information|things parents should keep in Solo Twirl--Ann Bernard; Tleag hockey 'eam to practice one oil, and the driver, D. J. 'da oak. Thi ue a ; ear Stic 3 , ay a week. This approv s Oshawa first became involved, 1 materials wree available Mind : __ Tapaudy--Colleen Cyr. Dale and Burton, 19, of 147 Brock St. E., 7 jaidabbed sts a ca : rs : eee : ~ e I believe, when the children of shouic any children in their, !- No small children should Barry Russnell, and Shirley admitted that he had struck a ; By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Beach, who died Saturday sev-, George Daoust, 13, son of Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Claude Vipond, schools be interested. Home Pe out on. Hallowe'en unattend- Saxby: Swedish Dance--Ma barricade on. the oad in thel Mrs. George Bell thanked the, 'Traffic fataiities formed the eral hours hep beta pete i Aor Mrs. Theodore Daoust, of having read about other child- and School and, Parent-Teacher ¢4, "much less collecting for Rupert and Joanne Shmara:|rpiont, , . ladies auxiliary for the money|pulk of accidental deaths re- a car near his home midway Ottawa, killed in the capital Sa- ren collecting for UNICEF at "wus jations were encouraged| UNICEF. Tap and Twirl--Ly da Dawe. |reishborhood. A lantern at the! turned over _ recently. Mrs.| ported across the country this between Hamilton and St, Cath-|turday night when he ran into Hallowe'en, decided to do so ty assist the principals and, 2. The sireets are full of Light streshine pease parerade et tound Niuean. Harry Willems reported for the/ weekend. boy ane re the path of a truck; too, within their own neighbor- school staffs. when their schools children and parents that night, ew eee eae 48 auxiliary and said plans for the) A Canadian Press survey, Mrs Shirley Hill, Ross Myles, 66, killed Satur- hood. Other children caught on pecame involved with lighted, open doorways served to dancers' and club « bazaar are going well. from 6 p.m. local times Friday onto, killed Sunday when her|day when hit by a bar ak he to the idea with sueh enthusiasm |; do not attempt to dictate everywhere 'The police are on members, and everyone went Poodl The members were sorry to}ot Sunday midnight showed an car collided with a stationary! crossed a street in Napanee: that Mrs. Vipond suggested t0 how {his program should be duty in full force. This dis- "me happy es In learn that Mrs, Joseph Parson,| over-all total of 44 accidental' vehicle; .| Maurice Crete, 22, of Cardiff the Home anc School Association conducted in Oshawa, I have Courages misc . : : association secretary, is still in' deaths--38 of them the result of Herbert Behnke, 52, and his! killed Sunday when the car in of the (then) North Simcoe/ gniy tried to devise a plan which Goes occur even when the . hospital jhighway accidents, wife Edith, of Pembroke and) which he was riding went out of School that they might see if would be practical and accept- children involved are not col oung People OW rizes It was annuunced a special), The remainder were 2 ten: William Deuglas Gidley, 41, of control and tolled into a diteh there were any more children ahi to the householder as well lecting for UNICEF, meeting of the association will|ing in Ontario, ae Y Agincourt, killed Sunday when on Highway 62 just north of in the . school Pu ho ae d i ~ as the participants. Some uni- 3, Please remember that thi . Poodles f Osh dD be held on Monday, Nov. 27. Le a ence Ag cei and ra aged "ai 1 ae gl Bancroft) se pari. Several hundre odies from Oshawa g fatelity i ae ruck sway wes i vi vagf c ore in succeeding formily is necessary when so campaign is entirely voluntary Take Ser 1 trict did themselves p id at the, Retreshments were served at oa an as a result of a plane ue bales Robert Blair Robinson, an did and more it ogre proud at the one death a I embroke; Sate many children and househol- Any parents who disapprove Sundae paca, Ontario County Kennel Club All-| the close of the business meet- ooo in Atherta oe renee SOA OR Cer trims: Calparan "So, far from being an idea ders are involved in order to have the privilege of saving Sune a morning Nov. 19, the Breed Dog Shaw held at Thorn.| ins: Bivvihcint Heures with ialtle killed Friday night when the H f S hilavaen oid nf Ind y No" when their child asks for YOUNg people of Centre Street hill y ie red ales rovincia! figures handed down from the hierarchy avoid confusion. ndeed eenhesion hat the teason| United. Church conducted the ill yesterday of the United Nations, "Hal- would welcome constructive PET™55 Sy tee Seaeue f ' Ss SCS Bidets a Crea 4 car in which he was riding col- deaths bracketed: Ontario 17 p k Pl g lided with a t Paieas HE at have strongly urged the use Service in commemoration of , _Macien's Antonio" (Tony), a 2 (16), Quebec 10 (9), Saskatche- ar annin ritigatteesoctiia lowe'en for UNICEF" began criticism and ideas to help im- : b Ma 1 given th children themselves. I b I of permission slips which the National YPU Week lack Miniature Poodle, bred by wan 6 °(6), British Columbia 5 ter bake, killed" Saturday wil c ren ive ©&- prove the program. ca ; t alc : : : oi ' Mrs. G G Curley, of 97 Alex: 9). Nova: Scotia 3 (3), New water Lake, killed Saturday '2a con : parents must sign before a child Presiding was Grant South- . : ot (2), Nova Scotia Soh ch y uppe when his truck 4 srg lbp oy pened . BOARD HELPFUL is allowed to have a UNICEF well, president of the Young @@t@ street, Oshawa, and now foundiand 1 (1), Prince Edward & ULKE T é ruck collided with a J a y | s lew freight train at a level cross- Peopl on. owned by Mr. and Mrs. E. H. M. Island 1 (1), Alberta 1 (0), New : 8 ton and found myself elning), The Ontarin Department of AON ~ Serpe war" Mise arone Brown, of Brookin, ook ist! EACOWRLINNG) Brunswick §, Maniona °°" The November meting ofthe a, Emu, 28 Tales ean of a number ag Birrapagh stoma re grag 4 nwa Be ot 4 Erg Lick, 'treasurer of the union, Pre in the six to nine months | This survey does not include Harman Park Neighborhood As-| ranocs in northwestern in the city. Last year, because shawa Board o u- a lass : ile" | sides! Soci vas held recently with Ontario; i raged W while prayer was };class for males, while 'Man- natural deaths, known suicides! sociation was he ¢ of its phenomenal growth in the cation have be en very en- oman Suffers \ Miss rus Soticn Shetige| derley's Andre" (Josh), a white) or industrial accidents. the vice-president, Gerald God- Patrick Bennet, 20, of Belle- province, an Ontario Committee couraging and helpful. With senior student attending the To-| Ministure, bred by Manderley rom urns The Ontario dead: ws prenenle Committee ville, killed Sunday in a two-car was formed with Mrs. Kate|greater understanding, we trust . : ded ae "--| Kennels of Brooklin, and owr : n ,, chairmen gave heir respective} collision at Carrying Place Aitken as chairman. I am althat everyone will. be more Fractured Ribs Pe seagen ibid ag and like yy Mr and Mrs. Bob Reynolds, Two-year-oid Deborah Peyton,|_ George A Bennett, 56, of Nia! reports showing'the many activ-| about 10 miles west of Belle. member of this committee and tolerant : member of ig Vollng Pas ch of 770 King street east, Oshawa, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,|8@%a Falls, N.Y., killed _Satur- ilies going well. | ville; as Oshawa Representative my Questions: Most Frequently WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs, Orma nian ™ P'S' took second prize in the same| Roy Peyton of Port Perry, is in}day when his car was in col- yy." ang Mrs. Robert Lewis Robert Sancroft, 48, and function is to co-ordinate the Asked Newsome, 609 King street east, 'The address was viven by a class. Tony then went on. to| Satisfactory condition at the Osh-|lision with' a" transport a ~ are going to conduct euchre|Charles Sim, 46, fatally injured program in this area and make @ Why spuil Hallowe'en? OShawwa. sustained 'broken ribs member of the YPU. entitled). Winners Dog" (best male Min- awa Genera! Hospital following|@ucen Elizabeth Way just east (ities in the club house on| when their car was struck by a information and materials 4 tyallowe'en is not a world-.29d facial bruises Saturdav "What God Means To Me, A/iature Poodle). a severe scalding of the inside| Of the Welland Canal; Wednesday evenings, starting|train just east of Metropolitan readily avaiable vide celebration nor has it any, afternoon when two autos CO!- youn Sean ka apeakes "Manderley's Angelique", a Of her mouth at her home Sun-' Bradley Rey, 10, of Grimsby Noy, 22, at 8 p.m. Toronto Saturcay: As I have said, the money,particular significance. Is it|lided at the gh decnaetpan tian HE t Wild who delivered White female, bred by Mander- 4&Y morning It was decided to hold a S0-| James Dufresne, 56, of Cute is only one af the reasons for really spoiled and in what way? Burns and Green streets a challenging message on his ley Kennels, end owned by Mr., An operation on the child's E TING cial evening fur the park mem jer drowneri in the North Chan- the program More important The children still dress up and | An auto. <siven by Max R. conception of God as found in\and Mrs. Ron Gossman, of 369/larynx was performed Sunday Cha BRA bers in the clubhouse on Satur-| no] of Manitoulin Island Satur than this, though, is the fact collec: treats. I wonder if Hal-/ Rommel, 65 Burcher road, Ajax,| Holy Writ Athol street east, Oshawa, took!/night and Dr. S. J. McGrail re- day, Dec. 2 | day; that when children take part jowe'en is really the innocent|¥@S travelling west on Green| Last year Mr. Wild also de-|first prize in the six to nine|ported this morning that the BIRTHDAYS The teen-age dances are to re-post Barber 45, of Toronto in the "Crusade for Children -- fun that adults like to think it|S!7eet and a auto, driven by jivered the message for YPU|Months class for females, then|infant is recovering favorably, Congratulations and best | Sumeunder the guidance of Mr./cijleq Sunday when the car in by Children", they become|i: Countless mothers have told| Gordon Newsome, 609 King, Week 'went on to "Winners Bitch"! Mrs. Peyton made some cof- poe one ung. best land. Mrs. Donald Leavitt and) nich "ha: was riding crashed y rpose of| : = : o s Z P rav-) oT ' % ; 4 , : wishes to the following resi- a k t > : more aware of the purpose f/m that every year they throw Stfe% east, Oshawa, was trav-| The minister of the church,| (best female Miniature Poodle).| fee Sunday msrning and placed| dents of Oshawa and district |Yt:_and_Mrs. Steve Hadiuk. into a tree on the Queen Eliza- UNICEE, in particular and the haif the treats in the garbage.|"!iS south on Green street Rev. Warren G. Dickson con-| Angelique then went-on tolthe pot on the kitchen table.| who are: paleWeatine' thelr fe beth Way at Oakville. United Nations in general. This Pes when the collision occurred ducted the oncning worship and greater honors by defeating the The child climbed on to a chair| birthdays today: pst ates AREA CHANGES Mrs. Jean Loxley, 48, of helps them {uv develop a new N@-RLANNED CANVASS Whitby police reported $300 pronounced 'he benediction. The' winners Dog for Best of Breed.and placed her mouth aroun Gail Reynard, 323 Lake- Besides its timber, the ancient/Brampton. killed in a headon awareness of other countrie: in Q. Why not ¢ planned canvass damage to th Rommel! vehicle choir, under the leadership of placed 2nd in the Non-Sporting|the spout of the pot when she! chore : eek ee royal Forest of Dean' in Glou-jcollision on Highway 27, near the world and the needs of other so that houscholders can giye'and $200 to the Newsome ve- the organist, R. K Kellington,| Group, and took Best Canadian-|got some of the boiling liquid) Phone 723-3474 cester, England, now is noted) Cookstown, just north of,Metro- qildren. By volunteering tojonly once. & 'hicle, jhad a specia} anthem. (Bred Puppy in the Group. linto her mouth. | eras a for coal and iron 'mines. |politan Toronto, Sunday!

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