Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 8

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|Graduating Class | eee St. John's WA Barvinok Branch phestendeypeg oP . | | Entertains Students At Dinner mers . High school students from the,there is a plaque inscribed as At the "Graduation" meeting) 7 various schools in Oshawa whold dedication to those 'men in of South Courtice Home and ; ' attend St. John's Ukrainian|sheepskin coats' who played School Association on Monday,| § y j Greek Orthodox Church, were|such an important role in the Mr. J. E. Speers, principal of ; j j guests at the second annual din-|development of the prairie prov- Courtice High School, impress- : y ner sponsored by the St. John's|inces. He also mentioned the im- ed parents and students with i Ukrainian Women's Association] portant role and prominent posi- the value of homework and ex- } 4 \(Barvinok Branch). tions that the children and plained the proposed system of . pe Following the mass served by|grandchildren of these immf- i ecord- the Reverend Dmytro Luchak,|grants have now attained in apportioning students accor ing to their potential, separat- the siudents and guests/Canada. ing the academic, non-academ- : ' i assembled in the parish hall.| Among the head table guests ig nical and ial ty, Mrs. Walter Kuch welcomed|was Mr. Walter Kuch, president Ac, isi: Perencnd iatgaar gad j those present on behalf of Bar-|of St. John's parish, who brought with opportunities for degrees Z j vinok. Mrs. Stever. Hercia pro-jgood wishes on behalf of the and diplomas in each field. posed the toast to the Queen|church executive. Miss Natalie Mr. Robert Storey, principal j Z it j and Mrs. Robert Sholdra toast-|Zadorozny, president of the St. of South Courtice Public : ed the students. John's Young People's Group, School, enjoined the young r ' Mrs. John Masiewich, presi-|thanked the Women's Associa- graduates to strive for a fine ' dent of Barvinok, introduced the|tion for the dinner and invited education, wishing them well a following students who each, in|the students to join in the var- in the future. Mrs. Richard turn mentioned the school they|ious activities of the church. Salway, a past president of the ; eo attend: Natalie Zadorozny,| The program ended with the association, presented gradua- ; j Jakow Semenko, Carol Stezik,|Singing of favorite Ukrainian tion pins. j Steve Bukanowych, Vera Gres-$0gs. Mrs. Walter Kuch and Mrs. Maurice Bickle presided ' " \chuk, Terry Nikiforuk, Valen- Mrs. Steven Hercia had -- for the routine business. Fifty- ; 4 tina reveemy. Tig Top-|f the dinner arrangements, Sh p four members and visitors were a oe ; J 7 \ping, Robert Shody, Valentina HOUSEHOLD HINT Ops 4 \present. It was noted that the j , 7 |\Sheremat, Nina Braznik, Robert) wy... interior of oven after ? | pupils collected $71.15 in their : y é tenon 5 4 Li ah wif oe 'ach Uae even though it may | |UNICEF boxes at Hallowe'en. ; ~~ a Deore chi hs Gus Milosh "Ana\ appear clean. If any fat film is Mrs. Donald Metcalf and oth- i , tS age elas mee left there, it will burn into the] (/, | Kirchyk, Gloria Hercia, Alex "gh: : ale ler members from No. 3 School! 3 Lahoda," Eugenia Nedozytko oven lining with the next use. i peer to convene the : | F 3 4 Dennis Karpiak, Olga Sitch and ; Manufacturer? + |Christmas meeting. : . Wi. 2 Bob Perozyk. | | The program opened with a mois - * (| The guest speaker was Mr.) IDEAL FISH & CHIPS Sample |duet sung by Miss Janet Down Michael Karpiak, principal of|} open 6 DAYS A WEEK land Miss Shirley Pickell, ac- Ce 49 i, 4 q the Dr. Robert Thornton School. |] 7. iDEat ploce to eat, also toke- || Dresses - 00 | He spoke of the settlement of|f out orders }companied by Mrs. Glen Pick- "itt 3 ell. es : ee OM. sion Z the immigrants of Ukrainian Try our New Puffy Dogs om sth Pig Renta aged ren THE BRIDAL. PAIR descent in, the, western prov" 17 ATHOL ST. W. 725-4812 . Mr. peers who was a! | Z Inces seventy years ago. in e HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCOTT [Rg Bice gill uke by| Pictured after their wedding | Henry Dowton of Oshawa and es eee Mr. Walter Brown oy at Pre agii peg the bridegroom is the son of Celebrating his first birth- | nue. Scott's proud grandpar- |" ' cs | urch are Mr_and Mrs. Wil- i day today is Scott Alexander, | ents are Mr. and Mrs. intaes | Following adjournment, re-| jiam Donald Manning. The a and Mrs. Pant -- son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert | Mann, Toronto. _-- |freshments, including a decor-| pride, the former Miss Betty Manning of ampton. e Anthony Weston, La Salle ave- | --Photo by Ireland ea cake, were served. | Louise Dowton, is the daugh- | couple is living in Oshawa. PERSONALS 'A. Corben Award | ter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles --Photo by Ireland Presented By Club | Mrs. John' Burns, chairman ofjSills was entertained at pre-| the Homemaker committee of|nuptial events. Mrs. Robert! TO OLT President the Oshawa. Red Cross Society| Jackson and Mrs. Reginald) at and Mrs. J. C. Stephenson at-|Gutsole werd co-hostesses at a| At the meeting of the Lyceum tended the chairmen's meeting] miscellancous shower held at|Club and Women's Art Asso- in Toronto last week when the|the former's home on Adelaide ciation on Monday afternoon | guest speakers were Dr. Stock- avenue west. Mrs. F. R. Cook the -president, Mrs. S. V. Bar- dale Martin, chairman of the Dae aa '\low, presented the annual Ag- 4 ; dmother of the bride- national Homemaker Service| "2" ; , i d : Pon bad Miss 1 Shaw. director of|2T00m, entertained at a miscel-| 1°S BE gig dre gag vane Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | nursing education. Homewood) !aneous' shower in Bowman. president of Oshawa Little | Sanatarium, Guelph. ville. Mrs. A. V. Walker was|7) oo, § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 16, 1961 | hostess at a _ miscellaneous owes Miss M. F. McMahon, King|shower at her home on|. Phe award, a cheque for $25 | street east, and Miss Bessie , + ccae/i8 made annually to perpetuate Hill d ] M B A dT Delighted to Scott of Vancouver, B.C., a for- ee ae dag on the name of the late Mrs. W. Lis a e anor azaar Nn ea show you a , mer resident of Oshawa, are) man Patricia Taylor, Marilyn|@: Corben, a charter member ss new collection visiting in Honolulu. : | Reynolds and Donalda Sneider pt Rag ar ee Attracts Some 1200 Visitors a oo idoe| iscellaneous ae eddin Aa hoe ll Vv. tg aga y Pom gop remy reset amateur dramatics sustained] In view of the interest whichsetting up and operating the| Gowns 7 OF PEPSVeNN RE, rer TECeRY 208) the spirit of acting in Oshawajhas been shown by the public,|auxiliary functions which in- f an extended trip to Florida. (Clifford, Albert street. The : le ey created by guests were the bride's fellow|2"d paved the way for the re-|the residents of Hillsdale Manor|clude the tuck shop, ladies' hair- the world's The Oshawa Branch of the On-\teachers on the staff of the|rgamization of Oshawa Little|announce that their first annual|dressing and the generous con- lead bridal tario County Unit was well rep-|E. A. Lovell school. A miscel-| »"e4tre. |bazaar and afternoon tea was|tributions for the home baking eaging drida resented at the annual Work-|jancous shower was given by In accepting the gift, Mr.|extremely successful. table. Without the assistance designers. shop Conference of District No.|Mrs. Fred Smith Elgin street| Lancaster thanked the club sin-| An estimated twelve hundred of 'such devoted and interested 3, Canadian Cancer Society, held| east. The Misses Julie Smith|°eTely and said that the money|persons attended and the au-|citizens, she said, no Home CONSULTATIONS AND in Peterborough on Saturday, and. Joan. Sleich 4 |would be used at the discre-\ditorium and halls were quick-jcould be completely happy and FITTINGS IN COMPLETE November 11. Taking an active eigh arranged 8) i6n of the directors to provide|ly crowded. no bazaar such an outstanding|| PRIVACY, '4 lhower at the former's home ici $ part in the day-long session : ; " membership for students. He| The bazaar was officially |success. were Mr. Clarence adler, presi pelle coh geld gigs v rl that at some future date|opened by Mayor Christinc| Following the short opening : Ar + 1 n : |OLT might produce a curricu-/Thomas who was introduced b;|ceremony, sale tables were Drop in for your FREE Bride's Magazine, no a rg Mad direten Oalong|ot te TR Metre cat|lum play. He also noted that|Mrs. cies ak on Ee a as en Oe obligation. : a : 2 : Division; Mr. Keith Clark, past}and from his pupils at the|tte OLT membership had far/ViS0r 0 cca ar 2 iv 1 jo 0f the Homes for the Agec| Although the dining rooms ac- APRARAPAAAPPPA i president and chairman of the|school and the bride received|!0 8° to match other Ontario) ; But be ae 18h; an. Ai] : ' 7 , : i |Branch at the Parliament Build |:ommodate a total o! per | 300 onl nominatin is {centres and asked for the con-|: > nating committee for Dis-|a presentation from the E. A.|°°"™ cs x trict No, 3;.Mrs. J. L. Beaton|Lovel school teachi taft, |tinuing support of the Lyceum) ings. Mrs. Smith brought th:|sons, it was found to be im Sho Nid? tase ae »|40vel school teaching staff.. | \greetings of the Provincial au |vossible to accommodate fhos¢ J rt chairman of the Women's Serv- | Club. |8 ; i ; ice Committee; Mr. Thomas| Teas, birthday parties, wed-| Mrs. Barlow asked conven) ety Oe ee ag con who 7 7 take tea and bs and long Hopkins, a former president,|ding anniversaries, coming and| rs of committees to have their| fr? Sarcat sr bait a. ar can Ge an : representative to District No. 3;)oings of guests are always of\eports ready for the annual ; na ohare grarpete ist 4 : CVENINE . +0 Dr. 0. G. Mills, Medical Ad-jinterest in this column Write lmeeting, December 11 gaze made and offered fo sy ry ag Lp apg a LAD IES' WE AR LT D. ; visory Board member; Mrs. Co . te,| hi ; <j . |sale. e end of a most success ' ? ° ; 7 red Uovd. wecislary, entatio telephone or visit the social ea Mrs. A. G. Brooks bag Mayor Thomas expressed th:|'ul afternoon the gross returns IMCOE ST. NORTH 725-1912 ' . Cocktail ; County Unit; Miss Florence|{¢Pattment with your items of|/Make a return appearance t0| pride of the City of Oshawa ir|of the bazaar were 'found to be 72 SIMC ° and dinner Hawkes, chairman publicity and|"'WS for which there is no| demonstrate Christmas decora-)Hijjsdale Manor, its resident |>ver $900. The superintendent, education committee; Miss Rose|Charge. Telephone 723-3474. |tions. =» ~--------__--aand the work they have done|Mr. W. D. Johns, expressed OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK and Hawkes, co-chairman and Mr. She expressed sincere thanks t'|'hanks to aH who had _ con- Cultus a Gmies Coote LODGES AND BIG IMPROVEMENT all of the voluntary groups whe | ributed to the success of the fee Wool day Chairman of Ontario County . in so many ways, assisted ir|venture. Unit, who, at te annual meet- range ye ib gg RES ES ; | : Sita : j s of poliomyelitis in 1960, ing, was alx elected Campaign Carats A ; Chatrinan far Disieiet No. £ SOCIETIES |compared with 8,878 in 1953. | Mrs. L, S. Brash and Mrs. E.|) REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 |were Sister Helen Bowman,| ° Pan oy N. Weldon are co-conveners of} The regular meeting was held| President of Rebekah Assem-| chif fons, the annual fall bazaar and tea\ with Sister Lucilye Gibbs, noble|bly, Sister Mabel Disney, past if y | CW C) t e a O Nn to be held next week at St./grand, presiding, assisted by| president of Rebekah Assembly, | ; lamas, George's Me morial Church| Sister Anne Ccok, vice grand. |Sister Westfall, conductor of| - under the auspices of the| The flag was presented by|Rebekah Assembly, Sister) \ brocades, Women's Guild. The bazaar will color bearer, Sister Sarah Van|Gladys Gamsby, district deputy| D ES | G N E D W | T W Y O U R C @) M F O RT , ; be opened by Mrs. W. P. Whit-|De Walker, escorted by warden,| president. : P silk mattt, tington Sister Eva Trotter, and con-| Sister Nelda Thompson read Prlociis. Wee hiateiaen 're ductor, Siste: Alice Hayton the minutes and correspondence. A N V N | N | M ala °-| Visitors were welcomed from| Bowmanville Beehive Lodge D C @) N F F C FE iN | a ee . cently to Mr. George Weldon| p igh ; $ dresses s+ } p owmanville, Orono, and Sun-|joined Oshawa No. 3 lodge in crepe... Marlow, Miss Judith Constance|shine Lodges. Special visitors! welcoming the president. Blin and blin wools, A Cordial Invitation RS ie textured -- TO OUR -- wools... OPENING 1 | a=". few... LADIES' MATCHING CO) FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. | FREE GIFTS © REFRESHMENTS Is ne a PETTICOAT & PANTIES Victonia. G y agra GIFT BOXED SET | . Fen SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER For Best A beautifully Gift Boxed matching set in sizes small, |} FREE HAIR STYLING ofter every Perman- FREE MANICURE with, every hair style i . . ent. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after- medium and large. The ideal gift for that hard to | noons only. » TWO FREE PERMANENT WAVES drawn each month .. . fill out your ' please lady on your list. Choose free draw card no obligation, offer expires Februrary 17th. For Your Shopping Pleasure... | A JOHN NORTHWAY SHOPPING ACCOUNT from shades of White, Red, Mauve DRAPERIES BY BETTY HAYDL © FREE PARKING © _ OPEN EVENINGS So easy to open -- so convenient to use and Maize. With fancy embroidery § | cnideiocrmimuaneony OW | PBohotte Beauty Salon | Northway TWO STORES T0 SERVE You BETTER STATION PLAZA 739 ERIE ST. AT SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTR? ( TELEPHONE 723-7311 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 720-1608 < Selection.

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