Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 5

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New Pastor Has At Home On Friday, Nov. 10, Rev. and} Mrs. John MacLeod opened) their home to friends, the Whit- 'Mission Circle _. |\November Mee Duatention ot tex WE The November meeting of the;Baptist Church. Whitby Baptist Mission Circle , Ladies of the church present- lwas held on Tu@sday afternoon'e¢d Mrs. MacLeod with a cor- in the Sunday School hall. Four-|5@8¢ of pink carnations for the teen members answered the roll 9Ccasion. Pouring tea in the call with the name of a mis-|@fternoon were Mrs. S. Colley, sionary, after which the re-Mrs. M. Mitchell, Mrs. A. Wig- poirs of the secretary and treas-Ston and in the evening, Mrs, urer were read and approved, |J- Thomas. ) Miss Ruth Mitchell was ap-| Assisting in receiving the pointed to the office of assist-/8uests were Mrs. W. Hewis and ant counsellor to Miss Mary-|Mr. S. Dalby; in the afternoon Ann Hardy of the Explorer@nd Mrs. E. Pogson, Mr. and group. Mrs. D. Mitchell offered Mrs. L. Reed and Mr. and Mrs, to convene the Baptist Women's &. Cullen in the evening. Day of Prayer to be held Fri- Entertaining at the piano. in| day evening, Dec. 1. Mrs, Pick-|the afternoon was Miss Louise] ering brought the missionary Pogson and in the evening, Miss} news and led in a season of|Ruth Mitchell and Mr. Larry| prayer. She also gave the re- Pogson. » | port on the Trent Valley Asso- Friends in the church assist- ciation meeting held recently in@4 in serving tea and refresh-| Belleville. ments. The committee in WHITBY And DISTRICT 'FEW ATTEND | Fluoridation Quiet Issue Members of Whitby' town,too was_ disappointed in the council who decided to toss turnout, He told the group that fluoridation to a public vote on|machinery for dispensing the '|Dec, 4 learncd on Wednesday|sodium fluoride would cost night that this is certainly not a $3,000 and that it would cost hot topic in town, Mayor Stan-/from $300 to $1.000 per year for ley Martin !ooked over the audi- fluoride and repairs and main- ence of 15 persons who turned| ienarce out for a public meeting to learn Both dentists said that fluor- about fluoridation' and found/ides are depssited on teeth dur- i/only one person whom he term-/ing the child's life until he ed a member of the general! reaches 20 years. They said that public. studies made indicated that The rematider of the audi-|drinking water containing one ence, he found, were either) part per million of fluoride had members cf council, PUC, reduced denta) caries, or tooth Board of Education or other decay in children -y 65 per ? | municipal budv or prospective candidates anc wives cent. Mrs. J. McLeod gave an in- charge of arrangements was On the practical end of the ! spiring devotional, 'Jesus Sti irs. D. Wilson, Mrs. R. Adams, Pe No 'speakers appeared tO question, Town Engineer argue against fluoridation and| Charles Hoag said that the ma- two Whitby dentists, Dr. John) chinery which adds fluorides to Davies and Dr. J. H. Wall ap-\the water is foolproof. For a peared to back up the argument community which uses one mil in favor of fluoridation. Neither|ji9n gallons of water per day, made a general address but/he said, 300 pounds of sodium ing The Tempest." She also call Mrs. R. Maw ed on the women of the circle to help in every way possible the youth groups of our church which are sponsored by the women's groups. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer Crawforth. Pibering | and Mrs, H.| rather answered questions from f the floor Mayor Martin said that he was pleased that no one had asked him .why there were not) more people present, "I dont' have the answer" He told the meeting that the council had 'decided to give the people of the town the oppor-|---- tunity to make the decision at the polls whether or not fluor- ides would be added to the town's water supply. Purpose of the public meeting, he said,\had been to permit the people who will make the decision on Dec. 4 to be made fully aware of the ramifications for and against fluoridation Councillor Harry Inkpen, who chaired the panel, said that he WED IN MILITARY CEREMONY | awa. Matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Mildred Bilida, of Whitby, and the bridesmaid was Mrs. Agnes Simpson, of Whitby. Attend- ing his brother was Staff Sgt. Douglas Smart, of the Ontario Regiment. and usher was Set Married in a military wed ding ceremony recently were Mr. and Mrs. David Smart, of Whitby. The ceremony was performed in St. "John the | Evangelist Church, at, Whitby The bride, the former Mary | Matheson, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Michael Chizen, of Whitby. The bridegroom a | sergeant in the Ontario Regi- ment, is a son of Mr, and Mrs. James Smart, of Osh Kinsmen Choose New President By CLIFF GORDON The Kinsmen Club of Whitby) aior Willia of held its regular meeting at} se Mg ole Nag -- Spruce Villa on Tuesday night --Photo by Ireland Studio {of this week Oshawa. It was a big night for the club and also a rather sad one for a moment or so. The eve-| ning .was installation of new) {members night and saw five) men installed as new Kinsmen.| They included: Jim Cherry, Al| | Leslie, Bob Clarke, Gus Brow",| jand Bill Bennett. ; | The sad part of the evening Stole From Store Awaits Sentence itr a cn An Oshawa man whe,pleaded|citizen to stop the fleeing man) when a minute's silence was ob- guilty to stealing $i05 from the,and a man gave chase as Mur-| served in memory of past presi- Dominion Store on King street,/ray ran across the parking lots! gent: Cliff Gartshore who passed in Oshawa last Oct. 21, wasjat the south of the store. The\away this weekend. The other Wednesday remanded one weekjman caught Murray, he Bald, saa "ents was when president for sentence. Lorne Nelson Mur-\and wrestled him to the ground.\Howard Jeffery announced ray, 40, of 73 Gladstone avenue,| PC Cox said that $96 was|the club that this would be his had been charged with robbery|found in Murray's pocket and aljast meeting as president of| but this charge was withdrawn|$10 bill was found on the park-\the Whitby Club. Howard 'has and the theft charge read to him! ing ts near the spot he had been| been transferred to London by| in court. elled. te any al} Mrs. Nettie Sheyidar., a cash-| Crown Attorney sruce Affleck Tau meek ee was a real Howard as) dashec the and ' mii Singles over 200 -- Margaret sped Taras 218, 238, 202, Bernice Moase 238, Glad Wites 210, 258, 226, Bev Wiles 223, Verna Sand ford 241, 201, Audrey Sharman 210, Bea Hudson 207, Carson Cherry 224, 208, Isobel Mother- sill 274, Maryette Kadwell 204, Connie Denyer 206, Doris Bor- "\chuck 260, Clara Rowden 233, Shown Pictures 218, Martha Mayne 256, 5, By MRS. M. ANNIS Florenve Gudgeon 213, Marg esc on street ier in the store, said that about|told the court that Murray had|,,,, | 5 p.m. on that Saturday after-|a criminal record dating back lg et bee * noon, she observed the accused/to 1938, a record he said, which hard in working his way up the| leaning over the partition = -- hed eight-year term forliadder to the highest office| , s ers and the cash-)armed robbery. : : Sr cre and el it ort ba be eae Os himself' to the money in the wet tag spite ap sue ee a ae ti t sh houted at WHITBY The club was thus forced to She sai hat she shoute call for a new president and ' ape him and baal stood a as ue BOWLING NEWS Jack Robertson was the number} door a Murray woe Hae one and only. choice for the job.| not knock her cow 0 as he fled CIGARET LEAGUE He RAC Biz ve set CORE Tay from) through the door _ Triples over 550 -- Pat Brown all the members at the meet-| pak ch MHowoa fim pute: Glad Wiles 694, Margaret|ing. President Jack received) side to King street and shouted Taras 658, Martha Mayne. 657, ip prosifeny § vi st po to PC Cox, of the Oshawa Police Clara Rowden 641, Verna Sand- ard and in turn presented How-| Department, who was operating {Td 629, Isobel Mothersill 628, ard with his past president's the traffic signa! box at the in-|Doris Borchuck 593, Maryette/ PID. ' tersection of Centre and King Kadwell 567, Bev Wiles _563, Kin -Harold Collins | was street, a short distance west of Connie Denyer 562, Joan Reed Winner of the sunshine draw. tha stove 566, sin Kirkwood 562, Car-)-- : PC Cox said that he tripped|S0" Cherry 555, Marg McCoy s aecras sche 'tan "paat and 582, Glenna MeComnell 350. | Ghocolate Drive while attempting to plac 4 ih in handcuffs, Murra Br lees ats By Sinclair H&S then east Athol PC Cox said that he shouted at a The meeting was opened by ' oie Mrs. Baine: "God Save The Queen" was played followed by the Lord's Prayer. The min-| jutes were read and approved. | There will be a chocolate Fund| 'Drive delivered Dec. 4. The! parents of Hillcourt drive are) Brougham Youth | ple fluoride would be added To reach the danger point in fluoride consumption, he said, would involve adding about 2,900 pounds over the same period "I could not believe that an operator wou!d make such an error," he said by the president, Mrs, H. Craw- forth. Refreshments were served under the convenership of Mrs. G. Glenney. The next meeting will be held Dec. 5, when the circle will entertain the Mission Band at the annual Christmas party. A CHEER FOR THE GIRLS Things at Whitby's high | players. Who was leading the | | Ball Teams | Get Awards | schaols seem to have under- | cheering? Why the boys, of | Derek Betty, Don Sweete and } gone a real switcheroo, At a | course. Shown above are the B: | : ; ca Skin Peter Neve, all of Anderson ze = | football game at Henry Street . y MRS. M. ANNIS | High School, fans found them- | Cheerleaders, all garbed in Street High School. BROUGHAM -- The Picker-| selves cheering girl football | conventional cheer leaders' | --Oshawa Times Photo Gail Whitt Enniskillen Choir clothing. Left to right are aple Grove H-S ® Education Topic By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN days which were on Sunday and 'MAPLE GROVE -- The Ma-| Monday, respectively. Grove Home and School, Mr. and Mrs. Mick Brown Association held open house on/ attended the Case convention at Nov. 8 after which the regular the Seaway Hotel, Toronto, last monthly meeting was held with, week. Mrs. Alfred Allin, president, The Guides and Brownies will) presiding. hold another mother-and-daugh- Mr. Kerr's room won the|ter banquet on Nov. 28th in the banner for this' month. Miss church basement. Johnson introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Lovekin, Newcas- tie. His theme was "Educa- Chapped Skin | Get fast, soothing relief from painful jet fast, soothing relief from painful Mildly Medicated Mentholatum Ointment tri am was crowded with young people on Noy, 11. The annual presentations of 'a ' cups and crests were made to P ke H S | the five winning ball teams of 1C ering we | ' bd facie toa ) Leadership Te Mr. F. B. Baker, chairman Variety Student Tt Ip Tm of the recreation committee : Iee "DIE . ; for Pickering Township, was By MRS. M. ANNIS MRS RUSSELL GRIFFIN ,. Sympathy to relatives of the chairman for the afternoon. BROUGHAM -- On Thursday) ENNISKILLEN -- Misses Lin-|Jate Walter Cochrane, Bowman- Reeve §. Scott also spoke/@Vening, Nov. 9, the annual da and Janet Sharp spent Mon.|ville, and Mrs. F. L, Byam, briefly and encouraged the| Turkey Supper sponsored by|day afternoon with Mrs. Russell] Tyrone,' and Herbert' Scott, teams and coaches the Stewards of Brougham Unit-| Ormiston. igh eset ei ed Church, took place Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto was|_ 5°!Ty to report Mrs. Ted Wer- The winners are as follows a ' fe: Pyaee. vile gpehtshy ry is in Bowmanville Memorial : : Bs Congratulations to Gail White a week-end guest of Mr. and ; emorial Brougham Junior Girls with 4, was selected to receive|Mrs. R. Virtue's. Mr. and Mrs, | Hospital. . wht was ec ye'% 5. . * . +} vi their coach and manager, Mr.| {10° ai-Round Girl award at/Earl Masters and family, Bow-|, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Mr. |Edwin Challice, received their|,, Dinanine a *h manville, were Sunday callers,|4"4 Mrs. Keith McGill and boys Pb ya iggy ts ig Pickering District High > ee Oe + were dinner guests of Mr. and | Spangler. School Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robin-/yys, Frank McGill, Toronto. s Greenwood Senior Girls with, She received the. Anne Strat-| $0", Port Hope, were with Ar-' Mr, F, Folkines, Mr. A. Case jal rica eme their coach and manager,|{0" Memorial Trophy at the eo ee jserly, Mr. C. B. Dalton, Ottawa, tion". George Moore and George Sta-/annual commencement -- exer- Miss Mary Griffin accompan-|were recent visitors at 0. C. UNL Circle held its monthly Pa ley, received their trophy from|cises on Friday night, Nov. 10. ied Miss Mary Jones of Bow-|Ashton's as they wefe enroute meeting at church on Nov: 6 Of Service Reeve Scott. : The prize is awarded for aca- manville on a visit to Mr. and/to the Royal Winter Fair. lg ea as dente Claremont Pee-Wees, with demic, athletic and activity ex-|Mrs. Jones, Port Hope. The Junior Choir completed 7 docttng. the usinees 8) 4 Prayer for Our Times"|their coach, Bob Madill, were ie ' |their seven week term of lead. oe conducting the vie eamm-(was the sermon subject at the|Presented with their cup and Gail is a Grade 13 student.| WHITBY ership in the service of song " gpa Me a or | Whitby United Church on Sunday|crests by Clare Holtes, presi-| According to the principal, Mr.} with Mrs. E. Wright as director. m9 Wiltia Lewis and fam-|Moring. The lesson was read dent of the Softball League. C, Bicharison, Miss Wile Their anthem included a solo ily, wha were for idents| {tom James 4: 1-17. The choir] Frenchman's Bay Bantams, | "4? duality in 'each category. | DAY-BY-DAY by Locki McNair, and a duet ly, who were former residents! under the leadership of Mrs. J.|with their coach, Mr. Hopki In addition to her academic} b i fm Neri the eudton ; pkins,| 1" y Mrs. E. Wright and Locki. of this community in the sudden Beaton sang Wilhousky's an-jreceived their trophy andj ®Dility, she has a keen interest| ji py:carH BRIDGE SCORES passing of his mother in Eng-ithem arrangement of "Thelcrests from Councillor. Harry|i" Many extra curricular func-| i "ee i ee ele Battle Hymn of the Republic," Boyes, "| tions, pater - -- rey al Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden,/and Mrs. J. Gorman sang the, Broughs ith She is the 'preside pith ROG HEPA Rhee ries, ene' a : " ro } gham Midgets, -with) She is the president of they, P y 4, a a ee Sacrament! eer coach, Howard Malcolm, | S¢hoo! choir president of the Dae Wen ae Mins Sa eee ated th formerslof Infant Baptism will be ob-2' Were Presented with their|Prefects (student leaders); In-\Booth and Miss Forsythe 48.| Gently medicated to soften and comfort parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, R.|served. It was announced that)©UP and crests by D, A, Beer,|!ermediate field day cham-imast and West -- Mrs. Baxter| "*"Ped areas, promote bealing, Steven last week. \® special emphasis on the|® member of the recreation| Pion; captain of the volleyball/and Mrs. Love 52; Mrs. Butt| Mrs. L. C. Snowden held alchurch's work in Africa would| committee. ' | team; and winner of the school and Mrs. Barrons 45; Mrs. and) small birthday party on Satur- be made on Sunday, Nov. 26. | fshaad nisladan -- lh es day, Nov. 11, for her son, Rob-|Dt- J- Sibley, a medical doctor| CONGO LAWYERS RoE ert. Also celebrated were 1 hae Bhs gyi Mees BM IE BERN, Switzerland (AP)--A ane Mis, Hoy Vancaniy § birth-| er from Toronto, both of whom! @eneva attorney, Jean Ziegler, aa : jhave made recent o has been appointed to an .in- os NAVAL POWER Africa will be the guest speak-|ternational 1e gal commission The modern aircraft carrier/ers, and in the evening will] that will hel is strensthen th developed from cruisers that|participate in a panel with Miss ? panied ai were experimentally modified M. Price, and Dr. J. B Davies, | Curriculum of a law school at to carry planes after the First/The panel moderator is to be Leopoldville, capital of The World War \Mr. Neil Murkar. 'Congo. Suddenly ... It's Christmas Time Suddenly our whole store is gaily transformed by the magic of Christmas. You'll find our store filled to the brim with gifts that are gay and cheery -- gifts that you can give with pride. Remember ... . A gift from Ron Armstrong is a gift to be desired. s > e ° Looking for a man's whisky? : Buy Schenley RESERVE * It's aged 6 years...premium quality...reasonably priced. A gift that is always welcome. MEN'S SUITS No man ever hos e e a large enough wardrobe of smartly styled, good lookiny suits. When. you choose @ suit from RON ARMSTRONG'S you know you ore getting nothing but the best. The newest patterns and colors, tailored by far monufac- turers. This is a gift he can ond will wear with pride . a gift you know will be appreciated and yalued 1 y for years, BROUGHAM -- Several from ot 206, 208, Eileen Dolby here were in Georgetown last Rage yf te ll Alice week, due to the death of Mrs. roan King 295, Pat Brown 234 H. Wright (Villa Beer), who'939 959 Glenna McConnell 210. ag well Reqeaiok gd where Glenna Kirkwond 945. ae she spent her early days j hie Doi 7 The Young People held their 96" Kools 26, Black Cats 24, Win. meeting in the school on Sun- chesters 20, Buckinghams 20 day evening, Nov. 5, with Diane}pjayers 16, Exports 16, Cameos Carter in charge Mr. Jack 12 Sheppard showed pictures Japan and the Stratford Thea of eae 9, will be decorated with to collect chocolates at Mrs. R.| McLaughlin's. The chocolates) poin-| settias and the school name.| They have been suggested as! very nice Christmas _ gifts Everyone is a chairman, and we need your help on this drive.| Mrs. John H. McKinney, of Brooklin, will be the guest for Dec. 7 meeting. She will show films on Trinidad. Banner went to Mrs. L. McMahon, 'eacher of 65-9° a 69-59 SAMUELSOHN 85.00 For That... EXPAND TERMINAL tre GLASGOW. Scotland (AP)-- The next meeting will be held); in the school on Noy. 19 with Miss Cheryl Liscombe charge. the Jr. room. Principal Mrs L. Meek announced that there fans for a new air terminal at' wij] be no school on Friday,| Prestwick International Airport Nov, 17, because of the Teach- in| call for buildings costing $4,200,-\ ers Convention. ' 1000 to be completed in 1963. | Misses Joy and Vivian Harris, of Henry Street High and Col- borne Street School, entertained with two piano selections which were very enjoyable. They were thanked by Mrs. F. Riff. Our guest speaker, Mrs. J. Frost, teacher of Whitby Public School, was introduced by Mrs. L. Ark- sey. Mrs. Frost was thanked by Mrs. A. Campbell. Mr. Lappin, jteacher of Grade 3-4-5, won the) draw. | Lunch was served by Grade 6) mothers. Council meeting: will) be held at E. A. Lovell School,| Centre street south, Oshawa,| Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. | BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 6:55 & 8:25 WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:25 OPENING WIDE A NEW WORLD OF SCREEN WONDERS! Get rid of nag } BACKACHE that coul be the result of irritated bladder... DEWITTS KIDNEY-& BLADDER PILLS -- * a PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE BULLDOG BREED" «,,2nnc NORMAN WISDOM -- Liz Fraser They have helped many 75§ ond $125 SURE TO PLEASE FEELING! A gift from a man's store is always welcome and when it comes from a fine shop, such as Ron Arm- strong's it is especially welcome. Our stock is now at its finest , .« come gee us soon, IF YOU'RE NOT SURE OF THE SIZE... GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE! 4 Vries Schenley <ee CANADIAN WHISKY Ot fly analured whitky Lisl anal Pte ne Aufowisun Conahon Sechemley Lz VALLEVFIELD #O CANADA Ron Armstrong MEN'S SHOP ARENA END WHITBY PLAZA "Distillers of Certified Aged Whiskies" ORDER OF MERIT, AGED 12 YEARS »* O.F.C., AGED 8 YEARS * GOLDEN WEDDING, AGED 5 YEARS ' MO 8-8721

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