4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 16, 1961 | sald Mayor Parish, "and Ijber 28th at 7.00 p.m. in St. Club dinner meeting on Wed- pole that the letter has only| Paul' 's Angiican Parish Hall, | Peter Aykroyd |nesday, Nov. 22, at 8.15 p.m. « 1ax C 900 1e iscite one place -- to be filed." Bethany. | A University of Toronto grad- eae is the referendum; The guest speaker for the , juate in civil enginpering, the ording gs suggested by thejoccasion will be*Mr. Everett Canadian Club jspeaker's most recemh Work has | public s¢ a board by resolu-|picgs, Assistant Deputy Minis- taken him all over. Canada tion at sits October ge pa ter of Agricultur (Marketing)| publicizing the National Capital or in (@ | en f minaret Pong the board's latest/trom Toronio inner pea @Y| Pian for Ottawa and the sur- Tie aa in. favor of th Mr. Biggs is noted tor his| rounding 1,800 square miles. keting} BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|~ ; MV ipal Council raisin one keen interest in the mar r. LLE (Staff) AJAX (Staff) -- The proposed)favor of borrowing $79,000,,and, in my opinion, the said beri ths ao jnunicipai|% Ontario Farm Products and/Peter H. Aykroyd, director FAMOUS PASS permanent improvement to the|among other things, for the con- question is in accordance with) qehentures for permanent school his address will prove of interest) the Informatior Division of th:] The Alpine pass of Mont lSt. Andrews Senior School has/ struction of anauditorium,'the said application and the); provements to provide to not only potajo growers but/National Capital Commission 1] lenis ancient invasion route |developed into a political foot-|something which the board has| terms of the Public School Act physical hea'th education, do- others throughout the county. |Ottawa, wil: be the speaker com France to Italy, is at an oo. and was kicked around|not contemplated at the -resent|of Ontario.' mestic science and manual, Prizes will be awarded to the| the next Wes:'Durhamh Canadia: 'altitude of 6,840 feet. poor pis ghong 5 weet.| Ih ne ie 'sitar , "I would suggest that the/training facilities at the Saint competitors in the competition] public school boar is week.!| In I le letter states board's solicitors never even Se ior Sct it' |" 'The five-year-old rift between| "In order that the whole|read the application," said'- Andrew's Senior Schoo : ae ee he aa wil te mmout leouncil and the school board| matter would be clearly set out, yayor William Parish nag : ed vd leame to a head following the;and that there would be no! 'phe hoard submitted the 500 Bushel Club pa Me <cbbg it baits epevided |October meeting of the board/mistake or misunderstanding) application on June 26 and by the ladies of the local lwhen council was requested to|abou it, the board in its res0-| we ysed the exact wording the ; : |hold a plebiscite on the pro- \jution, which is sent to council, paar': mentionéd in its origina To Hold Banquet Anglican Church and anyone mil : ' " The Durham County 500jinterested in this event' may |posed all-purpose room to let!included a draft of the referen- hie pags 5 [pos public , ate the issue dum which it thought would Per think it 2 lot of , Bushe! Club members will hold) secure tickets from the directors This week council received a| clearly and accurately cover the I think its 2 lot o nonsense,' a banquet oa Tuesday, Novem- 'of the 500 Bushel Club. letter from the board's solicitors} ee Lager s dre aah tr | jaccusing them of incorrectly! disregarded, with the result that | C1 hi |wording the referendum. the referendum, as proposed by irac (4 us ion | NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN | The board ciaims that counci }) council, is inaccutate in content FEATURE TIMES: H idid not word the referendum/and inept in its presentation," Ho S a se ee 1:05 . 3:10 - 5:15 - 7:25 | question in compliance with the) In replying to the letter, W. . LAST COMPLETE Christmas Gift Suggestion For The Record Collee- jboard's apolication to council. 1. J. Thompson, Ajax's solicijor Ti ht -- Eases Sore Gums SHOW 9:25 P.M. tor Who Has Everything ! |DID NOT READ IT wrote to Messrs. Weatherhead ig ELIA KAZAN'S PRODUCTION OF @ THE UNFORGETTABLE FREDDY GARONER. Contains: "I'm In f i yr 1 keep wob- é 4 i W tional new plastic re-lining, keep oat oe ota pation tl ies firmly in place.Easesore gums, and correct and that the board's plates "stay put On the other hand, council) and Weatherhead and sti ated the! give brand Denture Cushions, a sen- 4 . e Mood For te a Valse Yonite', Roses OF Picardy", plus is q ' E 9 5 others 4.20 DISCOUNT PRICE le) THE BEST "5 "THE GOON SHOWS Peter Sellers, Marry bo . I i ond Spike Milligan, . nglish Humor of its best. ' solicitors, 4 Reg. 5.45 DI NT PRI ' ; Weatherhead of Toronto, never) "I have perused the ap-|iast from 2 to 6 mon ft and hd me GLASS c mehotssown > T PRICE sacra wi ices y 1 d the li vation plication of the Ajax Public pies. a teplscement lo 8 par daily , "THE ¢ Saregant conducting the Hudd Choral 13 NEW AREA MANAGER gah Ege ec egies t tee School Board herein and the|pitner wi ih nen Zi 2 liners for upper | y fist may ft Reg. 16.35 DISCOUNT * The question published by) %¢ho0! oar E bother with adhesives mi : PRICE 1 ping H Money-back guar- LET ME TEACH YOU TO PLAY THE UKULELE. An introduction to H. K. Wright, P. Eng., has | 8,000 Hydro' customers in council in the press reads as|wording of the question Wich ee Gar Ba " +e " ay rfec omf z h lk = Weatherhead and WORDING IS FAIR. - icive. pertant comfort. ah, Te ratmutes = ) Stay soft and antee. Get Snug Ween d Denture Cushions ; k pele Dey 9 by Sydney Nesbitt including one 8-page . ; 7 os * re follows my client has determined will) today! At all druggist a rege ' : ok. Reg. 4.98. SHCOUNT PRICE 3.99 been appointed manager of | sections of Markham, Pick- " . vi be placed before the ele ctors 7 e mn TAL i HEARTACHES, by Ted Weems time best sellers of this the Ontario Hydro's Mark- | ering and Whitchurch town- Are you in 14V0r Of DOlOWH ie ee pee ' hestra jeoder of the 10's 7 & Reg 30 DISCOUNT price bl ham rural operating area. He | ships in York and Ontario ing $79,000. +g Pod boss Saas oi" Rea. AUST. Newiy recorded 'baie i i teeta succeeds J W. H. Kerr, The | Counties. alterations and equipping an THE KINGDOM OF : WARREN BEATIV cc my i Orch, & Chorus Theatre Notional 15.99 Markham area includes some | --Ontari 0 Hydro auditorium, home economics} : 'ti cama ob aieniek tai Reg. 19.98 DISCOUNT Bi s a - ---/room and general shop at Saint at . ; ae banay res , ECHNICOLOR® WARNER BROS Benin' THE BUTTON DOWN MIND. Bob Newhorts' latest comed: TV Commercials" & 'Tourist Meets -- s Senior School?" : - : : The schoo! board claim that J ADULT Rag: 426 DISCOUNT Price" é 3 GEORGE "Formay OW] | 1a! V1 e red : the published referendum asks} oe ; ey', ENTERTAINMENT Caan' Meier" end offer bei os on she is in . them. Reg. 4.20 DISCOUNT PRICE the elector if he or K OCKERS UP: RUSTY WARREN The hilorious comedy album E AUDREY C dices os sereeseet PUSS IO , i ' : nt ho +. ond Mrs, America rolling on the floor . COLOR by DE LUXE : DISCOUNT PRICE Six "S PLA ties commissioners; and Re a PEER ogee omination ates members for, the Board of Edu- , ; : : ' Php Ml goo!) EER ton he whet anar 3.99 sees oe ee vk eats Gobie: roPAY KEEP THE SECRET! Don't reveal the shocking climax! sisrzeneia! Res. 4.9% DISCOUNT PRict BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --/Hampton, starting at id ee ae, ye Vie At Cn le ae oa ee " 0 Ae we « pad = egy ee ee Tl will be Returning Officer. hh. FEATURE DAILY sh 4 Mar 2, Voices of Chis meting, Masary 3.99 h id in the ar 'and dates tor / ion Ne for he Toaochin ur..mlections will be held on| D AT... 1:30-3:35 e DYLAM THOMAS, READING, A Cruid's Christmas inf Wales 4,79 e n the area and ¢ ate 0 dp ese on site for 1e Township - of Monday, Dec. 4, from 9 a.m 5:30. 7:35-9:40 U ane Q s Sit i" DISCOUNT ve ce nomination gs and | arlington | , ' ' % Y MATURE, VOL. 3 of the forest, songs of 27 ing have been set as follows Polls will be open from 10, -- ir sets bah Anne ethic P ae he , " anige WH raguionty & 6 i 7 t . " DISCOUNT PRI Starting at } 1 Friday,)a.m. unti p.m, on Monday, ER 4 0 JOM biscoun "i ct Nov. 24 at th I uli,;Dec. 4. Returning Officer will : | Fy peore's Ages of Man Orono, the To f Clarke; be Township Clerk Walter ° ' i 4 Q 5 : : t eg. 4.98 DISCOUMT PRICE nominations fer Reeve y-| Rundle h Si y ia ' 2 pg Al sur hy + 2-1 Reeve, three councillors and' polling stations are: Provi- So ? : ~ $40. DISCOUMT PRICE three. schoo! svusees Will EC dence School. 'Tyrone. Commu| (an Gr. eet: DAVID JANSSEN «JEANNE CRAIN «DINA MERRILL | * SPAsizow West2n 0 eos ne Mor accepted ity Hall; Maple Grove School; ae ON : Reg S98 DISCOUNT PRICE po m 1 date will be Mon day, Dart , ti H 3 COWARD a LAS VE "Mod ie. oe & Englishmen" =i am ip = Come Este | te) 4 coat 1 ADDED ATTRACTION RR AT ghee EN ah hip Clerk i ; Gonstiee North School: Courtice i ree Ea : Reg 4.98, DISCOUNT PRICE ae Millson will be the Returning! West School; Mitchell's Cor- j ee a" ; The BOWERY BOYS Meet The Monster! IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ORDER . . | Officer ners School: 2 3radley' i y | EASE : Susninaend polling stations heh sti a -- 4 v ; 993 Ries : ' BOWERY BOYS IN "MASTER MINDS" ° rye} None SILGUNT PRICES LEY io ean ty Hall, Newton- : > En j : ORDERS. ville; Schoo! House in'SS No. 3; BOWMANVILLE \ ey B ae with LEO GORCEY - HUNTZ HALL School House in SS No. 9;, The Town of Bowmanville's \ f ; 4 Orange Hall, Kendal; Township nomination meeting will be held} ' Mie %" IEVENS. fa | ~~ Hall. Orono; School House in SS| Monday, Nov. 20, from 7.30 p.m 1 pom 2 | ae No. 15; Schoo! House in SS No.| until 8.30 p.m. at the Town fs Tl 1 : 4 18; School House in SS No. 10; |Ha and Orono Council Chamber. |, Offices o be filled are: Mayor ' nay ; OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 PM s ; Reeve, Deputy-reeve, and six "Mein Kampf" _ "Cry For Ha " cope DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP councillors; nominations will be} A . P "ante y PPY 87 SIMCOE STi NORTH 725-4706 The Municipal Building -- in| accepted for. two Public Utili-! ' McCLARY-EASY REFRIGERATOR 10 CU, FT. FAMILY SIZE MODEL WITH. FULL WIDTH 50 LB. FREEZER You will have no trouble keeping® your Christmds turkey with this unit . . . and if you are like most families you will need extra freezer space for tasty Christmas "'left-overs" that you con't offord to throw away. Buy now! Surprise the family! Take advontage of Cherney's easy terms. j * Big Wash Performance e Automatic PUMP SAFETY WRINGER CHROME we " 38 | Pox, DRAIN FEATURES > > he & a ee ae | BOARDS (CHROME OVEN and ROTISSERIE | eq id a a Bil | BiG 9 LB. TUB 5 YEAR ae Le : tae ge = ee Warranty % ee Exactly As Shown , ae : TAPPAN GURNEY 30" RANGE Holiday meals will be no problem with this modern beauty.. It features an - Exactly As Shown easy to reach, easy to operate automatic clock control--touch anl go for f tae d The exclusive "Hercules" mechanism--the heart of the Inglis absentee roasting or baking. Large easy-to-clean 'Even-Heat" chrome oven xactly As Illustrated | Washer is built on a directdrive principle , . . no belts to Wear out. with smokeless broiler and rotisserie . . . removable oven door . . . timed With full width 50 Ib. freezer. . . full width porcelain crisper . . . deep door Perfect alignment is assured. It's your guarantee of years of trouble appliance outlet, signal lights and full width utility drawer, storage with butter keeper, handy egg racks and tall bottle storage free, efficient operation SHOP CHERNEY'S FIRST ... SPECIAL TERMS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ... BEST FURNITURE & APPLIANCE VALUES ANYWHERE