Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 16, 1961 3 County Asked To Reconsider Oshawa and district labor council will afpeal to the On- jtario County Council to recon- i its decision made last CITY AND DISTRICT CONVICTED IN ABSENTIA Donald H. Forsyth, 438 Cham- plain avenue, Oshawa, was con- victed of failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of Taunton road and Simcoe street north, in Oshawa Magistrate's| Court, Wednesday. A fine of $40) and costs or 10 days in jail was| levied against the accused who was tried in absentia. FINE CARELESS DRIVER Hugh Patrick McNally, 28, 446 Simcoe street south, was convicted on a careless driving charge and fined $100 and costs or 30 days, in jail in Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Wednesday. A speeding charge against him was dismissed. TOWED BICYCLE | Elroy H., Leadbetter, 19, RR 1, Oshawa, was fined $10 and [Two Judges \Are Honored COBOURG -- Sixty members of the Peterborough, Oshawa and United Counties Law Asso- ciation met at the Chateau Hotel, Monday evening, to honor two members recently elevated to the judiciary. : These were Neil C. Fraser, QC, of Oshawa appointed 'to the Supreme Court of Ontario, trial division, and J. C. N: Currelly of Peterborough, recently ap- pointed county court judge for Victoria County. Among the judges present for the occasion were Mr. Justice siKelly of the Supreme Court of Ontario, Judge. M. A. Miller, Judge A. R. Willmott, Judge John de N. Kennedy of the County Court, Peterborough and Magistrate W. R. Philp of Peter- borough. Breeder Receives $1,800 For Bull Forty head ef Holstein cattle sold for $74,100, an average of $1,852 at the Holstein Sale of Stars at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Nov. 15. d All six bulls and all but nine of the females were sold for ex- port to Cuba, the United States, Mexico, Columbia, Peru and Uruguay. : Dunrobin and Elmcroft Farms, Beaverton, netted $1,800 for a bull sold to Armando Molina, of Buga, Colombia. sider month to not support the council in its resolution that council approach the Ontario Good Roads Association asking it to hold its convention elsewhere than at the strikebound Royal York Hotel. William Rutherford, a UAW delegate to ODLC and an ex- ecutive member of the labor council, said Tuesday night these people attend the Good Roads Convention, using public funds. However, it is unlikely they will support organized labor in its quest to have the con- vention moved. ; "There are free beer and F. R. BLACK O.D. OPTOMETRIST OSHAWA DISTRICT SEPARATE SCHOOL TEACHERS HOLD CONVENTION Ajax District inspector. A, J, Shupe, inspector of guidance services spoke on the theme "Guidance in the Elementary School" at the morning ses- sion. This was followed by | a dialogue mass for the teach- | ers offered by Rt. Rev, Mon- Dwyer. Most ! The 'teachers of Oshawa District Separate Schools held their convention on Tuesday of this week in St. Gregory's Auditorium' with Brother Ed- ward as chairman. E. J. Fin- | an, district inspector welcom- | ed the teachers and introduc- ed M. Weiss, Pickering and | signor Paul OBITUARIES ROBERT JAMES HODGSON |McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Robert James Hodgson, of/Chapel, Furt Perry, Friday, Tyrone, died at the Bowman-|Nov. 17, at 2 p.m. Interment ville Memorial Hospital onj|will be in Pine Grove Ceme- Wednesday, Nov. 15, after ajtery, Prince Albert. ort illness ge on a farm at Tyrone,, MRS. CECILIA B. BRODIE Mr. Hodgson was in his 84th Mrs. Cecilia B. Brodie, a res- year, ident of Oshawa for 20, years, He married the fortmer Maudjdied at the home of her son, Dean, of Enniskillen, in Michi-| Maxwell (Steve) Brodie, 84 gan, 59 years ago Mr. Hodg-| Beatrice street, Wednesday eve: son was the son of the late/ming, Nov. 15. She was in her James Hodgson and Margarite 88th year. Noble of Tyrone A daughter of the late James Retiring nine years ago from/and Helen Kidd, the deceased farming, he took up residence was born in Dundee, sag in Hampton. Mr. Hodgson was Oct. 8, 1874 and was married in Montreal Dec. 31, 1896. ber of the Hampton : United Church, A resident of Canada for 66 Rev. B, I. Webster, DD, Bish- op of Peterborough, was the luncheon speaker. , Entertain- ment was provided by St. Gregory's Boys' Choir, direct- ed by Brother Jerome. Offi- cers of thé Ontario English | Catholic Teachers' Associa- tion, District 5, Unit 1, for the $125 Damage In Collision One accident was reported by Oshawa Police Department, Wednesday. This occurred on Stevenson road north at the en- trance to the R. S. McLaughlin jcomposite school. It caused an estimated $125 damage t the two cars involved. No in- juries were reported. Drivers were Steve Znidercic. 38, 126 King street west, Port Hope and Filippo Palumbo, 43, 631 Drew street, Oshawa. Constable Dawson F. KerrAn- vestigated the accident has lived in Bowfhanville ever since Mrs. Spicer was a member P } ma ibe: 21 members. of the Peterborough bar, from the United Counties. The dinner was attended by|costs or three days in jail, in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Wed- nesday, when he was convicted of towing a person on a bicycle. 12 from Oshawa and 27 liquor rooms available to people attending tht Good Roads Con- vention and it would appear that most of the people who go like to sel'-indulge," Mr, Rutherford Contact Lens Consultation or By APPOINTMENT... PHONE 723-4191 136 SIMCOE ST. M, OSHAWA gf TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- at the luncheon. From left are | Rev. L. Austin, Whitby; Rt. Rey. Monsignor P. Coffey, The Most Rev. B. I. Webster, Brother Edward, Rt. Rev. Monsignor P. Dwyer and E. J. Finan. --Photo by Aldsworth Studio coming year are: Sister M. St. Dorothy, CSJ, Oshawa, convener; Sister M. Beatrice, CSSF, Oshawa, co-convener; Miss Lee Bloye, Whitby, sec- retary and Mrs. Anita Still- man, Oshawa, treasurer. Seen | here is part of the head table 'CAPSULE NEWS | dé Hurricane Area -- | ee Requiring Cash | | STEAL $45,000 IN FAGS | dian Red Cross 'Society said) MONTREAL (CP) -- A truck) Wednesday it has received word|containing $45,000 worth of ci that cash donations are urgen-|garettes was reported stolen \tly needed to rebuild and repair|Wednesday from a downtown |houses in hurricane-devastated|parking spot. The vehicle was Belize, capital of British Hondu-|owned by the CNR. | sa INVITES FRANCO | | BONDS ALL PLACED MADRID (Reuters) -- Pre-| OTTAWA (CP) -- Three pew|mier Joseph R. Smallwood of| issues of Government, of Can-|Newfoundland said he had a| ada bonds totalling $925,000,000 friendly talk with Gen. Fran-| have been successfully placed,|cisco Franco of Spain here Wed-| MINOR BLAZE charged. Oshawa Fire Department re-| ceived one call Wednesday to a} minor fire at the Robson. Mayor Opens New Warehouse 'tier company. seven am. COBOURG -- Over 100 per-|during the 24-hour period end- sons saw Mayor J, A. Heenan |ing 8.30 a.m., Thursday. | snip the ribbon formally open-} | ing the new wholesale ware-| ee pel age house of Hayden Macdonald-j1er of the centre ie of a Brennan Ltd. on Ontario street.| highway against Jack Ronald The ngw warehouse occupies) Vernon, 160 Gibbons street, Osh-| §,000 square feet and is equip-|awa, was remanded for' two fo serve the retailers of the|Teck 18 Oshawa Magistrate's United Counties, including a| Oe ee | new cash and carry service. ADMITS CHARGE | The firm specializes in the dis-| James Ferjo, 76 Harris ave- tribution of tobacco and other|nue, Oshawa, was remanded allied accessories. for two weeks, when ke plead- jed not guilty to a charge of Drama Clubs To Hold Festival |failing to come to a full stop, in Oshawa Magistrate's Court, PETERBOROUGH Nine drama clubs will participate in Wednesday. | the one-act play festival opening WRONG SECTION A charge of making an im- at Queen Mary auditorium to-| night. proper right turn against Har- ry Arnold, 30 Colborne street east, Oshawa, was withdrawn The festival, sponsored by the| Peterborough Drama _ Associa- tion, will run three nights with in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Wednesday. Magistrate R. B. Dnieper ruled the accused had) been charged under the wrong| section of the Highway Traffic CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB Canada's Oldest and Largest NOW SERVING 10,000 MEMBERS, 2,000 OF THESE IN THE OSHAWA DISTRICT WISH TO ,.. Announce Plans for opening an Eastern Branch in Oshawa located at | Ritson Rd. S. and Went- worth. For Free Delivery of foods to freezer owners. Highest quality meats and groceries. Convenience of a Supermarket in your own home and savings on your food bill. For information on how CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB can help you : CALL 728-5358 Watch this paper for Grand Opening "a Asa ae 46 | ; ; Act. He is survived by his wife;|Years, Mrs. Brodie lived for ajof the St. John's Anglicanj\the finance depart ment an-|nesday and invited him "'to do | three groups performing each ' considerable time in Orillia.|church in Bowmanville. iced Wednesday. Of the to-|some tuna fishing" off New-|night. Ten groups originally en- two daughters, gc He Sgt She was a former member of! ~ surviving i edaggen goltal." $200,000,000 in long - term/foundland. Smallwood is here|tered the festival but Oshawa Clapp jig oe fot oad St. Andrew's Presbyterian) sons, Leonard and Arthur, bothibonds were taken by the Bank|on a trade promotion mission. Little Theatre was forced to min DE Weep Hille : qi Church, Orillia, aqd attended|of Bowmanville, five grand-|of Canada. The remainder 'was jwithdraw because of unforeseen son, Dean, of Bowmanville an@)<) ctephen's United Church,|children,"Eileen, Marilyn, Au-|sold on a cash basis in two GAS CAUSES BLAST |circumstances. ; Ajax : North' Oshawa. drey, Freddie and Lennie, and/days. | TORONTO (CP) -- The front} But the number of entries is Mr. Hodgson is resting at the end of a passing car exploded|up over last year, Miss Musa Northcutt FINE AJAX DRIVER John Hoddenbagh, 34, 13 Wood- house crescent, Ajax, was fined $20 and costs or five days in jail, when convicted of failing) to come to a full stop at an in-| tersection, in Oshawa Magis- ~ and Smith Funeral) yohn Brodie, who was killed in| and John. ACHIEVED MOST OF IT Predeceased by her husband,|two great-grandchildren, Russel | : |Cox, president of the Peterbor- Chapel, Bowmanville, for serv-|action while serving with the 17, at 2 p.m. The Rev. Reid,/World War, Mrs. Brodie is sur- former minister at Hampton,|vived by two daughters, Mrs. ' will conduct the service. Inter-/W. J. Rolland (Helen), of Belle- : thesda CGeme-|ville and Mrs. H. C. Brown rend Aen rcs | (Eva), of Oshawa and two lsons, Harry of Belleville and "MRS. MARY AUGUSTA JOHNS|Steve of Oshawa. * Mrs. Mary Augusta Johns,} Also surviving are two sis-| 'formerly of Toronto and P rt|ters, Mrs. Ellen Wilkinson of} Perry, died following a lengthy|Toronto and Mrs. Jemina Pur-| jliness at 'Fairview Lodge,|kess of Edmonton; seve grand-| Whitby, Tuesday, Nov. 14. The\children and 15 great-grand- or M A, | children. ; ; 2 a stages ail | The memorial service will be in| strong Funeral /Born in the Raglan area 10 eS eT oa aantay, Nov. ena cage gar gc Mr 18. S. G. Saywell, 24 aged of Bugater Sist. Stephen's Church, will con- Street and Josephine Washing-| quct the services. Interment will ton. She was married to Harri-|pe in Mount Lawn Cemttery. son Johns in 1913. Friends are asked not to call Mrs. Johns resided in Port/at the funeral home before Fri- Perry until her marriage when' day. |manvilié Cemetery. Mrs. Spicer is resting in|) GTTAWA (CP) -- The militia| Bowmanville. The service will)government - set recruiting ob- be in the chapel Friday, Nov.|jective of 25,000 men for the 17, at 2 p.m. and will be con-/first national survival training jducted by the Rev. A. Herbert./course, army headquarters said |Interment will be in the Bow-|Wednesday. The course began Nov. 6. The number recruited was 20,396. Ontario coritributed 6,669. HOLD UP BANK PIERREVILLE, Que. (CP)-- Four hooded gunmen Wednes-| day escaped with $25,000 after |holding up a branch of the Pro- vincial Bank of Canada here, 60 miles northeast of Montreal. FUNERAL OF GUY RAYMOND CAMPBELL The memorial 'service for| suy Raymond Campbell, 579) Ritson road north, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Monday, Nov. 13, was held at |the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 15. The services were conducted KILLED BY FRACTOR by Rev. H. A. Mellow, minis-| BRANTFORD (CP) -- Calvin| |ter of Northminster United|Martin, 62,-was killed Wednes- jChurch. Interment was iniday when a tractor toppled |Mount Lawn Cemetery. through a fence, slid down a The pallbearers' were C. Sev-|15-foot embankment and pinned| 7 Wednesday, breaking the win- | dows of three nearby houses.|} on his job as a refrigeration| mechanic, exploded. The gas| and tools were being carried in|PDrama Workshop will perform the front-end trunk of his new|Tennessee Williams' "The Case of the Crushed Petunias". rear-engine car. ough Drama Association said to- ice in the chapel Friday, Nov.|177th Battalion dur-ng the Firstjin the Morris Funeral Chapel,|achieved 81.584 per cent of its|The driver, James Pantazis, 30,\day, when the festival ran only was not injured, when gas, used|two nights with six groups per- forming. trate's Court, Wednesday. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE | Among those from this area! ference on Education in Windsor Nov. 23, 24 and 25 will be E. R. Cummings, Mrs. Margaret Gra- ham, T. J. Heath, W. J. Mac- Friday night Bowmanville donald, I. Macleod, Mrs. Ger- trude Penman, S. G. Saywell, Mrs. William Shaw, Mrs. D. C. Gutsole and George L. Roberts. }"The Quest for Excéllence in} Education." BANK DEBITS The Canadian Banker's' Asso- ciation reports debits to individ-| ual bank accounts in Oshawa at} the end of October of this year totalled $151,900,000. This com- '|pared with $139,900,000 at the end of September and $215,700,- The theme of the conference is| |who will attend the Ontario Con-|}. Date of our Eastern Branch CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB Main Plant: 65 Underwriters Rd., Scarborough, Ont. 2 Blocks East of Lawrence and Warden OX 9-1188 -- OX 9-1134 Western Branch: Wharton Glen Ave., Summerville, Ont. 1 Mile West of Hwy. 27 South of Dundas Hwy. (Hwy 5) 277-3643°-- CL. 9-5468 000 at the end of October of last jers, A. Campbell, H, Campbell,!him under it on his farm on the year. MRS. ELIZABETH SPICER K. Underwood, W. Underwood|Six Nations reserve at Oshwe- Mrs. Elizabeth Spicer, of 150,2"4 J. Jasperson. 'ken. } sane' Nexeate, Veres| QLD) WOODBINE ENTRIES United|died at the South Haven Nurs- ;.\day, Nov. 15. She was in her| Friday, Nov. FIRST RACE $3,500, purs $1,900. Three-year- sent een att, of P00, Year, Se had Rt een s ye y > son, t kd | st 25 "Toronto; a daughter, Audrey good health for the las 5 "Jubilee," claiming alljolds and up. One mile. $2,500, purse $1,900, three-year-| 1. Some Steed, NB 117 olds and up; one mile. 2. White Apache, Remillard 112 ' ft eee years ae a ie bie The late Mrs, Spicer, nee . Daddy-D., Sandover, 115 . Dottie's Giri, Fitz'ons 114 . Pinebroke, McComb, 120 . Von Rich, Fiz'ons 112 : Preston, was born in 1866 in Prentice of Poronte Reading, Berkshire, England 3 4 3. Rockie Creek, Dittfach, 117 | 5. Knuckle Duster, NB (A)118 . Don's Sayso, Rogérs, 120 6. Moonlighter, NB (A)118 7 8 she moved to Toronto and then returned to Port Perry a year before she entered Fairview Lodge She attended Hope Church in Toronto. HURRY! FIRST PRIZE Count and Win 1 $5,000.00 IN PRIZES FREE | Complete Front of Your Home In Stone & Aluminum "IT'S EASY WIN One of these Prizes Mere Than $5,000.00 in Prizes Reward Yourself By Mrs. Johns was predeceased|t, 1999 she married the late Lord Lyric, Rogers, 120 | . Quick Prince, Harrison X115 by one daughter, Marguerite. |John James Spicer, who pre- Alpine Pete, Harrison, X110} . North Bay, Rasmussen 120 * Rev. E. S Linstead will con-|deceased her in 1928. The fam- duct the funeral service at thelily came to Canada in 1911 and Sir Saugeen, Wilson, 115 \(A) T. Zeigler and E. R. Bell entry. EE COMING EVENTS Home and;EUCHRE, Scout Hall, e, Brook-|Buena Vista, Friday, November 17, 8 - 17, 8.30 to 1.|p.m. Six prizes. Refreshments, Admis- mission $2 per/sion 50c MRS, W. 8. WATSON, National Presi the dent for Canada for the WCTU, will day. November 16, at 7.30)be the guest speaker at St Andrew's United Church on Friday, November 24th at 8 o'clock. All are welcome ith, Whitby, BAZAAR and TEA AT ST. MARK'S W.A. STEVENSONS RD, N. SATURDAY, NOV. 18 2 P.M, to 4:30 P.M. Tearoom-- Adults, 35c¢; Children 15¢ FESTIVAL SECOND RACE "Grayson," purse $2,100, Cana- dian foaled, tw-ytar-old maid- ens, one mile 1, Miss Elandel, Dittfach, 117 |* 2. Vat Cured, NB, (A)120 jOne mile. 3. First Peer, NB, (B)120 ick Chops On, Dittfach 109 4. Lady Himount, Dittfach, 117 2, Ticasure Hunt 2nd,. Har'son 5 i Gibbon and Coronation SEVENTH RACE "Dalaneige" allowance, purse} $2,400. Three and four-year-olds. Friday, hestra O. Selleck. / Geek These 100 Prices of 3200, 9° ---- RETURN FROM SUCCESSFUL TOUR Those two zanies of the ] party of employees of The:| professional stage and tele- Oshawa Times. Their act fea- | vision world--Barry Authors, | tures dancing, zany mono- | left, and Howard Swinson -- | logues and singing. | are back.in their hometown of |------ Oshawa for a visit. Both are | former OCVI students -- they | first became interested in | show business at OCVI con- certs. Since that time they have appeared extensively in Europe and the U.S. They have already had three appearances at the London Palladium, and are currently at,a Toronto night club. How- ard is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Jeffrey Authors, '459 Miller avenue. Howard's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William . Taffy Smash, Parnell, 112 Swinson, live at 840 Simcoe street south. The boys will deed he amet <tonfours, Parnell \A)114 also be featured performers saan ig 10 BBO, oe eg ks yene {AY Willow Downs Farm and J.| BAh.0° nicht in the Hotel = 07 ee | ee entry. | Genosha at a pre-Christmas Blue Author, NB, 112 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1961] olds, one mile. Post Time 1.30 p.m. Raining and|_7~- Bon Couritr, McComb, 119 "8 P.M. eet Wind, Fitzsim'ns, good. | Conservatory, Dittfach, 1107 | a \S My Home is Stone ( ) Brick ( ) Clapboard ( ) presented by the XX - 7 Ibs.,| Santi Large air conditioned office mas HOLLANDIA SOCCER CLUB IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 'HALL 148 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA YOU CAN WIN! MAIL TODAY! 09¢€4°0 0 Vor ot mao eo re) €D,% fe) €"0 0 0oDO"9 HERE'S HOW TO WIN! 1. Count the number of times you can form word "bonded" with letters in the box. 2. All those who wish to play must fill out complete form 3. The first winner will have the complete front of their own home applied with stone and aluminum. 'The next 25 win will ive $200.00 ie om purchase ef stone or aluminum from: Bonded Home Improvements. a --cemenipercemnmccimameces: t Seven jackpots . Dash Home, NB, 117 | X117 . Sunny Maple, NB, 117 | | + sale and Street S m "FALL FAIR Bazaar and tea, Women's Association, Thursday, November 23rd at 2.30, Albert Street United Church. BAZAAR at the Ukrainian Presbyterian {Church on Simcoe Street South, Satur- day, November 18, 2.30 p.m * BAZAAR, Tea and Bake Sale at: South- * minster United Chur 2.00 until 4.30. 'Saturday, November 18. Admission 25c. NOVEL BINGO | "THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M.// 'at ST. GEORGE'S HALL, ~] (Albert and Jackson Sts.) | Games $6, $12, $20 | OF GIFTS . $170 JACKPOT inctues) BAZAAR i oor Prize $15 | BRIDAY. NOV. 1 JR. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | AT 2 P.M. MONSTER BINGO | In'the Hospital Cafeteria TO-NIGHT | Lapis 2. Mary's Reward, Harrison, 8 P.M. -- EXTRA BUSES | DOLLS OF ALL NATIONS | = xi00 RED BARN x Home baking; tea, gifts. | 3. Autumn Colors, Robinson, 3. Mayor Sarto, NB 112 4. All Cash, McComb 122 5. Sabraon, Robinsor. 115 6 7 8. Orvion, NB, (A)120 (A) Mrs. L. W. Ruby entry (B) Willow Downs Farm and G. B. Heintzman entry THIRD RACE EIGHTH RACE Avenger," claiming. all|"Castleview" claiming all $2,500, {$2,500, purse $1,900, three-year-| purse $1,900. Three - year - olds olds and up, one mile, division|and Up, foaled in Canada. One of the first. jmile. 1. Windaria, Brown, 112 2. Sugar Penny, Robinson, 120 | 3. Lauralane, Rogers, 112 4. Fourteen Carat, NB, 117 5. 6 7 8. . Vineyard, Rogers 116 . Whitville, McComb 112 Kennecott, NB (A)114 Elated's Pal, Harrigon X112 3. Limbo Dancer, Sandover 117 4. Banner Lou, Harrison X109 5 Canadian Flyer, Dittfach 114 Ms Irish Duke, Harrison XX107 8 9 EF 2. 3. . Chewfah, Parnell, 120 . Bill Yates, NB, 115 . See L See, Dittfach, 120 ALSO ALL OTHER | TRAVEL |) ARRANGEMENTS 728-6201 . Consortage, NB 111 . Nehody's Lad, McComb 111 . Vee Gee Cee, Rasmussen 114 [AAC -- X - 5 lbs., | XXX - 10 lbs. [ senp THIS VALUABLE COUPON NOW . ' a own Home ( ) Yes ( ) No My Answer is 4, | Stucco Insulbrick ( ) Frame ( |FIFTH RACE "Blue Prince" allowance, purse $2,700. Canadian foaled three- | year-olds. One mile. | 1. Majestic Hour, Fitz'ons 120 | 2. Ess Jay, McComb 117 | 3. Windspray, Rasmussen 120 4. Indian Line, Sandover 120 5. Blue Light, Dittfach 120 QUINELLA BETTING H RACE Blade" tor Wotwes a8t 'GALT, CANADA available immediately, suitable for two office suites. PHONE RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 728-5107 patisen' auenoan PRODUCTS ww ' Sa Bo For soothing relief from rheumatic, sciatic, arthritic pain use Ruma- caps. Disturbing pains caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations quickly relieved by Rumacap's anti- septic action. See Your Druggist. I would like Aluminum ( ) Stone ( } for My Home '| BONDED ROME IMPROVEMENT CO. -- APPLY BOX 642, OSHAWA TIMES | NAME... 5.3. diesicd has ae scum aaa PHONE 4c. scces aes ADDRESS SOWA DN CITY. nc -eccieespamens | O TET 6 ETE 8 WE ee | SIXT i) &

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