Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 20

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20 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, November 16, 1961 Bees) EATON'S in OSHAWA ANTIVES: Louis the Fourteenth four); wi) not be responsible for any debts seater chesterfield and Queen Anne cor-|contracted in my name by anyone on or ner whatnot; also other pieces. Tele-latter this date, November 15, 1961, phone MO 8-5254. without my written consent. -- SAVE $33 Fail sale, self-storing Z Bar, Edward Gibson Jr., 1192 Ritson Road éoors ed, $44.95, Terms. Tele-| South. phone 728-5181. YOU'LL sell tt fast when you list it for GURNEY forced air gas furnace, com-/sale in the busy marketplace -- the plete with thermostat and controls; also Oshawa Times Classified Section, Dial hot and cold air plenum, can be con-| 723-3492 today, A friendly Ad Writer verted to Propane, $180 cash. Also) will help you. Lioyd baby carriage, new diti '725-7994. WESTINGHOUSE automatic washer to CITY OF OSHAWA trade for wringer washer with pump. Fees 728-5105 for more informa- TENDERS FOR FUEL RURAL route mail box in good condi-| }-4]| | SOALE MANOR tion, $4; 90 gallon oil drum, $12; Rem- ington used typewriter, $20; sump pump almost new, with plastic hose, $40;| Sealed Tenders endorsed portable piano organ with 3 music books) * ie ee and carrying case, $175 or best offer. BH ica ol for yong Hills: 210 Gibb Street, 728-2638. a phedeed a4 tes a 4 Seen eee eeeer,| o> ivery © lo, NEW Westinghouse automatic washer, i rigger 404. Bunker Fuel Cil as and when reasonable. Telephone 728-440 5 . i REFRIGERATOR, stove, 61 models,| fequired by Hillsdale Manor chrome set, srvecciaes sectional, - Home for the Aged will be most new, odd pieces, reasonable for received by the undersigned ghd Regia OR in printing, wedding - tions our specialty. Telephone 723-4670 TUESDAY, 28th NOV., anytime. Total storage cepacity -- FV AERIAL, W two years old, rotor,| 5,000 gals. re diti Reasonable. Com-| Orders placed os single drops Plete with wiring. Tel phone 725-6605. of 4,000 gals. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| 1960-61 season annual con- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, ; stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact sumption approximately 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. 70,000 gols. ZADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 120) Further particulars or infor- tion, priced at $275. Telephone MO mation which may be re- pct - quired will be made available FULL length genuine grey persian lamb u request fur coat. Size 16. Will sell for $100. pon reg ¢ Mantle radio $5. 845 Somerville Street. The lowest, or any tender TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add-| Ot necessarily accepted. ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill Ham- W. D. JOHNS, + Ms a . lin. ; fiton, Ashburn. Brook! in. Superintendent, WE pay highest pi 4 . fhe . % '6 oat rices in the city for eee ee 4 e4 Be ioRs ito. : used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Hillsdale Manor ; i me hea Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. 185 Hillsdale Ave., : ; ' i k ¢ 9 NATURAL grey Persian lamb coat, % Oshawa, Ont. sae i j ' ] ; i L length, excellent condition, worn a few ? é ; ¥ times. Telephone 725-9857. ZIG-ZAG sewing macihne, sews for-| IN THE SUPREME COURT ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, OF ONTARIO does decorative stitches. rigina} price : > ' % i OES ' $179. Can be had for halance owing, ene ¥ i ee " $47.00 cash of seven payments of $7.) TO WIT: : é : : es Write Box 428 Oshawa Times aed : : a Sains for your power} UNDER AND BY VIRTUE tae goes ' ; . FREE winter storage for yo lawnmower with pre-spring tune-up.| OF A WRIT OF FIERI Free pick up and delivery Sportsman's FACIAS . Telephone MO 8-4511. " es x Pe Ae, f Ris ' i 6} ane Fee anon baying sr wailing to me directed, issued out of Ce a ; : a fs 2 1 3 i | | furniture, televisions, appliances, oil the Supreme Court of On- B%, Bees ; : 4 , heaters, vacuums. The best for less.| tario, wherein NATIONAL . ' s 4 : Telephone COlfax 3-229. GROCERS COMPANY LIMI- FALLOUT shelter. Toilets, water| ~TED is Plaintiff and WILBUR bottles, food coolers, stoves, ete. New| HARRIS, doing business un- ag be : ' ; and used space heaters, floor furnaces,| der the firm name and style : _ " att ie f S Ordinaril 115 00 f i oil reduced 50 nt, Miller cele, "ag a a of HARRIS GROCERY, is FOUR storm windows 2914" by s8%4%,| Defendont, | have seized and four copper. screens to match, Tele| taken under Execution, and | F ae S ene 2 ee ee - Ke i : minicar joe. Se / Save 25.59 On This Special Purchase! will offer for sale by Public FIVE 'leather folding doors; also one} Auction in my office in the large porcelain sink for kitchen counter Court House, 416 Centre top. Telephone 723-7192. ' | ete aorta ee Be, aca HOME ee : i ' 5 bay wits, We te Couns. of You can take it with you... or use it in the home or WE buy and sell and Vexchange sed Whitby, in the County of | ing you ve. ie} + | 2 + . * . Seat Ba Keune sire] Ontario, on Friday, Novem. : office... The ideal Christmas gift for student or busi- South. 723-1671. r A , @ : See To --ccans| clock In the aftemcon all | ness man... for the "Underwood" Deluxe portable emt finish. Cheap for cash. Tele-| the right, title and interest ! typewriter has an unusually large number of big phone J. H. Pascoe, 728-0458, _ ond equity of redemption of Oe ROWBOAT, small dory type, suitable) WILBUR HARRIS, to, In and = typewriter features: deluxe quiet tab; jam-release gg Age og nel Tkates.| Ut of the following lands, | : en } ble prices. Telephone 725-3954.| namely; key; line gauge, deluxe paper support; Pica or Elite LARGE combination radio and record P. : 4 4 . i ; Fate ad ort of Lot 7, in the fourth type. In driftwood grey only. Complet aa tsicome msT40L. manogeny| concession of the Township | YP ' or y ple e with carrying : of East Whitby, in the case in grey. USED parts and repairs for all makes extracts pulp free juice, all fully guaranteed, Free 62 page booklet by ARTHUR WELSH, Dr. Pope, MD. Telephone 728-7721. Sheriff | Ho e Mak ° B . e h K e h A 5 I nN = Sg sfh tod ro wae too en ing Segins © the Kitchen .. . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPUT. 208 PHONE 725-7373 NEARLY NEW Teco space heater, a a i large size with fan, commercial meat slicer, community scales. Telephone u ) u at iden 728-399. pc ance mre cae x AUTOMATIC electric restaurant grill, a y . as BOYS Hotpoint, full size; Toledo store scales; National cash register. Will sacrifice, emo é ing ervice E ELE E $275. Telephone 728-2324. ONTARIO 34--Lost & Found GENERAL TRADES SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT ! in lary, Rein aia ane ote SeARIO. HOSPITAL: | You the homemaker, spend a great proportion of your time in the kitchen .. . so, why not PYJ AM AS Athol 'Sirect East of telephone 724-4529. WHITBY, ONTARIO make it a delightfui, time and step-saving place to be ! 35--Legal SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- e finish gee ras EATON'S now offers you rican Mahogany veneer exterior in the place Well-made sleepwear in "'Sanforized" cot- NOTICE TO CREDITORS | forms nrolita 'by the' De ef a cat Meee ee ee satay pa desgrcoomagertn gp hagas aes AND OTHERS ee iS ee birchwood series, either unfinished, or which piel pemicnas +++ your stove, refrigerator, s ary, may be varnished; or finished in high-quality ishwasher . . , built-in as an aid to a spotless patterns. Basic colours of gold, blue or IN THE ESTATE OF 6630, East Block i i BEN uCIe ARTHONY SS Sysoer plastic resin lacquer which vest wear, stolnd, en . . . and to create an uncluttered kit- green. Sizes 6 to 16. O'CONNOR General until 3:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) on food acids, scratch marks; in a wide choice of ell Moh ic Motors of Canada WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER colours. Cabinets in Provincial styling are also Floor tile, wall tile, plumbnig . . . even to the Employee, deceased. 20th, 1961 available, both Modern and Italian styles; av- garbage disposal unit. . . all this can be yours each ' ailable in selected birch, walnut or mahogany through our Remodelling Department @ , veneer fronts. The hand! h a against the estate of Francis which includes the Mechani- | # handles on the doors ore an exclusive Han. oe sen, late na col ond Electrical Trades, | @ Birchwood style units are also available in Af- ever Coulan as are the hinges and you will not 2 FOR 4.00 patti con AN i Finishing Hardware, Laundry, | 0. see them duplicated on any other kitchens. hice and Kitchen E t, Hos- | ne of i i 5 ; Motors f Canade employee, seo Loo | Lees eee representatives will be glad to call and estimate your requirements at no obligation. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 pw Elevato:, etc., in connection EVEL, DEPT, 4 obout the 20th day of July, | with the construction of @ ' - 456 PHONE 725-7373 PHONE 725-7373 1961, are hereby notified to School for Nursing at the On- send in to the undersigned t opi j Personal Representative of fae, ee ee oe the said deceased on or be- | | & fore the 16th day of Decem- Bid Depository procedure as ber, 1961, full particulars of specified shall be followed | their claims. Immediately \ of wringer type washers, %4 hp motors.; County and Province of | i $5 to $8, guaranteed Fic «jammer kaed Ontario. |: ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- of '5 } ni H ton, CO32M1. | There is a grocery store on | EATON Special JUICE extractors, used and new,| the premises. Pri oS rice, each ....... | | & ' | All persons having claims for the General Trades Work | etter the sald dote the Per- Se maaiagay ond Electrical sonal Representative will dis- tribute the assets of the said Plans, Specifications Tender St cea tt win Us Ook | Cotten teaser meer i 5 then have notice. be Rost yee or viewed on uc t y War in ptometr DATED Osh . at Room T 704 (Tower), De- ; is dao Keven Toa." | BTEC. ate Ba é soy AnD LIONEL O'CONNOR, , Ae opp Pachiny 5 Iministrator, a ' =f 1? eS = a9 « ® * Bye scion, | gndmay ols be views Eyes Examined © Oculist's Prescriptions Filled © Prompt And Accurate Repai i McGIBBON & BASTEDO, plod ile ig he Als Ons FI e romp n ccura e epair Service ts | For Appointment Phone EATON'S OPTICAL DEPT., UPPER LEVEL 725-7373 OSHAWA - ONTARIO. A $125,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performance Bond Orillia Robbery | Sey vss veces Suspects Queried | Sac cce: | see the ""GYPTEX" Texture Paint Demonstration 10-LB. PACKAGE of Public Works, Ontario, in jetie guage! Wor Wednesday a man has been ar gra coco att orn | in EATON'S Paint Department, Lower Level, ce ee dea . : ing questioned in| 4 Devosit of $150.00 CASH, | On Friday Night, November 17th, And All Day Saturday, November 18th eng with : geet ee or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made re Sunday in which more than : 5 a poyable to the T ry $7,000 in jewelry was stolen. | Ontario, will be recuired per | 'GYPTEX' offers a handsome, textured finish to walls and ceilings . . . adds a decor- They said the arrest followed]. set of tender decuments Grud dled mel otic wie cana s ator touch to living room, dining room or study. It dries in about 6 to 8 hours; has 25 LB BAG | é | Lod e in Hamilton by Staff Sergeant) document: ft i ' Everett Lynn and Constable) good condition an dey excellent covering power. Len Litster of Orillia. days of above closing date, | z Weston's Credit Jewellers was| otherwise cas ala aa Colours: Tusk Ivory, Desert Buff, Silver Grey, Shell Pink, Horizon Blue, Aqua Green robbed during ch ices. : . ' uring church services.| the jowest or ony tender not | White. 10-Ibs. with water covers about 70 sq. ft. The thieves moved a showcase : in feat of the store vintos, necessorily' occepted. . . opened the safe and took 50 dia- ' is ATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. mond rings valued at $7,000 and soning Re, Ce PHONE 725-7373 $350 in cash. Police said they] November 12th, 1961 -- their vehicle alongside aigiey * ' ei z , "the cars of people attending a J. D. Millar, mae : ; : iS Re ; "nearby church and drove away Deputy Ménister, ( h Oo d Ss ' @) ' "as the congregation left the i ger a EATON S Te ep On . r er ervice pens at A a.m ee Phone R 5 service. Publie Works, Onterio, ai ¢ a «7373

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