Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 1

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oyu YA. 6 Aj Council An THOUGHT FOR TODAY he (; S han Dimes | In the good old days the girls used to kiss and then make up. Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage ia» Cash, ITALIANS MASSACRED BY CONGO MUTINEERS Bodies Hacked, Tossed In River LEOPOLDVILLE -- Congo-) Gizenga was believed to have lese soldiers have shot 13 Ital-| followed the treops to Kindu ian captives in Kivu province,|and incited them against the hacked up some of their bodies|Leopoldville administration in and thrown them into a river,|/a last desperate effort to estab- the UN anneunced today. lish his control in Kivu prov- The Italians, airmen serving) ince. with the UN in the Congo, were) Smith said reliable witnesses RUANDA- executed at Kindu Saturday reported the Italians were ac- URUNEH after they flew.in with a cargo|cused of bcing Belgian para- of scout cars for' a garfison of| troopers when they arrived 200 Malayan UN soldiers be-|aboard an Italian air force C- sieged by mutinous troops of 119 lcaded with the scout cars. the central Congolese govern- According to eyewitnesses, ment |Smith said, the Italians were UN spokesman George Smith) arrested when they landed and said the UN was demanding} beaten at an officers' mess in that the central government|the town. They were shot in punish those responsible and|front of a crowd at the town's making other specific proposals| prison, then some of their to deal with the situation. bodies were. dismembered and Smith. declined to comment} thrown into the Lualaba River. on plans for bringing the rebel-| Smith said the UN was send- lious troops under control but|ing a letter to the central Con- reliable sources said the whi golese government today giving area probably would be sealed) specific proposals on how to "--~joff and the Congolese soldiers}handle the situation "and as a eae a macs : ged of Regen oe seer Smi said Malayan rein-ja orough investigation ani Green Seeks Way To End Deadlock School Board In Dispute: Page 4 Cloudy and cooler late tonight and Friday, winds south 25 to- night, west 20-30 Friday. ke 7 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1961 VOL. 90--NO. 266 ; TWENTY-TWO PAGES Canada Against chutwoon Reuse i-Katanga Attack UNITED NATIONS (CP)--U Thant today was faced with the same sort of Congolese prob- lem that killed his predecessor, United Nations Secretary - Gen- eral Dag Hammarskjold The acting secretary - general from Burma -- on the job less than two weeks--was. firm in the Hammarskjold tradition by ordering the UN Congc force Wednesday to squelch by "every measure possible' a mutiny by Congolese soldiers Reports from The Congo indi- cate that this mutiny is leftist- inspired in contrast with th? rightist secession of Katanga province that resulted in the * death of Hamamarskjold in a ' ' soning : plane crash Sept. 18. BELGIUM'S DELEGATE , Congo discusses the use of ; Security Council session yes-_| U Thant was expected to fe- Paul Henri Spaak, left, listens | Belgian mercenaries in Con- | terday. They enjoy a private ceive a aypharge' potter ig as Justin Bomboko of The | go fighting at United Nations | joke after Bomboko's talk, roe rg leg Fee OBrien chief UN representative in Ka- tanga, and Gen. Sean Mc- Keown, UN military com- mander in The Congo, both Irishmen. Thant summoned jthem to UN headquarters in New York forthe purpose. Empress Sails RAISES DANGER ORIENTAL , STAMLEY VEE THE CONGO ~ Meanwhile, a meeting of the 11-member UN Security Council was overtaken by events Wed- nesday. Foreign Minister Paul- Henri Spaak of Belgium, former ruler of The Congo, promised that not a "single, solitary' 3elgian soldier will remain in Katanga by Friday.. But nothing was debated in the Security Council debate about the new outburst in the Congo, External Affairs Minister Howard Green o° Canada, speaking with correspondents, commented directly only on the Katanga situation. and stressed he didn't favor the UN Congo force joining an_ offensive against that territory. Green emphasized again the necessity of getting white mer- cenaries out of Katanga and said Canada is in favor of strengthening the UN in this) _ respect -- the topic now being discussed in the Security Coun- cil. When reporters suggested that the situation for the UNiin The Congo appeared shaky, Green said it has looked shaky} 'ever since its inception in July} last year shortly after the area received independence from Belgium, - . ry paw es At »~ oXINOU KiVU nap ee we are ps mrs Ps Luwanshe © ' KASAI ALBERT WHE Sasdbiditnaadnesnanienhienenatdl me? ~-+ KATANGA Pitter eed NORTHERN RHODESIA NEW TROUBLE SPOTS IN CONGO Canadian Racial] Diet Journey , : Not Probable Tiffs Discussed Vote Kickoff OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min- Canadian Affairs Conference ister Diefenbaker left on a po- settles down today to a debate litically sentimental journey by on what Canada's two main train Wednesday night for Win- races have against each other the French against us." Some 65 student from 30 Canadian universities are attending the conference, first of its kind on purely Ca- nadian matters, which runs~-un til Saturday Mr. Fulton referred obliquely to Quebec's small separe movement, in which student del- egates to the conference have expressed keen interest He said both races must work together "in harmony and tol- erance,"' "What . other We have h Canadians have delegates part choice have but alter- to t aside 95 years ory and achievement, to abandon one of the noblest con cepts devise¢ by man, the asso ciation of two cultures working together towards a common ideal; to reject the Canadian experiment andsto allow our- . to. be swallowed up by the American republic." ° on Saturday. one agency news addressing given selves and will power to stitution dress for the tion cz at) homeless/Man customs hours," of ten tic said he was Demccratic leader of the House and leading candidate to suc ceed Rayburn as Speaker. No immediate funeral were announced, but it ected that President Kennedy ilt be one af those to honor departed Speaker at the ces, to the scene to aid the 200 Ma-lfor this barbaric crime." layans, who were surrounded| jy j be teen : e said the proposed actions by 700 Congolese troops until had 'Acting Secretary-General : : | n . | BID FOR RELEASE Smith disclosed that it had " ® a 1S ae a -- -- oe Eig ig rag Lundula, commander of the|been planned to give the Con- With Recruits AN jament procedure aimed at|--and it would operate a8 @/entral government troops injgolese one hour te hand over ESN ERE SP ely aes Green said in answer to ques-|breaking the deadlock between|subcommittee of the commis- Her teuting" Justice "Minter nipeg, where under similar cir- a 1g Justice Minis Peis eT clata Consetens "OPeIn Ler mest a bid to get the Italians re-|planes against them. fa ohecian thas . present Ain ae , . sla ongoles sday. an 7. , leased and save the Malayan|}------ impression that the present trip|for Montreal today after the oye siain sug ash 'sa eee neat _INEARS PARITY eased an } tions, obstagies and annoyan- hasn't quite the same urgency.|/company had recruited replace-| Patrice gees ape Hare Legend ee, " bg gs It would operate as a-subcom- 84!T1son. ' cea Mr. Diefenb s original in- ments for striking crew mem-|danger of a three-way spli ents after great powers Doctors Fees . "UW pp ace . k ine vever 7 Soviet bloc--only 10 out of a ing them "unalterable without Conservative y and attend' A company spokesman said) "We're on a peace : Kooning however, they want to _, total UN membership of 103-- the unanimous consent of all the a meeting of the national party he could not disclose where thejoperation, not a war - making/quickly on resumption of dis viii: have near paNtyon WEN provinces and the federal gov executive firm obtained the extra .crew operation," said Green of thejarmament negotiations. he eS es ve tranged from the central gov- ernment. Reuters proval - > |schedule of rates to become ef- : Mr. Fulte the interest wa to specula-|nels strength of around 16,000. countries vied with avowals of|committee Wednesday that a . ' |fective Jan. 1 will raise doctors' conference's opening banquet in tion about the switch when it rile gg and ie gr ah a bods pre gly Sgn Commies Detaih |fees in Ontario by as much as was learned he would travel on REMBRANDT RECORD se OR po aa a epamong. 2.0 ihm Unt, ; English Tourists ie "affecting | age, e@ 3 BERLIN (Reuters) -- Two/tario Medical Association to property and civil rig He 'said the 27 < hour: train ud va tourists were detained|doctors and states in the pre- STt will be made pt inin would 'give him ahloppore ver ] 10] l tin Wednesday night|amble the tariffs it lists unity, free of interruptions, to it all before. Green's proposal C e Kill was apparently aimed at outlin- anc r 1S Wrecks House ish military command here an-|the right to determine the value PRESENT VIEWS S R b ha: Conearvative else : Se eeonee nounced today |of his services in exceptional Todav first plenary. se am ay urn a Werle Gan: MAY PROPOSE CHANGE WINDSOR (CP) Firemen) Two British officials attached| circumstances.' sion opens, with BONHAM, Tex. (AP) ~ ada, whenever it starts Contemplating the Bust of|679,250, They were from the col-|with the idea of proposing a 17- destroyed a Sandwich East|matter also were "detained il-|increased by 50 cents. Homer shortly will go one ex-|lection of Alfred W. Erickson, member disarmament commit-|'Township home early. today and/legalty. by so-called East Ger-| A. K. Gillies, executive sec- us." Murray Ballar » author). Americai Wind. today. of hibition at New York's Metro-|New York advertising man'whojtee to succced the 10-member jof; family 10 for some nine|retary ,of the OMA said the and lecturer will discuss "What (7. ine ve a Death ended the colorful po- inve as fatally burned and e for a single painting. _ hour. : went along with Western objec-|f ." "ti : e of @ the Soviet authorities in East} He said the OMA "'ap- paibicce plage gn = See PiThe ar et 500 florins for, There is no way of proving orjtions to the Russian-demanded and ee eta Berlin against this misconduct.|proached the matter with the by smoke in a fire that swepliit, Modern equivalent for/disproving how much one paint-|troika in disarmament negotia-|.»": : ' They are being warned that\idea of being fair to the pub- in history, But even guesses and/American countries to the com- ©: ' A : oA § HUE RNa sis * : his eight children began to i ; ; : : ; rumors seldom have gone above|mittee, making a total of 17. . ee ba The victim was Isabella Car-|for au@ion prices for the second 1.000.000 1.500.000 Bi ae Bete whimper. As he went to* see al SY michael, 78,:a resident of anjtime in the evening, will dis-|* it veal Bs at acnind iat This was a radical departure * 60 HOOP-LA'°Wo Dt BEATING 60 comauces: upstairs room who was' reseued|play Fragonard's magnificently '7 "e ; st i |Gen. Victor Lundula persuaded] 1 Thant's ~ rand : ee : : ; the area, went to Kindu Tues-|the captured Italians today an cumstan he opened the 19581 LIVERPOOL .(Reuters)--The tions that the new mutiny--ap-|the United States and the Sov-/sion. It would include two mem- ; ; m rs P y d c nstances 0 pene > iva 4 07 4 | sat - Fulton say French and Eng- Sieh song 4 Fc ' ae Aj.. Between 1,300 and 1,500 Con- He also announced a draft tenticn was to to Winnipeg! bers who tied the ship up min-|The Congo whose territorial in-|again locked horns on the sort|mittee of the commission. Al were flown there recently from . Stanleyville, the Oriental prov-| 0} Be Raised t,"" will seon be sub- We? He switched travel plans members to replace the strik-/Congo force in which Canada} Opening debate on disarma-|disarmament board. 0 per cent. Frene aid if > bill is ap- i ; Sievert wll mes : the vovernment's old Car 100 problem. and neutralist countries on a {tend to leave many UN mem.- situation. 3ritish stew das te and asked to give details of the|"'Should be used as a guide by 1 work on his speech to the con- + Cc tier, editor of Mon La Speaker Sam Rayburn of the Elderly Invalid fain sue rt, which'died in 1936, and his widow|East-West body that came toi;, narily the announcement said,/rates are average and that the politan Musuem of Art, temporarily. [ j litica! career of the 79-year-old the three-storey Nash building that being $7,800. ing might have brought in a pri-jtions but proposed the addition : serious repercussions may well/lic." yhat was the matter, he heard) from last year when Canada what was the matter, he heard by firemen and taken. to hospi- beautiful La Liseuse, a picture when the late Andrew' Mellon-- Swbstentiol Sownes anes ° eaters ee _ . 3 of sas SR ae y plans is ex was Representative John Mc- forcements were on their way| punishment of those responsible y nesday. ; : . DV eae pee < nation, ig UNITED Nations (CP) *--,UN disarmament commission-- e expedition and 'vigor. ) I 4 , n Its the UN legal adviser, injused its newly -acquired je But he left reporters with the liner Empress of Britain sailed of Antoine Gizenga, politicaljister Howard Green said Wed-!from Africa and two from Asia a q Jet . undetstanding despite frustra- eens. Gavadians and mak- convention ot the Progressive|Tuesday. end. body they want. They both said,|would be the first time that the Antoine Gizenga, who is es- mitted to the provir ne ; ' POPE said) TORONTO (CP) -- A new decided to co by train. Addedicruited through "normal chan-nalmen soldiers in a_ totalilitical committee, the two big|ter Valerian Zorin said in the - ecide 9 by train. / > Canada's funcamental tributed this week by the On- § 1958 campaign tsa SERS hum attitude--they have heard M t Blast aarand its tanks in Weg Berlin, the Brit-|individual physician reserves aid it will be a keynote ad-} promise progress. brandt's masterpiece Aristotle|as 24 old masters brought $4,-ence that Canada is "toying"), mysterious blast that' almost|East Berlin to investigate the be $6; office calls, formerly $3, English-Canadians have against "Mister Democrat' to million REGINA (CP) An elderly $2,398,980 -- the highest known/The auction took just under an) The Canadian foreign chief guish the blaze that demolished| 25 making "'a strong protest| coverage. One of the first to be notified Cormack, of Massachusetts, awakened when the youngest of . I he Chest day night ington, which broke#@the record y t a neutral chairman, vice-chair- plow Out 'National Gallery--paid the Rus- $215,000 He immediately began evacu- man and rapporteur to the com-|, : A. ; : ating the children. As he was mittee--none with the status of doing so, a passing\ motorist, 4 negotiators. who saw the explosion, kicked) .% Green, who returned to Ottawa|in the rear door and gave him| © pf : ._,|Wednesday night after a three-'a hand. The children are Di- The record for a single paint-\qay UN stay, made this out-ane, 14; Judy, 13; Jackie, 11; | e Three New A merican . | | ing at auction was $770,000 forjine of his proposed group: Charlene, 9; Norma Jean, 8; Rubens' The Adoration of the! The chairman would be the Lonna-Lee. Janice, 4, and ' Magi, at a London sale in 1959-|ohairman of the 103 - member/William, 15 months. | Satellites In Space | The record for a collection at) -- janction was $2,186,000 for seven CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)--Three new United States {French moder:'s in London in 1958 satellites circled the earth to- day seeking data for navigation jand spy-in-the-sky space sys- }tems She had been a wheel chair) price was $875,000. sian governme 73 " Teg ese ine night S!a2 government $19,000,000 for : ati __ it was a recordtopping nightisy Fatntings in 1982, Ra-| phael's Alba Madonna was rated at a little more than $1,100,000. | : strongest suppo \ the eee to withdraw Wed-|¥4j7 be pressed "with determé ; : : ; : day with Giorgo Pagnanelli if this failed the UN woul election campaign 25.500-ton Canadian Pacific/parently inspired by followers|iet Union, External Affairs Min-|bers from Latin America, two'7,. : x nanelli of ould have lish "must arrive at mutual t betiomease i is fies i ive tit nae 4 j<|golese troops are in Kivu. They bill, guaranteeing the rights of Friday to address a provnicial|utes before it was due to leave|tegrity the UN is pledged to de-jof .dis armament negotiating|though Green didn't say so, this) © ince stronghold of Vice-Premier ri ent, i . ' . (gh . -- mitted | es for ap- at the last minute. however, and ers, but said they had been re- has some 250 non - combat sig-/ment in the United Nations po-| Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis- proved it will guarantee French- : = a ie act A 75-page booklet was dis- the private car he used in the These oft --repeated positions |5-5-5 basis would be the idea |bers and observers with a ho-|~ in East Ber} give Canada deployment of Allied troops and/the practising physician but the 2 oérifion. > political sources ing a possible new path of com- NEW YORK (AP) -- Rem-jat the Parke -.Bernet Galleries} Green told his press confer-\are investigating the cause of to the army who crossed into| House calls, formerly $5, will al Presse, discussing ""Witat the House of Representatives Victim Of Blaze Wednesday night bid it in for Anna, who died last February. grief in Geneva in June, 1960. | 1. i40 three hours to extin-| Jt Said the British command|increase could,affect insurance HELP Texan in hospital here in downtown Regina Wednes- [he National Gallery in Wash- vate transaction at some pointiof African, Asian and Latin Mr. Charlton result."" ' "We feel it is fair." wnt gine The } aller 6 he a bang and a rear window was| , advocated only the addition of S beng: and a | tal. She died shortly afterwards. of a young woman reading. The Whose pictures now are in the Re $200,000 -- $175,000 Rat Poison Found $150,000 The Aristotle, 5644 by 53% inches,. shows the philosopher garbed in dark robes, a golden} yellow mantle and a broad, Earlier, the 25th rocket in the Discoverer series flung.a satel- lite into orbit from Vandenberg Air Force Base. Calif., in an-| other try at developing means! 2 sile scored its 22nd success in 26 test firings on a short-range hop ef less. than 220 miles from Cape Canaveral. black he pe, . : ack hat. The Nike - Zeus missile) __ PRA ore . $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 Stort --1 |. The trio soared aloft Wednes- |day in one of the most produc- jtive days for the United States lin the space age | Two of the satellites were in the nose of a Thor-Able-Star rocket fired from Cape Canay- jeral Wednesday night. One is }the 190-pound Transit 4-B, par- tially powered by a nuclear generator. The other is a 246 jpound "dumbell" package | which is intended to stretch out |more than 100 feet in two weeks jin a satellite stabilization ex- | periment | The sateliite twins gave the | U.S. a big boost toward a space navigation network to guide ships, planes, submarines tia missiles. of recovering from space capsules WILL EJECT CAPSULE Within a few days, the Dis- coverer is scheduled to eject a capsule which Hawaii - based planes will attempt to snare as it parachutes to arth. Eight such capsules have been re- previous tests. Per- technique is essen- tial for recovering data from the Midas missile detector and Samos recotnaissance sate |- lites 4 The succe raised the total of successfu' U.S. satellites to 59. Russia has orbited 13 In other missle space velopments Wednesday 1. A Pershing artillery mis-) de- killer system registered a dou ble triumph at White Sands, N.M. In one test, Zeus radar tracked a special missile test target. In the other, the launch technique and ground electron- ics equipment were given a trial 3. The air force announced plans to send into orbit next month a 10 pound satellite named Oscar (for orbiting sat- ellite carrying amateur radio) to beam signals to more than 200,090 amateur radio operators in the country. 4. In the only failure, an Argo D-8 rocket broke apart.| The shot was intended 'to probe briefly the Van Allen radiation belt with a parcel of instru- ments. | In Trick' Candy _ PETERBOROUGH (CP) --)torney-general's Candy 'passed out to trick-or- tory . ' treating youngsters on Hallow-| The Cancer 'Scanner' en was loaded withJrat poison,/ showed the candy had been| © HAMILTON (CP) --Medical)@0 attorney-general's depart-|spread with alphanaphthylthi- scientists at the radio-isotope, ment report showed today. ourea, a type of rat poison, laboratory of Hamilton General| Police said the soft, orange) py. amount on the candy was Hospital say nuclear fallout is|C@"dy was turned over to Dr.| gocoribed as not lethal and the 3 throwing out of kilter a super|Derek Eaton. city medical of-| anor. said the average adult! "get ¢ et Geiger counter they are using a the aN no ge pain an would have to eat about half al' peenyin to fight cancer. hae colt Nae hon feand ie 3 hig) Pound of the paste to die from 0 GIMMI The machine, only one of its bag that morning following jit. kind in Canada, uses radioac-| ,;, ¥ Alphanaphthylthiourea kills | When this St. Catharines, rats by causing fluid to build) Ont., furniture store owner a} $ = night of collecting. He found the tive chemicals to locate and pho-| candy was bitter an investioa tograph suspicious tumors inition showed it had been sliced|UP in their lungs as a form of| thought up signs for his sale glands and organs not visible to open and the inside spread with|non-bacteriological pneumonia.) he tried to convince the pub- X-rays a pale powder It may be bought without being) lic there were "'no gimmicks'. Called a photoscanner, its use) Dr. Eaton turned the candy) Signed. for. Despite the signs he enjoyed results in less radiation for the over to Petice Chief Jack} There were no other reports) a promotion hed could never | patient than by use of x-rays. |Shrubb, who sent it to the at-/of doctored candy. have hoped for when a hy- | Fallout Affects labora-| crime report, issued today,| & drant in front of the store was snapped off and 300,000 gallons of water spouted out- side for two hours, attracting a large crowd. The hydrant was broken when a cay, back- ed into it. --CP Wirephoto

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