18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Movember 16, 1961 ag s 'Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings _ 11 Net 11 Net Stock Bales Low a.m Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge, Stock i x y 5 : 22 $11 #1l il © West P . 3 600 («93 92 2 Dev-Pal A 720 $6% 6% 6% Dynamic 250 $103 Fargo € 74 Fr Pete pr Gr Plains Home A ,|Home B H-B OU G Medal Midcon 1 1 N. Concord 200 $32% 32 32% + %|N Davies 385 $ |Northeal 530 NC Oils Mass-F 5% 15 $105 1, | Northid Met Stores 440 $9% | Pac. Pete 12 L Dufault Met Stores p 109 $21% 1,|Pac Pete w i 5 5 0 --I5L Osu Mid-West 300 185 | Pamoil 5 5 La_ Lue Mont Loco 720 $16% | Perma Langis Moore 3500 $5214 | Phillips Latin Am Nat Drug 1400 $1644 Prairit Oil Leitch Dr pr 740 $16% Provo Gas Lencourt N St Car z10 $1644 1 | Ranger Lorado Nia Wire B 125 $12% 12 | Sapphive Lorado NO NGas 400 $20% y cee Lyndhst NW Util 210 $82'9 ecur Free Lynx 500 6 Ont Loan 200 . $37 Triad Oil Macassa 700 325 Oshawa A 109 $284 4|Un Oils Macdon 10500 Page-Hers 230 $2414 |Wayne Maritime Pbina 725 «$814 W Decalta Martin % Phantom $8 W Lease McKen Premium 5 Curb McWat Pres Elect Dalhousie Mentor 2500 QN Gas Moneta 1000 QN. Gas Mt Wright 25400 QN Gas Multi-M 2500 Rapid-G n Murray 2000 Roe AV C 76500 13% 141g , New Bid 1000 6 Rolland A 3500 107 105 1 1 N Goldvue' 1000 3 Rothman 6500 4 4 \ Harri 500. 7 Royal Bank 1600 13 N Kelore 3000 10 Roy t Man 200 38 55S 5 N Mylama 300 «13 % 4 116IN. Senator 4000 17% 17 1 \, | Nipissing 300 153 Noranda 1400 8 N Coldstrm 2000 Nrtiagate 1000 N Goldert 53500 North Can 500 66 orvalie 251550 25 1 Opemiska 10000 13 2 Oreah 400 705 Osisko 800 182 Paramaq 17120 279 Peerless 2000 34 Pick .Crow Z20 $12% Pitch-Ore 30000 5 Pros Air 600 61 61 Purdex 6200 60 60 Rayrock 200 500 500 Realm | Assay Report 'Hikes Dufault TORONTO (CP) Indus- trials, after setting a record index high, dropped in htavy trading Wednesday on the Tor onto Stock Exchange and a} Lake Dufault assay _ report) brought markea price hikes to that stock, | Industrials declined . .77 to} 611.21 on the 20-stock marke indicator, with late-day losses) among steels, banks and finan cial institutions, utilities and re-) fining oils making the differ ence. Western oils dropped .19 to 108.19 but golds rose .77 ¢ 88.51 and! base metals .09 209.93. The volume was 5,199,-) 000 shares compared with! 3,858,000 Tuesday, the largesi since Sept. 29. Industrials stocks which had hefty gains earlier in the day pared the margin gradually and finished either lower or fn-| 1 changed. Algoma Steél, Bel!| Telephone, Imperial Oil, and/ MacMillan Bloedel were prom inent in this category. But In-; dustrial Accepiance Corp, and Canada lron Foundries were 4 ahead 134 and 4 respectively pe, __ ,, to 36 and 23%. > Lake Dufault's eighth assay report in seven weeks sent the stock skyrocketing $1.70 to a! new high of $9.20. The report showed assays in -hole N-127| averaged 11.4 per cent copper, | 8.6 per cent zinc, 3.4 ounces of! silver and 0.03 ouncesYof gold in te 1,116-tg-1,262.5-foot level Wiltsey-Coghlan, closed at a new high of 30. It has property| adjacent to Dufault and has followed the latter's lead for the last seven weeks. Senior base metals were soe 88 Rio Algom 2182 $10% 10% ahead with Falconbridge reach- 10008 9 Ryanor 3000 ie a 4 ing a new high of 695g, ahead 2500 43 San Ant " a4 P 5g. Gold trade was weak. and soe iz" Satellite 7500 483046 may sporadic with Campbell" Red 190 Sherritt 1100 485 480 Lake up 1%. a So a Awarded $31,567 In Damage Action Siscoe 460 208 202 Stanrck 135 158 158 Steep R 3740 880 850 Sturgeon 1300 «21 20 Sullivan 1450 190 188 2 Sunburst 6500 18 7 : Taurean 9000 37 LONDON . Ont. (CP) -- Mrs. Sas H ,| Vivian DeLuca of London Wed erritory 2 e Ps Delhi Pac 4 Thin 1. jnesday was awarded $31,567 in i Denteen 230. ; Tormont ja Supreme Court damage ac- OILS Danes ; : i. aie gees gs tion against Wilbert Steinhagen s Duvan i a : 25, of Palmerston as a result E 2 ; of a head-on car collision on ,|Highway 23 last year Mr. Justice G. A. Gale ruled ,, that Steinhageh was 100 per , cent to blame. Mrs. DeLuca |severely injured in the acci- » |dent, testified he wheeled into Un Keno Amurex 240 «240 «(240 Mal the path of her vehicle. BIRTHS if i KUNKEL -- Shannon and Todd wish| to announce the birth of a baby brother,| Shawn Michael, 8 ibs. 3 ozs » November 12, 1961 at the | FELT BROS. JEWELLERS SINCE 1886 TORONTO Ii By The Can Toronto Stock Exchange--Nov. 16 al Hospital (Quotations in cents unless markéd $./ rd and J Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr---Ex and baby doing fine. Thanks be to God.| rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Ntt change is © from previous day's close.) LYSON -- Adam and Noella (nee | Lacelle) are happy to announce the} S | birth of a daughter, Laurie Diane, 6 INDUSTRIAL ( Ibs. 5 ozs., on Tuesday, November 14, . Net ic 1961 at the Oshawa General Hospital High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Cockshutt Many thanks to Dr. Spragge and 4th Col Cell 280 $39%% 395% 39% + %)Col Ce! floor staff. Deo Gratis M5 $11% 11% 11% * sg]Con Bldg wt 725 225: $18 809 875 290 200 3125 220 735 720 336 3 610 75 $1065 1065% iD Bridge 350 222 $16% 16 i, + %\D Fndry 270 Alta Nat 100 $18% 18% 4/D Stores n 1316 Ig Cen 100 $23 Dom Tar 615 Ig Cen w 7100, $45 Dom Tar pr 100 Algoma 250 350 Dover pr z10 | Alumini 635 $28%% 2 4 -- %|Econ Inv 100 Alum | pr 279 $22% Fam Play 225 Analog 100 200 Fanny F 292 | Argus --iFed Farm 250 Arg 250p Fed Grain 1025 Arg 260p 723.3492. The rate is only $1.50. | Fndtn 200 | Atlas Steel | Fraser 100 Bank Mont DEATHS iF ra | Gatineau BRODIE, Cecilia B. Bath PA} 1 -- %\Gat 5 pe pre Entered into rest at the home of her Bell Phone 7 7 37 5 |GP Drill A 500 60 son, Maxwell (Steve) Brodie, 84 Bea-|Bowater pr 40$159 trie Street, Oshawa, Wednesday, No-|BA Oil 730 $1854 vember 15, 1961, Cecilia B, Kidd, widow|BC Pow 0 3% of 'the late John Brodie and mother of|BC Phone 50 275 Mrs. W. J. Rolland (Helen), Belleville,|Build Prod 300, $6, Mrs. H. C. Brown (Eva) Oshawa, Harry|Burrard A 740 -- of Belleville and Steve of Oshawa, in|Cal . Pow ey esr aT her 88th year. Resting at the Arm-/Can Tem 4 Sree S strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with/Can Mait tng memorial service in fhe chapel Satur-}Can Perm day, November 18, 2.00 p.m. Interment /Cdn Brew Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa tage bai (Friends are asked not to call at the é fe * © Chem 200 $5% 5 YiInd Accep n funeral home before Friday.) * Chem w 230° 270 = +10 IT Ac wts > Colligries 50 $67 ¥ % + Me) Inglis Dredge 225 $13% 13% Y|Inland Gas Simpsons Brbks A 710 $9% Inind G w | 160. Southam Frbks B 225 $7% Int Util 7 a 45% St Pav CF Prod 710 36% Intpr_ Dis Stedman CGas In w 100 20 Inv Syn Steel Can Husky LY Inv Syn A Steinbg A Husky w 1 : 9 10 | Jefferson Suptest pr Hydro Jockey ¢ Switson anne Texaco Tor-Dom " BUSINE a! Fin 57 w Can PL Trans-Mt 3119 $16 Trans' PPL 300 $19% Un Ace 2 pr 100 $11% Israeli Talent eer Resource Cited Walk GW WCoast Tr 1 17 WCoast Tyt 258 $16% Weston A 110 $21% Zenith 1400 260 Curb aces Anglo-Nfid By FORBES RHUDE ail Canadian-financed, will have ' D Sug . rE $ edi si 5 s > Paper Canadian Press Business Editor six stores by the eng of theis on cloth father of Mrs. Erwin G. Southwell Jsraeli universities and jech-|¥¢4! and aims at 12 Sram Gerateesh er Oshiens Ie nical schools are producing sci- In| another Canadian project, his 2nd year. Resting at the Armstrong entists and engineers who form|Sancana Ltd., an Ottawa-based Tesora! Hesse, Okawa, wih memoria pool of taleat for industries) "UNDany headéd by Gordon L service in the chapel on ay, Novem- - é i Taage i ber 17 at 2.00 p.m. Interment Mount/ready to use them. Hirshhorn, has made an agree- Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa This is the statement of Avra-/ment with Israel for off-shore -\ham Bar-el, Israel's consul for Oil drilling. AM. STOCKS ri jan Press } 11 Net 11 Met High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales Migh Low a.m. Ch'ge 198 +8 |Har-Min 23000 «sil 8 it +2% H of Lakes 3000 15 i5 Headway 1000 High-Bell 600 275 275 Hollinger 750 $2635 26% 26% Hud Bay 210 $53 3 53 Inspiratn 1000 45 Int Moly 3500 44 int Nickel xd 100 $83%% irish Cop 700 119 fron Bay 300 195 Iso 500 73 Jacobes Jaye Expl Joliet Kerr Add Kirk Min Bales 400 4100 2000 1000 200 3 2 Mare dn Oil PR Kelivnator Labatt na « ( « ct r ' 83% 110 195 Stock Sales Abitibi Acad-Atl WALLACE -- Jack and Marion wish|A#ne"S to announce the arrival of their daugh-\4 i). nis yt ter on Wednesday, November 15, 1961/4110 Ga, at Oshawa General Hospital, A sister) AuGas B pr for, Bhery! AltaGas w aia Ba LobG 1- pr MB PR Mass-F Con Gas Coronation Cosmos 'Dist Seag 39550 1800 905 7000 38 59265 945 915 13500 27% 27 100 25 1100 1000 49 500 150 3000 1 = ne A BAPPY occasion -- The birth of), your child. To tell the good sews to), friends and neighbors The Oshawa Times is as near as your telephone. The day of birth, just telephone RA One of a Kind SACRIFICES! PECIAL'SPECIAL! ONLY 6 STRANDS ONLY 12 SETS GENUINE STEAK T D EARLS KNIVES 12.00 Lay-Away Your CHRISTMAS GIFTS + DIAMONDS * Only One Edch Of The Following: 6 DIAMOND WEDDING BAND. "App! »"*P"° 38.00 Blossom". Regularly 75.00 43.00 r 8214 82) § P 2\a yy & 325 2842 2BR 3342 30% 2% 243% 3 8% 8% 8 8 32s 26400 54 75 168 2 97 1000 18 200 $6% pr 100 $51 wts 300 200 710 «=$7% 150 ST 1100 $11 250 $11% 78 $81% Ansil 100 $11%@ 11 Area 730 $10%4 103 A Arcadia 690 S18%% 18% Aumacho 270 $11% Bankfield 100» $9 | Barnat 713 $24% | Base 100 $13% B-Duq 11 . Bethim Bibis Bicroft Black B Borlulac Camp Chib ' Tung Dyno an-Erin assiar heskitk hib M himo s och Will oniagas Beta Halli on MS Mogul Mosher 7 on Negus 16% 16% + 'on Nichol 21%_ 2148 'onwest 260 260 'op Corp op-Man oprand Coulee Cusco Daering Deer Horn D"idona -- %/ Goodyear --% GL Paper |GN Gas %'/GNGas w GW Coal A + S&iGr Wes G 1%4\GrWpg S6w » Guar Tr Hardee Hur Erie 5% %4|Imp Life -----30 |Imp Oil 210 $34 Imp Tob 78 165 2314 $3414 M 97 300 «$84 760 $244 25 $2B% 25 «S74 100 $76 7 y 3 255 $56 55 30 3490 Abacus Acad Uran Agnico Alba Expl Russell 3500 49 4 Salada-S Salada wts Seven Arts Shawin Silverwd A Metal HODGSON, Robert James At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on} Wednesday, November 15, 1961, Robert James Hodgson, beloved husband of | Maud Dean¥ dear father of Hazel (Mrs. Raymond Clapp) of Tyrone, Dean ,of Bowmanville, Nina of Washington, D.C Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Fu- neral Home, 53 Division Street North, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Friday, November 17, at 2 p.m ment Bethesda Cemetery 126 12 9000 000. 5550 2315 500 700 500 2000 35500 C P Reg. 32.50 ic Cc C Bk 5 78 BM 78 30 60 500 SPICER, Elizabeth At South Haven Nursing Home, New castle, on Wednesday, November 15, 1961, Elizabeth Spicer, in her 96th year,| wife of the late John James Spicer and| dear mother of Leonard and Arthur.) Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapei,! Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Friday, at 2.00 o'clock. Interment Bow manville Cemetery G WARD. Frank Entered into rest in Hillsdale Manor Oshawa, on Tuesday. November li 1961, Frank Ward. beloved husband of the late Selina Florence Smith and 78 $10 9% 1120 $24 24 200 $42% 41% > 10000 19000 750 2 52 100 $54%4 54% 25 $3444 34's Upp Can Anchor Sull 7 7 vandoo Asamera 532 S e 5S --5 Eldrich Dupont LOCKE'S FLORIST economic affairs ingforonto and) Israel's present total imports| Bailey 's Ey 5 825 --10 | Falcon Wats Ath '21 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA HARWOOD AVE., AJAX Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded You are Invited to Open a Budget Account Ogilvie ' a re ronment of amount to $500.000,000 a year rf bh Funeral arrangements and director of the Governm year) Ball set ioe oe watias .99 Price Br Zellers tint eh Israel Investment Authority in and are expected to reach $750,-!cal E 151 cia Wiltsey bite Re eecuauagnaid for ell Caneia: 000,000 by 1965. Canada's gharal can ctl pies ae Gees ox Winch sions. FYE SA] MONOPOLY Fun for the whole family. Hours MEN'S OSHAWA SHOPPING Using this talent and Israel's of this is about $6,500,000 aj© Ex 1000 Goldray ete Net Weight 73%-oz. ° of enjoyment for the kiddies and Tin c 5% 5 890 860 850 Bales to 11 Canadian industrialists to enter) -6 nto joint projects with Israeli} interests "The reason we have two atomic reactors,' Mr. Bar-el commented, "'is that we have a llarge corps of nuclear research 'scientists and we had to give them something to do if ./e iweren't to lose them." Availability of talent, he con- tinued, has resulted in 'daring EON Bibles are a continuing me- research" in many areas, in- 2 For placement contact funeral cluding such problems as water) ee ee lsupply and growth of agricul-| tural products in arid areas, "IN MEMORIAM de-Salinization of salt water, 'and utilization of solar energy. SHESEBROUGH--In loving memory) USE SOLAR HEAT 4 a dear husband and father, Edward Solar heat, he said, is widely oe ae, Oe Pee tee Novem used. in. Israel. for household r * ok. sGod did what He thought best heating and a half-hour of sun E put His arms around him a day can supply hot water for i whispered "Come and rest". i , Se j Re aThe golden gate stood open the rest of the day. This is ac wTen years ago today. lecomplished through a device gente goodbyes ee unspoken which uses mirrors, backed by! He gently slipped away i . " Never forgotten by wife Anne and{Pipes, and roof ¢ isterns. : family. He describes' as a "'success tory" s ent of Su- SCHESEBROUGH -- In loving. mem.|S'0ry. the establishme i? oe of Edward James Chesebrough, persol, Israel's first super-mar-| Fro passed away November 16, 1951. ket chain, by a Canadian group) ving and kind in all his ways, Ot- Jpright and just to the end of his headed by Bertram Loeb of sens days; tawa. This enterprise, nearly * Bincere and kind in heart and mind , What a beautiful memory he left ' behind. ~Sadly missed by June, Grant and gacatiesnset tn ur cogt NET EARNINGS --In ever loving memory of} By THE CANADIAN PRESS ERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST grown ups. Reg. 3.44. KIDDIES' 2-PC. VELVETEEN DIAPER SUITS MEN'S Ist QUALITY KNITTED VESTS i Zenmac ar High Cr 1250 Gulf Lead trategic location, he believes year CENTRE : 2 Reg. 58c CLEARANCE! | tenth 20 Cent Del 940 --10 Gunnar there is great opportunity for Beles! eee 4 HOUR PHONE .SERVICE 728-6555 2 Tins to Customer Ladies 100% Imported Wool Ladies Ist Quality Automatic. Expansion, band. Reg. 89.50 Orlon Cardigans .13 CARAT SOLITAIRE RING. Al quality. Regularly 85.00 ..... .17 CARAT ENGAGEMENT RING. 57 00 Beautiful solitaire. Regularly 110.00 ... 8 3 DIAMOND. FINGER RING. 55 00 Beautifully matched. Regularly 97.50 . . P) 1/5 CARAT DIAMOND RING. With 2 74 50 shoulder diamonds. Regularly 150.00 .. . VY, CARAT SOLITAIRE RING. With 2 134 00 shoulder diamonds. Regularly 250.00 2 2/5 CARAT SOLITAIRE RING. With 2 159 00 shoulder diamonds. Regularly 300.00 s 3 DIAMOND FINGER RING. Over 3/5 carats. Regularly 350.00 |. 169.00 3 DIAMOND FINGER RING. Over 3¥2 Carates. Regularly 400.002400.00 1.02 CARAT SOLITAIRE. With 2 baguettes. Regularly 1650.00 895.00 LADIES' 17-JEWEL WATCHES. ONLY 3 ! Extra Special MEN'S 17-JEWEL SHOCKPROOF WATCHES ONLY 4 -- 3 yellow, | steel Special se Deca 11.00 ONLY 6--LADIES' BENRUS WATCHES. 19 95 17-jewels, matching bracelet. Reg. 49.75 . ONLY 1--MIDO NURSE'S WATCH. 39 00 s ONLY 1--MAN'S MIDO WATCH. Auto- 61 00 matic, shock and waterproof. Reg. 110.00 s ONLY 1--OMEGA SEAMASTER. Automatic, shock * TWINE yay November 27, 1958 Sweet memories wil] linger forever Time cannot change them, it's true; § vears that may come cannot sever * My loving remembrance of you Always remembered by the family CARD OF THANKS gg mother, Alice Twine, who passed -- » BEYNON -- Mere words are in- @iequate to express our gratitude to @ach and everyone who has helped us trough these days of sorrow with beau- ful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinate kindness. We can only my thank-you so much, Py Mrs. L. B wo Late Sale Fought By Store Keepers nd family | | "ichants Association seeking a | Kelvinator of Canada Lid., vear ended Sept. 30: 1961, $264,- 277; 1960, net loss $207,305 Lower St. Lawrence Power |Company, 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $449,742, $1.89 a share; 1960, $406,343, $1.66 Montreal "Locomotive Works Ltd., 3 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $19,000, three cents a share; 1960, $36,000. five cents; 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, net loss $50,000; 1960, net profit, $757,000, $1.08 a share court injunction to prevent food stores breaking the city's early- closing bylaw Fourteen independent grocers are ceeking the court order. It 4 BRANTFORD (CP) -- Action is aimed specifically at a sup- as launched Wednesday by e Brantford Retail Food Mer- ermarket in west Brantford which remains open late j - - MAGIC WORLD OF ELECTRONICS : nas provivoeo BIG PROFITS ' FOR SHAREHOLDERS IN U.S.A. ...Now CANADIAN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY PROVIDES PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU! We are confident similar opportunities in Canada Coming off t exist right now--and we'll be glad to tell you why. Just clip coupon and mail. 2K BONUS OFFER! he press now--our REPORT ON 90 ACTIVE TRADERS--will be sent to you FREE. Without charge or obligation, please send me your MARKET MONITOR, and 50 ACTIVE TRADERS, also BERNETTE CORPORATION LIMITED and information tronics shar ecurity Dealer Inderwriters : 00 Adela ADDRESS... Offer good to Ontario residents over 21 years of age. | ' Industrial issue, in which you act. as principals. on profit opportunities in Canadian elec es... and Industrionics, a speculative Ree eeeeeneneetoeee eee eeneneneeee « ©.T. The Ideol Christmos Gift Bowling Skirts 14 to 20. .. 189 Sizes Reg, 3.98 Reg. 9.95 @ Full box pleats ®@ Made in Conade Sizes 10 to814 only. 3.49 e@ For boys and girls, dome fastened @ Pants are plostic lined @ Colors, red only @ Sizes 12 to 24 months. REG. 1.37 by Sun Valley. Sizes $ ond M only. REG. yon 2.99 Plaid Check Flan- nel. Si: to 161. REG. 2.29 1.59 14% CS. ees _ 2 FOR 3.00 SUCH LADYLIKE GIRLS'. 2-PC CORDUROY SETS Pancha top, buttons of the back With fringed edging and matching fined slims. Sizes 3 to 6. 2.65ser SETS! CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 4.49 FEATHER PILLOWS 1.1 1 97° Reg. 5.95 .* KAPOK PILLOWS fi | Clearance ! LADIES' DRESSES Sizes 10, 12 and 14 only REG. 2.99 8.95 MEN'S Ist QUALITY SPORT SHIRTS e@ Knitted long-sleeve @ 3- button placket front e@ Assorted patterns @ Sizes S-M-L. REG. 99" 2.98 "Bspce. Snow Suils Fully quilted fining; Jacket hes zipper front; fully cut ski type pants; Sizes 3 to 6x. Reg. 12.99. 177 REG. 3-PCE. Lines WINTER COATS FUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Sizes 10 to 20 GIRLS' ALL-WOOL WINTER COATS e Fur-trimmed collar @ Quilted lining @ Sizes (16.88 BOYS' NYLON THERMAL DUFFLE COATS @ Coat has detachable hood @ Jumbo tipper @ Thermo quilt lined @ Sizes 8 to 16. REG. 8.97 SET BETTER QUALITY Lined Pants 2 back pockets Pisid flonnel Belt loop top Sizes 8 to 16 Boys' REG. 3.99 Reg. 24.95 to 69.00 REG -- - FROM 16.99 | 49.99 19.95 DIAPERS Reg. 499..., OOD HOSPITAL-- 2.59 os s ., 2.99 Boys' Plaid Flannel SPORT SHIRTS @ Breast pocket @ Sonforized @ Sizes 8 to 14 REG. BOYS' LINED BOXER WAIST JEANS @ 2 pockets @ Zipper clos- ure @ Keshe fined plaid cuff @ Sizes 3 to 6x. is 1.59 1.98 2 FOR 3.00 MEN'S SUITS Reg. 39.95 19.95 : = MEN'S 100% RAYON MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE! Ladies', Ist quality, Waltz- length, Rayon Tricot. NIGHT GOWNS S-hm-w. Foney Trim. REG, 99 1.98 NAME BRAND CIGARETTES 2.99 CARTON WITH ANY PURCHASE OF 1.60 3.19 Per Corton Without Purchase BOXED-- Reg. 3.49 GET READY FOR WINTER MEN'S PARKAS @ Heavy water - repellent cloth @ 2 pockets @ Elastic st woist @ Zipper front Thermo quilt lining Sizes 38 te 40 REG, 7.99 10.99 SNOW WHITE PILLOW CASES Reg. 89c 59 PAIR .... LADIES' FIRST QUALITY NYLONS Sizes 8 to 11, Reg, 59%. pr. 35 3 prs. 1.00 2-pe. Pyjamas "nee. 398 2.69 EACH Reg. 147.50. 88.00 92.00 LADY'S 16 DIAMOND GRUEN WATCH 14K gold case. Reg. 200.00 pice 12 DIAMOND GRUEN WATCH. 14K gold, ancy case. 155 00 eeoeerreeees s * SILVERWARE TUDOR PLATE by COMMUNITY. Full service for 8. ] Free! Chest! Only 2 Sets. Regularly 55.00 2 ,00 4-PIECE COFFEE AND TEA SERVICE, Melon pattern. 55 00 Hand chased and engraved. Regularly 99.00 ... a ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE. "Doffodil". 42-pc. Service for 8. Free! Chest! Only 2! Reg. 89.95 . 59.00 ergs 1847 SILVERWARE. '"Floir'. 42-pc. Service for 8. Free! Double drawer chest Regularly 96.95 ..... a ' < 66.00 ENGLISH 3-LITE CANDELABRAS--Silver on cop- 74.00 per. The one pair only. Regularly 135.00. NOW a! ONLY 1 -- COMMUNITY SILVERWARE. "South Seas". 52-pe. Service for 8. Free! Chest! Regularly 137.50 " a 79.00 COVERED DOUBLE ENTREE DISH on hot water 99.00 f stand. Sheffield reproduction. Regulerly 185.00 ONLY 2 -- 7-PC. COFFEE TEA SERVICE. Silver on copper. Set includes hot water kettle on stand. PECIALISPECIAL! ONLY 36--ALL-METAL MEN'S--LADIES' BALL POINT EXPANSION PENS _ BANDS Reg. to 1.99 Rew as s FELT BROS. JEWELLERS SINCE 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : OSHAWA