Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 17

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms tor Rent \27--Real Estate tor Sele \27--Real Estate tor Sale 27--Real Estate tor Sale #27--Real Estate tor Sale |29--Automobiles tor Sale 4 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Nevember 16, 1961 DESIRABLE apartment, self-contained, three room: bath, unfurnished, and FOUR-ROOM spartment, private em | heavy wiring, hi water, adults only. $60. 728-8175, |- Piarinabaneecitii FURNISHED toom for rent, board tonal, near North General Motors, 'Tele. TWO rooms, up three-piece bath second floor downtown ROOM with kitchen privile, ges. ce. Apply 139 Albert Street bert _ Street. pene aa vagant now. Tele-| phone 728-6412 for further information. or BEAUTIFUL four-réom heated apart ment, large kitchen, laundry facilities. Separate only. FURNISHED | Tau heating and hydro, Young couple pre- ferred, FUR keeping room, tral Centre Street LOWER two-bedroom apartment, ly decorated, garage, north section of city, near bus, Telephone 725-5810. FOUR-ROOM "apartment, furnished or welcome, close to shopping and Apply 496° Simcoe Street! Telephone 728-7629 NICE $40 MONTHLY rents two-room furnish-| close to bus stop, in- | Sin, Adults 728- i245 \ unfurnished Nor ed cludes only. entrance and bath. Adults Available now. 320 Verdun after jsement apartment, nton Road, $65 monthly, includes no children, CO 3-2192. HED apartment: single house- private entrance, cen- Reasonable. Apply 96 parking, stove, refrigerator th or dial 728-3945 partment, private driveway, heat, light and water Tetephone 728-4372 26--Rooms for Rent CENTRAL, large, twin beds. two TW furnished nea: Motors. Telephone SIN or General Stre bright front room, wired for telephone, Suit) ontlemen, Light housekeep-| | 723-9767, 0 ROOMS, Kitchenette and | or unfurnished parking, | stop, and South General 728-4872 refined jen if desired r bus for gentleman| near North 25 Division GLE room, suitable lady, central location, Motors Apply et. LARGE furnished double room, single beds in clean quiet home two (ne ON kee two single cen Suit one or gentlemen. Apply 25 Quebec. Street ar Simcoe) E large front room, light house- ping if desired. Suitable for one or gentlemen, abstainers, very Parking Telephone 723- tral space 3078. BE bro D adioom SITTING room, private bath, twin Hollywood beds, pic- ture windows, everything ci cook- ing near hospital. TW One or home 5.-3093 © housekeeping furnished, rooms, bedroom and kitchen with sink and cup- boa Apply 156 Ag TRACTIVELY furnished aT private Sow SINGLE gentlemen, use of kitch FU low lan 723 NIC housekeeping trance General Motors Telepho: Tw en space 725. rds, private stool space es Street parking Tooms if home. 74 Oshawa Boulevard th. Telephone ,728-0852 fur n, ladies or and washing Telephone 'shed central location RNISHFD bedroom in new bunga sult business girl, Stevenson-Ross d area, near bus stop, Telephone 4961 before four. Saturday anytime ELY with light} separate en-| tities, Close to South 728-7 7453 © rooms, one, with sink and kitch-| cupboards, Close to bus. Parking $35 morithly. Adults, Telephone | furnished privil parking fa oom 4328 ELEAN furnished room with kitchen, | stove and refrigerator, Suit. genti@man. -- 723 co nished hot bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. NICE furnished light housekeeping pr gar Sor LA fined business pri parking facilities. Telephone| MFORTABLE single room, also tar. | ping room, close to General Motors and | water, "Yor gentleman, legen if desired, Ritson | room available. A 215 728 1197 age ith. Telephone RGE bright furnished bedroom, re-) lady preferred. Home vileges if desired. Near bus in pri- vate home. Write to Box 215, Oshawa Times. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 62 PARK ROAD -N. 728-8671 Two furnished Tooms, Parking. Apply phone 728-4594. NICELY furnished ght "housekeepin » one WH 26874, room for one or two willing to share Also three-room unfurnished basement apartment, Apply 200 King Street West. street, terms, TWO furnished rooms, central, abstain-| ers only, light housekeeping if dest Parking. Apply 45 Drew Street or tele-! jphone 726- ONE, quiet couple. bu ROOM and kitchen, hospital wie §=person ferred LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER "COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE" COZY BUNGALOW $10,900.00 year old, five room, gor oge, recreation room, extra bedroom, V acre treed lot $75.00 2 month on one open mortgage. See this before it's sold. Coll Bill Horner at 728-513? 4 Realty (Oshawa) Ltd Realtor 728-5123 Simcoe St. Lloyd 101 N METCALF Real Estote Limited 40 KING ST. £ DIAL 728-4678 APARTMENT BLOCKS Terrific values on Duplexe Tri-plexes, 5, 6 and 1] suite opartments Prices range from $14,500.00 with reasonable down payments Conitact this office for further information and appoint to inspect PRINCE. STREET $1,500.00 down -- room bungalow, tastefully decorated large rooms, oil heating, aluminum = storm windows, screens and doors nicely landscaped. This home is in immaculate condition and close to separate, public and high schools, Full price $9,500.00 BROCK ST. W For sale or rent --- 7-room home, close to downtown, schools, etc. Terrific value ot $8,000.00 with low down paymen? AFTER 5:30 CALL 725-9191 728-2392 725-7610 725-6243 723-9290 ment Lange 6 Dick Barrlage y Everett Elliott red. | |TWO toome and kitchenette, furnished, "newe|sult clean, and | 728- 2489 or 728-1584. = two or three unfurnished rooms, \Mght housekeeping privileges. wig Telephone furnished, north GM.) Telephone 27--Real Estate For Sole kitchen, contra), abstain-|couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Séc- Please ca call MO 68-5765. ers only, light housekeeping desired. ond Avenue 45 Drew Street or tele- FOUR rooms and bath, galow, ¢lean and warm, need in lot, garage, gas heat RIVATE sale, five room brick bun- Beverly north-east section Telephone 725-6398. TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND For 3 or mere yeare on Stevenson Rd. N, Partia! use of barn possible « No live- stocky For further informa tion Diol 725-9970 or 725. 9929, 's, one down 'stairs, undry facilities, use GOOD Married valu North Ajax. | Tele "GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 6 SIMCOE ST. 723-112) President Vice-President Sec.-Treasurer Ligyd Corson Dick Young, Lucos Peacock CENTRAL PK. N N.H.A. RESALE Two year old, six-room Brick Bungalow, over 1,100. sq. ft Attractively decorated, 4-pc. tiled bathroom with vanity, rec. room, aluminum storms ond screens. Oodles of cup- boards. Carries for $78.00 a month principal and inter- est LOVELY 8-ROOM SPLIT LEVEL On Grandview South. Just off King Street, tastefully decorate bathrooms attached gar nicely land scaped 'ot rifice at less than construct Call today for appointment to in spect 4-BEDROOM HOME Or he outskirts of town suitable for V.L.A, This js on owner built home, and he hos useed better than aver- age materials Large modem kitchen. with built-in stove and oven, mohogany cup- boords, finished with rug brick Asking $12,500 Owner would consider trade for on older home in the city. VARIETY STORE In small community, East of Oshawa. Doing approx, $350 a week. complete with 5 room modern bungalow ond large double garage on large lot nm cost For fu particulars call 723-1121 Roy Flintoft,. Don Smith, Phylis Jubb, Jean Peoeock, Irene Brown Open 9 a.m. Members of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board, to 9 p.m. daily. SETS aE ST tia ia t Religious i Nativity Sets, , etc Gifts For The Family _ FOR A LOVELY GIFT Call At PARKVIEW. STORE 98 OLIVE AVE Articles, Bibles, Statues, Rosary, BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS Gift Certificates FROM $4.98 UP DAVIDSON'S 31 Simeoe North 725-3312 Entertainment OSHAWA"S BEST SIM LASH end HIS TRIO DANCES WEDDINGS BANQUETS y PARTIES FOR YOUR Christmas Party Little Buckaroo Ranch FULL COURSE HOT TURKEY ' BANQUET. $1.50 A PLATE H. ALL RENTAL for party or dance extra RESERVATIONS CALL 725-2737 bo > Christmas Flowers Soy it with flowers this CHRISTMAS! COME IN JOHN BURTINSKY'S FLORISTS will wire them for you CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS TABLE CENTRES FANCY PLANTERS We service WHITBY, OSHAWA ond District dai MO 8.3334 124 DUNDAS WEST PSS Fl MO ee CHRISTMAS GIFT SPOTTER GUIDE Gifts For For Te Thrill Her With ery FRAGRANCES Attractively Gift .Pockaged Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$3 -- Dusting Powder $1.75 Yardley's --- Red Roses, Lotus, and Bond Street Per- fumes, from $3. --Spray Mist' $2.50 POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35)2 Simcoe N. Holiday Dining BRING HER TO - Modern Grill HOME MADE PASTRIES A SPECIALTY HOT TURKEY AND BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ONLY $1.50 A PLATE WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-4734 4 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. Cardigans Bulkies 7 King St E. Sie Fee Him FREE ! SUBURBAN GOAL COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED AS LOW AS $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT NO DOWN' PAYMENT AT DUNN"S Two Locations: 36 KING E. (Downtown OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GIVE HIM A WARM CHRISTMAS Sweoters from $7.95 up Pullovers, Shags All colors All sizes. SAM ROTISH MEN'S WEAR 725-2433 Christmas Trees Holiday Transportation CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned--Forestry Grown Scotch 'Pines All Sizes---wholesale prices FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST _ NURSERY GROWN PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PINE, SPRUCE and BALSAM, tn large, toble ond apartment siz# A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. EAST OPEN EVENINGS Ss Se Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi Thé Safe Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI~ 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST HERTZ 'RENT-A-CAR OFFER FREE, OELIVERY SERVICE on Rentals of 2 days or more Call Peterborough collect RI 2-8091 £ Christmas Fowl CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons and Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG ROSSLAND ROAD WEST DIAL 725-6837 Ken Ho 23 a | 3, Parking SINGLE rooms, also furnished bachelor | raiy or 145 Fi pee ean hot water; close to General old NHA bungalow, good location, near bungalow, Motors and bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. all schools, storms and screens, com-|features garage, hot water heating, £ pletely landscaped an@ fenced. Selling |corated and large lot, Terms to be ar- below cost. WORTH looking at. 7-room split aby peo |with fireplace, 2 room apartment, ren' " at $50 now, buy at $14,500. inspect call Mr. Siblock at 725-6544. 4701, ) tastefully _To inspect call Harry Millen Real Estate 728-1679. | | | | Terms. | j | | "CAN-YOU SPARE 1/2 HOUR? | j 7 DP RWB. 3/9232. MRBBD MIM MPI: 3, 315.3. TE three - bedroom One-year-|$600 DOWN, $9100 full price, five-room close to Central Collegiate, | JOHN F Realtor and Genera! Insurance NEWCASTLE Phone 3341 200-acre farm, east Nestle- ton, with on excellent set of Telephone MO 8-8484. ranged. Phone Douglas L. Gower Real- income home for sale, extral'" "2-#651. location SINGLY or double furnished room, eee or gentlemen, use of kitchen and hing machine, central location, Tele- 725-8150. ara A "4 PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom brick cae tn cone ade To bungalow with Hollywood kitchen and dining area. Fully decorated and land- --\goaped. Close to all schools with ex- cellent bus service. Spotless condition, Telephone 728-8835. Please no agents.' TREMBLAY street, Bre seem briek| bungalow, Hollywood kitchen, all gi ; i 3 tized rooms, aluminum storms, streens,| Dulldings. Almost-new bank hedged-in lot, Only $12,600. Terms ar-/ born, large hen. house, ot ranged, Tindall Real Estate. 725-0429. | §8-roomed home, modem c ROSSLAND Road. This three pod old veniences. Asking $30,000, attractive brick bungalow features) a large rooms, roomy kitehen with din-| with terms orronged ette, tile bathroom, colored fixtures and| vanity. Asking $14,500. Good terms. Wil-/ son Realtor, Ask for Charles Rankine. 725-6588. FIVE-ROOM bungalow with ofl fur-| nace, private gale, central location. Low taxes, Corivenient to schools a) \downtown. Télephone 728 6393. |$1,000 DOWN, $9,500 full room. detached bungalow, 8-8707 |ONE ACRE in the city, Wilson Rd. North, with 3%4-room cottage. Excellent | 'top soil; try your hand at gardening. | Full price $4,706. Call 8, Macko Realtor lor Evelyn Walker, 728-446) | WHITBY, must be sold, Owner leaving} jcountry, 5%-foom split level with) je, near schools, excellent JOHN A. JO BOLAHOOD Realtor LTD Insurance 167 Simcoe St. S Office Hrs 9 a.m. to 9 p.m NORTH END 3-bedroom brick bungalow in area of fine homes. Must be scid. Owner has other in- terests. House yocont now. Mony extros included in this home. Make your offer, qmove in and live. No repairs for mony years. Call Mr, Zurba at 725-6544 or 728- 0569 2 YEARS OLD $12,500 Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 5 rooms, lovely garden, Only $1,000 down. Spotless, Call Mr. Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398 160-acre farm at Newcastle, 130 acres workable, stream, 100' x 36' bankborn, water on top ,etc; 8-reomed home, kitchen cupboards, running hot and cold water. Down $6,000. Price arranged. 236-acre DAIRY FARM with Toronto quota, lorge L- shaped bankbarr, silo, ete; 10-roorned home, all mod- em conveniences. Price and terms orronged price, six! owner MO Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold, Members 9. DB. R. E8. 7-roomed home street in Orono ern conveniences. of repair Price Terms arronged on Main All med- Good state $7,500 hours 9-roomed brick home on Highway, north Oshawa. Up- stairs rented for $50 month- ly. All modarm conveniences Trade for house in Oshawa 5-roomed, new, well-bullt brick bungalow on Wilson Road South with extra base ment apartment Down $2,500. Price arranged | ONLY Enjoy Christmas in your own home, plan to inspect this beautiful new 3 - bedroom brick bungalow today. Many extras, including car-port, 1 N.H.A. mortgage, locoted in north-west section of City on a fully pre-paid service lot. Call Bob Johnson 725- aveninos 728-2548 9-roomed, brick building on Main street, Newcastle, Store with upstairs apartment. Ask- ing $13,000. Terms LICENSED GARAGE, SER- VICE STATION, SNACK BAR, GROCERY STORE with 5-roomed, modern bungalow Over $100,00 yearly tum- over 2 Semi-detached brick homes with all modern conveniences in Bowmanville. Excellent in- vestment. Price $15,000 Terms arrranged 6-roomed bungalow iri New castle with all modem con- veniences and close to school. Asking $8,500 with $1,500 down 5-roomed, new, well - built brick bungalow with mony extras, at Newcastle. All moder conveniences. Down $2,000. Price arranged scaped. Asking price only $13,600 oF} <6 ood buildings, large A, Bolahood, Realtor. 100-acre DAIRY FARM on room brick modern bungalow with rec. S. Macko Realtor or Evelyn Walker, | Modern home with conven- REALTORS 'Avenue close to several schools. Large 36-ccre farm east New- family buy at $13,400. Call S. Macko SUBURBAN house, garage, etc; 8- ' Pri i 8 attoched garage, wide picture $1 ,000 DOWN furnace age Bhcsbys apie of $15,5 For fur- ds dhe dt ithe? crated, landscaped, private | ings and ofter 728- Call Toronto Collect OSHAWA TIMES 728-1679 professionally landscaped lot, Double attached garage with staircase, fully broadloomed, powder room, large bright mod- fireploce ond picture windows. 18-foot dinin, with bedrooms and family room Toxes $500, Heating $180. jgarage. Wall to wall broadiooom in| 87-acre HIGHWAY FARM, Hliving room and dining room, Well land-| nmeor Port Hope, excellent offer, Call Mr. Swarbrick for an ap- esti |polniment at 725-6544 or 728-8342. son | stream Asking $30,000, Terms {HERE AND NOW almost at cost, owner transferred, must sel] this 334 | highwoy necr Lindsay with ------jroom, in west end of city. Fine resi-| iat baad Cential area, Now at only $12,800, Call} excellent set of buildings Howe & Peters jis | fences, Price and) term | aPactous S-room bungalow on Taylor; arranged Pe Hollywood kitchen, tiled bathroom with 67_KING ST. § builtin. vanity. 'This is a sensible t Ai Age 725-4709 castle, excellent soil 80' x Realtor or Evelyn Walker 728-4661. 32' bankbarn, woter on tap, ' ~ ri home with all med- Beautiful brick and stone pisrpagiore st ictega s le 4 ranch bungalow, 3 bedrooms, SACRIFICE ern conveniences. New oil windows overlooking Oshawa orranged 2 ecres of fond, recsonoble Solid 2-storey. three-bedroom brick, 1 year old, newly dec ther information please call Bob Johnson 725-4701 even drive : FULL PRICE $11,700. | 2548 USE THE REAL ESTATE MASSON ST. $24,500 -- 11-year-old home in this desirable area with large double paved driveway, enclosed tiled breezeway. Ground floor decorated throughout. Attractive centre hall and ern kitchen with built-in clothes washer and dishwasher. Sep- grate large breakfast room.. 21-foot living room se natural thermopane walls, overlooking garden and with to patio. UPSTAIRS --- 21-foot master bedroom, 4-pc. tile bat 2 other Low down payment with flexible financing to suitable pur- chaser. ANNOUNCEMENT LUCAS PEACOCK, REALTOR PHONE 725-4330 We ore pleased to announce thot we have moved to our new modern office at 16 Simcoe Street South, where we wil be identified under the name of "GUIDE REALTY LIMITED", We invite you to visit us there and see for yourself our most up-to- date methods of serving you In your real estate transactions _THE TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 723-1121 ANNOUNCEMENT | CORSON & YOUNG, Realtors 18 BOND STREET W. -- 723-1121 We are pleased to announce that we have moved to our new modern office ot 16 Simcoe Street South, where we will be identified under the name of "GUIDE REALTY LIMITED", We invite you to visit us there and see for yourself our most up-to- date methods of serving you in your real estate transactions, __ THE TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 723-1121 | J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING STREET --. OSHAWA PH. 725-4471 Low priced form, 100 acres, workable, very productive land $5,000 dawn 5 acres of Lond, approx. 500 x 400 feet; Corner property on paved rood excellent for nursery. Full price $7,000--with 5-roomed home on Highway, east Newcastle. All modem conveniences. Close to store, post offlee, etc Asking $7,000. Easy. terms. Approved -- building Taunton Road per lot lots on Price $750 Frank Hunter, 725-2974 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 Lorne A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 |28--Real Estate Wanted | THREE. BEDROOM house in vicinity of | . Gregory's Church, Maximum, $30 7as-035, with option to buy. Telephone |THREE- peel heat public school and bus, Around ten thousand with two thousand | |dows. Box 541 Oshawa Times. '29---Automobiles for Sale | sewn =a '32 Austin. Priced 'or julck sale at Fina Service Station. 627 ar mcon Street South 'ef PONTIAC matie, hite price $3,195. will finance 723- ¥ DODGE coach, custom radio, white- walls, tutone, brown and white. Best value in town, $695. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. convertible, V8, alls, wheel dis 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian, power equip. |ped, good condition, low mileage. Tele. |phone 723-3220. 1958 BUICK special, hardtop, dutomatic, radio, good body and mechanical con- h with good buildings, 90 acres heen Private. Telephone 728-0179 after Asking price $17,000 with a BUICK special, immaculate con- dition, radio, windshield washer, back- up lights, must sell. going to £urope. 542 Simcoe Street North, 723-4376. GOT JOBS FOR JEEPS ? We have the Jeeps for the job. New and used JOHN'S GARAGE 723-4233 226 CELINA ST., OSHAWA VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage | FINA SERVICE __ 449 RITSON 5S. o> 728: 0921 i 72 Acres of nice high land, wonderful Full $6,000--with $1,000 down payment view price 100-ocre Form, 7 miles from Oshawa, very good buildings. Bams with water and hydro, silo, House with all modern con- veniences, Full price $32,000 with terms 50-acre Farm, 10 miles to Oshawa. Bam with water and hydro. 6-room house with bathroom and fumace, sale includes hay. and machinery, Full price $18,000 with terms. _WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES To inspect some of our many listings thiseweekend. Here ore | just o few | | LAKESIDE AVE S-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, finished recreation room, paved drive, 3 years ald. $69 monthly car- ries present 6% mortgage | ELGIN ST, WEST ----- Value guaranteed in this immoculate 2- | storey brick home, 6 spacious beautifully decorated rooms. Ask- | ing only/$11,300. Terms. Mony extras. Cali now for personal showing WELLAND AVENUE A modern 3-bedioom bungalow with extra-large kitchen. Immaculate condition throughout, N.H.A, financed with low down paymerit 6-ROOM BRICK attmctive, 2-storey Nicely londscaped Easy terms | Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN ' 125-6588 728-3682 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road 723-4494 ___ Res. 725-5574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good asso of Used Cars 725-0331 + ADELAIDE WEST family home in lot Only $10,800 -- An top condition throughout, private drive ond garage. Must be sold rtment TIL 723-7963 Art Weinberge:, a" ' ~ha: Rankine, lie 723-7244 \'36 STUDEBAKER transmission, sound. Needs slight body $295, Brewery on King t ie) | wheels {Heavy duty springs. \'54 FORD Zephyr sedan, |quality car with economy as # bonus. Only $395. Van Heusen Motors, opposite \Brewery on King. 'S? FRONTENAC, tires. Only 3,600 miles. South of Myrtle. | Telephone 655-3429 anytime. 54 METEOR, brown body, in excellent |sha'e. Priced for quick sale. Telephone | 728-5911. | 1058 tires, j condition. |1947 STUDEBAKER % ton pick-up, four |---- | speed |body, needs some motof work but run- jning. $85. 728-5855 or 873 Myer Street. \'n@ VOLKSWAGEN, scarce model, top shape. $695. Brewery on '55 PONTIAC lished, runs like new and priced to sell. {Only $595. Van Heusen Motors, opposite |Brewery on King, leat 2 0330. | | or four-bedroom bungalow,! er car. jpew. Only $1,095 Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. |"60 RENAULT with radio, 44 rmilés to the gallon with this Heusen Motors, King. |standard tramsmission, }custom | $895. |Brewery on King. 4 sie |relaxation \'3@ METEOR Niagara hardtop, with jCUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car- | automatic, custom radio, chrome dises,| jradios, | Clean original loa Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery so Cie VROLE * parte for sale al! i} 60 MORRIS Minor, the ideal Christinas \ gift. factory. [opposite Brewery on King ly beautiful oe opposite Brewery on King. |HOT-rod_ pickup in cunning condition, fast go-kart with slicks and Me nullough | j engine. extras. Trade or terms accepted. Tele- each. Telephone 725-5055. Phone 728-3346. 61 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four door, | #250 or best offer. Telephone 725-1053, |tre, 728-4501, | beautiful maroon, white .op, 8,000 miles. | Can trade and finance, Sacrifice. Tele: | Phone 723-7970. imiles, rifice, Telephone 728-1203 '31 CHEV. 4 ton truck, low mil inilenze.| Apply top, sion | 725- 1253, | 1959 MONARCH, exceptional condition, |power brakes, automatic, | accept trade. Telephone MO 6-8426 1961 KARMANN Ghia, private, like new formation. | 1959 DODGE and cash or take over pay. |ments for best car offered. Tolepbons| 728-4166 ">> PLYMOUTH deluxe, two tone, good | throughout, snow night heater, Telephone 728-4903 \'@0 ENVOY station wagon, low mileage, | in good mechanical condition, Can financed, $1225. 725-0710 '34 MONARCH, in excellent condition, int tires, clean interior, sedan, overdrive! ra 410, a 29--Automobiles tor Sale work. nh opposite +52 PONTIAC coach, reasonable. 406 Peel Street, Whitby, '58 PLYMOUTH Savoy sedan, one own-|MO_8-2717 We sold and serviced since\,.. Sr oeomiLE, Ad, good "abe | COMRENA ION aes and frees- and snow tires, winte: and castor IT a tee bot poo ger two end radio, $180, MO 6-0631. pants, size 612; 2 wall brackets; Kiteh- Van! "54 BUICK Special parts for ~~ Apyiy) en curtains. Telephone 723-137 bieycle; man's bieycle; violin, For on 373 Olive Avenue after 4 p.m. . METEOR, ndard ai 4 one owner, iF 5 ; Teasonable. Telephone enstens oadie. best offer. MO 8-3631 ia body, need» paint job. whitewalls. Only 3969 DELUXE Volkswagen, very good eeane ia for students a and adults, do dozens Motors, opposite condition. .radio,, many extras, $1295 or/to choose from, low discount prices best offer, 725-6575. |from $12.68. Recliner chairs, complete from $39. We have your car- Do- | Pet, Mei aged Pperonng Roncgh discount ts prices, large 9 x 12 size from $36. Floor Only $895.' minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street ble: coverings wall o wall thousands of Ed Wilson Dis- in yards, per ft. excellent condition. 'Telephone 723-2880, count Furniture Mart, 20 Chureh Street i953 PONTIAC, body and motor A-l,|JUST in time for Christmas. Special jnewly upholstered, Sacrifice, $350, Tele- purchase of Lane Cedar Chest, discount phone 728-1890 jection from $49. Kitchen chrome and .) dinette suites from $29. Hassocks, book. beige and brown,|'3? ROVER, black, Capeed fecgeror Jeases, lamps, pictures and mirrors. Two Real. |*100, mechanically soun | ay 'Piece pote bed waites from Git. Phos Heusen |" town. 728-3086 evenings, 5 - 7.30 form rockers $29.80. Lay-a-way now. for I9bs VAUXHALL deluxe, good condition. | Christmas. Ed Wilson Discount Furni- Will take trade-in. Telephone MO 8-8270. tore Mart, 20 Church Street. _|32---Articles for Sale Apply | |FOR SALE: 5 chrome breakfast or telephone |set, #3 $25. tad 119 Heron Drive, Ajax, Van Heusen Motors $89. Brewery car opposite \'38 PONTIAC, mechanically A-i: /'56 PONTIAC hardtop, upholstery, Van Heusen lowest prices in town upholstery. No down payment if credit satis-| Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, | PONTIAC deluxe, ith original matching upholstery. Only $695. Van 55 OLDSMOBILE in excellent condi- ltion, original mileage, one owner. Rea- '32 FRONTENAC. Good condition, good ORDERS faken for wood storm sag sashes, sonable, Telephone 655-3737 1956 BUICK four door hardtop, auto-| |matic, |Drakes. tir oriy 3,80) miles, South of Myrtle. No. + quality M Bell to highest bidder, 655-3429. free. Terma onder early. 120908. ongul, "50 Pontiac, your choice = a ™ tos Wane ferms, Stewart Motor Sales, ELECTRIC p38 tervice, 822 King West. 725-1667, son, ete. Cordr cuiting | ~-- in Boag "80 PONTIAC sedan with radio, price; |Meagher's, 5 King Street West, Also '53 Packard Clipper with $95. Two forty-five gallon drums, $5) OVERWEIGHT? oe ean lose inches in s, Home rentals for vibratory A-t_ eon ition. [belts Barrell massagers. Slim-Rite Cen- 204 King Street East. radio, power steering 'Telephone 728-0079. *68 GMC 44 ton panel. |30--Automobiles Wantcd Meee estimates." Chale" table pod Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. a WILL pay up. to $2,000 cash for good! --s a so ae '61 VOLKSWAGEN, custom deluxe, star. WINE and ¢! barrels, Whitawilie: \esthac tet, Mane bes car. Telephone 725-6132 Solid oak, all sizes. Oshawa Hardware and ©} Accept trade and finance, Sac- LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers *hure rest, ; for wrecking. Highest prices s h Street, 729-7624 ii BF. GoopRicH Stores -- Tires, bat- ~ teries, Kelvi refrigerators, tele vision Thrifty Dudges Plaa, 725-4543. SPOT CASH Peete ay ne PAID we, m excelie dition. Lasania Dostevers Good clean core Trade up or down. Liens paid oft SINGER sewing mach lectrie por- 'table excellent poten ion, $40, Ajax DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. § ie Soere Telephone WH 2-631 or : 723-942) a $ALL CASH$ |¥OU'LL pay aS for furniture and ap- |pliances at Superior Resale) 140 Simcoe For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid oft Street South, 728-4873, Call us for wash- NICOLS MOTORS LTD ~ jer, range an lo wee | OVERWEIGN n lose inches i» 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY _MO 8- 8001 30 days. Home rentals. for vibratory belts. Barrel massagers. siim-Rive Con- tre, 204 King Street East. eo SIMPLICITY washing mi able, good condition, Apely 108 763 "Ritson Road South. ae TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground a CARS WANTED Buying « New Car? Sall your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New loaves 37c, Savings Balers, sho Car Dealer and "SAVE". Glecoft's Supermarket, | South, Oshawa. Open every non TED CAMPIN MOTORS OLDSMOBILE, automatic, new! 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 new paint job. In good running) jsheets, rentals, Osha Hardware, % Telephone 726-2753 after 6. '31--Autamobile Repairs "want } y 170 Alma Street or ae i 2. 1958 CHEVROLET, 2 door BelAir hard. six cylinder, automatic transmis- Perfec condittor Telephone (Cash only) radio. May elephone 728-3341 for more in six cylinders, wheel discs,/ tires. Doesn't burn oil, Over FARGO 1 ton stake truck, dual and four speed transmission, Telephone 723-7192. | fine English |Chureh Street, 723 723-7624, "\TXPING paper on eale, letter sise, white newsprint, buy to bulk lots and save, 4% lb. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $3.00. Cir Osh Times. CIGARETS carton $3.09; butter 64c Ib.: Gem margarine 4 Ibs, $1; Perr) 2 good condition, good or aaa ee till 10. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices, Park Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street No: color TV store. FILTER Queen Sales and # Service, | > ~----~leral trade-in allowance, Free dem stration, Telephone 728-4683. VACUUM cleaner all makes, attachments, brushes, gueran- teed rebuilt machined. Estimates free, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv ice, 726-0591 anytime. YOUR service business will prosper with a daily ad in "Business Services" in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Dial 723-3492 today to learn. about the low commercial rates, TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- tee standards at low prices. Bill Ham- ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin, |DRAPES, livingroom and dining oe Telephone . Your transmission, steel box, good | AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? Complete Service, in Hurry this one, Only Heusen Motors, opposite King | for Van AT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 SIMCOE N Ei cath RES HILLCREST SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs 1 mile East of Oshawa No, 2 Highway OPEN 'TIL iP NIGHTLY 11 + | coach, completely refin-| be! Reasonable. Telephone bedroom drapes and matching Fi apa ae «ew. 725-3339. KITCHEN table and four,chairs. $25.00, For particulars telephone 728-0666, COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows and Prime windows and doors only $40, 'Ynstall Canada's finest awn- ing and Po:ch railing. Very TEx VAIDA Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 new paint, T 4. $475 cash. WEL MAN MOTORS LTD. SINCE 1947 "WHERE QUALITY AND PRICE GO TOGETHER" HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE: UP AND . "WEEKEND SPECIALS" '6) RAMBLER CUSTOM "400" -- Finished in Aqua Mist (metallic), radio, white- wolls. Low mileage. SALE PRICE $2287 '60 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF, 1 owner, finished in gleaming black with _ full disc and whitewalls. SALE PRICE $1987 '58 CHEV. SEDAN--2-tone, radio, whitewalls, fufl chrome disc. Don't miss this one. SALE PRICE $1147 'SB RAMBLER CUSTOM -- 2-tone, custom radio, white- walls. Owner's name on re- quest. Sold new by ourselves. SALE PRICE $1195 '58 METEOR NIAGARA Just traded in on new Ram- bler, 1° owner SALE PRICE $1087 '57 FORD FAIRLAINE Finished in gleaming black, with deep tfead nylon white walls, radio, tinted 'gloss. School teacher's car. SALE PRICE $1295 *56 CHEV. DELUXE. Radio, 2-tone, whitewalls, 6-cyl "No rust'. "Sharp". SALE PRICE $845 '55 PLYMOUTH SAVOY -- 2-tone beauty, interior im- moculate, 1 owner. SALE PRICE $695 "55 BUICK SPECIAL -- No rust, mechanically good, 30- doy warranty SALE PRICE . $467 "54 METEOR NIAGARA finished in gleaming Algiers Rose copper metallic, deep- tread nylon whitewalls, SPECIAL THIS WEEK, ONLY $235 "AND MANY' MORE" Ask for Kegny Murray or Ed. Wellman '62 RAMBLERS NOW ONLY $2238 DELIVERED 728-7352 ae WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. Authorized Rambler-Hit Your man Degier ONGUON GOAe OPEN TILL 9:30 P.M. GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W 723-7822 '32---Articles for Sale RUGS, two 9 = 12', as new, patterned. } |Must sell. Bargains, Apply Oshawa Times, |BABY'S wooden rib, natural color, good condition, $10; girl's red winter coat, size 12, lady's winter coat, size 14. 725-1980. TEN white storm windows, jsizes, excellent condition, | 725-4867 for further particulars. | UPRIGHT freezer, Gibson, private jtake over payments; also oil heater, $40, 728-1881. |LADY' *S coat, brown mouton, % length, | |size 16, in new condition; ak tailored | jsuit, size 14. Telephone 728-6070. LIKE new, charcoal gray zabhiats "coi \size 16-18, $40. Telephone 725-7866, Visit our Drugette Department --~ Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, and Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET various Telephone new Streamlined Box 540) in| car seat $1; also} 269 Park Road South, abt -| 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa | ___ Open to '0 10 p.m. daily T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with. all- channel antenna, afl galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year, TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 SPECIAL --~ Seit-storing alu- minum doors. Reg. 49.50. Limited stock ayailable, $35.00 completely installed ALSO Combination aluminum windows and cano- pies ot special prices FREE ESTIMATES on all in- terior house remodelling. PHONE 728-4614 725-7147 LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP, LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S OSHAWA DRAPERIES OF LATEST MODERN DESIGN Living room drapery, 79c yd, and up. Bedroom drapery -- satins ond royons, 1.40 yd. up. Kitchen drapery, 69c yd. up. Made.'to order by ex- perts -- nominal cost. Ready made selection at discount prices, M & C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 ECONOMY SPECIAL Ya"! TEMPERED PEG BOARD 4 x 8 SHEETS REG, 6.98 SPECIAL - $4.48 W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY 701 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY MO 8-2379 WEEKEND SPECIALS ON USED FURNITURE AND TELEVISIONS SEVERAL T.V.'s WITH NEW PICTURE TUBES FROM 69.95 All Sets Corry 30-day Guar antee Plus 1 Year on Picture Tubes. 48" and 54" Beds, from Refrigerators from | "Rangettes, from . Chrome Sets, from Wardrobes and Dressers, from China Cabinets, from We Buy and Sell SUPERIOR RESALE 140 Simcoe St. South 728-4873 15,00 30.00 15.00 19.95 18.00 15.00 } J (Continued on Page 20) FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED AND MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES CALL THE Lumber Number 728-4688 McCULLOUGH LUMBER SIMCOE N. -- JUST SOUTH: OF TAUNTON RD. "YOU-CAN COUNT ON OUR SERVICE"

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