Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1961, p. 16

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_ BRUCE a ' 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 16, 1961 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS; | 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Frida' Seturday 8 to 1 BUSINESS SERV {Fuel and Wood t and Co., Aesoastnnts| |FIREWOOD, ary, good, for sto il CE DIRECTORY | {Mortgages inion FIRST mortgages, industrial and com wnercial Ps pe second mortgages on houses, Holden, 51 King East, Oatewh, 7 "8 ii and 729-3976, |FIRST AND SE OND mortgages ar |ranged. Ww Scflatzmann. et: ie 101 Dundas We MO 6 3338. Accountants CLASSIFIFD AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh Chorge fur- . Tele 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 475 4.18 if mot paid within 7 doys the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orcers for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered et o later date constitute o new original or 2.25. 248 pe CLIE money to loan on first mort- \gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale | purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. | Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. MORTGAGE LOANS experience. Resi- dential, acreage, apts., bus- ness, summer pr perties. Members of Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc Pass Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month tor 3 lines daily. och additional fine $1460 per month. toch initiet letter oabbreviction, nd ¢ sign, figure. counts os © word. Box charge 15¢ additional. Aili Classified Advertiser must be in by 5 o.m. the day fore publication except Births, Memeriama Cards of Thenks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deodiine for Lost end Found and Conceliations 86:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, /Saturday 8 12 G NS Unified "gnd BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 344 Simcoe Street south Oshawa, Ronald F. D. Wilson, G, Edmond Burrows, BA, 728-2571, "| Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE --- Guaran- ve parts and accessories Street West, Oshawa Five bays to serve you WILSON AO years 4 a Harris, F, G, Harris ond R, C, Bint, SUMMERLAND Barristers SECURITIES LOUIS 8 Merk Malger Sid Lapis LIMITED eitor, N 23-4943. Mortgage monies E. R. KNOWLTON 112 SIMCU E ST. N.. OSHAWA Street Ea Be mee Ba Bane LANDSCAPING PHONE 725-3568 Notary Pubile Mortgage SERVICE j|NURSING HOMES allable, 36% King Street East Res., YU _5-7163 Top soil and sod, Repairing T and lawn maintenance, potio and RELLY. and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 | @ E. DE and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg m-/nace or fireplace, Free deliv tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 28-2221.| iphone CO 3-2275. ee MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL 9>4/PactoRY hardwood cuttings, Suit- Co, Chartered Accountants, 725-3527.) able for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces.| 135 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax. {Telephone 728-8535, WH 2-0890. YALE, PRIEDLANDER, BUNTER| FREE and Co Accountants and Auditors.) Licensed 'Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64) Furnace cleaned every year. King Street East, a Be oom B. L. CPA.) "Round the Cieck' 24-hr, 3 omm. ; pba Company Geni.| burner service. HOPKINS and Coi ; aca Publie Accountants, 172 King Automatic delivery : East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3508.) it's "White Roso BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting) Fuel Oil Service. Complete ern ka. WESTERN OIL co. ad Bond Street Wes' 7 A * 725-1212 \Gardening tnd Supplies PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY TOPSOIL MANURE BROOKLIN 655-3049 not be advertise te than in then ne ony Jove the orice rsertion of ent nm which error reserve the right Ing according te ciassitiection in the case of disploy advertne Times will not be hela more spacé thar actual error The publishers endeavour oduce all advertising motte: correctly + assumes no fiability t advertisement are contained inaccuracies in any term 1 inserti tisement. nor charged tot the advertiser beyon single © v Solicit funds 728-2381 ORE n 2 own RN veel 330 SUNNYBRAE Home attendance. Whitby Nursing 2 } M. | and Oshawa, Cail 725-23 REGISTERED accommodhtion for ladies on ground floor at Lyntonhurst Rest Home. Orono 1808. SOUTH HAVEN commodation for private and semi-pri BA, Sc PA, BCE, 728-5832 SALMERS, BA, Barrister ( Saareeie Simcoe St North, Residence 542, Kelly ¥. 7 tor, et Office Solici 34 if ony ue therein Nursing Home. Ac accincinnel Basket |15--Agents Wanted ? 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats tor Rent| |25--Apts. & Flats tor Rent 'tainereAigoron Orchards, Tees! MAUL TIPLE LINE | INSURANCE AGENT Required by CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Qualifications Desired --Married, age 25-40 ~--High school education --Sales ability --Knowledge of insurance preferable but not neces; sary ---Kingston resident 5--Farmers Column ; DEAD farm stock picked up promptly.| } |Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721.| 4 | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 11 |TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, jeoliect 24-hour, seven- service. |HAY and straw fr sale, Telephone! | 725-4055, 8--Hunting TAXIDERMIST -- ed, $22.00. Birds and animals mount ed. Rugwork, Contact Richard Flewell, RR 1, Claremont. DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages.) $50 per week, guide cxtra, wodge) accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook good. Duck hunting season now open. jsame rates apply. Contavt Bob Wed |den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont Mi-Jo Camp DE*R and moose, skinned and cut. Telephone 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street, 1 1--Articles for Rent deer heads mount- } | | | $20 - Remuneration -- Solory and commission, WRITE BOX 445 OSHAWA TIMES | 16--Female Help | Wented | SICKROOM EQU!PMENT | FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Hospital beds, whee) chairs, invalid walkers bedsides mmodes, crutches and ] roll-away beds slenderizing machines Aia Sickroom Rentals, 1644, LADY wanted to live In, care for three| boys, ages 4, 2, 14 months while mother | in hospital, Telephone 723-4491. , for a Doctor's Reply to Box 643, Oshawa Times : NUKSE-SECRETARY canes Office. ond Phone 725- with Must good have DAVID L., Barrister, Solici-| LOAM- GRAVEL Sir ug South, 725-0592. Resi-| SAND, FILL. TOP SOIL ew : LOTS LEVELLED oT ats, aie Booees| TRACTOR, LOADER WORK 5 Res. Reasonable Ra ROWMAN tor 3 dence RICHARD A Sotte Notary No 728-2991 HUMPHREYS MAN, Barristers, Humphres Ww vate patients, lounge, TV. Fully licens- led, new building modern. Visitors wel-| 'come. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. NEW BUSINESS Uniisted. Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to-top anyone in the city. Opton-etrists ICHARD BLACK, Doctor etry, the ex ation of ey ensés. 136 Simcoe North at E venings by_ appointment, 723 7 C. H. Tuck, RO, Optometrist. Please pay a at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk St Invalids exam ined at hor ne, Dial 725-4587. 728-2765. "WOYCHYN and eae | Solicitors: RB. O.| DIAL 725- 2156 % BLACK LOAM King "atroat Res.: Driveway gravel, fill and sand TELEPHONE 725-5279 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 Solicitors, No Insurance 9g D. W. HOLDEN, 51 King |G. K.|a¥s. 728-6081 and 723-3376 » Colors & Wall mort-| 2nd casualty insurance ors ; Yo ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save Sea h auaranteed = WwW LLB., to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For| | CENTRAL DECORATORS r and Solicitor and Notary Pub-|Personal service at your home, cail/ 728 6809 > Commercial Buijding, 286 King | 725-1625 Personal Service Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking instruction "student counsellor, MODERN GRILL available i RUSSELL BA LLB, PRIVATE teacher, Barrister and Solicitor 6 King Street!ig years' exnerience, by interview only East, 0 Ontario, 728- __| Act now, 725-1054, THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll- [iLLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, citor, and Notary Pdblic, 26% Kingipra, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, acro- ben. Vu Phone 728-1763 hatic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic : : Fi h 'n Chir H Pies and Desserts, WE DELIVER RD. h of cohtact Colborne 191, G 'LLB; 36% Office 725-1177. MO 8-2761; s, OC i Iiman, Phones 4 or Whitby, to loan A 725-4 Money McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 1 Clients' funds available for 20 Simeoe Street North: | >. MeGibbon, QC, Painting and Decorating DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting ex, Fu P, MANGAN, @O, Barrister, | Money to loan, Office 14% Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232, ence 725-3405 BLAKE JOSEPH Solicite Kir Re caer ALD Barrister| East Resi Paperh Wall Painting ST. S., WHIT MO 8-5231 725-7 7426 DODDS King Street siness 723-2201 BYRON Ne GHTS SWARTZ and RONALD BY Barristers, Solicitors, No. to loan. Henry Block, : Be ast, 723-4697, Resi 29. "SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 _or 728- -5804 2??? WHY Be PAINTING & DECORATING mmerc EGREIGHTON, FRA MURDOCH, Bar ; Industrial. y. HO} Osh auto bast, Fire, ms G6 Murdoch, "NBA arranged, A. MacDONALD, BA p use we give Q Service Fast DAY! Efficient VE MON Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture ! A TOWER ? TRY US! oe no? J, MORPHY, SAME EY:! Street F BRUCE Solicit BA Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253. 36%4 Pict HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, Res. YU 52127. |tap, RAD ballet, Highland Register , and THOMAS H.\now. 424 King Street Wést, 725-6122 Barristers and Soli K Street East, 728-6246. Lawn Mowers ge loans available. |_--------$_--______ | v "Barrister, me JONES. As 9 RALPH GREER cite M 345 RITSON SOUTH WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S. | CORNER KING AT BURK 723-3224 Money to Loan WE HAVE clients' money to joan, mortgages at reasonable rates Harris and Wallac 112 Simcoe and repairs gs ; i . Nas. Free North. Phone 2413 : 'poe Bookkeeping 'Plambing and Heating ALL new rates. Foley PEOPLE WHO need turning to the Oshawa Times Classified EAST Section eve Tell them about your firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad 728. -6781 Dia} 723-3492 now |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Well _Dri Wng- Digging - yee 7 521 Harold H Stark d., plumbing, h den: | ing. 255 Bimeos Street South, | W. WARD WELL DIGGING MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563---MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNI ST., WEST P.O, BOX 329 TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING LEAN OUTS -- DEEPENIN 0. SMPRESSOF WOR. k Telephone 728-3864 types of repairs and remodelling and used materials Reasonable Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J Same day os new TRIO Tet FEVISICN. SCHAPELOUMAN OMPLETE BOOKKEEPING CL NCOME TAX your Services are cote ie 0 .ER STREET 7259953 Buildina Trades SPECIALIZING in roofing type home remo Ph Harry first Harris Street _|Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS covered like new at Modern 'Jp! South. Call 728-64. CHESTERFIELDS re-styled. Free est terial for re-cove ing. 75 Charles Street agg halal mga re-built re-covered like new pa more? Our are reasone oe Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built, Oshawa Upholstery, Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 S AVAILABLE To Buy rr eel Agreements, Mortgages, brick Invincible Investments Telephone Z..T. SALMERS 723-1 101 ==-LOANS: To Pay All Your Bills You ¢an Borrow $50 to $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills. This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy Monthly Payment. $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All-Canadian Loan Company" Loans Life Insured Offices Throughout Ontorio 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Open Wednesdoy Night Untii 8 p.m Saturday Until 12 Noon 728-6706 Other Evenings by Appointment Driving School erat TO DRIVE | | 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO | | | ok dee | Mortgages Oshawa Driving School MORTGAGES -- arranged, bought and Professiono! Instructors ery Call Mr. Bolahood. anytime, 725- ~ : 25-8333, Dual Controlied Cars. lta Realtor eae aceite Standard and Awtomotic FIRST and ~wecond mortgages. Doy ond Evening Lessons agreements purchased and sold 728-009 one and old e Get the best for less tering, 142. Simcoe free estimate. chairs . chimney t and repaired, ces vacuume RF MODELING cher rds cer ALt cleaner. Sey TIL gas linings i Cc d, Free Bf re-upholstered and ates. See , Dalto T houses our cupbo: verandahs, . " xperienced, CO fing, | Surveyors FLIM and and Surveyors Ean Phone 725-64 DONEV AN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario Land Surveyor, Commerc! jal Blue print- ing. 11 Ontario' Street DRAFTING and plant layout BRICK, pairs Wolters SERVICES Te TROLLOPE, 216 Adelaide Ontario le Avenue block, ce 2---Personal GOING WEST? new and fate rs «to Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Gas paid, Toronto ay Service Limited, 5385 Yonge Street, Toronto. BA 5 7754, Cartoce IOUN'S MOVING Whitby pe Moving? CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Dressmakina INVBIBLE mend mino: alterations Dunkirk DRESSMAKING ladies, children's rates. 728-8666 | COATS hemmed, pants cuffed, collars turned ers replaced, any und ail alterations, mending, etc. 'Telephone | 725-4189. ALTERATIONS -- reasonable Quick service. 104 Brock Street Telephone 723-7963 FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, ger eg Pl LOW P 22 ROWE STREET Oshawa Fully equip 3661 Tai lors LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) tailoring re- ise experienced services f and dress repairs and aiterations -10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 (next to By ation TV--Rentals c for requ ments beth Py | } ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Morie Murduff 'will bein Oshawa, Nov. 28th and 29th. Phone Genosho Hotel on these dates for appointment, 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock |BEA At TIFU L "baby budgie ready training, talking strain. .Apply ue Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, all FOR SALE 157 Registered 3463 s St Purchase $10 down Reme the dampness from basement. Rent a tele- only $7 per week fe-humidifier nth your $7 per m and. re-weaving 1 725-9736. ve your vision from MEAGHER S$ King St. W, 723-34 ITY « Radio Repairs TY "RADIO. car radio makes. Thompson jElliott Avenue and alterations on wear Reasonable 5 2 25 aa | prices. | i repairs, East. | Electronics, 723-9792 (Fred). -- French poodle | | sagen emote e BEAGLE. pup, six months old, Telephone 728-0780 | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT DAY OR NIGHT T.V. and RADIO! CALL 728-5286 n OSHAWA ELECTRONICS T.V. TOWERS 36) GIBBONS ST, 728 8180 Terms OSHAWA € and Gatimotee, for sale, males females Telephone 725-8575 GERMAN Shepherd _pups weeks old, purebred TOY Boston purebre phone terrier ent 'or pupples i house dogs. Tele- 728 more particulars MINIATURE White Poodle at stud approved bitches only Cloveriea Glace. Owned by Mr.' and Mre Boorman. Fee $100. Telephone 725-4858 4--Market Basket w 'TER ap apples. ! | ; Becords Gollen Maybe h of Whitb: Spys, Russets. , miles no - r Highwa MO 8-216: Sale Hen Barristers, 31 King V .WINTER potatoes. 75-pound per bag, free delivers "im 655-4690, After 6 p.m. | nick and Hennick, {Stross East, 723-7232. puppies } sliver grey. Telephone 728-| male 6 $20, Black, Sat Telephone Brook: | ns, in good condition, 4790 after 5 for Tele- appointment No dealers | VIOLIN Will pay up to Must be in good condition, 725-3668 $50 cash, Telephone SHAW | AUTO WRECKING CO Wonts cars for wrecking Parts for sae, also scrap iron and metals, etc bought |M | al | | LADIES -- Do you want to earn nroney easily? A beautiful catalog to help you take orders from consumers. Write! Rawileigh's, Dept, K-310-317, 4005 Riche- lieu, Montreal SARGEANT'S 7 : GIRL required for combined position of switchboard, teletype operator and} TABLEWARE receptionist with industrial firm. Must be an average typist with good person- RENTALS ality. Experience preferred but not essential. Apply Box 447, Punch bowls, chafing dishes, | Times. ice buckets, dinnerwore, |FULL "and rie Aime work, glosswore, tableware yb Rr inieel : Ap J pleasant -te! ole rentals for weddings, show | Mr. Nielsen 728-9871. ers, anniversaries, buffets, reasonable prices, '17--Male Help Wanted 725-3338 YOUNG man required by local manu- facturer Knowledge of bookkeeping and typing helpful, Please write fully, first letter, to Post Office Box 331, Osh. awa LICENSED mechanic for tune-ups, brakes and mufflers, Apply Shopping Centre BA Service Station. SALESMEN, full or part-time, for Osh-| awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax, to| present Ontario's most progressive food plan. Homemarket Food and Freezer| Company, MO 8-5875 between #2 And 6 | Open Saturday all day. Phone OPPORTUNITY 725-2311 89 BLOOR E SALESMEN 13--Business Opportunities| |WE ARE looking for a key person to| WITH OR WITHOUT introduce a new business in the Oshawa Whitby district. Qualifica-| EXPERIENCE tions: good char or, good work habits, | ambitious, organizational ability un- Our company will train you limited financial opportunity, to the H i . in on interesting sales and estimating career. You can earn while you learn, Your own cor preferred, But for the right man, not absolutely necessary. Salary and bonus plan' based on production. FOR AN INTERVIEW ight person, For interview, write Box i A Oshawa _Times \TRADE your home, your security will| lbe a business of your own. Corner gro-| cery and meat store. Needs a go getter | to take over, Offers unlimited possibili- \ties, plus four room living quarters. full information, call Douglas L Realtor 4651. For Gower; | NATIONAL food company offers respon- | sible persons part or full time lifht de-} livery and collection contracts. No sell- ing. 'Steady year-round income, Appll- cants must have car or light truck.} $670 cash required, which is fully! TELEPHONE 728-1651 secured. Write Manager, 2008 Ques) Street East, Toronto, Ontario OR APPLY IN PERSON SERVICE station and lanch counter for | TO 333 SIMCOE STREET sale, just completed, modern with stone front, in 30 mile zone on main provin- _SOUTH ~ cial highway in village, 28 miles from |Oshawa. No present connection with| }any oi] company. Terms up to 20 years, | Call Sid Mar tyn, Snelgrove Regal E state VARIETY STORE centra 19 ELECTRICIAN MECHANIC ing for a man with ot least five years': ex- perience in plant mainten- ance of electrical and mech- anical equipmen The mon wont will ve a thero. retical as practical knowledge of electricity with on electronics background preferred, This is an oppor- tunity for secure employment with good working conditions and prospect for advance- ment. Applications may be btained by writing DU PONT OF CANADA LIMITED P.O. BOX 1480 WHITBY or calling at the Plant on Dunlop Drive, Whitby exce established, Lock up lent turnover ong lease at For information Horner ot 728-51 We ore lx we 1s well GENERAL STORE. Situated in village, east of Oshawa, modern living quar ters goroge. This'is a self-serve store, fully equip- ped, m reasonable, with long term mortgage, To discuss contact Wm at 725-5123 Ll und } dern Horner Reolr 0: Reait | 14--Employment Wanted |RELIABLE woman minding children children in her street. Phone 725 MARRIED woman de full or part time. Experienced typing, |dictaphone, general office duties, Write Box 638 Oshawa Times, oyd Ltd shawa) experienced in would like to mind own home on quiet 1227 | res office work, 18---Male or Female Help Wanted YOUNG people to sell magazines. Good jcommission, Telephone 723-1990 eve. jnings and weekends only cleaning women re- quire office store cleaning, eve- (nings, in. town Heterences if. required, | |'Telephone 723-1463 RESPONSIBLE lady offers for one wr two children jarea, Fenced yard. Handy |ford\Street, 728-7453 |WILL give 'day care in my home to| Roc children, any age. Near St. Joseph's!children, and Sungt schools, Telephone 723-1032, | meals |GIRL eighteen, outs jor will baby ROOM and to Phone 728-5747 bed», home-cooke me |EXPERIENCED and reliable girl re. $!4 Week. Telephone 723-9302, quires house, office or store cleaning.|NICE room or room and board. new Has own car. References if required, |home, office girls, teacher or student | Zelephone eh 725-8736. ide to and from centre town 8.30 and |RELIABLE young lady would like | Telephone 723-2481. |housework 5 or 6 days weekly, good PONTIAC INN -- room and board avail- |references, Telephone 728-4033, able. home cooked meals, lunches pack- | WILL GIVE good day care in my home |¢t: have TV lounge. Telerhone 725-0078, for one or two children, near Ritson| ROOMS - for gentlemen, board if de- School. Telephone 728 sired, lunches packed, very ceniral. | MATURE woman desires work as|APPly_296 King Street East. mother's helper or baby sitter. Refer- |BROOKLIN "Room and "board for! ences, Telephone 723-9143 fpr further) | gentleman. Tele; phone ¢ 655-3737. |Particulars, _lRoom and board |Double or single |beds. Close to OTHER [Hos igh foe mor |Mary |ROOM and board 'for gentleman, ne | OTHER FOLKS MAKE [ear or TWO experienced, or day care, 22--Room and Board Residential |CLEAN, quiet to bus, Ox-|cooking, room |Rowe Street home Apply 11 728-3350, 4" and board in friendly home, No| private room, home cooked TV privileges, "Telephone 723 home, , priv ate, and board Telephone to help in snack bar sit while mother works, board share, single gentleman, | 9. for room downtown. » infor: 'mation gentlemen. with single |_ Telephone | 4 | | |22--Store Space & Garages }GARAGE for rent in the vicinity of and Connaught Street, for small ar jNorth Plant, private home. Telephone | storage, $5 monthly. Telephone | 1725-1945 } 725-2305. SINGLE furnished room, $4 a week Free parking available Apply 163 Sim coe Street South. MONEY FROM OSHAWA | 24--Houses for Rent TIMES WANT scl ! ADS FOUR large Tooms and bathroom, "oll | oT heating. Full basement. Garden space. | | IF YOU HAVEN T {beat minute walk from No. 2 Highway = | Telephone WHifehall 2-5327. TRY ONE |NEW house for rent, six rooms, three IT PAYS bedrooms, good location. Telephong 725-7886 after 6 p.m. for more particu- PHONE 723 CLASSIFIED lars DEPT, 2492 ADVERTISING FOR RENT low, $90 monthls lieve) $195 month! ment, $75 monthly. MO 68-3521. "three bedroom bunga Three-bedroom split Two-bedroom apart i Bowman and Gibson | | possession, jveniences, Oshawa | -- Telephone bs I '25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | |parking, ' iping Centre, | brand new building, alr magg e apartment, available, December 1, TV outlet, washer, i dryer, heavy pe wiring, near Shop- roo, ping Ce Ts hone 728-4733. SPOTLESS three-bedroom brick home, oil heated, paved drive, TV aerial, $85/monthly. Gerald Barrow, Broker. Telephone 725-3852. WARM five-room brick bungalow, Osh- awa Boulevard south, $95 monthly. school and bus, oll heating Tele- phone 723-2839. FURNISHED house, oi] heat, for win- ter months to reliable tenants. Tele- phone 723-9128 for particulars. Call at 29 Charies Street, SIX-ROOM house on Drew Street, hot water heating, aluminum storm win- dows, lovely home, clean conditjon, Af- ply 562 Drew Stre ax room house, oil heated, heavy duty . Apply 443 meee 'Street East East. oll bullding one ly, modern two-béed- Toom, five rooms, free washer. dryer, |parking. 728-3377 TWO-B00) mel lig |THREE-ROOM apartment, kitehen, live keeping, partly furnished. Heat, -- us(ing-room, bedroom, private bathroom, i and water, Suit one lady or couple. t di 481 . TV outlet, separate entrance, North end a os. elephone 723-4817 or 343 aie f tity, 'Telephone Tah4te, son North, FIVE room apartment, modern con-|$65 MONTHLY -- four-room apartment, venienc private entrance, one mile unfurnished, newly decorated, built-in from Raglan, $35 monthly. Telephone Sigg heated. Immediate posses- 655-3069. 728-6820, Verdun Koad. THREE-ROOM, apartment, "fully = heavy duty wiring, near South Generai | equipped, on Simcoe Street North. Tele- Motors. Apply 564 Park Road South or!phone 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. Medina . FouR-Room newly deco- BRIGHT eth partment, down- rated private bath and entrance, very town location, thr wineecel and bath, central. Telephone 725-1829, refrigerator, stove. jonable rent for THREE-ROOM 6 lurnished apartment, Fay Telephone Mr, Michael! newly decorated, refrigerator, sink and . ti cupboards in kitchen, close to South |sE "ROOM apartment with private General Motors. Apply 172 Hibbert beenned heavy duty wiring, television Street, outlet, off heating. Close 8 and oy, oh Ca es 4 , oan FURNISHED or unfurnish schools. Apply 3 Mitchell Avenue, room apartment, eupboards, every con- THREE rooms and path, stove "ana venienct, south area, private page refrigerator, ideal for coujle, in butld- jnear bus, 806 Robson Street, 723-7091. central, Telephone! 465 MONTHLY -- new ----- |room, living room, ion jaundry facil-|bath 'and entr. ities, private bath and entrance, Two ed, Townline North. Te' bedrooins, closets, sink and cabinets in t rs -- jkitchen and Uving combined, adults. 313 NF HED four-room apartment, Ritson south Lian Sag gets Seba, See. : du only, Telephone THREE: ROOM basement at ni i cores rife guydeteoe stove, washer, er, wily rE-ROOM bungalow, p large ot, Wi 92 utlet, parking, $65 monthly 4 ite t+ | Srtbat y township, per month, Op' ; A rivate jbuy. Call Mr. Green evenings, econ building, Rossland East. 10, central, Apply | 9-5680, IVE-ROOM ed, phene 725-7 Pr _ ae nta ey aero ncaee MODERN four-bedroom home, located 79 ODAn8G, . bow "$89 MONTHLY and up, in sub-division, near South General | ie, te Rt wee ee ' bedroom apartments, in Motors, Telephone 728- 0040. NGL r GLE ; ment building, all ed dow ri # or WELLINGTON Street -- Sxi-room bun-\men. single beds, Close 7 galow, $90 per month. Immediate 108-\ing' space. Located on session. Call Ristow and Olsen, 728- 510 +|South, Telephone 723-1733 FIVE-ROOM brick, storey and half, oil! opr tees hadeoare heating, all conveniences, Apply 413 Ny equipped, %& Bloor Street East. nuth Ge SIX-ROOM newly Street, in Whitby, s7, apartments, lyear old, $87 month ht = how - ger ie oe imo. apartment, THREE room bo house, 339 Bulalie, heated, hot water tank, TV serial. 725-1783, 183 Oshawa Blvd, South, EXECUTIVE type home. Immediate three bedrooms, 40° rec.- room, two fireplaces, breezeway and/|° den, King East area. FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg. FIVE- ROOM bungalgy, t on Farewell; and fou room apartment | -- on Ritson Road. Both excellent con- dition, Telephone 725-0349, SMALL three-room house, outside con- running water, North Osh- district. Suit couple, Telephone > two years old kitchen. ce, lights, heat phone 728-7680. ee clean rooms. kitchen sink, very 149 Celina Street. Tele- apartment, stove and unfurn' rerrigere ann modern two- hew apart. neces, beau- y ated . s tor gobile to bus, " park Wilson Road lo. THREE. ROOM Rates apartment, sep- arate bath, TV outlet, located near North Gen Immediate pos her and dryer, session, Te ve Ask for Mr. er foto; on Went- Dayes, between 6.15 and 7 p.m. Available December 1. FOUR-ROOM upstairs apartment also ground floor apartment basement, bedroom $75. immediately, Central, 725- apartment, electr near decorated rth Telephone Willowdale 38 bungalow, BA | 725. BACHELOR 'apartment, vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit sia abstainer, $40 monthly, Jine North, 725-4283. six-room. brick bunga-| MODERN four-room three-room pri-| with heated pen- Available Acply 8133. | THREE. ROOM apartment, unfurnished, apartment, pri-/Self - contained, heated, hot and cold » immediate possession, Also three |v bath, cupboards in kitchen. In-|Water supplied. Wired for heavy duty new duplexes, five rooms, heat in- cludes heating, hot water, parking, stove, parking. Located at 822 King cluded. $95 monthly, Call Mr. Appleby near South General Motors, Apply 254 Street East, at bus stop. Available De- t 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A, J, Bola-|Malaga Road, jeember 1 Telephone 725-5373, hood Ltd. Realtor. |BACHELOR and three-room apart-| THREE ROOM SIX rooms bungalow, south "end, , bus| ments, refrigerator, stove, private. en- cupboards, sink, at door, oil heated broadloom, $100\trance, downtown, reasonable, 'Tele. private entrance, monthly, Available Dec, 1, Telephone! phone 725-1932 After 6, 725-3352, $60 monthly. Telephone 723-9214. 728-3392 cate \$50 MONTHLY, three-room flat, "private BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, un- FOR RENT or sale modern five- lentrance, stove and refrigerator, tiled 'furnished, refrigerator, stove, excellent room bungalow, three bedrooms, close \throughout, parking. Close to bus, South |location. Sult quiet single person or to Shopping Centre, $90 monthly, 728- jplant 725-5442. jbuainess couple, $53 monthly inclusive, 6. }3112 before | FIVE: OM, geeond fiser' a: men |Apply 124 Park Road North. 81 BANTING Avenue, five-room bun- private garage, TV aerial, heat and) THREE ROOM 'apartment, private bath jgalow for rent, two bedrooms. Tele- [hot water included. $80 monthly, 725-' heavy wiring, TV outlet, good location, phone 725- 0518, jin new home, one child welcome,. bus |HOOsE to rent on , near |ONE bedroom apartment, central, "ary | St Soor. 725-038 eg! ple Grove Church, school, general] joutlet, laundry facilities, completely pri-| $65 MONTHLY" store. ou ag Bag and cold running | | water; |TV | Telephone MA 3. 2a48. a furnished, oll heated, Abstainers. CLEAN, newly decorated, quiet Adults preferred. Call 725-2522 for information apartment, bulit - in three piece bath, very quiet place. 7 -- lad three-room yate,/$75 monthly or 2 oe eae including| bachelor apartment, stove, refrigera- 728. jtor, heated, private entrance. Tele- |EAUTIFULLY located on Grandview Freee, elke oF, apply Apt. 1, 67 Gibb Street, Three-room apartment, private |- sven raver ne |bath and entrance, heat, lights, water|SMALL apartment, one room, kitchen, eds. 728-8111, | built- Sg oe and cupboards and bath- se 'chen oup.|/00m. Near South General Motors, Ap+ E rooms including kitchen cup- * boards and sink, Private bath, TV out- ply 405 Dunkirk Avenue, let, in very clean quiet home, Apply FOUR ROOM apartment, new building, jbuilt-in oven, counter top stove, re- \frigerator, washer, dryer, locker, in- "apartment, unfurnished, |supplied, Ideal for new! stove and refrigerator,|7HREE rooms rial, adults $85 month- | . 412 Simeoe Street North, ly. Clev: = three-room "apartment, |124 ae Crescent for details, PRIVATE to 00M, f-contained, upper du-| ample closets and cupboards in kitchen: | pry private home, unfurnished. Baby 8| plex, river stove, refrigerator, auto. bse heat control, Telephone facilities, Cedar Street welcome. Close to downtown, 114 Brock) matic Jaundry Street West. South, Adults preferred: 7ps-2764 after|THREE large room apartment, newly LOW rental apartments, building one, 6. decorated, in quiet district, private en- year old, $87 monthly, modern two-|77imEB-ROOM apartment, newly "deco: |tys "ee Beene bedroom, five rooms, free washer, rated, aca all conveniences, no children. dryer. Parking, 728-3377 | Apply, 592 Drew Street for further in-|THREE unfurpished rooms, upstairs, PRIVATE entrance "three " room | formation, pecs rae id pg entrance, refrig- apartment with bath, ample cuphoards, | Foun. ROOM apariment, in apatt-| 'or, Reasonable rent. Baby welcome. second floor, very nice, $50 monthly in-| ment building, intee stove, reaart | Apply 711 Hortop Street. 723-0804 cludes heat. Telephone 723-4130. lator, built-in cupboards, laandremat, |COZY three- ston EA private entrance, D3 te bath, built-in cupboards, double FURNISHED apartment, private bath, jParking. 725-3938 or 68 _Wayne Street. | Priva' heat, light, and water, laundry ¢acili- sink, heavy duty wiring, new gas heat- AVAILABLE NOW-- | FIVE-ROOM self-contained ties; garage, TV outle ae business er for heating, Very lady gr teacher. Dial 7 | Phone 723-3078 ponsoel |MODERN, two-room, self tained |THREE-ROOM apartment is . , . + conta! apartment, private bathroom, ground jment building, bright, clean, four- piece | floor, heated. See to appreciate! 242 jbath, aerial, washer, parking, even: | Elizabeth Street. 725-8106. |Shopping Centre, Adults, 212 Steven- |son Road. South, MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re- [sew ns Rena my 9 ow: nt Ra witetstniiasehs hee Detainee proof, soundproo?, fully equippe el | . y " suite open for inspection daily from 1) Licht Pe tctieee Apart- |to 4 and 7 to 8.30 p.m, Many extra fea- nce mt Pesbotnnrt sia Lhd | ATTRACTIVE, warge, | tures 170 Fark Road oy |Phones 725 |furnished' apartment. Private entrance, |A, J Bolahood 'Lid., "Realtor. |bathroom, closet space, modern kitch- 'DOWNTOWN, ground floor, three-room jen, TV outlet, central. Adpits prefer; A 725-4837, self-contained apartment. Adults only,/| Suit quiet working couple. Available | now. Telephone 723 0. | central, Tele- laundry facili- T.V, outlet, low Stove, frig. ties, locker rentol. Call MO. 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m, DOCTOR'S OFFICE Three rooms on ground floor with washroom, two entran- ces, parking, central. Heat and janitor services included. 112 SIMCOE ST, S. 728-844] four-room un- |FOUR-ROOM apariment, furnished or junfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe Street #North or dial 728-3945, | THREE- -ROOM apartment on first floor, )Parking, private entrance, cupboards, \tiled, good location, apply 15 Maple Street. Telephone 725-9712, WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Three room apartment|fOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments |with bath, two blocks from down town./$90 and $100, in modern building; | Couples only. Abstainers, $65 monthly, |stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. |Phone MO 6-2284 | APARTMENTS and houses for rent $80 1070\ FOR RENT attractively decorated two |and up. Immediate possession can be jbedroom self - contained apartment,|arranged. Call W. Schatzmann, realtor, |paved parking, laundry dryer, $85/Brock Building. MO 8-3338, evefings, |monthly. Telephone 728-2633. MO 8-3253. | FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four-| FOR RENT . Thi Three room 2 apartment, room apartment, balcony, residential|/stove and refrigerator. Apply 233 area, newly decorated, laundry facili-|Palace Street, Whitby. Telephone ties, parking, close to schools, children's | 725-430: Oshawa playground. Apply 300 High Street, |FOn SALE: |FOUR-ROOM heated apartment, good|washer, rebuilt and guaranteed, Must \bus service, parking, $60 monthly. sell. $100. MO 8-3889, Available December ist. Cal morning. MO 8-5107, FOR RENT: Two roomed unfurnished apartment, hydro, heat, hot water in- stove, | parking, close| Also three- unfurnished, Adults 1WO-ROOM furnished apartment, refrigerator, cupboards, |to North General Motors. room apartment, 725-2251. THREE-ROOM (large) apartment, up stalvs, kitchen, hydro and heat, private bath, very central, near bus stop, Apply 119 Cadillac South, $10 WEEKLY for this spacious }room, unfurnished apartment, Hi | wiring, heated. Adults, Close to Shop- Apply 335 Elmgrove Ave tv y nue, LOVELY two bedroom apart refrigerator, wash- incluled. Apply + or call 728- 4424, er and dryer Rayine Road, Apt. SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2-bedroom ments, fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For information Cali 723-2563. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully Equipped on SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6343 9 to 5 P. M. EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728:5282 ~ Westinghous se se automatic apart- EPTIO tanks cleaned, Walter Ward, 04 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO 63 WHITBY Coin Laundry, 106 Brock jeluded, close eS et (a parking couth, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one 5 Telephone MO 8 Sale on dry cleaning and pressing. MO Complete bookkeeping 8-9074 Il businesses, weekly, desired. Statements pre- [SELF-CONTAINED four tax returns, MO 52. ty Heat reclaimer, used one |bath. 'season, double unjt, $50. Apply 713) |Green Street, Whitby. Home evenings. service for s Bee ged or as Inco room apart in Whitby, parking space, recent. decorated, private sprees ard Telephone MO 8-3246. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, Gravel Drivewoy Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden ond Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY FOR RENT ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. $85 - $100 In modern building, fridges, laundry One month rent | FOR RENT: Newly decorated two bed- troom apartment, oil heated, garage and garden, $75 per month, MO 8-2180 or MO 8-5078. j -- | MODERN two bedroomed apartment, | refrigerator and stove, washing facil-/ ities, central location, Take over lease poke months. Telephone MO 8-5454. |FOR "RE two roomed Sete seve! lfurnished apartment, and refrigerator, suit elderly or youn, jcouple, Apply 305 Perry Street, M1 | \8- 4470, FOR RENT one bedroom apartment, good district, adults only. $75 monthly, hydro included, Phone MO 8-2736 morn-| i 7 evenings. | FOR RENT One ® single b bedroom $7,/ one bedroom. for two with single beds, | $6 each besa T apemeiai only, Te! 5 4 arora Value, approxi-| imately 630 au of letter size typing) Oshawa"s Finest PARK LANE APTS. stoves, facilities, free to re- paper (news print) for only $1.00 |Apply, Oshawa Times Office, Whitby hoe Dundas Street West. THREE bedroom unfurnished apart- j mente central location in Whitby, er 272 Ritson Road South or telephone) |725-1841 Se eal DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, | | alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit-| tings our specialty. Mrs. Tonis, MO; 8-2372 = ING. Oni d two bedi | BACHELOR SUITES |ffmmont wits, fim $8 aracoun| One month i de » Tet rat 'T 'a 1 BEDRQOM SUITES se a | 2 BEDROOM SUITES | ~--Elevator Service Private Balcony --Paved Parking Controlled Entrances CASH IN ON THE FALL AND CHRISTMAS SELLING SEASON BE AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL 725-8466 ___ MO 8-3591 | ECONOMY SPECIAL V4" Tempered Pegboard 4x 8 sheet Regulor $6.98 SPECIAL 4.48 W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY 701 BROCK ST. N WHITBY MO 8-2379 Contact MR. DON HOWE 25-7732 0 723-9692 evening: Howe & Péters, Realtors -

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