Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1961, p. 8

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| oe | | a * 4g y MRS. JOHN JOHNSTON --Oshawa Times Photo 'Honored At Reception On Ninetieth Birthday Mrs. John Johnston, of Kingjawa Christian street west, who was ninety|known as Centre Street United years of age on Friday, No-|Church, at the age of fifteen vember 10, was honored by ajyears and has been, and con- reception and tea, given by herjtinues to be, a very active, in- Church, now |recently. Wemen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor 'Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 15, 1961 ~ St. Gregory's CWL Completes Lengthy Agenda at Meeting neth Cole, Mrs. John Brady, | Mrs. M. W. Hanley, Mrs. Joseph Pilkington, Mrs. Matthew Ley- The president, Mrs. Ray Scott, | presided at the November meet- ing of the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's|den and Mrs. William Boissoin. League, held in the parish hall) The problem of transportation jhas been solved by the super- The treasurer, Mrs. Thomas|intendent, Mr. W. Leveque, presented the financial | sending the manor report, which include siderable expenditure for new equipment for the auditorium | ling them to devote two half- kitchen, also a contribution of|days a week to hairdressing in- 325,00 toward the gift fund cur-|stead of one as heretofore. rently being collected through-| Mrs. C. C. Murtry -- Citizen- station | out the archdiocese for present-|ship and Immigration. Three) telephone calls were made in ; ation to Pope John XXIII in} honor of his eightieth birthday. | Reports were presented by the following conveners: Mrs. William Boissoin -- Spir- itual. A CWL banner designed) for St. Gregory's Council has} been purchased and will be) placed in the sanctuary of St.} Gregory's Church on the CWL Corporate Communion Sunday each month, in addition to being used on special occasions. At the request of the League, commencing in December, 4) Mass will be offered on the first] Saturday of each month at 8.00 a.m., for peace throughout the world. The ladies of the parish are urged to attend. ss Masses for both the living and the dead were offered during October and the rosary was re- cited at the funeral parlors for) deceased relatives of CWL members. A spiritual bouquet is being assembled for presenta- tion ot His Eminence James connection with Immigration and members of the League as- at the Blood Donors Clinic. Church Extension -- Mrs. Leo Menard reported i4 Christmas boxes for missionary priests sent to the Toronto headquar-} ters, as well as 13 cartons of} clothing for distribution in the missions. Included was a large quantity of newly made gar- ments for children, knitted goods, toys. | Girl Guides -- Mrs. Ralph) Jones. Mrs. J. W. Spragge will| act as leader for 8-A Company) meeting on Tuesday evenings, | and arrangements are being} |finalized for a leader for a sec-) jond company. } Radio, TV and Films -- Mrs.| E. C. Egerer listed a number of} TV presentations and films par-| ticularly suited to' childrw,,| which are appearing very soon, D. Johns, |; sisted with Red Cross work and © LADIES' SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BEFORE STOCK-TAKING d a con-|wagon to pick up Mrs. Conner) ;- land her assistants, thus enab-| © ale | TOMORROW - FRIDAY -SATURDAY Your Chance Of A Lifetime To Save Many Dollars ! - COATS Camel Hair, Alpaca, Harris-Tweed. Fully inter- lined and chamois. REGULAR 35.00 to 75.00 CLEARING Ke "HAPPY LITTLE KEVIN All smiles for the camera is Kevin James, one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Beaton, Meadowvale _ street. Kevin is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. V..Colley, Al- LODGES AND SOCIETIES COURT CHARLENE | | The regular meeting of Court] celebrate |Charlene, L-1750, held -recently| Oy, monte, and Mr. and Mrs. W. | . V. Beaton, Brooklin, and great-grandson of Mrs. Sarah | Colley and Mrs. George Lee, both of Whitby, --Aldsworth Photography | and Erika Weigal. will ea all members of the place and) ate. | The December meeting will |be followed by a pot-luck sup- per and exchange of gifts to Court --Charlene's birthday and Christmas gifts nieces, Mrs. Roy. F. Lick and|spiring, and helpful member. Cardinal McGuigan at Christ- mas by all the councils in the Mrs. Harold T. Lick of King-|She was president of the La- hdi Th b f St ston road west, on Friday af-|dies' Aid, now known as the| A Pe aes caked tA Oe ternoon and evening at the| WA, for ten years. [tribute their Masses, and pray-| -- get ori ~~ veginet - Mrs. Johnston was the reci-lers. | rs. Walter Buss and Mrs.\nient of many beautiful cards, Mrs. M..W. Hanley -- F | Thomas Shepherd poured tea) gifts and flowers. Her Worship|and Welfare. 'six Wats eo in the afternoon, and Mrs.\Mayor Christine . Thomas!made to needy families, cloth- David Morris and Mrs. Walter) brought greetings from the city|ing was supplied for children Winter poured in the evening.|of Oshawa. and one mother, and shoes and The oars yom gry Fe. overshoes were purchased for ing the tea by the WA of Cen- ° i ree children. tre Street United Church ope a ae ae yp Seventy patients were visited Mrs. (Mary) John Johnston|{@muy from Medicine at, Al at the Oshawa Hospital during was born in the Township of berta; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle B./Qctober, 45 of whom were from East Whitby, Town of Oshawa.| Sherwin and family from Lon-|oyt of town. Assisting with the| She is the daughter of the late|4", Ontario; Mr. and Mrs.| visiting were Mrs. George Cope- Kate Wismer and Frank Cole-| Elmer Lick and family from|land, Mrs. C. C. Murty, Mrs.| man. She was married, on Sep- Guelph, Ontario, and Mr. and|Kenneth Cole, Mrs. A. C. Love,| tember 5, 1901, to Mr. John|Mrs. Charles M. Sawens from|Mrs. B. C. McAllister. | Johnston, whose home was in Rochester, New York. | Bers.) SEInEs eonaer,) COCO) Grafton, Ontario, prior to his| Mrs. Johnston never guns) eee Mrs. pogo report-| coming to Oshawa. He was de-\to be young in action, norlee iinanin Manor senpeabreesne, ceased December 24, 1947. |young at heart and she grows| 24 soseniatiog af toa tain ved r 44%, | 3 jed appreciation of the help given Mrs. Johnston joined the Osh-|more charming day by dayinere by Mrs, J. G. McArthur with her joy and _laughter|,, ; civanne. Weed s Out-of-town guests were: d th and drew attention to the excel-|in the Orange Temple, was offi- lent films for children which are| cially opened by President Sis- shown at the McLaughlin Li-|\ter Winnifred Killen, assisted brary each Saturday afternoon|/hy Chaplain Sister Doris at 2.30. / Yourth. _ Very Rev. P: M. Dwyer men-| Sister Helen Twining, district tioned that he had been contact-| deputy high chief ranger, made ed by the matron of the Chil-)her official visit to the Court. dren's Aid Society relative to 4) Sister Margaret Smith re- number of Catholic children : ' - thers in the three to ten year | Ported ecards and flowers sent bracket, who aré eligible for adoption, and asked St. Greg- ory's Council to, publicize the need of Catholic homes for these children. |to members who were ill or were bereaved. Plans are being made for a children's Christmas again this year. A The president expressed re- committee consisting of Sisters gret that owing to unforeseen|Molly Hartshorn, Una Dart, circumstances she was unable|Nancy Hastie, Evelyn Clarke party| telephone) are not to exceed one dollar. Bulletin No. 229 was drawn |The mystery prize was won by |Sister Helen Twining. | BEAUTYREST AND AND OTHER SPRING MATTRESSES COM- PLETELY REBUILT LIKE NEW. TWO-DAY SERVICE. EIDERDOWNS _RE-COVERED. DAY -- 728-6451 NIGHT -- 723-4131 ONTARIO BEDDING CO. | to attend the 41st National Con- vention of the CWL held recent- | ly in Toronto, and the meeting} concluded with Monsignor Dwyer giving an interesting ac- count of the closing banquet. Light refreshments were then served. under the convenership of Mrs. George Copeland. Mrs. Jack Law J ie which are radiated by her sun-| re ere, Ee ae Regional Chairman ny and cheerful disposition. Opens CWL Bazaar Those who are privileged in \k LADIES 26 KING ST. EAST nowing her feel assured that " ,/they are happier because of Mrs. E. J. Spraggs, regional , x chairman in fanawe area,|Knowing her, and wish "God's officially opened St. Gertrude's\2 essing" throughout the coming annual bazaar. Mrs. Walter|Years. Branch introduced the speaker.| Mrs. Spraggs expressed her} appreciation for the honor and GROUPS, CLUBS also remarked with what warm regard she had watched St. AUXILIARIES Gertrude's grow. Other out-of- town visitors were Mrs. Kay| DIABETIC ASSN. Ireland and Mrs. Arthur (Mothers' Group) yo si teal eae The Mothers' Group of the e convener, Mrs. ivan *aY-\Oshawa and District Diabetic yw la Soggy he one eg Fe Association. met recently at the bazaar highly "successful. Thelttee otsees Ney ae Reverend John Myers drew the é | winning tickets _Plans were made for the Mrs. Michael Rudka and her Christmas party to be held Sat- committee decorated the hal], {urday, December 2, in the lower The tea area was ir the charge) Mall at King Street United of Mrs. Frank Baron; home|Chureh to which all diabetic baking, Mrs. Robert Wilson; |iabetic children are welcome. aprons, Mrs. John Melnychuk; {Each child is tq bring a favorite knitting and sewing, Mrs.| tOY or a good used article of| James Kraemer: country store,|clothing, gift wrapped, to be put Mrs. John Polman: religious|in a basket at the party and will BAN-LON articles, Mrs. Gerald Merkley; |be given to a charitable organ- candy, Mrs. Stephen Stepinac; |!zation. dolls, Mrs. J. H. Donabie; mys-| The guest speaker for the eve- | tery table, Mrs. Edward Jar-jning was Miss E. Reid, dieti- ; "sia dang tian at the Oshawa General) GROUP OF products, Mrs. Peter Bolenchuk|#ospital. Many questions were) SKIRTS Jiscussed with her and she also) REG. 21.95 and tickets, Mrs. C, S. Cunning-|° ham, Mrs. John Salter and Mrs.|gave some ideas for low-budget Ralph Brooks. meals. REG. 7.95 VIYELLA Wei: For a DINE AND DANCE FIRST QUALITY Montgomorys. Anniversary Specials! THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY NOV. 16, 17, 18 BAN-LON SHORT SLEEVE SWEATERS ««. «ss . CARDIGANS «< «»: LEADING NAME BRAND LINGERIE BROKEN SIZES PLAYTEX GIRDLES CURLING SKIRTS HOSE REG. 1.19 1" 1.39 .. ' WEAR Week End SPECIALS! | 'JURY & LOVELL LTD. Oshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby 725-1831 TONI HOME PERMANENTS 1.24 Reg, 2.00 .. BAYER ASPIRIN With Free Pill ¢ Box. Reg. 93¢ . 58 GIL! BLUE BLADE PRIVINE NOSE D RESDAN BROMO SELTZER LECTRIC SHAVE ITALIAN BALM REG. 75c . 399 TAMPAX 40's VITALIS JOHNSON"S BABY POWDER min Te ROPS tc.1.00 77° rec. 2.25 1.79 nec. 98¢ | 1O° WILLIAMS | STE REG. 1.09 89° 57¢ nec. 1.75 1.49 63¢ REG. 1.00 VALUE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS tc. 79. 9.99 1/3 OFF SLIDE PROJECTOR LIST PRICE 169.50 at the 2nd Annual HAIRDRESSERS' BALL ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM BERNARD TIERNEY & His Orchestra TURKEY BUFFET HAWAIIAN NITE DOOR PRIZES AND FAVOURS PROCEEDS TO HILLSDALE MANOR TICKETS AVAILABLE AT YOUR FAVORITE BEAUTY SALON AND AT THE DOOR LADIES 26 KING ST. EAST PS: New Shipment Of LANSEA SWEATERS ALL COLORS AND SIZES @ ALL SALES FINAL @ Montgomorys OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK h. Has 5" £/2.8 lens slides KODAK CAVALCADE 35mm al AUTOMATIC MODEL NO. 510 has remote control cord, or it m reversed, IN. OUR PHOTO CITY WIDE FRE 8 KING ST.E€. | PHONE 723-2245) " WEAR 725-1831 OSHAWA {ROSSLYN PLAZAS ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA jay be manually advanced or PLUS MANY NON-ADVERTISED SPECIALS DEPARTMENTS PRESCRIPTION pjCeet24 CHEMISTS E DELIVERY [530 SIMCOE ST. S. | PHONE 725-3546 8:4668 | MARSHALL REPAIRS | } SUIT A wools, double knits. 2- and 3- imported materials. Fine pce. Regular 29.95 to 69.95 CLEARING 9.97 44.97 DRESSES One- and two-piece styles, Jerseys, Fine wool, Cotton, double or single knits. Sizes 7 to 20. REGULAR 16.95 to 39.95 CLEARING 9.97 7.97 SLIMS, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, GAR-COATS REDUCED 10% to 50% TO CLEAR At these prices all sales final please No C.0O.D. or mail orders WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA . SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS -- A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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