32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 15, 1961 E ATON'S COMPANY-WIDE OFFER! HEIRLOOM BEDSPREADS BEAUTIFUL...Double French hand-knotted fringe gives an exceptionally rich appearance...heavy;weight, rounded corners create a particularly grace- ful draping (double bed size approx. 7 lbs.)... snowy white or antique white! PRACTICAL...Easy to wash, tightly woven of long staple cotton...no ironing needed! Reversible weave helps give double the service! SEE THESE BEAUTIES NOW...CHOOSE FOR CHRISTMAS NOW...BUY NOW AND SAVE! OFF : 7, USUAL .» O PRICE! | ORDINARILY 29! EATON SPECIAL PRICE, DOUBLE FRENCH HAND-KNOTTED FRINGE which gives richer, longer- lasting appeaance than ordinary bullion fringe!