Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1961, p. 2

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SKELETON OF A HOTEL A flaming skeleton is all that remains here in a spec tacular fire Monday night which destroyed the King Edward Hotel in Saskatoon. Damage at the three-storey, Seasonal Jobless Subsidy Proposed OTTAWA (CP) Business;jor groups from Canada's busi- spokesmen Tuesday advocated|ness commurity in submissions Imaginary War Score § Well Over 3,000,000 | PETAWAWA, . Ont. (CP) This in theory is the capital of Canada today, as the -ountry licks the wounds left by an im- aginary nuclear attack and counts the war dead--by now |well over 3.000,000. If the attack were real, crews) in Ottawa, 100 miles southeast of here, would be searching in rubble for the bodies .of the prime minister and Governor-| General. Fourteen other cities would be smouldering ruins with rub- ble and fallout clouds the only markers over thousands of graves, Soldiers would be pouring into the cities trying to rescue the few persons still alive and the survival operations of the coun- try would be directed from a} big basement fallout shelter here} with Defence Minister Harkness} ,., acting as prime minister. | But the attack wasn't real, and'some reporters returning to * Ottawa Tuesday night from this federal emergency centre, after ja day of checking casualties) and watching soldiers charting were almost surprised i TOWN MAKES 'QUICK JUSTICE wasn't TESTS WARNING SYSTEM STAPHORST, Holland (Reu- ters) -- A police investigation | Tuesday was the final day of | 109-room hotel was estimated |Exercise Tocsin B, the second at $250,000. jcross-country test this year of Gerace sadey gael 7 ' . la ' F ; .| of "midnight justice' admin- _ (CP Wirephoto) ge s national warning sYS-| istered against a local couple suspected of adultery was abandoned Tuesday because | m and its survival plans. Tocsin means warning bell-- a name that takes into account re i: the 500 sirens that sounded at} /iO0 ghia Pays -- gen 7 p.m. EST Monday to start off| 't@mts would 'estify about the tha exercise | strange events of Friday night. pa ti tant | $taphorst is famed through- | The exercise finished at out Holland for the strict re- ligious code of its people whose wrath wasreported } . Hotel Losing '7 p.m. EST Tuesday and aroused by the behavior of a Business another strident warning bell 48 - year - old married woman | --j|faith inthe divine purpose,"| that it was unnecessary and) that it was a preparation for war. ARE NECESSARY "These and similar exercises are necessary as assurance for the survival of many who other-| wise would die should a nuclear! war come to us," said the prime minister. "The Communist argument \that the exercise is a prepara- tion for war has no basis in fact. "he Kremlin would like Canada and other Western na- tions to be completely at the mercy of the threats of com- munism. | "The exercise does not show} a lack of faith but rather the need of combining works with} faith for survival." Mr. Harkness said theedeath) ll now was "appalling," but a! sufficient number of Canadians) was left after attack--the fig- jure given was 14,000,000 -- to) |"reactivate the life of the na-| During Strike jwas sounded--in the minds of TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto's|Planners--that -here were many |Royal York Hotel has lost busi-|holes to plug yet in the coun- In Election \fair before the Liberal Business tack, "undoubtedly it would take years" to retv.n the coun- try to anywhere near normal coaditions. After picking up the pieces) here foilowing attack, Canada's} responsibility would be to con-| tinve fighting in the world war! § that would follow. | Maj. - Gen. Arthur Wrinch,| army chief of national survival,| said that following the imagin-| ary attack one-half to two-thirds) cf the industrial capacity of the nation was assumed to have survived. There was sufficient! |food to keep alive the survivors) and the condition of Canada's) vital rail links was 'generally good." There was only about six-per- cent failure in the siren warn- ing system. Gen. Wrinch said) the number of sirens would be increased to 1,500 by the mid- dle of next year. Mr.' Diefenbaker -- and Gov- ernor-General Vanier -- elected to stay in the capital during the Z attack. | He said that -fter a real at-|-- Coyne Altair Seen Issue ! TORONTO (CP)--Senator A K. Hugessen predicted Tueesday |' that the government's action in forcing the resignation of James Coyne as governor of the Bank jof Canada will be a major is- sue in the next federal election,| In a review of the Coyne af- |Continued U.S. Aid Promised §. Korea WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- ident Kennedy met Tuesday with South Korea's revolution- ary leader; Gen. Chung Hee Park, and promised his coun- try "all possible' continued U.S. military and economic sup- port. > A jo.nt communique issued after a luncheon and afternoon meeting between the two also lreaffirmed their. determination to seek unification of Korea through peaceful means under principles laid down by the United Nations. } | EMPPYSEMA -- Our Most Neglected | Disease? t is more prevalent than lung cancer and tuberculosis com- | bined! Yet most peo have jmever heard of it. Now this j | shortness-of-breath a is j inning to get t Fe deserves November - "3 | Digest points out ways to avi ay end the danger signe to watch for. Get your November | Reader's Digest today -- 38 articles of lasting interest. ip NEHRU'S 72nd BIRTHDAY Prime Minister Nehru of _ birthday. Nehru's appearance India blows out the candles | at UCLA was his last before on a birthday cake given | flying to Mexico City. him at UCLA in Los Angeles --(AP Wirephoto) today by 500 students from | Sa India attending colleges and | universities in Southern Cali- fornia in honor of his 72nd + PARADE ne 42% MORTGAGE Lovely 5-room brick bungalow in the Cadillac Ave. area -- Living room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, nicely landscaped ond decorated Monthly payment including taxes $56.31. Owner leaving city. J 160 LAUREL COURT Executive-type brick home featuring spacious living and dining m with exposed beams. Natural fireplace, tiled 4-pc. bath with. vanity, Kitchen with built-in bar and stools, 3 large bedrooms with walk-in closets, Rec-room and extra bedroom downstairs, tiled laundry room, roughed-in plumbing for extra bathroom. Garage and patio, Fully landscaped, Vendor will decorate home to new owner's choice of colours, Courts Blamed For Deaths In Prisons NEW YORK (AP) --The city's commissioner of correc- tion says 46 persons died in New York cvrrectional institu- st year when they should been in hospitals. The Anna °M. Kross said, lies with the courts and with authorities who insist upon viewing alechulism and narcotic} addiction cases as criminal ra ther ihan medical in nature. Y tions la have blame, i |Men's Club of Toronto, the Lib-| ---- ; ; ; ' d ; s 0 , 41 A LOT OF LIVING IN EVERY ROOM a federal subsidy to cover sea-|to Prime Minister Diefenbaker's/ness since a strike started 29\try's survival system. saat praadd virganraths. gts leral | sonal benefits paid to jobless|special four-man committee in-'weeks ago by the Hotel an workers from the shrinking cof-jvestigating unemployment in |Club Employees fers of the unemployment insur-|surance. it was disclosed Tuesday ance fund. The committee, headed by in- This proposal, with some va-|surance man Ernest C. Gill ofjtel to a board of referees of th riants, was backed by four ma-'Toronto, launched a four 3g " round of public hearings Tues-|mission showed Royal Yor Qu . \day to find out what may be/room rentals were down 17.3 pe estion Over bd . CBC Existence The fund, The board rejected an appea and employers OTTAWA (CP) -- Since last equally with the Friday the CBC has been a cor- adding 20 cents for every poration which has lacked lar, plunged to a low point of nearly all of its board of direc- tors. Qualified informants sug-|from its 1956 peak of $926,700,- gested Tuesday that, technic- | 900. At the end of September, ally, the CBC may have ceased it had risen to a balance of to exist as a corporation $142,500,000. But a CBC official said Tues-\ gir SEASONAL BENEFITS day night that the publicly-. Payment of seasonal benefits owned corporation thinks ft still/from the insurance fund itself exists -- as a legal entity, that'\came under fire in briefs from) is, the Canadian Chamber of Com- The confusion over the CBC's;merce, the Canadian Retail status results from the fact that|Federation, the Canadian Life the three - year terms of nine Insurance Officers Association of its 11 directors expired last and the Retail Merchants As-) Friday. sociation of Canada. It was learned that there have| The four groups covered a surance and how the ills may/pared with the same period las ibe remedied. year. to which workers government which. withheld nemploymen dol-|benefits from strikers cent of its normal level loss of business, the 'board held exempted strikers from claim ing unemployment insurance The figures showed sale o beverages was down 29.3 pe cent, while the number of meal served in dining rooms, at func declined by 27.6 per cent The number of employees wa down 21 per cent Union officials have appealec the board's decision Meanwhile, Alderman Mi Union (CLC), \fill some gaps spotted in the A report submitted by the ho-|@nd others will be filled in fu- -day|Unemployment Insurance Com- lwrong with unemployment in-|cent from Sept. 7 to Oct. 1, com-}Very much alive, told a univer- contribute/by the union against a decision that Tocsin showed "'a lack of Basis of the decision was the $110,000,000 in May this year board's feeling that the hotel's operation was not up to 85 per This al However, the xercise helped first Tocsin exercise last May e|ture exercises. This, officials intimated, |made the exercise a success. r, Prime Minister Diefenbaker, t sities conference in Ottawa Tuesday night that he had re- }|;ceived messages complaining t Charge 8 Men In Conspiracy | | by jeering. | released after promising This is what witnesses said senator from Quebec ac: happened: At midnight Friday the pop- ulation went to the woman's house, She was dragged out of bed still in her nightgown and put in a dung cart. Others brought her alleged lover from a tavern in a near- by tewn and he was also put in the dung cart. Then 40 men dragged the cart through the streets, preceded by trumpet- ers, while the townsfolk stood cused the government and Fi- jnance Minister Fleming of mak- ling Mr. Coyne a scapegoat for their own budget and policy fail- jures, | Had the government suc-| ceeded in forcing the imedi-} ate resignation of Mr. Coyne last May, prior to the delivery of its delayed budget, Mr. Fleming |would have been able to blame} jhis budget trovbles on the gov-| jernor, Sen. Hugessen added. 2:30 | "The great office of the gov- The ride lasted until lerner of the Bank of Canada the coup'e were a.m when On Simcoe St. North, in a quiet tree-shaded residential area. Close to both public and high schools. Just a short hop to downtown shopping. A 6-room well-kept older home with wall- to-wall broadioom throughout 3 bedrooms (master bedroom 12 x 22' with twin closets). Separate dining room, good work- ing kitchen, Modern bothroom with shower, separate toilet in basement. Living room 12 x 22' with natural fireplace, basement partitioned, has separate work room, cold storage room, laundry room and play area with recessed lighting installed. And there's a paved drive to almast-new gorage. Close to Alex- andra Park: Golf and curling. AFTER 5:30 CALL Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Henry Stinson 725-0243 Don Stradeski 728-8423 Russ Reeve 725-4840 DAYTIME 723-2265 SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED PHONE 723-2265 MORTGAGE MONEY Ist Mortgage funds available from Trust & Insurance Com- panies. No bonus or finder's fee. @ 2nd MORTGAGE AVAILABLE e WILL BUY 2nd MORT- GAGES SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING W. -- 723-2265 MONIES | 360 KING ST. WEST |was to be prostituted and the earings . to lholder of that office sacrificed remain faithful to their part- |\tq satisfy the political necessi- Hae |ties of this government and its| SEPT-ILES, Que. (CP) -- ¢ Eight men, including a vice-| r\President of the Sea'arers' In-| s|ternational' Union (Ind.), were formaily arraigned Tuesday on tions and in the coffee shop haa|Charges of conspiracy and ille- gal possession of a weapon in 5 connection with the shooting-up of a freighter last June. Preliminary hearing on charges was set for today. The charges arose out of an) hange of rifle shots, between! j the minister of finance," he said. | INTERPRETING THE NEWS Berlin Balloons Float Like Lead | Fubulous Barg been no reappointments or tem-|wider range of ideas in dealing porary cabinet orders continu-|with the over-all problem. ing the directors in office until) The life insurance officers a new board is constituted. proposed a basic self-supporting, The last effort at In Winnipeg, Dr. W. L. Mor-|unemployment insurance pro- sponsored by former ton said Tuesday night he had'gram financed by employers Leslie Frost, was abandone been informed that his term ex-\and employees without regular hopeless. Labor Minister pired Nov. 9 and the govern-|government contrilutions i ment hadn't asked him to con-'government would step in only parties renew tinue until a replacement is ap-|when a "large cumulative def- his department's help develops." hotel proved unreceptive will seek to have board of mediation de at AT iy meek dearth \ ' wath \ \ y Wwe f 5 sc ' C4 chael Grayson said Tuesday he ©*° trol intervene in the dispute mediation premier od as The'render suggested this week the but the Hamelin Sng By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Staff Writer Floating trial balloons on the Berlin crisis is becoming a dan- Jean - Guy Perrault, Louis-Real|8etous diplomatic pastime. The Couture, Pierre Theriault, Ray-|{oater runs the risk of being mond Doucet, Urgel Dupuis, shot at from all sides. ve Herve Langlais and Romeo, Gen. Lucuis Clay, the U.S representative in Berlin, found Doucet, from Quebec City, is that out a while back when he Atlantic coast vice-president for| Was quoted a3 talking about ac- the SIU. The ether men are|CePting the existence of two : < Germanies from Sept-Iles = os 7 Aste epee Hans Kroll, the veteran West The owners of the Wheat King| German ambassador in Mos- » involved in « dispute with is the latest target al-| Ba : | cow, SIU over the size of the though there still is no clear in-| the vessel should carry formation on whether he did the} SIU picketers delayed her de-|floating or was merely caught parture from Quebec, 325 miles} up in the string southwest of Sept-lles, shortly before the shooting a tug and the freighter Wheat | con- | 4 : J King 'in Sept-Iles harbor June Charged are Roger Perrault, War- with w the crew KREMLIN CHAT According to Moscow reports Kroll visited the Kremlin last Thursday at Premier Khrush chev's invitation and spent an ithe Moscow chat had dealt with packing his bags to return home and explain it all, he was being openly undercut in Bonn by gov- ernment press spoke/men who said that he had made propo- sals that did not represent the} government's position. DANGEROUS TOPICS The consternation in Bonn ap- parently arose from reports that such explosive issues as '"'re- spect" for East German sover- eignty, agreement on access to West Berlin and a new status for the city, now regarded as West German territory. It appears improbable that Kroll would have made public such politica! dynamite without the approval of his government. More likely he was the victim of a Soviet move to probe West: | ern thinking cn such a plan. In any event, the incident will} ETD EE FT EE GT BE , 5 " re Pal jhour and 45 minutes disc USSINZ| make Western. negotiators eas) onus outs aues onus caus ue aves cuss cos) ains Galore! The Famous 'DECORATIVE TRIO' PAINT-BY- NUMBER SETS With 3 large 24" x 12" <\ Pictures to paint! 44 OIL COLORS IN SCREW-CAP JARS $7709 $2100 9 $2109) beautiful Subjects to choose from ! : f = pry 4 a EE. Now! You can paint a beautiful picture in oils the first time you try | It's easy -- and the results. will amaze you ! This wonderful set contains everything you'll need: 3 large 24 x 12" Painting Panels, 44 oil colours in Screw Cap Jars, 3 Artist Brushes, A bottle of Brush Cleaner plus easy-to-follow step-by- step instruction ! VF W pi 4 AUS Separatism ies In Canada ideas that extended beyond the) qouply cautions about departing) usual stand-pat positions from the well-polished list of| The result, described as a new) «icheg empioyed by theit home set of Soviet proposals, was| Add color and distinction to your home or office with any of the folloying beautiful subjects: Three Exotic Birds, Oriental Trio, Africa Exotica, Deer in Motion, Japanese Landscapes, American Z , \ si g ¥ Mwy ¥, 'BALA ILD AIR MOVING IN WEATHER FORECAST Mild Weather Enters Ontario Official forecasts Toronto at 4:30 a.m.: night. Synopsis: Somewhat milder! Haliburton, Algoma, Tima-|Dawson air is spreading into central and|gami, Sault Ste. Marie, south-| Victoria southern Ontario today while alern White River regions, Sud-| Edmonton low pressure area is expected|bury, North Bay: Partly cloudy| Regina to muve northeastward, bring-|today, cloudy with showers or|Winnipeg . ing some rain to southern On-jchange in temperature. Winds| Lakehead ... tario during '¥ursday. Colder|southwesterly 15 to 20 becoming) White River air from the Arctic now is/northerly 15 to 25 Thursday. Kapuskasing spreading southward and is ex-| Northern White River. Coch-|S.S. Marie .. pected to cover all of northern |rane regions: Partly cloudy to-/North Bay Ontario by late Thursday. day with snowflurries Thurs- Sudbury Lake St. Clair region, Wind-|day. Mild, becoming co1lder/Muskoka sor: Cloudy today and Thurs- Thursday afte noon. Winds|Windsor .. day. Occasional deizzle tonight southwesterly 15 to 20 becom-|I.ondon and rain on Thursday, milder |ing North westerly 15 to 20 Toronto ... Winds light becoming easterly Thursday Ottawa 15 to 20 tonight. Forecast Temperatures Montreal Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Nia-| Low tonght, High Thursday: |Quebec ... gara, Lake' Ontario, Georgian| Windsor 40 52 Halifax Bay regions, London Hamilton,/St. Thomas - 40 Toronto: Sunny with cloudy pe-| London 40 riods today, cloudy tonight and/Kitchener Thursday. Occasional drizzle) Wingham beginning tonight and becoming) Hamilton rain Th .rsday afternoon, St. Catharines milder. 'Winds light becomingiToronto ..... , Peterborough Trenton Killaloe .... Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton .... | Kapuskasing White River .. Moosonee ... S.S. Marie } "] aa oy ors re issued injsoutheasterly 15 to 20 lale te Observed temperatu SMOKELESS CITY sing 52 = l oal land a great 'facturing centre. watcrpower n is textile Max, nstead of Tampere in southwest Fin manu quickly "leaked" to the West-} ern press | gov ernments Ridicul | 1cu ed It is not known who made the \ | disclosures cr why, but the re-| TORONTO (CP) Pierre} action was not long in coming. | Cote, president of the National | Western cavitals quickly re-| Dairy Council of Canada, today|ported that they knew nothing| described Quebec separatism as] of a new Soviet approach. Wash- an "l-conceived and irrespon-|ington officials Saturday were) sible minority movement." \giving out that Kroll was "un-| Mr. Cote, addressing the an-|derstood" to have advanced nual meeting of the Ontario|ideas on a settlement privately. | Milk Distributors' Association, | By Sunday West German of-| said \ficials were admitting in an em-) "The movement has been|barrassed way that Kroll had} blown up out of all proportion | advanced some broad ideas--on) to its size, influence or impor-|@ purely personal basis. tance . On Monday, while Kroll was "The troudle-makers behind| this thoroughly, impractical and} . futile effort have deliberate: GOO 00 adopted a policy of ci Bahl D F D and noisy, prejudiced mis-state- || SREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH "42 to 2 PM ments of fact, HOTEL LANCASTER 52 52 45 48 28 40 tract the type of publicity desired by fhem create the impression through-| out Canada that their move- ment is growing and that it has DON'T « LUCKY +s SURE List with Lloyd then Call your Mover Winner of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Sales Award for 2 Consecutive Yeors. LLOYD REALTY (Oshawe) Ltd., Realtors 101 Simcoe N, -- 728-5123 a broad basis of support." j Mr. Cote, a resident of Que- bec City, said the separatists "are doing a great disservice to thé unity and strength of Canada. during a period when our economy is fraught with) danger " There was no place for sep- aratism mn Canada FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass | COMMON FINE SALT Many wearers of false teeth ha suffered real embarrassment because their plate dropped, slipped or wob- bled at just the wrong time. Do not | live in fear of this happening to you. | sprinkle a littl FASTEETH kaline (non-acid) powder, on Hold false teeth more tes. | firmly, so they feel more comfort- able. Does not sour. Checks "plate | odor breath". Get FASTEETH at ' drug counters everywhere. 6 CELINA STREET WATER SOFTENER SALT ROX BRAND PELLETS (100 tb.) ... 2.65 CRYSTAL BRAND (100 tb.) sees 3:90 (100 Ib.) .... 1.80 DELIVERY SLIGHTLY EXTRA! Cooper mill ca PHONE 723-2312 frida) soap ta fame fare] a era] sama soma rns [srs fA PRICE tondcapes COLES 2 17 " Usually 9.00 PRICE PRICES SLASHED ON Christmas Cards BOX OF 12 BOX OF 16 "GURRIER AND IVES" | Garlton 'KODACHROME' Delightful Winte: Scenes ou, ncaa tila se conser an shea full color from originals achrome™ paper. is lovely selection warm seasonal 'nies tings. of cards includes snort but friendly seasonal envelopes. A terrific value! greetings. A real bargain complete with Usually 1.00 envelopes! COLES fl AA. COLES i G, These Prices Apply Only at... OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ee e OPEN EVERY FRI. HIGHT 'TiL 9 P.M, lithographed in Each cord bears Complete with

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