Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1961, p. 1

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in' U ] Zz Ne olumbus WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight and Thursday, Occasional drizzle beginning to- night and becoming rain Thurs- day afternoon, milder. 11 After B. Near C ¢ Oshawa Cimes Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa ond for payment of Postage in Cash, THOUGHT FOR TODAY It is easy to meet expenses these days -- just turn in any direct- jon. Price Not Over ke OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1961 olumbus Man Badly Burned, $50,000 Blaze ly inflammable paints. Hisjing a car in the painting booth) father, Hugh Ross, the owner Of the shop and stepped to the of the building, also received door of the booth when the ex- burns about the hands and arms Plosion rocked the building. as\he helpea to rescue his son He was mei there by a wall! § treatment at the Of flames. His paint - saturated Hospital clothing burst into flame imme- Chief H. R. diately VOL, 90--NO. 265 THIRTY-TWO PAGES CONGOLESE REBEL RTH OF KATANGA ee eee RR ae A Kenneth Ross, 19, is in setious condition in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, from burns as the result of a fire which com- i pletely destroyed the Ross Auto Body Shop, on County Road No. He § 2, between Columbus and Rag- Oshawa General lan' late Tuesday afternoon Oshawa Fire He was treated at the Oshawa|Hobbs estimates damage at Hugh Ross end three employ. #7 General Hospital before being $50,000 which is partially|ees made a dash to the burning moved to Toronto covered by insurance as rig carried him outside t s rapped n th €ss g ' The young man as oe FIVE AUTOS DESTROYED shoe nate} get ood , ne | in the burning bu Ne ae bot ts eadition to the Varaulties Ga ue hes wee teres to en explosion which ignited hig body shop were seven autos and|could free it, both shoes had a truck .which were in the caught fire. He kicked both building for repairs. Five of thé) shoes off and escaped in his vehicles were completely des-| stocking feet troyed. Two others were pulled) ,enneth's flaming from the building: and were Were \badingitslied puiide partially destroyed : . lbuliding and a pasaing motor in addition: to destroying ne took him to the Oshawa main body shop building, one' General Hospital for treatment of the | in south Ontario County, e flames are their FAMILY ESCAPES way into the two-storey, six- Mrs Dolores Ross, wife of room living qué adjoini the owner, was working in the shop and caused extensive; shop office: when. fire broke out. damage before members of the' She and their two children, Oshawa Fire De tment|Sharon, 4 and Rickey, 5, who brought the fire under control.|were in, the apartment at. the st of furniture in the north side of the shop, escaped removed without injury Hobbs said this| Hugh Ross said later that his received » Lumumba Heir | Directs Troops » LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)--An- left-wing politician set himself jtoine Gizenga, the leftist heir up in Kindu last Saturday, leay- jof former premier Patrice Lu-jing his former stronghold at mumba, has emerged into open|Stanleyville in oriental province jand forceful defiance of the. UN/to onetime allies who now ad- jand the central Congo govern-|here to the Leopoldville govern- , |ment, diplomatic informants|ment. said today. 2N DEF 1 The sources said Gizenga is wins eegin shlgea : me directing the mutiny of more|,,726"8%, Who once accepted ' : jthe pést of vice-premier in Pre- | vole than 2,000 @ongolese troops|..; Seat : ' Me jmier Cyrille Adoula's central against the central government]. ; lauthority in Kundu, the KivuloVernment here, made his de- ravine : , fiance open and apparently fi- jProvincial town north of the|.91 Tuesday when he forced juscpaetveritt province of Ka-two of his former allies, Gen nee: N : A > anga, ' Victor Lundula and Christophe Other mutineers were re- Gbenye, out of Kindu in fear ported to have created serious! of their lives. disorders in the north Katanga' Mutinous soldiers at Kindu jcity of Albertville. refused to hand over 13 Italian A spokesman for the UN saidjairmen they had arrested and FIREFIGHTER BATTEN Fresh Outbreaks In Labor Battle WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rival,annua! convention of the indus- industrial and craft. unionjtrial union department he heads camps in the AFL-CIO. traded)that there must be some type of broadsides today in a fresh out-|non aggression pact for the burst of organized labor's civil}AFL-CIO to survive. The conven- wa tion opens Thursday \/alier Reuther, Auto Workers! Reuther said the fact the gov union president and commanderjernment has_ rec ently estab- z clothes the ist est the o° the industrial union forces.|lished machinery to settle inter e h charged that the six-year-oldjunion controversies at missile \FL-CIO has united unions "'injbase sites should be a lesson name only' because, ,he said,|that there will be more federal the federation has failed tojintervention if the AFL clo solve traditional union rival-|fails to solve its own problems ries, He blamed the craft un-| Haggerty said the industrial fons for the impasse unions were "ignoring and C. J. (Neal) Haggerty, leader openly transgressing' a 1958 of the crafts as president of the|/pact, known as the Miami AFL CIO building and construc-|agreement, between the rival tion trades, retorted that the if- union groups. This provided for dustrial unions are ignoring/a.system of mediating disputes. | reed-upon disput Reuther said it was only a| machinery "making us wonder|stopgap arrangement at best what an agreement with themjand lacked-any enforcement is worth." morning the fire appeared to|wife and the employees barely have been started by a spark got out of the building before from compressor unit used/the interior was filled with for spraying equip-'flames. They managed to skid ment. Workers were spraying)/some lumber out of the build- a car in the shop and the spark ing by towing it with chains. may have ignited paint fumes.' Members ot the fire depart- he sai ment and passing motorists re- Hugh Ross said that about/ moved the furniture from the nine men, including his son and)jiying quarters before fire en- himself were 2 iS shep waned tered through the eaves. Before the fire started, triggered, jit Was quelied, it had burst believes, by an explosion n€@rithrough the roof in several an air compressor. /places and caused considerable SQN PAINTING CAR damage to the upstairs. His son, he said, was paint-| Firemen found themselves method. "Mr. Reuther," 3 Accused said Hag- thinks his| best defence is an all-out of-| fence." The basis for the feuding is the same jcb rights controversy that split the old AFL into the e e rival AFL and CIO organiza-| f t F T l tions in 1935. Since the AFL- Un l or Tid. CIO merger was agreed upon in 1955 there have been fruitless); yew yorRK (CP) -- Amold efforts to work out a binding} Barbeto, 50, one of 12 men arbitration arrangement for in-| standing trial for smuggling terunion disputes narcotics into the United States DEPLORES FEUDS was~-ruled mentally incompe- Deploring this, Reuther said|tent to stand trial in U.S. fed- in a report prepared for the eral court Tuesday and o Se e ial trial was ordered for him Judge William Herlands, who Royal Yacht Marks irs sathcio ater he alles Paint In Collision edly attempted suicide in the ACCRA bathroom of his home last week Ghana (Reuters) --jruled on the basis of the psy The royal yacht Britannia was|chiatric report which was. sub- slightly damaged early today, in| mitted Tuesday a collision with-a freighter dur-- Assistant U.S Attorney ing a squall at Tema harbor. Ward Brodsky, in another Officials said damage was lit-, velopment, asked that bail Ed de- for tle more than "a bit of paint/|the other defendants -- two of; scraped off the side."' them from Toronto -- be re The Queen and Prince Philip, vokea resting today after a two-day Brodsky pointed out that one visit to northern Ghana, leave, defendant--Barbeto had at Ghana Mondayeaboard the tempted suicide, another had yacht for Libeia been killed, four others d ing a third Toronto man, were fugitives and two of the defen . ~ dants arrived late in court Tues day $215,000 -- Judge LY motion and a! $200,000 Heriands lowed bail to stand OVERTURES MADE? William Homes, 38, York City, was shot to death several months ago, Brodsky said, after the defendant "had made overtures to co - operate with the government." One of the four fugitive de- fendants, Albert Agueci of Tor- onto, a Canadian citizen, jbrother, Vite Agueci, an Ital- tian citizen living in Toronto, is of New $175,000 denied the W? shortage of water. A tank truck, owned by Brooklin Marine and Storage, carried water from Oshawa, five miles away, to the two pumpers on the scene. Finland Plans 3 Elections In One Month HELSINKI (AP)--Finland to- day headed into a period of feverish political activity with three elections scheduled within one month in an effort to ward off defence talks with Russia President Urho Kekkonen Tuesday dissolved parliament In Border Fray and. moved up the date for par- liamentary elections from July and 2 to Feb. 4-5 in answer to a demand by Russia for assur- ances that Finland would main- tain friendly relations with Rus- Sia jhampered in their fight by a standing triai. The other Tor- onto accused is Rocco Scopel- litti, an Italian citizen The government contends the defendants were part of a nar cotics ring that smuggled $150,- 000,000 in narcoitcs into the U.S from Canada and Italy during a 10-year period BERLIN st Berlin 100 (Reuters)--East e hurled more tear gas grenades tense border be- Western and Com ors of the city dur hundred electors for the presidential elections are to be chosen by voters Jan. 15-16 The electors in turn will name a new president Feb. 15 and he will take ottice March 1 Had Kekkonen not advanced the parliamentary election date, : the new president would have came after five been faced with a four - month ee had driven 4 period of political instability un- : ar . Pas d car" til a new government with par- geonddegad oe liamentary support could take reached the West office. The government. tradi- tionally submits its resignation when a new president starts his term Three said off the touched the lash by firing 60 gren- ades at a loudspeaker truck on the Western side of the border West Berlin police retaliated th 53 1ades of their own t no one was hurt The Rast home-made hrough a bullets and safely The hree 7as ¢ incident Germans refugees--two yvomen--put forced witt and plates concrete on the and si¢cs of their station Observers felt that the Rus- wagon A steel plate also' was Stans feared that in such a pe- placed over te windshield with riod of uncertainty anti - Soviet only a peethole for the driver groups could gain power in the to see thr t government men steel LESS THAN LAST YEAR $150,000 $125,000 | OTTAWA (CP) -- Unemploy- ment in Canada rose by 10,000 lto 318,000 in mid-October from 1308,000 in September, the bu- reau of statistics reported to- day. But the jump was less than usual for this time of year and nev igure is 50,000 lower than a ar earlier $100,000 ithe $75,000 October unemployment repre sented 4.9 per cent of the labor force, compared with 5.7 per jcent in October of last year. | This is the third month in-a row in which unemployment de-! clined from the corresponding |period of 1960, following 17 suc months of reases in year-to-year compar $50,000 $25,000 cessive the The numbev of sons was down 15,900 from Sap- Itember and this dip was| inc employed pe Start | Jobless Jump In October smaller than usual owing to a Unemployed 318 308 368 relatively small drop in farm The report is based on a sur- empleyment."' Non-farm em- vey of 35,006 households across ployment increased less than Canada usual The bureau said late harvest- ONTARIO iISES ing slowed ihe farm labor de Unemployment } the Atlantic 1 usually is sharp at month, remai in Que bec and Ontario, the Rrairies ana the Pacific region Total employment was down in all regions except the Atlantic. Of the 318.000 jobless, 280,000 were looking for full-time work, 25,000 were seeking part-time jobs and 12.900 were on tempor- ary layoffs of up to 30 days There vere 969000 -men declined in region during the ea 1d stable l empicyment was 1.Rper cent higher than-in October of last year, w thing the year. to-year increase yrted for September. The figure for mid- October was 6,220,000, com- pared with 6,235,000 in Septem ber and 6,131 009 in October, 1960 T re in To in brief | th es acd 0 ( ve ligh Oct. Sept. Oct ore than i o° them mar 6538 6,543 6,499 ried There were 82,000 men un- 6,220 6,235 6,131; der 25 yearstof age, 102,000 be- Labor force Employed |. He vith fro 1 ear SAVE POSSESSIONS FROM FIRE Police Feel Children Clue To Girl's Death LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- In-,ered Monday night in a small,|suffered an internal injury spector Len Hamilton of city|dingy alcove on the third floor)which had been caused by a police, heading an investigation|of a Jong-empty grocery store foreign instrument. But he could into the death of a seven-year-|building on Adelaide Street in)not determine whether death old London girl whose body was|centra] London. She had left herj|came as a result of the injury found hanging in a vacant store,jhome less than 100 yards away|or from strangulation. : said Tuesday he is convinced|four hours earlier to pick up a Sylvia's body was dangling there was foul play in the case.|newspaper for her mother, Mrs.|from her own coat belt. The added he is certain that!Ernest Fink body was about three feet back \children will provide the answer} The discovery was made by)in the alcove and partly hidden to mysterious circumstances|three men, neighbors of the'|by storm windows. surrounding the death of Sylvial I inks, who undertook to help) /Inspector Hamilton said the Fink in the search after police had!aicove was no more than three Inspector Hamilton said po-jbeen informed Sylvia was miss-'feet high and it would have lice have so far drawn a blank/ing. been impossible for an adult to in the case. They questioned \ post - mortem examination get in there and place the body Beet children and the/disclosed the little girl hadjthe way it was found. | girl's classmates. earlier but) been assaulted but not sexually. "This is definitely a murder could obtain no clue Dr. John Fisher, who conducted investigation, as it stand' now," The child's body was discov-ithe post-mortem, said she had!the inspector said. "She didn't a cei le Oe ee die of natural causes.and there jare too many unusual circum- stances involved."* | He added that the building, a ifrequent playground for neigh- Shooting Despite Clean-Up Attempt:")", cvis: hours before Sylvia's body was found. it intends to put down lawless- beaten Saturday. jness in the two towns by force. Lundula and Gbenye had if necessary. gore to Kindu to get the Ital- | Diplomatic the ians freed. | West Opposing Use Of UN Force UNITED NATIONS (CP)--An retary-General U Thant of Bur- | Afro-Asian demand for use of|ma to use force if necessary to force to drive mercenaries outj/expe) fighting men hired by of the Congo's Katanga prov-|President Moise Tshombe's se- ince was expected to run into} cessionist Katanga regime. rg Western opposition ro canada, with some 250 sol- ; : iers in the UN Congo force, is The Security Council meets) opposed to the UN joining in an at 3 p.m. EST to take up aloffensive against Katanga. resolution by Ceylon, Liberia, ffaj int and thé United' Arab: Republic| External Affairs Minister Ho- : : = jward Green earlier this week | that would authorize Acting Seec-| said the essence of the UN role | jin The Congo is "mediation, not | . | offensive." \Canadian Ordered ("4 new Atrican outburst To Florida Trial j against Tshombe also was cer- }tain in the wake of a UN in- | SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--| Vestigating committee's sugges- United States District Judge|tion that former Congo premier Alfonso J. Zirpoli Tuesday or-|Patrice Luraumba was mur- |dered the removal of Herbert/dered last January, probably in iG, Sharp, a Canadian, to| the presence of high Katanga Tampa, Fla., to face a charge) Officials, of using the wires to defraud.) The West in seeking adoptgon | Sharp, 41, was. arrested by) of a milder resolution reaffirm- the FBI Oct. 27 at Palo Alta,/ing support of the UN Congo Calif., where he had recently;command: and urging negotia- purchased a home. He jsitions to end the Katanga seces- charged with impersonating) 510n. {Morris Hanisch, Toronto prop-| Informed sources said U 'erty owner, and mortgaging|Thant is also against the use of |Hanisch's property with a Tor-|force as a matter of principle onto insurance firm to obtain|and strongly favors using con- |$100,926, ciliation to deal with the crisis. sources said MONTREAL (CP) -- Two, Letourneau, rushed to hospi- shootings -- one by police and tal where he was reported in the other a possible result of "good" condition, is the brother the protection racket--occurred of Patrick Letourneau, who sur- on lower St. Lawrence Blvd.|rendered to police shortly after early today despite a renewed a wild brawl at the Rodeo Cafe attempt by interim police direc- last week and announced he tor J. Adrien Robert to clean was ready to tell police very- lup the notorious main. thing he knew about the pro- Newly-reinforced squads of/tegtion racket. uniformed police and detectives; Patrick Letourneau is facing Tuesday night patrolled the charges of possession of a re- istring taverns and night\volver in a manner dangerous clubs. which comprise "the to the public and -ausing bodily Main" and arrested about a harm to a Rodeo waiter. dozen suspects on charges rang- . ee : waging hl a li-year-old burglary when two men entered the La- was shot by police on haie Tavern and shot waiter street just off the Mendosa_ Letiurneu in. the face. of shooting occurred when suspect an eastend Main Police said the youth, who is being treated for thigh wounds at hospital, was surprised by a jwoman tenant who ran out of the building screaming. "With the re-organization of the police force, it is logical} that drastic and appropriate measures be taken to rid the city of the protection racket," he said Six Men Die jtween 25 and 44 and 78,000 over 45 The 56.000 unemployed women included about 20,000 who are married. The biggest group-- I S t 32,000--were under 25 years of n nows orm | age se ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) Of the 305,090 seeking work. phe southwestern United States 102,000 had been out of jobs for!) coun diggin out of its first big periods of between one and) nowstorm of the season today three months Another a Bee lateliod sa tie worst ik 'had been' out of work for up {Olay venta at Hi Paso Tex : ve munth, 47,000 had been seek-| The storm was responsible jing work for four to six months} ae death ot. ee aa in| tae seillinean 0a teed : » nana 2 ie : cowie | 61,000 for seven months or|,- 7 heal : New Mexico and five in Texas.| The Ontario picture Air and auto travel were djs- There were 92,000 jobless. uprupted, schools were closed, 9.000 in the month but down 2% t small towns were iso 1 deer the | Andrew Davidson, a farmer from Manningtree Essex, ngland. received the. trophy which after winning the world barley championship at the Royal "Agricultural Winter Fair in eral in earlier 1 'ated and hunters were 9 per cent of the st d by storm as much as 30 inches 'of snow in some places. ale od at 3 sti labor force compared with five dumped jper cent in October, 1960. eer et SECOND | Toronto Tuesday. In 1957 Mr Davidson was a surprise win- TITLE IN 4 YEARS the award. Presenting trophy is F. J. Jeckell, general man- ager of Dominion Brewers Association of Ottawa. --(CP Wiifphoto) ner of the world wheat award He took a sample of top bar | ley back to England with him, | came back this, year to win |

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