the seats in the Commons. They|ments midway through a parlia-|bor disunity which, some politi- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 15, 1961 15" jnow have six members in the/ment. jeal observers say, frightens off 630-seat House. | Their main worry, and Labor's the moderate "floating" voters | Liberal byelection gains werejeven more, is the peculiar ap-\Who decide the swing of the /maintain specific restraints on|and paid to them by consumer | particular ios of lending. | Purchasers had found no imme-~ | At the same time it was im-\diate new outlet. lportant to ensure that there| NO STIMULANT should not be a revival of the speculative activities and the ex- cessive levels of expenditure in some fields which made neces- sary the selective controls im- posed last year. In the minds of many Austra- lian observers, the danger at the moment is not that there will. be ® e Discretion Back lequally impressive before the|athy of the electorate and the Pendulum in British elections. | Tories Worried 1959 general election, mainly at}low -urnout at the polls. |_ The other view, naturally held I ] d : B k , the »xpense of the Tories. But] here seems to be an increas- on a 4 7 ee, n ra e an S ing nuinber of disgruntled Tories hate ah oe ye Ard At By-Elections [i scx ssieae"s INDON (CP) -- 'tesults in! The Liberals displaced Labor|tional government the Conserva- tna pritish byelections last/as runners-up in two of the con-| tives were returned to power. week have left the Conservatives stituencies and came within 100} Even if the wiberals are not worried, Labor stunned and the/votes of doing so 'in the third. within sight of winning, sup- Liberals fluttering with excite-| All three parties are digesting|porters feel the gains indicate ment, the results with a pinch of salt.)more than a mere protest vote As expected all three seats--| Deductions rom byelections are| against the other parties. Oswestry, East Fife and Moss notoriously hazardous and there) Their success, says the Liberal < is a traditional bias against the H Side--were retained by the gov." ge coi newspaper, The Guardian, ernment. But in each case the|P@tty ™m power. "could have a sharp psychologi Tory majorities were sharply re-/NOQ VICTORY CLAIM cal*impact for an electorate that duced. Not even the Liberals would|Seems to be casting around for What shocked the socialists is| seriously Claim that the party of an alternative. that anti - government voters|Gladstune and Lloyd George wil!) The Conservatives are anxious) seemed equally opposed to La-}lumber out of the political wild-/byt treat the losses philosophi- bor and snubbed both parties byjerness at the next election andjcally by pointing to the. tradi- turning towards the Liberals. (take a comfortable proportion cfitional slump that hits govern- 2 Easing of the squeeze and availability of money through the banks for housing and manufac- + turing did not markedly stimu-* late demanc for it--to the chag- rin of the banks. : Building concerns thrown out' of gear through the squeeze aret- showing no great hurry to get. their work forces into action; that it is the leadership which is at fault, The left, it is argued, MELBOURNE (CP)--In little/banks with an injunction to use more than a year, Australia has|this power to avoid a return to sampled an inflationary boom, a)former boom conditions. \gentle easing and now a com-| It vas clear, the reserve bank |plete thaw of the freeze. |said, that conditions in the sec- But am officiat announcement|ond half of 1960 whith had led that all brakes are off bank lend.|the bank to restrict some trading ing does not mean that the coun-| bank lending had passed. try can coast along financially) prices STABLE with the former gay abandon. Speculation in land, shares and The reserve bank has freed! other assets haa died down; the from the final squeeze elements,'halance of payments position had advances for instalment pur-)been strengthened and it seemed ses, imports and some forms|that prices now were generally of speculative investment. stable. In effect, general discretion| In these circumstance. it was has been restored to the trading'not considered necessary to = and they are, either voting Lib- era! or not voting at all. But! oi, truly represents the feel- why aren'. they voting Labor? ings. of the grass-roots followers Because, sa,s Labor left- of socialism. winger R. H. Cre in an) article, voters fail to find any constructive alternative in the party's program. There are two opposing views LONG TRIP ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--Paul Chan was reunited with his par- VSients here after a 12,200-mile about the Labor party. One is|flight from Kuala Lumpur, Ma-| that its present unpopularity is|jaya. Dr. and Mrs. Norman! the fault of wha. has been called|Chan, now on the staff of the its "diehard left," a group 0'/General Hospital here, had left some 59 to 75 MPs who consist-|the boy behind with grandpar- ently snipe at the party leader-'ents while they came to New- foundland to do postgraduate over-spending but that produc- On; tion sources and instalment pur-/factories with in accumulation' chase organizations will be over-/0f stocks do not yet want new slow in taking up funds avail-'finance for production; the check able. to instalment buying has left a' Some instaiment purchase substantial carry-over of durable companies which a few months|/consumer goods and appliances.' back felt themselves specially) No one, however, appears to™ vulnerable because of unemploy-|expect general immediate spec-" ment now have millions of their|tacular spending reactions from** own funds lying idle. Money due the abolition of bank restrictions)" ship This gives an impression of La-' work. 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