AMBASSADOR MAKES DENIAL Hans Kroll, West German ambassador to Moscow, talks with newsmen on arriving in Cologne, Germany, Tuesday, from the Russian capital Kroll denied that he over- stepped his competence in a recent conversation with So- . , Viet Premier Khrushchev on the Berlin crisis. --(AP Wirephoto via radio from Bonn) REC Executive Dies In Crash DEEP RIVER (CP)--Thomas Morison, 45, an executive of Atomic Energy of Canada Lim- ited, was killed Tuesday when his car crashed off Highway 17 on a sharp curve at Meilleur's Bay, five miles west of here. Mr. Morison was chairman of the Deep River public school board and manager of the ad- ministrative division of the Crown corporation, which oper- ates nuclear reactors near this town 150 miles northwest of Ot- tawa. Born in Crandall, Man., he at- tended Brandon College and the University of Toronto. He was chairman of the board of trus- tees of the Deep River Im- provement District from 1956 until this year, when the com- -munity was incorporated as a town. Mr. Morison joined Atomic Energy of Canada in 1946 at Chalk River. He is survived by his wife and three children. Luxury Liner Crew On Strike The walkout came about half-hour before the vessel was LIVERPOOL (AP)--Half the crew of the Canadian Pacific luxury liner Empress of Brit- ain walked off the ship Tuesday night, preventing her from sail- ing for Canada on schedule. due to depart. The crew mem- bers -- 200 deck and catering workers--claimed that the ship's boatswain had been threatening in his attitude and det..anded that he be replaced. Steamship Lines denied the charge anc said the walkout was engineered by subversives. ing to resolve the dispute and a bers. Officials of Canadian Pacific Company officials were seek- Brand awe Drugs Are Defended TORONTO (CP)--A drug ma- poses said Tuesday that government agencies have no way to test diugs they buy and that his firm spends money on quality control "'so we can sleep at nights." W. A. Leslie, chairman of the board of Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison, Limited, was testify- ing before the legislature's se- lect committee on drug prices. He defended the high price of brand-name drugs over those sold under generic names' on the grounds that high quality applies to the brand - name drugs Mr. Leslie said the main test of a drug is in the course of pro- duction and that while federal food and drug inspectors check the manufacturers' plants they can't do as much "'as they would like io." He also defended the much criticized direct-mail advertis- ing approach by drug manufac- turers to doctors. His firm cut out practically all such advertising last year '"'and we lost business, very def- initely." Brooklin Cattle Shown At Fair TORONTO (CP) -- The win- ner in a class described by judge Hilton Boynton of Dur- ham, N.H., as "the greatest class of four - year - olds I have qver seen," went on to win the senior and grand cham. pionships for holsteins at the Roya! Agricultural Winter Fair Tuesday. She was Bond Haven Signet Sally, owned by C. J. Cerswell of Beeton. Sally also won the Hawkherst Trophy as the best uddered female of the show and was one of a group that won the Henry Trophy for Cerswel! as the three best uddered fe- males. The reserve senior and re- serve grand championship was awarded to Sherholme Willow Grove Helen, who also headed the aged cows in milk' for Bai- ley Farms of Edmonton. Romandale Farms of Union- ville won both the premier breeder and premier exhibitor awards. Roy Ormiston of Brook- lin was runner-up for premier exhibitors. TAKES SEVERAL HONORS Mr. Ormiston showed a re- markable family of cows headed by Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign, the first prize dry aged cow, * Piuto won the Erle Kitchen Trophy as the top milk pro- ducer among the first prize winners of the show and com- bined with her second prize four - year - old daughter to win 'olby Trophy for the two best animals bred by one man. Finally, her four - year - old daughter and another daughter that stood first in the dry three- year - old class together won the Reid Trophy as the top pro- geny-of-dam. Ebydale Farms of Kitchener had the first junior get-of-sire and Elmcroft Farms of Beaver- ton had the winning three-year- old in milk. John Gillespie of Galt showed the winning dam and daughter combination for the McCarthy Trophy. There were six entries in the interprovincial class won by west central Ontario with east- central Ontario, Western Can- ada, western Ontario, eastern Ontario, and the Maritime prov- inces following in that order. LINERS HOSTS LONDON (CP) -- Ten ocean liners including the Russian ship Baltika, will be open to the public at various British sea- ports next month. It's part of Positive Stand Urged On U.S. OTTAWA (CP)--Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson said positive, independent stand in its dealings with the United States but cannot afford to in dulge in "anti-Americanism." He told a Kiwanis Ladies Club meeting that Canada is not either the United States or Brit- ain and should seek policies American policies. It was time Canada reversed the situation in which an Amer- ican president comes to Ottawa and tells the Canadian Parlia parently a reference to Presi: this year for Canadian member- ship in the Organization of American States. In an address dealing mainly with international affairs, the Social Credit leader said Can- ada is engaged in a war for the minds of men, in which the stakes are as great as in the two world wars. He said that "dictatorial so- cialism," which subverted the interests of the individual to those of the state, had placed the "once vibrant strong force of Christian democracy on the defensive."" The democratic so- ciety appeared to be plagued "Ocean Travel Fortnight." with apathy and carelessness. | ment what to do. This was ap- | dent Kennedy's exhortation here |g THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 15, 1961 1] Tuesday Canada must take al tied to the apron - strings of |e which might even help guide/® located off the Atlantic Coast on the Golden Isles of 1 oor aenanre temronns | ++. Ocean ing, 5 }» sunoli Private pool. Skeet shoots. Svidear dancing ee and entertoi Cuisine. Fascinating ' commodotions. Club-like atmosphere. Riding trails. Yacht Club. Golf course. Everything to moke you enjoy your vacation. Write today. to reach substitute crew mem- OSHAWA BAILEY FOODS LID. AJAX THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA WEST HILL Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday CHOCOLATE A NEW CAKE YOU WILL TURF TRADITION Horse racing has been known as "the sport of kings" since Toyalty early took a warm in- FRESH CHERRY Shop at the' bakery DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 47« 51s LIKE PIE FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR with the large variety. OUT terest in turf events in England. OF ELECTRIC KETTLE REG, 7.99 6.88 3-qt. size. Thermostatic con- trol. Non-scrotch bokelite base, chrome body. C.S.A. approved. TOASTER REG, 9,99 8.88 Beoutifully designed' chrome body. Crumb tray for easy cleaning. C5S.A. approved. TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL BUY NOW AND PAY LATER! Ask About ZELLER'S Convenient "CHARGE-IT" PLANS NO DOWN PAYMENT SPECIAL! ALUMINUM FRY PAN REG. 12.99 LIBBY'S FANCY IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR DOMINION GOOD ENOUGH FOR you! r If yon've ever bought a roast that just didn't cook up perfectly, the fault is very likely the fact that the flavour and juicy tenderness you wanted weren't there in the first place! So why continue to risk disappointment? Switch te DOMINION and see the world of difference in beef... good looking, tender and juicy, red or blue brand beef, selected by experienced Dominion meat Fruit Cocktail 4 LIBBY'S FANCY Tomato Juice 2 LIBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI 6 ONLY AT DOMINION -- BRAESIDE MEDIUM FRESH EGGS ~ 49¢ ONLY AT DOMINION--DOMINO LIQUID Special ! Detergen HEINZ Tomato 24-0Z. TIN 45: Soup 15-0Z. 48-07. TINS 15-0Z. 32-0Z. TIN 10-0Z. TIN AT DOMINION YOU ENJOY AN MEASURE QUALITY experts, Every day, they inspect rows and rows of beef sides... hundreds of them... hanging in the cold rooms at the packers, They may all be red or blue brand -- yet only one out of ten is good enough for Dominion. That's why you always enjoy an EXTRA MEASURE of Qualfty at DOMINION ... at no extra cost! Meet the man behind the meat counter today at DOMINION} Special ! $1 Special f ode Special ! TINS CANADA'S FINEST GOVT. INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF ! BONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST . ROUND END RUMP Ib. . $1 TINS STEAK OR ROAST PORTERHOUSE - WING T-BONE - SIRLOIN Ib. 85< FRESHLY GROUND, LEAN 3d: FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING--CHOPPED BEEF 25: SUET ode Special f it: SWIFT'S CANADIAN EVERSWEET SIDE RINDLESS BACON C Ib a CHOICE SKINNED--SLICED BEEF 39: LIVER ONTARIO FANCY GRADE -- WOLF RIVER vey COOKING APPLES QT. ¢ 39 4 Don't Let the Low Price Fool You... Try 'em! | Domino FROZEN FOODS! 10.88 Size 10% x 10% inches. 1150-watt electric fry pan. Heat-resistant handle, Tem- perature guide. C.S.A. ap- proved, Make o test, Try one of the DOMINO fresh frozen frotty »ve2@nd one of the DOMINO frozen vegetobles. You™ wonder why you ever paid much more! Premium quolity @t @ low, low price, Only et Dominion, of counel OMin, STRAWBERRIES /AAEEREE FLORIDA NO. 1 -- SEEDLESS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT ONTARIO NO. 1 -- WINTER KEEPERS NEW POTATOES Garden-Fresh Vegetables! 10. 25 45 39: VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IN OSHAWA & WHITBY UNTIL 6 P.M. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1961. OMINION DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PH: 723-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PH: 723-2209 ZELLER'S LIMITED