10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 15, 1961 7 2 CONVENER Mrs. dies' Civitan Club. --Oshawa Times Photo HOUSEHOLD HINT Drawn window shades night will house, summer or winter. The Dr. C. F. Cannon Home and School Association held its regular meeting recently at the school with Mr. Walter Ham presiding. ' Mr. G. A. Korry, principal of the school, gave his report on the emergency alert program. He said children will vacate the school but will not be sent home. There are 597 children enrolled to date in this school and all will participate in the drill. The safety patrols have been assigned to their duties and Mr. Swain Van Camp will be Importance of Education Theme of Talk At H-S Meeting nation must stay in school if they are to meet, and cope, with the challenge pf the future, he said. The population growth seek- ing work will be of crucial im- portance. Advanced technology, automation and increased de- mand for professional services will be, required for practically all jobs. Finding a job is more difficult for the non-graduate and drop-outs, especially as he |grows older anc is less able for |physical work. "Don't let the financial as-| | Tips To Simplify Home Chores | During the day's chores around the house, some of the greatest frustrations can result from the most ridiculous little snags. Every homemaker has| her list of pet peeves and often she's rather chagrined to dis- cover that they could be so easily handled. | | SOME ANNOYANCES | Maybe you washed the vine- gar cruet, but-it absolutely re- fuses to dry thoroughly inside. |Maybe you used waxy chalk to jmark the hemline of a dress jand you can't get it off! Maybe ithe food blender made you jangry because you couldn't get at that last particle of food un- \der the blades. to remind you of some 'little household hints that you prob- ably once knew and just forgot. For instance, consider that garment you're heming up Next time, mark the hemline with nothing more commonplace than a bit of soap. It makes a fine guide line, yet it will wash out perfectly when gone over with a damp cloth or when the dress is laundered. As for that food blender, don't fight with it--just let it wash itself. HOT SUDS Fill it half full of hot suds and turn it on to high speed to {do a quick and efficient job Rinse it in the same manner and every last tiny particle of food has been routed. As for that vinegar cruet, and not forgetting its opposite num- ber, the salad oil cruet, just fill These little annoyances are these containers almost full of William Witham is general convener of the night of cards to be held at Hills- dale Manor in February un- der the auspices of the La- pect of any education deter you for a_ college children's assisting Constable William] ; Tane with arranging the patrols|rom planning ili education far your a A Arte many ont Cedar | rature," Mr. Williams _ said. : |Financial assistance {s open As a safety precaution, any-\through scholarships, bursar- one having suggestions oNnjies and educational loans. Many where sidewalks could be Of/companies assist their student help for school children wexe/ employees in getting additional asked to contact Mr. Korry at/education. For students who the school, jleave school berause of neces- Mr. Ham introduced the guest|sities beyond control, he or she speaker, Mr. eo §. Williams,|can still continue to obtain an Administrator, Gereral Motors|education through night school at|scholarship program, who open-jor correspondence courses. Re- help insulate yourjed his address with "Why Stay|wards will be worth all efforts in School?" The youth of this expended. jlegion and how they do irk!| warm to hot suds. Swish them |These may be the vicissitudes of around briskly, then rinse thor- jhomemaking life, but why let oughly. Then use your little por-| |the same ones keep on repeat- sable hair dryer to blow warm ing themselves? air inside and dry up all drops.| This seems like a good day) nq for a final reminder--if| "ees ~~ 'you find that safety pins balk) Parents were urged to sup-|when working them into any-| port and consider all the educa-jthing from Baby's diaper to aj tional facilities and pursue them|tough 'piece of fabric, just stick] as far as humanly possible. the pins into a bar of soap be-, The next meeting will be held|fore you stick them into anys, December 12 with a Christmas|thing else. The soap will lubri-| wrogram. Refreshments we rejcate the pins so that they will served by Mrs. George Ellis'glide into the fabric easily. and room mothers. All so simple, isn't it? FRESH-KILLED -- NOT FROZEN GRADE 'A' OVEN READY 4 TO 6 LBS. TURKEYS GROUND FROM RED BRAND BEEF MINCED BEEF SELECTED RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON Cut from Red Brand Beef -- Boneless STEWING BEEF ,, 49° § WIENERS ib. > lb. 59. 3-LB. BAG Firm Imported PACKAGE 1.00 CELLO BAG OF 50 National Tea Bags When you buy 2 pkgs. ot regular price of 45c per pkg. 4 ¢ 4 Io IT'S BAKING TIME! . . . Aylmer Cut Mix Pee AUSTRALIAN ' Sultana Raisins 2 DALTON'S Jolly Good Dates SUPREME Walnut Pieces 8-Oz. Pkg. 22° 53° Lbs. 9. 16-Oz. Pkg. 29° 7Qz. cello 43° . Serve With Wieners 39° COMPARE AT 23c!. . LIBBY'S Sauerkraut 2 LALA AS PPP PAP ING FREE! 5 - lbs. Gran. Sugar with the purchase of 4-G.E. Light Bulbs at Regular Price. 28-02, TINS COMPARE AT 29¢ AND 31c! -- "K' CEREAL -- CORN FLAKES -- RICE KRISPIES -- YOUR CHOICE KELLOGG'S CEREALS COMPARE AT 91c! 12¢ OFF PACK! 3 PKGS. 79° FANC COMPARE A COMPARE AT 37c!--PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT STOKELY'S PING DRINK 3 COMPARE AT 2 FOR 39c 48-0Z. TINS $1 Y PEAS" Av: 69° T 2 FOR 27c! CHILD GUIDANCE When you are helping your child who has trouble spelling woras of tws or more syllables do this: Have him look at the word printed boldly and clearly, pre- ferably alone on a card. Pro- nounce the word for him, being sure to enunciate each syllable distinctly. Have him pronounce it after you, repeating after you if he doesn't enunciate well. Often a child misspells a syl- | |tinetly. | A Step-By-Step Program To Create Good Speller If he doesn't know the mean- ing of the word, tell him. Then, while he is looking right} at the word, ask him to pro-| nounce it and say aloud its let- ters in right sequence. Have him repeat this whole perform- ance at least four or five times, being sure he is still looking carefully at the word. Be calm, helping him also to be calm. He will want to look away too svon and try himself lable because he had not said|out on the word. or heard it correctly and dis-/ WRITE FROM MEMORY | It might help him to write} the word after he has carefully, practiced spelling it correctly right before his eyes, provided he does not try too soon to write it from memory. Ignore the usuai method of having him look away and write the word, after he has pronounced and spelled it just once while look- ing at it. Writing a word so soon is pretty sure to cause him to write it wrong, the worst pos- sible thing he could -do. Allowed to choose his own way, the child with a list of words to study will almost surely study the first word only once and then go to the next, the next, and so on. It's impor- jtant to keep him on one word until he has mastered its spell- ing without doubt. If you try him out tod soon, he will spel) some of them wrong. As he does spell a word wrong, you will incline te have hima correct it from sound, Don't do this Have him go back and look carefully at the word again. Aim always to cause him te make it a habit to look back at any word of whose spelling he is doubtful. Aim to help him avoid spell- ing any word wrong, and to ac- quire a good spelling con- science, LET'S HAVE A PARTY Rent Dishes, Cutlery, Punch Bowls, Etc., from Sargeant's Rental 725-3338 Money-Saving SPECIALS! EVELYN HOWARD THEATRICAL COLD CREAM , pouns ves. 2% G DEETEE BRAND A.S.A TABLETS 100, 79° REG. 69c SIZE CUTEX HAND CREAM 2 ,., 98° 1333" Man Size DELUXE ASSORTMENT CHRISTMAS CARDS WHEN WET OR DRY BECAUSE Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service I-D-A- DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! " Softerized STRONGER TOO ws MELOBONDED! 2 for 65¢ 50 ,., 88 WRITING PADS Reg. 10c 8 2... 15 "ECONOMY" ENVELOPES Reg. 10c 8 2... 15¢ 4 KRONA EDGE INJECTOR BLADES WITH 98c SIZE SCHICK INJECTOR BLADES.,.98¢ METRECAL 8-02. biquid or powder but a tube of flowing plastic that cushions er. One applica- tion lasts weeks. 1.95 a4 Better 6 ways! Not a paste sore spots and keeps false 29c, 6 for 1.69, 48 for 13.25 8-07. 99%c, 12 for 11.75 3%4-lb. powder 5.69, 6 for 32.95 SHULTON 'DESERT FLOWER" HAND and BODY LOTION 8-oz, Reg. 2.50 1.25 Frosst N.C.F. Vita Pops Maintinets Mead's Mulcin Viterra Plus Vita Diet Paramette Syrup Scott's Emulsion Squibb 10-D Cod Liver Oil AN 89c BRUSH FREE PLUS 2 REG. 69c¢ DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSHES ..,... 1.38 el 15¢ Black, Menthol end Wild Cherry. Stops throat tickle. VITAMINS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR INFANTS Mead's Tri-Vi-Sol Mead's Oleum Percomorphum Frosst Ostoco Drops . Horner's Infantol Liquid 1.10, FOR CHILDREN Allenbury's Haliborange Mead's 10-D Cod Liver Oil FOR ADULTS Abdol with Minerals Frosst Beforte Tablets Waterbury's Compound with C & G 1.D.A. BRANDS 1.25, SORE | PAIN RELIEF IN CHEWING GUM FORM | Goes where the pain is. 50c 1.00 2.10, 3.60, 5.25 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 1.45, 3.75, 5.85 1.80, 2.95, 4.25 2.25, 3.50, 6-25 1.20, 3.80 2.29, 4.79, 8.49 5.50, 9.85 1.00, 2.00 RONSON'S NEW TYPHOON Is the lowest priced Ron- son ever -- and the most windproof lighter of all. Sleek, modern design in four gold and silver-tone finishes, all at one low 2.95 RONSON PIONEER 495 1.05, 2,40 .... 2.80, 5-95 2.00, 5.50 1.05, 2.35 1.95, 3.25, 5.50 3.95, 5.95 . 1.60, 4.25 2.98, 4.80, 6.50 1.95, 495 EXPORT CIGARETTES Plain or Filter Tip GIANT CHEER we, 69° COMPARE AT 1.04 -- 10c OFF! CHICKEN NOODLE TOMATO VEGETABLE HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES LIPTON SOU 6... 69° COMPARE AT 26c LB. COMPARE AT 57c! NESCAFE INSTANT COF COMPARE AT 75c! -- ROBIN HOOD FRUIT CAKE MIX GEM MARGARINE FROZEN FOOD FEATURE BIRDS EYE PEAS COMPARE AT 2 for 49c! -- OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner of KING «7 RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA. 6-02. JAR 89° 67 93° 30-0Z PKG. MILK 1-LB, PKGS. 4 2-Ib. Poly 49° 4 6-0Z. 85° TINS COMPARE AT 2 FOR 39c! -- FANCY QUALITY CREAM CORN" COMPARE AT $1.09 -- CARNATION INSTANT COMPARE AT 33c!-- POTATOE OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 15-OZ. 4 TINS 69° er xe, 29° POWDER SHIRRIFF INSTANT STORE HOURS NIGHTS TILL 10 O'CLOCK \ 00's 1.15 8 VITAMINS 100 reg. 6.00 250's 2.29 IDAMALT (EXTRACT OF MALT AND COD LIVER OIL) 79° 1.29. 2.39 COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES IDAVITES Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Capsules 12 MINERALS SPECIAL 3 FOR | 1.88 500's 4,29 Holds Dentures Fast--all day ! 49c, 89c Use Ora Denture Cleanser, too. EVELYN HOWARD HAND and BODY LOTION 1.00 725-1169 723-4621 JAMIESON'S 241 KING ST. EAST KARN'S 28 KING ST. EAST . LAW 1204 WECKER DRIVE 725-3525 POWELLS 35% SIMCOE ST. N. 725-4734 McCORDICK 360 WILSON RD. S. MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-8711 723-3431