: l Jeannette Dyl, James Fallon [fisst'tea'win's bi fr) PERSONALS ae Exchange Vows At St. Hedwig's nea" eek ar Seal hat. The bridegroom's mother oe ig vw goings of guests are always of assisting was in green silk. Each thauenst: th tite aokae 4 drive south, opened her home on Tuesday evening to the The marriage of Jeannette Theresa Dyl and James Glenn wore a corsage of pink roses. Later the couple left for a frente Shy gating Sn of wedding Pra a -- Pd reading group of the Lyceum news for which there is no ; ' motor, For going '4 Club and Women's Art Asso- charge. Telephone 723-3474, Falloon was solemnized recently|quets of white and yellow ciation. The program arranged at St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic) chrysanthemums. by members of the group was Church. f | Mr. Edward Kolodzie was The bride is the daughter of|pest man. Ushering were bride wore a beige sheath wool a review of the lives of ten Mrs. John Dyl of-Oshawa andiyroccrs) Frank Cook, Stanley son, Bernice Ole, Mrs. Wiliam Martin. Refreshments were served by Mrs. William Hig- gins, Mrs. Harry Linde, Mrs. Edward Warburton, Mrs. Leslie Noble, Mrs. John MacLean, Mrs. Gordon Burley, Mrs. Gey ald Estabrooks, Mrs. Wilson Neil, Mrs. Norman Gibson, Mrs. Douglas Oke and Mrs. Donald Lilley. Mr. Bruce Affleck, crown at- torney, will address the Harvey- Hunt Missionary Auxiliary on "Community Friendship" at the November meeting this week to be held in the Memo- rial Hall of Simcoe Street United Church. Teas, birthday parties, wed- SHOP at BUEHLER'S -- FOR - wore matching rose - petal- led hats and carried bou- HOUSEHOLD HINT A'tiny flashlight attached to a key chain is designed espe- Pe for locating locks in the dar! When need "HOME-RURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "tome ttaring Coe tr Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic FRIDAYS ond SATURDAYS AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 BEAUTIFUL DOLLS REFLECT GENEROUS HEARTS MEAT SPECIALS for Thurs., Fri., Sal. STEAKS ROASTS jersey dress with matching ac- cessories. The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa. Out of town guests were great philosophers. the late Mr. Dyl and the bride- y lev Skotnid. J present from Depew, New York;| West Courtice Home and groom is the son of Mr. and|Marchut. Stanley Skotnicki, Jo-|p 61, n.y,; Hamilton, Grims-|School Associetion held a card Mrs. James Falloon of Hamilton.|seph Kolodzie and Blaine by, Toronto, Oakville and Flint party recently. The prize win- The Reverend Felix Kwiat-|Boswell. A reception wag held|DY, "oron'o, 'Iners for cards were Mrs. Leo- kowski officiated. The wedding]at Club 401. To receive, the!Michigan. nard Nicholson, Mr. T. Gear- music was played by Mrs. ing, Mrs. Reginald Stephens, Garry Booth who was also the Mr. Carson Heard, Mrs. Orville soloist and the hymns were | Greer, Mrs. William McKay. sung by St. Hedwig's choir. \ Dorothy Barnett, Mrs. Harry Given fi marrage by her e ° Linde. Winners of door prizes bride wore a full-length gown e Mrs. Edward Tonkin, Ella Daw- of white delustered satin fash- }lioned with a scoop neckline| SCHOOL OF DANCING outlined with guipure lace and three-quarter length sleeves. The D.E.A. basque bodice was draped with a tiny cross-sashed waist and a full sweeping skirt that pouf- i |fed in the back above a chapel train. A crown of pearls and sequins held her bouffant veil of tulle illusion and her bouquet was a mauve orchid surrounded by white sweetheart roses. | The maid -of-honor was Miss| Joan Marchut and the other at-| |tendants were Miss Wand al Zielinski, Miss Irene Dyl, Mrs. pes Demus Condos, Miss Eleanor} Latawiee and Miss Jean Cran- iston. All were identically gown-| led in mauve silk organza| designed with round necklines, | Mrs. Max Crozier and Mrs. ; th. Festival of Gifts, taking | 1959 the auxiliary has paid |short ruffled sleeves and full J. G. Carter, general conven- | place in the cafeteria on Fri- Tt. off its original pledge shirred skirts having two rows ér of the gift shop operated | day afternoon. The dolls, espinal ia vg Pong xt oe ne by the Women's Auxiliary of | beautifully dressed to the last y pi jabove the -- ee sia BEEF e SIRLOIN e WING BONELESS e ROUND STEAK er ROAST BONELESS Gifts is its major fund-raising | -- the Oshawa General Hospital, | detail, are the contribution of | | effort in this humanitarian admire the dolls of all na- | members of the auxiliary and | e work ' tions that will be featured in | sucial and ethnic clubs. Since --Oshawa Times Photo GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARTES GIRL GUIDE ASSN. LOUIE HOGAN AUX. jsaid that parents must help! (Adelaide District) The monthly meeting of the|their children see -that they The November meeting of The|Louie Hogarth WMS Auxiliary;make books and knowledge a A W T U R 0 Pp T \ Girl Guide Local Association,|of Albert Stree. United Church|part of themselves and that it : ® RUM ROAS 2 Adelaide District was held re-|was held recently in the Friend-|is a privilege to have a chance Get set for the festive season ahead... make your appointment now, for a flat- tering new hair style and soft curl per- manent. Telephone 725-7878 cently at Guide House with Mrs./ship room. In the alsence of|to read Ib. ask for one of our 5 stylists R. J. Manning presiding. the president, Mrs. Wilbur) Mrs. Tamblyn and Mrs. Mrs. D. J. Bowler read the|Down took charge of the meet-| Anderson were thanked by Mrs.| Thick RIB ROAST . : . = | minutes and Mrs. Frank Stevens|ing which was opened with the'Mansell Gerrow. Refreshments the treasurer's report. reading of a poem. Mrs. Roy|were served by the mothers of Boneless SHOULDER Meaty BLADE ROAST ie Front Quarters ~~ . 39 H # Hind Quarters vu 99 It was stated that the training|Corbman led in the devotional) the pupils in Mr. G. W. Junkin's CUT AND WRAPPED FREE school, held in Whitby, had been|Period, based on "Light." Mrs.| room, most rewarding to those who|Creswell Bassinge read the|/---- had attended and it's hoped to ro ke dg ee were have more in the future. jread by Mrs. Walter Cole: ' Reports were read by the rep-| A bale is to be packed No-| LONDON (CP)--Artist Mich- resentatives from the 2, 10, 11,;vember 22 at 1 o'clock. ael Osterwei! is exhibiting his 16, 17 Brownies: 2 10, 11 16) The study book, based on the; works in two suburban laun- Guides: 2. 11. 17 Parent Com.|chapter, "Old and New Cana- drettes that he owns. He imittees,. The Badge secretary| ans," was in the charge ofjsays housewives look at the reported three 2nd class and| MIS: John Lowry and Mrs. Wil-|pictures there, then bring their eight proficiency and five Gold jliam Stallibrass. The ~h E ee gg back to purchase A Es "\Larke spoke, briefly and the|them be Frome and eight proficiency| meeting closed with refresh- t Les ments served by Mrs. Samuel | The meeting closed With the A hi reminder that annual reparts|- ee MARY STREET H-S are due in December. ' Mrs. H. B. Armstrong, presi-| 18TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.| dent, presided at the November} The 18th Scout Mothers' Aux-|meeting of Mary Street Home iliary held its regular meeting|and School Association. The at Courtice United Church with|minutes were read by Mrs.| president, Mts. Charles Car-|pruce Sonley and Mrs. Wilfred penter, presiding Hambly gave the treasurer's Annual reports were given by| report secretary, Mrs. Carman Thomp- SALES CENTRE (yo? BEAUTY LOUNGE -81 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ARTURO (Art) Stylist, formerly of the Park Plaza, Regency Towers. FREEZER SPECIAL MILK- Attendance prizes were son, treasurer's report by Mrs Orville Rahme, sewing conven- er, Mrs. Rudo!Jph Thehnert and| Sunshine convener, Mrs. Robert) Courtice. The Christmas party will be held at Courtice Church, De-\school principal, cember 14 with the 50c. ex- change of gifts and the Hawke Patrol in charge. The Eagle Patrol will have awarded to Mrs. Harry Keyes for the junior departments and Mrs. F. Lawrence for the sen- ior departments. Mrs. Gerald Harper, the spoke briefly regarding the emergency relief tests planned by the Govern- ment and reported that a_ sur- vey of children in the district Get Out Your List Right Now! AND BE SURE TO... FED VEAL ee SIRLOIN ROAST SHOULDER CHOPS was being arranged. He men- tioned that two classes from charce of th hristinae Mary street will be attending pom e Cub Christmas the McLaughlin Library. He : ' tated that the safety patrols Mrs. Orville Rahme showed a ane working very well. ia display of costume jewelry. All a proceeds of the sales were given to the Scouts. Refreshments were served by the Eagle Patrol with Mrs. Ray charge. of the Scout Christmas party The Fox patrol will have MAIL YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY! For you folks who like your Christmas Greetings to arrive on time, Kresge's are now displaying an early assortment of ... BOXED CARDS 51 CARD--BOXED ASSORTMENT GENERAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS COMPLETE WITH ENVELOPES LOIN & RIB CHOPS uv. 69° LEAN, SLICED -- COOKED HAM w./9: SEE WHAT 1.00 WILL BUY (3-Ib.) SKINLESS WIENERS for 1.00 or 5 Ibs. 1.59 (4-lbs.) BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE (5-Ibs.) MEATY PORK HOCKS (4-Ibs.) LEAN RIB STEW BEEF (3-Ibs.) SMOKED BACCN SQUARES (2-Ibs,) SMALL LINK PORK SAUSAGES (3-[bs.) VEAL PATTIES (4-Ibs.) FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE Mrs. Bryce Brown introduced Mrs. J. C. Anderson, a former member of Mary Street H-S |Association gnd now a member fen' einen of H-S Council, who spoke on Barber sn charge. the origin and the present work} LOYAL WORKERS of the Courtice Memorial Mrs Bert Howlett presided at|Library. She recommended sev- the meeting of the Loyal Work-|eral books which she~had ers of Kinz Street United brought with her and placed Church and read a poem en-|them on display. titled "Take Time." Mrs. Brown then For the devotional period Mrs.|/Mrs, J. C. Tamblyn, a former Cecil Tindall read a story on|teacher, who spoke on chil- 'Hope and Faith" which was/dren's reading. She stressed the followed by prayer. Mrs. Sam-/fact that a child who is early uel Jude read Psalm 84 anditaken to the Library soon "The Reason I'm Happy' was/acquires a habit that may last read by Mrs. Ernest Brown.|/him throughoui his life. She Mrs Howlett urged the mem-|-------------- | bers to attend the last meeting of the King Street United FRAMING? Church Woman's Missionary So- SEE 4 introduced BUY 5 LBS. SAUSAGE MEAT FOR 1.00 GET 5 LBS. FREE! FRE CUT UP CHICKEN @ LEGS @ THIGHS 39° ® Pag 1.00 BREAST lb, ..... @ GIBLETS ¢ @ LIVER POLISH SAUSAGE KIELBOSSA NEW SEASON'S SAUERKRAUT ciety which will be a Christmas meeting Mrs Edward Sills gave the financial report and all were reminded of the Loyal Workers' last meeting on December 13, which will end the group's work as Woman's Missionary Society members. | "A Day by Day Story' was read by two members, Mrs.| Theodore Wilkins taking Sunday, to Wednesday and Mrs. Herbert! McLaughlin Thursday to Satur- day Mrs Tindall and her com-; mittee si nts. ALL MIXED UP? First a spoon. . stir .. 16 CARD--BOXED ASSORTMENT RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS CARDS INCLUDING ENVELOPES . @ NECKS 2-Ibs. .. 19° oie . 53° vy. 59° 2 uw 29° BUEHLERS Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF | 12 KING E. Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 21 CARD--BOXED ASSORTMENT GENERAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS © COMPLETE WITH ENVELOPES . 15 CARD--BOXED ASSORTMENT BEAUTIFUE CHRISTMAS FOLDERS EVERYONE DIFERENT INDIVIDUAL CARDS GENERAL GREETING -- FAMILY AND RELIGIOUS ... measuring cup... . clean up what's spilled . . . LET'S JUST PICK-UP A STOP THROW-AWAY CARTON OF PURE SKIM MILK "At The Store or at Your Door" Dial 728-6241 . add water... stir and ladle out each glass -- wt Meal Dairy Lin , aecugee | TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE