Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1961, p. 7

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Radio Operators New Guinea | Locate Rare Drug DAVISVILLE, RI. (AP) --\with the U.S. Navy expedition Because a little girl is sick in a at Ellsworth in Antarctica, one remote village in Argentina,/in Chile, another in Argentina, |five ham. radio operators-Stayed'and the fifth in Chicago. at their. microphones throughout The sick child is the daughter most of Sunday night to locate of the police chief in the village a rare medicine she needs. scattered over ( | and it was sent by jet aircruaft i of Veija Constitution in Argen- tina. A radio ham there sent word o another. in Chile that the wi : m _ child was dying of internal The radio operators were bleeding and that the village They found it--in Belgium-- o South America. half the globe. doctor said only a rare medi- 2, help her. ss The Chilean passed on the vertising message to Ellsworth, where a operator on the side relayed it jto Chief Petty Officer Paul ore QM King. a radio ham at the Davis- ville navy supply depot. A ine was in Rhode Island, one cing not available there, could navy man who is a ham radio Chicago ham also picked up the message. BEGINS SEARCH TORONTO (CP)--A survey of King informed his superior, |\Cmdr. Robert C. Ingram, who - ed THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 14, 1961 7 Worries Hampton Australia KITCHENER (CP) -- Austra lane) x each matali will reject a resolution backed prizes in the cheviot division of by the Communist bloc calling ne sheep competition at the den for independence for all colon-| Roya} ies, the Australian high com- Monday. missioner to Canada said Mon- : dav. Mr Ayre's David Hay said in an inter- judged first and second in all,'s view, "Y'e are particularly con-|/but two of the nine classes. He} cerned with Ncw Guinea, where took first place in He said that before New Gui-! ojacss nea, the Comonwealth's larg- PE est island without independence, 8 can gain. freedom, Australia wants a firm base there for in- dependence. Of the 2,000,000 people, he es- timated 50 per cev:t are in the primitive stage, and of the 25) per cent receiving education,| most are just coming to the point of accepting responsibil- ity. Dearing and Son With Cheviots : CP Aus! TORONTO (CP) -- Boyd Ayre|sheep lia hopes the United Nations of Hampton won the bulk of the won ail nine categories Agricultural Winter Fair champion ram of the Oxford'deveic.ment in the down entries were'class Elmwood the flock| Champion and we don't want another Congo." class and first in the four-lamb P/O" ewe in the class The Lincoln sheep champion. ter of energy resources in the : of Ship and reserve championship Exeter took all the honors in|went to entries by H. M. the Dorset horn division of thel!and Sons, Highgate Winner Macaulay Uses Father's Bible TORONTO (CP) -- A Bible used by Leopold Macaulay at swearings-in during the early 1230s was used Monday by his son, Robert, when he was sworn Low-/in as minister of energy . -- named sources and of commerce and Ontario class. Dearing entries An entry of Cyrus E Smithville, was division in the Reserve champion owhed by Emke which also sheep government. ram Mr. Macaulay was absent on Brothers business Wedn-sday when the had the other members of Premier Ro- reserve cham-:barts's new cabinet took the oaths of of ice. He was minis- previous admiristration of Pre- mier Frost. The oaths were administered at a private ceremony Monday. Lee most major drug manufacturers in Canada shows they spent an javerage of 26.7 per cent of their Inet sales last year on selling 'and advertising and 3.4 per cent jon research. /began a search of naval supply sources for the medicine. The Chicago ham, Walter Cuga, reported by radio that he was trying medical supply ; houses in Illinois The figures. were presented The medicine Monday to a select committee found. but the Notice-Of-Survival | Cards Stockpiled | TORONTO (CP) -- Change-! could not be 'of address and notice - of- 4-doy treatment SPLASH BY SEPARATISTS | Unrkown painters splashed separatist slogans on this Montreal mdhument to Sir | Georges-Etienne Cartier, a | Father of Confederation. The ; Quebec libre' (long live free slogans read "a bas la con- Quebec). federation' (down with con- federation) and "vive le --(CP Wirephoto) Indian Romance _ Non-Political On Rockier Road OTTAWA (CP)--The so-called) 'love affair' between Canada| and India is becoming a rockier| road for romance all the time.) The latest lovers' quarrel,| like the prev:ous one, stems from the fact that both Com- monwealth countries are me- bers of the international truce Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam More than two years ago, In- dia objected strongly to Can- ada's insistence that the Laos comission be withdrawn The Canadian government's position was that the commis- sion had no further entitlement to function in Laos when the established government of that time said the commission wasn't needed any longer As it turned out, civil war broke out again in Laos and the commission had to return. The Geneva conference which as-/ sembled in mid-May to guaran- tee the neutrality of Laos is still going on. SITUATION WORSENS In the meantime, the situa- tion in South Viet Nam has de- teriorated because of the in- creasing guerilla campaign be-| ing waged by the Communist Viet Cong. In Ottawa's opinion, the hard core of the guerilla force comes from Communist Nam and this may represent a violation of the Indochina truce agreements signed at Geneva in 1954 and which Canada, India) and Poland have been supervis-| ing ever since. At least some of the blame for this situation is placed at the commission, for allegedly not being prepared to investi- Voodoo Aircraft Greet Air Crews North Viet! the door of India, chairman 0! "|stores would view goods on a} Basis For High Commissioner By J. C. GRAHAM ' Canadian Press Correspondent Consequently, there is some i : 6 tendency here to be sympathe- AUCKLAND (CP) -- With the tie with United States plans to|appointment of John Stanhope gate reported violations of the truce agreement lhelp build up South Viet Nam's|Reid as New Zealand high com- the guerillamissioner to Canada, the post operations has again been filled on a non- political basis. STATES VIEW Reid, lawyer turned career Indian Prime Minister Nehru diplomat, is a senior member said in Washington last week of New Zealand's department that the deterioration in. the of external affairs as was his South Viet Nam situation could predecessor at Ottawa Foss be checked if the commission Shanahan. Previously, the posi- got the co-operation of all na- tion was often given to political tions appointees Nehru. is reported to have' Chief question mark attach- told President Kennedy thatiing to the. appointment is U.S. military shipments to/whether' Reid will combine the South Viet Nam would result in:post with that of New Zealand forces there by Communist|permanent delegate to the states, United Nations in New York. The view here is that U.S. ac-/Shanahan combined the two tions in the situation reflect the|jobs and as a resvi. spent much failure of the commission to'time in New York. He has been function properly. recalled to external affairs du- Expert Sees Rap ace Pushbutton Shopping This post had not been com- TORONTO defences against bined with the high commis- sionership in Canada _ before Shanahan's appointment. TOOK LAW DEGREE Reid, 60, has held a succes- sion of overseus appointments since the war and has _ spe- cialized in Far Eastern affairs (CP) -- Pushbut- Born in Wellington and educated ton shopping at highway super- at Petone District High School | : markets built like drive-in the-/@md Victoria University, Well- atres is in store for shoppers of ington, he took a law degree. the future, a New York mar-| He was in private practice keting expert said Monday. for 11 years, then transfer: a Robert A. Whitney, president} !® government service. He A ; |served as a parliamentary law of the Marketing Audits Insti- re s s . tute, said customers at these draftsman and later became treasury solicitor Appointed to the diplomatic service, Reid becme first sec- retary at the New Zealand em- bassy in Washington in 1943 and remained there for six years He returned.to New Zealand as screen, make their choice by puaching a button and pick up their packages as they drive out He told the Toilet Goods Ma- hams did learn'survival cards for every Cana- i have EDMONTON (CP)--Kighteen|nufacturers A sso ciation that) assistant secretary: of external sleek Voodoo aircraft, Canada's|persons under 13 and over 65/affairs and spent some years newest all-weather jet fighter| will provide growing new mar- deeply involved in helping to of the Ontario legislature inves- that it was lable. in ligating drug costs, which re- cium, A new message was sent sumed A Ha . ngs after a to the naval attache at the U.S summer-long lapse embassy in Brussels. Prepured by Toronto accoun-, A few hours later came the tant Arthur J. Little at the in-|word that a supply of 30 phials stigation of the Canadian Phar-iof the rare drug had been put maceutical Manufacturers ASs- aboard a jet .plane, consigned sociation, the figures follow ato the chief of the U.S. naval survey of 40 drug companies) mission at Buenos Aires which represent an estimated) The U.S. embassy there was 90 per cent of total Canadian ¢ojq in another message to start pharmaceutical sales. the medicine off for the interior The 40 companies reported to-,when it arrived tal income for 1960 of $128,203,- 000, of which net sales ac- counted for $107,994,000, or 84.3 per cent The report said it cost 440,000 to manufacture or .ur- chase goods for resale. Re- search accounted for $4,245,000 and selling and advertising for $33,769,000. After all expneses and taxes, the firms reported net profits of $6,998,000, or 5.5 per cent, Of the 40 companies, eight were described as being Cana- dian controlled. Twenty - three were controlled by United) States firms, four each by Brit- ish and Swiss. companies and one by a Swedish company $53,- Robbers Escape Taking $5,000 TORONTO (CP) -- Two men with silk stocking masks and clad in trench coats held up the} manager of Home Smith Prop-| erties Limited and a woman! necessary cash, clerk in a parking lot Monday and escaped with between $4,009) and $5,000 in cash and cheques. One of the bandits carried a sawed-off shotgun. The holdup occurred in the parking lot of the Old Mill, a restaurant in suburban Etobi- coke Township | Police said the manager, E F, Bolston, and the clerk were en route to a tank to deposit] the money when a car sped into the lot and stopped beside tieir car. One man jumped out and told them to turn around "and you won't get hur'." The tasked pair grabbed aj briefcast containing the money and sped away in the car reputation for its Bel- dian insuring older people for the purpose of estate conservation or for guaranteeing the continuity of a business. Our representatives are qualified to provide competent counsel to help our senior citizens meet these special needs, been stockpiled 'at Strategic points across Canada, Toronto Postmaster Donald Strathdee said Monday. The cards would enable Cana- dian survivors of any nuclear attack to change their address and notify their next-of-kin of the fact they are alive with a minimum of difficulty. 'There are enough cards for every household stockpiled at central points,' he said in an from stuffy nose, interview Too old to bu in urance? | Being over 65 is no barrier to the purchase of new life insurance. And for many people im their sixties or seventies it can be a very wise "'buy." Here's an example. A man age 75 has a substantial number of investments. At death, estate taxes will have to be paid. To raise the cash, assets have to be sold, often with severe losses to the beneficiaries. Life insurance can prevent this loss by providing the income-producing Manufacturers Life has a sound bere ac liberal approach to P Anda Representative OSHAWA Tel: 723-2231 c200itesonmesnammmpanen te weepy eyes, and sinus pressure, $135 One ORNAFAL: capsule brings you 12 hours of continuous relief * REG. Con. T.M. OF. F. L. Crossley Supervisor' OSHAWA Tel: 723-2231 R. J. Branch Representative OSHAWA Tel: 723-2231 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEED 10 60-0: we pay the tow! interceptor, greeted aircrews Monday as familarization train ing for the supersonic plane started at RCAF Station Na- mao, 10 miles north of here Sixty-six of the CF-101B jets are being acquired by the RCAF from the United States to replace the obsolete CF-100 all - weather interceptors being retired from Canada's five air de ence comand squadrons The Voodoo, a two-man air- craft, is designed to identify and destroy enemy planes. Two tur- bojet engines with a combined thrust of 30,000 pounds give the plane a speec of more than 1,200 miles an hour and the ca- pability of reaching an altitud of 50,000 feet. Canadian, US. Differences ~- "To Iron Out' SARNIA (CP) -- Willis Arm- strong, minister - counsellor of the United States embassy in Ottawa, said Monday the opin- ion that the cold war is a pri- vate fight between Russians and American: is a widely-held and dangerous misconception Every country that wants to maintain national independence is involved in the conflict, he told Rotary Club mebers "The Russians don't mean what we mean when they speak of co-existence," he said. "Their brand of co-existence is a situa- tion where we are lulled to sleep --only to wake up and find our- selves tied to a chair." Mr. Armstrong said Ca nadian-U.S. relations are basic ally good but jtest will be launched early next "a few problems and differences of perspective,| kets for cosmetics by 1965 set up aid proiects in the Pa- Because of increasing life ex-|cifie and far East 2 pectancy, he said, the grand-| His experience led to his be- parent market will become one] ing appointed in 1952 to a test- of the biggest jing and gruelling mission as "How many of you have a resident UN representative in line of cosmetics especially for! Indonesia heading a team of ex- people over 65?" he asked perts and advisers in many He also predicted spheres He spent 18 months ad- , Vising the Indonesian govern- Noon-hour shopping will in} ment and the UN technical as- crease because of the growing sistance board and specialized number of women in the labor agenries force; there will be mobile stores; shopping centres will BECAME CHAIRMAN have their own brand lines: In 1954 he undertook another service stations will add new,UN mission as chairman of a lines because car makers will|trusteeship council team which produce cars which need almost visited trust territories in Af- no service. rica. services which hel ve more| ister in Tokyo in 1956, Reid cae i make Cisirs pe later was raised to the rank of eet leave Japan in mid-November and will spend a short period in New Zealand before taking Tax On Wreaths up his new post in Ottawa. He . Fought By Legion route to Canada. ee : Reid is married and has two _TORONTO (CP) -- The Onta-\sons and two married daugh- tio command of the Royal Ca-|ters who live in New Zealand. pi g get rll ne land and the younger son is a fincia gove ant som "tee + '. J tudent at King's . , Cam- $4,009 to $5,000" in three-per- brides By Binge one ee sis cent sales tax collected on the Soa pies and wreaths Patrick Biggs, provincial sec- F N M i] retary, aid Monday "It means some $4,000 to $5,- Or : orman al er NEW YORK (AP) -- Novelist for needy veterans." Norman Mailer was given a} He said the Legion was turned Suspended sentence Monday in it broached the subject to the|his wife during a drinking provincial government. A_pro-|Party. year in the annual Legion brief tion. Court attendants said the io the province |probation would run three years . . Mr. Whitney said goods or Appointed New Zealand min- enioyable will be top sellers ambassador. He expects to probably will visit England en radian Legion said Monday it i8| One sor, is an architect in Eng-| sale of Remembrance Day pop- : Suspended Term 000 taken from the welfare fund down "bang e that.' when Connection with the stabbing of Mailer was placed on proba Provincial Treasurer Allan la-|--equal to the maximum sen- such as Cuba and Red China|ter said the tax is very little--jtence Mailer could have re-, . . « have to be troned out." 57 cents on every 1,000 poppies.|ceived for third-degree assault. | GUARANTEED against workmanship and materials fo . Get Guaranteed Traction this winter from your Firestone dealer. He makes this confident offer in writing because he has seen cars equipped with "Town & Country" tires wade through snow and mud that left others hopelessly bogged down. And he knows you'll like the quiet ride on bare pavement too! You buy winter tires for extra traction, so get the tires that are "Guaranteed to Go." Right now, your Firestone dealer is selling '"Town & Country" tires at the lowest prices ever, See him soon, - eae A teston ie Ze ) "TOWN & COUNTRY" sin GUARANTEED against Road rlife, Hazards for up to 27 months. GUARANTEED finest quality GUARANTEED TO GO available in their price range. or we pay the tow z

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