Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: Manager: Lloyd Robertson 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Whitby's Exercise Tocsin B hed DISTRICT HUNTERS This group of district hunt- | They were hunting in the ers appears to have found the | Stormy Lake area of Halibur- happy hunting ground. After | ton and their quarry included one week in Haliburton, the | five bucks, one of which top- nine brought back eight deer, | ped the scales at 200 pounds, which, say some, is a very | Shown front row, left to right, good bit of shooting this year. | are: Art Peeling, RR 4, BAG EIGHT DEER Hampton, William Clark, 230 Oshawa boulevard north, Osh- awa, Lawrence Brown, 311 Duniop street east, Whitby, Howard Hepson, RR 1, Hamp- ton. Back row, same order, are Elgin Knopp, 13 Stone got off to a bad start on Mon- cwpegmomermwrnere |\day night when a newly install- oe ,jed siren failed to react to sig- finals and instead gave out with 7*'some low notes that alerted i|very few. However, EMO offi: clals working at county head- quarters in the Ontario County building in Whitby, made up for the lack of fanfare by following! *|through carefully with the rou- _|tine directions laid down by 4 |their headquarters. '| Whitby's siren never did sound (|the alert. Instead, it was slowly :|spinning on its three - pronged tower at the corner of Colborne and Green street and emitting :|a low wail which could be heard no more than one block away. Later, when time came for the take cover signal, the siren picked up in pitch, but not much. Residents eight blocks from the siren said they could not hear it but residents two miles away on Thickson's road, heard Whitby's take cover. The county's EMO headquar- |ters received the alert via tele- phone in the office of County Assessor Gordon Hepditch, who is county EMO chairman. Mr. Hepditch was called out of town on Monday night to attend a court of revision and could not participate in the early hours of the 24-hour alert. "| Co-ordinating engineer R. E. Sims, County Engineer, stepped into the breach .or the alert and jtake cover portion of the exer- jcise. He was assisted by Wil- jliam Twelvetrees, who manned 4 \telephones, and radio operators |Ted Brant and Harry Westwood, jof Whitby. These latter two ;manned a hydro powered two- | way radio in direct contact with Sesisied ace Siren Fails But Tocsin Goes On EMG headquarters in Oshawa. Later in the night, Mr. Twelvetrees took over as head oi the county exercise when Mr. Sims was called out to attend a meeting of the Oshawa Sub-) urban Road Comission. In the first hour, Mr. Twelve- trees called all the local EMO chairmen in Ontario County. The alert was given to them at 7:03 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., he had contacted half of the 18 area chairmen by telepione. Several chairmen. were at- tending council meetings or otherwise occupied. Most, said Mr. Sims, were at their stations ready to receive the call. The people of the southern part of the county were alerted by a string of warning sirens. EMO personnel in the northern part of the county were alerted through the Mutual Aid group of fire departments. The Ontario County group was in constant con'act with two re- connaisance units which were patrolling the county. In all, nearly 3,000 persons are in- volved in the EMO program in the county, said one EMO offi- cial. Members of Whitby Police De- partment and Whitby Volunteer Fire Brigade also took part in the exercise. A score of calls were received by the police de-! partment from residents won- dering why the siren never sounded, Then, after it had given its belated wail, four or five called in wondering why the siren had sounded, They had not heard of The highest award in Girl Guiding, the Gold Cord, was presented to a Whitby Guide Leader in an impressive cere- mony last night in St. John's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1961 § WINS GOLD CORD Anglican church hall. Pic tured above presenting the guiding mark of distinction to Lieutenant Joan Calder, right, is her mother, Captain Doro- thy Calder of the lst Whitby Giri Guides Company. Lieut. Calder is ieader of the 2nd Whitby Gi:} Guide Company and worked for her gold cord during the summer. --Oshawa Times. Photo the exercise. County officials plan to man the headquarters until 7 pm.. tonight. Only Anglican Eskimo Priest street, Oshawa, William Strutt, 162 Hibbert street, Oshawa, James Perkins, West | Hill, Guy Chamberlain, RR 1, Hampton, and Joseph Bonnanfant, 243 Beatty street, Oshawa --Oshawa Times Photo WINNIPEG (CP) -- Rev. Ar- mand Tagoona, the only Es- kimo priest of the Anglican Church of Canada, has. never Mains Soon In Speculate On Opposition To seen the inside of a school as a student, much less taken the- ological training. He was ordained by the church last year, but it wouldn't really have mattered because he knew what he had to do any- way. WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY AND DISTRICT important thing is to live good lives, which is hard enough." Would he like to live and work in Toronto or Winnipeg? |Mr. Tagoona smiled and raised his hands, "Oh no, never! When I was in Toronto last year I was very dizzy from what I saw and this Lions Club To Donate Timer Brooklin's arena will soon have a sports timer installed on the south wall, a gift from the Brooklin Lions Club. Whitby Township council on Monday agreed to enter into a 10-year agreement with the club which would give the club sole adver- tising rights on the clock for 10 years. as a means of recovering their origina! cost. Deputy-reeve John Goodwin year in Winnipeg it's exactly jthe same. | 'Nobody seems to have peace told council that the timer had been purchased by the club from an arena in British Col- umbia He said that it had cost over $1,600 when new and the club was now spending more than $500 to have it repaired. The timer, he said, is eight feet high and' six feet wide. It has two wings, each six feet by four feet, to carry advertising and it is this space that the club wants to sell to help pay for the timer. dered who would look after the timer's mainienance. "You are looking a gift horse in the mouth," said Deputy- reeve Goodwin. Councillor John Dryden won- dered what would happen if the club found it could not keep up the payments in the timer. "T think it is small to suggest they can't pay for it," said Deputy-reeve Goodwin, "and that the municipality will be stuck with the maintenance." He urged ccuncil to enter into the agreement with the club. The jack of a sports timer at the arena, he said, is like owne ing a car without a steering wheel Council agreed to enter into One member of council won- the agreement with the club, At Brooklin MEN'S LEAGUE The small, quiet man, wholin your cities. The people are where the new water line has been installed. Be'ore water service com- mences, he said, the lines will be flushed out' and his comit- tee recommended to council that ago. jthe existing water system in Dr. J. H. McKinney, chair-|Meacowcrest, be overhauled to man of the township water) Put it in first class condition. board, told council that the job| He did not hazard an estimate should be compieted b;* Wednes-|0f the cost but recommended day or Thursday. Then, he said,|that the cost be included in the Whitby Township council learned this week that the job of installing water mains in the) village of Brooklin may be com- pleted before the weekend. The job started less than four weeks |find out before we go into joint) Discount Store Thursday Night | Singles 250 and over -- G. A paragraph in the Oshawa | Rorabeck 253, R. Norris 253, J. Times of Nov. 11' sparked a|Kirk 259, M. Bemis 279, 251, C. debate in Whitby Township|Hutcheson 284, F. Major 256, D. council on Monday on whether|MclIntyre 281, F. Lioyd 260, D. or not the township would send|Adams 271, E. Jordan 298, 003, a committee to discuss area|E. Badgley 272, 277, W. Hub- planning with the town ofjbard 270, B. Gordon 259, W. Whitby. As the discussion con-|Jordan 285, 296, J. Cherry 293, cluded council named _ three = Jordan: 271, 315, B. Adams members of its planning board is to meet with Whitby represen-|_ Triples 700 and over -- M. tatives. |Jordan 809, E. Jordan 807, W. a 1) , BE. Be » J.) Deputy-reeve John Goodwin, ne pg oi? =| after a letter was read from| ecu! Jags ; : Bemis 709. planning board naming the| High Averages -- M. Reeson| three-man comunittes, told coun-\axs,.34,- Jordan: 344, D,- Adams| CH MNAY De BEG Feed MS -COMmn se9 1, Tova $l, J, Jordan on Saturday in the Times that] si . Whitby and Oshawa would ob-|71* .¢- Hutcheson 234, B. Gor ject to the proposed Disc-Buy}| WEDNESDAY NIGHT store on Thickson's road. G Zvening,| MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE The column, Good. Evening High Singles over 250--Tutton! 9 by Jack Gearin, stated "The} rae nO. Th township would pick up approx-|S,"» =°*), C. Moore 308, 253; F. imately $26,000 annually in| Munns 286, 278; Waltham 278, taxes from the discount store,|DeS Denyer ft L. Reed 266, but the Board. (Ontario Munici-| 374; Ss ieee Proctor 270, pal Board) is almost certain to peng pt zack, ROY GE 9M; hear. some strong _ protests| sel pe Carter 253, Brad- against - it, especially from} ,o" 251, Denyer 251, Fawcett Whitby and Oshawa. * 251 : ve errnie.|. High Triples over 700 -- C. "We should find out if Whitby) Moore 764, G. Childs 74, LL. and Oshawa feel that way,"!Reed 738, Des Denyer 725, F said the Deputy-reeve. "If they Munns 720, Huntley 711. B. Car. do object, I have no intention ter 704 s f os of discussing planning with] Fanaa . Whitby or Oshawa.. We should| , P° gree ese 2, nee Barbers 2, Bathurst 2, Hoffer planning. | Councillor Jéhn Dryden told) council that he felt if there was\j Drews 0. Alsco 1 any objection council wouldipirds 1. Milton : hear of it through officiai Millwork' Builders sources. | Grill 0 Council named. planning board members John Dryden,} NEAREST POINT George Lofthouse and William; The .Antvrctic Manning to be the committee|Pa'mer Peninsula extends : to to mect Whitby's planning|within 650 miles of 'the tip of |board to discuss area planning.|South America. blers 3, CNR 0, Munn's Press 1," Melody |Bay, 700 miles north of Church- Valley 3, Legionnaires 2, Ram-|tp Yard). Machine 9,| jthey can't do anything about continent s| | says the only thing he ever studied in his life was to read and write, made his second) venture into the southern world) when he attended the Synod of the Province of Rupert's Land in Winnipeg. Having seen his second city-- he was ordained in Toronto-- the 35-year-old priest was just as happy to return to the con- gregation of 90 he serves at Rankin Inlet, 300 miles north of Churchill, Man. Born in an igloo near Repulse ill, Mr. Tugoona decided 10 years ago to 'devote my life to God." He started teaching . Sunday school at Rankin Inlet and a few years later the Anglican Church ordained him a deacon. His second ordination came last year in Toronto. "I guess I must be a full priest now," says the father of seven, DOESN'T LIKE CITY More than 1,000 miles away from the white man's great cities, the Eskimos know noth- ing of the cold war, the Berlin crisis or the danger of a third world war. Their priest does, however. "T hear about these things and occasionally read about them," says Mr. Tagoona. "My people would not even be interested in them. "Sometimes the white people in our area tell me they are afraid and ask me what I think will happen, 'T tell them to think that the situation and might as well forget about it altogether. The always in a rush and seem to be very unhappy. I don't think they live full lives at all." Basis Reached For Settlement TORONTO (CP)--A basis of settlement in a 10-week prov- ince-wide strike by structural steel riggers was reached Mon- day night. The strike held up completion of major construction projects throughout Ontario. Settlement terms were worked out after 12 hours of ne- gotiations with the aid of Onta- rio's chief conciliation officer, Louis Fine, and conciliation of- ficer R. V. Bradley. The return to work hinges on ratification of the settlement by Toronto, Hamilton and Windsor locais of the International As- sociation of Bridge, Structural and Ornamentai Iron Workers and the Labor Relations Asso- ciation, an employer group. The associatirn has attempted to hold the line against any wage increase that would pierce the 15-cent-an-hour pattern es- tablished under earlier settle- ments with the other unions: The steel riggers, who erect the framework of buildings and bridges, originaliy asked for 30 cents an hour plus seven cents for welfare, but later reduced this to 20 cents plus seven cents for welfare. JET FLIGHTS The world's airlines in 1961 had about 620 jet aircraft in operation, four times as many as in 1959. should know about term insurance! the term expires. } Often The Excelsior Life man What everyone Term, or temporary, life insurance has many uses~but watch out for possible abuses, , Just as Fire Insurance pays only in the event of fire loss during the life of the policy, so Term Insurance pays only in the event of death before will recom- mend Term Insurance--but only as a temporary coverage where the maximum amount of im- mediate protection is needed for the least amount of premium. And he endeavours to make certain that this temporary life insurance is converted into permanent personal policies as soon as the owner is able to do so. There is no equity in Term Insurance which can carry the policy if a due date is missed, and none which builds future security for its owner. We suggest that you talk to The Excelsior Life representative in your community. He has been selected and trained to help you with all your life insurance problems--and especially assist you to design your own "Blueprint Fhank. You! § Over the past 8 years while doing business as: WESTERN TIRE STORE We have appreciated the support of our many customers. Recently we re-organized our busi- ness and are now operating as: MOTORCADE STORE at the same address a contract will be let to put in/water contract. holders have paid their deposit|/brought up to par but he main- the older area of the village Period of the debenture. jadded to the general water con- day pennies at Sunday School:|Meadowcrest have no water and| convener,|Meadowcrest system: was in- Roy Hope entertained 30 rela Commission as the supply of Gaithav, eC. Mille, 'who had| OW RC that Luther Vipond be ing. Also present were 17 grand- WHITBY Maple Grove, Solina, Newcas- Mr. and Mrs. D. McAdam andjang y small quantity of money family spent Sunday with her/end Congratulations to our local/dogs. Both were recaptured on Martyn who received a bursary} The Colborne and King pesca fe sc piled Colborne Street School. Guest Sunday cumpany with Mr. ONION JUICE Mrs. M. Jarvis, Oshawa, a spoon. laterals to the homes Which Deputy - reeve John Goodwin will receive water. |did not oppose the suggestion and another,26 have made ap-jtained that the cost should be plication. He\said that it is esti-|charged to maintenance and not | le was outvote by council] jand the Meadowcrest system \tract cost, | PRINCE ALBERT The| Dr. McKinney told council! Mr. R. Butson, Mr. R. Hope,|that some va:ves had failed to} Denise Jeffrey, Christine Wil-|close Mrs. B. Jeffs, as usual con-|stalled by the subdivider. and| tributed a fine article. was purchased in recent months} tives and close friends to a din- ard laa older section of ner. This happy gathering was Rid 8 +x |retained as operator of the plant reached the age of 83. The/until the plant comes into full guests were treated to a fam- children and. one great grand- child," Joanne Cryderman. All tle, Seagrave and local kin. i Sunday company with Mr. HOSPITAL ENTERED | Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAdam, | were the loot of weekend burg- Peterboro. jlars who entered the Whitby sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rodd) Besides ransacking the hospi and boys, Simcoe street north, /tal, on Dundas street east, the youth, Mr. Robert Jeffs, Mr.|Monday morning by PC John H. Keizilerink and Miss Ena| Mason ' > & cant eadtaars. ---- |Street combined Home and rv? Hansey and Schoo! meeting will be held on area, enjoyed being Sunday vis- agg itors with her sister, Mr. and speaker is Mr. Lackie. and Mrs. Les Beacock and boys} To extract onion juice cut a were his sisters, Mr. and Mrs.jslice off the top, hold it over a ® BROCK -- Whithy Evening Shows 7 & 8:20 To date, he said, 88 house-| the Meadowcrest system be mated there are 250 houses injamortized over the 30-year jwill be checked, the. cost being following deposited their birth-|that two or three hydrants: in when needed. The liamson. Missionary Saturday night Mr. and Mrs.|Py the Ontario Water Resources| C 7 t, in special honor of Mrs. Hope's ouncil recommended to the operation in the village. ily film and a round of danc- left for home to Enniskillen, and Mrs. A. Robertson were} a microscope, a typewriter Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson 'and! Animal Hospital over the week- Oshawa. |burglars released two valuable Keizijerink and Miss Mildred) H-S MEETING Mr. 80ers. Belleville, Luesday, Nov 14, at 8 p.m., Mrs. B. Jeffs and Robert. T. Cole, Miss 0. Beacock andjcup and scrape downward with Last Complete Show 8:20 Ko one seated 'Ore fast 15 minutes Pleese vate show tf performances | ee Cit Dn wi i sen At ADULT ENTERTAINMENT HAPPY WHITBY MISS A happy four - year - old is Karla Perrow, of Whitby, who is, in fact, four years nine months old. She is the grand- Kyrle Southwell, of 406 Brock street north, Whitby and Mr. Cobourg. ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Photo by John Scott and Mrs. James Perrow, of 126 BROCK ing goods, etc. ? 126 BROCK ST. S. with a full line of automotive supplies, sport- We believe that with our new products we will be able to give our customers better service and greater variety, MOTORCADE STORE WHITBY ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5833 for Security". "he EXCELSIOR LIFE Shusunance Company j. A. NICHOLSON, Branch Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre, Phone: 725-4758

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