Mary Street H&S Assn. Is Proud Of Friendly Relations With Staff From its inception in 1920 through the years to the present time, Mary Street Home and School Association has been a vital hard-working. Association endeavoring to live up to the Home and School Creed. It is proud of the excellent co-opera tion that has always existed with the members of the teach- ing staff -- this co-operation has been instrumental in the'success of many of its ventures. Get Acquainted Night with the teachcrs in charge offers an ex- cellent opportunity for all par- ents to meet with the teacher in the "home" room and have an outline of the year's course of study presented. Many par- ents find themselves wedged in at school desks confronted pos- sibly with a typical problem in arithmetic. This meeting heralds the sea- son's meetings with the Pro- gram Chairman and her com- mittees arranging eight other meetings of interest to all seg- ments of the membership. Panel discussions, buzz sessions, speakers of*note, are all incor- porated into these meetings and the Christmas Carol service pre- sented by Grade 6 students is looked forward to each year. The Family Donation Plan has been found to offer the best method of raising the major por- tion of the Association's budget. Rummage sales and a Bake Sale| help to augment the budget so} that the necessary expenses can} be met and a special yearly | project completed. School maga- | zines: Winter Skating Carnival; | Grade 6 Graduation and a Safe-| ty Patrol Party, monthly room | prizes are a few of the annual | expenses. In addition last year| embossed jerseys were pur-} chased to be worn on Field Day} and a record player purchased | for use in the classrooms. The | Association, of course, partici: pates in the Council Bursary Fund. Members of the teaching staff introduced by Mr. Gerald Harper, principal, at the October meeting are as follows: Mrs. Harry Keys, Kindergarten; Miss Susan Laird, Grade 1; Miss M. Purdy, Grade 1-2; Miss Ferne Ledgett, Grade 2; Miss Patricia. Taylor, Grade 3; Miss D. Armstrong, Grade 3-4; Miss G. VanDeuren.: Grade 4-5; Mr. Wayne Junkin, Grade 5-6; Mr. UU Gera'd Harper, Grade 6, -and Mr. Krawitz, Principal's Assist- ant. : It was pointed out by. Mr, Harper that in comparison to Toronto schocls where the aver- age teacher-experience was two years, the staff at Mary Street represents 12 - 15 years' experi- ence. The president, Mrs. H. B. Armstrong, has the following of- ficers, executive and committee chairmen assisting her this year: vice-presidents, Mrs. Bryce Brown, Mrs. Mansell Ger- row; recording secretary, Mrs. B. A. Sonley; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. W F. Saunders; treasurer, Mrs) W. H. Hamley and the executive: Mrs. W. M. Broadbent, Mrs. Wilbert Clarke, Mrs. Michae! Kadoski, Mrs. R. S. McMurdo, and Mrs. A. S. Venn. Committee chairmen are as follows: program' chairmen, Mrs. Bryce Brown and Mrs. Mansell Gerrow; membership, Mrs. A. J. Barclay and Mrs. L. W. Hurren; hospita'ity, Mrs. R. S. McMurdo and Mrs. Wilbert Clarke; press, Mrs. F. E. Ball and Mrs. Yelle Bakker; social, Mrs. C. M. Root and Mrs. R. J. Glover; finance, Mrs. Broadbent; parent education, Mrs. W. F. Froebel; citizenship, Mrs. Y. Bakker; health and visual aids, Mrs. Glyn Morgan and Mrs. S. Swartman, Grade Mothers who do such a good job of providing refresh- ments for the social hour at each meeting work under 'the | direction of the social conven- ers, Mrs. C. M. Root and Mrs. . J. Glover. Appointments have still to be made for some grades. WwW: Calvin Group 'Of St. Paul's This group is beginning its third year of work in the church. It was organized to study the work of God and in so doing reap encouragement to help |with' the fund raising for the | new church. Last season our organization was quite successful in present- 'ing a film 'A Man Called Peter'. | The spring brought ideas of |a tea and fashion show of hats. | This event was also very well | received. To complete the work of last season, two rummage sales were sponsored, one in the spring and one in the fall. This fall our group is seventeen. The following is the executive in charge: President, Mrs. Lloyd | Perry; vice-president, Mrs. Ed- na Smith; secretary, Mrs. Bev- erley Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Eric Pym; flower fund, Mrs. John MacMillan. A film on November third, "Inn of Sixth Happiness" will commence our new season's activities. ot. Stephen's WA Perpetuates Name 'Of Early President The Eva Alexander Group was formed about 27 years ago, |and some of the original. group, i then known as the Ladies' Aid, |are still active members of the |WA. When the frame church | building was moved to its pres- 'ent site on the corner of Taun- {ton road, and Simcoe street | the enrolment of} THE HOUSE! ~ THE HOUSE THE HOUSE The Elegant 7 FOR. THE LADIES Smart modern styled shoes for every occasion, up to the min- ute fashion. But the accent at Model Shoe Store is on com- fort, "Try Model Shoe Store On For Size Sometime". Sood. 8.95 and up for the Man in the house We carry a complete line in rug- ged sport shoes, Casuals, Dress Shoes, etc. and here is Number 1. Why sometime and see no obligation ! too, Comfort . not drop in for yourself, 8.95-9.95-10.95 to 16.95 THE FRIENDLY STORE: MODEL SHOE STORE KING AND ALBERT FREE PARKING AT THE REAR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 14, 1961 5 north and the new church build- ing was erected, the Ladies' Aid became the WA. As the congregation became larger, a group of younger wo- men formed the Junior WA tod be known later as the Nellie Dear- born Group, whilst the WA be- came the Eva Alexander Group, in memory of a president of the early group, whose family s still active in church work at St. Stephen's. Our activities are sewing for bazaars, catering for weddings, banquets, turkey suppers, etc. The proceeds from these events go to our Building Fund. Group members give service to the Lunch Room at the Red Cross Blood Donor's Clinic, and serve in the Tuck Shop at Hills- dale Manor. Neighborhood fam- ilies are helped in the home at time of bereavement. Flowers and cards are sent to the sick. Visits are made to the hospital. A family is adopted at Christ- mas time. Fruit. and flowers sent to shut-in's. Articles of clothing are donat- ed to be given to local needy, and to mission fields. ee Officers for 1961: Past presi- dent, Mrs. Frank ° Crawford; President, Mrs. S. Charles Run- dle; secretary, Mrs. Norman Gil- bert; treasurer, Mrs. Ray Smith. vice-president, Mrs. James Pal- mer, Regular MARTEN'S 54th ANNIVERSARY fine quality persian lamb gray... brown... black dyed $298 dyed $450.00 Genuine Savings On Our Entire Stock of Quality Furs BUDGET TERMS EASILY ARRANGED