MARRIED Oshawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Ron- ald Robinson whose marriage was solemnized recently in Galt. The bride, the former Susan Ann Chalmers, is the | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Psychologist Addresses Kinettes s"""ivs On Mentally-Disturbed Children i ®"": °"""'? ©" Stee United 'Charen centennial General Hospital in St. Cathar The November meeting of the Kinette Club of Oshawa, "'Ist Vice President's Night" was) held in the Fleetwood Room at the Hotel Gesosha last Tuesday, Mrs, Gordon Garrison, Ist vice president: presiding Guests for the evening were Mrs. Peter Melch and Mrs. Ed- ward Thomson Mrs. John McLean introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Charles Jackson, Ph.d. psychologist at the Oshawa Mental Health Clinic. Guidance for the emotionally - disturbed children was his topic Mrs. Bruce Wil-| liams thanked Dr, Jackson for) his interesi ng and timely speech. Head table flowers were won by Mrs. Donald Lake. During the business session reports were presented by the various committee chairmen -- Mrs. Donald Cullen on the up- coming pot luck supper -- Mrs A. O. Pollard on the arrange- ments that have been made for the club's annual Christmas party -- Mrs. George Fleming aaa >, big 7 " EXCHANGE VOWS Pictured after their wed- ding recently at Orono Unit- ed Church are Mr. and Mrs. Oren Malley. The bride, the former Eunice Gilchrist of Ajax is the daughter of the Jo Aldwinckle, Wemen Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 13, 1961 7 _ Film on Learning to Read | _,|Explains New System to Parents Parents who are concerned jabout their children's reading if | should leave the technique te the teachers and concentrate on won by Miss Jacqueline Kitto's class and refreshments were served by Grade Mothers of Miss Dorothy Smith's class con- | the son of Mr. and transfer from] the Kinette Club of Fort Erie.| IN GALT H. Carman H. Thornton at whose home the ceremony took place and the bridegroom is Mrs James S. Robinson of Barrie --Photo by Law Studio, Galt | This was the advice given byjand Mrs. William McFeeters (Mr. A. W. Hill, teacher of thejand of Miss Kitto's class con- at Harmony school, when he in-jand Mrs. Frank Frauts Jr. 'Itroduced the film 'Gregory | vember meeting of the Dr. S. J PERSONALS Phillips Home and School Asso- ithe method of introducing the/shion show held recently at the |pupil to reading first by word-|Salvation Army Citadel, Mr. | Deficiencies in sight, hearing|/had charge of the lighting and lor speech, he continued, should|the stage hands were Mr. Ian \begins school. Often emotional|Nelson. problems can be traced to poor ren become introverts in orderjding anniversaries, coming and to hide these defects or become/goings of guests are always of ;\sate for their resentment. telephone or visit the social The atmosphere in a home|department with your items of, of a child. Parents should try\charge. Telephone 723-3474. to ensur> as great a background books and experiences. Child-| Street, has arrived home from ren need to have a feeling of/Chelmsford, England, where a home. A child who is not! She spent a few months in listened to, does not listen. The|England, owing to a fall when Reading Chairman,|on the R.M.S, Ivernia. Thaler and the other ways of helping them.|vened by Mrs. R. H. Broadbent \Senior Boy's Opportunity Class vened by Mrs. Austin Bennett |Learns to Read", at the No- lciation. The film demonstrates} At the '"Make-Me-Over" fa- \reeognition and then by phonics.) John Dixon and Mr. Max Derry ibe attended to before a childj|Bellingham and Mr. John aciagy hearing or sight. Child-|. Teas, birthday parties, wed- jbehavior problems to compen-|interest in this column. Write, affects the emotional stabilityinews for which thereis no of knowledge as possible through} Mrs. Olive Harrison, Cubert security of their importance in|she visited relatives and friends. meeting was arranged by the| she broke her leg. She returned speaker was introduced by Mr.| Mrs. George Telford will open : | Mrs. Reginald Lancaster, the hall, under the auspices of the i was pleased to report the tuck! nicer convener, reported that Friendship Group of the WA, CATHOLIC NUPTIALS Mr. Ludwig Piekenbrock and his bride, the Miss Irene Early, are tured following their mar- --Photo by Mary's: Studio riage recently at St. Greg- - poe ory's Roman Catholic Church. | , groom is the son of Mr. and former | Mrs Heinrich Piekenbrock of pic- | Oshawa. WOOLWORTH LOW PRICES EVERY DAY!! OTR Top Value Gift Suggestions LEATHER DRESS GLOVES Soft Sheepskin, Fully Lined Colours: Black--Tan-- Grey Sizes: 9 to II ae The bride is the daughter of Mr. Patrick Early of Augha- fad Fintona, County Tyrone, northern Ireland, and the late Mrs. Early and the bride- BEAUTYREST AND MARSHALL REPAIRS AND OTHER SPRING MATTRESSES COM- PLETELY REBUILT LIKE NEW. TWO-DAY SERVICE. EIDERDOWNS _ RE-COVERED. DAY -- 728-6451 NIGHT -- 723-4131 ONTARIO BEDDING CO. PIONEER SCHOOL The first training school for 1urses in Canada opened at the nes, Ont., in 1874. shop at Hilisdale Manor was|x9 : : he sc : well staffed on Monday, Nov 35, se gag ote _ ember 6 by Kinéttes Mrs. Bruce| jpyapp ae voyage Gerrow, Mrs. Donald Lake, a pe pa Me gore yin Boris Melch and Mrs. George) actly pit hundted dollars EESINE: more than last year Mrs. Monty Cranfield gave 4) he president, Mrs. Malcolm very interesting talk on her sng : ; wae : Adam, announced the Family ce > World ¢ si ' : recent tnipita the Word Councy| Donations Plan to raise the Meeting which was held at Sals- : Faces apa tes den, Mrs. C. Rowden, Mrs. R burg, Austria. Among those at- funds necessary to carry out the McMaster, Mie, Ko Heard. tending this meeting with Mrs. a nal the Paceigis a 94 : sane Pay Cranfield were her husband, Mr.|!etler and envelope will be sen : aun and Mrs. Thomas Russell and|home with each child giving a MOVE TO MAUVE Mrs. George Russell. time limit for its return of No-| According to authorities on in-, The evening's entertainment perl pend mr vid ce Alterior design, this year has seen was ably arranged by Mrs. John) , made by TS.!a marked incre | McLean and her committee of| Geoffrey Andrews, was display- valine Ald a, ae! re Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Steven|ed and it will be kept in the ies e trend is Dyl, and Mrs. Bruce Williams.|breezeway of the school for the|@lso toward golden colors rather The next executive meeting|Children to keep track of the than lemon shades. Second color will be held ai the home of Mrs. Progress of oe fund. . |scheme in line of popular favor Douglas Lowe on Tuesday, e executive committee en-|j, 9 November 21. tertained the Principal and) ai ee pr rg turquoise, a school staff. with a buffet sup-| on es een 8 favorite for HOUSEHOLD HINT per at the home of Mrs. W. H,|¥ears. Pink is also fashionable. Rearranging furniture cam be Stanley, Brookside Drive. |Blues, greens, beiges and off-| a boon to your carpets. A shift) The Principal, Mr. Laurence| Whites have declined in popular- of even a few inches will avoid|savery, reported that the Fall|ity for the time being. constant pressure on one spot. examinations are in progress} NeRiapa ers ae Sr |and December 1st will be report} _ FAMOUS SCHOOL card day. Parent interviews) Winchester, one of the great |will begin December 8 and he|English public - schools, was At the recent display of fine \china held in St. George's Me- morial Church parish hall under the auspices of the Georgette group of the Woman's Guild, door prize winners were: Miss Elda Ward, Mrs. E. N. Weldon, |Mrs, B. Clark, Mrs. Leslie Bur- 5 III Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: 723-7253 urged parents to make every founded in the Hampshire town leffort to come on the day andjin 1394. i time they were invited as the| : \schedule was planned carefully) \for their convenience, particu- larly those with more than one| jteacher to visit.. He announced | that an EMO alert has been | planned for.the week of Novem-| jber 13 and will take the form of| \a modified fire drill with three! }exceptions. The signal will be different, the children will go to the cloakroom for coats be-| |fore going outdoors and they| |will go to the street line and/ jwait before being recalled to) ithe school. Schools must be }prepared to take care of all ™™ jemergencies when children are 1 jin school and we must all be ready to co-operate with Army and EMO personnel Mrs. R. F. Richardson an- nounced the program for the December meeting. Rabbi M. Kutziner of Beth Zion Congre- gation in Oshawa will speak on "The Significance of Chanuk- kah" and Reverend John R. Leng DD, of St. Andrew's Unit- jed Church will give a talk on i "'Christmas", The school choir ; Will present a program of Christ-| mas songs under the direction of Mr. Tom Park. For bleached, tinted, abused or natural hair... THIS WEEK ONLY 10.00 TELEPHONE 728-4351 prankiins HAIR STYLING 360 King St. West (CKLB Bldg.) The attendance shield was. late Mr. and Mrs. Lane of | Bowmanville and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Malley of Oro- no. The couple are living in Oshawa. Milk costs less if you buy the economical half-gallon size. Skim- Homo or Guernsey Gold. "At The Store Or At SAVE ON YOUR MILK PURCHASES Sponsored by members of . The Dry Cleaners & Launderers institute (Ontario) en Research of L derers & Cleaners @ WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. @ ALDSWORTH CLEANERS @ BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS ® CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. You Can WIN... A $50 Canada Savings Bond Simply fill in the coupon below and send it along with your dry cleaning order to any of the qualified Dry Cleaners Listed below. Do it today ... YOU COULD BE A WINNER ! Draw to be made December 9, for Noy- ber entries. © HAXWOOD CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-4443 @ PICKWICK CLEANERS Tel, 728-5133 @ AJAX CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-0310 Tel. MO 8-2345 Tel. 725-1812 Tel. MA 3-5520 Tel. 728-5611 $50.00 CANADA SAVINGS BOND DRY CLEANERS DRAW LADIES' FULL SLIPS Acetate Rayon Tricot White and Popular Colours -- Sizes: 32 to 40 WOOLWORTH § PRICE . LADIES' SPECIAL ! RAYON TRICOT BRIEFS Celasuede Rayon, Lace Trim or Band Leg. ; Reg. Price 39¢ 3 - 88 MEN'S TIE BAR AND CUFF LINK SET Gold and chrome plated sets in 18 masculine WOOLWORTH PRICE stylings. Each in leatherette satin lined box. WOOLWORTH | 00 o Giant Story Book Hard round covers, up to 384 pages, illustrated throughout. 7 titles te choose 'wou QQ, WOOLWORTH Fiction and Classic Books PRICE Suitable fer boys or girls, Over 50 titles te cheese from. 37: WOOLWORTH PRICE DEEP PILE "ACRILAN" BATH MAT SET 2 Pc. Mat and Toilet Seat Cover woolwortH $ PRICE '. JUMBO BANANA ROLL Made with real bananas reg. 59¢ each A dessert enjoyed by all the Special each ¢ family. *This Item available only in Stores with Bakery Counters WOOLWORTH'S FAMOUS HOME STYLE APPLE PIE THIS WEEK! 3g: