Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1961, p. 18

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18 THE CEHAWA TIMI, Monday, Movember 18,196 : Transatlantic 'Socreds' Leader aumis__| Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings -- ain + Tours In Canada HAMIL' 11 Net 1 Marland) happily announce the birth of| TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS .m, Ch'ge| Stock Jes Bt Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge|_Stoe! Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge their son, et, Guanes 2 Ibs.), -- ee 4 ie Canstian Frese a Be fates ae lew = ore ane ae 8a) tes migh ton one wl agnios 1200 110 110 \ #33 ms oe . PARIS (CP)--Proposals for a} ST. CATHARINES (CP)--/|basis with those attending either jadlers' Mossorial "Hospital, Orillia. A| (Quotations in cents unless marked $.|Dom Tar 1a nh 18% 19 +% pinto | Le toed $26% 26% Bg Ae = 53 33 4 +2 ' $26% v6 transatlantic trading commu- When a. rather -- short, well- already Social Credit supporters baby brother for Rickie and Terry.\z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividenl, xr--Ex:\Fam Play sue $69 | 69 Ansil 15071 2% 2% 2 + "lnity are expected to be dis-|groomed man in a conservative|or whose interest in the party Both doing well. ee alt $56 8 TFinA 50 5 Area {20 133 5s +8 ; ' 9 8 |cussed at a conference of legis-|grev suit appeared at the doorjhad already been aroused. At 70 rien -|of a Social Credit dinner here|tendance Hi d be- SEALEY -- My. and Mrs. Russell 38% 38 6\Tr Ci A Arcadia 5200 000 49 --1 |lators from the 15 NATO coun-|0! l generaliy range Wealey (nee Margaret Maclean) | are INDUSTRIALS bein a i AArcad Bw 1000 15 1 3% 2% 13. -- %J\tries which opened here today. Saturday night, a young woman|tween 50 and 100 and the re- ased to announce a 6-Ib., 3 qT PRL 250 9 Atl itti t (ice baby sister for Diane, on Satur- gee ee Ue han 8 oe ae ree nied 7 Loralo wts 18 113 115 The delegates are expected to|sitting at one of the tablesisponse to Mr. Thompson's 500 7 tie : Ss ; : : day, November u 1961, at the Oshawa attect Sales Bish low am Ch'ge Gt power 1500 818 Un Gas 475 Bankeno 500 _ Lynds st 5 16% 16 16% -- %\take up the possibility of wider oe to her neighbor and whis- Ps agpiee! poo between polite General Hospital. itibi 375 340% + |! : Walk GW 765 ' Bankfield 500 Macfie ered: een Acad-Atl 675. $12% 12% 12% + %/GNG 200 Pr 2 SS WCoest Tr 350 Bocas sop 155° 155 158 Magnet 500 and freer commerce among|P arian dak tie ro pe Rie applause to consider- McGOVERN -- Helen and Larry|Agnew-S 25 $19%4 19% 19% GN Gas B w 100 260 .260 260 Weston A 219 $21% 21% Base Metal 1000 % Malartie 86 Western nations and steps to s that handsome guy? ie enthusiasm. (pee Van Zant) are happy to announce|Alta Dist 3500 280 275 280 +10 105 15% 1! $23% 23% 23% Btlcher 500 Man Bar give the alliance more political] Many of the 75 men and) At the dinners Mr. Thompson the birth of their daughter, Loni Eliza-|AltaDis vt 4300 +5 25 10% 11 2 5 $18 18 Black B 130300 1 Marcon 12000 9 ; women in the room might have} spoke for between one hour and beth, 6 Ibs., 11 ozs., on Wednesday, No-| Alta Dis w 1025 130 48% 00 260 260 260 Bordulae 2000 13 «13--=«3 Martin 2 1 1 cohesion. 4 . 5 pe : vember 8, 1961, at the Oshawa General| Alta Gas 140 $35% i, Imp Tob 16% Bralorne 309 610 610 610 Matatch 1000 6 NATO discussion of potential asked the same question about minutes, then threw the Hospital. A sister for Paul. |AltaGas w 220 $16% 4 Ind Accep n 447 "3 $35 34% 34¥ Brnswk 100 500 500 500 --5 | McIntyre % A ti ill the man -- Robert N. Thomp-|meeting open for a short ques- fee cee @ ae Ga Inland Gas 200 ra "ais ee ee Geet yn a economic steps will centre on|-- 47, recently chosen na-|tion period. On one occasion in VARTY -- Gordon and Marion (nee|Alg Cen w 5 lint Util xd 400 45% 45 1000 8% 8% 8% McWat the European Common Market|*2") a, y I . Cowie) are happy to announce the birth| Algoma Int Util p xd 170 50 650 725 720 725 48 | Mentor 52 52 and various proposals for an tional Social Credit leader. Hamilton, when a_ spectator ef a daughter, Shelley Jean (6 Ibs.,|Alumint Interprov 100 $744 7% , 100 $156 15% 15¥ -- %4| Midrim sao a Gas hemes vse rae The virile - leoking new Jeader|tried to draw him into an ar- 10 ozs.) at the Oshawa General Hospi-|Alum 2 pr '4\ Inter PL 61 738% % c 500 183 182 183 Min Corp 100 $12% 12% 12% + %leventual "partnership" of the ; fl . tal, on Saturday, November 11, 1961. A| Argus Intpr Dis 200 % 7% 73 5300 238 230 230 --7 |Mt.,Wright 9800 160 155 1: 2 |y comments whi frankly admits one of his most|gument over co-operatives, Mr. sister for Dennis. Atlas Steel inv bya 30 $65. 65 65 : 2000 9%) 9% 9%4-- %|Murray M 99 98 St tage y urgent and toughest jobs is to| Thompson carefully shied away Bank Moat Inv Syn A_ 110 $59% 59% %| alminex Can NW 533 16 18 18 N Harri ™% 1% North America and other sec- get ut and meet people across|from open battle GON, Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you) Bank NS Ls Jamaica PS 150 45 */Am Leduc ae ee tt ieee oe be 5 |tors of the free world. One|+}, from Newfoundland : will want to tell the whole town about 2 Jockey C 350 Asamera 500 9550 39 34 37 +3 |N Kelort the country from Newfoundlan | #++ee+ ee" Sf eseent SRS RE + +4) 5+ +144 = 9 : ; ' the latest arrival in your home, An- Jock wts 150 9 Bailey © 4 1650 250 $12% 12% 12% Newlund item up for discussion here sug-|to British Columbia to build up| OUTLINES POLICY Bouncements are accepted until 9:00/ Kelly wts 230 31 | Bata 2000 4 100 145 145 145 --1 |N Mylam ests formation of an "Atlantic ; f F In most of his speeches he out- a.m. for publication the same day for) Kelvinator 100 nm it Cal Ea 240 18 | eee eee Ger Newnor g "a a national image of his party|,. A enly $1.50, Just telephone 723-3492, 1644 16% CS Pete 1400 : 1000 27% 27% 27% + %|New Taku Common Market. and himself. All last week he|lined Social Credit policy, add- 155 155 0 1750 400 o 000 56 5 --1 |Nor-Acme 00 16 16 The prospect that Britain will king to do just this i ing what seemed a few personal = oS et oreo ere tee j fas Shrouch Ontanio . |observations, A general state- Lont Cem 200 315 315 315 : 19 19 +1 |Normetal 275 27527 join the European Commonitour through Ontario, , Page jer ri Laur Fin A 100 $24 24 24 -- % 5 : 200 200 --3 |Norpax uu Market, and that the Common-| In a dozen tow n ment on Social Credit's aims, An 235 $10% 10% 10% jo, 3 132 132 +6 |N Rank 4347 ; ; ; OWNS ANG CiWes |. sed on the July national Mise Aw nim Gb tb we A Soe ee 22% 22% -- %|North Can 25 245-245 wealth nations will associate/he cought to drum up support|?@se? on the Juiy nationa' con~ Lobc A Dev-Pal 6500 55° 54 55 + ' i ; ; vention, is expected to be pub- BOGNAR, Charles %\TobCo B n 500 h 11% 11M Dome Pete $13% 134 13% 116 16 --4 |O%Leary 13% --1 |with it, parallels the suggestion,jat small informal meetings lish b fans Hy t b Auge On Sunday, November 12, 1961, at Hills. /C9% 4|MacLeols A 250 $244 24% ,|Dynamie 5000 4 45 » Opsiiiaka 500 ie ee Ot in a recent report to the U.S.|with businessmen, impromptu| Shea Defore Christmas but the cs 4pr y dale Manor, Charles Bognar, in his 74th|% |* P |MB PR 1125 9 + Ml rari 1900 340 330 335 Patino M 200 £ --5 . ; F, election platform probably will year. Resting at the Gerrow Funeral|©42 Brew Stores 35 9% + Migr Plains 250 $13% 13% 13% c 00 31 Peerless Congress, of a transatlantic}speeches and interviews on lo- : ie I Chapel, 290 King Street West, High Re-|Ca At Aw 0 ee wa ioe St s noe koe ue ae 3 ii a eee --1 |trading partnership. cal radio and te'evision stations rea pb greats' the elec- lem Mass St. Gregory's man Cath-| " ple ,| Milt a Home B 1445 $11% 10% 11% " cl Ww i d get t know 'our- 0 5 le Church on Tuesday, November 14|Cdn Can A e-- YIM Cont A 9.9 +% OG xdd B16 16% 16% Coulee 600 55 54 SA Pitch-Ore 4 4 4 --1 |WILL EXAMINE TRADE and get - to - + your: at 10 a.m, Interment in St Gregory's os 5% | Molson A ' 28 Medal $00 242." 201° 202" Courpan 500 15% 15% 15% 4 | Placer. $244 4% 24+ %| The discussions among the/leader banquets Roe Rigwrg sew poy -rgee go metery. . : D , _ 4| Molson B 75 $29%4 23 Nat Pete 500 215 215 215 Daering 1000 10% 10% 10% + %/Fow Rou ee Td + i id i R stand in his home riding 0! BUCKLEY, Mary Agnes lé Salli pr 6 0 8 =" Mont oe a8 3% 163 Ape: won uo isis oe Wk hate 8 8 frie ic gaye Se orl pA Or PLANS OTHER TOURS Deer, told Saturday night's 'SP s = 4 | Mo! y $i N Davie: 400 y e 3 4 -- % y 400 s{ a sess * s i : 4 At Southaven Nursing Home, Neweastle,|© Dredge 3% 13% 13% -- 8) Moore 1540 $50% 50% 50% +%)No Oils 800 182 182 182 D'Bidona 2500 9 9" Sig + 44/ Realm 2% | 23-1 |eanization for Economic Co-op-|. MT. Thompson, who left his) meeting that Canada is suffer- y, Nov y ia '2 25 $164 1 } Dac P 54 $1 P i 5 Ye 104 ae " ri i i ind|i F en Sunday, November 12, 1961, Mary |e 'Husky 6% + [Nat Drug 725 $1 4 % [Pac Pete 2654 $12% 12% 12% Tention 321 $104 104 10 iio: Bons ao cration and Development where|"¢ and eight children behindjing a great economic loss Witan He masoeys dear waster, of(c Husky w Ne naa Ge an) Pamoll = 13700 47,45 45. 2 I icknsn 600 400 400 400 Roche : fe UB. alco nae ittine|@t_@ farm in Red Deer, Alta.,|through the migration of trained George, Huntsville, and dear sister of) Ind Gas 6 8 -- Yolo Hers, 450 $24% 247 24% + %|Permo 500.38 3636 Dome 110 $25 25 25 -- %! Rockwin 00 1 he U.S and Canada, sitting )iooked on the Ontario jaunt as|young personnel to the United Tena M. and George B. Ferguson, both | CM ee ane 44 | ,,|Pbina p xd 100 + %4|Peruv Oils 200 180 180 180 Donalda = 4000 8% =8 «=H + 4 Ryanor 00 9 now as ful! members, will ex-/, "srassroots" organizing tour|States. The "backward state of of Newcastle. Resting at the Morris Fu. |€,Mars Su ML Ul eeatom 50) . 3. 3. -- 4 petrol 1100 69 67 69 | Duvan oe )San Ant : amine with European govern-|+ ha follow ery feet, Hal) Ms , neral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in) ot "lPow Corp 150 $59% 594 S976 + %) "66 8 |East Mal 150 225 225 225 +5 | Satellite ste Hoek ante erent to be followed by similar trips| affairs" was emphasized when the chapel on' Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. In-/CPR ig Pres Elect 2000 2 20 ji ar aE |East Sull 100 195 195 | Sherritt 90 485 ments how to promote greater|in the west and Atlantic prov-/New Canadians were returning terment Orono Cemetery. ag Tag vo 3 |QN Gas 120 4 0 rare Gee oat AS : Eldrich 19000 11 i Silvrmaq 42% 42 trade and how to co-ordinate! inces \to their homelands in Britain : sit : --3 JQN Gas wts 110 20 +10 | Sarces , Falcon 328 $67 67 Siscoe 211 208 i : sae dt Mananis hora bovimsavile, 0 Cockshutt, 125. $15% + [Rob 2 pr 900 $17 17, glo see 0 Patina ~~ 2 8 | Bien ; 18 eiaeutie an ter He told a meeting in London, |and pla Monday, November i3th, 1961, Walter |Col Cell 420 30 gt ia om 80% m{Syooner - 1000 9% + %|Flobisher 800 10 10 10 | Sturgeon 1 2 trenethening the NATO alli.|Qtt. that until his election at) Asked to comment on the glut Orville Cochrane, husband of Lelia camb Boa aio $12 |Bogal , Bank ; bers b0%4 -- * Stanwell 542 30 =3, Geco Mines 600 $22% 22% 22% | Sullivan 5 c 183 +3 |S ae ' ie ; Ye alli-|Social Credit's first national|of unsold fruit in the Niagara Rahm and father of Jean (Mrs, A,|Cin Bldg pr 300 $7% 7% 74 | Royalite ae ae se | Tiiad Ol 7430 205. 19 5 +13 |Giant YK 105 610% 10% 10% 3 -- 'lance in the face o Soviet anit * Face oa insul is year, he said Binnell) Willowdale and Harold, Tor-|Con Bldg wt 100 260 lada-S be aa ae 8 Un Oils 500 14 s +4 |Glacier mo Us ylva 2 32 32 --2 threats to Berlin" marked to- convention in Ottawa in gay ne th me ae Canaan onto, Brother of Hazel (Mrs. G. Stin-|Con Gas 562 $22% 22 22 3 ada wts 454 > 14 Wsburne 2200 5 --4 |GF Mining 1000 19% 194 194 T 4000 6.6 ip ; jthe party had never really been| monopolies in the fr usiness gon) Garnet, Lioyd, Russell, Leslie, |Con Gas B ce $06, 108 106 ilsnawin 4% 2h 24% + Hh Grandro y 1125 22% 22% 22% oe Bins Ow HS, 124 (187% openings meeting. Inational. One of his main tasks|would "sooner let the fruit rot Sin' seer Resting H, Adams) ip nis|Dist Seag 880 $1734 47% 475 ¥4) Simpsons xd Bt, 28M ¥ MINES peat 400 330 325 330 +8 |Upp Can 165 165 165 |during the next few months is|than see that it gets to en qe Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division Street |P .Bridge 150 $21% 21% 2i%6 + Y/Slater Ind 29 Acad Uran 20500 14 12% i341 |fupnae 20) $8058 is EN ocar CAE AL TER CHANGED APPROACH ito search out potential candi-|ple. He urged more attention be Bowmanville. Service in the ndry , Alt Pay 1 4 655% 65% + a CAPE TOWN (AP) -- Beauty dates and local organizers in| placed on developing home mar- $ 00 125 November 15th, |D0sco 210 $11 $1476 14% 14% -- YW'Advocate 600 550 S45 S45 --10 1 of Lakes 6500 15 14% + 44|Vent Deb $98% 98% 9814 : ae a ems Hanpie ee ees Headway 1000 45 45 45 +1%|Waite Am 5 715 705 705 --S will replace the beast in South preparation fer the next federal] kets. Cemetery. High-Bell 100 275 275 275 | Willroy 40 141 +1 |Africa's tour' st advertising general election, in which he | Te 25%ec 257% Wilts 8 43 | 1g; ©. . H : ; fn BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT payee ay eee NY Ge one 8 100 100 ~~ |joverseas. Delegates to a publi-/said Social Credit plans to field NO COMPENSATION CUDDAHEE, John y fa| W jov | pu : A R At the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lind- e 1cina Int Moly 1000 Hh 44 14 -- %| Young "HG 17, 2%, 1%, <* city conference here criticized|for the first time a candidate) NORWICH, Englané (CP)--A 1961, | Bi | ad say, on Sunday, November 12, | Int Nickel $84 |Zulapa 3% 36 1 |What were called fang-and-claw|in nearly every constituency. |Norfolk health committee has John Cuddahee, in his 77th year, be-| | | | Iso 1500 70 68 «668 +2 | Curb jpolicies in ads featuring wild) Last week's Ontario dinnerjrefused to take responsibility loved husband of Mary Jane Giles, dear J Waite 200021 21 21 +1 | Bulolo 710 «(710 ; ; '. ; ' father of Loretta Gare. Loree Vincent) | co 0 | Jellicoe 8500 5% 5% 5h + %| . animals. Beautiful poster girls|meetings were for the most|for peoples' false teeth that are 'oronto, Joseph of Bowmanville, Kay Kenvill 2000 43 y | .m.: 1,095,000, \wi i : itati : . Sere coree of Sevcee £7 enville 4% 4% 4% Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,095,000. will be used instead part arranged on an invitational chewed up by their dogs. nam), and Dorothy, all of Oshawa;) Fergus, Mary (Mrs, C. Cote), and Mer- Mrs, J. s 2 sata" cones Qnderrated | On Recover 1" brother of Nellie (Mrs. G. Sullivan) of | wed by 2 Grastiaten, Westing sil SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A By FORBES RHUDE jmoney were there, profit levels the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay.|Brooklyn professor of medicine! qanadian Press Business Editor) are neither providing the where-| Funeral to St, Mary's Church, Lindsay said Saturday that unfounded Taxation and competitive con-|withal nor justifying borrowings | for Requiem Mass on Wednesday, No-|nrejudice has virtually wiped)... Pha 4 * | vember 15 at 10.00 a.m. Interment at : PR ditions are putting a damper on/or stock issues. | &t. Mary's Cemetery, Lindsay. jout the use in the United States profits and this, in turn, is put-| | {Prone on ie Wend s pide} Ape ( ic re-| Ford Motor Company of Can-| | | GARTSHORE, James Clifford (Cliff) ; fi) ting a damper on economic r : @uddenly at his residence, 304 Brock a therapeutic medicines--al lcovery, the First National City| ada says retail sales of cars and| Street North, Whitby, on Saturday,|/Cohol peveiliets ee aon | | vy its Canadian dealers| November 11, 1961, James Clifford| In small doses alcohol is a su- Bank of New York says, in ef-|trucks by its C | " i : * its thly let-/in October were the highest! SP wiitsy Kauaes Chav} betsved nas PerD tranquillizer, said Dr. Wil-|f@ch In Hs current montliy Teh) October, 1958. October band of Jessie M. Wilson, dear father| liam Dock. In larger doses it is Becanse of the profit squeeze|sales totalled 9,992 units com- of Jim of Whitby, in his 6ist year, oud sedative. ec e ; Le} § bs wee UN Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral . Phe risk ot excessive depend- business men are cautious, the| pared with 8,789 units in Octo-) a 'Chapel, Whitby, for service in. the} sath ac Pp | .|ber last year, and the record of| Shape! on Tuesday, November 14 atjence on alcohol needs proper|letter states, and * double reg Heeger me 2.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, | perspective, he said in a report barrelled result may be Py ri , ' . Oshawa. Minister, the Rev. J. Smith. |prenared for a symposium on ing down of recovery an is- MORING, Mildrea lalcohol and civilization at the|@Ppointing revenues for tax col-| CANADIAN CONTENT | , | "Entered into rest in St. Michael's Hos-|{iniversity of California School|lectors. It adds: : | Quotation from J. S. Keenan, Be teat initial mite Mbore' siaow jot. Medicine, | "It is a pity that the fiscal) vice-president and general man-| @f the late Wm. W. Moring and mother} Dr, Dock is professor at the|POlicy formula for getting the) ager, industrial products depart- ef Mrs. Wm. J, Burns (Edith), Oshawa,/ state University of New York|ation (the United States) out)ment, Canadian General Elec- j ie, oh erent wer bux your |DOWnstate Medical Center injof @ mild recession was so con-|tric Co. Ltd.: Resting at the Armstrong Funeral) Brooklyn. jcentrated on stimulating goV-) «at our Toronto Davenport | ee eee! AS the human' race discoy- ernment Lge ~~ tone works Canadian content is not| 44 at 2 p.m, Interment 'Mount Lawn| ered thousands of years ago, a ee 2 "es , ya pee the just a catch phrase but a way} Cemetery, Oshawa, jcohol makes one's trouble Soca Biegenre tape "gas . a of life. In assembling compli-| liane Bs i |1954 uctions is any guide|, ; N ; NOBLE, Edith Maude whether organic or emotional, cated industrial equipment we} After a short illness at the Oshawa Gen-|seem less alarming. - |--could have done agen peny! follow a basic formula with re-| oa Monday, 8 13, "This carefree attitude, so|good by reinvigorating business gard to component parts: (a)| al « | 'lel i | ee Fate ee te. Waier), Seiovea|dangerous for the automobile/enterprise. do we manufacture them? (b)| 7 Abaay st potas ini j : ile of Arthur V. Noble, dear mother of driver, is. most helpful for the| Fg Ae Pg tection 4 can we make them economic- mS Marebens (Core) en Tagine, parents of normally un-/£0es ; § Du',/ally? (c) can we obtain them! Ber" Soin ees. "Hosting at the W.| grateful children, for those with}ha ving committed so much| icowhere in Canada? | C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for|failing sense or vital organs,;)money to enlarging expendi-| | service in the chapel on Wednesday.| with dying contemporaries and|tures in every direction, the| November 15, at 2 p.m_ Interment! * : : . < af | Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Minister|a narrowing circle of friends. |practical budgetary problems the Rev. J. McLeod. |presents itself: where is the When You NEED MONEY SCOTT, Herbert N | |money coming from?" ; | | ere Hostal Bere aot ic U.K. Currency |BUSINESS CONCERNED |p ALL the others t, RR 2, Orono, in his 74th year, Outlining business feelings, OMPARE the costs and then husband of the late Florence Pearl F the letter states: ALL us for th ed her of Trewin, A us for the money you ne Helen (hes. or Hudell), Roy, Dor. Change Seen "There is deep concern in the | othy (Mrs. James Little). Resting at] 1 ownoN (AP) -- Britain's|usiness community with the) WERE READY TO INVEST | ville. Service in the chapel on Wednes-|time-honored but often baffling| difficulties of meeting con- | ordi 3 p.m. Inter ent Bethesda Concern is threatened with pos.| tantly increasing employment IN YOUR FUTURE! | : | sible displacement by a decimal|costs at a time when competi-| . aad ee leoinage such as dollars and tive conditions deny opportuni- an ers | GERROW FUNERAL | nenta ties for price adjustment to|borrow from $1600, up on a Ist, CHAPEL | The Sunday Telegraph re-|cover the costs. or 2nd mortgage with monthly | _. |ports that a government - ap-| 'Profits tabulations bear out|payments es low as $17.50 per| Kindness beyond price |pointed committee already has|the recent comment of Secre-\¢1999, borrowed. | yet within reach of all. |recommended, a change from|tary (Commerce) Hodges that nds 1 to} c 2 ings 'too y' Fi . | |pounds, shillings and pence to) corporate earnings are 'too low \Oshawa residents for a confiden-| | 728-6226 |the decimal system. The paper's|and in percentage terms 'are|~ Z % 390 KING STREET WEST _|political correspondent said the|not moving with the trend in the tial appointment in your own home| cabinet now has the matter|economy.' Since . profits drop call the operator and ask for ZE) LOCKE'S. FLORIST. junder study and will make ajfaster than economic activity in}76540 (no toll cherge). Other, Funeral arrongements and | statement to the House of Com-}a recession, they need to rise|\sreq residents call Guelph TA mons before Christmas. | H : f | |more rapidly in periods of ex- res ea ag selected weal one plat ga gd a aoe cearion." y oe 2966Z Collect: was urge y 151 members 0 "Discouraged by pressures on * F | oe |the House of Commons, repre-|profit margins, business men Barfried Enterprises L'*, 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | senting a!l parties. : are keeping close control on 285 WOOLWICH ST., GUELPH | | Cost of making the switch has|their budgets. Even though | 728-6555 |been estimated at £100,000,000 there are always projects that! MEMBER ONTARIO MORTGAGE | "GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me. | ($280,000,000) The change most!could be un BROKERS' ASSOCIATION morial. For placement contact funeral) fayored by expert opinion is a) --------------- ' director or phone 725-2327. | |new money unit worth 10 shil- | lings--half a pound--and divided = IN MEMORIAM [22% | & ® ristmas Gift Spolier "EE. wdierMiearee aut Remembrance Day glia STARTING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th God say vou geting weary, | Hit By Separatist He came and stood beside you | < 7 And whispered "Come and rest". HULL, Que. (CP)--Dr. Mar- pa wished no one a last farewell, {cel Chaput, president of Le Ras- jor even said goodbye; ' % You had gone before we knew it, |Semb]ement pour I'Indepen And only God knows why, dance Nationale, a Quebec sep- | | | Aad eciy Sed Hows, ©, _{aance Nationale, a Quebec sep- | Aug ia The Merry Old Gentleman with the white beard and red suit days, | A -- . * Sincere and kind in heart and mind, | participate in the Remembrance) } | r . _Besuial memories zou lett behind. "Day observances" of English | highly recommends The Gift Spotter as a successful Wonder BLAND -- tn loving memory of a| D®. Chaput, a Defence Re-| ie land to offer all those exciting Christmas Gifts you purchased "dear wife and mother, Elsie Mat Bland, |Search Board scientist recently | ol ST. SIMONS ISLAND GEORGIA 'who passed away November 13, 1959. elected president of the RIN ' trials are past, low those who "ask French- fed i 'i i ' vith In silence she suffered, in patience|<nonking C a | eorgia--enjoy a myriad of seaside activities | Prcge sade jspeaking Canadians to honor} a bi yp ap rg dicen de or | Yours truly, Tore. mambered by husband Bop,{o@ te, comer of a Union Jack| Paka CG hee deughlers Joyee 204 Jean, jor. Red Ensign." Riding e. HARDING -- In loving 'memory of|caid "Noy 425 F trails. Yacht Club. Golf course. Everything to ¢ noe 13. 1997, oe Novem | Se iebration of British and'Angle j make you sainy your vocation, TELEPHONE 723-3492 'Upright and just to the end of your | night RIN members "cannot | 'Betty and son-in-law, Frank. |speaking Canada. Ls full, i ing,resti it last, ; | j | i The world's "weary troubles ana|Said the group refuses to fol- % Located off the Atlantic Coast on the Golden Isles of | for this special selling event. Till God called her home to suffer no|their dead by drying their tears| | and entertainment. Cuisine. Fascinating ac- THE GIFT SPOTTER STAFF Bho i. ; oe dati Club-like ot h 4 For French-Canadians," he ni No eyes see us weep, Canadian imperialism. But deep in our hearts " _ Treasured memories we keep. | "All those who compel --Always remembered by wife Verna,|Frencn - Canadians to parade son Douglas, Jean and grandchildren. |hehind a British flag and to| >>. WY ga iE Bi R 3 : i _ lobey military commands given | eiidlinl . As Ab | an ENVOY CONFERS WITH K. jin English are fomenters of war, | MOSCOW (Reuters) -- West|because they are maintaining | German Ambassador H an sjimperialism which is the cause Kroll] met Soviet Premierjof all war." | 8] Khrushchev for more than 90; Dr. Chaput was addressing a j | : minutes @hursday to discuss)RIN gathering in Hull, across line nnnnteatasaneneeincs: P : ibis iiss ¢ "'autual problems." the river from Ottawa. | :

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