Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1961, p. 17

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me 26--Rooms for Rent coms vor Kent o---Kooms for Kent Keci Estate Wanted |5t----Automobile Repoirs (32----Arrictes ror sale SINGLE furnished room, $4 a week. Free parking available. Apply 163 Sim- coe Street South. TWO rooms and kitchenette, complete- ly furnished, refrigerator and heavy duty stove, hydro included. Adults only. |boards Apply 641 Merritt Street, Oshawa. LIGHT housekeeping room, close to\THREE-ROOM furnished basement downtown, parking space available. Ap-| apartment, newly decorated, sink, cap- ply 20 Elgin Street or .|boards, Suitable for couple or girls. TWO furnished room m and|\Closer to South GM. Apply 172 Hibbert kitchen with refrigerator, built-in cup-| Street. and sink, all conveniences. ply 887 Ritson Road South. THREE rooms and kitchen. Suit ladies, gentlement or couple, Child parking facilities. Telep! {central, ONE or bg gens furnished ois un 723-9225. Apply 716 Cedar Street. pices nd ih ena 27--Real Estate for Sale Two rooms, bedroom and kitchen with sink and cup- boards, private sfool, parking space. Apply 156 Agnes treet, TWO furnished rooms, central, abstain- ers only, light housekeeping if desired. Parking. Apply 45 Drew Street or tele- phone 728-0594. rooms in Boulevard ATTRACTIVELY private home. 74 HARMONY Road North area, five- room stone and brick bungalow, 1% aaa ened id, nicely landscaped with f m | years old, nicely landsca with fene- a alg A ed eek Senate ed back yard. Aluminum storms and gentlemen, use of kitchen and washing ed kine, hi screens, TV tower, six per cent mort- 7258 Susie) psu anaes gage. Owner transferred. Call Russ ub sia Reeve Schofield-Aker Ltd. (25-4840. Bg NICELY farnished "bedroom in warm clean hom refined gentleman, central, board gens Telephone 725-) = _|NIGELY furnished room with €LEAN room, close to bus stop, cen- tral lady or gentleman. 725-2249. in new bunga- Roe GOOD income home for extra value, near schools, 'excellent location please call MO 8-5765. PRIVATE sale, five room brick bua galow, north-east section vey low, suit girl, land area, near bus stop. Telephone 725-4961 before four, Saturday anytime. light en- Telephone trance, parking | facilities. Close to South Street, terms. Telephone 725-6398. Gene: ral Motors, Telephone 728-7453. $1,500 DOWN, NHA resale. Three bed- 27--Real Estate for Sale room brick bungalow, Hollywood kitch- en, very tastefully decorated and land- ----|seaped. Close to all schools and trans- 27--Real Estate For Sale 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, Fully decorated, extra 2 pe rdom, water softener, close Foye) = ee Fu price $11,500.00 down payment $ 'as! one mortgag -- possession, Call Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 or MO 8-585 INCOME BUNGALOW with ottached garage, 3 ment with bothroom, Patio, Large Lot. PIT. 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. poved driveway, storms ond screens. $14,000.00. Coll Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. BELL DRIVE Four Bedroom 2 storey homes, attoched garage, farge lot, extra washroom, down payment from $3800. 00 cash mortgage, For further information call Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. to one NLH.A. $2,000.00 Lot for sole north Booth MO 8-8257. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 3 lots, Highway forntage Call Mildred Bilida MO 8-2167. OLIVE HOWE, Realtor 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, MO 8-5853 portation. Carries for $91 monthly, in- terest, principal and taxes. Available December 1, Al] Survey Real Estate Ltd., 728-7551. ' $7,900 FULL price, $700 down. Six-room home, central location, low taxes $112/~ Act fast. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at Lan teag Lloyd Realty Oshawa Limited, Realto: wash- room opart- AP- CLEAN furnished room with kitchen,| |stove and refrigerator, suit gentleman, TWO or three-bedroom home in condition, St. good Gregory's Church area. Have good down. payment. Call Russ| Reeve of Schofield-Aker Ltd., at 725- 4840. ZIG ZAG sewing macihne, sews for- ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, does decorative stitches. Originaj price $179. Can be had for balance owing, $47.00 cash of seven payments of 87. HILLCREST WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOWER PRICED HOMES Ye urgently need fistings on properties --- $10,000, or under. For free appraisal call-- SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. 723-2265 725-0243 728-8423 725-1726 Daytime Evenings SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs 1 mile East ved igi No. 2 High OPEN 'TIL iP Nickey Write Box 428 Oshawa Times. FREE winter storage for your power Pohang with pre-sp: tune-up. iar ae mdr up and delivery, Telephone 725-4, CALL Elmer when buying or selling) | heaters, The best for less. 32--Articles for Sale [eae Mt Bh oe STKE naw. chacannl oon a , |ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, LIKE new, charcoal gray mohair coat,|No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates size 16-18, $40. Telephone 725-7866. free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaras- junbe: tee standards at low eau Bil Ham bye Wee Schick, Sulnhan Ron. fiton, Ashburn, Brooklin. son, etc, eg cuiting heads in stock. THREE-PIECE bedroom suite, mat-|Meagher's, 5 King Street West. tress anl spring, refrigerator, rang- ette, television, table, three chairs, com-|$) Gavy Yiewne youtsie hon' ihn bination record radio, all nearly' ig massagers, Slim-Rite Cen- 29--Automobiles for Sale tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. REF! ATOR, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- radios, lowest prices in town, Try minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 373 Olive Avenue after 4 P.M Vaive and ring job Meter Sales, only $45. Stewart 822 King West, 725-1667. Carries for $88.00 TWO rooms, upstairs, one down gen three-piece bath, laundry facili paaad PONTIAC, body and motor A-1, kitchen, clean and warm, Married couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Sec- ond Avenue. FORTY sold, two left which must be jsold, six-room, two-storey $10,990 with $550 down, One mortgage only, low pay- ments. Hurry! Call 728-5123 Lloyd Real- ty Oshawa Limited Realtor. $600 DOWN, $9100 full price, five-room bungalow, close to Central Collegiate, features garage, hot water heating, de- corated and large lot. Terms to be ar- ranged, Phone Douglas L. Gower Real- Rec Room walk out basement, erea Fully serviced. Call Mrs. wily 'ed. Sacrifice, $350. Tele- phone 728-1890. CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor sonar *s4 BUICK Special car for sale. ames muskrat coat, full length, ENGLISH car won't start? No power? frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. WARDROBE, walnut finish, good con- size assorted doors and windows, cu. ft. Also Moffat electric range with many extras, Both in good condition. T 728-8737. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. WINE and cider barrels. Solid oak, all sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, i Church Street, 723- pg ¥. -- Tires, Paces. Kelvinator pr eR ay on vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. 655-4705. 1952 TEN horsepower Mercury Hurri- articane Super with new part, in lower unit, upper unit overhauled. Telephone 723-7841. REFRIGERATOR, excellent condition. Telephone 723-1874. sion, mechanically sound, Owner le: ing town, 728-3086 evenings, 5 - 7.30. 1958 VAUXHALL deluxe, good 53": ROVER, black, 4-speed transmis- LADY'S piano accordian, Camerano, 120 bass, % size, student forced to sell. T 725-6814 after 5 p.m. '58 PONTIAC, mechanically A-1. One| lady's bicycle, man's bicycle, violin. For quick sale. 728-0616. Will take trade-in. _Telephone MO 8-5270. tires only 3,600 miles. South of Myrtle. Sell to ) highest bidder, 655- 3429, *82 FRONTENAC. Good condition, | 'good STOVE, F: 40" wide, in Apply 17 Me- Laughlin Boulevard after 5. USED juicer for sale, extracts pulp TWIN baby stroller Sg He y Pe sc free juice. Will give guarantee. Tele. md | treet|phone 728-7721. LADY'S piano tion, priced at 8-3762. Ci 120 $275. 'Telephone MO '57 MERCURY, in good ¢ mileage, $100 and take over pares | For more details telephone 728-5262. jtor. 728- 4651. Sree DEN |sr INGLE rooms, also furnished bachelor | japartment, hot water; close to General) |Motors and bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. | 725-1300. | SINGLP or double furnished room,! ladies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and washing machine, central location. Tele- phone 725-8150. |NEAR King and Cadillac, brick bungalow, two-car garage, come basement apartment, low |payment. 728-0334 after 5. ~ five-room | in-} down | METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East COUNTRY SETTING Just west of city limits on large hedged lot, a 52-room ranch bungalow (1340 sq. ft.), just two years old, large kitchen with double sink, colored bath fixtures, thermopone windows in L- room, door from L-room to adjoining patio, 3 extra large bed- rooms. Full price $16,900.00, GRASSMERE ST. §5%4-room brick bungalow, on fireplace, only seven years old, ping, etc. All this for only $1 AFTER 5: Dick Barriage, 725-6243 John Kemp, 728-2392 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 ,000.00 low down payment. TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND _ | For 3 or more years on Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use of barn possible No live- stock, For further informo- Dial 728-4678 | tion Dial 725-9970 or 725- |_9929. | down payment to be arranged ARE YOU THINKING | of | BUYING OR SELLING? ARE YOU of | ADVICE OR ASSISTANCE? | 9191 if so iE Pia cand Sop hed Please feel free to |; CALL. CY PREECE large landscaped fot, noturo!l | Convenient for schools, shop- | IN NEED | 30 CALL HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. EAST 725-4701 or 725-7732 $60.00 PER MONTH Including principal and interest on a 6% 5-room bungalow about 6 years fand, ot a. low price of $9,500, with low down payment and ebout 21% miles from City limits, Coll Ossie Martin, 725-4701 or 728-9714, $10,900 FULL PRICE 6-room home, just a few yeors, with large ultra modern kitchen, 4 rooms on main floor, 2 rooms on eo floor, oll os garage, landscaped lot, aluminum storms and terms, located In College Hill. or MA 3-3672. No Obligation | L, S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD | | 725-8761 OR EVENINGS _ 725-6027 BUYING A HOME? If you're looking for a new home, or perhops you've al- ready seen the one for you for this +.» we will assist you with extra cash for your down poy ment, UP TO $5,000 with Up te 60 Mo. to Repay o SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY of Conada Limited 29Y2 Simcoe S, 728-6283 old with low taxes, 2 ocres of Ea: Call Joe Crowford, 72 725-4701 54 FORD Zephyr sedan, with original matching '59 CHEV. two-door hard- -top, V8 Cus- tom radio, new whitewall tires, two-| jtone many extras, Can be seen at At- lantic Sea Foods, 272 Albert Street. Telephone 728-7211 FORD Consul, '50 Pontiac, your choice full size, $95. Easy terms, Stewart Motor Sales, 822 King West. 725-1667. \°52 Austin. |Fina Service | South, 58 OLDSMOBILE four-door, custom| radio, good condition. Telephone 725-/ 9528 for further information at FOR good transportation, 75. FORD, g | Appl ly Fina Service Station. 160 Simcoe! Priced tor quick gale at |Street South. '61 PONT IAC, auto- full convertible, a ay |matic, white walls, wheel discs, price $3, Will finance. 723-2674. "32 FRONTENAC, good. Station, 627 Simcoe Street/ furniture. Shop now for Christmas and tapie | Chureh Street. w | jEaet endless Oe "THE Mattress King" eae og money |AMPEG Jet Amplifier, nearly new.|on quality mattresses. If need a |Telephone 725-3258 for more particulars|mattress we have it. All branded lines hi 2t low, low discount prices. Genuine | FULL ienath genuine grey persian lem) Serta quilted mattress, regular $89.50, Mantle radio $5. 845 Somerville Street,|2©W two mattresses for $89.50. Serta }smooth top mattress, regular $79.50, AUTOMATIC electric restaurant grill,)now two mattresses or one mattress store scales, cash register!/and one box spring both for $79.50, See iy ag compartment sink. Telephone|The Mattress King", Ed. Wilson's, 20 728- Church Street. " quality|SINGER sewing machine, electric por- excellent condition, $40. Ajax|- save. Platform rocking chairs, dis- rf hh 1 count price $29.88, cedar chests MO. vc Saad nn ;$49; Two-piece chesterfield and sofa- bed suites, discount price $128,00; un-/YOU'LL pay less for furniture and ap- painted book-cases $3.88; many color-|pliances at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe ful hassocks $3.95; five-piece kitchen|Street South, 728-4873. Call us for wash- chrome suite discount price $34.88. Edjer, range and radio repairs. Wilson Discount Furniture Mart, ease "savings on USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-2241. HI-FI four speaker, over $200 in LP jrecords; also record bar $100. Also °54 Buick, $300. Dunbarton, 839-2709. c good \tires, Only 3,600 miles. South of Myrtle. Telephone 655-3429 | anytime. |'57 DODGE coach, custom radio, white- s, tutone, brown and white. Best e in town, $695, Van Heusen Motors, site Brewery on King. \'58 VOLKSWAGEN, scarce model, in| Only | opposite |_""** top shape. Hurry for this one. $695. Van Heusen Motors, Brewery on King. 35 PONTIAC coach ompletely refin-| ished, runs like new and priced to sell.) jOnly $595. Van Heusen Motors, opposite | | Brewery on King. fine English quality car with economy as a bonus. |Only $395. Van Heusen Motors, i Aaa | | Brewery on King. 56 STUDEBAKER transmission, "sedan, radio, $295. Van Heusen | Brewery on King. 38 PLYMOUTH Savoy sedan, one own- jer car. We sold and: serviced since | jnew. Only $1,095. Van Heusen Motors,| lopposite Brewery on King. Motors, ----|'60 RENAULT with radio, 44 miles to| $895. Van} opposite Brewery on} the gallon with Heusen Motors, King. 56 PONTIAC hardtop, one owner, standard transmission, custom radio, custom upholstery, whitewalls. Only $895. Van Heusen Motors, opposite this car. Brewery on King. '36 METEOR Niagara hardtop, with automatic, custom radio, chrome dises, Clean original upholstery, Only $895. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King '60 MORRIS | 'the ideal Christmas gift. No down payment if credit satis- factory. Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, e Brewery on King. '55 PONTIAC deluxe, b beige and brown, ~ overdrive | mechanically sound, Needs slight body work. Only opposite | OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in 30 days. Home rentals for vibratory belts. Barrel massagers. Slim-Rite Cen- tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. |TXPEWRITERS, cash registers, add. ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill Ham- ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin . |WE pay highest prices in the city for jused furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 7 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South, GAS range, white enamel, four burner, SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- able, good condition. Apply 763 Ritson Road South. w condition. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground Price $so0. Telephone po ed sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, & ---------~|Church Street, 723-7624. NATURAL grey Persian lamb coat, % length, excellent condition, worn a few |times. Telephone 725-9857. DRAPERIES FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar antee. $2.25 per week, no down pry ment. Package dea] $130. Telephone 725-4729. | raoranee refrigerator, 1959 model, OF LATEST 18 cubic foot, like new. Telephone MODERN DESIGN rao. ' ITYPING paper on sale, letter size, Living room drapery, 79c yd. | white Bewsprizt, be 70 boll ee cee save, 4% lb. pkg a P ond up. Bedroom drapery Circulation Department. Oshawa Times. satins and rayons, 1.40 yd. up. Kitchen drapery, 69c yd. up. Made to order by ex- gay, i . 'ket, Ritson 0a! perts --- nominal cost. Ready {Glecoff's Supermarket, me ' . i vi till 10, made selection at discount |South, Oshawa. Open every nigh! : | rices GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's P at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- M & C DRY GOODS vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your | PA CELINA ST. 723-9007. [Seeks ee FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- RENT, RENT, RENT eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- Silver tea service with tray, stration. Telephone 728-4683. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, cups and saucers, teaspoons, punch bowi and cups, ice parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. bucket with tongs. Highball, old-fashioned cake and cock- Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv tail glasses. ice, 728-0591 anytime. YOUR service business will Dinnerware for all occasions. FREE DELIVERY prosper with a daily ad in "Business Services" in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 CIGARETS carton $3.09; butter 64c 1b.5 Gem margarine 4 Ibs. $1; bread, 2 loaves 37c. Savings galore, shop daily. Dial 723-3492 today to learn about the low commercial rates, FOOD & FREEZER PLAN ly beautiful. Only $695. ite Brewery on King. Motors, 'y. Real- Van Heusen } You may have tried the rest, Now try the best, Eat better T.V. TOWERS Economic Affairs Book By By ALAN DONNELLY OTTAWA (CP)--A book which could become the Liberal party's election campaign hand- book on economic affairs has just come off the presses. Its author is Walter Gordon of Toronto, one of Liberal Leader Lester B. Pearson's closest advisers and a promin- ent moulder of the party's plat- form. Only once in its 134 pages does the book name the Progressive '|Conservative party. Nowhere does it mention the Liberal party, except on the dust jacket where Mr. Gordon is identified as having been policy commit- tee chairman of last January's ay.|national Liberal rally. The author, however, leaves no doubt as to his political sym- pathies. His book, Troubled Canada-- The Need for New Domestic Policies, is a strong criticism of the Conservative govern- ment's actions and policies in "Ithe economic field. Its final chapter is a 34-page summary of proposals 'to in- crease the rate of economic growth in Canada and restore high levels of employment." On most points these echo policy resolutions of the Liberal rally. Mr. Gordon was chairman of _.{the royal commission on Can- ada's economic prospects which in 1956 issued the widely-dis- cussed "'Gordon Report." EXPECTED TO RUN Now, party informants say, it| is likely he will be a candidate in the next federal election, probably in a Toronto constitu- ency. The same jump into active politics appears probable for two other prominent men who were top civil servants under the last Liberal government. They are Mitchell Sharp of Toronto, former deputy trade minister who probably will run against Finance Minister Flem- ing in Toronto Eglinton, and for- _ deputy defence minister M. (Bud) Drury who is re- mn likely to seek the Liberal nomination in a Montreal con- stituency. In the event of a Liberal party victory at the polls--and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Movember 13, 1961 17 Gordon their own election -- all three men are considered to be virtu- ally sure-fire bets for cabinet portfolios, Mr, Gordon's book makes fre- quent reference to the forecasts and recommendations of the Gordon report, which has been gathering dust since the Con- servatives took office. HAVE 'FAILED' The report, he says, predicted a 22-per-cent increase in Can- ada's gross national product be- tween 1955 and 1960. The actual increase was 15.8 per cent and more than half of that gain oc- curred in 1956--the last full year, though he doesn't mention it, of Liberal administration. "We have failed in recent years to realize our capabili- ties." he writes. Some of the causes of this had been the end of the post-war boom and the resulting reduc- United States and Europe, "'dis= appointing" sales and changes in Canada's economic structure. But these factors "could have been balanced or at least miti- gated considerably by positive programs designed to counter- act them." He blames the government and Mr. Fleming in particular for creating a lack of public con- fidence in the administration | a oe which "has been a important | contributing cause of the um-- employment problem." He refers tu several past is- sues which are sure to become election campaign fodder: the 1958 bond conversion program, the 1959-60 period of "tight money with a ance" and. last summer's battle over the ousting of Bank of Canada Gov- ernor James E. Coyne. The Coyne affair was "one of the most disgraceful public brawls in the history of our country."" The government, he said, had tried to make Mr. Coyne the "scapegoat" for ite mistaken policies. MORE MINES tion in capital investment, eco- nomic developments in the Tin mines in Malay numbered 663 in 1960, an increase of 72 over 1959. MERRY MENAGERIE A ep U-t3 vk hes Ven y eereneate Swi Hien wae little catnip ranch!" Do Most People Buy the Oshawa Times? ... The Answer! ... For the Ads 60% ... News 40% TOWNLINE RD. Beautiful bungalow with ultra modem kitchen, 4-plece tiled both, hot water with oil heating, many extras, garage, large fot, 64% mortgage. See this one tonight by calling Bob John | son, 725-4701 or 728-2548. HOT LISTING LASALLE ST.--$10,000 with $1,000 down, balance on one open * mortgage, oil heating, many extras including room in basement, gorage, private drive and landscaped lot. Call Rolonde Tierney, 725-5207 YOUR MAY be sorry if you try to do} jit yourself. Check "Business Services" | jin the Oshawa Times Classified Section to find reliable people to do the Job) WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST | Your AUSTIN Dealer | | We have a good assortment DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 204 BOND ST. W. 728-4651 $660 down, 12,900 full price New five room brick bunga- tow. In the Taylor Ave., Pop- lor St, area. Close to schools and buses. Featuring colored bathroom fixtures, mahogany trim, clay brick, perpaid serv- ices and N.H.A. financing, of Used Cars. $13,000 Welland Ave. 4 year " old, brick bungalow, 5 rooms. 725 0331 | | Aluminum windows, » Land- " NORTH WEST SECTION «| scoped. A fine home. 6% VOLVO 6-room ranch style bungalow with attached garage, spacious re THE FAMOUS lot, ideal for family wanting privacy, large patio el Numvent $15,200 Gibbons St. Lovely P.V.544 awning, close to schools and shopping area. Reasonable financ- 6 room brick bungalow with 1962 MODELS ing. Call Don Howe at office or 723-9692 evenings new garage. Nicely decorated NEED EXTRA ROOM ? fully landscaped and in per- NOW ON DISPLAY 4 bedrooms in this immaculate split level. about 5 years old. ic You should Jake & Bill Ss Garage This beautiful home has many extras including stone fireplace, FINA SERVICE 2 bathrooms, aluminum storms and screens, professionally CALL DOUG. GOWER 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 landscaped lot with many flowers and shrubs. Asking $17,900 | | with easy terms on one open mortgage. For further particulars Mvic HULATT BUYING OR SELLING SEE | ond appointment without obligation call Keith Peters, 725-4162 TED CAMPIN "LLOYD REALTY WHITBY CLASSIFIED. |,!10YD REALTY | ., ucroRs 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA | Gust East of Wilson Road) | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | 723.4494 Res. 725-5574 | sastely 50 sheets of latter sles trping|to share team nich twie bode en | | paoe (news yo int) for only $1.00. |vate home, Telephone MO 8.4834, os | dar et RP thle |30--Automobiles Wanted BUY YOUR Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby.| ioos¢s5q board wanied for se eng | |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want| BUNGALOW 111 Dundas Street West |by male teacher. Apply Box 910, Osh- tears for wrecking. Highest prices paid. | $12,700 FULL PRICE at E bedr furnish t- jawa Ti » Whitb: 725-1181. | THREE bedroom unfurnished apar Times, Whitby. | | DISCOUNT Very attractive looking with ment, central location in Whitby. Apply |G, | 272 Ritson Road South or telephone [GOD Ba Mg Mio ng MY | SPOT CASH | PRICES ! | partial stained wood and | 9 | Baron's Home Fur stone front. One block from PAID FOR | ~ nishings | } | | 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, al! galvan- Ized, guaranteed 1 year. for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quolity meots, TRIO TELEVISION Life-time warranty freezer, Women Prefer to Know in Advance Where |__171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 a ae | ond What They Are Shopping For COMPLETE SALE OF Aca payne: Call now ee | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS |. Goo ciation -- no ebiion- tion. Zenith 9-6100. Believe What They Read in the Ads Because the Ads are True TRADE LAND TITLES ACT IN THE MATTER OF Part of Is Easy when the Buyers are Invited Guests in Your Store... Lot 26 in the Ist Concession of the Town of Whitby and Lot 34 and Part of Lot 33 Confidence in The Store Who Puts Their Prices in Black and White To Be Read Storm windows ond Prime windows and doors only $40, Install Canada's finest awn- Ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 | NEW BUNGALOW Beoutiful ranch bungalow with attached garage, sfone ond red- | wood siding on front, Pierson-type windows, storms and screens, } colored bathroom fixtures, vanity with large mirror, patio, | | Hollywood-type kitchen, built-in stove and oven, hood and fan, plus mony other extras. To inspect call Earle Allen, 725-5207 or 725-7782 SPECIAL -- Self-storing alu- | minum doors. Reg. 49.50. | Limited stock available, | $35.00 completely installed ALSO Combination aluminum windows and cano- pies ot special prices. | FREE ESTIMATES on all in | terior house remodelling, } PHONE 728-4614 725-7147 LONG SAULT CONSTRUCTION CORP. LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA es laid out dh part of said Lot 26, -- bounded on the west by Athol Street, on the east by the limit between said Lot 26 and Lot 25, on the north side by Werden's Plan and running southerly 661.40 feet more or less. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Donald Comden Deeth, Anton J, Horack and Winono McEwen, all of the Town of Whitby, County of Ontario, have made an application to the Local Master of Titles ot Whitby for o certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from all encumbrances, Wherefore any other person having or claiming to have ony title to or interest in the lond or ony part therof is required on or before the 24th day Of November 1961 to file a statement of his claim in my office ot the Town of Whitby and to serve @ copy on the Applicant. The address of the Applicant for service is: South, HUGH T. NICHOL, Barrister & Solicitor, 319 Brock. Street, Which Advertise Save You Many Hours of Shopping, and Money, too 725-1847, | Please call MO 8-5765. 424 SI public school and close to Good clean cars, Trade up 24 SIMCOE ST. S. separate school. Very reason- or down, Liens paid off, DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses,| FOR SALE: Westinghouse automatic alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- |washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must) able monthly payments on on DODD MOTOR SALES N.H.A. mortgage. Owner on- 314 PARK RD, S$. tings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO | sell. § $100. MO 8-3889. xious to sell. See this home 723- 723-9421 poston Me ies WOMAN wanted for day care of five- by calling Ed Drumm et ----------_$_------ 728- $ALL CASH$ RENTING. One pe ab badrooss | year-old girl in my home, steady em-| 8-5123 For clean cars we deal up or apartment suites, from $85; spacious, | |ployment, 9 - 5 p.m. Telephone MO} OFF KING EAST down. Liens paid off. modern; range, refrigerator and drapes. | Telephone MO 8-475. $13,500 | 5 room brick, attached gor- NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY FoR RENT: Two roomed comfortably furnished apartment; kitchenette, stove and refrigerator. Suit elderly or young|WHITBY Coin La Laundry, iC chaple. Apply 205 Perry Street. MO/|South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one! 8-4470 jsale on dry cleaning and pressing. MO) age, selling for less than re- binge costs, substantial | wn payment required. Will | consider al! offers, Ask for MO _8-8001 | Bill Horner at 728-5123. oF CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used. Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New BABY sitting bureau has reliable ex- dd SELECT AREA Car Dealer and SAVE', perienced women available for baby/LOST ~-- Lady's a gold Gruen wrist sitting and homemaking in Whitby and|watch, brown cord Pp, reward. 316 Ranch brick bungalow, taste- fully decorated, large cera- TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Visit our mew Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, ond Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa | Open to 10 p.m. daily ' |SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward,| a Street West. Phone ws 106 Brock | WHITBY, Ontario, DATED ot Whitby this 7th day of November 1961. W. H. MOORHOUSE Deputy Local Master of Titles FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED AND _ MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES WHO | CALL THE ADVERTISE 'Lumber Number ie eee' | OSHAWA TIMES FOR & Two roomed unfurnished | |SELP-CONTAINED four - toow apart Toom apart. apartme hydro, heat, hot water in- | ment, in Whitby, parking space, recent- | eluded, close to shopping, parking|ly decorated, private entrance ard| space. Telephone MO 8-5188 jbath. Telephone MO 8-3246. N-ROOM house for rent. Available GRAVEL - LOAM Apply 837 Dundas Street East or Cement, Gravel Cc. MO £3498 after 6. FOR RENT -- Attractively Seceniied | Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon two-bedroom self-contained apartment paved parking, laundry dryer, TV an- ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 tenna, $80 monthly. Telephone 728-2633, FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four- room apartment, balcony, residential area, newly decorated, laundry facili- ties, parking, close to schools, children's playground. __ Apply _ 300 _ High Street. FOR SALE: Late model © Crosley auto ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, D. ; BC SERVICES. Complete Soaassagical Cabin. Trail - H voit service for sipall businesses, weekly, abin trailers, also Power monthly or as 'desired. Statements pre-| Tools, Garden 'and Lawn pared income tax returns. MO 8-8252. Equipment. MO 8-3226. FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments, i and $100, in modern building; WILDE RENTAL refrig MO 83591, SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY Oshawa. Telephone 723-4921. |Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294. mic bath, vanity, recreation room, fourth bedroom. Coll Irwin Cruikshanks immediote- ly, 728-5123, GRIERSON RESALE You will be proud to move Into this well kept bungalow, owner will consider lower down payment to responsible porty. Full price $12,500, Call Bill Millor ot 728-5123, 31--Automobile Repairs | HOUSTON'S GARAGE | and SERVICE STATION | BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- | matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. ae heavy duty Gurney move. MO & PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W, , 723-7822 | McCULLOUGH LUMBER SIMCOE N. -- JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD. "YOU CAN COUNT ON OUR SERVICE" Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor, 728-5123 101 Simcoe St, N,

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