Hold Memorial Orono Church ORONO Members of the Royal Canadian Legion from Orono and district, Newcastle and Bowmanville along with the Ladies Auxiliary, the Orono Cubs, Scouts and Girl Guides attended a Memorial Service held in the Orono United Church on Sunday' -- evening. Prior to the Church service the group marched to the Orono Cenotaph, led by the Bowman- ville Legion Pipe Band. Here with the playing of .the Last Post by R. Forrester and the Lament by the Pipe Band the group observed a two minutes silence. Messrs. E. Dent and C. Webber read the list o names of those who had died in action in the past wars from the Township of Clarke. The various local organizations plac- ed wreaths at the Cenotaph. The setting was quite impressive, being flood lit and with many small white crosses and poppy wreaths being placed on the surrounding lawn. At the Church the colors were received by the minister, Rey B. Long, Mrs. J. Major then placed a wreath at the front of the church and with the lights dimming the Last Post} and Lament were again play-| ed SUNDAY SPORTS The Orono Chamber of Com-} merce on Thursday evening at| their regular monthly meeting} held at the Trading Post, came} out in support of Sunday Sports} in the Township. The question) was brought before the meet- ing by the president, Mr. A./ McLaren, who stated that he} had been approached by Mos- port on the questior of Sunday} Sports in Clarke Township, the| latter having asked if the Cham-| ber would be in favor of having Sunday Sports in the area The president informed the} meeting that to operate Sun-| day Sports it would be neces-| when or if a vote will be held on Sunday Sports. however by such as Mosport in other coun- tries, operate on Sunday when some of their largest races are held, it was said. A motion by W. H. Carman and H. Partner, to support the question, when and if a vote was held, was supported by the majority of the Chamber. the Trent and Rice Lake Tour- ist with tourist promotion for the area also asking for informa- tion on the Chamber's expendi- tures during the past year on dent was, authorized to appoint a representative to attend the from the Durham County Dis many fields of endeavors *r oc- cupations. |HOLD CLASSES During the classes in health jand guidance at the Orono Pub- lie School this week the pupils have been addressed by local residents representing three' dif- ferent professions. The students of Grade 7 and 8 have now been enlightened on six differ- ent professions as three were also given last year at the school. The class at the school is under the direction of Mrs. R. Chater. Those who spoke to the class this week were Mr, Boyd Wood, mechanic; Mrs. L. Kennedy, hairdresser and Dr. R .J. Taggart,. veterinary The pupils were enlightened on these professions and were also informed of the qualifica- tions necessary to take these courses, These lectures are given to better inform students of the various occupations and profes- sions available to them. The first installation in Orono of placing hydro lines under- ground was started by the {Orono Hydro Commission on Tuesday of this week. Over the past few years the Commission has had interest in such a proj lect with the result that lines under- There is, interest being shown Mosport Ltd. Other tracks Sunday Spor. A letter was received from Association in connection such promotions. The _ presi- Associations meeting being held this month. A letter was also received) trict High School Boartl expres- sing the thanks of the Board for the recognizing of the Orono High School Honor students. lare now disappearing | ground & ' | This first installation of un- The treasurer, Charles Arm-| gerground wires in Orono is tak- strong, reported a bank balance ing place on Churchill avenue vf some $1800.00. loff Church street just north of R. Forrester asked what in-|the public school. The line is be- lformation had been received on) ing extended down Churchill av-'a project. The, board in it |the possibility of issuing car li-/enue for a distance of some 00 ' ; lcences locally, Mr. L. Lowery|féet and provision is also being|evening appointed Messrs. Joh stated that it had been investi-|made at this time gated and it appeared that no\both such issuing could be set up)---- in Orono. | A motion passed in which the Chamber is to again hold a) Santa Claus parade with the possible date being the first of} December. Mr. W. H. Carman was appointed to look after the event. Some discussion center- ed around other ideas instead of the parade this year which has now been held for four years.| The promotion was left with the! chairman to decide. Leslie Aslett to supply sides of the street. ad spoke to the The construction entails the) vestigate the construction of a installation of two conduct pipes|new wading pool. in which both the primary and| Miss Alma Cuttell supplied |secondary lines are places. The|the Board with information on |pipes are buried to a depth of/some phases of a wading pool three feet just along what willland it would now appear that be the sidewalk line. possibly the board favors plac- near the location of the old swimming pool. It was pointed out that such pools are general- ly drained every day, washed mission has as yet not decided) on the style of street lighting) which could be either the con-| ventidnal style or perhaps to one} : é which incorporates the use of ajUt and refilled. It is not com- more personalized low lamp|™mon practice to connect a wad- style as now being used in|ing pool to a filtration plant. It some of the new sub-divisions. |8 also felt by the board. that * | The regular CGIT meeting! Will be possible to have the poo) lwas held on Monday, with 15 constructed by "cal contracts. \girls present. We opened the} Mr. John Stone reported that lmeeting by repeating the pur-|the old pool had been knocked pose, and the singing of a hymn. |ut and that cement from, this iThis was followed by the devo-|P00l had been used to bank up tion and a prayer. The secre-|the stream where spring floods ltary's and treasurer's reports) senerally wash it out. H. M. |were given and collection which|Mercer stated that the Board | was $1.40 was taken up. We then should consider cleaning out the \discussed our business. A mo-jeast ditch at the park to stop |tion was made to send $30 to|the flowing of water on the |Miss Amy Schauffler in An-|baseball diamond. jgola, Africa, for communion} LAC Neil Barraball left on | glasses. the weekend for Air Force Sta- | We then started our project of|tion, Winnipeg, after spending making place mats for the Sun-jhis leave with his parents, Mr. jday School to help buy a newjand Mrs. Roy Barraball and Wil- jpiano. The lunch committee/lis. lserved a delicious lunch and| Rev. William and Mrs. Butt, ithe meeting closed with taps.|Miss Ada Stevenson and Mr. |Our next meeting will be|Hiram Powers of Unionville iheld on Nov. 20 at 7.30 p.m,|visited on Sunday with Mrs. Planning to build a new wad-| William Cobbledick. ling pool in Ordno Park to be| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beatty of lopen for the 1962 season has led the Orono Park Board tc appoint a committee to seek the inecessary information for such Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Graham and Terry tibbs and family, Dunbarton. monthly meeting on Tuesday \Stone, Harry Mercer, Erni |Mr. and Mrs. William Arm- {Dent and Albert West to in !strong CHOOSE It is understood that the Com-|ing the pool for the youngsters} Toronto were guests of his aunt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell, Danny and Bobby, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ken Gamsby. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Kelsey, Whitby,! when they entertained at din- ner in honor of her mother, Mrs. Florence Jackson formerly of Orono, who was 97 years of| Mrs. Jackson played a number} cording machine. | ara Falls, Mrs: J. W. Jewell, Miss Mary Jewell, Bowman-| ville, visited on Monday with) Mr. and Mrs. Car! Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fagan and family of Markham were) jweekend visitors with Mr. and) iMrs. F. 0. Cooper. | | Mrs. George Flegg, Oshawa jspent the weekend iter, Mrs. Ken Gamsby. Congratulations to Mr. \Mrs. Lyte, who were married 'on Saturday. Mrs. Lyte was the iformer Miss Heard who _has ilic School. Mr. and Mrs. Lyte} jwill reside in Oshawa. | FALONEY JOINS ALUMNI | EDMONTON (CP) -- Bernie |Faloney, quarterback of the |Eastern F 0 ot ball Conference! |Hamilton Tiger Cats, has joined| the Edmonton Eskimo Alumni} jAssociation | lence Eskimos in 1954, said he) litable showing in the Grey Cuj game Mrs. W. Baldwin | In Hostess Role age on Tuesday of this week.| By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT ac BROOKLIN of familiar tun>s on her accor-|Baidwin was hostess to the dion which her grandson, Fos-|]eng-a-Hand Group of WA at its ter Kelsey, taped on his re-|meeting held -- Mrs. ning, Nov. 7. Teachers' Mrs. Robert McLeod, Niag-| ne jeader Mrs. A. J. Cook jextended weicome te members, guests and visitor Mrs. William Morrison of Beaverton. Twenty- four calls on sick, shut-ins, and hoSpital patients were reported as response to roll call. Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, assist- jed by Mrs Horace Grills, pre- with her sis-| Seated an impressive devotional jservice on "Peace", in keeping and| With season of Remembrance. | Articles entitled {and Today" and 'The Stranger jat the Peace Table" were fit- lbeen teaching in the Orono Pub-|ting tributes to emphasize "'the solemness of remembrance each year of those who made the _--- | supreme sacrifice'. Treasurer Mrs. Lioyd Bradley reported a goodly sum realized) \from catering to the Woman! Federation Dinner,|ers' on Tuesday eve- "Yesterday THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 13, 1961 45 Announcement was made the Woman's Association Baza of Greenwoud United Church Wi -¥: Afternoon tea will be served, The Woman's Association Brooklin United Church plan be responsible for "Count 1962 packets. Mrs. Horace Grills report members for Bible Society. Hall ANNOUNCEMENTS the provisional meeting held in| Roberts, Loriar avenue. known = as Faloney, who! connection with the organiza- visited on Sunday with Mrs, O.|Played for the Western Confer-|tion of WA. and WMS to be "United |HOME AND SCHOOL Church 21 at 'ture will be a demonstration be held on Noy. 18 at 3 p.m. hold a bazaar on Saturday, Dec.| 2 = the Christian Education) The Lend-a-Hand Group will Store'. Subscriptions for '"'Upper Room" to be sent to Mrs. Wal- ter Stevenson immediately for $47 had beea collected by group Miss Doris Batty was chosen as convener to represent group) activities at the Ontario Hol-| stein Fresian banquet on Nov.| 23 at the Christian Education| The Ist Brooklin Scout Moih Auxiliary will meet on and report of finances to date.|Thursday evening, Nov. 16 at 8 Mrs. A. J. Cook reported on|p.m. at the home of Mrs. Don h n The Home and School Asso- Mrs. Baxter, Hamilton, spentjhoped his old club would win) Women" in 1962. The six groups|ciation will meet on Tuesday » weekend with her parents,'in the west and make a cred-|of WA will still be retained, andi/evening, Nov Meadow- |known by number, as "units",|crest Junior School. Special fea- linstead of names. hobbies for parents and chil- dren. Everyone welcomed. HARD TIMES PARTY The 1st Brooklin Scout Mo- . thers Auxiliary are sponsoring a "Hard Times Party" to be held on Saturday, November 18, at 8.30 p.m. at the Township Hal Brooklin, Music will be supplied by Reed of Whitby and his orche; tra. Admission 75 cents. of} Ail profits are to be used to 'O| further the activities of the Boy Scout movement in Brooklin district, PERSONALS Mr. Richard Avery, of Van- couver, B.C. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brad- ley, and visited his uncle, Mr. George Avery, at the Glen Cedar Convalescent Home, near Geneva Park. Mrs. Charles Pilkey spent the weekend as guest of Miss Violet |Mac Millan, Oshawa, Mrs. William Morrison, Bea- iverton, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Boake and family, Win- chester road. , Mr. Sydney Spencer spent a \few days at Gooderham with his brother, Carl Spencer, of To- ronto. Pleased to report Edith Coch. jrane, convailescing at the home jof Mrs, A, I. McBrien, follow- jing eight week's stay at Toron- to Hospital. Fred Puckrin is home again following 14 weeks detention at Oshawa General Hospital as re sult of breaking hip bone. of ar to | district ry ed of sary for a vote to be held of the\members with the thought of Township electors to determine|setting up a scholarship fund whether or not they would be|which could be used to assist in favor of such a_ scheme.|pupils on entering University. Even though a vote is held and/He suggested that $1000 would assent is given by the electors,/seem appropriate for such a the Township must then pass|fund and he also pointed out necessary bylaws to allow cer-|that students who received bene- tain designated sports to befits through such a fund gener- held on Sunday. It was pointed/ally pay the grant back when out that Council could give per-\entering into their profession mission for sports car racing|following University. William at Mosport but without approv-|Carman also spoke briefly on al for other sports in the Town-| another plan used in some cen- ship. |tres where they assisted in fi- Mr. McLaren and Mr. Aslett|nancing a pupil in a certain pro- said that Sunday racing at Mos-/fession on the understanding! port would bring a sizeable sum/that when the student completes| of revenue to this area and/his schooling he returns to} would also create considerable|practice in his home town. By} employment which could affect/such a method it is possible to upwards to one hundred famil-| give assistance and at the same les. time build up the community by At the present time no defin-|providing greater services. A fte decision has been made to/student could be sponsored in WHITBY AND DISTRICT VON Campaign Nears Objective In recognition of public re-jto receive such gratifying re- aponse to the annual fund-|sponse, which is in effect an en- raising campaign of the Whitby|dorsement of their efforts." ranch, Victorian Order of|VON ACTIVITY | Nurses, the Board of Manage-| Following is the October re- ment stated the following in a|port of Miss 'Rhoda Dixon, Whit-| letter to the "Times": |by VON nurse: : . we wish to express sin-} During the month of October! cere thanks to the citizens of|/there were 73 home visits, 55) Whitby for the wonderful re-|per cent of the visits were nurs-| sponse received during the an-|ing care visits. The remainder) nual campaign for funds. jwere for health instruction.| "With our objective in sight,| There were seven new cases ad- as the late returns come in, the|mitted during the month. The excellent service given by our|nurse spent nine hours in indus- capable nurses to all those/trial nursing at Bathurst Con- in need of home nursing care is|tainers. © OPTIONAL POWER STEERING, assured for another year, and it) Three prenatal classes were is most encouraging to the volun-|held ai Fairview Lodge. There} ? ' et sag vigsneeg teer members of the VON board|/was an average attendance of| : ' POSITRACTION REAR AXLE. a five. On Oct. 18, the class toured| : A é the obstetrical department of| s e CANADIAN IN NAME, CANADIAN IN STYLE, GANADIAN IN CRAFTSMANSHIP. ENERAL MOTORS WEW FAMILY-SIZE CAR! Theres one =) thats right for YOU! © EIGHT MODELS--2 GREAT SERIES THRIFTY INVADER, ELEGANT BEAUMONT. .@ FRUGAL 4- OR SPIRITED 6-CYLINDER ECONOFLAME ENGINES. © SILK-SMOOTH SYNCHRO-MESH OR OPTIONAL POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. © SPARKLING CHOICE OF COLORS AND TRIMS. The snapplest of Convertibles in the elegant Beaumont series ~--designed for the fun-loving equally smart, equally at home driver! in the city or on the highway! Two Smart Station Wagons with loads of room for all the Dashing 2-Door Hardtop de- family and their luggage too! signed for the young family--or * for the young in heart! 4 Church History | Oshawa General Hospital. The next series will start in January. The three principal categories of sick people who can be best Told At Meeting The afternoon auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society! met in the Assembly Hall of the United Church at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7. The meet- ing opened iwth a hymn fol- lowed by prayers by the-presi- dent, Mrs. H. Hare. Afterward Mrs. Hare spoke of the challenge that has been given to Christian women in these troubled times also the served in their own homes by} the VON are: --Medical and surgical cases) convalescing under a doctor's) supervision but needing profes: | sional nursing care. | --Maternity cases -- both, be-| fore and after baby arrives. | Usually the mother is anxious) to get back to her own home| and family but both she and the| baby need the extra care and} that will carry your family everywhere in superb style-- yet save you money every mile you drive! instruction the Victorian Order} nurse can give. | ~The chronically sick -- can-| cer patient, heart cases, the! paralyzed, the crippled and tober meeting and the treasur-|those suffering the infirmities of | er's ceport, Mrs. C. Hoag spoke old ace. | on Christian Citizenship which! 'The Victorian Order of Nurses p Bed haus an anual coer does service both to hospitals by 5 is ows X 'lens | dice and comes in many dis- page tay ponal guises. cies and to patient by giving Mrs. Hare gave a short re- : ideatl ._|them professional ni port from the two WMS Rallies} ,, ra scaled down <ogpan which were held last month.|i i. " = There is still much to do in the|"°!" capacity to pay refugee world Everyone can share in this work. Mrs. Olive/|ilton Ladies College in 1881. The Robinson and Mrs. McQuay /ed/| first Missionary, Miss Cartmell, in the worship service. was sent from Hamilton to Mrs. F. Ollen-Bittle gave an| Japan and fn 1885 the first mis- interesting talk on the back-|sionary was sent to China ground of Whitby Church and) Mrs. H, T. Fallaise brought! the changes that have taken/ some interesting thoughts on the) place inthe community which/ district visitation. She spoke of have affected the life of the|the work of the minister and his church in the last 19 years. The| committee that goes into getting congregation and Sunday Schooljready for this special Sunday have grown. There has been ajand of the purpose, which is to notable. advance in youth work.|bring a better world, beginning There are more organizations! with our community. than there were 10 years ago.| In closing the meeting Mrs. Mrs. G. McQuade compared!Hare paid tribute to the late} the church of 50 years ago with/Mrs. W. Augustus who had been the present day. She read some|a devoted member of the WMS interesting ifems from the 5th}Mrs. M G. McCarty and group! ¢ : : ¢ annual conference report of 1885.|were tea hostesses. The execu-|Be sure and see The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CBS TV network on Friday Evenings and "Singalong with Mitch" on the CTV network on Thursday Evenings. Check Local listing for Channel! and time. The first WMS of the Methodistitive will meet on Wednesday, Church was organized in Ham-iNov. 15 at 2.30 p.m. : & \ privilege that is theirs in shar; ing in the wholeness of the church After the minutes of the Oc- -- | MAKE YOUR CHOICE AT YOUR ACADIAN DEALER'S TODAY! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 723-4364 WHITBY, ONTARIO