213, Betty Pascoe 216, Ron Pas- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 9, 1961 1] a ICT WHITBY [coe 271, Marg Pascoe 251, cari] WHITBY Wintermeyer | Pascoe 230, Bill Collins 249, a emptions under the Sales Tax s WHITBY And DISTR BOWLING NEWS |parb 'cu 20, vi Jordan'225, DAY-BY-DAY | Hits Tory het Thomson Acquires Georgina Nimegeers 254, John | Mr. Wintermeyer said there Fi I A li ' WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE |Howland 237, Edie Walker 207, © gine ye on gg toga . M ment are = a cones - - irm in ustra 1a @ é s|Don Denyer 202, Joyce Denyer| North and South: Mrs. Frost) g empting ce ems under the } n tentel wt «ao "788 203, : verland Miss Lawlor, 9644; Miss) ana e act and including a sales tax on LONDON (Reuters) -- Cana- ecome 1 1Z triple. Her games were 184, 290) Sabre Jets 5, Rockets 12, Sym-|Forsyth and Mrs. Booth, 8814; | TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario|other items. dian newspaper publisher Roy and 314. Kind of nice to see a\bols 0, Echoes 9, Poker Chips 7,|Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 80; Mrs.|Liberal Leader Wintermeyer| "You know as well as I do|Thomson has acquired the en- e woman beat all the men once in| Woedpeckers 7, Cubs 10, County|Hunter and Mrs. Stiner, 69. jsaid Wednesday night the prov- that there is a tax on soap and Altire share capital of the Mingay a while. Don't you think? Bowl 12,. Whitby Cleaners 7,| East and West: Mrs. Lovelince is going into debt at the|tax on school supplies but there Publishing Company of Sydney n n ar1io Ou! l Over 600 -- John Brueckle 732| Hopefuls 4, Headpins 8, Porky's|and Mrs. Baxter, 80; Mrs.jrate of $2,000,000 a week be-jis no tax on obscene magazines Asaeall 4 th i: 4 1(303); Merv Bemis 703 (323); |Prides 11, Beginners 2, Stokers|Butt and Mrs. Barron, 80; Mrs./cause the government 'thas not/or on comic books, he said. ustralia, and three associate: [Doc Dafoe 701 (249); dim Mc-|9: Neighbors 7, Munns Press 2. McColl and Mrs. Beaton, 77; lbeen tnanaging its affairs well."| Mr. Wintermeyer said the|companies, it was announced to- A total of 104 applicants ap-|Canadian citizenship in Ontario, Genowefa Klimczak, 282 Ver- Carroll 700 (265): Jim Kirk 685 Miss B. Wilson and Mrs, Spratt, | Speaking on a televised pro-|sales tax will not produce any) day : : peared before Judge Cory in|County Court, Wednesday at|dun road, Oshawa; Josef Kling- (273); Wilf Anthony 680 (295); SEEKS TITLE BouT. |76%- jvincial affairs program, Mr.|new services but will be used}' The Mingay publishing group, Ontario County Court on Wed-}1.00 p.m. ee RR 2, Whitby; Margaret|Don Grant 680 (280); Fic Iggles-| LONDON (AP) -- Jack Solo- |Wintermeyer said Ont a pba ag pay off old ee , . founded 31 Level ago, includes nesday and received Canadian| Otto Kurt Heller 295. Wolfe|Kioke, 1009 Wardman crescent,|den 67 (258); Chuck Gill 667\mons, British boxing promoter, and Brazil's Eder Jofre. Solo- newest means of raising reve-| In British Columbia, he "y 1 -- = pu <a Mingay's Citieanship Certificates. A sim-|street, Oshawa; Erik Hockley-|whitby; Anna and Roman Koby.|(238); Marty Jordan 664 (275); said Monday he will leave for mons plans to stage the fight in|nue--the three-per - cent retailla sales re La pein cae : e -- Papen d Cog -- ilar citizenship court took place|/Larsen, PO Box 413, Oshawalra, 246 Marquette avenue, Osh-|Harvey Roberts 604 (223); Ron|Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov. 13 to|the second or third week in Jan-|sales tax--has been "'ill-timed, /finance a -- poten - e ome 0 iy ro an advertis- today when an additional 100|Airport; Hinke and Jan Hofstee,|,wa: Erna and Milenko Kolaric, Childs 651 (282); Doug Rowden|make final plans for a world uary. Caldwell is recognized asjill-conceived and ill-planned. in New Brunswick the sales tax mn rate and data service. applicants received citizenship.|RR 4, Port Perry; Anna Hubi-|RR 3 Oshawa; Josef and Maria |650 (241); Beryl Watkins 627|/bantamweight title fight be-|world champion in Europe and) If a Liberal government was|was ------ to pay for hospi- pines of cog transaction were Following are Wednesday's|nec, 284 Malaga road, Oshawa; |Kollar, 463 Howard street, Osh-|(230); Tom Melvor 623 (231);|tween Irishman John Caldwell'Jofre in most parts of America.|in power it would increase ex-ital premiums. not announced, new citizens: |Aleida, Franciscus, Johannus|/awa: Jadwiga and Stanislaw|Fred Coleman 621 (268); Jenny bd Adela Andraljoc, 526 Atholjand Maria Hulshof, RR 3,|Kowalezyk, 300 Jackson avenue,|Fowler 621 (261); Stan Riley 621 street east, Oshawa; Annie/Stouffville. lOshawa; Adelina and Josef|\(241), Ted Munns 619 (224); Bill ee and Thoedorus Assinck, RR 3,| Fedor and Parania Jaky-|Kruzel, 200 Albert street, Osh-| Giddings 618 (213); Rita Hansen Ss Stouffville; Wictoria Bajorek,|myszyn, 507 Dieppe avenue,|awa; Karl and Rita Kube, 1110/607 (243). | 210 Highland avenue, Oshawa; |Oshawa; Irena Janowski, RR 4,|Henry street, Whitby; Helen) Over 200 -- Harsid Gordon) Annie and Theodorus Baks;|Uxbridge; Hercules Jeronimo,|and Paul Lebediwsky, 772 Doug-|210, Joyce Johansen 209, Gord Amerigo and Annunziata Ba-|97¢ Burk street, Oshawa; Jo-|las street, Oshawa; Dora Lee,|Johansen 211, Hazel Moore 265, | rone, 236 Beatty avenue, Osh-|hanna Jetten, PO Myrtle;|131 Oshawa boulevard north,|Harold Moore 231, Jim White | awa; Angus Earl Barton, 88)rank Kapular, 296 Monash ave-|Oshawa; Ursula Lueders-Way-|212, Clara Rowden 205, Aileen | Connaught street, Oshawa; Ger-|nye, Oshawa; Mariana Kelton,|)marn, RR 3, Oshawa; Luigi|Verteuhimer 223, Ozzie Moore) rit Jan Beenen, 11 Baseline)RR 2, Beaverton; Theodorus |Maffei, 183 Cromwell avenue,|214; Diane Hancock 220, Joe} road, Port "Whitby; Olga and|Ajhertus Keultjes, Sandy Hook|Oshawa; Jan and Zofia Marty-/Hancock 220, Wendy Wather-| Stanley Bihun, 456 Miller ave-\road, Uxbridge; Maria Klaman,|nek, 91 Wilson road south, Osh-| spoon 221, Doug Watkins 239, nue, Oshawa; Anna and Her-'97 wilson road north, Oshawa. |awa. \Millie Peggs 241, Doug Peggs bert Boettcher, 932 Centre . -------- RSME ei RENE actA ONE. SARE. oe i} street north, Whitby; Mary) | Buckley, 177 Wilson road south, Oshawa; Anton and Aurelia 5 Busch, RR 3, Oshawa. | Maria Canella, 427 Perry 0, ay a te street, Whitby; Zuzanna Cehan, 250 McNaughton drive, Oshawa; OOO OOO Claude Cronier, 419' Rosmere THE TIME a street, Oshawa; Rosalie Csauth, x) OSP0O iA * +9, $9090 OS) O OS 26 Fairbanks street, Oshawa; ce," 2 ! + 00 O35 9005250 Jozef Czajkowski, 593 Wych- BS OS POOH EO 24 e wood street, Oshawa; Mario Ae R Guiseppe De Cicco, 539 Bloor For renovations and ecreation street east, Oshawa; Luisa Del Sordo, 336 Olive avenue, Osh- clean-up jobs of all kinds v Room | BEST BUY!--SAVE 3c/--EVAPORATED awa; Rose Del Velcchio, 131 Celina street, Oshawa; Anna . ++ when men and mater ji Athol street east, j " . ° TALL GO y A al ny Cece TE ail aim m™ TILED BY EXPERT | Carnation Mink 7 TINS 1- _-- 2, Whitby; Leo Andrew Dole- -- 's CRAFTSMEN BEST BUY!--SAVE 6cl--MONARCH CORN OIL Petronella Doleweerd, 500 John street west, Whitby; John r : and Stefania Drabyk, 287 Wolfe Suppo t } C PER TILE 1-LB. c street, Oshawa; Margaretha vig! Installed PKG, Duivesteyn, RR 3, Burketon; ; "y Gisela and Herbert mainger, Your Community "ye You pay only 15¢ per tile plus any 1402 Oxford street, Oshawa; a primer and cement used and that BEST BUY !--SAVE 16c!--10c OFF PACK-- Max and Norbert Egli, 322 Jas- " qT) will be the total price you have to per avenue, Oshawa; Carlo DO IT NOW vet pay for a first class installation by 5 i Carmine Farese, 174 Harwood Ross Mills mechanics. N 1-LB. fa avenue, Ajax; Nina and Rudolpf pa'* es e LY ll TIN Fiala, 498 Wilson road south, ai @ EASIEST TERMS... Oshawa; Frances Fialka, 303 CAMPAIGN a IF REQUIRED RIB END Ritson road south, Oshawa. re. & Gerhardus Geelink, RR 3, > ¢ a BEST BUY--SAVE 6c Stouffville: Gertrude and Imant : Oss wis ELBOWS OR SPAGHETTI--ROMI Edmund Goldman, 145 Ritson ; be road south, Oshawa; Emilia and ; 3-LBS, Ss ony ee gc ®ccosimcorst vont || |MACARONI 2 = 35] ||" . shawa; Alberdina, Gerrit, \ ) | ° Hendrik and "Hendtikie, ps "4 ie SIMCOE ST. NORTH | Centre street south, Whitby. PLAN SSP QOS 22 09% 40,0 0% 40. 0.0%" OC SOS OS YOPVIO ¢ OSD 050 %9% 9. 079%, 075%. 04% 0%, % 00% % 9 © Wgteteetets eee SSI OO IO HHI * O , & a ae | 3-LBS, mio Teele certevies a anennent 3 seats |] BEST BUY !--SAVE 0c Tenderloin End *:: THIS * me aoa HUNTER'S NEED As a safety precaution oe WINTER ' LUNCHEON a c Pective hunters are advised to MEAT TIN y Me. carry a first aid kit, with small ready-made dressings, BEST BUY!--SAVE 5ce--2c OFF PACK--CHUM EXTRA LEAN, MEATY--CUBE STYLE BONELESS DOG FOOD 5 : 49 || STEWING BEEF - BISCUIT FEATURE ! -- KINGSDALE BRAND PURE PORK, MILD SEASONED Chocolate | Chocolate | | sm: SAUSAGE i 45¢ EXTRA LEAN, MEATY rhs, aVClrrx, DOC ||| Pork Spareribs » 53¢ C Cundy Heatesebn Gave tel FOR LUNCHES OR SNACKS -- FOUR VARIETIES Sige babetndea ebony LUNCHEON MEATS ALLSORTS 2 ~~ 49. @ MAC & CHEESE @ CHICKEN LOAF @ OLIVELOAF --@ PICKLE & LIMENTO Mm f0f c BAKERY FEATURE ! SUNBEAM AUNT MARY'S SLICED OUTSIDE SET: Each lamp burns independently .. . string Cinnamon BREAD -- er BEST BUY! -- SAVE 4c! comes complete with "Easy-On" clips and add-on plug. Butterhorns Red & White COFFEES LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY Here is 22 feet of outdoor lighting, including 14 imported [| reGutar a9 a sae RED & WHITE, AUNT MARY'S, EARLY RISER | CREAM STYLE colored bulbs. For use on houses, shrubbery or trees, 6 to PKG, © | 24-02. Loar c LB 77° LB. 69* LB. 6 1* CORN INSIDE SET: 18 feet of indoor tree lighting including 11 FEATURE--SAVE 3c!--CULVERHOUSE FANCY 15-02. 3B imported colored bulbs. A wonderful buy on a much 28-02, ¢ --_ needed item for the Christmas season. Buy now and save! PUMPKIN tig 17 PRODUCE ITEMS FEATURE--SAVE 10c--CORN FLAKES-- OUTSIDE ae SWEET JUICY "K"" CEREAL--RICE KRISPIES--KELLOGG'S Frozen Foods SET OF 14| INSIDE SET OF 11 SWEET JUICY || Graraig 'gan ge [Frosen Foods REGULAR 5.98 | REGULAR 2.98 ||| (iM ORANGES || 22232" 7" go, [tet | LIBBY'S MIXED | 5-LB. FEATUREI--DUNCAN HINES NO Tew" 2) 6D5c || cake Mixes _ 30 | Vegetables NOW rory bac 40° oe a 4 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS TO CHOOSE FROM FOR FOR TENDER, CRISP, NO, 1 vane canoe FRESH SOLID--NO, 1 FAMOUS "SPALDING" Brussels Sprouts cuisisc2d® |} METRICAL HOCKEY CALIFORNIA--BLACK RIBIER LIQUID Sar 1.69 STICKS GRAPES ens uae UB. 23° CLARK'S--RICH TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER | Brown Beans 8 *«:' 1.00 |_ 4% 6% DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SPROULE'S McKENNA'S MARKET BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Corner Simcoe at Mill 948 Simcoe Streef North GREEN BEANS 2 ,,, 39° 299% Qe [onmaas man macaw ONLY.. ONLY... CREAM COR Ts OO* BANTAM "ROCKET" SIZE TYPE Brooklin, Ontario Maple Grove, Ontario