Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1961, p. 20

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson - Tel, MO. 8-3703 ~ \itian safety and try to under-/|C. Parise had made four visits _|safety. If we create an atmos- Smith will convene Rotary _|pnere of home safety this will/luncheons for January. Mrs. Safety Talk At CWL Meeting "Good citizenship and goodjand TV convenership. Mrs. H. driving go hand in hand and it|Dudgeon will convene our an-| is the women who must take nual night of cards to be held the lead in promoting traffic again in February. Mrs. A. C. follow through and make us Leo Bloye reported six mem- safety - minded outdoors. We bers had attended the retreat Seeks Town Whitby town council has been asked to lend its\.moral sup- port to Ajax - Pickering General Hospital's campaign for. funds to erect a new hospital. Harry Newman, chairman of the build. ing fund committee, made the could set an example in pedes- at Cenacle Retreat House. Mrs.) stand the motorist's problems.|to Oshawa General Hospital and) Traffic safety is everyone's sent out mass cards and baby concern." |medals. These words were spoken by) Mrs. F. Canzi's latest report! appeal to the council this week. He told council that nearly 9 per cent of the patients using the present hospital come from Whitby. When the board has raised $495,000, he said, the v would be approaching the On- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 9, 1961 5 Support In Plea To County and federal grants are esti- mated at $773,000; the hospital campaign fund is set at $495,000; and the estimated grant from the County of Ontario is set at $1,080,000. iAant total, 964 were Whitby r which represents 8.9 per cent of the total. : Planned for the new hospital S RIFT SHOP ly of 137 Brock $. TH are 110 beds, 24 bassinets for newborns, four operating rooms, two delivery rooms, lab- atory and other services. Cost of the building is esti- mated at $2.124.000; cost of fur- nisfings and equipment is esti- mated at $196,000; and cost of land and road improvement is estimated at $28,000, for a total NOW OPEN NEW LOCATION HENRY JUNIORS SEEK COSSA TITLE On Saturday the Junior | Junior "B" Championship. football team of Henry Street | The game will be played at : ' Tweed against the Tweed High School will compete for High Schoo! Junior team. Pie top honors in the COSSA | | guest speaker, Mrs. Ethel Mc-|totals 148. Mrs. D. O'Hagan| Lellan, Director of Women's ac- and Mrs. E. Mulligan spent 10) tivities of the Ontario Depart- hrs. visiting at Ontario Hospital. ment of Transport in her inter-|Miss E. Foy and Miss M. O'Con-| esting informative talk at the nor helped out at the hospital! November meeting of St. John'tuck shop. the Evangelist CWL on Tuesday; jt was decided that senior evening in the parish hall. Mrs.|citizens at Fairview Lodge and |G. Hoag of the Whitby Safety|shut-ins will be remembered Council introduced Mrs. C-lagain at Christmas. Mrs, Car- Lellan and Mrs. E. J. Finan'ter closed the meeting with _|thanked the speaker. Mrs, .Greg. Carter, president,|eon was served by Mrs. L. presided over the business meet-Bloye, Mrs. D. O'Hagan, and ing. Mrs. L. Ruest gave a re-|Mrs. C. Parise. -|port on her attendance at the) CWL ag cag inertia | ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS recently in Toronto. rs. J.| Corrigan will publish the No-| ON FA 'ivember bulletin and conveners) jare asked to send in their re- BIG MIXUP _\ports by Nov. 17. ROCHDALE, England (CP)-- _| Mrs. J. MacDonald gave a/Firemen poured water on a |progress report on the forth-|blazing factory in this Lanca- \coming annual bazaar to be shire city, and out flowed gal- jheld Dec. 2. Mrs. P. Walters\lons .of milk. It was a storage agreed to take over the Radio|place for powdered milk. jthe league prayer and lunch-| 301 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY estimated cost of $2,348,000. The board cites as its source of funds the two senior govern- ments, the county council and the building fund. Provincial SAVE 35% PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL CREAM COLD WAVE Reg. 9.95 PRE-CHRISTMAS PRICE This | Sh For Appointment Phone MO 8-8591 CHIC BEAUTY SALON 102A LUPIN DR. WHITBY OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 5:30 -- Thursday and Friday 9 o.m. to 8:30 p.m. -- Closed Monday. tario County Council for a grant of $1,080,000. "Ali I can ask this council to do," he said, "is to persuade your reeve and deputy-reeve and mayor to urge county coun jcil to meet the crying need of a |new hospital for Ajax and Pick- ering. | "We have got to meet this jerying need now," he said, "not tomorrow." "If you can endorse this proj- ect, if you can help me root jout people with extra dollars \for a hospital, I would appre- \ciate it,' he said. His request, along with a hos- pital brochure and an analysis of patients using the hospital |were turned over to the finance | committee. | | The analysis indicated that) |from 1957 to 1961, a total of |10,736 adults and children had | been treated in the Ajax-Picker- ling general hospital. Of this led, Mei La also Sen- here Henry Street High will comlete for the COSSA ior "B' Championship on Saturday. --Oshawa Times Photo tice session are team mem- bers, left to right, Blair John- ston. Barry Davidson, and Ross Gibson and kneeling, | | front is: Bob Bassett. The | | | | | | tured above during a prac- AT KIWANIS CLUB Unresponsive Laymen Cause Of Failure Rev. E. C. Corbett, pastor of the Faith Baptist Church, dis- cussed "Religion in American Life' at this week's meeting of the Kiwanis Club at Whitby. The theme, incidentally, was the theme for the week in Kiwanis. Kiwanian Keith Lunney per- formed the introduction. "I believe that because of * pressure and circumstance of ° history, you as _ businessmen ; and Christian leaders should © take stock of our religious re- sources,"' Mr. Corbett said. sea He recalled reading lately that Minister of External Affairs Howard Green had told report- : ers that Canada's tradition of | courage, commor sense and re- | ligious conviction could be brought to bear to bring all na- tions to their senses. However, said Mr. Corbett, he as a pas- tor, does not have that convic- tion about Canada's religious convictions. Showing the bright side, Rev. Corbett said that in the past!. a decade, there has been an in-|'8 @ relationship between the creasing religious interest in|"S€ of tobacco and cancer and North America, caused possibly|the church must take a look at by the questioning of the theolo-\the problem with "a sober gies and the frustrations which|Se¢nse . have caused men to seriously| Also to be faced now, he said, hunger for the Gospel. He paidjis the problem of syndicated tribute to Billy Graham who, he| crime in Canada. It has always said, has brought the American been in the United States, he nation to its feet religiously. said, and is now creeping into During the decade, he said, Canada. This, he said, is a prob- there has been an unprecedent-/lem the church must face. ed growth and expansion of re- CRE REV. E. C. CORBETT ~~ women to get back to God. The| St. Francis CWL Plans For Bazaar A number of new parishioners were welcomed to the Novem- ber meeting of the CWL by the president, Mrs. M. Togerson. Members were reminded that} the Leadership Course com- mences Wernesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. in the school. : Spiritual director, Rev. A. A. second cause of failure, he wcoMahon, addressed the mem- said, is the number of unre-'hers and wished them success sponsive laymen in the church, |for the forthcoming bazaar. men and women who are not «The bazaar will be held Sat- accepting the opportunities or urday, Nov. 25, from 3 p.m. bearing the responsibilities of @ wntil § p.m. in the school. Gen- religious life. \ eral convener is Miss M. Teefy; The church, he said, is fancy goods, Mrs. Jas. Feather- seriously weakened when the'stone, Sr., and Miss C. Van rank and file of its members| Hezwyck; candy, Mrs. Jos. Gar- fail to give leadership or to bear| land; bake sale, Mrs. M. Cafik; testimony. country store, Mrs. Jas. A third cause of failure, he|Mooney; tea tables, Miss V. said, is that humanity is in dan-|Packer, Mrs. J. Power and ger of being trapped by its| Mrs. N. Brett; fish pond, Mrs. moral immauurity. Recent|G. Van Den Broek; parcel post, studies, he said, indicate an ap-/Mrs. J. Howorth; Christmas palling ignorance of the Bible. |cards, Mrs. 0. Bourgeois. The most serious failure of the, Refreshments were served by church, he said, is its failure as| Mrs G. Van Den Broek and a teacher. Mrs. W. Featherstone. the same ratio of population is probably true in Canada. As illustrated and described "Satisfaction Guaranteed" ADAM, Shep Comvesiontly On Fridays Until 9 P.M FLEETWOOD 3-WAY COMB. RADIO-PHONO, STEREO, T.V. 23" bonded picture-tube. 21-tube Custom T.V. chassis. Separate, 7-tube receiver. Fea- tures push-button function switches . . . off, radio, stereo, monaural, and stereo reverse. 3--6" x 9" speakers. Automatic, 4-speed record changer plays ALL types of records, Walnut, Swedish walnut, mahogany and lim- ed oak finish. SPECIAL! 479° YOU PAY ONLY $5 WEEKLY "The need of the hour," said Rey. Corbett, "is for men and/ ' WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY VAGRANCY CHARGES Alfred H. Wilson, of no fixed abode, was placed on suspended sentence and told to get out of town on Tuesday when he plead- ed guilty to 2 vagrancy. charge in Whitby police court. He was may believe you are a Christian|Picked up by PC Kenneth Ea- but whatever faith you possess,| rds on Nov. 5. James Watson, the world needs to. see it and) also of no fixed abode, was re- manded in custody for one week nation that will not serve Thee will perish." He said that the above quota- tion from the Old Testament has} since been borne out in history, when the world's greatest em- pire collapsed in very few years from curruption from within. "We need to demonstrate something of that which we have learned," he said. 'You " ligious institutions and denom- Christians, he said, also face hear it for sentence on a _ vagrancy ) the problem of sexualism, a) Finally, he said, men and inations. problem, he said, which origin. Women need to pray. "But, although I have seen a ates with movies and television.) "You may do all the good resurgence of spiritual interest," There is a move he Said to more deeds you want," he said, "but said Mr. Corbett, "I see religion Jurid and enticing sexualism in'a8 leaders in the community| faced with unsolved problems of the days to come. In addition, You should not be prayerless the social and spiritual life." 'he said, the church must face on If we do not go back to problems of racialism and the God, if we will not pray, the ag ong iy og iialor probidid, moral problem of divorce. only forecast I know of is de- charge. He was picked up on Nov. 3 by PC Ernest Stonema The Salvation Army will try to assist Watson in re-establishing himself. POST OFFICE HOURS Following are the post office hours at Whitby on Remem- he said, is alcoholism. "There is a great uneasiness, struction." "I don't knew of any greater curse," he said, citing its cost and horrors. He said that he did not think the church has really attacked the problem of alcohol. Immorality, he said, is an- other problem to be faced ®y the church. "T am shocked at the encour- agement of immorality in our publications and entertainment media of today," he said. He told Kiwanis that while he served in the armed forces dur- ing World War Two he found that restraint was almost non- a growing recognition of these unsolved problems," he said, "and if these problems are to " continue, all else is doomed." FAILURE REASONS One of the reasons for the ure of the church in these problems, he said, is that so much of the nation is not picture reached by the church. Figures ket?" indicate, he said, that church' --"__ fail- Travel Associati solving jetter from a sc Rev. Corbett was thanked on Drance Day, Saturday, Nov. 11. behalf of the club by Kiwanian Bob Cawker. BAFFLING QUERY : LONDON (CP)--The British|or Savings Bank business will on received albe le hoolboy asking: \delivery, rural mail delivery, Would you please send me a/clearance of street letter boxes, of the Common Mar-\and despatch of mails will be Post Office Box lobby open 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wicket serv- ice -- Stamp and General De- livery wickets open from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. No money order transacted. Letter carrier COMB. by FLEETWOO 10 tubes. 2 -- 6" speakers. as usual. 4-speed stereo chonger. Illu- attendance is now dropping after hitting a peak in 1955. Census figures will show, he said, that one denomination has| minated slide-rule dial. Power eT i i: i. aera tronsformer chassis. AM/FM RADIO-PHONO STEREO 1 99.95 existent. But as a pastor, he . "4 was to discover the inroads of Membership yet attendance immorality in the general popu- Tolls on that church will show lation. only two million, He also suggested that the In the U.S., he said, there are, church must take a long look 150 million persons who do not at the use of tobacco. It has have weekly religious instruc- been proven, he said, that there tion of any kind and, he added, BROCK Evening Shows at 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. | (WHITBY) Saturday Matinee at 1:30 HIS BIGGEST, BROA\ Jer | | i | | é wt "4 earn tos hatred ete bores yrad KATHLEEN FREEMAR BUDDY LESTER HELEN TRAUBEL. nope Hovipay- tynn ross-PAT STANLEY ceorce rart aed HARRY JAMES and his band + Produced and Directed by JERRY LEWIS + Written by Jerry Lewn | and Bill Richmond + Erm 0. Glachaman = Sey Songs ty tery Wares oot ap Oreste 4 Paramount Picture 3 four million persons who claim |, uy "it A ti YOU PAY ONLY $2 WEEK SUPPORT THE WHITBY ROTARY CLUB "MILE of COINS" Fri., Nov.10 and Sat., Noy. 11 Located at Main Points of Traffic On These Dates. 1 Vv A 1m iy Fleetwood Re 4-speed stereo changer plays ALL types" of ed cord-Player records. Hi - fi stereo amplifier. 69-9 Two speakers. YOU PAY ONLY 70c WEEKLY ADAMS «: Wf i i ines { 1m) rroceeds to support Rotary Club / Community Welfare Work. 23" T.V. CONSOLE Created by FLEETWOOD 23" "motion picture' type YOU PAY ONLY 2.75 WEEKLY viewing area. Cascode tuner; full-range, front-mounted 8" loudspeaker. 19 tubes. Walnut finish. LY f i itis ts EREETELEE LAY-AWAY PLAN ! WE WILL GLADLY RESERVE, UNTIL DESIRED, ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS BY PAYING A SMALL DEPOSIT. i SARA diy 4" speaker. Fleetwood Mantel Radio Rich, 5-tube per- formance! Single a 95 Built-in antenna. Plastic cabinet. YOU PAY ONLY 30c WEEKLY "Where Quality and Value Meet!" e _ W., Whitby Tel. MO 8-2933 ] Dundas St

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