Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Nov 1961, p. 12

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TURNS A DEAF EAR This man, identified as an | About a score of anti-Com- official of the Russian em- | munist demonstrators picket- bassy at Ottawa, refuses to| ed the embassy Tuesday listen to a demonstrator out- side the embassy entrance. | tail party given by the Soviet night during a two-hour cock- | i 1 Girl Stabbed Tales Transcend (Another Shot SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) . . e A Sydney artist assaulted and {stabbed to death a teen - aged pacia lI 2 ] 1 fs jgirl Tuesday, shot dead a sec- jond young woman and finally : ; ..,.. Was overpowered and disarmed The following book reviews| It may be that some television by girls at an exclusive school, were written 7 a L pepeiee al oi and ee of the like will|police said. lthe staff of the cLaughlin| not enjoy the portrayals of} A \Public Library. their Rind, bot it is all. fam. | oteent, dn we pena PS Sage eg So ug THE INCREDIBLE JouR- of the school, located at Moss Most shri cae stories in: this ney by Sheila Burnford Vale, 100 miles from here, po- : This is a book that will ap- lice said. book provide insight into the) ; : lwhole geil of aleceeal man.|Peal to all lovers of adventure) Keith was charged with mur- Set in South Africa, they trans-|and lovers of nature, but, basic-|der. scena the boundaries of place, ally, this little masterpiece is) Police said he barged into a the limitations of their timeli-|meant for everyone, of alljprayer meeting at the school ness and the special relationship|age, who has ever been owned and hysterically shouted that he of Afrikander white to Bantu/by an animal. The trio who took murdered "a girl at Collarooy." black. In "Debbie Go Home",/a 250 mile trek through the Ca-| 'The body of an attractive 16- Johnny de Villiers, though un-jnadian wilderness were a year-old brunette, with a mes- mistakably Cape-colored, is ajlarge red - gold Labrador re- cage scrawled on her stomach lcynically rebellious youth injtriever, a white English bulllj,~ piack crayon, was found jany time and country and of any|terrier and a slender wheat-col- about two hours earlier in Col- race. Ha'penny, is any orphanjored Siamese cat. This tale is larooy, 86 miles from the school seeking a mother, love andjfull of humor, suspense and cha had been choked d /home, and Jonkers, the Boer re-\drama. It is a story of COUr-| tabbed to death oH lformatory officer, is any father|age and determination, of a" x : of any son who ruins himself! dog's instinct and ability to find) A' the prayer meeting the jand his parents' career. his master; a story to puta lump/sunman demanded that the The two stores "Life for ajin your throat and one to inspire headmistress produce Olympic Life" and "Death of a Tsotsi"|4 youngster. sprinter Marlene Matthews; pores ; Tania Verstak, who is Miss Aus- jreveal a great deal that is cur-| gepTCHES FROM LIFE OF tralia, and a woman whe. "hes rent in South Africa, including) the race hatred, violence, whee KNOWN by Dean|at Moss Vale. frustration which, Paton tells | pe s 2 | The author of this most inter- jus, "nothing less than the re-|__). at : \form of a society (will) bring to iad soe served if seta an end". They have no universal|<¢Y, Positions in the United : application. What they succeed States State Department from ~ pei va « peggy in doing is giving point to the 1941 onward. From 1949-53 he The schoolgirls jumped up and struggled to disarm the man. A 15-year-old girl was shot jand killed. | Ambassador and Mrs. Ama- } | Niagara's Flow To Be Maintained OTTAWA (CP) -- An official|for U.S. and Canadian power of the International Joint Com-|projects had reduced the flow mission on Boundary Waters'to two streams of water over said Tuesday that no further|the falls instead of a uniform End To Lethargy Urged By Hees KINGSTON (CP) -- "We are|that will seil Canadian goods at liviig in a fools' paradise,"'}home and abroad." Trade Minister Hees told a con-| Commenting on the probable ference of businessmen Tuesday. | The 270 delegates to the one. (entrance of Great Britain to the day conference were given a| European Common Market, he whirlwind round of panel lec-|@8Suréd the manufacturers there tures followed by question-and-|W°Uld be no abrupt change in asswer periods. The conference|'tade between Canada and Brit- was one of a Canada-wide se-|#in. He added: ries the federal government! 'We still enjoy a very good in- trade department is sponsoring|(ernational reputation and have in an attempt to inform Cana-|a trade commission acclaimed dian industry. |seeend to none. But until the Ca- Mr. Hees joined Ontario Com-|nadiar manufacturer produces merce. and Development Minis-\a betier product at a competi- ter Nickle in urging delegates| tive price there will to realize Canada's failing posi-|sales." tion in international trade. During panel discussions the "ft is up to you", said Mr.|/delegates were told of the vari- Hees, "to sweep away the leth-|ous agencies both the provincial argy I feel among Canadian|and federal governments have be no} |with a broken bottle. manutacturers. We must sit/for the improvement of Cana- down and figure out policies'dian products. Murder Attempt Charge Is Laid WINDSOR (CP) -- Matthew Woudhouse, 26, of Weston was charged with the attempted mur- jder of a young Windsor man who was found badly slashed at his home Tuesday, Woodhouse was remanded un- til Nov. 13 without plea. Bail was set at $10,000 cash or prop- erty. The victim, John Brown, 25, is in fair condition in hospital. He was unconscious for nine hours after the assault. Police said they believe Brown was attacked in his apartment Brown's wife is in another Windsor hospital, where she gave birth recently to the cou- ple's second child. A son, Tim- jothy, 3, was taken to the Chil- dren's Aid Society Tuesday. BAZAAR BAKING Free! Marie Fraser's new butter recipe booklet, "Bazaar Favorites". Available in quantity for women's groups--write today! A Division of DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 147 Davenport Road, Toronto 5 Mat ate. be was Secretary of State under Adenauer, Salazer of Portugal |. shevik revolution. pe aa from a Troubled| 5, esident Harry S$. Truman.|and a host of others. --(CP Wirephoto) : Naturally, he met a great many All the descriptions are frank. A MONTH OF SUNDAYS by important people who mean, to'Perhaps the greatest praise in | a Louis Kronenberger the average reader, headlines this book is for Ernest Bevin, | Estimate Effect This book is farce but so and a picture in the paper -- and the reader soon gets to know cleverly done that no one can faces and words. There is no-|that the people in general are Of Nuclear Attack put it down until the finish. The|thing to give an impression of|fed what authorities feel is good author skillfully crosses the ne-|@ personality. Therefore it is|for them, and little else. What WASHINGTON (CP)--A nu-/puylous boundary between insan-|most entertaining to read about/really goes on behind the scenes clear attack launched against|jty and eccentricity. Guests|such men as Churchill, Eden,lis seldom revealed. Canada at night with only 15| with plenty of money and selfish minutes' warning might kill orjideas are lodged at Serenity| injure about one half the major|House for fifteen hundred dol- Canadian urban population, the/lars per week. The chef is} United States Association of)French and an artist in his own Military Surgeons was told right. The staff is understand-| diversion of water flow over|wall of water all along the! puocqay Niagara Falls would be under- brim. pets : taken if such a move were to The spokesman said no report ree A, c. Hardman, chief the detriment of the scenic'has been made of this to the ° ©amada's emergency health beauty of the area. commission but that it may be/S¢tvices, based his estimate be He said, however that a study'a temporary situation, perhaps i. ee eee now is under way to determine caused by current work to ex- 100 Ooe: 'y SORTING BOW whether the flow could possibly|tend the remedial control dam|'*0". PeOPle- be reduced without affecting the three miles above the falls. Of these, under the current scenic grandeur of the falls. Work on the dam is designed State of civilian preparedness, Commenting »n a report fromito further guarantee uniform) We can expect between 2,000,- Niagara Falls, Ont., that city'flow over the falls, he said 000 and 3,000,000 to be killed and council plans to oppose further An internationa: agreement/Some 1,250,000 to be injured, diversion for power - project provides for cutting water over With a high proportion of these purposes, he said there is no the falls to 50,000 cubic feet a trapped in rubble. ing place cards so that she is intention of countering a 1950 second from 100,000 cubic feet) Making a luncheon speech,/next to the guest of honor. international treaty with the for.the period from Nov. 1 to the federal official urged that a/There is no truth among them United States which provides/April 1 each year strong bond of partnership be/just as there is no honor among for maintaining the scenic This diversion of water was formed between civilian and|thieves, but no one seems to beauty of the falls. not designed to disturb the uni-|military agencies for medical | win for long and the mishaps Council also protested Monday form flow of water of the falls,/care in the eyent of an emer-|that occur will keep any reader ing ard nature takes its course.) Old ladies with quite a little) tiger's blood in their veins try ta cut each other's throats in various ways as invited dinners are the thing. They want to win at all cost and character does- n't count. One lady has de- veloped shaky hands so that she can easily spill gravy or what have you on the person next to her if she does not like that person, Another is adept at get- ting to a table first and chang- night that diversion of water he said. gency. 'chuckling. "Who Said Potatoes Are Fattening"... Many Canadians feel potatoes are fattening, tacts disprove this*. . One medium potato sup- plies about 100 calories. This is a small per- centage of the Canadian Dietary Standard average daily requirement of 2,400 calories for the moderately active woman or the 3,- 000 calories'for the moderately active man. The amounts of the foods listed in Canada's Food Guide as a daily minimum, provide the required protein, minerals and vitamins but not the total calories needed to meet our Canadian Standard. Next time you shop ask for and insist o PE.L.POTATOES For good health eat -- P.E.1. Potatoes. grown in the Iron Rich Soil and Salt Sea Air of Can- oda's Garden Province. Rich in Vitamin "C", also "B" Vitamins and Iron, HSEE SHE P.E.|. POTATO BOOTH AT THF ROYAL WINTER FAIR, NOY, 10-18 ® Reprinted from Publication 1058 Canada Dept. ef Agriculture Z LUNA THAT IT OFFERS YOU Clip And Save These Tested Potato Recipes MUN NEW BLEND AN INSTANT COFFEE SO GOOD MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OF COMPLETE COFFEE A POTATO AND FISH CHOWDER 2 Tablespoons butter % Cup thinly sliced onion \% Cup diced celery 2 Cups diced, raw potatoes % Cup sliced carrots 2 Cups boiling water 1 Teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 pound fish fillets 2 Cups milk { A N Saute omon and celéry im butter. Add potatoes, carrots, water and seasoning. Summer until tender. Add fish cut into bite-size pieces, and cook 10 minutes tong- er. Add milk. Reheat but do not boil, € servings. POTATOES "SCOTCH HOT POT" 1 Pound tomatoes (5 or 6 small) When we told our coffee blenders to develop a new blend for Instant Sanka, they mixed and matched many rich-flavoured coffees --then discovered a remarkable combination! 1 Cup sliced onions 1 Clove gariic, minced 1 Teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper Ys Cup consomme Blanch, peei and slice tomatoes. Peel, quarter, core and slice apples. Cut saus- ages im two, lengthwise. In a large sauce- pan arrange iayers of ingredients in the following order: one-third of the potatoes, one-half the sausages, tomatoes, apples, onions and garlic. Then repeat tayers, ending with remaining potatoes. Combine sait, pepper and consomme and pour evenly ver the top. Cover and cook over low heat, 1 to 1% hours, 8 servings. "Tt's a blend so good", they said, "that we guaranttée it will give people who know good cofice just what they look for --rich, robust flavour and fresh, appetizing aroma. In short ~-- complete coffee satisfaction!" phhis is the New Blend Sanka we're intro- ~ducing to you today challenging you to try + ANS finest coffee beans make it a completely satisfying coffee! it against your present coffee on a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE basis. If you don't agree that New Blend Sanka is a completely satisfying coffee send in the label, note down the price you paid, and we'll refund the full amount. And remember, New Blend Sanka is still 97% caffein-free! So you relax better, feel better, sleep better. Get New Blend Sanka today, get complete coffee satisfaction or your money back. NEW BLEND SANKA-STILL 97% CAFFEIN-FREE TO HELP YOU RELAX BETTER, SLEEP BETTER, FEEL BETTER Why New Blend Sanka can offer a money back guarantee...and how some of the world's Soe

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