Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1961, p. 7

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MR. AND MRS. ALEX STELMACH Family, Friends Honor Couple Celebrating 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs Ritson road south, observed their 25th wedding anniversary at a surprise party at the UNF al hall, Bloor street east Over 200 relatives and friends gathered to express their good wishes and congratulations As the honored couple enter- ed the hall they were greeted br an orchestra playing the Uk- rainian wedding march also by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szoldra, parents of the anniversary bride. who blessed the couple with bread and salt which is a Ukrainian tradition. Their son, Robert,- who is attending the University of Toronto, and their daughter, Irene, who is in pub- lic school, pinned on their mo- ther a corsage of pink carna- tions and on their father a bou- tonniere Mrs. Alex Stelmach, the for- mer Ann Szoldra, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael! couple with a chest of silver and Szoldra, Bloor street east, Osh-|a monetary gift. Their children, Stelmach is the son| Robert of the late Mr. and Mrs. John|their parents with matching end 5S! . The couple were mar-|tabjes. awa. Mr. SCOTT, AGED Bonnie and Mrs. young son of Mr. old Scott Duncan. Scott is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dun- William Foreman, | Mrs. Southlawn avenue is one-year- | Jo Aldwinckle, TH Women's Editor E OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 6, 1961 7 Chey ite, Banta" Dial 723-3474 PERSONALS Mrs. Harry M. Smith will open the bazaar to be held at Simcoe Street United Church on Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Astra Group of 'a/WA. The general convener of the bazaar is 'the president, | Mrs. Robert Currie. Tea room convener is Mrs. Brian Dur-} ance. Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Grose,, Mr. and Mrs, William Taylor land Dr. and Mrs. J. P, G. Mar- oosis attended the dinner and military ball given by the 50th Field Artillery, RCA, C.A. (M), and 28th Technical Squadron, RCEME, C.A. (M) on Friday evening in the Imperial ball room at the Empress Hotel, Peterborough. The guests of honor were the Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, the Hon- sorable J. Keiller Mackay and Mrs. Mackay. The officer com- manding the regiment is Colonel Lloyd O. Grose, brother of Mr WK. Grose . very successtul bridge was ». os.a:, eld at the Ontario Ladies Col- --Photo by Mary's Studio-'j.5e Whitby, sponsored by the Junior Castle Chapter Alumnae on Wednesday, November 1 The guests were welcomed by Mrs. S. L. Osborne and the president, Miss Doris Batty. After refreshments served un der the convenership of Miss Alex Stelmach, ried on September 26, 1936, in Ann Houston, Oshawa, the door St. George's Ukrainian Catholic prizes were drawn by Miss B Church, Oshawa, and have lived Bowen, dean of the College, as- ! their married life in Osh-|cicted by Miss Batty and pre sented to Mrs. Norval Crossman Milton Zubkavich, mas- Mrs. H. Werry, Mrs. A. Robert- ter of ceremonies, proposed son, Miss Evelyn Wilson, Mrs the toast. Following the supper/G. Bevan, Miss _M._ Everett, dancing was enjoyed to a Uk- Miss A. Coats, Miss K Foster, rainian orchestra Mrs. F, De Nure, Mrs te The head table was graced by Mesheh, Spr wold -- ge a three-tier wedding cake and a Mrs. +. E. Suther au. Mrs, bouquet of 25 red roses. Spratt, Miss G. Wottom § ane¢ Among those who spoke brief- Miss G Prouse. ly were the Reverend J. ( Sraéy Patr | Pereyma, Mrs Nellie Ganok Miss Mary Patricia Sullivan Rite oe a : K, whose marriage to Mr. John Jo- sister of the bride, Mrs. John seph Collins took' place on Sat- Luby of Hamilton, sister of the) gay morning, November 4, in bridegroom, the parents of ihe | the Roman Catholic Church of bride, Mr. and Mrs. Michael] ¢ Gregory the Great, has Seoldra, and neg Mrs. Stel-' heen feted at pre nuptial events. mach's son obert vt ert " : i : Mrs. Herbert Russell, Cadil On behalf of the group, Mr jac avenue south, entertained at Milton. Zubkavich brother-in-iaw a miscellaneous shower. Attend- of the bridegroom, presented the -------- i Marguerite Burke Become The Bride mw Of Byron B. Dove The marriage of Marguerite Ann Burke and Byron Bruce Dove was solemnized recently in the rectory at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter of; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Burke of Oshawa, formerly of River |Hebert, Nova Scotia, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. land Mrs. Clarence Dove, Sr., of Oshawa The Right Reverend Monsig- nor Philip Coffey officiated. The bride who was attended by her sister, Mrs. Raymond Hcegg, wore a street-length dress of white nylon over satin with draped shoulders. A crown of 'pearls held her shoulder-length veil and she carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Hogg was in acqua nylon over satin with a white feathered jhat. She carried white and pink | roses and baby chrysanthe- mums, Mr, Raymond Hogg acted as best man. A reception was held at the | Avalon Dance Hall. For the oc- jeasion the bride's mother wore a jacket-dress of Dior blue with black accessories. The bride- grooms mother was in red and black wool crepe with white ac- cessories. Each wore a corsage of white chrysanthemums, As the couple left for their honeymoon the bride was wear- Walter Kilburn and (jing a mauve two-piece wool suit great - grandson of Mr. and with black accessories. The Mrs, Percy Kilburn, all of Osh-/ newly wedded pair will live in awa --Photo by Ireland 'Oshawa. awa Mr. and Irene, presented ONE |} can Foreman and Mr. and OSHAWA Cherney's. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY BUY NOW AND GET A ELECTRIC BLANKET A $29.95 VALUE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER Two items for the price of one ! A modern, safe, automatic electric clothes dryer and a full size, top quality electric blanket that can be washed and iron- ed automatically. This offer applies to McClary-Easy, Moffat, Inglis and West- inghouse dryers. Many models. *LIMITED OFFER--OCT. 14th to NOV. 30th L PETERBOROUGH ' 8 ' ae ing were nursing colleagues of Miss Sullivan who is on the nursing staff of the Oshawa General Hospital. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Jean Morgan, Mrs. Steven Foley and Mrs. Dorothy Ferguson. Mrs. Peter McDermoit, Royal street, was} hostess at a miscellaneous) shower. Serving were Miss} Gertrude O'Sullivan, Mrs. John} Driscoll and Miss Rose Low-| ney A rehearsal party was held} at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Peter McDermott, Robdyal) street. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests are always of interest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone 723-3474 Mrs. Wilfred Jury who has chosen for her subject "Diggings in Huronia" will address the University Women's Club of Oshawa and District at its regular meeting to be held this week at Adelaide House. Mrs. ury is the wife of Dr. Wilfred Jury the well-known archeolo- gist of the University of West- ern Ontario, GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES STORIE PARK AUX. Storie Park Ladies Auxiliary held its regular meeting in the club house with Mrs. Harry Wil liams presiding Mrs. Peter Muzik minutes, Sixteen were present The group was sorry to hear that Mrs. Joseph Parson is a pateient in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital Mrs. Oswald Whitmee gave 'the treasurer's report for Mrs. Parson. Final plans were made for the Christmas bazaar which will be held Wednesday, November 8 from 2.30 till 4.30 p.m. Mrs, John Wyatt gave the sick report Mrs. | read the members 3ert Fry and Mrs. Peter Muzik served refreshments Mrs. Jerome Hickey won the special prize. The next meeting will be held on November 22 at 2 p.m. SIMCOE STREET W.A. (Group Three) Group Three of the Woman's Association of Simcoe Street United Church met last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Drew and Mrs. Morley Jacobi, King street east. Mrs. Edgar Bradley, group leader conducted the' business. Reports were given treasurer and by the members who had sold calendars. The secretary took orders for candy, which the Woman's Association is selling to raise money for the building fund Nominations made for the executive of the United Church Women of Simcoe Street United Church Plans made the next meeting which will be the Christmas party on December 1, at the home. of Mrs. Edgar 3radley by the were were for SIMCOE The STREET WMS November meeting of ADDING THEIR Married recently at North- minster United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edward Gledhill. The bride, the former Miss Irene Marguerite Robin- son, is the daughter of Mrs. nu Apple dalaa Adds Happy Touch To Dinner Menu Apples are popular with the whole family, There are so many ways of serving them| that they may be used success- fully the year 'round. During the|Core but do not peel 1 large (or winter months such eating var- ieties as MelIntosh, Cortland and Northern Spy apples can be used raw, in salads, desserts, or eaten whole from the hand. Cort-| mixture. Pour into a 4-cup ring lands and Northern Spys cook and bake wel! and another winter variety, cook well, advises the Food and Nu- trition Department of Macdon- ald Institute, Guelph Any red apple adds a happy) touch to the menu. Here is a distinctive gelatin mold that uses slices of rosy-skinned ap- ples to best advantage. SALAD APPLE RING Dissolve 1 package of apple-} flavored gelatin and a dash of salt in 1 cup of boiling water. United Church was held in the memorial hall with Miss Milli- | cent Luke presiding. After the opening hymn and prayer Miss Luke read a mes- sage from Mrs. T. H. Ever- son, in part, "If the shut-ins all united in a voice of common prayer what a ceaseless shower of blessing would be falling everywhere?" The secretary's and treasur- er's reports were read. Robert Holden who had charge} of the devotional period took as her topic "The past inspires us, | the present heartens us while} the future becons us to new) fields of endeavor and vice" Miss Evelyn Everson gave a resume from two books, "Ha+ sten the Day"' and "'Signals for) ser- the WMS of Simcoe Streetithe Sixties". | Winesaps, | -- ground are needed in commu- nity, national and international affairs." Miss Irene Miller, jpeg lawyer, said there is no discrimination against women To Be Lawyers 'in the legal profession. Attain WINNIPEG (CP) -- Womenling top gtatus is up to the ine tend to be too emotional to be| dividual yee ag : . Claims Women | Too Emotional a Winni- woman who made the grade. ceed, there's nothing to stop a woman--not even if she's aim- ing to be prime minister.' HOUSEHOLD HINT Select pedal pushers and slacks carefully so they will match the available collection of blouses. and sweaters you and top - notch lawyers, says a! "Jf she's determined to suc-/the children already have. The topic was discussed in- formally by women--lawyers and former lawyers--attending a gathering here of the Cana- dian Bar Association. Mrs. Norman L, Mathews of Toronto, like her husband a Queen's Counsel, summed up the opinions. "Law requires an extremely objective point of view. That's something that women gener- ally don't have. "A woman with a family puts her family's interests first. Feelings count with her--in law they must not. "It's not a question of acquir- ing objectivity. You either have it or you don't." Mrs. W. P. Bowker of Ed- monton, a former member of the Alberta bar who has re- tired, said crusading might be eg of women in professional life. "T don't see why it should be harder for women than for men to reach top positions in the legal profession. It's be- coming old hat to draw distinc- tions between the sexes in any business or profession. | "If women stop being too ag- gressive--concerned about be-| ing equal with or surpassing men--they'll gain acceptance and equal rights in any field more easily." ee erenes® Looking , SIGNATURES Harry Allen of Oshawa and the late Mr. Gordon Robinson and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gled- hill, Oshawa. --Ireland Studio | tablespoons of lemon juice, Carefully pour 1 seven-ounce bottle of lemon-lime carbonated beverage (well chilled) down the side of the bowl. Stir gent- ly with an up and down motion. Chill until partially set. Meanwhile, wash and halve % cup of seedless green grapes. 9 2 small) tart, very thinly. grapes to red apple. Slice Add apples and the chilled gelatin mold or dish. Chill until firm. Mrs. Bowker's husband is| jdean of law at the University) of Alberta. | She said she feels "'there's| no better training for the mind jand for life than the law." | | "{ don't feel that giving up my work means my _ legal training is useless. All women with good educational back- You'll find extra cash | Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. MARIE MURDUFF Over 15 Years' Experience will be in Oshawa at the Genoshe Hotel, Nov, 7 end 8th, PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates sometimes | | 1 Mrs. | up to $2500.00 for a POT OF | GOLD? " NIAGARA S LOANS 4 Md more. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED ; Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company, 286 King Stréet West, -- 728-1636 Open Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 p.m. Open Saturday, 9 - 12 Branches throughout Ontario You Can WIN... A $50 Canada Savings Bond Simply fill in the coupon below and send it along your dry cleaning order to any of the Cleaners Listed below. Do it today... YO! A WINNER! ember entries. @ WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. Tel. MO 8-2345 @ ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Tel. 725-1812 © BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS Tel. MA 3-5520 @ CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. Tel. 728-5611 with ualified D COULD B Draw to be made December 9, for Nov- @ HARWOOD CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-4443 @ PICKWICK CLEANERS Tel. 728-5133 @ AJAX CLEANERS Tel, WH 2-0310 l NOWO con iccucernciiaan Sponsored by The Dry Address .. Se eeseeeereses mbers of 10, Cleaners & t ond C di h Insti of t & Clesners he ee Be ee Telephone No. $50.00 CANADA SAVINGS BOND DRY CLEANERS DRAW seers ene eeesesesteee See eee raresseeesseee a ee' private information (for ladies whose husbands travel a lot) We know, from talking to hun- dreds of ladies just like you, that you are deeply concerned about how much the tension of modern bus- iness is straining your husband's nerves, his good humor -- even his health. You're wondering if thereisn't something you should do about it. Well, here are some things about train travel we thought might be of help to you. When your husband does his travelling with Canadian National, he rides the Way of the Worry- Free. The highway danr- dissolve fo fact, the tension, the fatigue, the anxieties of other forms of travel r him as he settles back In homey comfort in lounge or din- ing car -- or when he snaps out the light In a sleep-inducing CN bed. He has time to think... about you and the kids... about his business problems -- time to find himself. When he travels with CN -- he returns rested, relaxed, more the man he used to be. Next time he travels -- for every- one's pleasure--suggest the Way of the Worrv-Free--Canadian National. Canadian National the way of the worry-free

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