18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 6, 1961 BIRTHS Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings LANDON -- Vern, Aureen, Susan TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Cheaper Operation | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT |For Car Out West OTTAWA (CP) -- Go west, poor motorist. It's the cheapest il New | 1 Net | 11 Net |place to operate a car. Bales High Low a.m, Ch'ge| tock Saies Uigh Low a.m. Ch'ge| stock High Low a.m. Ch'ge The Bureau of Statistics said 41 Net | Stock Sales High Liw a.m Ch'ge Stock GL Poww 65 $17% 17% 17% -- % Ogilvie 50 rice Br 100 $50% + Inter PL 50 Inv Syn A 260 Jefferson 500 HEF F +11 +++ HEE Bank NS Bath P A Beatty n Beatty A Beli Phone {Bowater pr Brazil 0 120 350 350 Building Awards nurses on the 4th Floor of the Oshawa 5 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is|Gteat West 200 160 160 160 +10 | Merrill 68 68 (6B Acme Gas 500 94 9% 9%4-- % Coch Will Se ee g n 195 195 « 195 same as in 1959. The Canadian north may see/tapping the oil, gas, gold nickel 1 Hur Erie H ter for Kenny and Brenda. Many thanks} Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge/imp Oil 716 $47% 474 47% + Ys Banff 00 126. 126 7 +2 |New Ath 500 3 225 96 ' ; 4 Ch : " ron - ; "With 45,800, proud to announce the arrival of their|AltaDis vt 200 200 200 200 ee 7 +.%\Newlund 2500 16% 16% + ¥% 'axes and registration fees and/article in the November issue 300,000 acres leased I i 5 "4 ; ; 51 |that was established last month. ; ~ lAlg Cen w $23 215 215 275 inthe ae ik + 4lcom Pete 2000 200 200 Claigmt 15%. |Norpax 2000 it 1 |land's at $131. Quebec at $129,| 'at was gear It is this oil gre 9 47 + Jeff Bwt 1200 400 4 Gr Plains 200 $13% 13% 13% + % : - 5 1 } Delhi Pac 24% Opemiska P PARE tata Ld ; Se ee sank thesees Tat3000 rian gee ee a ~ ee +5 All provincial and territorial! "Serious consideration is al-|the oil reserves of the entire 0 LO Cem pr 300 11% + 4|Medal 100 205 Elder Patino M 1 cessing." with iron already being mined Levy 1 3 3. » November 3, 1961, George H./Br Tnk m 100 $6% 6% LobC A n xd 130 % 10% | Ponder : ae i 2300 10 10 +1 |Pow Rou 5 $3 3 4 t i t 5 i stries for iron ore up-graded * resting at the Mclntosh-Andérson Fu-|Build Prod 55 $33% MB PR 259 18% Triad Oil Hasting 135 +2 |Rio Algom dustries i eral Home, 152 King Street East, for| Burlington 200 $17% 7 Maher 5 39, -- %/ Un Oils H of Lakes 9 + %/Rix Athab The article also comments Can Perm + %|Met_ Stores Hud Bay 5 $53% 53% 53% + %! : ; ; Nov, 6, at 7 p.m CSL Mil-West 4 |Inspiratn rigger} on +5 |are ahead of those for the first ~ to en of iron-|North Rankin Nickel Mines at -- ¥% Acal Uran 86000 Int Moly 2 "% 4% 10 months of lasty year, says a/reduction plants. Rankin Inlet in the Ni Advocate 300 80 Int Nickel 420 $83 82% 83 + %/Tauvcan sdiedes Wantage eo | Aerie ne : 5 |Rankin Inlet in the Northwest i 1 jcompilation by Southam - Mae-| The Digest apparently sees a) Territories on the west coast of lont Steal jLean Building Reports Hudson Bay. Overland y%/Overld pr Page-Hers Parker Pbina 225 $1456 181 $34% 1075 $253 1205 $12 il 500 85 f 25 $49% on Saturday, November 4, 1961, Wil-/CPR liam Henry Moore, Enniskillen aged 88/Cin Pet pr years, beloved husband of Margaret|C Ss Christina Stainton and dear father of Muriel (Mrs, Reg. Weaving), Thorn- hill, and Elsie (Mrs. Floyd Beckett), Enniskillen. Resting at the Morris Chat-Gai 5 Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service|Col Cell 600 4 Silverwd A in the chape] on Tuesday, at 2 p.m. In-'\Comb Ent xd 100 $12% 12% + %/| Simpsons terment Hampton Cemetery. Conduits 100 $10% 10% 10% + % St Pav Con Bidg 275 «$9% % Stedman 1 + % SAMANSKI, Anne Florence Con Bldg pr 100 ' Steel Can 351 /, "+ % After a prolonged illness at the Osh-|Con Bldg wt 325 285 s Steinbg A 225 + %) awa General Hospital, on Sunday, No- Con Gas 1208 $21% 21% 21% + %S Propane 100 +% vember 5, 196], Anne Florence Kellar Copp Clark 6 $9% 9 Suptest ord 100 --% (of 802 Byron Street S., Whitby), belov- Corby vt 200 $19 + % Texaco 50 ed wife of Edward Samanski, dear mo- Coronation = 875 $9¥%4 Ye Texaco pr 57 ther of Jane and Susan, at home in|Crown Tr 80 $49 Tor-Dom Bk 175 ' her 47th year, Resting at the W. C.|Crown Zell 175 $63 +1 (T Fin A 385 + Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for re-|Dist Seag = 900 $48%4 +% Tr Can PL 541 "4 +% quiem mass in St. John the Evangelist/2 Bridge © 200 $2244 22% 22% Trans-Mt 1200 $147 Y s-- % Church, Whitby "on Wednesday, No- Dom Elect 100 $8 8 Un Gas 420 4 h-- %! vember 8 at 10 a.m. Interment st./2 Fndry 360 68% 68% 684+ % U Corp B_ 100 John's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Whit-|D. Stores m. 1260 Sista 13% 15ts by. The Reverend L. J. Austin will offi- no. Text 108 $164 . +4 ciate. The Catholic Women's League/p.., play 240 $17 will recite the Rosary Monday Eve-ireq Farms 300 $5% ning at 8 p.m. The Knights of Columbus | picetwood 113 $16% be rong the Rosary Tuesday evening fo.q (Us) 2$ill. 11 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions, 'Cost Of Living acute... Up In September 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 7 55 Lorado wts Yk Bear 9 105 3 Lyndhst 543 6 2 36% 38 +1 Macdon 5 MacLeod § . s 710 «705 «710 Malartic 86 6 --l1 -|Maritime Tung 1700 | C Byno 5860 23 6 + % Cdn NW 4000 "4 -- % Can-Erin 7000 Captain 500 and Billy are delighted to welcome Ju- ith Marilyn, who arrived Thursday, By The Canadian Press | | Nov. 2, weighing 8 Ibs. 2 ozs. Our 23 $55 «SS OSS |Cassiar 100 $12% 12% 12% + % Martin 63 60 63 | or thanks to Dr. C. D. Russell and the| Toronto Stock Exchange--Nov. 6 (Cc 'ony op 215 $50 50 218 $53 (5353 |Cayzor 500 44% 44% 44% + %|McKen 2 2 20 \today the average cost of taxes : (Quotations in cents unless marked $. GN Gas B w 100 265 265 26: | 1000 151 150 150 --2 |McMar 10 «(10 10 +% and ulcences required to oper- General Hospital. a-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, | xr---Ex- 5000 8% 8% 8% + % McWat as @ 43} a wee' E Its arti '" late a motor vehicle in Canada By FOKBES RHUDE ts article says "the off-again- ; Gr Wpg 56w 80 435 435 435 +5 1000 29 29 «29 : A NESBITT -- Ed and Doreen are|fom previous day's close.) lGuar Tr 225 $54 53% 54 41 Midrim 323232 was $108 last year--about the) Canadian Press Business Editor)on-again Canadian dream of pleased to announce the safe arrival. of , Hardee 3180 $10 9% 9% -- %lAlminex 10 19 in Lake 30% 30 30%--%|/Min Corp 500 $12% 12% 12%4-- % a baby girl (Dalrene Frances) 9 Ibs. INDUSTRIALS |Horne Pf. 800 410 410 410 +8 |Anchor : 2 Comb Met 2% 268 |Mt Wright 20100 160 150 158 +2 a } ai 9) 5 ozs., at the Oshawa General Hospital one 50%4 50% -- %|Asamera 12 112 +2 1 Bellet aoa ae * y All the western provinces)? expansion of industry be- wae a of the Arctic and " > t + 5 795 , i Neaon 5 - = £ * * : 6, ° ; Se Be mony Sak mrowia, Mary thenh Dino Wine es pe pada feet fare " \were below the average. All the|yond the simple tapping of its) S10! 2 seat a come to Dr.-Halam-Andres and 4th floor staff. | Abitibi $45 $38% 38% 38% ap a 1607 15% 15% -- Yloa Eq $17% 17% 1 Cc 3 2 a" mee ony eon a. jeastern provinces were above.|mineral resources. ; ihhe eter akien tt By _ year MLAS < Mary dot Dink Eeltin Ga | a +5 T'Ac '50D 25 ne C Oil Las o ff N Mylam 239210 7 7 +13 The figures include gasoline| This possibility is seen in an . al 1 Ac 2775p --_ 2115 54% C Chiefin 6000 100 97 97 ; this year to 17 Canadi daughter, Laurie Lee (8 Ibs. 4 ozs.) on|Alta Gas 340 $35 35 «35s + *%| Inglis 100 a : 7 € Sannorm 75 6 --2 \N Man 239210 wet 'of the Toronto Stock Exchange's| "5 ¥ 7 Canadian, Amer- Saturday, November 4, 1961 at Oshawa/AltaGas w 52 $15% 15% 15% . Inland Gas 100 3% pag IE commen 060 050 000, 80 |Nickel MB 1800 47-7 7 jsuci | Digest, the aeohanie publication ican and British oil companies, _ ' ie Taye 153 ' 9 fe 3M 2. 55 35: : H 134 > OO ae ! | z : a ae Gan ae Gee ee ee nt Util 215 15% Cent Del 912 630 640 Cenconn aa isk i 4k iMoraean eg Biggest bite was Newfound northern exploration is in high Int Pr Dis 100 7% ; tai 15¥4 "ae A Cc enting on the large|>°* SON, Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you| Algoma 336 $19%4 49 49 Wh = lS ey Nek es ae * Croinor 000 7% 8 N Coldstrm 500 1 =! |followed by New Brunswick| ner of current rte "gf{ Which according to some: lea fhe. latest 'arrival tn your 'home, An-|Alum 2 pr 100 Sisis ais dave ie 5s + 1c West P 200 205 . 200 Draragon 2 ot IN Rank 1000 <1 |§126, Nova Scotia $117, Ontario's| Dromising finds, the' Digest|i"f geologists, may open up de- latest arrival in your home, An-|Alum 2 pr 100 $4844 48% 48% A 7 5 'agol . ~ ase ° ' - ' romisin, inds e iges' a ue nouncements are accepted until' 9:00| Analog 250 225 225 225 ig jan ees «| Deer Horn + ¥%\N Beaue = 600 $1 +1 laverage was $113. 12 : : Be" posits with a potential equal to : A Home A 171 $10% 10% 10% + % f 1 iy MY 5 5 | 50, > Atlas St $29 | - z Denison 10% 10% + % Orchan +13 ¢ iene is te tae tees te 34 ty|Home B 225 995 980 980 +10 | Dicknsn 400 390 400 --5 |Osisko revenues from li-|ready being given to the pos-|Middle East. 150 $7 % Lakeland 300 2 230 --10 |H BO' G 210 $16%4 16% Dunraine 500 28 28 28 +3 |Paramaq Maneak' BEA taal t aa ead) & 8 "At the same time, misin DEATHS tint Com ee z |LI Pete 4000 6% 6 Duvan et | Pardee Faerie Me oh be rg " year| sible establishment of secondary Msn va eo ~~ ing 5 otailed $565,33 , up five per! j ies to save shippi : ig us 3 |Gauea Gee a8 ig |Pac Pete 2110 $11% 11% Eldrich 5000 «WY sds Paymast + %lcent from 1959" P Per! industries oe eeepc bestos, nickel, copper and gold ae + %|Lau Fin A 300 24 + %|Pac Pete w 300 Falcon 610 $62 61% 61% -- % Peerless Nag ro . through further on-the-spot pro , . BUTLER, George A. --%4|Lau 200 p 100 $493% 4934 | Pamoll Farada: 500 175 175 175 +8 |Perron : Suddenly, in Wilberforce, Ontario, on 00 11% -- %| Phillips Fatima 500 29% 29% 29% | Placer it ial ee eenliek par N | eee ab eee "10 awaiting financing and produc- Butler. beloved husband of Doris Beck-|BA Oil 262 $33%e LobC B n xd 250 Sil 1 Provo Gas 15 k ant 100 $10% 10% 10% + %|Pros Air ; : j i i tion contracts ste ts ge ett and dear father of Lorraine of Hodg-|BC Aga 3605 Sane + %4|LobCo B 3 xd 10 Ys 48% 48% Pwigg 6 4646 1000 24% 24% 2% +1'4|Guemont This predicijon is in line with son, Manitoba, and Paul of Lodner,!| 'ow 695, Vy | pr z % 33% * c Grandro; 2000 23 3 --1 | in-| a BC. in his ssh year. Mr. Buller is|BC Phone 25 <50%4 + %|Loeb M "215 19% + %|Secur Free Gunnar" 100860 Realm current demand from steel in-/ sons FOR ESKIMOS 4m 75 vy BR i from its natural state before) ).+ th a service in the Chapel Tuesday, Burns 250 $10% is --~ ¥4|M Leaf Mill 325 % "16% |WCOG w 35 Heath Sk 8 ' | 5 : ae Ager A in| {hat northern developments are Metaber to ate pe tatermes| SCC toe 250 FEM, 53 Mass-F 1525 $11 11 11 |W Decalte 3500 High-Bell 300 295 295 S 3 | TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|hipping. This is leading to in-| \,ening up new opportunities for Union Cemetery. The OOF will con- ni aon 510 $2354 --% pronto a 106% 106% an Can = 6000 Hollinger $26%4 26% 26% -- % jconstruction awards, after five creased operations at mine sites, Canada's 11,500 Eskimos, of duct an Oddfellow's Service Monday, - had = ait MIN Howey ag tag + i --10 |successive monthly gains, now|such as screening, and M&Y| whom 100 now are employed at Cdn Baks Z DART, Margaret % " --Entered into rest in Glen Cedar Nurs- ree Irish Cop 2 #112 +1. Teck-H oe eee, roey: November | PiGan Can A s 0 J Waite 201% 20% 20% --1% | Temag |possibility of this trend spread-| 1961, Margaret Chaney, widow of the|c Chem 400 $5% A Arcadia 25600 Jacobus 37. 57.57) | Tombill | z \; | att me LIS Gre, tee 110 AArcad B w 809 Jellicoe Tormont +1 | The 10-month total is $2,629,-jing to pre pr aga on) It says: mother o! s, Harold Irvine (Rose) in| F Frbks 10 A : Ae | 4 di 4 ve é dcthys her 77th year. Resting at the Arm-|c Frome B aun 0" + a Aoed 2000 ced Trin Chib 104,200, or $2 107,400 above last|@ more advanced. scale "With several years expe- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa with'C Husky B.DuG pied ; Tan jute 3 $37 7 ty 'Aabentos 600 year's comparative figure. Octo-| rience as miners, mechanics, eenanl Becyise a ~ Oe Husky w + % Belcher 500 i L Dufault 1 68 Un Keno $11% 1% 1% at ber contracts were $238,495,700,) NET EARNINGS truck and snowmobile drivers Ms -- = Hydro 4 + ¥% Bethl 800 125 122 12 L Os Vandoo 1% Th 7% +1% 777.7 i Oshawa Union Cemetery. - Ice M A N G $68 4a 6% Bevcon 2000 L. Shore Ventures $60% 60% 60% + % up $11,777,700 from October last) and maintenance men, Eskimos MOORE, William Henry eaee Bk C i oes we oe Bidcop 2000 \ Langis Vent Deb $98% 98% 98% + % year | at this lone mining outpost now . % \% | Reicho! 0 1 a 5 5 vat Waite A: 590 590 5 +10 ; .| By z Cf sti i At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Cdn Oil % Roe AV C 5 $6 . shea tee et lage Sie pe *}' | The 10-month figures by cate-) By THE CANADIAN PRESS constitute a pool of skilled labor Rothman 2225 id an 300 LL 'Lae 5 195 9 | Wiltsey gories: Residential $817,476,100,! | Burlington Steel Co. Ltd., 6|that will become invaluable for Main ae ti % 1 br Sg Lorado Yale Lead --.% up $178,826,900: business $896,-;mox. ended Sept. 24: 1961, $75,-|future Arctic development. An- ay Salada-s Ceo mae 10 644,300, down $49,682,000; indus-|482; 1960, $257,021. other 100-odd Eskimos hold jobs Salada wts $ --10 ¢ trial $237,960 $00, down $28,740.| United Grain Growers Ltd.,)on the Distant Early Warning Seven Arts +10 1600: engineer ing $677,023,000:|year ended July 31: 1961, $393,-|line and on other northern de |down $98,296,900. 942; 1960, $380,164. fence outposts." Shawin Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,393,000. NEW POWER -- NEW PAYOFF! +2% lie ry WCoast Tr + % WCoast vt {Weston A Weston B 110 West A wts 1074 |Wood J A 3 20% 20% 20% 160 $38. 35 35 5 25 $102%4 102% 102% }Gen Bake 100 $11% 11% 11% GMC 29 $51% 51% 51% GS Wares 300 $10% 10% 10% + % Asbestos Gs W pr zi0 $85 «8585 CG Inv Goodyear pr 725 $44% 44% 44% C Paper GL Paper 630 $18% 18% 18% Du Pont GL Power 75 $44% 44% 444 --% Lob Inc 1%-- % OTTAWA (CP) -- Living costsjership costs moved higher to GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-|edged higher during September|advance the housing index to morial. For placement contact funeral/dur to scattered price increases|133.6 from 133.5. But prices of eer ree ee lin food, housing, clothing and|some household supplies, furni- doctor and dentist bills. ture and appliances were lower. IN MEMORIAM The consumer price index| The September advance in rose to 1292 on Oct. 1 from/|living costs fcllowed a slight in- 129.1 a month earlier, the bu-|crease in industrial wages dur- dear or aie ce Haat Batanen. 'eau of statistics reported to-ling August. The index of aver- who passed away November 6, 1958. day. jage industrial wages and salar- Yhile you, dear sister, rest and sleep.) The index--yardstick of livingjies at Sept. 1 -- latest date Seep ne memory we'll always/costs ir Canadian cities -- stilljavailable -- was 182.2 com- sisters and was below its year-earlier level|pared with 182.1 a month ear- of 129.4 and the record high of|lier and 1768 a year. earlier. BATEMAN -- In loving memory of| 129.6 last Nov. 1 The index is|The index 1s based on 1949 our dear daughter, Hazel, who left us\hased on 1949 prices equalling| wages equalling 100. keep. --Ever remembered by brothers. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 4-53 Diesel 130 hp; 271 ft. Ibs. torque NEW CHEVROLET-GM DIESEL DURABILITY Here's new earning power for Chevrolet middle- weights... the Chevy-GM 4-53 Diesel for 15 new D60 and D60-H models with GVW's ranging from 15,000 to 23,000 Ibs. Here's years-longer engine life, rock-bottom maintenance costs, compact size, low weight, top torque and top power -- all backed by years of GM Diesel experience. Ideal for operations with high mileage and few stops or those calling for extensive engine idling. Here's new High-Torque power for every weight class -- light, medium and heavy... the most powerful engines in Chevrolet history, includ- ing a new 4-cylinder diesel. Here, too, are modern versions of the world's most popular 6-cylinder truck engines. For 1962 Chevy brings you true truck power in every one of its 198 new models. proved Independent Front Suspen- sion for-even smoother riding, easier working trucks. Like the beefier, heavier duty hypoid rear axles for Middleweights and the rugged new I-Beam front axles* (9,000- or 11,000-Ib. capacity) available on Series 80 Heavy- weights. Like work-proved Corvair 95's (2 pickups and a panel) that haul up to 1,900 Ibs. of payload Da Tree Widgted Peite: sit 4 cecas Te yester- 100. The wages index, computed day, »,| There were increases of one-|from a survey of firms employ- eens 708 nd we mite thr suijtenth of a point in the indexes|28 more than 10 persons and Dad. for the two major sectors of COrerine a sry range of pager jconsumer costs ,-- food and| ries As chip nae Byerage S ant \housing. | tota wages paid. : 0 osition The food index rose to 123.3] The index of clothing prices \from 123.2 during September. | advanced to 113.6 from 113.1 and |Price tags went up on tea, eggs,|health and personal care costs » jcitrus fruits, fresh tomatoes, |to 155.3 from 155.0. 0 ecla |some canned and frozen fruits) Lower prices for TV and ra- and vegetab.es, and for beef,|dio sets, phonograph records, pork and veal. But prices were|and bicycles reduced the index |substantially lower for mostjof recreation and reading costs 9 asses lfresh fruits and vegetables and/to 146.2 from 146.7. |chicken, turkey, margarine and) Ajithough gasoline prices were TORONTO (CP) -- Opposition | coffee. llower. this was not enough to to the fast-developing trend to-|RENTS HIGHER \change the transportation index wards special classes for gifted) Both rentals and home.- own-' which remained at 140.0. e students was expressed Satur-| ---- pe th education i WITH NEW al h- 0 ue ower primary education. muck «zoo Nuclear Banning ° State College, N.J., keynote} speaker for the annual conven-| e tion of the Ontario Council for Childhood education, said the Urg ed By | urist Torque 409 V8* for heavies, right talented child doesn't need the | down to the thrifty Sixes in the coddling. ARBORG, Man. (CP) -- Mr.)the extension of their use to| 'cht. i She said: "The bright child|Justice J. T Thorson, president|other countries such as Egypt," | Light-duty models. Reasons that in will learn the basic educational |of the Exchequer Court of Can-|he asked. clude the brawny new 4-53 Chevy- skills anyway. But he does need|ada, said Sunday that the Cana-| "If Canada follows such a GM Diesel and the tough new High- to be taught how to mect peo-|dian government should re-jcourse, her moral influence in Torque 327 V8* for Middleweights ple and to develop his leader-/nounce the use of nuclear wea-|the cause of disarmament and i ' ship abilities." |pons and declare that their in-|world peace would be largely and the eager-hauling High-Torque She called for complete in-|Stallation will not be permitted/destioyed." he said. 261 Six* that's available for the tegration in North American gr oge nee ee ad mg ae gr agg tog sn first time in Light Duties. classrooms of children of vary-| "y Justic son, Spe; jeold, hard fact is that Canada ' ing intelligence, racial groups|@S honorary president of the|could not defend itself against Loads of other reasons, too. Like the and economic situations. Canadian Committee for the|a nuclear attack and could not new work styling with downward- No dissenting voice was raised at the convention. Some teachers said they knew of par- ents who demanded their chil- dren be taken out of special classes in Ontario because they could not correlate with their brothers and sisters. Dr. Keliher said the compari- son of educational systems of various countries "does not make sense." Russian children tackled cer-| tain subjects at a much older age than Canadian and U.S. children. Reading was started at age 7 and the children didn't get vut of Grade I until they had learnea to read. SPRING MIXTURE WINNIPEG (CP)--The neigh- boring municipality of Assini- boia is beating the effects of spring mud on road paving pro- jects by coating the roads with a mixture of lime and topsoil. Builders had found that gravel and 'crushed stone surfacing {Control of Radiation Hazards, jtold a public meeting here the |"argument that the defence of |Canada demands that her Bo- jmarc missiles should be jequipped with nuclear warheads lis utter nonsense." The remarks of the 72-year- jold jurist are the most contro- versial since his public con- demnation of the racial segrega- tion policies of South Africa. He jattacked apartheid as a blight on civilization Mr. Justice Thorson, Liberal minister of national war ser- vices from June, 1941 to\Octo- ber, 1942, said Canada 'must not take part in this insane nu- clear arms race." Canada's duty, he said, ig to continue efforts to achieve abo- lition of nuclear tests and to bring about world disarmament so that nuclear wars can be pre- vented. EXPLAINS REASONING | "If Canada should accept nu- jclear weapons as an instru- jment of natibnal policy, whether| mote country home, material was absorbed by the|for assumed defence or otheribeen su t purposes, how could she oppose give any effective assistance to the United States if that coun- try were attacked. There was no known defence against the kind o1 nuclear attack that the Soviet union would likely make against North America in the event of war. Likewise, he said, the Soviet Union could not possibly defend itself against the kind of attack that the United States could launch. Canada could not assist in the maintenance of peace by join- ing ip the madness of the nu- cleur arms race. The best con- tribution Canada could make to the safety of mankind was to continue efforts for the abolition of nuclear tests and world dis- There are plenty of powerful reasons for Chevy superiority. High- torque reasons. Reasons that range all the way from a mighty new High- 235 Six 235 Special Six 261 Six h 135 hp; 135 hp; 217 ft. Ibs. torque 217 ft. Ibs. torque 150 hp; 235 ft. Ibs. torque sloping hoods that let drivers see up to 10¥2 feet more of the road directly ahead for better manoeuvr- ing, safer driving. Like Chevrolet's 160 hp; 270 ft. Ibs. torque j|armament, sea ROAD PROBLEM | GLASGOW, Scotland (AP)--It could cost $294,000 to get three children to school. The school bus can't make it past pits and potholes to the chi'dren's gre- and it has ggested the government should build a passable road. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND ST. WEST -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 725-6501 185 hp; 305 ft. Ibs. torque 'See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer with low-cost dependability and sure rear-engine traction. Like to know more? See your Chevrolet dealer. *Optional at extra cost 348 v8 220 hp; 325 ft. Ibs. torque 145 Six 80 hp; 128 ft. Ibs. torque 409 V8 252 hp; 390 ft. Ibs. torque NEW HIGH-TORQUE V8. The huskiest V8 that ever powered a Chevy truck... the new High-Torque 409 V8* with 16% per cent more torque than ever before available from Chevrolet. Made to order for top efficiency on top-tonnage hauls, Whitewall tires optional at extra cott, : HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST -- WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE'MO 8-3304--MO 8-3305--MO 8-3306 Watch "Bonanza" Sunday nights over CBC TV. Chéck your local paper for time and channel.