MARRIED I Mr. Gordon Charles Slee- man and his bride, the former Miss Gwen Marilyn Sutherland are pictured following their matriage recently at Kingston Road United Church, Toronto. The bride is the daughter of Japanese Women Supposed Free Face Rooted Discrimination By KENNETH ISHII Jo Aldwinckle, Women Women 's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 31, 1961 7 PERSONALS | A chrysanthemum bridge was |held at King Street United \Church recently under the aus- jpices of the Del Mar group of ithe WA. The bridge was opened by Mrs. Robert Johnston and |Mrs. Arthur McPherson. A show }of hats was held during the {bridge and many new fall styles jand fabrics were in evidence. Winners of the door prizes were Shirley Perry, Mrs. W. E. \Baker, Mrs. H. Hobbs, Mrs. N. |Edgar, Mrs. F. Hruska, Mrs. A. /M. Moore, Mrs, J. Lyzba, Mrs. F. Brooks, Mrs. R. B. Webster, Mrs. H, J. Etmanski, Mrs. L. V. Disney, Mrs. N. Whinfield, #4 Mrs. E. McKenzie, Lillian Endi- jcoit, Mrs, F. Pierce, Mrs. P. jClark, Mrs. G. Hawker, Mrs. F. |Whalley, Mrs. H. McCabe, Mrs. {E. Pym, Mrs. C. Oldfield, Mrs. R. Haber, Mrs, H. Nesbitt, Mrs. I', Cobbledick, Miss Sylvia Bil- enduke, Mrs. H. Sproule. The November meeting will be a pot luck supper on Wednesday, No- vember 15. N TORONTO Mr. and Mrs, Roy H. Suther- | land of Toronto and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Sleeman of Osh- aw Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests are always of interest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone 723-3474. a. Christopher Smith, Toronto | The Royal College of Organ- ists, Peterborough Centre, play- ed host to organists from Osh- in each, Churches visited were All Saints (Anglican), Murray Street Baptist; George Street United, St. Luke's (Anglican) and St. John's (Anglican) at which refreshments were served Mr. and.Mrs, Harold Ling, RR 2 Newcastle, formerly of Osh- awa, were the unexpected hosts) to a group of neighbors, friends} Me and relatives, who gathered to; honor them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. An evening of music and cards| was enjoyed. Mr. Jack Mann; presented the couple with a sil-| ver money tree on behalf of those present after which re- freshments were served. Among the guests from out of town at the Hercia - Fertile wedding held in Calvary Bap- tist Church, Toronto, last Satur- day were Mr. and Mrs- Alfred Boroski, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, G. D, Mulholland, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Kerr and Miss Joanne Kerr, Brownsville; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Poloz, Hamilton; Dr. and Mrs, Walter Poloz, Burlington; Mrs. Morris Roscoe, Ancaster; Mrs. Samuel Zariluk, Water- ford; Mr. and Mrs. John Strocen, Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Tyskedick, Toronto. Mr. Keith Robertson of Port Hope acted as master of ceremonies with Mr. Dmytro Babij assist- ing at the traditional Ukrainian way Akiko answered. the mar- awa and Belleville recently. Mr. TOKYO (AP) -- Akiko Yama-|riage question that she meant moto, 24, is a attractive, good-|the choice would be hers. humored product of Japan's "That's the way it should be post-war democracy. now," her mother says. 'In my She is a college graduate and'case, my feelings were taken has an office job. Until a gen-|into consideration to a certain ~ eration ago, a girl like Akikojextent, but it was still a 'miai'|» would have been married and|marriage (an arranged mar- probably a mother by now. In|riage in which boy and girl ex- those days nice girls didn't}/change pictures of each other work. and are then formally But today there are almost/duced by a go - 2,000,000 of . Akiko's kind Japan. They are the first gen-|both sides). I was married at between at a James Hopkirk acted as master of ceremonies, taking the visi- tors on a tour of Peterborough churches and giving a talk about the organ and its potentialities groom, entertained 75 relatives and friends, including the bridal attendants, at a dinner on Sun- day afternoon at Hitman Hall, Oshawa. Also present were Mr.) 'and Mrs. Harvey Fertile, par- _ \ents of the bride. intro-| # in|meeting attended by families of} eration to reach adulthood un-|19 after I'd known my husband| § der democracy, the first to for five months." break free from the bonds; "Yes, still that's quite a) of subservience and inferiority|change from my time," says that for centuries denied them | her grandmother. 'I was dis-| all rights and shackled them to|posed of (katazukeru) at 17. 1 Mrs. Harry Weber, Guild-| wood Village, and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Oshawa, arranged a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. {William Pogue of Toronto on Saturday night in honor of their |50th wedding anniversary. Many Pogue's two sisters, Mrs. lives of drudgery. The post - cially. Yet in everyday life bar- riers of discrimination remain. Akiko put her finger on what she believes is at the root of the resistance. MEN RESIST "It's the men themselves. They've enjoyed being superior to women for so long that they don't want to give it up,"' she said. "In school," Akiko said, "we learn about democracy and equality, but once we go out into the business world we soon find out how feudalistic things still are," She said a male employee at her office once told her: 'At home I see my father treated like a lord. It's only natural that I should want to be treated like- wise But, in spite of the male at- titude, Akiko says she enjoys her life. She realizes she has been thrown into an experience that girls of previous genera- tions were never permitted to know When does she plan to marry? WILL CHOOSE MATE "When the right man comes war constitution guarantees women equality po- litically, economically and so- had nothing to say about it." | According to Akiko katazu-| |keru "sounds terribly feudal| 'and indulting." | Scout Ex. Board - Installs Officers The meeting of the Scout |Auxiliaries Executive Board was held recently with the president, Mrs. Gordon Varnum, presiding. The secretary, Mrs. William) Sargeant, read the minutes.| Mrs. George Fitches gave the| treasurer's report. Annual re-| ports were read from all eel | | iliaries as well as the annual jreports by Mrs. William Sar- geant. Mrs. George Fitches, Mrs. John Kellington, Mrs. John Calder, Mrs. Douglas Redpath and Mrs. G. N. Varnum. Mr. S..A. Richardson, District Executive Commissioner, instal- Taylor and Mrs. Kenneth Whit- led the new officers. Mrs. Fred|the Auxiliaries and Scouts on Charles Taylor and Mrs. Stella| Taylor, Scarboro, poured tea\UN and for Mr. Green's per-|more countries. jwhen buffet refreshments were) |served, Miss Ruth Pogue pinned 2 AN AUTUMN CEREMONY Dorothy Ferne Armstrong and Philip Lawrence, both of Oshawa, were married recent- ly at Simcoe Street United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Armstrong of Kempt- Quebec V of W Visits Sec. of State vi For Ext. Affairs Strong support dian resolution at for Cana- the United speed-up of fallout studies, was expressed by the VOW of Que- bee at a-meeting today with the Honorable Howard Green, Secretary of State for External Affairs. Andree Laurendeau, Charles Catto, Mme. Roy and Mrs. C. Georges G. Gifford, ville, Ontario and the bride- | groom is the son of Mr. and | Mrs. Gabor Lawrence of Hun- | read the minutes and Mrs. Al-| gary The couple will live in |fred Stanley gave the treasur-| | Oshawa. self opposed to all nuclear weap- ons tests. They asked him to suggest ways in which members |might continue to register sup- port for all steps towards dis- armament, Therefore, the VOW of Que-| to presentation. Mr. and Mrs. Paul|Nations with regard to cessa-|North Bay bases of Bomarc B Hercia, parents of the bride-|tion of nuclear testing and a) missiles. We are told that these ibee protests the delivery |missiles have no warheads at lthe moment. It is difficult to) believe, however, that the mis- siles will be equipped with any- j _ |thing less than the nuclear war- A delegation from the Provin-|heads for which they were de- cial Committee, including Mme./signed. Mr. Harkness has told Mrs./the country that Bomarc Bs are other| Mrs. F. Ross and Mrs. C, An- useless without nuclear heads. In the eyes of --Photo by Ireland | GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES \ficers and wished them every success in the coming year. Slides and movies of the 12th's 4th SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. Dr. J. R. Leng, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, stressed the value of the scout of the Fourth Oshawa Ladies') Auxiliary at the October meet-| and supporters R. Warnica, president; Mrs L. T. Dunn, vice-president; Mrs. 1. I. Macleod, secretary; Mrs. William Morrison, treasurer: Mrs. A. R. Cory, social con- vener; Mrs. M. J. Bell, card convener. The rummage sale is ot be held on Tuesday, October 31. Letters requesting donations from the members in place of a bazaar are being sent out. Mrs. L. T. Dunn and Mrs. J.! R. Warnica are to be delegates) to the Regional Conference for! scouters and supporters. Mrs. \J. R. Warnica concluded the} meeting by reading, '"'What is a Ladies' Auxiliary?" GOODWILL GROUP | The regular meeting of the !Goodwill WA Group of Simcoe Street United Church was held in the Memoria! Hall. The presi- |dent, Mrs. Frank Cox, presided. {Miss Elsie Stainton called the |roll, also reported on the flower} | | decided to use the patrol system for each district to raise money in whatever way they desired. movement in character building} hai and promoting world peace as|committee pres he installed the new executiveling slate of off jactivities were shown. The next meeting will be held at Harmony United Church at 8 p.m. on November 9, The rs. Lawrence McConkey, as| Okela, Mrs. Donald McNaugh- rman of the nominating|ton will speak on "Cubbing' at ented the follow-|this meeting. icers for 1961-62: Mrs, Frank Bart- M President, HOUSEHOLD HINT ing. He added that the move-jlett; secretary, Mrs. William} Storage of cheese may be ment depends for its vigor on|Coulson; treasurer, Mrs. Clif-/based upon the way you find it the adults who help as leaders!ford Smith; social, Mrs. , | Ormiston; The new executive consists|/Mrs, Herman Laxton, assistant. of the following: Mrs. W. R./Mrs. Jones, past president; Mrs. J.|convener, Mrs. Robert Peacock,|Cheese spreads sold from mar- .|assistant, Mrs. Robert Marks.|ket shelves should also be stor- Rca your food market. Refriger- onet late those cheeses that you find sewing in refrigerated showcases. telephone co Harold Hughes; | Mrs. Douglas Redpath, district| representative, installed the of- ... at KARN"S AYERST 'PARAMETTE: CANDY CHEWS THE ed in refrigerator after jars are opened, \fund. Mrs, Charles Anderson er's report. The president announced that Mrs, W. Stirling is in charge of) the boxes of chocolates and choc-| olate bars and Mrs, J. E/*Hink-| son and Mrs. L. S. Bigwood were appointed to take orders for the Goodwill group, proceeds towards the building fund from) all the WA groups. The next quarterly WA meet- ing is on November 29. The} November meeting of the Good-| will Group wil! be in charge of the executive on November 25. Mrs. Hinkson had charge of the devotional period. Mrs. C. Anderson read the scripture. Mr. George Fowler showed moving pictures of a recent trip he and his grandmother, Mrs. W. G. Wilson, took to Eng- land and Scotland, Refresh- ments were served by Mrs.} Hinkson, Mrs. G. MclIndless, gave Mr. Green a copy of the!nations, it must seem Canada| 4¢rson. brief proposing a "World Peace Year' which was presented to In tenderin Canadian resolutions at the sonal efforts to hel international tension, p reduce the VOW has wards taken another nuclear to more lclear weapons missile, position jthe Bomare |weakens her as The| was: held at Harmony' United war|Church with the president, Mrs. | step to-\j2TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. . " S nuclear armament, \friends, neighbors and relatives|Prime Minister Diefenbaker re-|whether or not the warheads gathered and the couple re- cently in Ottawa, and asked his|are actually in position. ceived gifts and flowers, Mrs-/active support for such a move.!preatest risk of The annual meeting of the |12th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary g support for twojarises from the spread of nu-| Frank Bartlett presiding. and} By accepting|Mrs. William Coulson and the Canada|treasurer's report by Mrs. Clif- The minutes were read by) alford Smith. a corsage and boutonniere on|qejegates reminded him that|/Middle Power able to speak with} Annual reports were given by| her parents and the table was'yow has already declared it-'an independent voice. |decorated with yellow roses and |centered with the anniversary officers and conveners. It was| VITAMIN- MINERAL TONIC WITH CANDY APPEAL! AYERST, McKENNA & HARRISON, LIMITED « MONTREAL ~ DRUGS 28 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. cake. Guests at the Kellar - Larkin wedding recently included Mr. and Mrs. . Walter Hueller, Mr.) PRESIDENT and Mrs. Kenneth Jay, all of| Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart| Mrs. John Masiewich was |Darling, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs.| elected president of St. John's' |John Meisenheimer, London, | Ukrainian WA (Barvinok (eareete: Mr, and Mrs. James : : air, Bowmanville. Branch) at its annual meeting | held recently. Mrs, R. G. Collison, Bloor} --Opiawa Times Phot street west, has received word! shawa 'times Photo 'from Stonehouse, Lanarkshire, | Scotland, of the death of her} and uncle, Mr. James Dick, ers, Mrs. Glen Swindells Mrs. Charles Carpenter, Mr. Richardson read a letter from the Rotarians, thanking Mrs. Harry 0, Perry, Ross- land road east, entertained at afternoon tea for the Ontario Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma their wonderful Kk wonderful work for the ake Saturday afer ing were flag bearers. The new/ Rotary Crippled Children's pic- officers are: President, Mrs, MC. N. Varnum; vice-presidents,, Reports of the Provincial Mrs. George Fitches and Mrs. Committee annual meeting held |Frank Gravelle; secretary, Mrs./in Toronto on October 12 were | William Sargeant; treasurer, given by. Mrs. Frank Gravelle Mrs. Roland Kinton; supply sec-/0n Questions and Answers and lretary, Mrs. Douglas Redpath; |Mrs. G. N. Varnum on the dif- noon. Several members of the Exemplar Chapter were also present. Yellow chrysanthe-| mums centered the candlelight tea table and Mrs. Murray Fraser assisted the hostess in serving. The guests were. re- ceived by Mrs, Perry and Mrs. OSHAWA CENTRE'S otE TH. SALE EVER PLAN NOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE begins Thursday ON ALL along," Akiko said. lvisiting convener, Mrs, J o hn/ferent speakers. There was no doubt from the! Kellington; telephone conven-) It was announced that the --- -- ------ ;executive board from now on 7a 7 jwill be known as "The Boy : SWEET STUFF |Scouts of Canada, District Com-), Grapes, which do not keep) mittee for Ladies' Auxiliaries.""|!008, may be used in jams, jel- | On Novembr 6 at the. &th'lies, sauces, purees and juices. Scout Hall, a special meeting| | jwill be held for the presidents |f OF THE TREMENDOUS MONEY-SAVING Feature SPECIALS NOW "our CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PRICES WERE NEVER GIANT 36-PAGE SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY OVER \ WEDDING PRINCIPALS At Albert Street Church recently, Marion Parker United Joyce became the bride of Douglas Albert Hir- | cock, The bride is the daugh- l land vice-presidents of all Aux- \iliaries at 8 o'clock, : -< Supplement the Family Diet with 1 |'Pananerres' Mente" SYRUP Hi | 2) PARA beneagente 3 "PARAMETTES") JUNIOR ere see or mee oon | @ 21 Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements MITCHELL'S oRUC ee) LIMITED ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hircock, all of Oshawa --Photo by Mary's Studio | TELEPHONE 723-3431 TODAY'S BEST SECTION TOMORROW § OSHAWA TIMES If you are not already drinking Guernsey Gold, try it today. We of Ideal Dairy Ltd., ore sure you will appreciate this milk which is low in calories, yet maintains os much or more food value thot the average standord milk ONLY IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED Serves Oshewa With... GUERNSEY GOLD. MILK Phone 728-6241 FUN AND 1,000 ARTICLES BY A STOR REDUCED IN PRICE DURING THIS Money-Saving EVENT Entertainment Too! The. Professor of PROFESSOR'S HIDEAWAY (in person) CLOWNS--BANDS FREE GIFTS SEE OUR 36-PAGE SECTION IN TOMORROW'S PAPER BEING DFFERED LOWER . ., SELECTIONS HAVE NEVER BEEN BETTER tL ES