Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1961, p. 7

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K/OUMEH, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 30, 1961 7) PERSONALS St. Hedwig's Ladies' Guild held a successful dance in the Polish Hall, Olive avenue on) Saturday night. The president,| /|Mrs. Edward Krol greeted ee | cuests on arrival, Dey Brownlee made a pretty| |picture on many Oshawa tele- rison, Colborne; Mr. and Mrs.| J William Brady, Orono; Mr. and| | 7 Mrs. EF. Stephenson, Brooklin. ' Following the rehearsal in St.| George's Memorial Church, the Williamson-Shewchuk bridal par. ty was entertained at the home} WOOLWORTH' LOW PRICES WOOLWORTH'S TOP TOY VALUES LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Power Play -- Electric j of the bride's mother, Mrs.| b / y ||vision sets yesterday afternoon|Steve Shewchuck, Porter street , iat | |when she sang 'When Irish Eyes) Mr. John Shewchuk was mas-| 7 j | a jae jAre Smiling' on a junior talent fe ; t the William-| pk sy is the teaeeold ter of ceremonies at the William show. Dey is the y! hs 1 5 WOOLWORTH PRICE | daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. E W. Brownlee, Park road south. A Durable Polythene Truck with Plenty of Play Value Reg. Price $5.95 WOOLWORTH PRICE !son-Shewchuk wedding reception} 'lin St, John's Greek Orthodox) | Hall, Oshawa, on Saturday Out-of-town guests at the PRY EINE: Williamson---Shewchuk wedding} The Misses Margaret Lister | included Mr. and Mrs. R. Mut-\and Virginia' Grant, exchange |ton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J.\teachers, were guests at a din- ys A ge Clarkson; Mr. and Mrs.'ner party recently at the home, { i é Paul's Presbyterian | Seton, Scotland, and the bride- Church riage phar Y | groom is the son of Mr. and Margaret Wylie Mackenzie ee; a became the bride of Bruce tel Andrew Stevenson of Toronto. The couple are mak- Stevenson. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and = ing their home in Oshawa --Christopher Smith Photo In. St, |R. Williamson, Blackwater; Mr./of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Good, jand Mrs. J. Armstrong, Clark-|Belcourt road, Toronto. json; Mr. and Mrs. D. Godick, aye ei Ca aa | ; and Mrs. Gordon ie Humoresque Club for the) 4 ' J ieemaetla echane: Mrs. Peter|Blind held a masquerade party Mrs. M. C. Mackenzie of Port Kuch, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs.|9 Thursday evening at the Gordon Rice, Hamiltdn. CRA. The party was opened by 4 the singing of the club song and Out of town guests at the|the reading of a Bible verse for Houck - Webster wedding were|the blind. The winners for the |Mr. and Mrs. William McDon-|\costumes were: Best lady, Mrs $s E |ald, Mr. Stewart Cuthbertson. | eginald 'Pike; best man, Mrs. / Miss Lynda Houck, Mr. and|Loretta Gatchell; best comic, \Mrs. Sti B . Mr. and|Mr. Roland Cousins; most origi- SUCCESSFUL "MAKE-ME-OVER" IDEAS pod perl Satria: stice nal, Miss Vera Siblock; best Gloria Fralick, Mr. Thomas|CuPle, Mrs. Eva Wakely and PR JE T peau de soie was made from | white, all of Toronto; Mr. and|Mrs William Suddard; door Recreation Room mer, 15, display the outfits | an evening gown and Larry's |wrs. Lorne Webster, Cleveland; | Prize, Miss Patrice McConnell. they will wear in the '""Make- | cardigan suit from a man's |r and Mrs. J. C. Webster, The winners of the games AT THIS Me-Over" shows to be pre- | suit. All the make-over ideas | yjss Lily Yoeman, Mr. George were: Mrs. Rita Mo untjoy, sented in the Salvation Army | have been worked out by Mrs. | Banner, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs, |Mrs Charles Lovell, Mr. Citadel on Friday evening. | James Garvock, Stone Street. |Donald. Crozier, Mr. Stephen|Charles Lovell, Mrs. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houck, air Refreshments, were, serve and Mrs. Cecil Heard and Mr.|,° : Marlene Joyce Fertile, daugh- Mr. Neville Lawrence of Osh-| Harvey Houck, Unionville; Mr.|going of guests are always of VERY LOW PRIC E! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey awa was best man and ushering and Mrs. David Livingstone,|interest in the column. Write. of Oshawa, were united in mar- A reception was held in the ton; Mr. and Mrs. William Har-lcharge. Telephone 723-3474. ¢€ riage in Calvary 'Baptist Hote! Genosha where th = officiated and the soloist, was\ers. She wore a matching rose a 4 an aunt of the bride, Miss Doris hat and gloves. The pride F il H k W b t R t moiher chose shaded 0. OWS Ouc - e S er l es 4 rim "Seeger ania ; Chutte, Mrs. Tressa Gatchell Carol's party dress of cerise | --Oshawa Times Photo. |Fralick, Mr. Ralph Honey, all|~) ih coniabe fee 'ots sceinyicneaaceae -- of Port Perry; Mr..and Mrs. Miss Patricia McConnell, Mrs. 'r Mrs, Jack Anderson. and Mrs. Myles Houck -and bert and Mrs. Jack Anderson Gary, Judy, Janice and Peter; Teas, birthday parties, wed- Fertile of Frenchman's Bay, were Messrs. Bernard and Rob-/ Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. Johnitelephone or visit the social and Donald Paul Hercia, son ert Deboski, Roy Poloz, Jack Chandler, Peterborough, Mr.|department with your items of Church, Main street, Toronto, bride's mother received in a on Saturday afternoon Jean Robertson of Port Hope, groom's : who sang 'O Perfect Love")green crepe, sheath style, with} : ci. ni matching hat and accessories. The marriage of Minimum Area 500 Tiles 80 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Larry Flint, and Carol Pal MONOPOLY EDUCATIONAL FUN - REAL ESTATE GAME "Entertainment For The Whole Family" 32.97 We will install in your Recreation Roon, Arm- strong 080 Gauge EXCELON TILE supplying all materials and labour re- quired for as little as REG. PRICE $3.98 WOOLWORTH PRICE Carl Banner, Frenchman's Bay: | Maude ones, Mrs. Eva Wake Marlene Houck, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs.|ding anniversaries, coming and of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hercia Carr and Robert Fertile and Mrs. William Cook, Hamp-inews for which there is no two-piece sheath of silk crepe H 4 P rt Ri The Reverend Robert Sneyd in dark brown with rose flow- oneymoon 1n ue (@) 1CO and "A Wedding Prayer'. Jeanjing accessories and a corsage pie iar ela AP 4./Their corsages were pink and|Eleanor, daughter of Mr. andjof bronze roses. The bride- ge eee white carnations and rosettes. |Mrs. Allan B. Webster, Osh-|groom's mother was in green PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE own of white peau de soie| For their wedding trip tojawa, and Charles Edward|brocaded satin sheath with beige hare lily-point' sleeves and a/New York and » Chicago, the|Houck, son of Mr, and Mrs. Carl/accessories and a corsage of yel- lace panelled skirt ending in a/bride donned a white and mauve/Houck of Uxbridge, was solem-|low roses. . chapel train. The neckline fea- WO! and mohair _ ful nized on Saturday afternoon in| The honeymoon is being spent tured appliqued lace, embroi- with eo eee hat and oo Northminster United Chruch. jin Puerto Rico. As the couple dered with pearls and a pearl ei ond Sa Her de will a The Reverend H. A. Mellow\left for the airport, the bride and crystal crown held her. Mr. sibsee ide fe uk es Teng performed the ceremony andiwas wearing a gold wool suit shoulder-length veil. She car-|turn to reside at 286 Saguenay the organist, Mr. John Robert-|with black accessories and a ried a cascade of white pom-|street son, provided the wedding mu-|corsage of white roses. é i a da " d | . poms with a single mauve- SORIA. SeGLA. EA gel. tes Buininte: Mrs. Clifford Rundle was| Mr. and Mrs. Hocuk will re- 100% Orion throated orchid lington, Hamilton, Toronto, turn to reside on Masson street. | Miss . Sandra Fertile of Hope, _ bare. Comorne. Browns: ages was given in m Sizes 4-6 - bx Muss v< a art f ; ele ! - ae ie . yas je ar-| ~ 4 és Frenchman's Bay was maid of Ville, Windsor and Ancaster riage by her father, She wore| Colours -- Red, White, Gold honor and the junior bridesmaid a snow white gown of peau de} : 9 é was Miss Joan Bray of Port TRY THEM RAW soie with sheath sleeves and a| LADIES' Hope. The other attendants' Vegetables need not always gathered skirt that fell into a/ were Mrs, Allan Sayers, Mrs.\pe cooked, even during the win-|chapel train The scoop neckline GENUINE LEATHER UPPERS Robert Ekstrom, both of Toron-|ter, In fact, good food rules re-| was trimmed with Elencon lace With Matching Shearling Trim, Padded to, Mrs. Neville. Lawrence, Osh-|¢ommend one serving of rawjan' her fin ip veil was s 3 awr g ar gertip veil was secur- awa, and Mrs. Bernard Beemer,| vegetables per day. Salads can ed to a crown 'of pearls and Soles and Heels. Choose from Several Popular Pastel Colours. Pickering Beach provide nutrients, roughage and|rhinestones, She carried a bou- They wore identical gowns Of variety quite easily during the qyet of white roses. WOOLWORTH PRICE jwore a sheath of champagne| white chiffon over white taffeta,|winter months when many of the Miss JUMBO BAG OF |brocaded French silk, match- featuring short full skirts and|other foods consumed are rich Lynda Webster was Children's BULKY KNIT CARDIGAN Aluminum, Scenic DOOR GRILLES Reg. 64.95 'SPECIAL 30.00 PRESENT STOCK ONLY ! WOOLWORTH PRICE Hand painted scenes designed to add distinctive appeal to the front of your home. Full screen length SCENES AVAILABLE... @ FOREST SCENE (with deer) @ MALLARD SCENE @ PEACOCK .SCENE jlength sleeves, scoop necklines, pleated bodices and brown cum- jmerbunds topping their bell |skirts. Their headdresses were| gold pillboxes with circular! jveils and their flowers, orange ichrysanthemums, The flower girl wore yellow organza with matching headdress and car-| ried a basket of gold chrysan- themums. Mr. John Preston was best man and ushering were Messrs.| Robert McDonald, Ralph Honey and James Harris. | To receive at the reception at |Sandalwood, the bride's mother | Caution... this offer applies on present stock only! é "WHERE SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED" LES EVENISS SALES LTD. | 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632, EVENINGS 723-2707 boat necklines. Mrs: Robert Ek-land filling. Try such combina-|™d of honor and the other at- strom and Mrs. Bernard Bee-' tions as these: shredded carrots,|(C"@ants were Miss Lynda You Can WIN... bo neg A New Process Guarantees These Sponges will A $50 Canada Savings Bond mer wore accenting brown cum-|chopped apples, seedless raisins|#ouck, Mrs. John Preston, Mrs. Remain Soft Whether Wet or Dry. Minimum of 10 in Package Depending on Size. Simply fill in the coupon below and send it along with your dry cleaning order to any of the qualified Dry merbunds with brown hats and/and lemon juice. These may be Robert McDonald and Miss Reg. Value 49¢ ra Cleaners Listed below. Do it today ... YOU COULD BE the others wore green. They all/served with .a favorite salad|Robin McDonald, flower girl.| A WINNER! Draw to be made December 9, for Noy- WOOLWORTH PRICE | your cleaner iS... YOUR clothes BEST ® HARWOOD CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-4443 © PICKWICK CLEANERS Tel. 728-5133 @ AJAX CLEANERS Tel. WH 2-0310 PATS ih is -- |soie featuring three - quarter Tel. MO 8-2345 @ ALDSWORTH CLEANERS Tel. 725-1812 ° @ BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS Tel. MA 3-5520 @ CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. Tel. 728-5611 $50.00 CANADA SAVINGS BOND DRY CLEANERS DRAW | carried bouquets of yellow and dressing or combined in a basic! Phe seniors all wore street: | rust chrysanthemums. gelatin base length dresses of gold peau de ember entries. @ WHITBY CLEANERS LTD, DELICIOUS MaciINTOSH APPLES COATED WITH PURE SUGAR CANDY Sere re ees he Married recently in a can- ; trude Mae Fice, is the daugh- dielight double-ring ceremony | ter of Mr and Mrs. Edward at Northminster United | Fice and the bridegroom is Church were Mr. and Mrs. | the son of Mr. and Mrs Donald Bruce Morrison, The | John Morrison, all of Oshawa. bride, the former Miss Ger- | ~Photo by Ireland Sponsored by members of The Dry Cleaners & Lounderers Institute (Ontario) end Canadian Research Institute of Launderers & Cleaners

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