Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1961, p. 17

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale |27----Real Estate for Sale |29-----Automobiles for Sale |30-----Automobiles Wanted |32--Articles for Sale BRIGHT three-room se! apartment. Appliances, laundry facilities, parking. Pleasant district, $75 monthly. 728-8836 after 6. - eontained outlet, ONE jarge room, clean, in quiet home, Telephone 1725-3604. furnished room, sink, FIVE-ROOM apartment, two-bedroom apartment, parking facilities immedi- ate possession. Apply 786 Simcoe Street South, for further particulars. THREE-ROOM apartment, north end, hi sink, tile floors, TV outlet, utilities paid. Tele- phone 725-3992 for further particulars. THREE-ROOM (large) apartment, pri- vate VERY CENTEAL, stove, ideal for couple or! single. Apply 200 King Street West for further particulars. SMALL th house 'on ane-acre lot in Oshawa, heavy wiring. Price $4800, Telephone 728-6068. TWO . 'apg. 260" on Taunton Road LASALLE Avenue near King Street. I will take any reasonable offer on this well-kept five-room home, has, handy well-tiled kitchen and bathroom. | wobed ag Brien F vey ta two|East. One mile outside townline. Rea- nepd eines rooms pn geesaael 5 Big Hw | sonable. Telephone 728-1986. LARGE combination room, light house- keeping, refrigerator, sink. Close to suit girl, 725-9683, 475 King Street East. NICE clean room and kitchen for gentleman. Also one large room, fur- nished, for one or two gentlemen. *|phone 728-4245, Newly close to quiet distriet. Telephone 725-9477. THREE rooms including kitchen, cup- boards and sink, private bath, TV out- set: im yery clean quiet home. Tele- Phone 728-3818 for details. jheated, sewer, water, newly decorated, .|FWO bedroom frame house just east of Modern garage. Nicel: city limits, quiet neighborhood, large Asking $12500. Call Don Stradeski. lot, $7,900 full price, 728-6809. 728-8423. Schofield-Aker 723-2265. oe LA opportunity. Four room Ma Sout! FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, $8500 ty. frame} with $3,000 down. Must sell. Telephone on Riverside Drive ih. Oil § fruit trees and bushes recreation room. Private. Apply Box 650 Oshawa Times. ONE room, h privileges, close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street East. Telephone 723- 7814 SINGLE or double room, CORSON & YOUNG $1500 DOWN will buy five room bun- furnished or unfurnished, nice near Shopping Centre. Owner leaving town. Apply 175 Burk Street. ladies or use and ATTRACTIVE large four room unfur- nished apartment, private entrance, bathroom, closet space, modern kitch- en, TV gutlet; central; adults preferred. 725-4837. Sais $65 MONTHLY -- Utilities paid, four- room (large), basement apartment, tiled throughout, forced air, oil heat- ing. East end on bus line. 728-3624. BRIGHT three - room self-contained apartment, good location, close to shop- » Bround floor, paved parking. Middle-aged or elderly couple prefer- red. 300 King Street East. 725-2918, THREE rooms and bath, with stove and refrigerator, xdeal for couple in apartment building block, central. 725- 4277 or 725-3911. ONE bedroom apartment, central, TV outlet, laundry facilit! pri- of kitchen washing machine, central location, Tel- ephone 725-8150. FIVE room bungalow, nearly new with garage 8 miles north of Oshawa in vil- REALTORS 18 BOND. ST. W. TWO rooms and lage of Raglan, reasonable terms. Call OLiver 5-3987; evenings OLiver 5-3408. ly furnished, refrigerator and heavy duty stove, hydro included, Adults only. Apply 641 Merritt Street, Oshawa. BRIGHT, Fareiaed room in private home, very central, spring mattress, suit gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street East for further information. "|heavy wiring, one acre land, two build. 723-1121 BRAND NEW Your choice of two brand new bungalows on Central Park Blvd. North. N.H.A.. mort- gages, twindow, 2 storm FOUR-room house, three-piece bath, ings. Ritson Road North. Telephone 728-6598. TRY $395 brick, oil heating, central, Bewly decorated. $8,300. Mrs. Tierney, 725-5207. Howe and Peters. 27--Real Estate for Sale COLLEGE Hill, four-room house, gar- age oil heat, newly decorated inside and out, niceiy landscaped, hedged lot, 00 down, low taxes and payments. Telephone 728-5246. 100 ACRE farm, five-room house, barn, two creeks with w - 25,000 $11,000 or will vate, $75 monthly or furnished including TV. $95. Telephone 728-1203. FOUR-ROOM apartment, quiet build- ing. Hot water, stove, refrigerator supplied. Laundry, parking. Bus close. 165 Verdun Road, 723-3096. THREE-ROOM apartment, bath, heat, and hydro supplied. $50 monthly. Tele- phone 728-5851. SELF-CONTAINED three-room _base- ment apartment, heavy wiring, close to bus. Reasonable, couple preferred. Tele- 1c trees, only sell 50 acres with buildings for $5000. Burleton district. W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. |DUPLEX, $1500 down, two separate apartments, private bath, separate en- trances, new oil furnace, good location, one mortgage for balance. Telephone Bill Horner 728-5123 Lloyd Realty, Osh- awa Ltd., Realtor. HOUSE for sale, special for handyman, 480 down buys six-room Se, Ifo city. No agents, Telephone 725-1062, phone 725-7940. THREE-ROOM arartment, private en- trance. and bath, heavy duty wiring. Telephone 723-6950 for more particulars. 26--Rooms for Rent TWO rooms, furnished, upstairs, sep- ~~ EXTREMELY MODERN doors, souded lawns, storms and screens, door chimes, bookcases, by-fold doors, plonters, one with carport, For full. particulars call 723- 1121, NORTH-WEST 6 year old brick bungalow with carport, large kitchen, nice size living room, ond three good bedrooms. 5% mortgage that corries for $79.00 Interest, Principal and Taxes. Call. 723-1121 for appointment to inspect. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, After Hours Call -- Don S. Smith 728-4879 Dick Young 723-7183 Lloyd Corson ... 723-2537 |28--Real Estate Wanted $5,800 tull price $1,200 down, balunce at $50 month- ly for a five room frame bun- galow with garage, large lot and good well between Whit- by and Ajax, fitfeen minutes from Oshawa. Schofield-Aker Real Estate. Phone Henry Stinson 725-0243. TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND For 3 or more years on Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use of barn possible No lfive- stock, For further informa- tion Dial 725-9970 or 725- 9929. arate entrance, heat, lights, water supplied. Couple preferred. Central, $45 monthly. 725-0886 after 6 p.m. THREE rooms furnished, basement apartment, newly decorated, sink, cupboards, suitable for couple or girls, closer to south GM. Apply 172 Hib- bert treet. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, on main floor, private entrance cental, close to hospital, 728-5984 or 728-4401. CLEAN furnished room with kitchen central, continuous hot water, parking facilities; suit gentleman. Telephone 723-9225. ae EeeS ONE large room, nicely furnished clean, central, close to the bus stop, cooking privileges if desired, reason- able rates. Telephone 723-8402, TWO furnished housekceping ~pooms, betiroom and kitchen with frig, also parking space. Apply 156 Agnes CLEAN large furnished room or house- keeping room, close to South GM, rea- sonable. Bus at door, Telephone 725-1238 SINGLE or doubel rooms for gentle- men, single beds. Close to bus park- ing space. Located on Wilson Road South. Telephone 723-1733. FURNISHED bedroom and light house- keeping room, heavy duty stove, sink, cupboards, suit gentieman. Apply 63 Street. 725-8721. ROOMS for retired elderly couples, busi- ness ladies. Absolute abstainers. Fur- nished or unfurnished. Good location. Available November 15. Write Box 501, Oshawa Times. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms with built-in cupboards, refrig- erator, private entrance, central, close to bus. Apply 253 Athol Street East. SIMCOE Street North, on bus stop, large furnished bedsitting room, hot plate and refrigerator. Suitable for sin- gle girl. Telephone 728-6925. NICELY furnished room, housekeeping privileges, Sg' 7 en- trance, parking facilities. jose South General Motors. Telephone 728- 7453. FURNISHED bedroom on second floor. Also large furnished bed-sitting room on first floor, central parking. Tele- Phone 725-3206. | ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms in| private home. 74 Oshawa Boulevard | South. Telephone 728-0852. | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. foll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 MODERN RCOMS CADILLAC HOTEL LTD. JPECIAL WEEKLY RATES Enquire at: 394 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone 725-3743 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT $60 monthly three and four-/MODERN two - bedroom apartment, room apartment, balcony, residential self-contained, TV aerial, dryer, paved area, newly decorated, laundry facili-| parking. Adults, Located in Whitby near ties, parking, close to schools, children's 401 highway. 728-2633. stat endl =o Brnnindencss mn deh 48 upper duplex, three-bedrooms, FOR SALE OR RENT -- three-bedroom |/4r8e living room, modern kitchen, tile bungalow, clapboard, paved drive oil- eoranoee Downtown location. 725-1841 heated, rent $90 monthly. Vacant No-/F 272 Ritson Siuth, Oshawa, vember }. Apply 717 Dunlop Street West.|FOR RENT -- Furnished, large house- MO 8-4780. | keeping room, two beds, suit two girls en ~~ ba, or Sentlemen, refrigerator. 305 Perry WANTED -- tabaci to ae! ater ie Street, Whitby. Telephone MO 8-4470. small children while mother works, in| --- en exchange for room and board TE rg Laneay, 108 Brock fon, Telephi 655-3542) e 5 S, cents, > oe anes gee 'aaesiee |for one sale on dry clean, MO 8-9074, FOR RENT: com Aapattment,|MANURE for sale, Yor gardens and FOR RENT: Four room apartment, , private bath, heat and water included, |'awas Phone MO 8-4514, cg suit business couple. Telephone MO/THREE-room apartment private bath- $-2249 after six p.m. i . _|foom, unfurnished, central location to |RNISHED three room asartment in|owntown. Telephone MO 8-4339. _ apartment building in Whitby-laundry ROOM and board for gentleman, or facilities and parking, $70 monthly.'two willing to share, private home. Vacant now. 'Telephone 725, 3214, \Telephone MO 8.4509 or 924 McCullough SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Walter Ward, | Drive. 204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO $-2563. TRI-LEVEL Attached garage, asphalt drive, fenced-in lot, beauti- fully landscaped. FULL PRICE $16,000 Owner being transferred out a of town. CALL 725-8549 for particulars JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD Realtor LTD. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, VACANT LOTS In the city, from $1,100 to $2,200, close to bus, school, etc. Call Mr. Ratcliffe, 725- 6544. INCOME HOME 3-bedroom brick home with 2-bedroom apartment, good location. Two 4-pc. baths, 2 full size kitchens, large lot, Asking price only $13,500 with easy terms, immediate possession. Call now, ask for Mr. Swarbrick ot 725-6544 or 725-8342, BROOKLIN 3-bedroom brick with at- tached gorage, well land- scaped with double fot. Good | value with mony extras in- | cluded in price; home must be seen to be appreciated. Full price $12,000 with only $2,000 down. For inspec- tion or particulars coll Mr, Zurba, 725-6544 or 728+ 0569. 6 SUITE APT. Asking only $42,000 with $12,000 down or your home in trade. All leased, good returns, Price includes 6 stoves, 6 fridges, 1 washer and | dryerf, T.V. tower. Located near Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. To inspect call Mr. Siblock, 725-6544 or 4362. Members O. D, R, E. B. Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold. with light } -- yan |LOST -- $75 Reward for the return of jfemale police dog, one year, black and is goom. apartments, 965 tan, bright face. Contact immediately vy wiring, heated, close to|MO 8-2646,_ silanes sdseciisiiiasieas ng. 759 Cochrane, Whitby.|FOR RENT -- Two lovely rooms, on 5 jmain floor, furnished, private bath, ea ance aE MEE aaa ORE PAS eA shing facilities. Apply 710 Dundas RENTING -- Two-bedroom apartment|¥4® fuites from $90, spacious, modern, Street West, Whitby. MO 8.5090. range, refrigerator and drapes, Phone) MO 8-4775. FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, large b busi; couple WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOWER PRICED HOMES We urgently need fistings on properties $10,000, or under. For free appraisal LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVEF DUPLEX DOWN' $1,500 DOWN Two separate apartments, private. baths, separate en- trances, new oil furnace. Good location. One mortgage for balance. Cali Bill Horner ot 728-5123. BUILDER WILL GUARANTEE SATISFACTION For this 'split level home on Churchill Ave. You can't beot the value anywhere. Plenty of room in the kitchen, plus dining room. Bright liv- ing room. Convenient space for recreotion room. Patio with plenty of privacy at back. Terms os low os $2,- 000 down, Phone Bill Millar et 728-5123. $700 DOWN $7,900 FULL FRICE LOW TAXES 6-room home carries for $65.00 on one mortgage. Here is a start for you. Call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, Reoltor -- SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. 723-2265 725-0243 728-8423 725-1726 Daytime Evenings powe! steering and brakes, custom whitewalls, patided dash, tinted glass and other extras. 723-1882 after 4. %0 PONTIAC station wagon, Lauren LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR TURN TO PAGE 12 OF TODAY'S PAPER ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 101 Simcoe St. N. LTD. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 $11,900 FULL PRICE Brick bungalow -- 3 years old, in spotless condition, all large rooms, beautifully decorated, tiled bath, etc. Hedged and fenced lot with shrubs and trees. Low down payment, balance $8600 monthly including taxes. 5% MORTGAGE -- NORTHWEST Newly prented inside and out, 512-room brick ranch bungalow with attached garage. 3 large bedrooms, rec. room, profession- ally landscaped lot, 1 block to shopping centre. High ond sep- arate schools, ROSSLAND RD. W. Terrific buy in @ large ronch bungalow with ottached garage, Hollywood kitchen, extra large dining. oreo, beautifully finished tec. room, owner leaving city. AFTER 5:30 CALL Bill McFeeters, 725-1726 Don Stradeski, 728-8423 Henry Stinson, 725-0243 Russ Reeve, 725-4840 DAYTIME 723-2265 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 GRANDVIEW BLVD. S. An executive 7-room home set amid some towering pine trees on a large lot. Double attached garage, paved drive, natural fireplace, 2 baths, large rooms, etc. Phone for appointment to inspect this modern gem, PRINCE STREET $1,500.00 down -- Large 6-room bungalow, tastefully decor- ted, large rooms, oil heating, aluminum storm windows, screens end doors, nicely landscaped, This home is in immaculate con- dition, ond close to separate, public and high schools, Full price $9,500.00. Contact this office for Lots, Subdivision land, Apartment blocks ond Businesses. AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriage,. 725-6243 Joe Maga 725-9191 Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 space, FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto- central. matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO $-8509. preferred. Very Phone MO 2398. LOST ~ Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318 Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294, DRESSMAK: BC SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping gervice for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Staiements pre-| alterations, slip. covers. Gowns and fit- pared income tax returns. MO $6252. gage, oer specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO » suits, coats, dresses, FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartments, $90 and $100, in modern building: stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. | THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, on second floor, with private bath and heavy duty wiring. One child welcome Telephone MO 8-5709. SCHNEIDER'S FOOD PLAN, through ECONOMART, 15 or 20 cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE Freez- er, one piece, NO WELD ALL-STEEL CABINET, a pro- duct of GENERAL MOTORS. App. $16.95 per week assures a fomily of four GOOD LIVING and is your totol cost of freezer and 90% of your food in your home. Full WARRANTY food and freezer. Our food consultants will gladly ex- plain our plan in detail, NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO OBLI- GATION, for appointment coll MO 8-5381. We GUAR- ANTEE to sove you money and time, ECONOMIZE WITH ECONOMART, SELF-CONTAINED four - room apart ment, in Whitby, parkiag space, recent- jly decorated, private entrance and jbath. Telephone MO 2-3246. |STUDENTS! A super value, approxi: sheets of letter size typing mately 630 Paper (news print) for only $1.00. Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, lll Dundas Street West. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cobin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-5853 10,990 FULL PRICE THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR -- A HOUSE TO FIT YOUR BUDGET 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 3 BEDROOMS, SPLENDID LOCATION. LONG TERM MORTGAGE, LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS -- ($68. PRINCIPAL AND IN- TEREST MONTHLY). DOWN PAYMENT $549 1/BUY your car for cash. Fast confiden lia] service, convenient terms.. fo in- formation, telephone 5 ar board Finance, 29% Simeoe Street 8, CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car- radios, lowest prices in town, Try Do- minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 60 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hardtop V8 automatic, radio, royal) blue; metallic. Like new. Trade' and! finance. 723-7970, VOLKSWAGENS. Your choice i | custom deluxe, 2,000 miles and 1959) custom deluxe, radio, like new. 728-5179 after 6 728-1203. 55 FOUR-DOOR Pontiac, V-8, _auto- matic, new paint job, gi condition, | push button radio, Telephone 728-2280. "Sy Austin. Priced tor quick 'sale at Fina Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street OR 8 ene 1953 CHEV. four-door sedan with °Sé motor, radio, runs good, cash trade or terms. MO 8-5631, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers care for wrecking. Highest prices oaid. 725-1181, CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 . want BOAT with controis paddies, lights,| windshield, life jackets, '56 22 hp Elto| and trailer. MO 8-5156 noon to 5. | SIMPLICITY BRITISH BRIEFS able, good condition. Apply 763 Ritson Road South. TYPEWRITERS, cash regisiers, add- ers, sales, service, new, used. Bil! Ham rooklin, iton, s FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Ub- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid oft. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 HOT 'air furnace with stoker, reason- able. Telephone 725-5132 for further in- formation. 2 PAIRS livingroom drapes, b + table lamp; sistor radio; ady's grey: winter coat, size 16. MO 8-8028. HAND made quilts, crib and double bed size; also. embroidery work. Would io nd for Christmas gifts. Telephone white tran- TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cols, ground 51 METEOR coach, chrome .di whitewal, runs good $95, Te! MO 8-5631 ee "29 FORD coach, good running order. Reasonable for quick sale, Apply 229 Bruce Street after 4 o'clock or anytime Saturday. 1954 METEOR, needs battery and li- cence plates. Best offer. Telephone 723-9593. 1969 PONTIAC, four-door Strato-Chief, lises and lephone $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 sheets, rentals, Oshawa. Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 30, 1961 ] J! Learn To Block Payroll Thefts By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times HARLOW NEW TOWN, Essex --Detective chiefs have been lecturing to business 'men at Harlow New Town, on how to foil payrol! bandits. Traders, bankers and industrial leaders listened to three detective in- WINE recipes of 15 for $1.00. send money order to "Recipes", PO Box 265, Whitby, Ontario. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, . 723-3271, 444 Simeoe South. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices, Parkway Tete. vision, 918 Simcoe Street "orth. Your automatic tr wer ¥ low mileage, one driver no trade-ins. 31--Automobile Repairs lor store. TELEVISION General Electric com. 723-4033. 1960 CHEVROLET % ton, long box, in absolute top condition. For further in- formation telephone 728-5328. 53 CHEV, Belair coach, two-tone, good reliable car, clean inside and out, snow tires, 777 Eastglen Drive (off Harmony Road North), Telephone 725-8248, "37 PONTIAC station wagon, automatic, four doors, with radio. Excellent condi- tion, Telephone 728-8742, HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 pletely overhauled $69. Phillips . 21" console, $99, All sets guaranteed, Meag- hers, 5 King Street West, spectors, and saw four films, Some of the advice' given was secret. Harlow has not yet had a payroll robbery, so the police officials gave the course of in- struction as a precautionary measure. BINGO NURSERY BOURNEMOUTH, Hants -- Ai bingo nursery has been opened in Bour , so that moth- hy h WINCHESTER 12-gauge pump, Telephone 728-0189. FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar antee. $2.25 per week, no down prv ment. Package deal $130. Telephone 725-4729. TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- tee standards at low prices, Bill Ham- '56 BUICK, power equipped, four-door hardtop, radio, automatic, best offer. 289 Malaga or 728-0079. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, $795. Will] take older car as trade-in. Telephone 723-7895. May be seen at 163 Windsor Street} after 6 o'clock. 725-7182. | 1919 PONTIAC Chieftain eight in good} condition, hydromatic, Fadio,| . Giving up driving. Make an offer.| Telephone 723-4303, 7" a | '38 OLDSMOBILE four-door sedan, au- tomatic power brakes new white wall tires, two-tone paint. Telephone 728-2753 BELAIR sedan, radio, etc., in fine condition, two tone. May be seen at 108 Harmony Road South. BUYING a ear? Need money? For lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi- nance, 29% Simeoe Street South, or phone 728-6283. i '60 CHEVY two-dpor sedan. Must. be seen and driven to be appreciated. An ideal family car. Cash, trade or terms. Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock \'57 OLDS. | au is radio,| Mileage 6000, Telephone 723-9410. e tian, good condition. Telephone 725-5132, | sible. Phone 723-9893. eee ale 2g BASIN SI Rad ak apart 61 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, four-door, | | | | | | } | | |_449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 Street North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. HILLCREST SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs } mile East of Oshawa No. 2 Highway OPEN 'TIL 1] NIGHTLY 725-4811 ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin, ZIG ZAG sewing macihne, sews for- ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, does decorative stitches. %rigina $179. Can be had for halance | $47.00 cash of seven payments of $7.! Write Box 428 Oshawa Times | KNITTING MACHINE -- like new, with} instruction book and patterns. Best! offer accepted, Apply 82 Montrave Av- enue. TWO wheel box trailer, craftmaster, 8" bench saw with motor, small out- board motor and boat. All very reason- 1 price) owing, | 32--Articles for Sale SINGER sewing machine, electric por- table excellent condition, 10 8-5467 RIDING horse, 3 years old; also two western saddles and bridles, practically new. Telephone 655-4834. ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes,|terns, picnic jugs, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. 725-9949 st Super 88, power steering, power brakes, radio ete. A car you will be proud to own. Cash, trade or terms. Nicol's Motor Sales, Ltd., 512 Brock reet North Whitby. MO 8-8001. BISCAYNE Chey. gre » PB trans' j ind | Four-door sedan, | r steering with! white 'on, walls. "52 PONTIAC convertible six-cylinder, w top, upholstery and paint, ioned motor. Good tires. Terms pos-| beautiful Honduras Maroon, white roof, 8000 actual miles, like new, trade and|} finance, sacrifice. 728-1203. 39 PANHARD Dyra, only 2,500 miles, 48 miles per gallon. New di moves juice from vegetables, fruit, ete. Removes the last drop of juice. $40. Ajax Sewing Centre. Telephone WH 2-6561 or N pate neta a -- -|suit you. OIL SPACE HEATER, $20. Two- ie wheeled trailer with good ,tires, $20.|°! Teleph BRAUN cnc naz |tion. Suitable for apartment or small BRAUN vegetable juice extractor, Re- ; Near able 723-9270, | 59 MODEL washing machine, just been| -jput in A-1 condition, locomotive type. | Telephone 728-0122. | TYPING paper on sale, letter size,| white newsprint, buy in bulk fots and save, 4% ib pkg $100, 9 ib pkg, $200 Circulation Department. Oshawa Times TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, jan- camp stoves. Best prices in town. Dominion Tire Store 48 Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to/ VEN-PIECE ~ walnut dining room suite. All pieces in excellent condi- house, Telephone 723-3276 ELECTRIC fazor service, Sunbeam, Schick, Philashave, Ron- silent operation. M 's, Street West. UPRIGHT Amberst piano tion, p.m. |GIRL'S three-piece winter outfit, "Little Nugget" grow-into, fur tri d, size 8, perfect condition, other items. Telephone 725-2665 yin, Blackstock, 986-4283. ge and stroller, used wasl articles, drapes, aquarium, ete. Tele phone 728-7132 after 6 quick sale. Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South. "65 PONTIAC convertible, V-8 auto- matic, paint and interior immaculate, good motor, Best offer. Apply 130 War- ren Avenue. "53 GMC panel truck, A-1 condition, Telephone 725-1053 after four for fur- ther particulars. '54 CHEVROLET, good condition, radio, back-up lights, wheel discs, whitewalls, low mileage, two-tone green. Telephone 725-1300. | USED parts and repairs for all makes| of wringer type washers, % hp motors, |\ete. MA 3-2738. $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash. | 7 ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- | ton, CO 3-2241. AUTOMATIC electric restaurant grili,| st full size; six-plate coffee stove, scales cash register, and three-com. partment sink. Telephone 728-2324, BLACK SEAL coat, size 16-18, in good| condition, modern styling. Reasonabie, Also fibreboard wardrobe, sliding doors. Telephone 723-7673. 5 King good condi-| 55> . $150. Telephone 725-8556 after 6 bab pigbarny Kroehler chesterfield suite 'im- Also motor scooter. Ap ply | COLEMAN space heater, small size, _|e00k stove, two-burner, steel top, both many other household] soy ore son, etc. Cords, cutting heads in stock. |Meagher's, 5 King Street West. d, practically new, Apply at 77 On- tario Street. 728-1920. 17" RCA Victor ronsole model, Tele-| vision A-1 condition. $55. Telephone! 725-1053. hundred gallon tank plus tubing; oil xcellent condition. 728-3006. 'VING -- sale of household furni- re, stove, refrigerator, French Provin- cial chesterfield, bed, chairs, large oak secretarial desk, baby carriages, guns, * | tu B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, ; STOVE, Frigidaire Imperial, 40" wide, in excellent condition. Apply 17 Me- Laughlin Boulevard after 5. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe: North, SELLING vay a We'll ouy it. Re- | «1 38 CHEVY, four-door sedan, v: radio rear speaker, whitewall tires, Ore owner. Immaculate. Open for of- fers. Cash trade or terms. Nicol's Mo- tor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8-8901. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 912 Open evenings or weekends BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, ~- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ | | | | } WILLIS | MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer | We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 TOW TRUCK 1946 DODGE 2-ton, 10-ton | winch, 300-foot cable, 3- | speed take off, semi-Holmes type wrecker, nite body. $850 or offer. PICKERING WH 2-5990 or DUNBARTON TEmple 9-3392 4 XAXAKK x¢ NEAR SCHOOLS, 4 MILES TO GENERAL MOTORS. LIMITED NUMBER BEING BUILT: ENQUIRE TODAY. '4 ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED -§,,YACUUM cleaner repairs, all m 'i parts, attachments, brushes, gua: teed rebuilt E fr "s, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer sontact 9 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Kepajr Serv ice, 728-0591 anytime. SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerware, glassware, tableware | Pi rentals for weddings, show- ers, anniversories, _ buffets, reasonable prices, 725-3338 BUY YOUR FURNITURE DISCOUNT PRICES ! Baron's Home Furnishings 424 SIMCOE ST, S$. "|STORM windows, like new, 3414" x 56", 22" x 44", 3644" x 40", 14%" x 37%". 81 Central Park South. SPACE saver, gas stove both like new, 17" Sparton TV. Telephone MO 8-5367, 1216 Brock South, Whitby. CHROME table and four chairs, in good ers with young children can lake part in the afternoon bingo sessions. These end in time for the mothers to meet older chil- dren leaving school. The nursery is part of a plan of the organ- ization to make bingo more pop- ular in the town. no attempt should be made te discover his identity. e COOKS TO SCHOOL BOURNEMOUTH, Hants -- Hotei caterers in Bournemouth have been invited to attend» classes at local Stourfield School, --~ to learn cookery. A new« catering unit at the school ig- being used to encourage "spe-_ cialization in cookery". Says the lecturer, A..G. Wright, will be no cold cabbage or badly-- fried fish in the hotels after:, these classes." fe CHIPS START FIRE , "Theres 2 " DISS, Norfolk -- Michael Rud;. dick, 11, alone in his home near-- Diss, decided his mother would® like some potato chips when she returned, so he put a pan of fat~* on the stove. The fat blazed sud» denly. Michael flung the pan out- through the back door, but the™ flames set fire to the thatched= roof. When his mother got home," firemen were fighting the blaze. WAR ON ve |UNION FEE INCREASED junion dues instead of 10 cents. RAIL HOSTESSES LONDON -- Train hostesses| to help make train journeys "'as enjoyable as a trip to the local pub" are suggested by Frank Moxley, editor of the Railway Review. Rail trips, he says, should be so pleasant that pas- sengers are almost sorry to reach their destination. START NEW FACTORY PAISLEY, Scotland -- Work has been started on a new $7,000,000 car factory at Lin- wood, near Paisley, to be built for the Rootes group of car manufacturers. The factory is to be used for the production of a new compact car to be de- veloped by the Rooteé firm. ers in Kent have been asked bynr the ministry of agriculture toy wage war against bullfinches, during the winter. The farme: have been officially advised ho' to trap or shoot the bulifinches?* which are blamed for causing: serious damage to fruit crop#* by pecking the buds from thé" trees. : BURGLAR'S POOR HAUL = LEICESTER -- A_ burglar. climbed hand over hand along" electricity cables on the wall of." an insurance company in Leices+« ter. He squeezed througlt™ a small window and pushed out. a two-hundredweight safe, hop-- ing 1t would smash open on the ground 40 feet below. But it re-- mained intact. His total hauf" was only a few stamps. ta BURKETON BURKETON--Mr, Alden Hub-., bard called on Mr. and Mrs George Hubbard at Enfield on Monday and was tea guest of" the Brown family at Raglan. = Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams= were Tuesday dinner guests of* Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and family, Oshawa. LONDON -- From the begin- ning of 1962 members of the Transport and General Workers Union will pay 14 cents a week Aim is to build up the general fund, out of which strikes are financed. At present it amounts to $23,600,000, which is equiva- lent to only $25.25 a member. WINS EGYPT CONTRACT LONDON -- The English Elec: tric Company has been awarded $17,000,000 contract to build an extension to the Cairo South Power Station. Firms from Brit- ain, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany and the United States had also been bidders. This is the largest contract to be won by British industry in the Middle East since 1957. CRITICIZE MACMILLAN -EDINBURGH, Scotland--The Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland describes Mr. Macmillan's Sunday game cf golf at Gleneagles, when the whole world was watching the Berlin crisis as "more a chal- day dinner guest of Mr. an Mrs. W. H. Krantz, Oshawa. * Mrs. Esther Carnochan is- stil having trouble with hers back. We hope these treats ments will restore her health. ; , Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Adams attended the wedding of their, granddaughter in Columbus ony Saturday afternoon. an Little Arlene Holroyd has rez! turned home after undergoing surgery in Sick Children's Hos«x pital, Toronto. v4 Mrs. Mildred Harten and fams_ ily, Bloomfield, were weekend® easonable. Telephone 725-9450. ENTIRE contents of Ajax hotel for sale | consisting of beds, dressers, chairs, etc. 723-4641, ask for Mr Finer. SLIGHTLY marked in shipping. We) have three beautiful bedroom suites, better quality, worth from $259 to $289. | Sacrifice clearance $175. Wilson Furni.| ture Company, 20 Church Street. | sh alls ome art PAINT, interior, exterior. Bargain} Prices. All colors, guaranteed, flat, | gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, $& Church Street, 723-7624 80-30 RIFLE, Savage, used two se sons, Good condition, Telephone 728 0717. FRIGIDAIRE range, large size, and refrigerator, across top freezer, both fully automat excellent condition, what not, all wave antenna bar, 725-0851 You'LL pay less for furniture and ap- Good Reconditioned REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North AJAX ---- WH 2-6410 FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Colonial Aluminum Sales Co OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 134 SIMCOE ST. S, 728-4614 LATEST MODERN DES'!GNS In living room drapery moa- terials ~~ 79¢ a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons .. . 1.40 and up, Kitchen drapery materials. 69¢ up Drapes made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a Selection of ready - made drapes at discount prices. M & C DRYGOODS| 74 Celina Street 723-7827 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows and Prime windows and doors only $40, Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 Li at Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873, Call us for wash- er, range and radio repairs ONE Coca Cola pop cooler, almost new, $190. Telephone 723-9448 or WH 2-0084. FOOD & FREEZER | PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best, Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. THE MATTRESS KING has some wonderful values in bedding for you! | Smooth-top high quality mat- tresses. No buttons, No tufts, Pre-built: border. 8 air vents, Reg. $69.50. Half Price $35. Smooth-top continental beds complete with headboard and legs. Reg. $89. Discount Price $54.50. Spring-filled mattresses. Hun- dreds of coils. All sizes. Dis- count price $16.88. Serta, Sealy, Restonic, Spring- wall and Simmons. Ali on sale. See the Mattress King, Ed Wilson, 20 Church St Oshawa. 34--Lost & Found THE PANK OF NOVA SCOTIA T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, al! galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 LOST: in Kendal area, 15-inch male beagle, black, white and brown, ear ae RKSM3. Telephone 725-6014! collect. > pn neste LOST: black onyx ring with initial D, in the Marks Theatre on Friday. Re- ward offered for return. Telephone 723-7558, YOUNG Beagie -- lost, Ritson Road, fouth area. Answers to "Fury". iad | 'ward. Telephone 728-3566. jinstall all-concrete seats. Gangs of teenage hooligans have dam- 25 1961. -- Rudolf Zeller, 1801 Dunlop this date, Monday, October 30, 1961. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gieng Lowrey and family. 4 Mrs. C, Hyde and Miss Lynda? Hyde, Toronto, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs T. Hodge and family and Mrs. Argue. A number from here attend- ed Thankoffering Service at Enfield on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Com- mack and family, Whitby, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs;5 George Allison and family. '* Mr. and Mrs. Ross Raby and, Kelly Lyn, Oshawa, were Sun." day guests of Mr. and Mrs, B>> Hubbard. aA Sorry to report that Mrs,:" Henry Mahaffy is in Oshawa: General Hospital. "a Mrs. Beatrice Taylor wae" Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family. Sympathy is extended to Mrs7* W. Toms in the passing of her* father, Mr. Darcy of Carte wright. im Mrs. V. Hanouski, Oshawa,' was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith and family... Mrs. R..M. Seymour, King-3 ston, was Sunday evening guest.. of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Riley. nF Sympathy is extended to Mras and Mrs. H. McMullen and fame ily in the passing of Mrs. Mc... Mullen of Janetville. a Don't forget choir practice;- Thursday night at 8 p.m. All - choir members are requested to be present. : Sunday Schoo! will be at 10.15 a.m. and church worship at 11.15 a.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. lenge to God than a snub to Khrushchev" It declares the fact that Mr. Macmillan could find nothing better to do on the Lord's Day than go out in the rain to play Golf at Glen- eagles." BUILD CONCRETE SEATS WIMBLEDON -- In an effort to beat vandals in Wimbledon ark, the council is planning to aged wooden seats, torn up fencing, trees and shrubs and trampled over flower beds. The new seats will beat them. They are unbreakable and too heavy tobe carried. LARGE SECRET GIFT LONDON -- University Col- lege, London, has received an anonymous gift of over $700,000 for the building of a Men's Hall of Residence. The donor stipu- lated that the whole of the gift shall be spent on the building, and has made it a condition that 34--Lost & Found SIX-ROOM = three-bedroom house, refrigerator, stove included, available November 1, downtown location, Rea- scnable, Telephone 725-6634. 35--Legal I, Rudolf Zeller, will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by anyone on or after this date, October oes of Drive, Whitby, Ontario. I, Arthur Tilbury, will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by mv wife or anyone in my name with- out my written consent on or after ~-Arthur Tilbury, 230 Celina Street, MERRY MENAGERIE © 1961 Walt World Rights Reserved "Now, there's what I call a population explosion all in one piece!" ' BULLFINCHES er MAIDSTONE, Kent -- Farm,, : --

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