16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 30, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT AD Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to F pace My Bong | BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants | Jressmaking Instruction Painting and Decorating YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER, and Co., Accountants and Auditor Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. CA; F. Friedlander, B.Comm., CP. S. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fied Public Accountants, 172 Kin Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA, G. Burrows, CA, 728-2571. 64 FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations Remodelling LOW PRICES 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 rates eve- PRIVATE tutoring all grades, reasonable. felephone 728-3000 nings. Adelaide Beckman. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Rezister |now, 424 King Street West, 725-6122. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Ful! Wall Murals, Lewn Mowers WE SHARPEN AND RENT H. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2221. Fuel and Wood ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE USA CALL... FACTORY hardwood cuttings, Auto Parts able for stoves, fireplaces, Telephone 728-8535. KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- sa Street West, Oshawa. Five bays to serve you. teed 145 Ki 72B-1607- Suit- furnaces. FUEL and stove of, constant metered supply, Y. H. Young, 71 Emma, 728-8727. STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 good, for stove, fur. Barristers FIR ary, nace or fireplace. phone CO 3-2275. Free delivery. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- dence 728-0264. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe North, 728-2991. Res. 728-2765. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN MAN, Barristers, Solicitors: y Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street East. Phones: Office 725-1177. Res. 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. Money to loan. 'Tele: Money to Loan FREE Furnace cleaned every year. "Round the Cicck' 24-hr, burner service. Automatic delivery It's 'White Rose' Unified Fuel Oil WESTERN OIL CO. 725-1212 FIFTY to five thousand gellans. pod worthwhile purpose, lowest rates. fa service. Seaboard Finance, 29% Sim- coe Street South. 723-6283. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgoges at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available on LOUIS 8. HYMAN, Qc, , Soli- citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. 723-2269. NHA and private mortgages arranged. GREER and KELLY, barrister, Solici- tors, etc. 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence phones: J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Ter- rence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 16% King Street East. 728-2381. Res. YU 5-2127. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Solici- citor and Notary Public, 2% King Street East. Phone 728-1763. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- tor, ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. Office 723-1101; Residence 725-5342. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Gardening and Supplies NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL 6-YD,"LOAD -- $8.00 10-YD. LOAD -- $12.00 723-3162 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Fall Sale of Nursery Stock. Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Bulbs. 725-1721 55 GLOVER RD. Second Mortgages. Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mortgages ot reasonable rates. 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. BARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD. ANNOUNCES NEW LOW: RATES ON Ist & 2nd Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; 725-3566, Charles C. McGibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. Residence 725-3405, MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East. 723-4697. Resi- DRIVEWAYS EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 dence, Dia} 723-4029, DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi- dence 728-5373, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN end MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg. ¥ Simcoe Street North. 723-3446. T. K Preighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Prynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort- PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY TOPSOIL MANURE BROOKLIN 655-3049 gages arranged. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking available. RUSSELL, J. MURPHY, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971. Bookkeeping Accounting ee CLANCY'S Ontario rvice. Complete bookkeeping service #4 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., 23-7605. L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Buildina Trades Patio and Flagstone Shrubs and Evergreens Holland Bulbs Top soil and sods. OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE OPEN TO 9 P.M, 1259 SIMCOE NORTH LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 MORTGAGE LOANS FOR HOMEOWNERS BORROW $2,000 REPAY $35.22 PR. MTH. P.I. BALANCE AT END OF Ist 5 YEARS NO BONUS Other Plans Available OSHAWA RESIDENTS, FOR A CONFIDENTIAL APPOINT- MENT IN YOUR OWN HOME CALL OP. AND ASK FOR ZE 7-6540 (NO TOLL CHARGE) OTHER AREA RESIDENTS CALL GUELPH TA 2-9062 Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-523) 'NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service 12--Articles Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent CLASSIFIFD AD RATES 25 words or tess Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERT 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 248 3.75 4.13 if not paia within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original consecutive iosequent insertions ordered at o tater dote constitute @ new origina! order orders for insertions. Professional and 6usiness listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each Initio! fetter abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure. counts as © word, Box charge Se additional. All Classified Sgt Adsl og publication except Births, Memoriams, Cards et Thanks which OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in 30. da: Home rentals for vibratory belts. Barre! sagers. Slim-Rite Cen- tre, 204 King Street East. 728-4501. will until 9 am., WANTED. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS 1. TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. , Wants cars for wrecking. Parts for sa:e, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought Open Saturday ali day. Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities Deadline for Lost @nd Pound and Concellations 8:30 am. Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Seturdey 8 - 12 CAN. CORP. AUX. UNIT 42 CATERING For Banquets, Weddings, etc. For Information Call MRS, F. OLEY 725-2931 NOW OPEN HERBERT and FURIO HAIR STYLING $82 HORTOP ST. PHONE 728.9611 REGULATIONS-- The Oshowa Times will not be fesponsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mor for more then one incorrect insertion ef e@ny adver- tisement, mor beyond the price charged tor @ single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according te its own classification tn the case of display edvertie- ments The Times will not be heic responsible for more spoce ther that in which the actuol error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! advertising matter correctly but assumes no fiability of advertisement ore contained i? e@ny inaccuracies in ery form therein. SIM LASH and HIS TRIO Dances :: Banquets Reasonable Rates Free Auditions 725-8762 TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken pvlate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes, MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--725-3887 NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. 2--Personal SPENCEX Foundation Garments, In- dividually designed. Also Spirella gar- ments. Mrs. J, Hendershot, 324 Admiral Road, Oshawa. Plumbing and Heating ALL types of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable ae Estimates free, Dial 728-6931. J. 'oley. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- ing 235 Simcoe Street South. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. ESSO oi] bumers, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroam fitxures, parts and service. PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Nightt COLLECT Active Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc. LOANS To Pay All Your Bills You can Borrow $50 to $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills. This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy REMODELING houses, additions, kit- chen cupboards, verandahs, brick- cement work, Experienced workmen, CO 3-2628. ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, eavestroughing, chimneys, jireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 728-0394. Gordon May SHINGLE your roof now, $120 and up. Workmanship and materials guaran- teed. Easy terms at 6 per cent. with no red tape. Phil Harper, Whitby. MO- hawk 8-4558. E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs, 725-6047 SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. Also all type home remodeling. Free estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- heys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates, 723-2997. HOMEOWNERS! Beautify and increase the value of your home with Reynold's Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone. Eliminate painting forever. As low as $5 weekly. Industrial Home Construc- tion, Box 406, Oshawa Times. CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork- ing, all floor coverings. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 728-0850, FREE estimates on digging basements and gra ing by bull dozer. MO 8-5612. BRICK, block cement work, home re- pairs, roofing, fall-out shelters, P. Wolters. MO 8-2294. BLACK LOAM Driveway gravel, fill and sand. TELEPHONE 725-5279 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 HOME OWNERS Roofing, asphalt - flat. Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, lined for gas and oil. Eavestroughs -- cleaned, repaired. Waterproofing -- interior, exterior. Your local contractor-- ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 728-0344 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa- Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- ped and insured, Phone 728-3661. TREES Removed, Pruned, etc, All. work insured, Call collect-- BALDWIN 2-105] Monthly Payment. $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All-Canadian Loan Company" Loans Life Insured Offices Throughout Ontario 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 SATURDAY UNTIL NOON Mortgages FIRST mortgages, industrial and com- mercial projects, second mortgages on houses. D. W. Holden, 51 Kin East, Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376. . FIRST and second mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. 723-7232. pclae lates MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh- awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi- cinity. Residential, acreage, apart- ments, business. Members of Ontaro Mortgage Brokers Association, 40 years' ALLSTATE Au! to 20 per cent, Persona' 725-1625. D. W. HOLDEN, 51 King East, Osh- oee 728-6081 and 723-3376. Fire, auto a to Insurance. Save up six months to pay. For l service at your home, call MOVING ? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Christmas Trees CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned -- Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All sizes --- wholesale prices, FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST Want-Ads Don't and R. C. Bint. 8 Limited, aw jummeriand Securities 112 Simcoe Street North, Osh- Ontario. Phone 725-3368, a CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- Sage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- instruction LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, acro- batic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253. FIRST~AND SECOND mortgages ar- ranged. + Schatzmann. Mortgage Broker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338. $2,000 AVAILABLE for a second mort- Sage: repay $30 monthly private. Tele- LEARN HAIRDRESSING -Women wanted, greatest Opportunity, better pay, plea- sont work, cotclogue free, Write: Marvel Hairdressing Schools, Branches, Hamilton, Ottawo. "Canada's National System." LEARN TO ORIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cors, Standard and Aut ie phone 655-4471 evenings. E. Harris, ©. G. Harris)" Rug and Upholstery CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451, free estimate. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates, See our ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- ing. 73 Charles Street, 723-7212. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov. 7th and 8th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, 723-4641 CHIP TRUCK for sale or rent, for fur- ther particulars telephone 723-3284. TURKEY ranch, =. opportunity ive SHORT cook for shift. Apply Genosha Hotel. CENTRALLY located in Bowmanville sx room home, oil furnace, FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, ti i Careful tenants LADY wanted to take charge of widower's home, Telephone 725-0820. wanted. Telephone MArket 3-5080. TWO-BEDROOM brick house. Close to 17--Male Help Wanted CARETAKER for small apartment house. Write to Box 449, Oshawa Times. awa Centre and schools. T 125- 7089, SIX-ROOM brick veneer bungalow with LICENSED mechanic, guaranteed sal- ary basis, steady employment, Write Box 402, Oshawa Times. IF you own a car, are looking for an interesting full time job with a better than average income, join our com- pany. Must be over 20, have a good personality and enjoy people. close to schools, shop- ping and buses. Take advantage of this rare opportunity by calling Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor. private bath, separate en- Kk to Shopping Centre. Im- mediate possession. Working couple preferred, Apply 48 Harris Avenue or 725-4582 before 6 p.m. FIVE-ROOM self-contained apartment, central, Oshawa, private. entrance, heated, stove and refrigerator. $73 monthly, Telephone MO 8-5367 for: ap- pointment. GENTLEMAN to share three-room furnished apartment on Simcoe North, For further ine trance, bloc BUNGALOW, new, three bedroom, brick, oid heating, $85. 1289 Wecker Drive. Available November 1, Tele- phone 725-5113. Complete training and draw against fu- ture commissions. Write Box 156, Belle- ville, Ont. PICKERING, eight room brick house with 20 acres land, 10 minutes to schools, to WOULD you like to supplement your income by $100 - $200 a month during your spare time from your home? Telephone 725-1356. SALES route for ambitious man. Car necessary. Minimum, $90 weekly guar- anteed for right man. Fuller Brush Co., Ltd 723-2859. for going live e from downtown Oshawa, Eight acres, good buildings, walk-in cooler and freezer. Year round clientel. Could be used for any type of poultry raising or storage. Would consider renting or sell- ing whole or house, C IAN man needed. Full or part- time, lifetime security. Experience Sunday School, ministry helpful.. Earn $100 weekly and up. No competition. Write John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison Street, Chicago 2, Il. re- liable tenants. Apply 169 Warren Ave- nue, Oshawa. Divide rent. formation telephone 728-7802. FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment, heat, heavy duty, private entrance and bath, TV antenna and cupboards. Ap» ply 375 Mary Street, Oshawa. ONE-BEDROOM apartments for rept, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe Street North or telephone 728- 3945. THREE- house, rec, room, $90 monthly, 733 Lakeview Ave- nue Oshawa Telephone Toronto CH 7-1081. Immediate possession. EXECUTIVE type home. $90 AND UP extra large two-bedroom apartments, stove and free wash- er and dryer, paved parking, locker Space, close to downtown, Call 725-6344 or 725-8333, possession, three bedrooms, 40° psa room, two p had ot den, King East area. FRanklin 2-9992, Cobourg. TWO-BEDROOM house, at 67 William Street est. Adults preferred. Tele- phone 725-3968. part ©! Townline Turkey Ranch, RR 2, Osh- awa, Ontario. RESTAURANT FOR SALE $1,500 DOWN For further information DIAL 725-3433 Get the facts ! Before you invest, read the new 20-page factual "'Pro- gress Report: Coin-Operated and Drycleaning Coll or write today for free brochure. No obliga- tion, ALD, INC. ALD CANADA. LTD. 25 Belfield Road Rexdale (Toronto Ont, RO 6-7255 | 14--Employment Wanted | EXPERIENCED girl, 17 years of age, | wishes to look after children, five days jweekly, while mother works. Tele- phone 725-7807. RELIABLE woman wishes cleaning by day, from 9 a.m, to 4 p.m. References. Telephone 723-4368. 16--Female Help Wante HOUSEKEEPER--Full charge, friend- ly family of five in country home, $100 monthly. Private room, TV. Telephone 655-3810. 3--Pets & Livestock BEAUTIFUL baby budgie ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. FULLY experienced alteration lady to do work at home. Apply in person to Mrs. Potter Jayn-Modde dresses. HOUSEKEEPER full charge, friendly jfamily of five in country home. $100 FOR SALE -- Long hair German Poin- ter puppies, eight weeks old. Special bird dogs, good for hunting. Apply 66 Chureh Street, Pickering. | . Private room, TV. Telephone 655-3814, RELIABLE and trustworthy girl for restaurant work, wages plus roém and FOUR female registered American Cocker Spaniel puppies. Ch and board, T 16. Please ask for Thelma, Internationa] Champion ancestry, $25 Papers included. Eight weeks old. 725-6473, 4--Market Basket THE best M Sutaaie |MATURE woman to live in and care \for school age girl and do light house- keeping in exchange for room and board and small remuneration. Tele- phone 728-3433 after 6 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper fo! i Spies, Bl ete. Bring your Jami . s, Rossland Road West and Anderson Street, Whitby. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, re-covered like new. Why pay more? Our rates are Satistacti Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 APPLES, $1 and up. Bring own con- tainers. Maybelle Orchard, 1% miles north of Whitby, Highway 12, west side. Telephone MO 8-2163. WINTER potatoes, 7 Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial Blue-print- ing. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East. Phone 725-6881. TV - Radio Repairs SURPRISE YOUR kids with that pet you've been promising them. You'll find the perfect one in "Pets for Sale" in the Oshawa Times Cl: fied Section, 75-pou 'ON-| sportswear. Experience and good y. Write Oshawa Times, Box 303. required dealership, some typing LICENCED mechanic. Apply 40 Albert Street from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m, After hours, call 728-8964. SALES representative by major seed organization to contact Ontario Farm- ers. High commissions with $50, SIX-ROOM house, 95 Nassau Street, no furnace, vacant, 725-0332; after six, 723-9210. FARM house for rent, 20 miles Oshawa, one mile north of No. east of 2 High- way. Ti Al 4-5365, Scar account plus liberal Apply Box 610, Oshawa Times, YOUNG man as sales clerk with auto- motive experience preferred. Reply to Box 404 Oshawa Times giving full de- AGGRESSIVE , SALESMEN WANTED New Company. good oppor- tunity for right party. TELEPHONE 723-1021 MEN 18 TO 50 EARN AND LEARN NATIONAL SURVIVAL JOIN TH CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA TRAINING PROGRAMME TODAY FIRST SIX WEEK COURSE STARTS NOV. 6, 1961 You 'will be given all day training for five days a week, You will live at home and re- ceive the same pay as a regular soldier plus a sep- arate living allowance. RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN OSHAWA ARMOURY SIMCOE ST. NORTH | Mon, to Fri, 9 'A.M..to 9 P.M, | Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M, benefits. DISPLAY MAN Opening For Combination Display and Card Man/ Steady Employment For Capatle Person, Apply ZELLER'S LIMITED OSHAWA SIX-ROOM house for rent. Apply Cherry Grove Motel, Courtice, for information. 728-6191. $13 MONTHLY -- modern three-bed- room home, very central location, love- ly fenced garden, Vacant November 15. Telephone 723-7244. SMALL house on Varcoe's Road North with,two acres of land. Immediate pos- session. Apply 249 Athol Street East. BRICK house in Bowmanville, immed- iate possession, Centrally located, with gas furnace near school. T FOUR furnished rooms, kitchen with r » living room, bed- rooms, private bath, entrance, TV out let, garage. Adults, Clean, quiet home, central. Apply 97 Elgin East. 725-1408. |THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, living room and bedroom, own bath- Toom separate entrance, nerth end of city. Telephone 723-4452. COMPLETELY furnished apartment, TV, refrigerator, washer, suitable for working couple of gentlemen, One block off Simcoe North, Telephone 725-9306. FOUR-ROOM two-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, cupboards, sink, one block from Shopping Centre. Vacant now. Apply 112 Stevenson's Road North. $50--FIVE-ROOM apartmen! garage, heavy duty wiring, in village on paved road. Oshawa fifteen minutes, Tele- Phone CO 3-2394. PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, bright and clean, four-piece bath, washer, aerial, parking, near shopping centre. Adults. $70 monthly. 212 Ste- venson South. MArket 3-7264, Bowmanville. TWO'STOREY, six-room brick, three bedrooms, venetian blinds, oil furnace, steam heating, located off Park Road. Apply 289 College Avenue after 5. SIX-ROOM house on Drew Street, hot water heating, aluminum storm win- dows, lovely home, clean condition. Ap- ply 562 Drew Street. THREE-ROOM, completely furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, cup- boards, automatic laundry. Private en- trance, continuous hot water. 904 Grier- son Street after 6. Couple preferred, THREE unfurnished rooms, heating and hydro, suitable for middle-aged |couple or widow. Telephone 725-1454 for rooms, close to schools and transpo: tion. Chil . Te TWO homes, one five rooms, one seven | rooms, irta- |further information. |BASEMENT apartment. central. three: heated, heavy wiring, cupboards, | Privat c dren 0748. . SIX rooms bungalow, south end, at door, oil heated broadloom, monthly, Available, Dec. 1. Tele; 728-3392. 725-| 210 bus |frigerator, stove, sink and cu $100 | central. $65 monthly includes heat and phone water. Telephone 723-9128, e entrance, bath, Child welcome, h. St 1926. | THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, res ipboards, COTTAGE the-Lake. -- winterized, Oshawa-on: as Street, 725-1925. FIVE-ROOM house, central, sonable. Telephone 728-0675. Reasonable rent to reliable tenants. Immediate occupancy. 66 Thom fenced | yard, heavy duty wiring, heated, rea-| four-room apartment ically heated. Children |Welcome. Available Nov. 15. Telephone |MA_3-3845, Bowmanville. |THREE-ROOM apartment in south sec- tion, furnished or unfurnished, private entrance all conveniences, parking, Telephone 725-5442 after 5 p.m. NEW | -|with bath, electri entrance, Apply 184 Beatty. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FURNISHED, two-room apartment, kit- chen, bedroom, cupboards, sink. Frig, stove, etc. TV lead-in, parking private APARTMENT, self-contained, bedroom, living room, kitchen and three-piece bathroom, $60 per month. Immediate Apply 137 Blvd. SINGLE or double rooms for gentle- men, single beds. Close to bus, park ment, bedroom, bathroom, cupboards, closets, drye: washer, stove, frig, Rossland Roa West area. Telephone 725-3778. SELF-CONTAINED three-room apart. living-room kitchen, | ing space, Located on Wilson Road South. Telephone 723-1733, THREE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty wiring, built-in cupboards and sink. Adults only. Reasonable. Heat and a) FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, vate bathroom, cupboards, hot water, parking, near GM_ sout! plant. Possession. Nov, 1. Apply 25 Malaga Road. pri- heating, water supplied. Telephone 728-1195 af- ter 5. SELF-contained three room apartment, private bath and entrance, heat and light 232 G Avenue. h 4 FOUR'ROOM apartment, three-piec trance. Reasonable and central. phone 728-0675. bath, heavy wiring, heated, private en- Tele- €/A-1 CONDITION, completely furnished |four-room apartment, private entrance and bath, including electric. $95 month- ly. T 723-7617. SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2. bedrvom apart- ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For SALESLADY ladies' ap- pearance essential. Full or part-time. Must have character and ref- for . exclusive 18--Male or Female Help Wanted ences. Apply personally Seigneurs, Osh- awa Shopping Centre. nd bag, $1.40 Per bag, free delivery, Teleph Brook- lin 655-4690. CHOICE winter potatoes $1 per bag. Allan Downes, Pontypool. APPLES various kinds, $1 up, bring containers. Algoma Orchards, Thickson Road North, half-mile of Taunton Hoad. APPLES -- various kinds, $i up Bring containers, Algoma Orchards, Thick. on oe ¥%-mile north of Taunton joad. CHOICE winter potatoes, $3 Allan Downes, Pontypool. per bag. TV, RADIO, car radio repair kes ma . Thompson Electronics, Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey and Estimates. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All 'OcnAWaree ELECTRONICS SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 2? ? WHY Because we give -- Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY ! Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, gloss and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture | A TOWER ? Nursing Services PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half day, 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Si: 5 | fl B imeoe North. NURSING HOMES SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac- jcommodation for private and private patients, lounge, TV. Fully u- TRY US! Moving antenna? Same day? Repairs? As on os, new? TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 728-6781 censed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. USE THE. Optometrists C. @, TUCK, a Cutomatrist.. Please iy at Bann or 74 Burk Street. Invalides exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587. Day and Evening Lessons Cost-They Pay. 728-0091 F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact i OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Col Evenings by appointment. 723-4191, COLUMNS all|CARROTS, 75c bushel; Spanish onions, 157 $2.25; cooking Onions, $1.50. Bring con- tainers. W. Eymann, %4-mile east of Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. CARROTS, 75 cents bushel; Spanish onions, $2.25; cooking onions, $1.50. Bring containers. W. Eymann, %-mile east of Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. HONEY NATURE'S PUREST FOOD Fresh From The Beehive 268 RITSON RD. N. 725-2441 DELIVERED 5--Farmers Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivia ark' collect 24-hou: PULLETS, also roasting chickens for '|sale, Three-month-old White Rocks, one dollar each. Direct from farmer. Tele- Phone Bowmanville MA 3-222], LEADING LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY REQUIRES CLERK STENOGRAPHER Interesting and challenging position fo: shorthand steno- grapher in modern 'conveni- ently located office. Large variety of responsible duties. Five day week plus all em- ployee benefits. Permanent position with excellent posi- bilities for advancement. For Appointment Telephone Mr. W. A. Hyde 723-7855 tails. MAN or woman for part time country delivery. Must have car. Mileage and Telephi 723-9652 for de- information Call 723-2563. GROUND floor, three room unfurnished apartment, private bath and entrance, in apartment handy to everything. Bell Telephone vicinity, Adults only suit quiet couple. Available - 723-7530. GROUND floor, two-bedroom ultra mode ern apartment, electrically equipped, near shopping centre, automatic washe ing facilities. Apply 208 Cromwell Ave nue, Apartment One. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BACHELOR and 20--Room and Board PRIVATE rooms, in lovely quiet home, 2 BEDROOM APTS. Store, 'frig., washer and dryer, locker, paved park- ply to 292 King Street East. Avenue. ROOM and board for gentleman, close to morth plant, private home. Tele- phone 725-2305, ROOM and board in clean home for three chaps willing to share. Single beds, television, good meals. Lunches packed, laundry done, 725-1753. SELL OVER TELEPHONE Experience not necessary, we teach ycu how in twenty minutes, Desk space and phone pro- vided at our offices. If you have a pleasant voice you can eam a good income on a liberal commission basis. Age no barrier if you ore over 21. Convenient hours can be arranged. MR, R. YOUNG OSHAWA TIMES 723-3474 7--Trailers HEATING equipment and service. Accessones for small and large trail- ers. Miller Heating, Ajax. WH 2-3491. ALERT 8--Hunting DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages, $20 - $50 per week, guide extra, iodre accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook . Duck hunting season now open, same rates apply, Contact Bob Wed den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp. HUNTING LICENCES, Deer, residen and dog permits. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 12--Articles Wanted WANTED-- Space heater, with fan if 80 equipped, also required electric mangle and paint sprayer. 800 Brock Street North. MO 8-2646. Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD AND AGGRESSIVE LADY With pleasing telephone per- sonality and some typing knowledge, between 25 and 40, to work in Advertising Sales Department for an est- ablished Oshawa firm. Apply in writing to BOX 611 OSHAWA TIMES ROOM and board for gentlemen, good meals, single beds, continuous hot water, centrally located. Telephone 725-0197. FOR RESPECTABLE gentleman, in good home, TV lounge, close to North General Motors and hospital. Apply 51 Colborne East or telephone 725-7687. ROOM and board for one la gentlemen, central, ry good meals, $15 weekly. Telephone 728-3643, ROOM and board available at the Pontiac Inn, home cooked meals, lunches packed, have TV lounge, Tele phone 725-0078. LADY offers room and board for young mother with one child, Will care for child while mother works. For more information telephone 728-3840, ROOM and board for gentlemen in good location. Continuous hot water. Apply 15 Maple Street (off Simcoe South) 725-9712, NICE room or room and board, new home, office girls, teacher or student. Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and 5. Telephone 723-2481. SPACIOUS room, suit two, gentlemen Preferred; single beds, private wash- room, board optional, close to Fittings and General Motors. Telephone 728-3357. good home cooked meals, lunches pack- ed if requested, for two gentlemen. Ap- ROOM or room and board for two girls to share, private four-piece bath, Adelaide Street West area. Telephone 723-2326. ROSSLAND - Simcoe area, single and|' double rooms with board. Good beds and food, lunches packed, laundry done, television, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie ing. Very low rates. Special rates for adults. APPLY AT: 213 MONTRAVE AVE. THREE large room apartment, pri- vate bath, stove, sink cupboards, one child welcome. Apply 52 Drew Street, off King, 728-2272. APARTMENT for rent -- two-bedroom, bath, living room and kitchen. Apply 356 Simcoe Street South. Telephone 723-9363. THREE rooms, furnished, share bath, kitchen, living and bedroom. Bus stop at door, close to downtown, Telephone 728-0475. GROUND floor apartment, three rooms and bath, private entrance, heavy wir- EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONTHLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728.5282 ited, near Shopping Centre 725-1674. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, private bath, heat, hydro, washing fae cilities, near park, schools, bus, shop- ping. One child welcome. Telephone 725-2254. BASEMENT apartment -- two large rooms with private bath, newly deco. rated, children welcome, close to South General Motors and buses. 728-6016, THREE-ROOM upper apartment, heavy wiring, private bathroom kitchen cup- boards, heat, water, TV outlet, wun. td facilities,, parking. Phone 728-8796 after 5. ONE or two bedrooms, $89 per month and up, parking, broadioom, drapes, washers and dryer¢@, stove and frig, janitor service, downtown location. Call Douglas .L. Gower Realtor 728-4651. $79 MONTHLY and up, modern one or two-bedroom apartments, new spuart- all conveniences, beau- NOW RENTING Bachelor and 2 Bedroom Apts. NIPIGON AND ELGIN CT Built-in china cabinet, colored both, frig., stove, free auto- matic washer and dryer, paved parking, T.V. outlet, bamboo drapes, $75 - $100 Monthly TELEPHONE 725-1196 2-7 P.M. SINGLE room for gentleman or lady, lunches packed .if desired. Parking space. Two blocks from Duplate. Tele- phone 723-2000. 22--Store Space & Garages DOUBLE garage for rent, suitable for storage, cement floor, good condi- tion. For more particulars. Telephone 725-1338. WINTERIZED storage for boats, mo- tors and lawnmowers. 74 Barrie Ave- nue, Telephone 728-2791 or 725-4633. 23--Wanted to Rent EXECUTIVE with four children wishes to rent large house vicinity Dr. John Phillips School. Two-year lease with op- tion to buy. Write including details to Box 606 Oshawa Times. WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO_8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST P.O. BOX 329 TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK Telephone 728-3864 NEED MORE MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS ? Avon Representatives earn $500 $1,000 during Christmas selling season now to in full swing' We can help you earn this kind of money, CALL 725-8466 24---Houses for Rent 1%-STOREY brick home, fully land. scaped, quiet area, 1036 Cedar Street, $95 monthly includes oi] heat, available November 1. Telephone 728-3422. FOUR-ROOM house with bath, very cen- tral. Apply 112 William West after four. HOUSE for rent or for sale on 346 Rosedale Drive in Whitby. Furnished or unfurnished, Available after November 13. Telephone Pickering TEmple 91763. FARM house, with a beautiful setting on rolling 100 acre farm, north of city, furnished with new Scandinavian furni- ture and TV, all city conveniences to responsible couple only. Telephone HU. PARK PLAZA APARTMENTS SOUNDPROOF--FIREPROOF FEATURING Telephone intercom system, elevator, incinerators, stove and fridge. $85 to $115 Now Renting Mr. Appleby 725-6544 OR 723-3398 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtor' LTD. Insurance TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully equipped. On SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6343 9-6046 or write 14 Strathearn Blvd., To- ronto. i? TOS PM, ment tifully decorated, centrally located. 728- 5282. FURNISHED apartment: single house- keeping room, private entrance, cen. tral, parking Reasonable. Apply 96 Centre Street. LOW rental apartments, building one year old, $87 monthly, modern two-bed- room, five rooms, free washer, dryer, parking. 728-3377. THREE- and four-room apartments in apartment building, stoves, refrigera- tors. built-in cupboards, Laundromat, parking. 725-3938 or 68 ne Street. THREE rooms and bath, stove and refrigerator, ideal for couple, in build- ing block. Very central, Telephone 725-4277 or 725-3911. FURNISHED or unfurnished two rooms, built-in cupboards, hardwood floors, very reasonable rent, everything cluded, Telephone 725-7273. GROUND floor, four-room apartment, private entrance and bath, unfurnished, central location, bus line, large yard. Children welcome. Telephone 725-8502, ARE YOU looking for a cozy aparte ment? Three rooms and bath attrace tively furnished. All conveniences in- cluded. No extras. 237 Cadillac Avenue South, 725-3129. FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, pri- vate entrance, shower, kitchen cupe boards, sink, hot water heating, busi« ness couple preferred, or one child, 8 Drew Street. ine apartment, four rooms, on ground floor, new redeco- rated, close to bus stop, reasonable, Adults only. For information, telephone 725-7216 after six-thirty p.m. Y TELEPHONE, television jaundry facil- ities, private bath and entrance. Two bedrooms, closets, sink and cabinets in kitchen and living combined, adults. 313 Ritson South, THR large rooms and bath, clean, partly furnished, one or two children welcome, very reasonable. Telephone 725-6691 $65. THREE room upstairs apartment in new building; private entrance and bath; heat and lights included. Tele- phone 728-761 865. FOUR November 11; heated; sc welcome. 728-6820. 359 Verdun Roa THREE furnished rooms, kitchen, li ing-room and bedroom, private entrance at 153 Centre Street. Working couple preferred. Telephone 728-6672, THREE rooms with kitchen, unfurnish> ed, private bathroom, suit ladies, gene tlemen or couple. Apply 716 Cedar St.