Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1961, p. 15

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B.C. Teacher THE OSMAWA TIMES, Mondor, October 30, 1961 13 ey. Hooliganism Reduced Likes Variety British Editors wneoy-y LN Halloween Pranks 'Experience 'Peer At Canada i i VANCOUVER (CP) -- Pulling t STATES,4 { t Fe 5 F : " : vag) Whales' teeth must certainly} LoNDON CP) -- ty fin-, Refi f By MEL SUFRIN leaving little opportunity for| In early times the eve was bed by ( 'wenty fin ference was made to the , {4 | Conntion Press Staff Writer |him to carry out his threat. [believed to be a night when ph lh Be lfediraey fing - ancial editors from leading|possibility of Canada's New ' Jia There's more treat than trick! . supernatural influences pre-|¢ 2.04, British newspapers sat around a|Democratic Party making in- Mh in present-day Hallowe'en. |PENNIES FOR UNICEF vailed. This has been preserved er. : long table and fired apprehen-| roads in the next election on the a : Old-timers may sigh nostaigi-| UNICEF -- The UN Inter-|in the tradition of dressing up| But Sherry MacEachern is anjsive questions about Canada's|two older parties, the govern- cally for the days when they national Children's Emergency|as witches and ghosts, {unusual teacher. Her class- economic future. ing Progressive Conservatives ilused to play such pranks as und -- has in recent years! Thousands of masks are sold|t0oms have ranged all the way) They wanted to know whether|and the opposition Liberals. It || pushing over a neighbor's privy. added a serious note to this)to children each year. But this|from the Canadian Arctic to/the expropriation of British Col-|was decided these remarks : But the police aren't sorry that particular occasion, year there is an internationa' France. umbia Electric is likely to be-|should be attributed only to '|property damage is playing a| About $260,000 was collected|twist. Winnipeg reports carica-| A native of Saskatoon who got;come a mode} for other prov-|"financial sources." _ lrelatively smal! part in modern|across the country last year in|ture masks of prominent per-|her BA at the University ofjinces, why some Canadian oil CANADIANS GLOOMIER PACIFIC observances. the "Pennies for UNICEF" |sonalities, such as Prime Min-|Saskatchewan, Miss MacEach-|and mining shares have been Ea Bri & +} A Cross-Canada Survey by|campaign and that ery will belister Macmilian, Nikita Khrush-|ern spent the summer working| disappointing and whether there er, a British editor said OCEAN 'lhe Canadian Press shows that|heard as often as "trick orjchev and President Kennedy,|for another degree at the Uni-|are good prospects for improve-|Privately that the Canadians | |while police will be out in fulljtreat' and "shell out" again/are popular. versity of British Columbia. | ment in the future. i me _ aa cae ns i |strength next deere pose gad year. ' een There's a certain amount of} She recalled that, during R Gas havsta th Geen ek My heh -- Beltons ae | vwreD ¢ : espace they aren't expectin | The pranksters haven't alto-|commercialism involved in cur-|two-year stint in. France she ' ; . A : ' T OVER CANADA trouble. : ._|gether disappeared. In Halifax,|rent Hallowe'en celebrations.|divided her time between class- send ~ yoy > 4 tye pe Nn gy som gg F rey cH : One reason is that service|foy example, police expect the|Candy-makers put up specialjrooms in Metz, teaching the oan er the board ef gover-land "survived." Map shows general path of | of radioactive dust fell on leased by the United States jciyps and other organizations) .ya) firecrackers (despite the shellout packages and in some children of RCAF personnel, seh: tak mee eames Poy Patrick Sargent, financial edi- giant radioactive cloud from | parts of Russia before the | weather bureau in Washing- |have encouraged a trend t0-|ract it's illegal to sell them to|communities they have tended|and exploring Europe. ter af the baegd bt eve it a ee Dally Mail, who Russia's Oct. 23 nuclear blast | cloud moved east over Japan | wards parties that help keep the children), opening of fire hyd-|to replace fruit as a traditional) This was followed by two! Tha diecasion, hell: at "pie! Visited Ganka (6 tay at in the Novaya Zemlya region | and the Pacific to Canada. | : kids out of mischief. del 4 rants and soaping of windows. |treat. years of teaching at Pincher éan's Meera Chik, wee Sides cc Pate: e in the Arctic. Initial fallout ' Map is based on data re- | --(CP Newsmap) | There's a threat implied in Police Inspector Edgar Malay| And many city kids have|Creek, Alta., then two more| 5 ' " " : Z and free - wheeling. Frederick|cern in Britain about Canada's the traditional "trick or treat says the force isn't much con-|found a neat method of stock-|years at Aklavik in the North-|Bttis," financial aiies of The|economic future. yell that greets the homeowner o4 about these pranks, But/ing up on treats without trudg-| west Territories. Daily Express, objected at one| "After all, your economy is . Ghana Pr esident | African Trip ag Ne tr corned he draws the line at demonstra-|ing from house to house. They| "T liked it so much I siasil aca to part of the proceedings|pretty well dominated from the | tions by grownups, recalling one/simply pick an apartment build-/pack for another two years." |being labelled "'off the record"| United States, isn't it?" he said ton. eg is the youthful on 144 yes agg ---- ing. ae et rsa and Pct on four a ae in the| and left the meeting early. in a talk with a reporter. "My Q araded throu: e stree eir feet, @ particular.y attrac-/north were spent pulling and) impression is that the Cana- In Land Rover Hallowe'en beggar turned away|Porsio" traffic and overturn-|tive idea' when it is raining or a teat ACTION DEPLORED P' in; i ting whales' teeth. dian economy is not a singl Apes Dictators | MONTREAL (CP) -- Toronto| Without the treat he demands,/ing sutomobi'es. cold outside. apport The Canadian spokes men eee Manga gle La When school closed she would), i that|conomy running east and west, |car salesman Erno Varaljai has| In Vancouver, Hallowe'en is loo. toc a Mating "HERON: two haga ws sg rt hae Big over pay canes Sconanaies run- . . returned to Canada $7,500) the traditional day for setting ans ' | onre j ted t b ingle 0) % ACCRA (AP) -- After fourjstrike last month of Takoradi re sve ey ; ne K lly B d . . H ] F d miles from Tuktoyaktuk on the) was an isolated act by a sing' "Western oil, for instance, years of independence, Ghanajrailwaymen and led to another|POOrc! . masher th SApEnente e ragen off gg rigeseng Piao hore g e mets oun Arctic coast There, as Eskimo|Province and did not necessarily| #465 to the U.S. and Montreal today is a virtual dictatorship,|waye of politica' arrests. by 26,000 miles. ee a ents - women beached and cut up/foreshadow similar action else-\oose its oft f the U.S." ibd gah ONE trikel is wi Land |the area that permits unre- n ' Py ii tola| Sets oil from the U.S. often flirting with the Commu-| Nkrumah crushed the strike ice --o his haptic "i Wants 0 e p SIMBA Gale. Ot frewarks g ome white whales, she would extract] where. acolo gg = ee -- wish oid r} f Prsons njtover trom G&G any y | f . | : : os|that respo e mPreaident Kwame Nkrumahlwhom the govern ments|the tip of Atrica, taking all the| omg pomp hentia aap on Ga ») --|Galued by the government as-an|cles deplored the action. Scott described the British Presiden' whom the § backroad jungle routes they! LONDON (CP)--Kelly Braden,|bia act which allows sale oniy|| BELLEVILLE, Ont. (CP) --/ valued by the governmen ol ' i likes to be known as Osagyefo|strength traditionally has de-|bac ey jung! "liecear-old daughter of comed-|between Oct. 24 and Noy. 1,|The band of the Hastings andjaccurate tally of the season's) In a discussion about the/financial editors as the best in- (The Redeemer). His picture is| pended. jcould find. 18-year-o aug his ac-|Vancouver police have. been|Prince Edward Regimen t|catch. disappointment" felt by some|formed in the world, far ahead everywhere. He uses Parliament/) Many qualified observers be-| Erno drove back alone afterjian Bernard Braden a sf ° watching to make sure there isjcombed England and the Com-| "t'd stand on the lower jaw,|British shareholders over thejof New York. Interest was ex- to rubber 'stamp hls dectess.jiteve if there were a nations nis 2-yearolé wife caught ma-ltress wife Barbara Bey, si.|no illegal sale and one store-/monwea'th for helmets to com-|pry the mouth open--and pull."|Performance of Canadianipressed in the appointment of The threat of arbitrary arrest|election tomorrow, Nkrumah|jaria and had to return to Can-|decided to start her show busi- keeper kas charged for selling|Plete their 1861-style uniforms--|" From the tooth, experts can|Shares, the Canadian offi-/Gen. Graham as independent hangs over all who speak out/would be bundled out of office.|ada by ship from Cape Town.|ness career the hard way--sing- them 'betare Oct. 34 |then found 40 of them right at!tell the age of the whale and,|Cials acknowledged that some|chairman of the Toronto ex- against, him. Eavesdropping in-/He has no intention of calling) We just wanted to see Af-|ing in Yorkshire miners' clubs.| . 4. ome: IIeum thevege, tam "jue "tie|"'Phoney"" stocks are offered in\change, and some wondered formers have made a nervous)an election, and the opposition| ;..» he explained. 'so we| She has left the well-appointed| ANCIENT RITES | The white spiked helmets! cjze. Britain. whether London might not fol- glance over the shoulder almost/has no prospect of toppling him| <4 our money until we had/Braden home for "digs" in a| Hallowe'en, the eve of Alljwere discovered in an _attic| A British dealer, however,|low suit. a national characteristic. jfrom power by constitutional - vouch to pay our way--$3,500|pit village near Doncaster|Saints' Day, is an ancient ob-|when an old house was being], said that more se'ective buying] The meeting was arranged by Near'y 400 political prisoners} means, for the Land Rover and $4,000|where she will get £3 a time|servanee. Christians have cele-|demolished. All but one were]. a' reindeer stew--but not very here would prevent such disap-/Sydney Gampell, financial edi- are in jails. "They will never) x for all the expenses there and|for singing. brated it for 1,200 years and the| fit for use. wall caha' eave pointments. The consensusitor of Reuters news agency. see the sun," said a minister) ROYALTY TO TOUR nhare(back." | «qe' had nothing to do with|Romans long before that had a| It is believed the helmets|"" Neting her time|2mong, the speakers was that|Summing up the discussion for privately recently. _ | In this political atmosphere)" ™ bial ihe cuoecnitall be ae ff on her own,' festival in honor of Pomona,| were retired when the old 49th agg ee ' ae rare some Canadian industrial andja reporter, Gampell, said there New legislation will set up|the Queen will begin a royal cnet Se gh aaa Shani. Kelly's tts 'ouver-born Bra-|20ddess of tree fruits. [Hastings Rifles Regiment was|here, she was still interested in)banking shares offered de-|was lively interest and some special courts that can hang ajtour here two weeks hence " Italy, ee ee # -- said the } sports ae vita "| All Saints' Day was set for|demobilized. Most of them have|travel. cidedly good value and that oiljconcern about Canadian man for "offences against the) Against this bac re ahgae Egypt, The aetna ayinere( oe It was entirely her ivea- \Nov. 1 by Pope Gregory Ill inlinitials inside, some dated 1901) 'I'm off to see Canada and|shares might be becoming more|stocks. Some of this was "cry- state." There will be no appeal) President Kennedy's team ofiganyika, Northern an Ethionia | , But he and his wife think the|honor of all saints. and earlier. maybe the Amazon," she said.|attractive. ing over spilt milk. neal! the cour deca. exert, headed Clarence ode. enim. HungR decom was a sound one. Surf boats bring in tons of} Bee a "Set BO bed te cet "~ | "Barbara and I like Doncas- freight from ships moored offjrecommend that _the United Africa. hanes 52 4 : Accra docks. City streets are) States go ahead: with the finan-| They carried no guns--'guns|ter audiences," he said. "They thronged with traffic. Statistics|cing of Ghana's Volta Dam just get you into trouble with|are warm and genuine and sin- tell a less prosperous story. | Project. \the régulations'--but had n0|cere, Playing in a club up there | If the U.S. fails to put UP/irounle wi or animal. ; RESERVES CUT |money for the Volta, Ghanal "Sirhe ee ee Attack un-|8 8 Much better way to start Lavish government spending|may turn to Russia for help and]... you frighten them by honk-|off-a career than the relatively sai roe re ergy a finally swing into the Sojing your horn at them or get-|phoney atmosphere of television gat nr tee, neig! ng »|viet camp. ing ] é an' and lower ries for socorwihe|"Ausendy. Nirumai's regime i 10 lore, We walled 4/where you can't get to gris main export earner--have com-|has trappings barely distin- + cleohante saTHOve MOAy Boni" your audience. bined to cut foreign exchange/guishable from those of commu-|,)° I ahead St hee | Kelly, who has an older and a reserves to the equivalent of|nism, : The Ate ebces) unt lasted from|Younger brother, got the job by $280,000,000 against $560,000,000/ The government is recognized). ¢ 1980, eh May, 1961 sending tape recordings of her in 1957. as agent of the ruling conven-|>CP!. % 1900, to May, *___| voice to an agent without saying Last July, Nkrumah intro-ition People's Party. Nkrumah who she was. duced compulsory saving, taking/heads both. By direct and indi- "If I can be a success around) five per cent from pay packets|rect means everyone is induced Canada Stars Donunser?' she said: "T-can' bel of all wage earners. At the/to join the party. x j " same time, new import and! A worker must hold a trade| At Fil Sh & success anywhere. sales taxes raised living costs./union card. To get a card he| lim Snow Last July's budget sparked the! must belong to the CPP. | BRUSSELS (CP)--Two Cana: Olde P 1 ~~ |dian productions won honors at} rT eop. e CANADIAN YOUTH land folklore flim week festival Said Neglected "IT did my housekeeping in a nt, learned te-make bannock LJ ¢ e © 2 ad e Pe eete te . Lan 3, e? e°teaaeel here e | Glooscap Country, produced ie by the Nova Scotia government| VICTORIA (CP) -- Canada's ppears and based on an ancient legend|°lder people are getting a poor| lof the Micmac Indian tribe, won | deal, says the retiring girector| the Polytechnic Film trophy for|0f Red Cross Home Nursing |the best tourist film produced| Service in British Columbia. I n pera O e |by a tourist office. | Mrs. Lucille de Satge said in} | Welcome to Canada, produced] 8? grohieued that her eritictsm| : S ee : \hy Norman McLe for the Na-| Was aimed at families who farm} : TORONTO (CP) -- Geoffrey, "It's not fair to make women olga Bbard or Canada,|0Uut elderly members to institu-| Clarfield is an eight-year-old|40 to 60 appear as children. The) on a special award for origi-| ions or who administer uninter- opera singer who occasional'y|quality of a child's voice is so} lity Thi : d Ae amuses himself by singing ailldifferent from that of an adult.|4lity. This award was created) "co 8 oF the sights I see, the} the parts--male and female--|The whole charm goes to pieces especially to honor the film.) tories I hear, just break my from the first act of Bizet's|if you have a professionally;™@de Up of more than 14,500). said the 70-year-old RN. Carmen. trained woman singing." separate drawings and electron-|""«t gon't know any country in This is the only part of the! In Carmen, Geoffrey appears|ically projected onto a special|ine world where the neglect is ypera he knows since, when the| wearing a paper hat and carry-|Screen 1 jus ogee ce jso evident. Maybe because we Canadian Opera Company isjing a bugle as one of the child-| se was ~ lare a new country, ah and putting on a performance ofjren playing soldier in the first/hesitated about giving her son|growing, we think that the al- Carmen, he is usually takenjact. jlessons. "All children have|mighty dollar can buy every- home to bed right after thelSTARTED AT FIVE jlovely voices," she said. But an|thing, including the happiness' first-act curtain falls. He has been studying singing|aunt insisted of the people who were our Geoffrey is a bit of an oddity|since he was 5% at the Royal) He began to study with Helen| pioneers. i in the operatic world because|Conservatory of Music here. Simmie, a teacher at the con-| "Well, it can't buy love and he is a child singing a child's|Like most youngsters, he oc-| servatory who works with child-|affection--the sense of belong- role. It's not unusual for ajcasionally says he would like to,ren.* Ordinarily she acceptsjing that is important." woman o'd enough to be his! give up singing. boys at about eight or nine} Mrs. de Satge said she is mother to be given the part. | But at other times, particu-;/because they are then, "physi-|convinced that knowledge | of Hetman Geiger-Torel, general|larly amid the excitement of ajcally strong enough to take it."|home nursing would help solve director of the Canadian Opera! performance, he says "I'm glad/Girls rarely have the develop-|the problem, would keep fam- Company, says he always uses|I stayed with singing." ment of voice until they are 11 ilies united, oldsters happier children in children's roles. Mrs. Morris Clarfield at first or 12. and institutions less crowded. Chvistmas Holiday #25%LESS Se RECEPTIVE! Visit friends and relatives in Europe -- or bring them to Canada Aor coe Readers Welcome Be with your ain folk this Christmas. Cunard's ee RE oo Rates offer five full weeks, a ae tslieeces Firth iy Ne ewspaper Advertising ...lt's Not an Intrusion! Fun begins the moment you board a Cunarder. { IVERNIA SAXONIA Superb food ... faultless service . . . special | Nov. 30 -- from Dec. 14-- from New York) Yuletide parties ss plus all the pleasant e Montreal and Quebec Dec. 15 -- from Halifax to ie ; to Hovre, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool traditions of a Cunard crossing. PAY LATER If YOU Wish soa People really want newspaper advertising and have said so. Surveys usually show well over 80% in favor of newspaper advertising; less than 70% for magazines; and under 40% in favor of advertising on radio andTV, Your advertising's first job is to win a friendly feeling for your product. It stands to reason you will win more friends by running your advertising where most people want it. If you want to sell more people you have to reach them when they are receptive. 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