Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1961, p. 23

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Women's Group Holds Meeting By MRS. LORNE JONES BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- igether for a qui't, to be later jsent to the needy. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Lewis Jones with Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mrs. Percy Jones in charge of the program. The theme was Thanksgiving. Mrs. Percy Jones "Abigail" for her topic. All ladies answered the roll call with an item on Thanks- giving. Two interesting readings were given "Unspeakable Things" by Mrs. Lorne Jones and some of Jane Scott's writ- ae by Mrs. George Pickett. lothing and canned goods are to be brought to the November meeting for the Fred Victor Mission. The Active Service class met at the home of Mrs. Lorne Jones on Wednesday evening. The worship period was led by the president, Mrs. Glen Manderson. Following the hymn and prayer. Mrs. Jack Empring- ham and Mrs. Cecil Disney gave readings on Thanksgiving. It was moved we sponsor the 4-H Club for the term under the leadership of Mrs. D. W- Sanderson. The rest of the evening was spent sewing quilt patches to- chose Reffesh s were served: A number of relatives and friends called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordan on Oct. 13 to honor them on their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Around 50 friends and neigh- bors gathered at the church on Saturday night to honor Miss Annie Mink and her fiancee with a miscellaneous shower prior to their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Jamie- son and Mary Jean and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jamieson attended the opening of the Dunbarton High School. The Busy Bees held their ba- zaar in the church basement on Saturday. The sale of the ar- lticles and collection from the itea were very gratifying. | Mrs: William Harbron, Mr. land Mrs. Les Lloyd were guests at the Mor- gan-Mink wedding on Saturday at Oshawa. Friends are sorry to hear Marilyn Norrish is in the Osh- |awa General Hospital. | David Sanderson returned |home from the hospital on Fri- |day night but has to remain in \bed for some time. Horticulture Group Meets MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO --On Tuesday even- ing a meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society was held in the IOOF Hall. We were hon- ored to have our district re- presentative, Mrs. Stephens and her husband of Harwood, visitors. Mrs. Stephens spoke |brooke, Quebec. | Mrs. Chambers had a sur- prise visit from her two sis- ters and friend, Lakefield, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 4Frenchie De- marrs have moved into the \Bernstein residence and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porter into the east part of the parsonage. Mrs. Hazel Mitchel visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Leona Ghent, lin the hospital in London on aS|Sunday. Mrs. Ghent is suffer-|visited his sisters in Peterbor- ling a broken hip. Harbron and| briefly of the need to brighten) Verdun Lathangue is home up the approaches to .owns and|anq going again after an opera- villages from our highways with|tiqn in Ross Memorial Hospital, flowers and shrubs. She also mentioned the need of plant- ings around Barnum House, the project of the Northumberland Historical Society and suggested 'hat the Horticultural Societies) of the United Counties might be interested in helping to do this A letter of invitation to attend the Christmas meeting of the Lindsav Ruxiliaries Hold Meet BLACKSTOCK -- An excellent representation of most of the auxiliaries of the Eastern Sec- {ton of Oshawa Presbytery WMS |spent a most inspiring and help- ful day in the United Church Thursday. HOLD DANCE The high school students and several somewhat older, had a real night's fun at the Sadie Hawkins Dance in the Recrea- tion Centre Friday night with the following winning prizes: Best dressed "Lil Abner", Ralph Bowers: Best dressed "Daisy Mae", Pat Adams; best dressed couple, Dane Kyte and Donna McLaughlin; Broom dance, Mrs. Neil Werry; Ist lucky spot dance, Carl Gilbank COLUMBUS COLUMBUS -- The Columbus United Church held its 88th An- miversary Services on Sunday. The church was beautifully dec- orated with bouquets of flow- ers. The morning service was well attended. The guest preacher was Reverend C. A. Gowans, Minister Emeritus, College Street United Church. His ser- mon was 'Gospel in a Troubled World." The/special music was sung by the Columbus Choir. Reverend Percy W. Page, Hampton United charge, preach- ed his sermon, 'Scribes, Phari- sees and Rich Men'"' at the eve- ning service. The Four NA Chords Quartet of Oshawa sup- plied the special music. Visi- Thursday. evening. It was de- cided at the meeting that the annual meeting of the Sunday |School be held on Dec. 4 jand also that the Christmas party be held on Dec. 15 at 8.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. John Fiett, Can- dace and Julie spent a few days visiting Mrs. I. Flett. The Four NA Chord Quartet and their wives and the Colum- bus United Church Choir were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Webber following the Anniversary Services on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Hunt and fam- ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Cosway. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Grills and family were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grills'. tors from other congregations were present. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Sacrament of Baptism wili be on Sunday, Oct. 22. Parents desiring to have chil- dren baptized are requested to contact the minister. The Doubles Club of Colum- bus United Church had a very successful bowling party in Osh- awa. A meeting and a lunch followed in the lower hall of Columbus Church. A very pretty wedding was solemnized in Columbus United Church on Saturday when Rob- ert John Lindsay took as _ his pride Miss Eva Joan Cochrane. Reverend R. H.' Love officiated at the ceremony. 2 The Christian Education meet- ing was held in the lower hall of Columbus United Church on'entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hepburn] ence Fice and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown of Kedron on! Sunday. Mrs. Alice Lapp of Woodville and Miss Margaret Webber of Whitby were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Stan Webber. PRINCE ALBERT PRINCE ALBERT The WA members are grateful to all neighboring localities who were represented at the annual tur- =f supper when over 200 were THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 26, 1961 23 seturned from a holiday withjis better after surgery in To- their daughter (Hazel), Mr. nes to Mrs. Smylie, Port Dalhousie) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCrea, and a son, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc-/Brampton, spent Sunday with Crea, Georgetown. jhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cousins with Mr, and Mrs./McCrea. Les. Beacock on Sunday were:| Mr. Ed. Pearce, Toronto, who Mr. and Mrs. I. Anderson and|has returned from an extended Janice, Fenelon Falls. \trip travelling in Russia andthe Mr. and Mrs. B. Jeffs visited|British Isles, visited his cousins, relatives in Sterling over the|Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce. weekend and attended the fu-| tr and Mrs. R. Butson eral of a cousin. attended the birthday gathering Recent guests of Mr. andjof their great granddaughter, Mrs. Fred Pearce included: Mr.|Ilcne Wagg, Oshawa, Saturday A. McKee and Mr. and Mrs. G.|night. Steinhoff, Toronto; Mrs. I. Tay-; wr. and Mrs. W. Roenk and lor, Acton; and Mr. and Mrs.|family, Kedron, were Sunday' Storms, Niagara Falls. visitors with Mr, and Mrs. B, Glad to learn Mr. M. Heayn!Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Robertson, Co- bourg, were Sunday visitors with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, then all had supper at the Grant Hunt- r's Mr. and Mrs. E. McCrae have and Linda Venning; 2nd lucky spot dance, Mr. Harold Kyte and Mrs. Roy Turner; best cor- sage, Carol Rahm; bride and groom, Mrs. Bob Parker and Peter Van Ryswick. Another shower was held in the Recreation Centre Saturday night. This time in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart (nee Jessie McArthur). Neil Bailey was chairman for the program and invited the honored couple to the platform. SUPPER GUESTS | Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Millbrook were Thursday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham. | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hanlan/ and Donna attended the wed- ding of her uncle in Long Branch Saturday and spent the weekend with friends in Streets- ville- Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton and David, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson and family, and Mrs. Roy Drummond, Toronto, were Sun- day supper guests of Roy and Bill Ferguson. 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston }ough and Millbrook Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dugan, |Lochlin, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W: Archer and Mr. Diner. | Mr. and Mrs. Art. Pearce, | CEDAR CREEK CEDAR CREEK -- Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruithof and family have moved to Courtice. They were living in one of the new |Oakville, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells. Miss Casson spent the week- end in Hamilton. Mr. Fred K. Shaw, Toronto, was a Sunday guest of Mr. W N. Campbell. gaTON's Telepho _ at 8:45 om, hone RA 5.7573 5. Oshawa Horticultural Society| houses on the Ozler farm. on Monday, December 4th at} Mr. Charles Parm is homeiyrs. Tennyson Samells, a new 8 p.m. was read. Interested|/from Toronto for a few weeks | granddaughter. members are asked to get in|visit with his son, Sam. | Mrs. Robt, Ford has gone to touch with the president or sec-) Toronto for the winter. Congratulations to Mr. and retary. Mrs. Fairbrother spoke brief-| visitors with George Kilpatrick. ly of the success of the Fall) Flower Show at Orono Fair and! gave out the prizes. | Mr: Cecil Carveth of Newcas- tle showed. movies of local scenes which were much enjoy- ed especially those of Orono citizens of about 30 years ago. Trudy Sallows of Bowmanville then entertained with a medley of selections on piano and har- monica after which Mrs. Sal- lows conducted a sing song which was most enthusiastically entered into. Lunch and a so- cial time concluded a most plea- Mr. and Mrs. Elgin White of |Port Perry were last Sunday Mr. B. Benschop's sister, Mrs. Spec, of Holland, has been visit- ing with his family. The Spencer farm has been sold and Richard and his sister Flossie will be moving to their new home in Port Perry this month. The Spencer family Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lamb, Portage la Prairie, Man., and Mr. Russell Spinks, Oshawa; were Friday guests and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ed. Darcy and Mrs. Ira Argue. Industrials lived on the Ridges since 1906 and ill health has forced Rich- ard to retire. | Eugene Trepanier and son| Raymond, of Toronto, and Mr.| and Mrs, Vinc. Larocque and) David, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- sant meeting. FIRE GUTS ORONO -- Fire recently de- stroyed a house and the upstair contents. The house was owned tor Larocque and family. | Charles and Sam Parm were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Parm and daugh- ters in Oshawa. by Mrs. D. Harness and was lo-| A shower was held at Mrs. cated on the fifth line just west/Roy Blain's home on Wednes- of the Ontario Reforestry,|day evening for Miss Shirley Orono. Mr. and Mrs. M. Adams|Fitze. Shirley and Richard and family were residents in the|Quimet are being married on house at the time of the fire./Saturday. Efforts to stop the fire with) Benschops are building an ad- the aid of portable equipment dition to their barn. The frame- failed but did, however, retard| work is nearly up. the progress of the blaze. Water| had to be pumped from the near-} by stream some 1000 feet distant as the cistern on the property was dry. KEDRON Battle With | Speculatives TORONTO (CP) -- Seasoned industrials and fledgling specu- latives battled with profit-tak- ers and embittered traders in jmoderately heavy trading on jthe Toronto Stock Exchange Wednesday--and lost. ' The industrial index and sev- eral penny mines started out the day on the wrong foot and |maintained the pace despite |brave but vain attempts by sev-| eral issues to lead the pack to} recovery. | Lake Dufault, the 38-cent bit- {player that suddenly became an over-night star, edged closer to }obscurity with a 55-cent drop to Ordinarily 16.95! Save MEN'S LUXURIGUS SPUN RAYON GOWNS MEN'S "ORLON" POLO SHIRTS Much below usual price { @ Luxuriously woven in scft, high-bulk 'Orion'. Polo collar styling with 3-button opening. long sleeves. 7.96! Well tailored in new Ombre grey bockgrounds. Styled. on EATON Special Price, each ... PHONE 725-7373 choose from wine or navy stripes on blacke table lines with three roomy pockets, wrap- ground tie sosh, shawl lapels, medium, large and over size in the group. 3.99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 Ribbed knit at cuffs and waist band Stripes . assure neat, trim fit. @ Easy to wash ond care for. Sizes small, medium, large. @ Colours of Powder, Grey, Beige, Olive, Mustard, Red, Navy. 489 2 for 9.50 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 PHONE 725-7373 full, comfore Sizes small, EATON Special Price, each ... SPORT SHIRTS Much below usual price ! TOP MAKER'S. SPORT SHIRTS Handsomely patterned hand-washable cottons ! @ Good-quality cottons in distinguished ar- ray of checks, neat allover potterns, no- velty designs. @ Generously cut and carefully tailored by © leoding Canadian moker . . . long aes, dashing "Perma-stay"' sports col- or @ Buy now and save on these good quality rayon shirts Sport collor feotures "Perme-Stays" for nest appeorance ; 2 breost pockets with flops end long sleeves Distinctive checks in blues, greys ond wines, Medium, large and extra large @ New-season shades of blue, grey, gold- colour, green ond brown included. EATON Special @ Sizes small, large EATON Special Price, each medium, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 PHONE 725-7373 large and extra Price, each ..... 2 for 5.00 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 PHONE 725-7373 /$4.80 on a volume of 88,181 shares as rumors flew concern- ing the Quebec - based Norbec KEDRON On Thursday night a colorful fly-up cere- mony was held at the home of|,. - items as a deep. freeze. All fur.) Mrs. = Py he Pinecrest t'el4 copper prospect's next as- nishings and clothing in the up-|road, at the regular meeting of : stairs were destroyed -by the|the 20th Guide Company. Pct --s aon with al fire. _ The Guides opened their meet of gg te ol gts Mr. and Mrs: Adams and fam-jing in the usual way. Three |i, + the hol toy abe ily are residing with relatives|girls who had completed their 7° i. ee ite Lake re A in Orono until 'heir new home|tenderfoot training were SOrSll-| esate wade cliverioas Abitibi With the aid of local residents; the furnishings in the downstairs) were saved including major Wide choice of "Coro" Fashion Jewellery Boxed for gift-giving ! Exciting group . . . pins, earrings, necklets, bracelets, . . . Sparkling, glowing . . . tailored and stone-set de- signs, in metal the colour. of gold or metal the colour of silver. 'Delicate little pieces for so many occasions, . . . day and evening costume accents. Only a few illustrated . . . many more to choose from! For your- self . . . for a lovely gift! EACH OR PAIR "'Resilacrete" Concrete Hardener pus Long Handled Applier SEE THE DEMONSTRATIONS IN OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27th AND ALL DAY SATURDAY EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 is completed on the Countiesjed in the company -- Ann) road west of Orono. Glover, Gail Craig and Rose- The fire is believed to have|many Greer. son sang a solo part. started in the chimney. Mrs. Patte, Captain of the! Some of the children from --_--_--______."--|20th Company, announced that| Maxwell Heights School will be Bonnie Dale had just been collecting for UNICEF when Tree Growers made Patrol Leader. they come calling on Hallowe'en Second year stars were pre-| Night. They would appreciate it ® sented to Janice Parfitt, Linda|if their friends would lay in a) Busy Again Hopkins, Sharon Yourth and supply of small change this Beth Sharp. year. Even one penny counts PONTYPOOL -- The Christ-| Third Year stars were re-|in this work where five cents) mas tree growers are getting|Cceived by Bonnie Dale, Barbara|will provide 25 glasses of milk busy now. Some are tagging Rose, Joan Kolynko, Maryjin Chile, or protect five chil- trees and some are starting to|Kolynko and Marie Maidman. |dren from TB in India, or cure cut and bale this week. It makes| Mrs. Patte said that Marie|one child of the yaws in Nigeria. | one think how near to Christ-/Maidman had been chosen to| The children will carry spe- mas when you see the funnels|Tepresent the 20th Company at/|cial UNICEF collection boxes. _ and cutting equipment on the|the reception for Lady Baden| Miss Mary Angus was a move. 'Powell, but that unfortunately|weekend visitor with her aunt, Elgin Budd, Simcoe, and Mr. the visit had been cancelled for|Mrs. Murray Mountjoy, and at- Hinkle, Buffalo are each here|the time being. |tended the christening of small starting their Christmas tree) The Brownies opened their|Margo Lynn. harvest. part of the ~meeting in the Several local couples are en- Congratulations to George) Usual way, and during the fly-up |Joying Dr. Fulton's evenings Van Dam, Jake Van Dam and) ceremony, each of the five /of square dancing this fall.. Mr. | Sandy Van Dam on the high| Golden Hand Brownies had her|and Mrs. Ronald Lambert, Mr. | quality of their tobacco shown| Brownie wings pinned on by her| and Mrs. Stanley Ogle, Mr. and/ at the Simcoe Fair. They are|mother; Anne Bishop's, by|Mrs. Ted Maidman and Mr.| some of the largest growers in| MTS. R. S. Bishop; Janice Hill's,and Mrs. Frank Taylor are! this district by Mrs. C. Hill; Brenda Hop-|among those who attend regu-| kins', by Mrs. Cliff Hopkins; | larly. Janetville and Pontypool) 17.5, ; . garet Maidman's, \by Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Harold We a eee Sana Ted Maidman, and Cathy|this week are holding a family carrying off the honors in the O'Connell's by Mrs. C. J. O'Con-/gathering to honor Miss Mary) ball games. ; Phoenix, of Greenbank, who is) A eeenitian ia the LL The Brownies entertained|to be married in November. Hall Friday night in honor with several songs, and after a| Mrs. D. E. Knowles, of Dun- of Mr. and Mrs. Armond (Fren- period of singing and games.|das, has been spending a few ie) DeM The: ane ute lunch was served by several/days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry chie) DeMars. Ad F Guides who were trying for|Rose and family. j sented with a was! a machine |their Hostess Badges. "Dinner pussté of My. and some money also. On Sunday morning a bap-|Mrs. Ronald Lambert on Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe|tismal service was held at the|day evening were Miss Joa n| and abrasion, dries quickly. Coverage: one gallon, about 400 and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hard-|regular church service of Ked-|Lambert, of Deep River, Mrs.| square feet. Colours: Re i ing. Toronto, spent the weekend/ron United Church. The infants|M. McArthur and Mr. C. W.| ; "Clear, Medium Grey. EATON a 5 o e To end dusty concrete--indoors or out Applied to cement, "Resilacrete" soaks into pores -- acting as a 'snd binder, holding concrete particles firmly together. Resists wear in the village. |presented for baptism were Val-|Lambert, of Oshawa. } Green, Honey clear, Medium Grey. EATON Mr. and Mrs. George Loshaw,/erie Dawn Hughes, daughter of| This past week Mr. and Mrs.| i i i i Sterling, visited her parents,)Mr.«and Mrs. Peter Hughes,|Derek Barnett enjoyed a short! Special Price, 1 gal. Resilacrete plus Applier. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk, on/and Margo Lynn Mountjoy,|vacation touring the Midland | Sunday. , John Bradley, Sarnia, visited 'the Richardsons on Sunday af-! ternoom en his way td™Sher-! |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Mountjoy. ' The choir sang a choral num- ber in which Mrs. Donald Gib- larea. : | Mr. Austin Hicks had been a patient in Oshawa General Hos- {pital this week. | Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9

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