ee ee ee ee ~~eeetebne eeonee ee ee ee ee ee 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, October 26, 1961 BIRTHS DUDLEY -- Ray ogy Edna Frances corey a are happy to announce the birth of their son, John David, on Fri- day, October 2 1961 at the Hospital Bloomington, Indiana U.S.A. rong 'f are Mr. and Mrs. C. H. ley, Courtice. BOWE -- Mr. a page Joe ge (mee Fern) are to announce th: arrival of thelr Po gg Ronald, a October 24, 1961 at the Oshawa A -- for Joey. Thanks to Dr. Morris and Dr. Stanley and nurse, Betty Baker. Ab GAWDON -- Ross and Deanna (nee @trowger) are very happy to announce] A! the arrival of their son, Michael pre 7 Ibs. 4 ozs., on Wednesd: 1961, at A little brother for Sherri Mr, and Mrs. L. Smart are happy to announce the birth of a gon on Wednesday, October 25, 1961, both Thanks Dr. W. G. Y¥, Grant and Oshawa General Hospital. A GAPPY occasion -- The birth child. To tell the good news to Friends and -- -.. The Oshawa Times is as The day of birt, 8 '723.3492. The ra' ta only' $150. DEATHS BROWN, Francis David (Pete) 25, 1961, Francis David (Pete) Brown, beloved husband of Marjorie frene Flintoff, in his 5ist year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Friday, October 27 at 2 p.m. ment Oshawa Union Cemetery. HANCOCK, Katharine L. Entered into rest in Sunnybrae Nui ing Home, East Whitby, on Thursday, October 26, 1961, Katharine L. Beath, beloved wife of Leslie L. B. Hancock and mother of Robert of Toronto, Mark of Darlington and Frank of East Whit- by, in her 78th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral. Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Saturday, October 28 at 2.00 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. SPENCER, Charles B. At the Oshawa General jay, Oct. 25,/ A) the Oshawa General Hospital, .|Aut Fab B Inter- € nic Ind Gas TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. 26 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, rights, xw--Ex-warrants. from previous day's close.) INDUSTRIALS oo Stock Abitibi Sales 375 275 250 700 350 100 275 34034 AltGas B pr a site 106% AltaGas w 15 Alg Cen 00 Algoma 770 Algonquin 100 289 Alumini Analog 100 Ang Plp pr 50 3 of} Argu: 'gus A St Wire e 1100 Atlas Steel 45 S$: 250 55 oh Bank Mont Bank NS Beatty A Bell Phone tet Bowater pr 175 Bow 5% pr 210 Brazil i200 3 Cdn Celan C Cel 175p Chem C Chem w C Collieries C Colli pr Cc Curt W CGas In w C Husky C Husky w 50 450 50 400 250 900 736 1750 40 20 100 $8% om 8% -- %& xr-- X- Net change is 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge we +% &jInd Accep n 831 ll Net Btock Bales C Imp Bk C 350 Cdn Oi 55 CPR Cdn Tire C Vickers $69 --% $33% $25% $544 $19% 68% 69 33% 25% Mu % 225 19% Bldg wt 260 Con Gas 760 Corby vt 200 Coronation Crush Int ist Seag D Bridge D Dairies D Fndry Dom Store Dom Tar Dom Tar pr 225 Dom Text 7250 Eddy 250 Fam Play 240 Fanny F 100 Fed Farms 1912 Fndtn 100 Fraser 375 236 5% + 12% + 27 30 + 50% + 12% 184--% % 100 GN Gas B w 400 Gr Weg G 225 Hardee H Dauch Horne Pf H Smith pr Imp Life Imp Oil Imp Tob Int Util pr Inv Syn A Jefferson Kelly . wts Lafarge w Lakeland 500 LOnt Cem 325 |Laur Fin A 260 LobCo A n 900 LobCo A w n 300 LobCo B n 100 25 $44 100 $146 2250 $47% 240 $1444 M4 14% 50 pict 45% 70 5214 200 4 3u5, 400 52% esd) +5 3 335, --5 23% 23% -- %) 10% 10% -- %/ 495 +5 11% + %) 100 100 100 18 11% 314% + % 3 --5 17% 17%. + % 10% -- %| ws +1 Inland G pr LobCo B n LobG 1 pr Locana 300 MB PR 1106 M Leaf Mill 4 $173 Mass-F Mass-F 5% Met Stires Mid-West 0 $108" 260 $8% 600 195 4 190 195" +5 High Low a.m. Ch'ge M| | any -- 14! R) +%] tl Net Sales: High Low a.m. Ch'ge 500 250 225 25 2985 1250 Stock MEPC 500 250 125 250 1437 25 600 Overland p Page-Hers Pembina pr Pres Elect Roe AV C Roe AV pr Rothman Royal Bank 510 4 | Royalite 4\StL Cem A Salada-S Salada wits |Seven Arts | Shawi in Somville pr zl0 $524 524% 52% Stafford 100 450 450 450 |Stedman mn 225 16% 16% Steel Cin 465 hm% B+ & 7 ®t 14% 14% | Steinbg A 50 574 S74A--% 6 66 % jSuptest ord - |Tor-Dom Bk a iT Fin A 140 |Tr Can PL 16045 |Trans-Mt 1170 |Un Gas 520 210 4 120 400 255 610 z45 oH z19 30 145 75 55% 554+ % 16% 146%4--% 32% 32% a8 ag 16% 1% no 710 «(710 $33% 33% 334-- % $42% $26 Wdawd A wo --15 | Curb | Asbestos > Paper | Dupont 125 2 6 |Lob Ine 25 $13% 13% 13% \Mo Paper 59 $28 2 2 |Ogilvie pr 30$140 140 140 |Price Br 132 $51% 51% 51% \Zeller's 25 $354 35% 35% OILS 1250 1000 300 1000 200 500 31% -- | ¥ 7 7 7 Am Leduc | Anchor |Asamera Bailey S A Cal Ed |C Ol Las C Ex Gas 1700 Cent Del 1742 H 100 100 100 740 735 735 $17% 17% 9 9 145 (143° «145 615 610 610 or Wednesday, October 25, 1961 Charles Byron Spencer (of 505 Byron Street South, Whitby), beloved husband of Laella A. Lynde dear father of Mrs. H. Richardson (Mary) of Pickering, Mrs. G. White (Leona), Mrs. H. Law (Wilda), Ross and William of Whitby, Jack of Port Credit and Douglas of} Searboro, and brother of Frank of Osh- awa, in his 74th year. Resting at the/ W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on 'Saturday, | October 28, at 2:30 p.m. Groveside Cemetery Brooklin. Minister | the Rev. J. Smith. GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL h Kindness beyond price | yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued frum Page 21) |32--Articles for Sale "HORSEPOWER boiler with I Fireman stoker, Excellent condition. Boiler retubed. Only two years old. Reasonably priced, Apply Curvply |Wood Products, Orono. [3 '32--Articles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale |ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. RADIATOR, excellent condition, suit- able for smal] room, $6 for quick sale, |262 Bruce Street, 723-7776 evenings. MUSKRAT lady's fur coat, modern styl- ing size 18, as new. Original price $250. | | 725-0684 for further information. |BOAT with controls paddles, windshield, life jackets, 56 22 hi and trailer, MO 8-5156 noon to . ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, |y; Remington, Schick, Philashave, Ron- son ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock. Tights. | LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasion: , 5 King Street West. cash registers, add- ers, sales, service, new, used. Bil) Ham OSHAWA SHOPPING ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 FILTER Queen Sales and. Service, lib- TWO pair eral trade-in allowance. stration, Telephone 728-4683. i Free demon- 16° BOAT for sale, plywood, cabin type. |723-9513 ible for quick sale. Telephone |< GIDEON Bible: me- 655-3859, are morial. For placement = funeral director or phone 725-2327. HOT air furnace able. Telephone 725-5132 for further in- fi ; with stoker, reason-| IN MEMORIAM BURK -- In loving memory of our Gear father, Claude Burk, who passed| away suddenly October 26, 1956. We little knew when we'woke that) morn The so: sorrow the day would bring; size 5. 728-8629 for particulars. 2 HAND made quilts, bed size; also embroidery work. Would -piece winter coat s , red | In good condition. Telephone PAIRS livingroom drapes, white background; table lamp; portable tran- in sistor radio; lady's grey winter coat, fits seven and eight. Telephone 728-2038, jsize 16. MO 8-8028. » etib and double For the call was sudden, the shock |De, nice for Christmas gifts. Telephone . '25-6935. Te pi part with one we loved so dear. --Sadly missed and ever remembered) by his daughters Pam and Jean and| eons George and Bob and families. BURK -- In loving memory of my/ Gear husband Claude H. Burk, who! passed away suddenly October 26, 1956.|P Gone dear husband, gone forever, How I miss your smiling face; |LARGE stone foundation of old barn for sale, field stone and split stone, |Telephone for details 723-9290. HOCKEY equipment, boys 12 to 14 jyears; Majestic three-speed road bi- jeycle. Apply 138 Nassau or 723-4344. PIANO, Mason and Risch, good condi- tion, will sell reasonably. Can be seen) at 1249 Wecker Drive, or 725-9817. But you left me to None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, | But death has left a loneliness | The world can never fill. | a remembered by your wife Ber- ce. THORNDYKE -- In loving oe of a dear father and gr | TENTS, tarpaull camp p cots, ground sheets, rentals, awa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. WINE recipes of 15 for $1.00. vend money order to "Recipes", PO Box 265,/) jWritby, Ontario. |BUYING or disposing of used furniture, | jappliances, ete Call experience co) 3 Elmer, 30 years' -22: sell -- who passed away Oct s 4 His memory is a_ keepsake, | With which we'll never part, God has him in His keeping We have him in our hearts. --Sadly missed and é¢ver remembere: by daughter Evelyn, son-in-law Bill and | - grandchildren, Wayne, Karen, Paul and} Jane. CARD OF THANKS WE pay highe: used furniture, Pretty' Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South |Goop selection of reconditioned TV's jat reasonable prices. Parkwav Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your) color 1 TV store. TELEVISION General Electric com. jpletely overhauled $69. Phillips 21" console, $99. All sets guaranteed, Meag- hers, 5 King Street West. TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- ime standards at low prices. Bill Ham- on, Ashburn, Brooklin. BRUCE -- I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to all my relatives, friends and neighbors, also the Royal Canadian) Legion Ladies Auxiliaries, King Street} School, Duplicate Bridge Club, whore flowers, cards, visits and gifts made my recent stay in Hospita] more plea sant. 1 would also like to thank D: Russell, and Dr. Cuddy for their excel-| lent care, as well as all the nurses ok staff of the Oshawa General Hos- pita! --Mrs. Alfred Bruc NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Distillers Corporation - Sea- grams Ltd., year ended July 31: 1961, $30,944,406, $3.53 a share; 1960, $28,367,102, $3.23. Melchers Distilleries Ltd., year ended Aug. 31: 1961 $128,- 596; 1960, $42,563. Sherritt Gordon Mines Ltd., 3 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $1,016,000, 8.9 cents a share; 1960, $1,130,000, 10 cents; 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1961, $2,622,- 000, 32-1 cents; 1960, $3,235,000, 28. DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Corby H. Distillery Ltd., vot- ing 50 cents, non - voting B50 cents, Dec. 1, record Nov. 9. Imperial Flo - Glaze Paints Léd., common 3714 cents plus 10 cents bonus, Dec. 1, record Nov. vy. Northern Quebec Power Com- Ltd., common 45 cents, an. 25, 1962, record Dec. 31; first pfd. 69 cents, Dec. 15, re- cord Nov. 25. Rolland Paper Company Ltd., Class A five cents, Dec. 1, rec- ord Nov. 15. G. H. Wood and Company IAd., 5% per cent pfd. $1.3714, Dec. 1, record Nov. 15. poENacEs: forced air, ten year guar jantee. $2.25 per week, no down pry |ment. Package deal $130. Telephone | 725-4729. PIANO upright, in good condition, no |reasonable offer refused Can be seen 200 St. Lawrence, Whitby. ED parts and repairs "for all makes $5 wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- rs and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- jton, CO 3-2241. ZIG ZAG sewing macibne, sew: ward and reverse, makes buttonholes, does decorative stitches, rie¢ina) price $179. Can be had for halance owing, $47.00 cash of seven payments of $7 Write 1 Box 428 Oshawa Times B, F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- jteries, Kelvinator refrigerators. | vision Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543 STOVE. Frigidaire Imperial, 40" in exce'! lent condition. Apply Boulevard after 5. | 8, canvas. Prompt « free estimates. Chair table Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, G furniture? We'll suv it. Re- retell TV's, washers, o'anos, stoves, etc. For top cash ffer ~ontart 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. KBS 11 International, fifth wheel and saddle tanks, 13' platform and tail-gate loader, Galion grader for parts, model 103, serial MD12400, Telephone 725-7631. MOVING to U.S.A., 2-piece chesterfield suite, burnt orange, bedroom suite double bed, dresser, chest, night tables, like ne o TV console, sewing ma- chine, Ri R mable. Phone 726- 5787, T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, al' galyan- ized, guaranteed } year. TRIO TELEVISION __171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 DON'T WAIT! THESE ARE. REAL BUYS PRIVATE SALE Chesterfield & Chair, New Chrome Set, (2 months old) Frigidaire, large size, $75.00 Natural finish Walnut Bed- room Suite (2 months old $95.00 service, rentals. $30.00 $40.00 rovincial Pipe Line Co.,/ 70 ce extra 40 cents, Dec.| 1, record Nov. 10. | jing of china cabinet, th r | Used Furniture} tele- | wide, | 17 Me-| |SPACE heater, good condition, with 50 Interment | No. 1 quality. Measurements, seenven | Eales tank and copper pipe, $30. Tele- 7743. |phon sure. | 59 Mi ing machine, just been put in A-1 continta; locomotive type. |Telephone 728-0122, j |STEAM Jenny for sale. Call A, Ber-| \trand RR No. 1 Port Perry, telephone |985-7596 for full particulars. 'G paper on sale, | white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and #0) save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 Circulation Department. Oshawa Times VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. |parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason-jice, 728-0591 anytime. able, good condition. Apply 763 Ritson Road. South. TYPEWRITERS, TENTS, camp cots, s sleeping bags, jan- terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town Dominion Tire Store 48 Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms to suit you. floor length drapes, 10 panels, grey mosaic, excellent condi- tion, $35. Grey rug, 9 x 16'. Telephone ) b ECE walnut dining room suite. All pieces in excellent condi tion. Suitable for apartment or small jouse. Telephone 723-3276, OLID oak dining room suite, consist: buffet, table and oe aay i good condition. Telephone BABY "carriage, blue and white, makes into car bed, also girl's winter coat, THOR washing machine, good condi- tion. Telephone 725-0850. BUY YOUR FURNITURE | DISCOUNT PRICES ! | Baron's Home Furnishings 424 SIMCOE ST. S. Good Reconditioned REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North |___ AJAX _-- WH 2.6410 | FALL SPECIAL | COMBINATION ALUMINUM | DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Colonial Aluminum Sales Co OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-4614 LATEST MODERN DES'GNS In living room drapery ma- terials -- 79c a yard and up. Bedroom drapery in satins and rayons ... 1.40 and up. Kitchen drapery materials. 69c¢ up Drapes. made to order by ex- perts at nominal cost. Also a selection of ready - made drapes at discount prices. | { IM & C DRYGOODS | 74 Celina Street 723-7827 XXXXKKKHK AXAKKKKK A XAKAKKKAKKK xx NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? BUY' EM WITHA LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED * RRR * x OOO KKK KKK x x es xX xxxxx LOAN THE BANK OF Lomps, Children's Furniture, Aqugrium, etc 728-7132 After 6 p.m. NOVA SCOTIA . letter size, ms -| wood, PAINT, interior, exterior. Bargain tenance All colors, guaranteed, fiat, gloss, Oshawa ge hed and Electric, 8 Church Street, } in excellent con- | dition. C 7144, 30-30 RIFLE, Savage, , used two sea- sons, Good condition. Telephone 728- \0717. LADY'S black cloth coat, size 20, near- new with mink collar, Telephone 500 after 4.30, DAIRE range, large size, and | refrigerator, across top freezer, both fully automatic, excellent condition, what not, all wave antenna bi 25-0851 THREE-PIECE bath fixtures, pink new, china cabinet, oil space heater, washer, desk, cream separator, chain |saw, paint sprayer, sewing machine, stove length, many 'other ar- Call CO 3-2068, you'LL pay less | for furniture and ap- pliances at Woe Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873. Call us for wash- er, range and radio repairs. REMINGTON 30-06 pump, has not fired one box of shells, Phone Blackstock 986-4769 evenings, 5 to 5.30. RADIO, console, with 3-speed changer; TV, table model, good condition, Tele- phone 728-4155 after 5 o'clock for par- ticulars. pe ONY % ONE Coca Cola pop cooler, almost new, ticles. 0 $190. Telephone 723-9448 or WH 2-0084. | GIRL'S winter coat, size 127, $10, ular $29; good condition. Telephone 725-9218, USED storm windows, "various sizes, in good condition; also combination doors. Telephone 723-7606. |34--Lost & Found |BIFOCA gentlema grey fram lost at Armories Friday evening. | \P _telephone 725-7464. |LOST: black onyx Ting with initial D, lin the Marks Theatre on Friday. Re-| lward offered for return. 'Telephone | | 723-7558. |35--Legal NOTICE THE VOTER'S LIST ACT Section 12 Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List VOTERS' LIST 1961 of the Township of EAST WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO: Notice is hereby given thot 1 have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that. | have posted up in my Office, at Columbus, on the 26th day of October 1961, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at Municipal Elec- tions and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And | hereby call on all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omis- sions or errors corrected according to law. The last day for appeals being the 9th day of November 1961. DATED this 26th day of October, 1961. bgt --E FARNCOMB, CLERK, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY, _ COLUMBUS, ONTARIO, __ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF All persons having claims against the Estate of Sydney David Ballard, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of September, A.D. 1961, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administrator on or before the 15th day of Noy- ember, A.D. 1961, full par- ticulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said 15th day of November, 1961, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned Solici- tors for the Adminstrator shall. then. have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 24th doy of October, A.D. 1961, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Box 338, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for John Edwin Harris, Adminstrator with Will annexed, green wool, chamois lining iH B 42% 42% -- % a cy Ale il Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 239 289 29 --1 210 210 210 --5 $12% 12% 12% 277 276 276 --4 30 M0 340 Btock C Mie Mac C West P Dome Pete Fargo Fr Pete pr Hime A oi @ Jupiter e: ol Bales 500 200 200 300 200 Btock Grandriy Granduc Gulch Gunnar Headway Heath High-Bell Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel Jacobus Joliet Kerr Add L Dufault Lake Ling Latin Am LL Lac Lorado Lorado wt Lyndhst Macassa MacLeod Madsen Malartic Maritime 970 95 95 --S $15% 15% 14+ % 300 295 295 --t1! 1 #16 «(16 3 23 23 53° 5353 30 30 0 $10%. 10% 10% 43 41% 42 =~ Okalta Nor-Acme Nrthgate N Rank North Can O'Brien O'Leary Opemiska Orchan Orenada Osisko Paramaq Patino $i2% 12% 12% 7% Bigg - 26 : it Cent Pore Cheskirk Tio Algom Rockwin Ryanor San Ant Sherritt Silvrmaq Siscoe Stee, R Sullivan Sunburst Taurean Teck-H Tombill Tormont 4|Un Keno -- %|Upp Can Ventures Waite Am W Surf I Willroy Wiltsey Yk Bear Zalapa C Misher Con Negus. Cons Que anda Courvan Cowich Croinor D'Aragon Deer Horn D'Eldona Denison gy Bast" Sull Falcin Geeo Mines Ciant YK Glenn Uran 2000 Goldale 11000 12 + 34% 34% 34% 130 130 130 + 5 13 $11% 4% 24 1% 4% i High Low Close Ch'ge 21 320 6 865 46 4 275 500 600 325 6820 8000 2500 a $5508 rH 34130 «(13 00 325 107 237 85 98 700 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings {1 Net 21 320 .6 860 6 4 21 320 6 850 46 4 -1 272 «275 «(4 2% 26% 51% 51% 49 -- 50% 25 $12 140 N Mylama 3000 500 80 2000 N Coldstrm 625 10500 2500 100 500 500 600 1000 1000 1500 11009 1050 3110 2000 8400 3000 645, 165 5 56 13 2500 722 3000 1000 30 Ye $11% 11% 1% 172 $60! 560 635 165 5 56 % 13 570 170 Ye 60 560 170 69 560 +% 6464 {i 4% a + ---% 15% 15% 15% +2 138 137 138 « 2800 4250 500 Sales to 11 a.m.: 19 107 Faith 18 105 34 m.: 678) 000. 18 06 x" --1 --3 -1 Commit Crysdale On Four TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto sports broadcaster Joe Crys- dale was committed Wednes- day for trial on four charges of possessing stolen goods. Magistrate James Butler set bail at $1,000. The committal came as a two - day preliminary hearing ended with the testimony of a detective who told the court he went to Crysdale's home in sub- urban Scarborough with four other officers and a truck early in August. Det. Ronald Cowan recalled he produced a search warrant and told Crysdale they were looking for a portable television set, chesterfield and dining room suite believed to have been sold by Michael Young, a former warehouseman now serving two years for theft and fraud. The detective said Det. - Sgt. John Fallis asked Crysdale: "What about this stuff, Joe. How did you come to get it?" He said Crysdale replied: "T've known Mike for years. There was nothing wrong with the stuff. I understand he is a truck driver for a furniture fac- tory or something. BOUGHT OTHER GOODS "I bought some small stuff from him nearly two years ago and nothing happened. This is not stolen. He told me he had| some stu'f left over after a de-| livery, and what the hell, a bar- gain is a bargain- "I thought it was all right. So when he called me on this chesterfield I figured it was all right. I don't know what to say." The detective said a living room suite and the television set were removed from the Crys- dale home at the time. Earlier, Alan Hutley, 24, now serving six months definite and three months indefinite for third, told the court he went along with Young's scheme "'for kicks." He testified he and Young Charges took a rented panel truck filled with furniture to Crysdale's house. He said his share of the proceeds was $5. Asked whether he knew the scheme was dis- honest, he replied: "Yes, I knew it was.' Young testified Tuesday that| he had sold Crysdale for a frac-| tion of its value more than) $5,000 worth of furniture stolen from the warehouse of Modern- age Furniture Company while he was the store's head shipper. Unity Need Cited For Negotiation ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Hydro commissions should present a united front in wage negotia- tions, W. Ross Strike, chairman of the Ontario Hydro - Electric Power Commission, said Wed- nesday. Mr. Strike, addressing the an- nual fall conference of District 7 of the Ontario Municipal Elec- trie Association, said the com- missions are "just being whip- lashed over a barrel at the mo- ment." He said that while fairness to both employee and consumer is} essential, "any contribution we| ean make to keeping labor rates fair and Hydro rates down will be a major contribution in keeping our industry out of the doldrums." Earlier, Stewart Wilson, OMEA president, noted that OHEPC is having difficulty, ne- gotiating a contract with its emp!oyees. Mr. Wilson said Ontario Hy- dro is trying to curtail costs and he hoped labor unions '"'will not take advantage of the sit- uation and scuttle our efforts by forcing our local commissions to Doctor Sued For $50,000 By Patient TORONTO (CP)--A suburban Scarborough doctor being sued for $50,000 by a patient who lost the use of her right arm after receiving an intravenous injec- tion was accused Wednesday of taking a risk so he could get away to attend to his practice. F. A. Brewin, representing Mrs, Audrey Lavoie, 39, of sub- urban Leaside, said Dr. John Wiseman was faced with no emergency when he gave the woman an injection of sparine in 1958 and he had no need to take the risk in administering the calming agent intraven- ously. Mr. Brewin argued that Dr. Wiseman was aware of the risk common to al! intravenous in- jections and it was probable that Mrs. Lavoie moved slightly while the drug was being in- jected. He said Dr. Wiseman did not call anyone to hold Mrs. Lavoie's arm. D. K. Laidlaw, counsel for Dr. Wiseman, said intravenous ther- apy is well recognized and has been used by doctors hundreds of times. Mr. Laidlaw said the intra- venous administration of sparine would have been indi- cated if a rapid result were de- sired The case continues. Canada Bond Sales Total $162,500,000 OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of this year's Canada savings bonds totalled $162,500,000 in the first 11 days the issue was available for delivery, Finance Minister Fleming said Wednesday. This was an increase of 8,800,- 000 or 5.7. per cent from sales in the corresponding period of the 1960 campaign- Sales under payroll savings plan accounted for $121,600,000 of the total, with 368,000 appli- increase power rates." cations, he said in a statement, | | | } SYDNEY DAVID BALLARD ing; tion; inlay . . measures 30" x 42" x 54" NO MONEY DOWN Terms To Suit Your Budget Special features include Arborite inlay table-top with matching Arborite skirt- double-laminated table construo- tailor-sewn box-seats upholstered in a heavy, no-scuff Vinyl and cushioned with soft foam. Chrome Suite has Char- coal-and-Grey table-top. with woodgrain . Bronze Suite has Walnut table- top with simulated Marble inlay. Table 7-PCE. SUITE Has huge "Banquet-size"' 48" x 60", and 6 chairs. Reg. 159.95. toble, 36" x Not only BIG DISCOUNTS but FREE DELIVERY--MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and "AFTER SALE" SERVICE thats what Yolles shoppers expect and get! °40 OFF! 5-Pce. Deluxe Arborite Inlay Suite In Your Choice of Chrome or Bronze 5-PCE, SUITE Reg. 114.95 FURNITURE FURNITURE "REG. 249.95 189° Only 12.75 Monthly - Covers are of with matching $60 Off 100% Nylon Foam Suite long-wearing Nylon Frieze . . foam, and are reversible. Other features include no-sag spring construction, self-covered decks, and Walnut-finish legs with Brass ferrules. Your choice of Turquoise, Beige, Ivory, Chocolate Brown, Rose Beige, Green or Red. A Davenport model which converts to a full-size double bed is also available. Both models come complete chair. . cushions are of soft OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TELEPHONE 725-3519 Open Daily 9:30 to 6 Friday 'til 9. Closes Wednesday at 1 p.m. hn le As alin este nn et ein