Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1961, p. 20

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20 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Gctober 26, 1961 #5] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== Seturdey 8 to 1 Hunti 16--Female Help Wanted |24--H for Rent [2 ' | CLassiriep Ap Rates |----Huntins | 'emale Help Wanted | evans Ser fen |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | |DEER hunting, housekeepsng cottages, | MATURE woman to live in and care|FOUR-ROOM house with bath, very cen-| THREE-ROOM upper 2 : 25 words or tess |/$20 - $50 per week, guide extra, iodge|for school age girl and do light house-|tral. Apply 112 William West after four. | wiring, private battraste toe pov Cash Chargé |/accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook/keeping in exchange for room and| |boards, heat, water, TV outlet i. q | 3 CONSECUTIVE good, Duck hunting season now open,|board and small remuneration. Tele-|$40 MONTHLY -- five-room house in dry facilities, varking. Phone 7: li INSERTIONS 2.25 248 same rates apply. Contact Bob Wed-jphone 728-3433 after 6. Raglan area. hot and cold weter. Im-/after 5, 728-8796 % den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp. i i 655-3984. 6 Soe aca ane PART TIME saleslady, to show beau- Nt . . a UP, parking, bi |! not paid within 7 days the |/and dog permits. Dominion Tire Store,|everything, no investment necessary. |house, tiled bath, garage, $23 weekly,|washery Qa hing:, proadioom, 4 | | . 4 in |3-3247, Bowmanville. ' Personal Service | Above rates apply ortly to original enjoy meeting people and can put in/%3247, | doen DEEN RO bat on Mb Accountants |Dressmaking |Lewn Mowers | orders for consecutive insertions. || 9--Summer Properties 10 hours per week evenings and Satur-/THREE rooms and bath, with siove|#i0 MONTHLY ana up, modern one or Te Means ane | FURRIER | WE SHARPEN AND RENT [30 days. Home rentals for _ipratory | later date constitute @ new original for Sole or Rent for _an interview. apartment building block, central, 725-|ment buildings, all -onveatences, beau. and Co. Accountants an: fri R | |belts. Barrel massagers. Slim-Rite |] order COTTAGE -- winterized, Oshawa-on-/MOTHERLESS Dutch family with six|4277 or 725-3911, ti fully decorated, centrally located, 728 « ; B. L. Yale,| ie n i rey Sy nary East, ong si CPA. land DRESSMAKE | GIVE US A CALL... | CAN. CORP. AUX $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. |itenants, Immediate occupancy. 66 Thom quires housekeeper for general duties./Qshawa, one mile north of No, 2 High-|FURNISHED apartment: single New, Alterations Rem ing 1 | 5 i ; 'ach additiona Repl ; month, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper required] qoUSE 7, ae ag ttl; Parking Reasonable, Apply 96 fied Public Accountants, 172 S T A N S UNIT 42 |} _ Each" initio! tetter abbreviotion, | 11--Articles for Rent for automobile dealership, some typing! Rosedale Dive x Whitby, Pon on 346 /Centre Street. building b 4 BURROWS, Chartered werd. Box charge !S¢ additionol. 303. 113, Telephone _Pickerii TEmple |¥¢#" Old, $87 monthly, modern two-bede ' Accountants, 344 Simcoe Sireet South, | 728-6706 | 723-3224 : Ali Classified Advertisements | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT |91763. sss mple|room, five rooms, free washer, dryers Oshawa, Ronald F. D, Wilson, CA, For Banquets, Weddings, ete, must bé-in by 5 p.m. the day be FOR RENT OR FOr SALE |17--Male Help Wanted pana iooser wie -- [pores 728-3377, j aa -- - 4 HREE- and four-room aparim | : jon rolling 100 acre farm, north of city, partments tm H. E. DEWAR and | MS, &. OEY 725.2099 cm es auased ane' Sem an conan aca'. |mmaniien tr aa ed Te ie eearias SOE lier, ballin eapebartny ea m., i y t ' ure an » all city conveniences to 3 ing company located in Ajax. Good em-/ arking. ¥ tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2221 nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele-\worthwhile purpose, lowest rates. fast Rendine, So tae ane Paine ond. CCmodes crutches « ond ployee benefits etc. Reply to Box 448,|"esPonsible couple only. Telephone HU, |2&?*ins. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne ae | we ht : ronto, refrigerator, ideal for couple, Auto Parts coe Street South, 728-6283. REGULATIONS-- and slenderizing machines, |GARETAKER for small apartment ax ROOW Daa Gausatca aun ine block. Very central, Tacs The Oshawa Times will not be |i Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, | house. Write to Box 449, Oshawa Times, |S!X- rick veneer bungalow 725-4277 or 725-3911, j ----|ONE or two bed: HUNTING LICENCES, Deer, resident,|tiful china by appointment. We supply|SIMCOE NORTH district, five - room rooms, $89 per month Charge rate will apply. 48 Bond Street West. Excellent earnings. If you have a car, /"€@F school and hospital. Suit four. MA 1 r | OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in|! Subsequent insertions ordered at o days write Box 156, Belleville, Ont.,/anq refrigerator, ideal for couple in|two-bedroom apart 'hy > RYTHIN 4501. King street East, Oshawas B. 1. gers SRi . pie oe ees ond Business listings |/the-Lake, Reasonable rent to reliable|children (three boys, three girls) fe-|FARM house for rent, 20 miles east ot line $1.60 per |i as Street, 725-1925. Reply to Box 405 Oshawa Times. way. Tel AT 4-5365, keeping room, private Ps og §. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- LOW PRICES King! -3509. | | | : * or Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. 22 ROWE STREET CORNER KING AT BURK STS CATERING $ ond ¢ sign, figure counts es © y. Write Oshawa Times, Box unfurnished, Available after November | LOW rental apartments, 'one G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-2571. } } " || fore publication except Births, setting nga |Fuel and Wood Money to Loan | For Information Ca | | ¥ rs, built- and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On-/prrEwooOD, dry, good, for stove, fur-/EypTy to five thousand dollars. Any in cupboards, Laundromat, d lati 8:30 am. Off | < : raccuacth diss jeer. ee Se ee eee SIM LASH foe 'Daily 8-5, Seturdey 8- 2 canes, also roll-away beds {Oshawa Times. |9-6046 or write 14 Strathearn Bivd., To-|THREE rooms and bath, slove and KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Gu F R E E MONIES AVAILABLE HIS TRIO |] responsible for errors in advertise three bedrooms, close to schools, shop- ts submitted otherwise thon in 725-1644, LICENSED mechanic, guaranteed sal-/ping and buses, Take advantage of|THREE unfurnished roome 145 King Street -|: Furnace cleaned every year. To Bu Parties :. Dances writing, not for mere than one || - ~ ary basis, steady employment. Write/this rare opportunity by calling Irwin|three-piece bath, One child welcome 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. Round the Cicck"' 24-hr, y Weddings :: Banquets incorrect insertion of any adver |\12---Articles Want Box 402, Oshawa Times. r at 728-5123, Lloyd Realty | Apply 256 Ritson Road South after 7.30 °4 burner service. Aareements Mortgages | Reasonable Rates tisement, mor beyond the price || WE can use two men at once to dis-|(Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor. £m. Barristers Automatic delivery 9 ' " F a Audit charged for @ single insertion of |! tribute samples and take orders, aver-/TWO-BEDROOM brick house. Close to| UNFURNISHED basement ap ittment AN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici-| It's "'White Rose" Unified Invincible Investments. ree ns the advertisement in which error W. ANTED age $2.11 hourly. For inaevinw tele-/Oshawa Shopping Centre and schools. |' bedroom, separate entrance, tee i South, 725-9592. Resi. Fuel Oil : 725-8762 occurs. And also reserve the right phone 796-2303 betwoes $end 7. | T 7%5-|heavy duty wiring, private bath, $56 tor, 3% Simcoe 5 . uel Oj Telephone Z. T. SALMERS to classify advertising according to || own a car, are looking for an | 7089. monthly, Te 728-5455, dence 728-0264. WESTERN OIL CO. 793-1161 ag iy SCRAP IRON, POULTRY interesting full time Job with a better|BUNGALOW, new, _ three bedroom, |THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen liv: RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, -121 | i i AND FEATHER TICKS than average income, join our com-|brick, oil heating, $85, 1289 Wecker|ing room and bed: » OV Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe ne | NOW OPEN marisa The Linge wil net Ge: Bele pany. Must be over 20, have a good|Drive. Available November 1. Tele-|separate entrance, Novth meno? . 'esponsible for more space thor hear ; , > h end of city, pit AMOR sd Bi he Gardening and Supplies MONIES FOR HERBERT and that in. which the octual error 1. TURNER Cociplate training rod Gee trainer ae | eee, Telephone 723-4453, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL = RIO occupies. The publishers endeavour || 3 ture commissions. Write Box 156, Belle-|PICKERING, eight room brick house|TWO-ROOM modera apartments oahu MAN, Barristers, Solicitors: R. 0. MORTGAGES FU to reproduce all advertising matter || 723-2043 - 723-3374 il jwith 20 acres land, 10 minutes to nished, private, bathroom, kitchen Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA; | HAIR STYLING correctly but assumes no tiability - (collect) - ate case Hae aa schools, shopping. Reasonable to re-|sink. Ground floor, see to appreciate. W. A. Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street Monies available on First | j] of advertisement ore contoined NANCE man to repair and liable tenants, Apply 169 Warren. Ave- 9 ; NCE i 242 Elizabeth Street, 725-8106 #5 is ; 2 } H t | maintain machinery, Machine shop ex-|nue, Osha | . Rest Faones: Offiee Ts, Rett Mortgages at 7% per annum | . ond hen gio tad WW any inaccuracies in ery form | a saa maintain méchinery. Machine shop ex- ae ROOM house finiched paz | PHREE-ROOM Self-contained a rt. \ , a degen THREE-BEDROOM i | . oeaddhgg tala without bonus. : Say. Wet Box 500, Coney a TOPS | oon: oes ponents, #3 Lakerien Ave: sie ib locates. te LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli Removed, Pruned, etc. Monies also available on AUTO WRECKING CO. _ |strenvisor -- tor fengaged 30 Aigh | aeet. Adis eee | erento, CH in, 149 Celina, Street Selena Gr citor, Notary, Alger Bldg, 37 King All work insured, Second Mortgages. Wonts cars for wrecking. duction Gepartment, engaged in high|7-1081. Immediate possession. 7663. i 3 : TRY OUR i } speed turning and milling operations nae SL On ag RPS pene pt gaa T2000), "Mortgage monies Call collect-- Mortgages ond Agreements BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN | NEW BUSINESS Parts for sa:e, also scrap iron |Set-up and the ability to organize|EXECUTIVE type home, Immediate q | | | | d ' CENTRALLY located three-room mod: possession, three bedrooms, 40° rec.- ree-room mode 2.1051 for Sale purchased. Chicken plate, half chicken and metals, etc. bought |schedules essential. Apply stating full Poonession, three bedroom nd/¢@® apartment, containing stove, re. IN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- BALDWIN -_ A i : | " details of past experience, Write Box * Places, breezeway and | >, . 5 tor and Notary Public, 18 King Street M. F. SWARTZ with french fries, fish and Unlisted Numbers Open Saturday all day. Phone | 505" Oshawa Times. den, ine East area. FRanklin 2-992, | Pence! Peering ll rey 4 Eat. 'eee. NEA Oot Private) Short term and Builders' | chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. | cain TC STOREY Wn aay |monthly. Apply Sproules (corner Ki peli WHITBY Mortgages at reasonable | milk shakes } | MEN 18 TO 50 mits dean brick es Silly 1aed: ja Ritson Road) ~ 7 , Solici- : : "4 | ° <a scaped, quiet area, edar Street, | Gee se, Tt Mies Steet eek EXCAVATING rates. MODERN GRILI VALLEY CREEK |13--Business Opportunities | EARN AND LEARN |$95 monthly includes oil heat, available |SELF-CONTAINED basement" apart. ial 722-2278. Residence p hone-s:| 26% King St. East ELIVER "3887, FURNITURE . |GHIP TRUOK for sale or rent, for fur- NATIONAL ret eee TANS. eatiy Goran ais Saline J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; Ter-| DIGGING AND Oshawa, Ontario WE DELIVER--725-388 145 KING WEST |ther particulars telephone 723-3284. | SURVIVAL SIX-ROOM house for rent. Apply Cherry | with private Sith ach oni large roo ale ak ok ce Cae DITCHING 723-4697 Plumbing and Heating Next to Western Tire TURKEY ranch, unusual opportunity| JOIN THt CANADIAN __ |Gio¥e, Motel, Courtice, for information. [24 or unirranney ney emeranee, furnish RALPH JONES, BA. and THOMA | Mortgage jfor going live business five minutes| alt ude Meee in Ong ed SUES AURORE MEISE (ore ald aaalincsl MIE Sam GREER, Associate Barristers and Soll: MO 8-4172 | -- dlrs bh ey Posey nesnepegacpeaemaNe 728-4401 |from® downtown Oshawa. Eight acres,|- ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA -- |cmae-Roow house with garage Hex FURNISHED or unfurnished two rooms, citors, 130 King Street E 728-6246. ! Brokers' Registere ct. _|ALL types of repairs and remodelling,; buy, sell, exchange used |good buildings, walk-in cooler and| TRAINING PROGRAMME sonable rent. Close to south General | yoy) cupboards, hardwood floors, oe eee = ye : rates, "Tstlnaies tree, Dial pee oe furniture, washers, TV, radios |freezer. Year round clientel. Could be TODAY Motors. Telephone 725-0147 for full par-|Ciudeg: teleos Tasci978 r 1 clud lephone BRUCE V. MACKEY. BA, Barrister, | Foley. " jused for any type of poultry raising or FIRST SIX WEEK. COURSE ticulars. cats ciate seamed ees PST 2 vies hes EES Solicitor, Notary Public, s6%4 King DRIVEWAY. Ind and 3rd coo a and so forth ot prices to top | torage. Would consider renting or. sell: STARTS NOW & Shai NGALOW -- six rooms, located at|CROUND floor, four-room apartment, Street East, 728-2381. Res, YU 5-2127. CAR FOR SALE? Bring huyers right to) ONyoOne in the city. jing whole or part exclusive of house. » o, 506 Dieppe Avenue. Three bedrooms,|Private entrance and bath, unfurnished, THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Solici. | ~ your door with a fast-action Oshawa| Townline Turkey Ranch, RR 2, Osh-| You will be given all day |decorated throughout, large lot, In.|ce?tal location, bus line, large yard, citor and Notary Public, 26% King! peers he pa im NS rimes Classified Ad, Dial 723-3492 now. jawa, Ontario. ____| training for five days a week, |quire at 510 Dieppe : jChildren welcome. Telephone 728-6666. Street East. Phone 728-1763, | Spey vende | MORT A ALL MBING and heating supplies. | |VARIETY 'store, lockup, good location.) You will live at home ond re- TWO-BEDROOM house, at 67 William| ABE YOU looking for a cory apart: Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- REASONABLE PRICES |Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark,| 2--Personal Ee ere ne, niece: Foe Suck etl.) ceive the some poy os a |Birest West. Adniis preferred" 'Tein tively, farmisbed AN ig ha nag tee tor, etc.. 13% Simcoe Street North. NITED PAVI [1Ad-. plumbing, heating and engineer-lspeNcen Foundation Garments, In| - eee regular soldier plus a sep- {Phone 725-3968. cluded. No extra: Cedi ree "i ; | 58 Si Str PENCE » In- ii . as. Office 723-1101; Residence 725-5542. U D NG CO --TO PAY ALL |ing 255 Simcoe Street South, Sividealio Rue Gaate on| arate living allowance, ° >" |iMaRDiaTE possession, soo manta |e rhe cates® 297 Cadillac Avenue McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 728-4801 Yi R BILLS ments, Mrs. J. Hendershot, 324 Admiral} ESTABLISHED RECRUITING OFFICE six-room house with oil heating and |aaREE-ROOM - : Solicitors, Clients' funds lable for OU yt BEATTY APPLIANCES |Road, Oshawa, Paved drive, north-west section. Tele-|tuiit.in pr at, heavy duty first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North; ~ 25. | ; i "Nova Scoti ¥ NOW OPEN phone 725-7263, tds, double sink . |CAR i Nov : d . "25.2806, charies C. -MeGibon, ac.| Patio and Flagstone | --TO PAY OFF A Barn, equipment, pumps. | SAR, leaving for Nova' Scotia, 'October TEXACO OSHAWA ARMOURY __|fworsromEN. sinroom--Esick tures | mae, Bewly decorated inside 'and Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ¥ ESSO | Pp rg le. STOREY, six-room brick, | three |out, private bath, priv. iShrubs and Evergreens MOR GAGE | |phone 725-1977 for more information, SERVICE | SIMCOE ST. NORTH |bedrooms, venetian blinds, oil furnace, monthly. Teles, private entrance, $40 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, ac, ee aa I ~ elephone 723 oi! burners, hot water and | -- | Mon. to Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. |Steam heating, located off Park Road. FOUR-ROOM ba eee ' + . MW, | * mn sement a Solicitor, Money to on Sagi ey Holland Bulbs TOBUYA HOME forced air furnaces, bathroom | | | Sot. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M |Apply 289 College Avenue afte _.|vate entrance, shower, 'tesa oe King Street East, Oshawa. 5 T, il d | Sitateg "porte und serving | R LYSIS | hind SIX-ROOM three-bedroom h » Ye-|boards, sink, hot water heating, busi. Residence 725-3405. op soil and sods. FOR ANY 1» Pi rvice, | STATION 2 R d Board jfrigerator. stove included, available |ness couple preferred, er one' child, MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD raat PARTNER x | 20-- comand Board --_[November 1. Downtown location, Rea.|Apply 458 Dree Street, laren Money ts tun' fen'sicee| OSHAWA ___| PURPOSE |_ORONO17¢2'Dey er Wiht_| Mare -Murdifl wil bets | FOR LEASE _ [Raiemtat eatatscr ' tiie |ene feb meat UNFURNISHED. sparinen . 2 - a be 9 | ight ur wi in O gentlemen, central, very good meals,| rooms, on ground fi 26%4 King Street East. 723-4697. Resi-| RON i nl Osh Nov. 7 $15 weekly. Telephone 728-3643 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent rated gees dence, Dia} 723-4029, | } | shawo, lov, 7th and 8th. | sts weekly, Telephone 728-3643, | e ated, close to bus stop, reasonable, Soekip SLAKE "DODDS, samuz| ONRDEN CENTRE | Low Monthly [Rug and Upholstery | Phone Genosha Hote! on these IN EASGE "rpm a. main gg with pri-| FOUR-ROOM upstairs flat on Park TS TRI ater eee eormation, telephone abe waerg z | SESE E EERE dot vate entrance. Two girls preferred.|Road South, newly decorated, tile floor,| (> --1o 3! Senos Bi teach Hert age Mey Sir Fag see | OPEN TO 9 P.M. Payments CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| es a PY as DOWNTOWN DISTRICT |Boara it desired. Telephone 725-0744| private bath, heavy wiring, close to| TELEPHONE, television jaundry facil- Fhoptaig goa | |covered like new. Get the best for less| -4641 for further details. South GM and Shopping Centre, $70/ities, private 'bath and entrance, toy - | 1259 SIMCOE NORTH No Bonus jat Modern Upholstering, 142 Simeoe| IN SINGLE room for gentlemen with|™onthly includes heat and hydro. One/bedrooms, closets, sink and cabinets in COERBTON, URASER, hal = | South. Call 728-6451, free estimate. | 3--Pets & Livestock CENTRAL OSHAWA board, Close to downtown and bus, park| 'tld welcome, Telephone 725-8948. kitchen and living combined, adults, S19 tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., No Extra Charges | |REGISTERED Daanok -- ing space, good cooking. Telephone|ONE bedroom apartment, central, 7 ee er 5 Simcoe Street North. 723-3446. T. K. HARDSAND |re- '|weeks old, good house pets A Givaly aaloblihed wine oe |vates 915 menthin see camnpletely pel THERE, fares vosms and bath, cea, ighton, ; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. ' iter: re-covering. = | Tyerd : tlh \ firmly ' Roow "Pr ~|vate, $75 monthly or furnishe including | Partly furnished, one or two children Seo i Murdoch, NHA mort-| LANDSCAPING | Rebate For 5 8 Street, 723-7212 pee st Bowmanville jcc '| of neighbourhood and tran- Panties vias be ee rs $95. 'Telephone 728-1203. 725-6691, we: Teleph gages arranged, | Coll Sole ek Nuvany Stock Repayment | CHESTE: rebuilt, overed | WILL board horses between Oshawa| sient business. Ample capital | lunches Packed, have TV lounge, Tele.) MODERN three-room apartment, main|--~ SSUES. oditncteer aimee ee JAMES A, MacDONALD, BA, LLB, ry . jlike new. Why pay more? Our rates|®" gro ble one mile off Highway | required, Paid training for |Phore 725-0078. |floor of new house, private entrance, |$65. THREE room upstairs apartment Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, B jare reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. |N0. 2. Telephone MA 3-2192. cl ae ee ROOM and board, five days weekly,|0throom, laundry facilities; garage, |in new building; private entrance and lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King| Bulbs. Loans Life Insured | Mattresses re-built. Oshawa 'Upholstery UTIFUL baby budgie ready for| '9 : breakfast on weekends and lunches|22° Baldwin, 728-4409. bath; heat and lights included. Teles West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking 725 1721 Co., 10 Bond Street West, Dial 725-0311|training, talking strain. Apply Mre. ee tS ener. 2 leached 1¢ Gesired, Colboine and pad ee apartment, quiet baiid.|Phome_728-7680. available. - Broad, 114 Elgin Street East imcoe St. N., Oshawa |aistrict $ 4 li re. BRIG : i road, _E ' | ' istrict $15. 725-4111, ing. Hot water, stove, refrigerator GHT three:room self - contai Msrtstie usd Sotoiae ¢. ee street 55 GLOVER RD. SUPERI jSurveyors SPAMS _|FOR SALE -- Long hair German Poin.|__©F_Phone 728-4231 SINGLE room for gentieman also dou. | upplied. Laundry, gs aaa Fred ager mpetiances, |TV _ outlet Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King lSONEVAN GAS ter puppies, eight weeks old. §; i jun Road, 723-3096. ry facilities, parking. Pleasanf t 728-2971. H |DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario te ppies, eight weeks old. Special ble room for two friends, in quiet home, district, $7: pe iasasive Mhnes i Et | Dj oe |Land Surveyor, Commercial Biue-print-|bird dogs, good for hunting. Apply 66 | close to south plant, Parking, laundry | ROOM apartment, bath, heat,|---ct- $75_monthly, 728-8836 after 6. Bookk ' BLACK LOAM iscount Limited Jing. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. jChurch Street, Pickering. | LESSEES done, 103 Mill Street, jand hydro supplied. $50 monthly. Tele-|/ THREE-ROOM apartment with hard- ookkeeping fo ey ier eer rns = persian grape et | aa | phone 728-5851. wood floors, private entrance and b ' H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario) SAMOYED puppies registered eight ROSSLAND -Simcoe area, single and heated, A --_ BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting i THE FASTEST GROWING Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue|weeks old, temporary tnoculations,| . , Sarage. Available now, 723-4847 riveway grave i | 9 | Service. Complete bookkeeping service. ' ' double rooms with board. Good beds|FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, pri-|atter s P.m ALL CANADIAN | East. Phone 725-6881. champion and obedience trained air cupboards, " 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., and sand. LOAN Sons | " WANTED " 23-7605. vate bathroom, heating, COMPANY jand dame. Telephone 723-9991, And food, lunches packed, laundry done, |F a * south lr An: SER See ea csr aN television, fine. ot water, parking, near GM south|ATTRACTIVE large four room unfuw TELEPHONE | | Tailors | Market Bask | hea ee Carnegie pint. Possession. Nov, 1. Apply 254 nished apartment, private entrance, | 4--Market Basket ] BY a ; pe Rt ssn Hit ict WANTED -- A gentleman to board) apy yp. " en, TV outlet; central; adults preferred, L. SCHAPELHOUMAN 725-5279 725-654) | LEN PULLAN | (SERRERCH ene a paar ooo | and room in comfortable. home, "abe | SELF-CONTAINED --hee-room bans 93 gy COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING " r | jtainers, Maybelle Orchard, 1% miles stainers please ? : UNFUI | j } . ee itchen, sink, cupboards, nd fil Telephone MO 8.2163. -------- --------__--____._ | PAO : Ld grou' loors | 1 fea: -- te conte DE Sores ROSSLAND . § » N i : oR aaah Gane aon m {20 children; central! RETURNS E R KNOWLTON! Until 9:00 for all tai abn BEST Melntosh, Spies, Blenheim, crab f ; : Private room and board for poute fay eter ae bedroom |gane. Telephone 728 1960 cases Ue - WK. } ices for beth suit, ond {apbles ete. Bring containers. Jamieson's| fOr locations in bus easant adult home. One block to| ate possession. Apply 786 Simcoe Street |FOR RENT -- Partially furnished two- LANDSCAPIN | Offices: Throushout Yes services Do su oa Road West and Anderson | 53-8013. th | h tari = = eae ne 725-9953 ING SERVICE | ghout Ontario : pinata penn | City of Oshawa and board, near south GM, park- | 7REE-ROOM apartment, heavy duty |ocated. Near Shopping Centre. Avail Top soil and sod. Repairing | Mortgages 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 | WINTER potatoes, 75-pound bag, $1.40| Ing space, continuous hot Water./wiring, built-in cupboards and. sink, |#b!¢ Immediately, Phone 728-6563. sees <2 eR noe " 2 ly. Reasonable. Heat and/THREE furnished rooms, kitchen, I | | 655-4690. meals. Tel 5-3710. | chen, live ee | and sldewolk. slabs |FIRST mortgages, industrial and com ire uo a Prospective lessees will be cae Selgpnons 727/710. water supplied, Telephone 728-1135 af-/ing-room and bedroom, private entrance ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, |mercial projects, second mortgages on| TV--Rentals CHOICE winter poiatoes $1 per bag.| h 5 Ba rn Larch cee covet SSUES ats hc ARS trained by the Company. Sal- pee wen none child. Will care for|SEF-contained three room apartment,|Preferred, Telephone 728-« May FIRST and second > oe at i light included, 232 Greenwood Avenue.|ed, private bath man clans f nd mortgages. Sai : containers, Algoma Orchards, Thickson ; = aaron pee - a ed, private bathroom, suit ladies, gen- SHINGLE your roof now, $120 and up. LANDSCAPING Jagreements purchased ple void en. $10 down -- $7 per month, |Road North, half-mile of Taunton Road | ing training period, For par- |ROOM and board for gentlemen in tlemen or couple. Apply 716 Cedar St. tagds Ate teen dl 6 por Gat : | onal Bast tees | APPLES -- various kinds, $i up Bring} 'ticulors write Apply 15 Maple Street (off Simcoe 2 BEDROOM re day Sik sateen Lng no red tape. Phil Harper, Whitby. MO- All kinds ct jobs in the |MORTGAGE loans aor org your bosement. Rent a tele- [containers. Algoma Orchards, Thick. Ss 25-9712. P le ba ind entrance, stove an b 3AGE 8, Bowmanville, - SUSEPer parapet eet SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. | leinity. Resident . " f -- home, office aie ee pot Protd APARTMENT oe. me LN Ge icinity. esidential, acre S rt- rom -- --- ------ = sunorsioniaintacionns | 4 ) c . cher or studen' THE ont RF gE Pe Cag Also all type home remodeling. Free ENNISKILLEN |ments, business. Members "of Ontann |CHOICE winter potatoes, $1 per bag Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and THR 'OOM apartment, private en- pe ses s ol z ae 4 " x 4 3 é PARE | ™ vito te SEER Telephone 728-6950 for more particulars. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- es poly ea aceteatica & Harris} 5 King St. W. 723-3425. |CARROTS, 75c bushel; Spanish onions, | 4----Empl t Wanted |sPacious Toom, suit two, gentlemen Se : neys built and repaired, gas linings in- CO 3-2263 |Limited, 112 Simcoe Street Norin' Gok. £2.25; cooking onions, $1.50. Bring con. vid li ei _ preferred; single beds, private wash Bb erent ean carneneccieean ern aw nm af __.|Malaga Road. athroom, closet space, mode: kitch 17 SIMCOE ST. N. a = Apply 71 Ritson South! bus Reasonabl le preferred. Tele-| UNFURNISHED nl j a |north of Whitby, Highway 12, west side.| AA or telephone 725-1338. pees a ee ee hee apartment, bedroom SERVICE, INCOME TAX. [eh Open Every Night (ENGLISH TAILOR) | MAJOR OIL CO, [ert phone 725-7940. k hicge eee ments use our 728-1069 after five. 686 OSLER STREET } Fe oe for further particul ed b dress repairs and alterations Street, Whitby. for further particu' room: asement apartment. Centrally Building Trades | and lawn maintenance, potio | ------ ae : (next to Bus Station) per bag, free delivery. Telephone Brook. | meshes hacked good home cooked| Aquits THREE furn - LADY offers room and board tor young|ter 5 at 153 Centre Street. Working couple eavestroughing, chimneys, jireplaces, | 725 6047 houses. D. W, Holden, 51 King East, | Allan Downes, Pontypool 128-6672, . 728. bad 3 , 728-60 Ff 723-3376, lope --__--_____ ore} 3 1 re Be sae Pa sidewalks, stoops, 728-034. Gordon jOshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376 Purchase your de-humidifier |SPPLES various kinds, $i up, bring] ary and expenses paid dur- |information telephone 728.3840. "| Private bath and entrance, heat and/THREE rooms with Kitch » unfurnish. Workmanship and materials guaran- jnick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King} Remove the dampness from good location. Continuous hot water. | gay x . {son Road, %-mil ~ Sind refrigerator. Adults only. Telephone hawk ©4538. | Garden -- phone awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi.| Yision -- only $7 per week ot ee ee POST OFFICE BOX 84 |8 ee Pee ee | GREENHOUSES Mortgage Brokers Association, 40 years'| MEAGHER 'S |Allan Downes, . Pontypool OSHAWA, ONT. 5. Telephone 723-2481. | Available Nov ] trance and bath, heavy duty wiring. stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- BEAUTIFULLY decorated three-room re wt ERE Staats sates, die sti ttn ' ished apartment, private home, > > > : tainers. W. Eymann, %-mile east of| vs : room, board optional, close to Fittings) Upper split level brick duplex, -- |furn ° mates. 723-2997, tario, Phone 725-3568 TV - Radio Repairs : __|Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. Go north tel eera Rardissk bogs penggecd a eprt and General Motors. Telephone 728-3357.) free garage, washer, dryer. |Private entrance, parking, girls or 4 5 . yn. ; Siding and Colonial Stone Purchased. NHA mortgages arranged / Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). 5--Farmers Column a Apply *S5 tal Steet, oneet' wm) cious front ond rear yards. |rowie "room apartment, | viel aes DEAD farm stock picked up promptly.|and stewardess, lified as ci General Motors and bus. Apply 301 Cor- tion, Box 406, Oshawa Times. | LOTS LEVELLED |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar-/ SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT |p: 725-2790 ing, all floor coverings, Free estimates. | Broker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338. T.V. and RADIO |TOP MONEY for dead and disablea|fied cook and ARGE store for rent, newly decorat. Ww SAGUENAY ___|Telephone WO 2-4925. five days a week. Live out. Telep! 'i Fully equipped, On KING and PARK RD. irs, roofing, fall-out shelters. P. } dollar each. Direct from farmer, Tele- 7 tion, For more particulars. Telephone Wolters, MO 8.2204. NUMBER ONE Gite wackT a | OSHAWA phone Bowmanville MA 3.2221. |3926, Newcastle, Ontario. 725-1338, sabtsteaiss ments fridge, stove, paved é rent, i ii me Chimneys -- cleaned, rebuilt, | 10-YD. LOAD -- $12.00 | |New Zealand white or Californian. Also|Pearance essential. Full or part-time. | round $75, Telephone 728-0765, information Call_ 723-2563. HOMEOWNERS! Beautify az , CL money to loan on first mort- TV, RADIO, c Yepairs, ali first corner, . == ESSE pear pee ' * |eouple only. Telephone 728-2359 after HOMEOWNERS! Beautify ai c LOAM-GRAVEL gage. Mortgage and agreement of salelays jee thicn pein Minctteene iy | (cashier's > 2 723-2066 ROOM and board for gentlemen, French} Stove and refrigerator. Spa- |§ week days. i , oe ----,---, |Apply 35 Hall Street, Oshawa. Tele- all | conven- &e weckiy. Industsial Home Consue} SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL - |asegtm "teen Drvaan and Mur- MA Heward| phone 728-5306 LANSDOWNE DRIVE iences, parking space, close to South 4 r hone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721.|managerial position at clubs, hotels, dova Road, Apartment 3 for more in- CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork-| TRACTOR, LOADER WORK "arsed: , W._ Schatzmann. Mortgage IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. 'Jetc, Also interested in position as quali.|22--Store Space & Garages| formation, : st ag 8 ; : guaranteed, 728-0850. | Reasonable Rates |$2,000 AVAILABLE for a second mort [farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J,|heferences, Mr. and Mra. Sie neat |ed. 325 Simcoe Street South. 655-4738 TWO-BEDROOM FREE estimates on disging basements} DIAL 725-2156 sane rae emaninty private. Tele CALL 728-5286 collect hour. novenday service, [SL Highland Avenue, Believe, Ontario. razaguz oor Street Soh 68-43 APARTMENT and grading by bull dozer. MO 8-5612 Phone 655-4471 evenings } |PULLETS<4 also roasting chickens for| wounp like postin ----- | DOUBLE garage for rent, suitable for APARTMENTS BRICK, block, cement work, home re NURSING HOMES | All Work Guaranteed sale. Three-month-old White Rocks, one! : phe sapere hong |storage, cement floor, in good condi- re) SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac-| ELECTRONICS vies a ~ = -- SIMCOE oT. N. Mat perticnes opart. |commodation for private and semi. , A WALKER foxhounds. Mark S. rain | 6 'A rn, vom - HOME OWNERS TOP SOIL jprivate patients, lounge, TV. Fully Wi.) ine, | running fox and deer. Doug. Marni] U Female Help Wanted 23---Wanted to Rent | Be ot jeensed, new building, modern, Visitors |Nestleton, Phone Blackstock 986-4803./SALESLADY for exclusive ladies' |= or | M i Rein er. | s WANTED to rent six-room house for| : arking. TV outlet -- For Roofing, asphalt - flat. 6-YD. LOAD Sa $8.00 iNewetitis 1 iigeate rates, Phone SAMSON |ranprts -- purebred breeding stock,|*Portswear. Experience and good ap- November 15 or 17. Ri Pi 19 ' . . | des 5 " M Must have character and ref- x lined for gas and oil. Nursing Services } TV TOWERS |Nestleton. 'Phone Blackstock. 986-1908, [ences. Apply personally Seigneurs, Osh- BUSINESS lady yequlres furnished peeng LOCATION IMMEDIATE Eavestroughs -- cleaned, 723-3 ] 62 PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half babe here than Gn Canaoian fidiae meclonan aa. 3-BEDROOM Poaled lday, 830 to 530, S81 Simon wea: Antenna Installations | 7--Troilers [SHORT ORDER cook (forsale man or Canadian home preferred. Tele- ALOW POSSESSION a : 728-2604. ' | a eee | shift, ply Genos! lotel. oats vbiessestpshed esis ssvenrinpcliaaiosasict BUNG i) Waterproofing -- interior, |Instruction . Len & Lou's TV. |HEATING "equipment and service. iaeiieh a Fequired by ~locai|STORAGE space for a small trailer BACHELOR and r " ; + Accessories for small and large trail- - . - wanted, out from the city acreptable exterior. igen Be snident counsellor-|Optor.etrists: aes 725-7844 or 728-5804 ers. Mitier Heating, Alar WH oat, |finance company, general office duties,| Phone 'Toronto, HUdeon S68i7 of write | Vicinity of Schools 2 BEDROOM APTS. Your local contractor-- Act now, 725-1054, F, RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom. BETTER places to rent are offered tolpre interviews call Adan Witchati|/BOx 607 Oshawa Times. | $95 MONTHLY Store, 'frig.,. washer and NNTARIO CONTRACTORS HARVEY DANCE A , Baton. |ot%: the examination of eyes, contact} you daily in the Oshawa Times Classi-| 9 g99 EXECUTI with four children wishes dryer, locker, paved rhe " 2 344 tap. RAD ballet, fighivea.® Remene eoeee. Le Stmcos North at Colborne. | a V TOWERS |fied Ads, Check Classification 25 now. | to rent large house vicinity Dr. John Also rag Very rH fates Shocial : yw. 424 King Street West, RE bel Minne tn aa ite Be | | Phillips School. Two-year lease with op- ss fee as : LIAN MAE MARSH Da -- TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please 361° GIBBONS ST. | | 20 SALES tion to buy. Write including details to 2 BEDROOM rates for adults, Cartage WEA SAM tae ree pay accounts at downtown Dominion| 728-8180 | rT} UE | Box 606 Oshawa Times. APPLY AT: |DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, |Well Drilling-Digging Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam-} DISTRI BUTORS otliawess for Rank APARTMENT 213 MONTRAVE AVE. JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa- atic. Friday and Saturday. Masonic ; . Dial 725-4587. | Ti S | Walley, Meanie rece Fete cae, Temi oat, as rans, jined at home, Dial 725-4587 | erms. Open evenings. | ee - } SIX-ROOM house on Drew Street, hot ADELAIDE AND PARK MODERN, QUIET | water heating, aluminum storm win- WELL DIGGING by | Unlimited opportunity, To |dows, lovely home, clean condition. Ap- $95 MONTHLY 2-BEDROOM | | | } | ped and insured. Phone 728-3661, [PRIVATE tutoring all grades, rates|Painting and Decorating | OSHAWA 1.V. W. WARD | distribute food products, 35% {ply 562 Drew Street. reasonable. Telephone 728-3000 eve-| commission and over, No |$50, SIX-ROOM house, 95 Nassau Street, Telephone 728.5282 APARTMENT nings. Adelaide Beckman. |VAN HORN DECORATING. Pape! Free Survey MOVING 9 jhanging, interior and exterior painting. ond Estimates. f Beech hateoend Md dvcbatns age limit no furnace, vacant. 725-0332; after six, Free estimates. Alan Van Horn. Tele-|----------- -- MACHINE CALL LEARN TO ORIVE |eneae, 728-322 | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE FOR INTERVIEW a PARK PLAZA at 15 GIBBONS STREET. t th |SURPRISE YOUR kids with that pet 2 9 o } WHITBY, ONTARIO CITY CARTAGE Oshawa Driving Schoo! {ROE beat? fromisind, them, | You ro | ,MO 8:2563---MO_8-3809 ; Adults only or with child i cNoo! |fin e perfect one in "Pets for Sale" i ' 3 ' lults only or with children Professional Instructors jin the Oshawa Times Classified Section Because we give -- 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST 725 9 ] 07 ahi: PebET Teen nee APARTMENTS over 12. Apply at Apt. No, 2 5 BEAUTIFUL 1% storey, close to Shop| SOUNDPROOF--FIREPROOF in same building. 725 9621 Dual Controlled Cors. Real Service Fast P.O. BOX 329 aa Standard and Automatic DODD & SOUTER SAME DAY! ping Centre. Vacant November 15. $75 | : FEATURING - Christmas Trees ee ee SAVE' MONEY 1 | WELL DIGGING | _ SELL OVER a re One NOW RENTING Pectnpearhieo eta n ccc | | TORR DHONG. TEIRTGDIN SUTIN, Painting, Paperhanging | Experience TELEPHONE TWO homes, one five rooms, one seven! elevator, incinerators, stove CHRISTMAS TREES |!nsurance Gyptex, Full Wall Murols, | DRIVE In, 4 SAVE clean out and deepenings |g, srience not necessory; © nok Chiles wees. Seiten k| ond Bidos, Bachelor |ALLA ale Mann ean} Sproy Painting | t and § 'P fi Hy * sips Pruned -- Forestry Grown -- |to'20 per cent wx mamance, $8¥ 50 107 BYRON ST. 5. WHITBY | Tubes checked glass and | COMPRESSOR WORK} May oa Sik geome badgalow, sols ea, bas $85 to $115 and 2 Bedroom Apts. 'otch Pines {Personal service at your home, call! DAYS MO 8-523] tuner cleaned, set up for best at door, oil heated broadioom, $100 NIPIGON AND €LGIN cy Alll sizes -- wholesale prices, |= NIGHTS 725-7426 picture ! PHONE 8-3864 ee ee ee Now Renting : |D. W. HOLDEN, 51 King East, Osh-|---------------- ALAS --~------ vided at our offices. BB tat ite : ' FOWLER FORESTRIES , 728-6081 378. Fr i --_----- i 5 Built-in china cabinet, colored 306 KING WEST |aed'camuatty inutance? * ™lDAINTING &@ DECORATING) A TOWER ? here 6 Py oe Mr. Appledy | both, frig., stove, free auto- ape er | Residential, Commercial, | TRY US! | TED VEENHOF | | er, tere 2 9006 income on | Modern BUNGALOW | 795.6544 on 723.3398 matic washer and. dryer, | | © liberal commission basis. 3 Bedrooms, Finished Re- paved porki T.V. outlet, | Industrial ' | Age no barrier if you are ' JOHN A. J obo Ei y | ' WELL DIGGING | creation Room, Near Schools, . bamboo drapes. ACGTORY hardwood tings. Suit. ie Expert in Colors & Wollpapers ae for sloves, "fireplaces, "furnkoee. Want Ads Don t | Workmanship Guaranteed Repairs? As good as new? CLEAN OUTS over 21. Convenient hours churches on Bus Route. Seeenone 73 CENTR s | TRIO TELEVISION AND DEEPENING iach elliati Children Welcome BOLAHOOD $75 - $100 Monthly FURL ang sieve of, constant mviered Cost-They P | CENTRAL DECORATORS 171 BONO: EAST | COMPRESSOR WORK | MR. R, YOUNG. Available: November 4 arhadyct 'agli ssa. * "| Cost-Ihey Pay | 728-6809 a 728-6781 Telephone 728-3864 "723-3474 call 725-6713 piuirahce. 725-1196 2-7 PM. Moving antenna? Same day?

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