|\WHITBY TOWNSHIP WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24, 1961 5 WHITBY And DISTRICT | Suggests Metro For PERSONALS _|Huge Discount Store On Sunday Mr. sna Bal- ' lard and Mr. William R. Barrey Pl d I T h p 4 i ' ll iD ilo orrido oblem cout pres, Acne « AaNNeR dn LOWNSAL f A rtl Ir I e gS was held at the Ballard's home.) Séoctnal 16 bedi & Meanie is' planned aa aiais as F Mrs, John Richards was din-) mont store covering 100,000|service road. : e Whitby Township Deputy-,the current practice of building agreement with the town, the|ner guest at the home of her square feet on Thickson's road,| He told council that the firm ve 1o0dw } ayjhomes on 80-foot lots was a/Muricipal Board would be less/daughter and son-in-law, Mr.) was placed before Whitby Town-|is not asking for sewer or water Biche aT ed taal 4. eA cme of land. He said thatjinclined to let them annex the|and Mrs. H. Stafford, and visit- ship Munell at a meeting on|services since it is, felt that politan form of government|within a three-mile radius of the|/township lands. _ ; .jed with another daughter - Monday night: The council later|water is available from a well might be desirable to provide| corridor were found the Oshawa| "If we do nothing until the|son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, 'lapproved the re-zoning of the|and the property can be serve ' area involved subject to ap-|iced by septic tenk. oe }. If final approval to build is granted, he said, the store is C be opened by April of next year, services for the built-up area of|airport, the GM plant, -- Ontario bbe -- aad O'Brien, all of Oshawa- } " sing otween| z ] ssion steps ; B og : 4 the er oe pense wa and the town o Lotthouse. athe situation may be| Attending the Ontario County proval ot the planning apart. by ~ 'siak Gs council's How, he asked, would the different." |South CWL regional meeting at Appearing for Dise-Buy Limi- 1 p salon of a proposal that the township provide this area with) He urged council to take three|St. Francis de Sales, Pickering, ted, William Lawson, of Picker- disc ussio 'oin with Whitby and|water? It is 2% miles to the steps in the coming years: help|on Sunday, from St. John Theling, said that the firm has an) Seicea dn tomate area plan-\lake, he said, and the logical/form an area planning board;|Evangelist Council, Whitby, option on a 2-acre lot on| iigeiane wakes Oe a te vii all three! method would be to negotiate purchase a block of land at the were: Rev. L. J. Austin, Spirit- Thickson's. road, immediately - } foes ited with either Oshawa or Whitby. lakeshore for use as a sewagelual Director, Mrs. Joseph Corri-|north of the service road, now} The Commonwealth _ Christ. "And how can we negotiate treatment plant; try and getigan, Mrs, Paul Kaiser, Mrs./built along the north side {wil Broadcast, begun in 1932, y : sarvice j | 3 iss mest) : ; shi nk pins :, C in rridor at arez yeen wit ' ving at least at)water services extended into the' Larry Ruest, Miss Ruth Mc-|Highway 401- The land is cur-| will originate with the CB' | ae ire Bb gg tent re oe anne pci he asked. He) township. Carthy and Mrs, Greg Carter. jrently zoned MI, and he re-|1961 for the first time. litby < 5 ee as g tt : , rs . eae : ; ( , bread basket," said the Deputy-! said that an area planning board Then if a big industry comes eee oe ..| quested it be re-zoned to Cl and pai pisongat be Lrenkred tolwould lay the groundwork for|in," he said, "'we have the door| oboe pig yg 4 C2; On a Laxative Merry-Go-Round? protect its boundaries. One way|the providing of these services| open. ; ge Ls eitly 'spent a few| The firm, he said, proposes TAKE NR TONIGHT... ild be to have some form of|to that area of the township. "I suggest the door is open for|We'sh, receniy au a discount department store,| tomMORROW ALRIGHT! is ; " government for; Deputy - reeve Goodwin said annexation," said Deputy-reeve|days in Lake Placid. with foot space of - 100,006ing ne pele nA vertain requirements. that Whitby is now looking for/ Goodwin. tion to send a plan-| Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reed|square feet. In addition, he said,|Remedy...has been giving folks Bagg Hohewscm. eg ar fone bagi d that if RF gt "ag is Whitby 'con. celebrated their sixth werne there will be a supermarket in-|Pleasant, effective overnight neg as & such a government, Ba acy Mr. ir gt ee 1e workin ciudad: the Gabate, : janniversary on Sunday. Their|cluded in the plans, having a) pendable all-vegetable laxa- ye ee oes Tee tat Ae <i friends wish them every happi-|floor space of | 20,000 square| tive. Take Nt Tablets tonight! awer services for that area. iness. feet. Beneath the department| | | | y Helps you ' REAS | store, he said, a bowling alley,} , brag «ote Lofthouse, a| WHITBY BOWLING NE WS | Mrs Walter Ridley, Clemence! occupying 20,000 square feet, is feel better . 7 7 and look better! member of the Whitby Township} is convalescing at her\ajcg planned. Nanning Board. had shown ; sg SACI | Bi creep glesden 206,,nome after a stay at the Osh- Eventually, he said, a mote], &GULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS I . 1B be oa - the southern| WHITBY sya . mee Over 200 -- Vic -- n nag eee General : Hospital, Her\--_--__-___-- ~ = c 1 ! av «4 'rr "a og q > Riley : Sich desehasea (patton Of. Ane township. He _ Thursday ig sisi s Grace Igglesden 2 3, Lil Riley friends. wish her a speedy AS HALLOWE'EN NEARS, | ing by and imagining ow ) Where Wey wit De recess howed two water courses) Games 250 and over -- E. (931, Stan Riley 222, John How-| recovery. Aa eciaauep ice oe ene Ses a, one jed|Jordan 349, 331, J. Sawdon 296,|)...°s o17 paees NOMA OWT mney ee Oe | ee seme tan : through that area, one bounded) Jordan 349, 5 land 217, Lil Peake 225, Wendy the children of the town of 4 i . Some 3,600 tons are expected thr y| would) make. The loads, | * 3, Set ae lnalte tentne O68 282. | r. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson tunities n the west by the township line|F, Major 292, B: Hutcheon 282,/ 216. Cyril Garratt) Mrt-and Mrs. Whitby are watching huge | spove. are on their way to | to be harvested in the county 0 ti i ne and on the east by|252, G. Hutcheon 269, M. roo a a ieee 'visited friends in. Barrie on j kloads impkins go- » Stokely Van Camp plant | this autumn 7 n's 1 The other area|270, B, Bragg 253, A. Reardon -41, fon Childs 227, Jea eT) Sunday. +4 ' truckloads of pumr g the Stokely Van pt acca aco ie ODE ROS Or eon ae Atal ays Green 293, B. Campbell'son 211, Lil Musns 212, Fern (Civil Service of Canada) es greg een kson's road on me shoe ir a , J. Bruechle 275, M. Slessor Wick 208, Esther Anthony 227,| Mrs. Harry Inkpen, Mrs. Tells Of CAS He oa 19 that the town-|296, D. Adams 294, 280, 316, A.| Wilf Anthony 250, Harold Gordon Cora Fallow, Mrs. Gladys Me- TRADE PROMOTION OFFICES (FORESTRY) university grad- nar representatives tO} Young 255, B. Newstead 271, B.}2 Joyce Johansen 207, Fred|Eachern, Mrs. Lucille Robinson, uates with extensive related experience, o number of years q . Le meet Whitby Planning Board|Gordon 268, D. Rowdon 275 ; eman 225, Jenny Fowler 218,| Mrs. Beatrice Hudson will take of which hove 'beer 'Ia position of sbnior responsibtlity: At Sinclair S ; w to forming an area) Reeson 339, 325, 230, J. Lee 293, Helen Munns 200, Doreen Grant/an active part in the "Games| ond a good knowledge of Canada's forest industries, foreign ge a board for the west area|y, Levitt 370, W. Mowatt 255,/202, Harold Moore 228, Jim|Night" to be held on Wednes- markets and trade peticies), Trade and Commerce, Chicago, Sinclair Home and School As-:}* spresentatives to Oshawaly. Jordan 305 2 White 203, Mary White 218, Lillday, Oct. 25 in the Masonic Ill, U.S.A. and London, England, $9940-$11,200, Com- sociation held its regu cath y to forming an area) Triples 700 and over #. Kirk 209, Irene Dafoe 257, Jim)Temple banquet room under petition 61-833, ly meeting on Thursday evening | Wing board having jurisdic-| Jordan 877, J. Sawdon 756, B.| McCarroll 245, Don Denyer 214,/the auspices of the Order of the at the school. Mrs. W ant, ition over the area drained aS/ Hutcheon 722, C. Hutcheon 709, Rose Mclvor 208, Helmar Han-|rastern Star No. 248. ASRSTANCT ChiEP; Pokin' ononUeits entail Gedecaly president, opened the meeting) ono F. Lloyd 723, A. Reardag 721, D./ sen 241, BAe esas eg Ses ah TPE AE RS TEST EE drosdiate: wih many: Vere sok WIbtd SxpeHinck: same tA by reading the Home and § ' any event, he said, the} ,qams 890, B. Newstead 718, B. Randell 249, Betty Pascoe 226, St Margaret Guild a position of senior responsibility, and a good knowledge Creed. All reports were submit-| oy g board would/Gordon 734, R. Reeson 708, D. Carl Pascoe 211 . of Canada's forest industries and foreign markets), Trade ted. still iin in existence. .,|Rowden 715, M. Reeson 894, J.. Team Standings -- Sabre Jets | and Commerce, Ottawa, $8120-$9800. Competition 61- During the business meeting < puty - reeve Goodwin ~~ Levett 736, M. Jordan 855. 31, Rockets 26, Symbols 9, Plans Bazaar, Tea 832. i Wey Fr 1¢ MOstithat he woul » prepared to =choes 26, Poker Chips 24,' All Saints' Anglican Church report was given on the mo at uld be prepared : ' os sgacsien [monoes 20, P ( ps All Sai glic ch} successful home baking at ve some rage ad hed WHITBY MIXED oe Woodpeckers if ( um tag St. Margaret's Guild held its ACCOUNTING RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER (with cently held. A vote of thanks the 1 ning board if he was' Top shooters for this week)Bowl 13, Whitby Cleaners 29,|reeular bi-monthly meeting in ti vas ;|was expressed to Mr. A. Camp-| sure the township would not lose were Jack Mothersill with 817, Ho pefuls 26, Headpins 26,) ' ish hall. The president, beahip! Gnivernty Gresaesioa WAN ionmationien ir meeeaee for the use of his lawn for this jts jurisdiction over the area. (232, 243, 342) and Hazel Moore | Porky's Prides 27, Beginners 14,/Mrs. A. McAllister, opened the ing business administration, commerce or finance; a num- event, and also thanks to Mrs Councillor John Dryden said for the ladies with a 733 (209,/Stokers 9, Neighbors 17, Munns | meeting with the member's ber oF Veale oF progressively rospcrgiila odivinisitative \R. Greer and her committee that he was not too enthusiastic/234, 290). Pretty nice shooting. Press 10. prayer. All reports were read experience), Troneport, OHewa. -S7240-S8080; | Comat: | Mr. McLaughlin addressed the about forming an area planning) Over 600 -- Marty Jordan 791) ---------- land approved. fon 61-044. an hMafio he » the board either. However, he said,|(265); Bill Giddings 778 (281); ONE iCHEON group briefly explaining I i 4 BENEFIT LUNC ) ry > My T e { posed to a com-|John Brueckle 724 (321); Merv MONT i es "Chocolate Fund R ng his ! pra lata : v Radha oat MONTREAL (CP) -- Mme. ) 1 _m . . r present township 93); Doc Dafoe 729\ . 'Fad Furnishing project was approved by the as- ™ } : he! (268): J Kirk 711 (331); Joc, George Vanier, wife of the gov- in ' sociation for the month of De : board mee ing -- Ps (268 i oe 688 5): Millie Depo: ernor - general, will attend a|1961" such a successful event. . wn planning boar x "0c Oe 449), 2 1 ggs a a ri » & a SS sti was cember. : about planning in|673 (261); Isobel Mothersill 670|benefit luncheon in Montreal in| A short business meeting wa CITIZENSHIP LIAISON OFFICER -- BILINGUAL (university graduate with specialization in one of the social sciences and a general knowledge of several and approximately five years of responsible experience with community groups The room banner was won by} m igh g >) oni m. id anvolved Collins 669 (232); Ron Pascoe|Province's smallest communities |made for the Nov. 7 Lage og and and approximately three years of similar related experience), Margaret Wigston, Grade 8° | - Mr. Dryden introduced|657 (259); Ted Munns 652 (247); |of nuns, the Helpers of the Holy|tea to sr piace in t 4 a Citizen and aaah Montreal, P.Q. $7260-$8340. |pupil, played two piano selec- . motion that the planning board|Clara Rowden 636 (225); Doug|Souls. In addition to visiting See ee a berg yet Competition 61-108, ons greatly enjoyed by all. She -.+ up a committee to consult|Rowden 623 (218); Gord Johan- homes of the ill and destitute, | the SC iniaa ee tke nm was thanked by the president: ith Whitby planning board. One|sen 622 (229); Edie Walker 619|the 35 Helpers conduct youth|ing artic iting' e "wy it Mrs. Bryant introduced the member of the township council|(247); Larry Batherson 612jclasses and recently sponsored| Lunch was served by Mrs. guest speaker, Mr. B. McL.| wii be on that committee. |(270); Al Young 610 (225); Art)a panel discussion on problems|Helen Colley and Mrs. Ruth demonstrated knowledge of, the administration of regulations Lewis, BA, Local Director of/ Mr. Lofthouse told the meet-|Munns 606 (253); Tom Mclvorlof foreign students in Canadian|Hewson. The next meeting will) concerning Pari-Mutual Betting), Agriculture, Ottawa. Children's Aid of Oshawa. In his\ing that it was his opinion that|600 (226). un ies. be held Thursday, Nov, 2. $6420-$7140. Competition 61-540. | : th - Whitby Township! (281); Chuck Gill 666 (276); Bill| Novembér in aid of one of the|held and further plans were and, organizations in related work OR:a Master's Degree Mrs. L. MeMahon's room. Miss |) : : ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, RACETRACK BETTING SUPER- VISION (with a number of years of experience in, and address he mentioned the a aig #z \ities of the society, the RATE ANALYST (with @ number of years of experience in pe Bits, ne : i 1 peo a cay Ags Sa ee & economic research or analysis, preferably in the field of iis bie , Sa : to Children's Aid. Mrs, C, ce| transportation or in work relating directly to transportation HANDLING PUMPKINS peng asi and = into a spy ' gg gc ; ie rates ond fares construction), Air Transport Board, Ottawa. : without getting them smash- | W 88 her before being pro- At the Nov. meeting Mrs $6000-$6660, Competition 61-957, Travel by air in- "ai Bieta at a ielanne cessed. Incidentally, about |Frost will be the guest § r " » volved. ate mothe . | one-quarter of the pumpkins (Her topic will be 'Rea , 4 i Lae Here workmen unload a | in the pie' are squash. The |Grade 7 mothers served lun ' / SUPERVISORS OF HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES (with truck the heavy pumpkins | crops of 300 acres will be | Parents are requested to con-| at least two, three and five years (depending upon level of falling into a vat filled wi hauled into Whitby to be pro- jtact the Principal, gr feapes mo ; Ag PT position) of related practical experience, some in a position water to prevent damage. | cessed and canned. regarding the needles their chi ane g é : A. of senior responsibility), Veterans Affairs, Various Centres. They leave the vat, as in the --Oshawa Times Photo 'dren are requested to have. p Ly ' 4 ' $5100-$5640, $4860-$5400 and $4620-$5160. Com- sacs petition 61-779, Says Raised Sidewalk ] ; : s J j t | a. ; | : Ca] | agi to ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT INSPECTORS (with a sound nowledge of electronic theory and a good knowledge of inspection techniques gained by practical experience with the monufacture, processing and inspection of electronic : a 4 s & : i equipments), Inspection Services, National Defence, Various te t Pr Tt : é ' Centres in Ontario, $5460-$6180. Competition 61-126, ~ U ope VY a. ue . . shy vings when ; ; | f ' : ; 9 AUDITOR (to audit and inspect stores, service pay, civilian pay, non-public funds and any other financial o t The Ontario Municipal Board|the town by having their side-| Whitby Assessor R Harding | 4 ial and stores : records and systems as required), Notional Defence, Ottawa, upheld an Ontario County)walk lowered. He also stated/told the board that in 1960 the| ( : : $5280-$6180. Competition 61-306. Court decision in Whitby Mon-jthat he had paid for the instal- Burkart property was pitessedl te 2 day and difmissed a request|lation of the sidewalk at $6,145, this comprises the | TRANSLATORS -- SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE LANGUAGES for a lower tax assessment by| The claim for lower taxes re- land vauued at $610 and the! ' E P. Burkart of Whitby sulted when Mr. Burkart found \ i : s Y (with demonstrated ability to translate from (a) Spanish a house valued at $5,535. He said : into English and from English into Spanish and from Portus my, Dereee: Peatenee & te ay the scewuk iiealed itiat in. tee the land wad : guese into English and from English into Portuguese OR assessment of his property at|1958 blocked the natural drain-| assessed at $390. é ee (b) Spanish into English and from English into Spanish), 810 Henry street, Whitby, be-|age from his lawn to the ditch i Mr. Harding stated that he; Bureau for Translations, Secretary of State, Ottawa, $4860- cause of a drainage problem|at the side of the road. pgs . } $5400, Competition 61-663. h tributed to the Town of! He told the | i that i Mgrs gpl agtask or he attribute » the Town of € told the Doard that iniFriday and did not recall any : . 4 i Whitby. some places on Henry street water. on the property at any| RARORATORY TEEMMICIAN eS sates ot tah The chairman of the Munici-|the sidewalk was 20 inches high- time. He said the construction 5 : a, related experience; to Carry out laboratory tests and f the procedures in connection with the cutting of wood with pal Board, Mr. Turnbull toldjer than his lawn and that for 40|of the sidewalk had not affect- various types of saws and other devices), F Mr. Burkart that the board/feet east on Burns street the|ed the assessment in any way. | ty vices), Forestry, Ottawa, i $4620-$5160, Competitio, - was of the opinion that. the|sidewalk was also higher than P. E. McDaniel, a Whitby soa! for each adult petition 61-503, County Court judge was correct|his property hein g ainae roker 5 * A in dismissing the action and) He stated that there had been ee a prgrart % ; 0 ravellin | onert, rocks ood Hoot eats prepare somples of min. that the assessment was cor-/no water problem at his prop- amined-the property last Friday . examinations and make physical and chanieal tests Hon rect erty when he purchased it in and estimated its value at! with you-- these materials), Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa The appeal was dismissed|1957 and at that time Henry 66.000. He said that the. con. $4620-$5160, Competition 61-2407, ' ; out cost street was not paved and N0/ctriction of the sidewalk had it : s|sidewalk existeds, diikteneuoute tists Sse ipl ai cst eae INSPECTO} : He goog the value of his value a a the mat ues : oe : m ; ae y os 5 | MENT neg rege ge lneled pecs tay Toor as exhibits at the! property at $19,000 nae ice é 4 with the manufacture fo) i ii i the Whitby Town) D. E. Gibson, a Whitby in-|,, Thomas Adair, a Town of 4 ; at : : : equipments and iene Tun oe. conten surance and real estate broker, Whitby purveyur; told the hear fete : Defence, Various centres in Cntario, $4440-$5160 "Cam Burkart claimed that he/testified that he had inspected age eg og ol al ihe : : petition 61-127, ; that the construction of athe property in September of Lif " of cas : or sidewalk in front of and on the 1960 to estimate the extent of ecb ace into the Burkart k For two a" separately || PRODUCTION ARTISTS (with a number of years' experience side of his corner lot had'damage done to the property |>asement. \ day of the wee together=return | in the graphic arts and an adequate knowledge of modern caused his home to depreciate because of the sidewalk con-| Adair stated that during a ¢ Any tanada G0 u wish | art production and printing techniques), Trode and Com- i vaion stmiction spring thaw, water could pos- e Anywhere in a i if yo free pet merce, Ottawa. $4440-$5160. Competition 61-834, He stated that he had con-, Mr. Gibson testified that the|sibly back-up into the Burkart Tourist oF Coal d 0480 Ibs of baggage IF | / sulted the town at the time ofjdamage to the lawn and seep-| basement o First ere requiar roun 'dutt : |] DAIRY PRODUCTS OFFICERS (with graduation in @ course the sidewalk construction andjage had resulted in an_esti-/ The Ontario Municipal Board © where indivi 50 or more aac a } of dairy technology OR completion of a number of courses no fair solution had been offer-| mated $2,000. He estimated that|found that properties on Henry trip fare is $1. ~-- Ges ' | in dairying from a university or college), Agriculture, ed the house would be valued at|street with similar sidewalk sit-! Me EES ; - fii : | Ottawa. $3900-$4500. Competition 61-7204}, He told the board that other.'$17,500 in 1960. He also stated/uations were being taxed in the g fi : : : : : eS | home-owners with a_ similar|that real estate value had gone|same manner as Mr. Burkart's e ie fe ae ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN -- OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH problem had been helped by|down from 1957 to 1960. property. x ee ' ee (with three years of related experience; operate instru- nat en ntnneinennte i i é li i ce F . e ments in the laboratory and in the field for the sampling J : : abi ensvae of air pollutants and other occupational health BROCK Evening Shows ot 6:55 & 8:30 WHITE e . azards), National Health and Welfore, Ottewa, $3750- WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:30 ' : $4200. Competition 61-784. sia pi NEWSPRINT ' ' : | . RADIO OPERATORS, NATIONAL DEFENCE (with ability to q~ 4 ENTERTAINMENT P "a ,@B ; \. . ( e--round trip EEN REE § : send and receive Morse Code at twenty-two words inute), 4/2-lb. pkg. " so mee Cational Defence (Army), Leitrim, Ont. $3750-$4200. com 4 sk ' si Ompetition 61-304. E1R0. SOLOW MAYER arse Pgh approximately 630 BRS " Da ANGIEH ay VOGGNUA STONE Proderes f - ' sheets for -- $1.00 : | LEARNERS (LITHO OR PHOTO) (with two completed years of Fei Py 'Tf Also "Available in i high school or a good general education an & 4, ; id several years' F 9-Ib, pkgs. experience in a trade shop related to photographic or litho= of ; i IDEAL FOR TYPING graphic work), Mines ond Technical Surveys, Ottawa, INNER OFFICE STUDENT DRAFTSMEN (with high school education, aptitude pes abs for drawing and penmanship and a working knowledge of 2 fundamental mathematics) Govern f ; C C ' ment D t 7 Scan Cc a nad la ni National : Ca nadian ba ifi a ee a0: titi 61-587. en PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION CIRCULATION | Details and application forms ere available at Civil Service {'THE RIGHT APPROACH" - DEPT. 123-41 22 123-2224 Commission Offices, National Employment Service Offices and i og FRANKIE VAUGHN -- MARTHA. HYER i $2460-$3 : O iti * i , ? PADS, CARBON COPIES Many Discount Fares are All-Inclusive -- and provide bed, meals -- even tip: $3180. Competition 61-2410, in MetroCOLOR ° Post Offices in mejor centres, Please quote Competition Num- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Oshawa Times ber as indicated,